Casey Anthony Case: “BOMBSHELL DEVELOPMENT” Baez Williams and George Anthony Meet at Scene Blink on Crime Interview with Keith Williams Part II

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Cindy Anthony,Jose Baez,Keith Williams,Roy Kronk | Monday 16 March 2009 7:25 pm

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Part I Can Be Found Here

Orlando, FL – Keith Williams, the “reporter” named in the August 18, 2008 Police Report as the finder of a Father’s Day balloon, bag full of stuffed animals and small girl’s clothing, including, a sandal, provides the latest bombshell development in the case against Casey Anthony.  In an exclusive interview to Blink On Crime, we may learn why Jose Baez deposed Officer Richard Cain, the responding officer to both Keith Williams and Roy Kronk calls for findings at the scene within twenty yards of the vicinity where 34 month old Caylee Anthony’s remains were ultimately recovered. I have decided to transcribe parts of my interview, so you, the readers, can judge for yourself without my interpretation of Keith’s comments.

Deeper Into the Woods

When Keith Williams went to the Anthony home with the decaying bag of stuffed animals and sundry “other” on August 18, Cindy Anthony was polite to him, but curt


about the find and his information there was more out there. She stated that they had three private investigators working on it and were confident that Caylee was alive, and that none of the items in the bag belonged to Caylee so it was doubtful anything at the scene was.

The beginning effects of Hurricane Fay could be felt by the time Williams went back to the scene by Hidden Oaks Elementary to call Police and report the find. Preparations had already begun that morning throughout the area and it was expected to hit full force the next day. I asked Williams why he chose that day to go back specifically:

Williams: because I felt strongly that Caylee was back there. I was there for the first time on August 5, 2008.

Blink: Was there any particular urgency that day, did something happen in the news, the storm?

Williams: Well, the hurricane would flood back there and put it underwater, so probably. 

Blink: Anything else, did anyone call you or was there any word on the street?

Williams: The only thing for sure is I worked the nighshift until 6am, which is when I talked to that psychic, the Mom of a woman I know from my security detail, Elle Carrington, who is 71 years old from Texas, told me where to go and what I would find. I just felt like I was connected to her or to finding her in some way. I went there directly from work.

Blink: Do you know who Leonard Padilla is?

Williams: Yeah, the dude that bailed her out with the hat.

Blink: Yes. Did you know he was at the jail posting bond at the very time you were finding that bag, etc by the school?  (laugh) Some say he brought the hurricane. Had you seen him on the news the day before?

Williams: No, but Cindy told me when I got there that Casey was maybe on her way home that afternoon.

Blink: Do you know Roy Kronk?

Williams: Is he the cop?

Blink: What cop?

Williams: The one that tresspassed me.

Blink: No, he is the meter reader who found Caylee.

Williams: Nope. I dont think I ever knew his name, everybody just calls him the meter reader I thought. Weird thing is, the second time I was there, I parked no more than 15 yards from where she was found, but I looked on the left side, not the right. It was weird that she ended up being right there the whole time.

Blink: Did you look around at all on the right when you parked? Did you see a bag or anything in that location?

Williams: No, I was looking to the left side though. 

Blink: Why were you looking on the left side vs. the right side? Did anyone tell you she might be there, specifically? It is odd that you would park and cross the street without looking to your right, no?  

Williams: Just thought she might be in there. I looked on both sides, would have been able to see a bag out in the open, but only went into the woods on the left side. I did not see a bag out in the open on the right.

(editor’s note 3/19: although this contradicts with Keith’s first account during our first conversation, which I pointed out to him, he has asked me to indicate that he went “into the woods” on both sides, just not deeply on the right, I’m obliging.)

Blink: Got it, moving on to the 21st. of October. Did you look to see if the bag you found originally was still there?

Williams: Yeah. some things were, but Im not positive. 

Blink: What was? tell me what you saw.

Williams: Mostly everything was pretty much covered in mud back there so I had brought a shovel.

Blink: Why did you bring a shovel?

Williams: Because the psychic told me it would be an obvious shallow grave.

Blink: Really? Not a bag?

