Morgan Harrington Murder: Anchorage Farm Could Yield Even More Clues

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Charlottesville, VA– In a new development in the murder investigation of Morgan Dana Harrington, has learned that Anchorage Farm was very much a frequent party spot for local musicians.

In fact, there was a 7 Mile Sleepover exactly one week after Morgan’s disappearance from the JPJ arena that included an invitation list of over 130 guests.


Jenny Bass, the adult daughter of David and Nancy Bass, is an accomplished pianist, musician, horticulturist and artist in the Charlottesville community.

The Seven Mile Sleepover appears to have been posted prior to Morgan’s disappearance, approximately October 14, 2009.

While it is unconfirmed how many guests actually attended the event, it is clear there could have been over 100 people within a few hundred yards of Morgan’s final resting place a week after she went missing, and presumably, her death.

As Anchorage Farm is a verified crime scene in an active murder investigation, one wonders if anyone found anything they may not have realized of importance at the time.

According to her facebook, Ms. Bass was clearly disturbed by her discovery as well:


Jason Mateos and Elizabeth Morton, contributing editors to this report

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  1. RU Mom says:

    Juliemoody & Observer: THANKS so much for your efforts in keeping the MORGAN ROCKS Memorial up-to-date and us informed via photos. I saw my little rainbow, 2-4-1 rock. I am sure the display shows the Harringtons how much we all care. Also, by posting the photos, they, too, can go look at any time. THANKS again!

    TO: Mom 3.0
    RE: Mom3.0 says:
    June 19, 2010 at 3:17 pm

    About Morgan texting from inside the JPJ arena. After reading your post I got to thinking, “Just because a text was sent from her phone, it doesn’t prove she sent it.” Maybe someone else texted her friend who lived 60 miles away, using HER phone.

    Everything we are assuming happened, is really hearsay.

    Maybe one of the friends texted him to come get her and take her back to BB because they thought she had too much to drink (didn’t know she had fallen or had been drugged.) They wanted to see Metallica and party afterwards. And, maybe at that point Morgan knew she couldn’t drive. She knew she had a 12:00 lunch date with her dad the next day to study. Maybe she really wanted to be with that person who lives 60 miles away more than with the friends. That could also explain the KISS that I think SS said Morgan gave her before leaving to go to the bathroom or take a smoke. Maybe she was going to meet him and to protect him SS said she was going to the restroom. It is hard to believe there was an argument among the friends if the kiss before going to the restroom it a true story. If it is true, the “kiss” is like she is saying goodbye for the evening…she knew where she was going.

    Just maybe Morgan went out to meet him but he never showed up and then all the bad events happened. OR maybe he DID show up and she went with him. Who is this person?

    LE knows what the text message said from Morgan’s phone and what the reply was if there was one.
    Very little has been mentioned about the person she supposedly sent a text to. Is this something worthy of revisiting? I hope what I am saying makes sense. The more I review and rethink, the more I feel like I am a dog chasing my tail! LOL!

  2. diana h. says:

    anotherB says:
    June 19, 2010 at 7:53 pm

    “I would like to offer option number 4 – she was no longer compos mentis, either because she had fallen on her head, or because she had been drugged by someone, and unable to use her phone or make any rational decision.”

    “This is my personal belief.

    Yes. One of the two — head injury or drink was drugged. She deteriorated quickly as she walked toward that bridge, from what we’ve read.

    Wayne. DW. One of the people who helped her up when she fell. DC.

    How did DC’s name stay out of things for so long? (While all of the girls names were everywhere.) For at least two months we only knew that there was a guy in the car. No name. It means some high powered lawyer saying “If you are not going to charge my client with anything you had better be very careful about naming him publicly.” Was he part of it or did he text someone(s) that she was outside?

    Blink, looking back over some old threads, way back after Morgan’s remains were found, you said that you thought there was a connection to a hunter. It reminded me of the cameras on AF and got me thinking about how, last I read, only 2 of the 4 people with permission to hunt had gotten in touch with LE. Any news on the other two?

    anotherB you are on a roll!


  3. fish says:

    Here’s a quick thought on George Huguely. I got to thinking today what a “Dad” (or mom) would do and sadly I thought of this…

    What if he(GH) and 2 or 3 others came into contact with Morgan.
    Let’s just go with that they are the BIB.
    As the night progressed, 2 or 3 others leave.
    They all say the same thing, she was HH.
    She is alone with George.
    Something happens. His rage.
    George calls in his Dad to help with a situation.
    Dad either was in Cville or knew who to call. (LE? wannabe)
    (I know sounds like VanDerSloot and his dad)

    Where was Dad Huguely on October 17th?

    Knew Anchorage Farm or Blandermar from past events or knew someone local that did. Money keeps him quiet hence no reason to be enticed by the reward amount. $150,000 is a good deal of money for most people. But not one that is collecting a paycheck under the table. BTW, Many rewards do not go this high.

    The drug thing that is running beside Morgan’s investigation is because the UVA LAX players do know who supplies because they are the demand. They are coughing up the druggies and since they are athletes, they do not feel they are in same catagory. (I’m sorry if that offends anyone but see I always think back to Morgan and now, Yeardley and wonder if they were my girls, I would want everyone questioned, even if it meant people or huge universities to be offended)

    Maybe George and his friends are all looking at each other and are saying the same thing, she was HH but we left. Or they all saying they left her somewhere. They might not know who is lying within their group.

    None but George and his Dad or local-help Dad hired, know what happened to Morgan Harrington. Maybe they did come in from what I call the back. Red Hill to Blandemar. We do not know the exact location just that she came to be inside property line of Anchorage Farm. Then again, maybe whoever helped was pissed off at the Bass Family for whatever reason.