Williams: No, she told me some of her things would be in a bag, but her bones would be in the dirt. She also told me what happened to her and who did it.

Blink: Did you mention that to Cindy when you saw her?

Williams: No

Blink: was that the only time you saw or spoke to Cindy Anthony?

Williams: No, there was one other time.

Blink: When was that?

Williams: not sure, but after October but before Caylee was found.

Blink: What happened did you call her or go over there?

Williams: I went over there to tell her that I was thinking of them, and that my sister was close with Casey when they were young. She knew who I was right away.  When I was a kid there was a skate ramp back there. I did not know anything about them burying pets.

Blink: And?

Williams: When I got there she knew exactly who I was and how my little sister was like best friends with Casey and was like sticking up for her and stuff, so I just really said hello and left. It was weird because the psychic told me that the “mom” (Cindy) knew what happened, that Casey confessed to her and she told her to “shut the f*** up.” So I just felt weird around her.

Blink: When you were there, did you ever tell anyone in that house what you were told about Caylee’s location. I mean anyone. Did you meet any of their investigators? 

Williams: Who are they?

Blink: Im asking you.

Williams: Then no, I did not.

Blink: It would be either Jim Hoover or Dominick Casey probably, but there might be another one or two looming around. Was George there?

Williams: No

(editors note: Williams went on to tell me some of the specifics from the psychic, but since I was not abe to corroborate or confirm that information, I am withholding until such time it can be) 

Post Remains Recovery 

On December 11, 2008, the afternoon Caylee’s remains were recovered, was a surreal experience for Williams. He was on the phone with an administrator at Valencia College getting directions, when the woman he was speaking with had to interrupt the call and place Williams on hold to take a call from George Anthony. Keith thought that was an especially odd occurrance as he could see the TV coverage on the recovery process unfolding as they spoke. What were the chances? 

Approximately 2 weeks ago, Williams ran into George Anthony at the Chickasaw Amscot. Keith inadvertantly locked his keyes in his car, and when George exited the building, offered to give Keith a ride home. During the drive, Keith took the opportunty to tell George what he was told by the psychic, and Keith’s own experiences looking for Caylee.  He said they both shed a tear, prayed, and Williams consoled George as he expressed deep guilt over Caylee’s death. “He blames himself” Williams said. 


Late this afternoon, Keith Williams confirmed to Blink on Crime that within an hour of the posting of this article yesterday, he received a call from Craig Rivera, of the Geraldo at Large Show reporter or affectionately known as “brother Craig” for a phone interview.

IMMEDIATELY following that call, Williams received a call from George Anthony:

Blink : You got a call from Craig Rivera, Geraldo’s brother? I met him when I was in Orlando, he’s the winner of the gene pool, nice guy. Did he say how he happened to call you right after the article came out? Did he mention it?

Williams: Is the article out already, what’s your site again, let me pull it up. No. he just asked me what searching I did and what the cops in Internal Affairs asked me.

Blink: Interesting. And then George called you? Out of the blue? What did he say?

Williams: He said he had been meaning to call me since we saw each other 2 weeks ago.  He happened to be talking to Jose Baez today and Baez mentioned to him I am one of the guys he would like to meet, get a chance to talk to, that he has not yet.  I told him, George, I called Baez a few weeks ago, I talked to some guy that said he was helping out with the case.  I told him my story and he said he would route the message to Jose, but I never heard back. 

Blink: Keith, do you really believe that George Anthony calls you out of the blue, the afternoon an interview article about you is posted, and Jose Baez, on a SUNDAY, happens to want to meet you at the site of Caylee’s remains being found is a coincidence?

Williams: No, I’m reading your article now while we are talking, no I don’t.

Blink: Did he mention the article?

Williams: No. He wanted me to show them where I searched and that’s what I did. I asked Baez if he thought I would need to testify or anything and he told me he had no idea yet, he was just trying to get the facts straight.

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  1. cecybeans says:

    Wow Blink – thanks for hurrying this up – the suspense was excruciating! Well it sure doesn’t take some people long to plug into the better blogsites – you are obviously at the top of the A list.