    I know that this is far-fetched and way off base, and I’ve confused us all, and I am totally thinking out loud but why the silence from UVA from the beginning except to say that UVA BB players could talk if they want too? And the silence from LE, and the silence from any media people on the Huguely Case???

    Big donors, big money, big lawyers jockeying behind the scenes. LE has so much but yet nothing is said. No updates, no nothing.

    What if Miss Love ran across something. What if what she ran across was something about Morgan. I think about her computer.
    We must question everything and everybody.

    *Please on this Father’s Day, I’m so, so sorry to bring something like the above up but it did make me think.

    I do want to wish all those dads out here a happy one. Hug your kids, put your feet up, and rest, relax, and recharge.

    To Dr. Harrington, you and your family are loved in the deepest sense of the word. Truly and in Observer’s words…”We will wait. As long as it takes.” We wait with you and yours.

    To my own Dad, I know your pain is deep and you will never have her back but we are here for you and with you.
    You are not alone. Never were. Never are.

    Blink, Happy Dad’s Day goes for your better-half as well! lol
    Just bustin’ on ya!

  4. Eloise says:

    RU Mom:

    The guy Morgan was to have texted was playing in a band that night, and was apparently accounted for. I do believe this was an ex bf.

  5. Mom3.0 says:

    Maybe Morgan was sick and she couldn’t get any help, and in her state was trying to make it to the University of Virginia’s medical center?

    Or maybe someone told her that they would bring her there if she accepted a ride from them…

    Here is the good map of the area-
    it shows all of the bicycle routes.

    I realize everything appears to be “closer” in the map, where as in real life, it may have been quite a bit farther away.

    But I always assumed Morgan was either waiting for the concert to end to meet back up with her friends or was looking to salvage her night with friends/concert/party/restaurant- or was trying to make her way home… but what if she was actually trying to make it there- each place she was reportedly seen is on these bike routes or near to it… just a thought

  6. Mom3.0 says:

    RUmom- Hi yes everything we have have is hearsay- even the kiss

    That is what is so frustrating.

    I am going back to the beginning- Who said what- When??

    All I can do is go back and start fresh- maybe we missed something….

    I was thinking too, What do we know about Morgan’s interests? We know she liked music.

    She had a puppy. She had a kitty, at least when she was younger. Did she ride horses? Did she play sports? Was she in choir?

  7. gifter3 says:

    Hey Blink,
    Remember “late” the other night when I said WTHe** is going on re:Morgan never called or texted ANYONE after she left JPJ!! Fellow posters are now commenting on my remark too. I’m thinking that many of us thought that Morgan atleast made some attempt to contact someone once she was OUTSIDE JPJ.I went back and viewed one of the early interviews where Gil states that Morgan made the call. I’m not questioning you, and I don’t want to be “right”. I also BELIEVE Dr. Harrington. My point is, I/we did not initially believe that Morgan never tried to contact ANYONE when she was locked out alone on a rainy, cold night. This CHANGES EVERYTHING to me! It was only recently that you revealed that the “texting” was from “inside JPJ. I/we also thought this was outside too. Something is way off!

    The million $$ question is “WHY” wouldn’t Morgan call or text to try and resolve her dilema??

    Why are we to believe Morgan even tried to get back in?
    Maybe she was forcibly abducted shortly after she left JPJ.
    I don’t buy that she lost her battery! No way!

    Dan C-the 1 way designated driver and the friend 60 miles away
    have been “protected” from the very first day. Why??
    Was the “friend AB or JD…or do we know?

    Mary, I love your comment about the railroad whistle and your Dad.
    Also, your remark, “I’m not sure, but I think there’s a new sheriff in town and his name is Dan Harrington.”
    Whoo Hoo! I hope you are right…coz we need one!

    J-Moo…thanks for the pics on the new banner and “Morgan Rocks” wall!

    Blessings to you H-Bird. I’m on your page…how can this be?

    Happy Father’s Day to all of you wonderful Dad’s! I miss my sweet Papa!

    Thank you Blink for your tireless fight for the “Missing and the Murdered”
    Sweet JUSTICE….Hurry Up!

  8. Ode says:

    Juliemoody truly thank you for your photos and also thank you to Observer for placing the rocks on the bridge. I did see my rock and I hope that all the prayers I said for the Harrington’s while making it come to fruition. Gil, Dan and Alex I am here for you and will stay here until justice for Morgan is reached. Rock on Morgan!!!!!

  9. MarchmallowWI says:

    Wow Fish! you explained what I’ve been mulling over and over in my mind. Thank you for your post. It has certainly seemed that big money is protecting more than one person involved with Morgan’s disappearance.
    fish says:
    June 20, 2010 at 12:24 am

  10. anotherB says:

    For me, the fact that she *didn’t* text while she was outside changed everything, along with the information, that Sarah called her, not the other way round. Morgan was completely passive.

    Mom3.0 – excellent point. I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe that was the last sane instinct she had, go to hospital, and she wasn’t thinking straight, so she didn’t use the emergency phones on the parking lot, but basically decided to hitch hike.

    I have a chronically ill friend suffering from a number of medical conditions. One of them can make her disoriented. Even though I was instructed to watch out for this, I misjudged the situation a few times. What I heard about Morgan’s behaviour that night just keeps reminding me of her in this state -

  11. juliemooly says:

    Hummingbird, I will try to expound on my thoughts, and answer the question of who had access to drug Morgan.

    Morgan could have drugged Morgan. Let’s face it, we have gotten whiffs of the issues she may have had in the last few years of her life. Weight fluctuations evidenced by photos, photos of her partying, being on some sort of restriction (being told ‘not to get drunk at that party,’ needing to balance her checkbook with Dad, etc.)


    This concert, as evidenced by the lighting seen in videos, had lots of moments where the audience was in complete darkness. People are milling around near the stage. It is a pretty perfect environment to drop something in a person’s beer. Much more perfect than in a lighted bar where people are facing each other around a table, or at a party where the lights aren’t constantly fluctuating.


    Both. Morgan could have used drugs and/or drunk alcohol before and/or during the concert; AND, someone could have spiked her drink when the lights were down low. A person who spikes someone’s drink isn’t the type of top-feeder who is going to ask “are you clean and sober right now, so that when I drug you, there will be no adverse effects rendering you mentally unstable instead of merely sleepy and easily manipulated?”

    All of the witness accounts of her actions in the parking lot appear to show her as being unstable in some way: kickee’s account shows her being inappropriately friendly AND aggressive, alleged Basketball player accounts have shown her to be the same, as well as making racial slurs (doesn’t sound like any description of Morgan sober we’ve ever heard); she may have been initially overly friendly with the Boys in Black. I think the basketball players probably had in the back of their mind a potential lawsuit when they came across Morgan and wanted to get away from her as quickly as possible. In other words, if you switch races and sports and compare their situation to a situation like the Duke lacrosse rape case, the BB players are high-profile black athletes who want nothing to do with a seemingly unstable white girl alone in a parking lot on a Saturday night, because that situation spells legal trouble. Can’t blame them.

    So, maybe she did want to make a call but couldn’t because she wasn’t functioning properly or the batter had fallen out of her phone. Maybe she realized her car keys were with Sarah, her phone was disabled, and she just wanted to party nearby until the show let out. I would like to know if she said something rational to the basketball players, like “could you give me a ride to the Corner?” because then we would know that she wanted to go in the opposite direction of the Lannigan lot. The Corner is in the other direction. If she asked them if they could walk her to her car, then we would know she wanted to either drive somewhere or wait the night out in a warm dry place. If she asked them if they had any dope we would know she just wanted to party in the parking lot. If she said something irrational like “you n&%%*rs sure are tall…what city are we in?” then we would know she was too effed up to make any rational choices. Sorry, not trying to be crude, but just being creative about all the possibilities.
    That’s the problem my mind is having. There are so many unknowns here that all the possibilities keep me spinning in circles.

  12. alexandra says:

    Happy Father’s Day to all the good Dad’s.
    Mom30, I would like to go back to the beginning, but this time start at 2pm. If Morgan hadn’t ended up murdered, the changes in the concert party’s plans wouldn’t be important, BUT, to me, now it is. I know that when bad things happen sometimes they just keep on happening. It did to me. We had rapes and we had arson. In March and then in April of the same year. One evil had nothing to do the the other evil. Justice was served in the rapes but not for the arson, (i know who did it) it is now a cold case. My big beautiful new house was burned to the ground. It’s ok, we rebuilt, same house. Took a year and a few more grey hairs, but in neither crime against us did anyone die. I did not handle these events as well as the Harringtons, I screamed and cried alot. I have learned so much from the Harringtons. I would handle things differently now because of them. LE doesn’t like crying, screaming, pesty women, or ones that hire PI’s, (bad experience). At least where I live. I stopped pestering LE.

  13. alexandra says:

    oops no apostrophy on Dads

  14. juliemooly says:

    Just wanted to make myself clear…above, when I referred to a “top-feeder” I didn’t mean that in a class/status way, I meant a moral way. As in, a person who drugs someone is a moral bottom-feeder.

  15. juliemooly says:

    Also, I guess you figured out I meant “battery fell out of her phone,” not batter. Someone left the cake out in the rain…

  16. diana h. says:

    Mom3.0 says:
    “All I can do is go back and start fresh- maybe we missed something….

    I was thinking too, What do we know about Morgan’s interests? We know she liked music.”

    Mom3, I’ve wondered about whether Morgan played an instrument. On the program for the Mass and reception there was a flute that was taken apart (as one would to put it back in its case) which led me to think that she might’ve played the flute?

    Anyone know if Morgan played an instrument? I know that her rootsy favorites don’t usually use a flute but … certainly roots groups have been known to use the sound of a pennywhistle. Just a thought.

  17. Hummingbird says:

    To my dad and all the wonderful and seemingly anonymous dads out there thankyou HAPPY FATHERS DAY

    To Dr Harrington, HAPPY FATHERS DAY you are an extraordinary man father to a very “shiny” daughter, talented son and outstanding wife. By standing tall and fighting for Morgan you have stepped up for all fathers all over the world, all children, all mothers, brothers, and sisters. We are all one, we need each other. Never before has the planet needed the guidance and wisdom of a good father more than today. Thankyou for walking in these shoes, on a path you were so cruelly thrust upon. Thankyou for holding our hands, and letting us hold your hand. Morgan has been in my dreams a lot lately, I feel her. She wants us to wake up!! She wants justice. She loves you SO much. She is much loved by all.
    Prayers to Our Heavenly Father. J4M

  18. Observer says:

    TO Ode, RUMom and others, re: Morgan’s ROCKS: You are more than welcome. As said before, it is my privilege and my pleasure–nay, my honor–to be able to assist readers here in expressing their heartfelt concern for Morgan by lovingly placing their rocks submitted for Morgan’s memorial on the Copeley Rd. bridge.

    You see, doing this is my small way of helping to bring together committed readers here and telegraph in a tangible way to Dan, Gil, and Alex Harrington that their sweet, shiny Morgan lives on in each of these touching tributes.

    I am simply the bearer of these messages of love.