    Somehow I am not surprised by Mr. Williams comments – they do not contradict the characterizations we have formed about the players thus far based on what behavior we have seen in the public. I am glad he was willing to share with you what he knows.

    In regards to Cindy’s alleged conduct, I am certainly upset that a mother of a charged criminal would feel entitled to “lie, cheat and steal” to cover up a daughter’s deeds; she has certainly not managed the perception she would do otherwise. Most of my friends agree that we would have been the ones behind bars for forcing our child to tell the truth about a missing baby. The entitlement and special favors these folks seem to have felt their due are one thing – they have earned the public disaffection by negatively impacting a case that not only has been costly to taxpayers in resources, but has also been seen as disrespectful to the memory of their grandchild. I have never thought a deceased child should have a guardian ad litem assigned, but this is one case in which I believe it would be just. Great work once again – Blink On!

  2. [...] not miss the Blink on Crime Part II interview with Keith Williams. If you though part I was interesting, wait until you read this. Interestingly enough Keith [...]

  3. MD MOMMY says:

    Interesting Blink. Why was George calling Valencia College, any idea? Maybe I missed something along the way. Good job!

  4. Blink says:

    NO MD Mommy, I do not, thats the $1000 question right now. Good Observation.

  5. Blink says:

    Cecy- thanks.
    and thanks for the comments and support of the Guardian Ad Litem in this instance, I feel very strongly that would have changed the face on the case. It may very well end up being my platform at the end of this. Profiting from a baby has to be illegal.

  6. Annals says:

    Thanks for this find, BLINK. Among the psychic’s specifics that Williams shared with you, did he tell you how the death happened? I understand why you would not share the specifics and agree with your reasons for not doing so.

    But I am so curious; if he did tell you, did the psychic’s scenario ring true for you?

  7. Blink says:

    Anna ls-
    well phrased question, and yes, I thought it was possible in the scenario, albeit fairly obvious as that part of the info was available as common sense at that time.
    Nothing that was not already hypothesized.

  8. Greg says:

    Did Elle Carrington backup Mr. Williams comments?

  9. Topper says:

    Amazing work and really quite intriguing. A thank you for your hard work and kudos from a “WS” reader. I have really come to enjoy your work and hope there is a part III. Hopefully my comments will not be deleted like other places.

    All of these things have to be discussed in depth. I thought that’s what we were supposed to be all about; however, maybe only certain sites are.

    Kudos again. I can’t wait to hear about psychic info when you can post.

  10. Kleat says:

    Interesting, we have heard a lot about Lee’s ‘investigations’ but little about George’s own investigations behind the scenes. (we heard about George’s call on neighbour who loaned the shovel but little else, yet George is the one who had been a homicide detective in the past)

  11. Blink says:

    uhoh, I state specifically that I did not provide an account from her as I could not confirm with her directly.
    Good question.

  12. Blink says:

    many thanks. I get where you are going with that. I do not know how you claim to be a victim’s advocate sight, and then refuse to link to breaking news developments, especially exclusives. Wouldnt you want your members to have the breaking developments? Who should decide what readers “read” and discuss? Seems more of a personal issue having nothing to do with the victims we are tryig to provide a voice to.


  13. Annals says:

    Thanks, Blink. I wonder whether LE is still looking for evidence and whether anyone (a defense team PI or LE) will be digging with Williams specifying the spot.

    Casey to Annie Downing; They didn’t even find the clothes yet. So wierd – someone may have, and Cindy knew it.

    Wasn’t a mylar balloon found near the remains on Dec 11?

  14. Blink says:

    Dont know if it was myar, but a happy Father’s Day balloon was found, your correct.

  15. krimekat says:

    Awesome read, Blink!!! Thanks for continued info . . .

  16. Turbothink says:

    Blink –
    You are my idol. Thanks SO MUCH for bringing this to the public.

  17. Annals says:

    Hi Kleat. I never believed that George was a homicide detective, though I know he said so in his interview with the FBI in July. I checked the Trumbull County (in OH) Sheriff’s website recently and they don’t have a Homicide Division. They have an Investigative Unit (or something to that effect). Also, some guy from the area who claims to have known the Anthonys back then, said on some forum that George was a Sheriff’s Deputy, not a detective. I know that claims written in forums are often BS, but I just can’t buy George as a detective. The poor guy can’t even finish a sentence. And, I beg pardon, this is way off topic. I just had to get that off my chest. I feel better now, thanks Kleat.