  19. Hummingbird says:

    Thankyou Juliemooly for taking the time to explore the whole Morgan “drugged”issue.
    Yes it does make ones head spin.
    Alexandra I am so sorry you had to go through that I can tell you are stronger for it and I am grateful to have you here in the BOC family.
    Mom3.0 , Fish, AnotherB, Mary, Eloise, RUmom,Ode, Gifter3 thanks for keeping the ball rolling.
    Blink I hope you are having a wonderful fathers day with Mr Blink and your dear dad.

  20. Eloise says:


    alleged Basketball player accounts have shown her to be the same, as well as making racial slurs (doesn’t sound like any description of Morgan sober we’ve ever heard

    I have never heard any of that! I always thought that whole interaction was unknown. Shocking really, where did you hear that?

    Mom3, I too hadn’t thought of her wanting to get medical help. Maybe she realized she was messed up beyond doing what she thought she did, or if self drugged, thought it was a ‘bad’ drug.
    I don’t know , I am frustrated. We need some kind of new angle to go on. We have no idea if we have landed on anything very viable with no feedback from LE. We could have hit the nail on the head a 100 times and would never know. :(

  21. acho says:

    Everyone’s doing good thinking this weekend and I agree that Morgan must have been incapacitated, or close to it, in the parking lot. I would value the BB players’ testimony all the more now that I know Morgan made no calls or texts out there; I just can’t figure why someone (the UVa spokesperson?) said it was up to the BB players whether they wished to speak about it, as to my mind, it’s some of the most valuable testimony. Perhaps that someone knew ahead of time there was no chance of them talking. Or perhaps it’s a prime example of the early “disconnect” in jurisdictions that’s been alluded to.

    I also cannot figure why LE said it was irrelevant what happened inside the arena, because at this point it seems likely to me that she was drugged, or took something bad, in there. **Does LE know that she took something with those BIB out in that RV lot?** Still, it does not make the possible sighting of her leaving the arena and stumbling/dropping her purse go away.

    Finally, I still think that if Morgan was as messed up out there as it seems, there is a strong chance she got sick (and as I’ve said before, the need to vomit or the embarrassment over having done so would cause me to leave an arena).

    Does anyone think Morgan might’ve been assaulted *in* the RV lot, possibly in a vehicle? Or an attempted assault?

    LE, if you know who the boys in black are, did you check whether their cars changed titles soon after Morgan went missing? Did you call area car washes? I know it’s unlikely you’d have gotten results, but I think there’s a good chance Morgan vomited in a car (and still I wonder whether that T-shirt had been laundered before its placement on that bush).

    I am going to put my final questions in a separate post, just in hopes more people see them.

    Happy Fathers Day to all the men who read BOC, and to all the fathers whose wives/girlfriends are helping here. Dr. Harrington, I hope you were able to do whatever you needed to do to get through this day. My support to you, Gil, and Alex always.

  22. Eloise says:

    Oh I did it again, above post is to juliemooly. Sorry.

  23. acho says:

    Final questions:

    (1) Who dealt drugs to members of the lacrosse teams?

    (2) Who dealt drugs at the Metallica show (or beforehand, to concert goers)?

    (3) Where did the residents/boyfriends of the Sutherland house obtain their pot (yes, it is a photographic certainty)?

    A LOT of people know these answers, even perfectly innocent people, and it is all of your ***MORAL OBLIGATION*** to share that information with LE. For Morgan, for Yeardley, and for your daughters/sisters/friends/nieces.

    If you know the answer to any of these 3 questions and you do not call the anon tip line to report it, God help you.

    From the VSP site (
    Persons needing legal advice may contact Virginia Lawyer Referral Service at 1-800-552-7977 to be referred to a private attorney for a 30-minute consultation for a pre-paid fee of $35.00.

  24. anotherB says:

    @ juliemooly June 20, 2010 at 10:52 am

    Very good points! In addition to the race/class/sport issues, the basketball players would also be extra careful because of their height. They stood out in a crowd, and they were immediately recognizable. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were self conscious because of that. Everybody would remember them.

    As for indicators for being disoriented, a medic friend of mine told me that “what city are we in” – “what is your name” – “which year is it” followed up by some trick questions are the ones commonly used in the emergency room if they have to assess someone.

    As for swearing, one of the indicators my friends asked me to watch out for is her swearing – should that happen, for no justifiable and obvious reason, she asked me to make sure whether she is ok and call an ambulance if necessary. Otherwise, it would be her doing things which are basically out of character. I noticed that her vocabulary can change/shrink, and she would repeat half-sentences, and she would not be able to engage in any complex conversation – she would, however, be able to dodge questions she can’t answer, and she can be pretty skilled at that. Usually, there is some trace of sanity left, it appears as if her mind would be reduced to this one last task or thing to remember.

    I know this appears odd – we are actually very good friends, she has an unfortunate combination of medical conditions, one of which being diabetes, and another one of gastrointestinal nature, which means in combination that she can’t tell how much of the carbs she eats are actually absorbed. And there is even more. I am not a medic – it is just that some of the things Morgan did on that night keep reminding me of her in a disoriented state. Maybe there are other signs to concussion than hypoglycemia. Are there any medics out there?

  25. RU Mom says:

    OK, thinking in another direction again. I have been thinking the perp is someone close to Morgan’s age.
    but the “helper” was perhaps a father of the perp….maybe someone who was a UVA graduate who attended parties at AF.

  26. RU Mom says:

    Also, Hummingbird, Eloise, Mom 3.0, Fish, Ode, Gifter3, Mary….everyone….I agree….keep that ball rolling…
    maybe, just maybe, something we say will help LE. I feel LE is working hard on this case, but just can’t connect the dots. Hopefully, we can keep rehashing this and that and something new will pop up.

    What ever happened to Red Hill Local? I miss hearing what he had to say.

    Loni….I so much enjoy your posts. Do I remember you are from Africa? (If so, so far, but so close as we unite with this cause.)