  18. Kleat says:

    Cindy Anthony said, in an interview with authorities that George wanted no celebrations for Father’s Day. So according to this statement, they may not have had any Father’s Day memorabilia around the home. Even so, and if the message about ‘father’ was purposefully placed with Caylee’s materials at the dump site, the question would remain ‘why?’.

  19. Gigi says:

    blink: maybe george was phoning valencia college looking for tony lazarro. isn’t he a student there? i thought one of casey’s boyfriends went to school there. also, maybe george was trying to find out information about casey as she reportedly told people, including her parents, that she was attending school there. in any event, i find it all rather odd that Mr. Williams did not photograph his findings as he was so fascinated with finding caylee’s remains.

  20. Becca says:

    I do not recall any balloon being found at the remains site on Dec 11.

  21. Lovejac says:

    Excellent, Blink, and you were right, worth the wait. I am intrigued about George’s phone call to Valencia College.

    Baez just happened to make contact on a Sunday….sure!

  22. Blink says:

    Becca not on December 11, on August 18 report it was noted. It was not retrieved at that time by the deputy.

  23. Blink says:


    Respectfully I must correct you. George has NEVER said he was a homicide Det. Cindy described him as one in he media. He just stated he was familiar with the smell of decomp per his job with Trumball County. He was however, a detective class, in the general sense. I confirmed this with TCSO.
    However, I agree, I did not find him the sleuthing type.

  24. Blink says:

    Turbo, stop it, you guys work hard as advocates as well!!

    Krime Kat !!!!!!!!!! Have you put your hammer down woman? I am still askkkkkeeered. Great to see you.

    Love jac- right?
    Sunday strollin Baez is not..
    The Geraldo Baez connection is ever present.

  25. Kleat says:

    Blink, Anna was correcting me I think– thanks both of you (re: George as homicide det.

    Yes, Geraldo Baez connection, what WAS Baez’s role sitting beside Cindy during her ‘angry’ retort? They were apparently aligned somehow. How will Cindy’s tight role with the defense interfere with any defense position that might need to explain conflict or blame Cindy to the benefit of Casey? Baez might find this more difficult to separate Cindy’s needs from that of his client.

  26. Butterfly says:

    It has been said that George blames himself…. Does George know the truth, like Cindy does???

  27. Sue says:

    The Fathers Day Balloon was found by Williams among the clothes and the sandal. A Winnie the Pooh Balloon was found at the site of Caylee’s remains.

  28. Snowy says:

    Well, I guess Keith does win the booby prize (if you want to look suspicious) for the most visits to ‘the’ wooded area and mucking around based on a ‘psychic’ tip. Are we sure this psychic’s name isn’t Lee Anthony? I don’t mean to be rude…but please. A grown 30 year old man defined by his myspace page as rather wild offering such nonsense with a straight face? And how coincidental the Anthony’s PIs used the same byline? The psychic lead me to it.

    And I guess when Keith told George that Casey was indeed involved in Caylee’s death and Cindy told her to keep quiet about it (…psychic told me that the “mom” (Cindy) knew what happened, that Casey confessed to her and she told her to “shut the f*** up…) George simply cried and said a prayer? Huh? I would have expected at the very least George would have thrown him from a moving vehicle. Casey is innocent, right?

    And of all Casey’s friends I have read about I simply don’t recall a best friend named Williams. A friend so notable, apparently, that Keith would make finding the Anthony baby his life’s work. Nope. Sorry, Keith. I’m not buying it.