    Keep posting! Don’t give up. Keep this site active!
    Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s out there (My dad would have been 90 in JULY.)

    Observer and Juliemooly:
    Please be careful when you go to the bridge. I worry the perp could be reading here and then see you there. He is still free and could be watching. I won’t relax until he is caught. So, don’t risk your identity for our sake…OK?

    Well, goodnight everyone…RU MOM

  27. fish says:

    Mom 3.0 writes “In case you haven’t seen these. Here are some comments that were posted on Facebook.”

    Leslie Carlson(JMU) wrote
    at 12:14am on October 21st, 2009
    Police reports say that she was separated from friends shortly before 9pm and that she was going outside and was thought to be returning shortly. I arrived at the JPJ around 9pm and witnessed a girl who fits her description leaving the arena. I am not positive I can recall what she was wearing, just that I remember black and high heels. The girl that I saw was extremely intoxicated and by herself. I also witnessed her drop her purse several times, and police reports say it was found along with her cell phone outside the JPJ. I do not want to make assumptions on the very little evidence I have, but if one of her friends that was with her that night sees this and is willing to discuss if alcohol was involved, my report may be helpful. I do not know where she headed after leaving the arena, however. Just that she had a spat with the female security guard working the door. I will call the police hotline and tell them what I know in the morning.

    Mom3.0 and anyone else who wants to weigh in.

    Someone that was with “Kickee”, outside the arena?
    Someone who saw the “Kickee” interaction?
    Someone arriving with the bookkeeper?
    Someone “Kickee” called on his phone?

    I have looked her up and she seems to be very much a focused individual. JMU equestrian team, fundraiser, communications major, into music. She writes, pretty proof-positive that she saw Morgan Harrington, “alone and extrememly intoxicated” and she writes this at 12:14 in the morning. Morgan would have been missing for close to four days then.

    And not for nothing, but if this young lady is MORE THAN WILLING to write this encounter on Facebook for all of us to see than why wouldn’t LE just say she is the one who saw Morgan dropping her purse repeatedly. LE made it so vague. So ominous when it need not be. Sounds like Leslie Carlson was pretty accurate and willing to state what she saw.

    Someone who saw/heard interaction with female security officer?
    Is this a true statement that Morgan had this interaction?

    Wow, this young lady saw and heard so much of what went down outside of JPJA and would seem to be a wealth of knowledge.
    I wish I could ask her why she states…”I do not want to make assumptions on the very little evidence I have, but if one of her friends that was with her that night sees this and is willing to discuss if alcohol was involved, my report may be helpful.”

    WHAT??? does that mean???

    Why bother with the friends, she was missing. Call the police, 911. Last I heard they were 24/7.
    She writes she will “call them in the morning”.

    Someone who called the VSP hotline?

    Blink, I know that this is one stupid question but you say time and again that Ms. Geller (ok maybe not her all the time) pays close attention to the social networking sites.
    Did they see this?

    It just seems that there were so many that wanted to help and early on. Lots of information but yet nadda. This girl states purse dropping, intoxication issues, security guard interaction, description of Morgan, what time she saw her leaving JPJA.

    Tell me did any of this matter?

    Not making a judgement call on Ms. Carlson, she may have seen what she thinks she saw. Just like you say about the newspaper lady. See I pay attention and before anyone said it could have been Dee S., from JMU, no way it was.

    And Blink, the water has become very murky out here and I’m not trying to be glib. It just has. But then again, I really do not believe for one minute we matter. I am just going to believe that VSP have their crap together and no longer needed the public for some time even though there is no one behind bars.
    I think that even I am getting to the point that it is someone with deep pockets and big time connections.

  28. fish says:

    BTW Mom3.0, thanks for reminding us to keep our thinking caps on.

  29. Löni says:

    Hello everyone, i don’t see Morgan Hichhiking. Could it be that She was abducted there where they found her purse and phone. Do we have an exact (but exact )Location for where they found her purse? They told somewhere by the player Fields. But what sort of Location is this. Can it be droven by car or can the acces take place only to walk. Why is LE so certain that she couldn’t have been abducted there? Thanks in advance for clearing up

  30. Löni says:

    Does someone have à MapLink refering to the Place where the purse were found?

  31. Löni says:

    Just thoughts: someone with own big property woudn’t have thrown Morgan where She was found. But likely burried in his own property.
    A lonely killer would have likely thrown Morgan near à Wood – trail – field but not in à close property like these from Mr Bass.
    À couple of Sadist man+wife would have likely hide the Body so we never were able to find her.
    Organisation for Sex sklavery: no one would have found Morgan. Likely then very gar away.
    À group of people would have done this way. 2 or 3 likely plan out where to put the body. Planting the shirt is the idea of à woman sorry guys but mens don’t think so sophisticated only when in group but it is very rare.
    Ancorage. Why Ancorage? There is à connection. Group Field Music charlottesville
    only thoughts…Justice for Morgan

  32. Löni says:

    I don’t think JB is directly connected when this happend She woudn’t have put Morgan on this property. After i don’t know. What if she found the shirt and realized what happened in its all intigrity? What else can we eliminate?

  33. S Jones says:

    I am not sure what this means other than we had all researched anthropology when it related to the basketball players. Seems to be a default major / minor. Now it turns out that this holds true to Lacrosse. While it is a good that much research had already been done, it begs one to ask how close would basketball and lacrosse players be. That is a connection that may lead to drugs, girls, hard to get into parties and a secretive class like system.

  34. Eloise says:

    I just had a thought. Could Morgan have purchased a t-shirt, using her card, because her shirt was soiled?

    This could be the possible card usage.