  29. new says:

    Thank you Blink for your update. Did LE investigate the tip or the items or where they really left in the woods? When you read the tip line it looks like the tip was passed on to another officer that asks the question, what did Cain do with the items and he sends an email saying he left them at the scene. Did anyone go back and get the items from LE? Mr. KW certianly got a fast response from FOX,JB.and GA. Officer C is really being shown to have poor judgement here and with RK. Is this a feather for the defense? So Mr. KW was there on the 5 and 18th of August and then again in October when he was given the Trespassing warning. The School Principle had to call LE to fill out a report on Dec 12 after Caylee was found. I Think the important part of his story is that he took the items for Cindy to see, but she said they where not Caylee’s. So I guess it is important to find those items and see if they where Caylee’s. I am still having trouble with this hole story. It just doesn’t feel right. So many people connected to the Ants in the woods in Aug. Read where Detective C took RK into the woods on the 12th of Aug. Don’t know if that’s true.

  30. new says:

    Let me see this story is worth 25 thou to the rag magazines. Interview on FOX 6 to 8 thousand. BJ wittness priceless no body seen on the right side of road in Aug. RK saw a skull KW did not see a white bag. Look at KA phone records I think I remenber KA calling KW?

  31. Annals says:

    Thanks, Sue, about the balloons. I was trying to find it in the documents, but, alas the discovery docs are disappearing from the news archives.

    Kleat, did you know that Geraldo video with Cindy sitting outside next to Baez was done way back in July. I think their relationship has evolved quite a bit since then; in the negative direction.

  32. jenncrow says:

    After this story first broke some young girl (living up north somewhere, maybe Mich.) called into one of the talk shows. She was trying to defend Casey saying she was a good mom who sometimes did the opposite of what her mom (Cindy) wanted when it came to taking care of Caylee. (This was in regards to things like what kind of apple juice or snack to give her, nothing too memorable.)Could this be Keith’s little sister? That was like the only time I remember anybody trying to speak up for Casey. She sounded like she had been out of the loop for a while, you know, maybe like she was a friend of Casey’s a long time ago with only limited contact since Caylee was born. Anyway…watch out to anyone who gets too close to this case. They may get turned into a suspect by a desperate, and high-profile defense team who is good at making the improbable seem possible (or at least reasonably doubtful).

  33. DianeB says:

    Wait a minute, weren’t George and Cindy flying home from LA on Dec. 11th after their Larry King appearance? George called a college in Florida from California – or even odder, an airplane?

    Very curious indeed. Nice work, Ms Blink.

  34. mitzi says:

    Blink-Tony Lazarro attended Full Sail. Thanks for all you do.

  35. Scoop says:


    I saw part of your article posted to another site.

    The Caylee Daily.


    As for the article, he seems so innocent to not think anything about giving you an interview and receiving a call from George Anthony. Let’s hope he’s right about George, but I have a hunch that he’s no charmer ie: I wouldn’t want to be his enemy, or perceived that way.

    Thank you for the interview. Is he considering the show with Geraldo? I’d prefer Larry King, if I were him… he looks and sounds like a nice guy. But what is troubling is that the psychic got a call from George! Do you remember the monkeys rattling their cages and screaming the family WANTS her body to be found?

    I wonder if they were trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together, like we were only for a different reason… to cover for her. If I found out that my daughter placed tape over my grand daughter’s mouth and around her head, you wouldn’t have to be worried about this trial, I’d kill her myself!


  36. Scoop says:

    Annie Downing?!!!



  37. Blink says:

    Miss Diane B!!

    I agree that the Valencia call is highly suspect. I have a theory I am working on, lol


  38. Greg says:

    Blink, Do you think Cindy sent the detectives to retrieve the bag after Williams visit?

  39. Blink says:

    Greg- nope. Personally by the 18th, I believe strongly they already knew she was dead, and had heard of Cronk’s calls to the area.
    I think she wanted Casey bonded out badly, therefore you could have put Caylee’s remains in front of her and she would have denied knowing them.
    In the jailhouse visit on 8/13, I believe they knew she was dead and it was more than Cindy can bear. I think the dynamic of that video tells everything about this family (recommend you watch with the sound off and just watch..)