    This would remove Pantera shirt from her body-allowing it to be taken, dropped, stolen etc

    Did they sell t-shirts only inside? Or were there vendors outside as well? Does anyone know?

    fwiw, I believe that the consensus is Morgan was definitely wearing the Pantera shirt when she left JPJ.

  35. Eloise says:

    Maybe there are other signs to concussion than hypoglycemia. Are there any medics out there?

    Not a medic, but a nurse.

    When you suffer a concussion, it is a bruising, at the mininum. All head injuries worsen due to the fact the skull does not expand to the swelling tissues below it. Can cause herniation. Depending upon where she hit her head and the severity. One would have headache, possible vision disturbances, confusion, slurred speach, weakness in one or more extremities. Hypoglycemia has to be ruled out in all emergencies, as it’s symptoms mimic so many other states. Inclusing drug overdose.

  36. susanm says:

    happy fathers day to all the boc men,where would the world be without all of our good men,you make the world go round.

  37. Hummingbird says:

    Eloise it wasn’t me who reported the possible swearing and racial slurs from Morgan around the BB Players.
    It was another regular poster, sorry can’t recall but I think it is recent and on this current thread.
    Who ever it was would you kindly tell us where you heard that information from…thanks.
    Morgan did not appear to have a racist bone in her body, or be any kind of a snob, so if this in fact a truthful report of the BB interaction with her, then in in my mind it shows she clearly was in some kind of disoriented state. It is very easy to assume someone is inebriated and feel embarrassed for them or cast a judgement , when in fact they could be having medical issues or concussion.
    Personally after everything I have read here and having met, loved and lost Morgan, I will never walk by a female who is exhibiting these kinds of symptoms, with out attempting to intervene and assist in someway.I could not live with myself!!
    If someone ANYONE had stepped in and helped Morgan she would still be alive today.
    Some reports say that Morgan was feisty and combative , so that may have intimidated a good samaritan from sticking around to help. In the future I will not let that sort of anti social behavior stop me from intervening even if I have to call the cops …I would hope someone would do the same for my daughter if she was in distress or under the influence of something bad.
    Justice for Morgan.

  38. Hummingbird says:

    Afterthought on my last post. We as a people can no longer sit passively and assume law enforcement
    or the government or hired security are going to protect us and our young.
    The system is no longer effectively protecting our young. We have to step up and act with a group survival mentality, time to circle the wagons, speak up …make a fuss …lobby for laws to be changed …become aggravating individuals ( I think it was Sky who I miss so much and hope is well, that called Blink the most “aggravating Jersey woman on the planet “…something like that….. and Fish my dear you are not too far behind…. lol!!!! )
    I do believe in the past people looked out for each other more, and really tried to do what is right.
    There has been a slow disintegration of our basic human values and personal conscience.
    We need to get back to shouldering some PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for our fellow man and our fortunate lives…well anyway enough of the soap box …sorry …am just so worked up and upset about this …yesterday must have been so hard for the Harringtons’.
    Prayers for their peace. J4M

  39. messimamm says:

    brought over from FM:
    Posted by Morgan’s Dad

    Father’s Day Poem From Gil And A Father’s Day Letter From Alex And Morgan

    Mourn no mo
    For Mogo

    You don’t stoppa
    Being a girl’s papa
    Just coz she’s dead
    Get that outa your head
    Your daddy chore
    Has expanded more
    No longer tending boo boo knee
    Now you’re creating legacy
    Of goodness
    And kindness
    And strength
    For the world to see
    While still parenting Alex and partnering me
    Bless you for all the fathering you’ve done
    For our precious daughter, our precious son
    Your ability
    And constancy
    Continue to amaze
    Even in these hardest days
    That I never thought would be ours to live
    We must still have more to give
    I promise that we’ll find a way
    To resurrect joy someday


    fathers day 2010


    So because Morgan is unable to wish you Happy Fathers Day I will do it for both of us.
    I know this has been the hardest year of our lives. We have all been dealt a blow that
    will forever change who we are and our family dynamic. Throughout this entire experience you have been the rock upon which we have all built some sense of normalcy.

    You have been husband, protector, banker , sounding board, computer whiz, media commentator, lobbyist, doctor, and friend. Look at all the hats that you have been forced to wear through this experience that are all an extension of FATHER. You have allowed yourself to feel the grief of Morgan’s loss more than anyone and shown Mom and me that it is okay to let down your guard and feel this immeasurable pain. You have been a model that in spite of or perhaps because of this aching that we all feel you can still face the world and work even harder, and do so with dignity and honor.

    I want you to know that Morgan LOVED YOU more than anything. I remember Morgan coming up this summer and her raving about you after working at Carilion. She was so proud of you and impressed by how vital you were to the company. Morgan got to add this expereince to her understanding and respect for you that allowed her to appreciate you even more. Morgan lived everyday of her life knowing that her poppa loved her and would do anything for her which is more than many people can say.

    She is in a better place now beyond pain and her love and spirit will continue to give you strength and help you through the difficulties left in her wake. Even though she is gone you will always be a father of TWO children who you always did your best to understand and support. Know that I am loving you now for the both of us and when you need the same support and understanding you have always given I am here.

    Happy Fathers Day 2010
    Alex and Morgan

    I have no words to express how deeply and badly I wish to help this family and Morgan, receive justice. My love, hope and prayers are always with them, as is is my drive.

  40. Mom3.0 says:

    I don’t remember that post, Hummingbird? But I agree – all of Morgan’s behavior can be attributed to either injury, or inebriation. I do remember her family said that this was not how Morgan regularly behaved- something was definitely wrong.

    I believe the police know more than we do. For instance, I am sure that they interviewed all the witnesses that came forward with info, during those first days.
    Such as MV and LC.

    Leslie Carlson’s comment posted below, probably prompted the police to ask -
    did LC notice an injury on Morgan’s face?
    What was the “spat” with the female SG?
    Was it physical?
    What was said?
    Which door was this?
    Was LC alone? Did they interview others that were with her?

    12:14am on October 21st, 2009
    Police reports say that she was separated from friends shortly before 9pm and that she was going outside and was thought to be returning shortly. I arrived at the JPJ around 9pm and witnessed a girl who fits her description leaving the arena. I am not positive I can recall what she was wearing, just that I remember black and high heels. The girl that I saw was extremely intoxicated and by herself. I also witnessed her drop her purse several times, and police reports say it was found along with her cell phone outside the JPJ. I do not want to make assumptions on the very little evidence I have, but if one of her friends that was with her that night sees this and is willing to discuss if alcohol was involved, my report may be helpful. I do not know where she headed after leaving the arena, however. Just that she had a spat with the female security guard working the door. I will call the police hotline and tell them what I know in the morning.

    The same can be said of MV’s comment,(pp) She said she saw Morgan at 9:30 That she was on the bridge, and she was hitching. This would prompt the police to ask-

    How did you know it was Morgan?

    Exactly where was she?
    Did she say anything?
    Did you notice any injuries?
    Were other cars around?
    Why were you in the area?How do you know the exact time?
    What makes you believe she was hitch hiking?
    Did any cars slow or pick her up?
    Were you alone?, if not LE interviewed others that were with MV

    Also, we do not know which info was deemed reliable and which was not. It would seem one person’s account would undoubtedly have to make other’s questionable. Meaning- Kickee’s account couldn’t have taken place at the same time LC did. Grandma’s account would rule out possibly the limo drivers account ect on and on…

    Another point, is that many people early on claimed to have seen Morgan inside the arena, – “She sat in front of me”… She was in the BR crying”… “She was at the beer stand”… “We saw her fall” ect on and on. Were all of these people correct? Where were they sitting?

    Those that were in sec 312, know more about Morgan’s interactions with her friends and other patrons. They would know if they all stayed in their seats or when Morgan left ect, they may have witnessed the kiss and other interactions. So yes, I would think the police know more than we do.

  41. Mom3.0 says:

    Hummingbird- Don’t forget that people said that they did ask Morgan if she was okay and if she needed help- These people said Morgan either ignored them , or flatly refused the help- This IMO would go to she was not acting like her self….

    If I offered someone help and they cussed at me or walked away dazedly,I would step away- if I really thought they were injured or impaired, I would follow up by telling security or the nurses station – but I do not know if any of these people thought to do that, or if there was even a nurses station at JPJ.

  42. fish says:

    23.acho says:
    June 20, 2010 at 8:26 pm
    “…I just can’t figure why someone (the UVA spokesperson?) said it was up to the BB players whether they wished to speak about it, as to my mind, it’s some of the most valuable testimony.”

    ACHO: I was just about to comment on the above when I had a major glitch and lost it all. I’m going to post again because it is what I do. Keep trying for the family.

    It absolutely sickens me the certain behavior from certain parties when a girl was missing, gone, absent, taken, stolen. No one thought back then they should say something, anything? Really? That’s nice.(I say with dripping sarcasism)

    We did not know where she was but I’m thinking that there were a good deal of smart people out here knew that she was in some serious trouble. Serious danger!
    WE all tried to stay positive at that search. We wanted her found alive. We tried for her parents and her brother, her family, her friends (Oh! wait, maybe not them. They went home and crawled under their covers while Morgan was facing covers that would conceal her life, her very being. They were silent except for a temper tantrum thrown at that very search. Didn’t want to be there.)
    Boo Hoo on them.
    Back to my point. Seems that there was no one, absolutely no one that was going to speak up for her. Not UVA, not basketball players, not UVA lax players, no one. Ok, Lt. Rader but even he spoke in some call, riddles. “Would jeopardize an investigation”, I guess. What the hell do I know?
    MEANWHILE, someone was speaking up and protecting someone who took the life right out of this young girl we all were searching for. Someone was protecting their own. This is what disgusts me and I think the majority of us now. I can hear it as I read each and every one of us. We are tired and feel that she is being abandoned yet again. Even Now!
    Where is the moral compass of people?
    Where do we all go from here?
    It is what I have said; people will become tired and loose interest. Not because we do not feel that family’s pain but because there is nothing but ___________________________underlined silence. We do not know what to do. We cannot do anything. There are no more searches to be had, no more flyers to post, no more talking about it at the water cooler. People are onto the next. Until that is, the next press conference from Lt. Rader. But is that ever going to happen?
    UVA and Charlottesville will move on…

    “It probably won’t ever happen again”
    “It was an isolated incident”
    “Morgan was drunk”

    I can hear it now. Sorry for seeing the glass half-full but see birthdays will come and go and her parents will hold her in a different way now. A hand running over a wooden box. I know the feeling. We will say, “Oh I wish she could be here to see this, to experience that”. It is done. Why won’t someone step up to the plate and do what is your………………..

    25.acho says:
    June 20, 2010 at 8:31 pm
    “A LOT of people know these answers, even perfectly innocent people, and it is all of your ***MORAL OBLIGATION*** to share that information with LE. For Morgan, for Yeardley, and for your daughters/sisters/friends/nieces.”

    ……….***MORAL OBLIGATION***!

    Holy crap, ACHO! You, my friend, read my mind!
    Where is that moral compass that is within someone in his circle, who as you say, may be perfectly innocent. But I’m here to tell you they are not. Not now. They needed to step up to that plate and speak up for a girl that laid broken, shattered, dead!

    The so-called “innocent” are OK with this???