  40. cecybeans says:

    Here’s something else I’m having trouble with understanding – maybe I just missed some details. If KW returned the bag to the site and called LE, then why would Cain say in his report that it looked like the bag had been there a long time, due to the roots growing out of the clothes and the deteriorated condition of the bag. If the bag was so deteriorated, how was KW able to keep it in one piece when he loaded it in the car and took it to the Anthony house for Cindy to rifle through? Wouldn’t it have fallen apart? Were some of the clothes outside the bag and left on the ground? I’m not sure I can picture exactly what items KW took with him and returned and what items were left at the scene.

  41. Scarrlett says:

    Thank You and maybe Keith should seek counsel before speaking to anyone else!!

    Normally I would not think he needs a lawyer but with this fiasco I say better safe than sorry.

    Keith should stick with speaking to one person like you and thank goodness he chose to talk to an honest up-front individual and not some shady types who could care less about you!!

    Yes even spiffy “Brother Craig” could give a rats behind about you…They will come in…destroy and up-root your very life…and be home by 5 on the yacht laughing at all their family escapades!! JMO

    See you at SM, Blink. Good job It would also concern me if George was trying to call me!!!!! Run Keith RUN

  42. Felicity says:

    Just reading the words of Keith Williams, he comes across as a very polite and very caring young man. Certainly not very sophisticated. I just hope that the “Geraldos of the world” don’t chew him up and spit him out. (They have tried to destroy Ronald Cummings) I just hope that Keith is telling the truth. Otherwise, he just might be “famous” for all the wrong reasons.

    This is a GREAT site. I wish you continued success, and hope that you will stay on top of this. I think it would be EXTREMELY interesting if you could make arrangements to have the psychic on! (Gail St. John is no more psychic than I am! ewwwww)

  43. tina says:

    this whole family of the anthony’s is a piece of work, they all knew what happened to caylee and that casey did it. cindy knew as well as lee anothony what really happened. so sad this sweet, beautiful child had the misfortune of being born in this crazy mixed up family, cindy if you read this, that person or i should say monster you call a daughter does not deserve to breath the same air as caylee did.

  44. dddeerma says:

    Thanks for your work BLink, and thanks for the comments following the articles. It is so disturbing on so many levels that LE could be looking for a child that disappeared on Father’s Day, and yet ignore sacks of stuff turning up mere blocks from the house. It just does not make sense to me that this Deputy was able to walk away without at least taking the bags back to the real detectives. You are right that by August 13, nobody in the family expected to find a living child.

  45. JOWV says:

    If this family, George, Cindy and Lee knew this little girl was decaying in a yards from their home then what does that make them? I wonder if it doesn’t make them worse than Casey. I would love to know what the psycic said happened to her.

  46. Slonky says:

    Blink. I see you are an amazing detective and have a way with your questioning. I like the way Williams when he wants to avoid a particular question changes the subject but then adds OTHER things that will distract you , but the things he adds for distraction just make you want to dig into his story more, not because what he says is interesting but because really he contradicts himself so much.

  47. Suzee says:

    Kleat: George may not have wanted to celebrate Fathers Day but Cindy took Caylee to see grandpa on fathers day. It is reasonable to assume that Cindy may have bought a balloon for Caylee to give to grandpa.

    I am sure that when they left grandpa that day if Caylee wanted that balloon I am sure grandpa would have given it back to her. That was the last day that Cindy saw Caylee and probably the last thing Cindy bought for Caylee. I dont remember seeing a balloon in the Fathers Day/Grandpa Video but doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

    Thanks Blink I can’t wait for more

  48. chitown lady says:

    If any of what you say is TRUE….why hasn’t any of it hit the regular news articles? Sounds Pretty fishy…Kinda like he said she said……..

  49. Blink says:

    Chitown-because nobody called him before me. Now they are, did you read the article? Craig Rivera called him within minutes of the article post?
    This was an I N T E R V I E W, I reported in some cases verbatim, that’s about as true as you can get, no?

    All I can report is what he told me when I asked the questions, I dont confirm or deny his account, I wasn’t there.

  50. Blink says:


    my take is not that Keith was trying to be deceptive. I think if he had been he would have said “less” if that makes sense.
    I think it was more like, “I tried to tell everybody I could about what I thought and where I thought she was, and nobody would listen.” So, when I called him and interviewed him first, he was trying to recall things and was unaware what may or may not be important .

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