    I know that I obviously cannot relate as I would turn in my own brother if I found out that he did something so heinous, so evil, and so, so wicked.
    What right do they have to remain silent?
    I guess not only is he a coward but he comes from a family of cowards! I hear that it does run in the DNA!
    May it be on Morgan’s shirt! On her bones!
    I can only hope that it is and it will be his/their undoing!
    That their short-sided self-preservation will do them and him in!

    And now onto
    41.Hummingbird says:
    June 21, 2010 at 1:08 pm

    Yes, Hummingbird where is that? There has been none from a great many people involved. Friends, UVA and its mouthpiece, the players, and yes, I dare say our Lt. Rader and LE. I know, I know “Investigation ongoing”. OK, I got it.

    Morgan is already fading from our collective memory. It just happens. People lose the facts, the timeline, and the clues in front of our faces. All the while, he sits with a shit-eatin’ grin on his face.

    Maybe money does buy you love and oh, your silence and your freedom. See things haven’t really changed. Hummingbird, I’m with you when you say “time to lobby for laws to be changed”. Yes, that time has come and gone. We will do what we can for Morgan and for the rest that this will happen too. How can it not?
    Or is it really George Huguely and his dad and help? Did he murder Morgan Harrington and is Daddy Dearest, buying his freedom and is UVA up for sale??

    Sorry Observer, even though I do not know you, I do know that every day you uphold credentials and professional integrity for The University of Virginia and The City of Charlottesville and moral values and personal compassion that walk those rocks to that bridge. We, the sum of our parts are grateful and I may be speaking out of line but I am sure that the Harrington Family knows this and that it helps them immensely.

    Juliemooly, the photos help them heal. Help them to know that they are not left alone with just HIM!

    We had no one placing anything. Just us roadside with faded plastic flowers. God, how I wish that we could back a dump truck up to that bridge and just dump! Dump a shitton of rocks that seal off that escape route HE took to Anchorage Farm. HE escaped. Let us all not become complacent in this. We all need to shoulder a little bit more and speak up for Morgan and help her family.

    Blink, I could be wrong but I’m thinkin’ the ball is in your court.
    You were strong for Christine and now I hope and pray for Morgan.
    I think her family needs you.

  43. Hummingbird says:

    Thankyou Mom.3 , there should be a nurses station at these large events and also I question whether the security cameras at JPJ were actually filming or simply surveilling. I hope the petition is effective and the public gets to view the film if it actually exists. If large sports arenas are to be used as rock venues, they must have adequate security measures in place or expect liability for the lack of.

    Gil and Alexs’ poem and letters made my cry. I have been crying on and off a lot lately for Morgan , for her senseless murder, for what she suffered , for her parents and Alex. I did not even know her but somehow I miss her and am just sick that she was snatched from her loved ones , from the world , from her lifes path. From all the good she could have done, the joys and sadnesses the fond look in her daddys’ eyes the strong momma lion spirit of Gil….J4M

  44. anotherB says:

    @ Eloise June 21, 2010 at 10:34 am

    Thanks for that! I have no experience with concussion (fortunately), just a diabetic friend, I was wondering whether my interpretation was correct, that Morgan’s behaviour indicates an altered mental state of some sort, as I have seen in hypoglycemia. I don’t believe she was hypoglycemic.

    What struck me was that she was swearing, insisting on carrying out an unrealistic plan to achieve a goal that made sense (get home) and turning down any help. Her behaviour was also described as totally out of character.

    Could the “confusion” and “slurred speech” and “weakness in one or more extremities” elements in concussion be mistaken for drunkenness? A while ago someone posted a story about someone wondering around the mountains after a bike accident, in a disoriented state, which looked like intoxication.

  45. anotherB says:

    @ Eloise

    Re-read and understood your post… being a bit slow today. I should think first, and then write.

  46. S Jones says:

    I would like to point out that I agree 100% with Blink that a major drug investigation is under way. I just personally never thought that Basketball players would identify with a designer drug like Ecstasy common referred to as Unicorns out here. At the recent Phish concert there was an organized undercover operation. The 2nd drug mentioned by the authorities was Ecstasy. The concert was in Virgina about the same distance from Richmond but in the opposite direction. NCIS had participated in a earlier raded about a year earlier, I am sure their information has been shared. Ecstasy is much more a European drug, not like the South American drugs. If Lacrosse players use it commonly it would be now seem easier to surmise that other jock types would also. I never thought of it that way, but the Hugely thing along with basketball players seeming to be in the same circles begs one to question. I know this is hard for Mothers to hear, but I have seen many young women and girls light up when Ecstasy is mentioned. For some reason it does not seem to have the negative impact as say, Heroin or Cocaine or Meth. I do not understand that, but it is true. So maybe these drug investigation will bring some light on both Hugely and Morgan, If so, there is nothing like the pressure that can be applied. We can rest assured there are some major interrogations going on. Weather or not it will help us find the truth, only time will tell. But, I thought it was worth bring it up.

  47. anotherB says:

    As for the question whether she fell in the bathroom or while taking a picture, I believe both could be true. All the things reported about her conduct are pretty out of the norm, she wouldn’t cry like a little child in public, she wouldn’t fall over, and she wouldn’t get lost and find herself outside.

  48. Löni says:

    To RU Mom: from Germany. Being far away don’t prevent loving someone. Morgan stands for all our sisters, our daughters, grandaughters and our friends. I think Morgan would want Justice if not for vengeance but surely to prevent for the life of another girl. Morgan touched my life like Brittanee Drexel did. I am very sad i hope we all come forward soon…

  49. George says:

    Why, why, why would not the VSP still be ASKING for information every day and keeping Morgan’s case before the public and collecting information? Never mind them actually releasing information, just ask for some more input! To be blunt it seems like the VSP unit in charge of the case has been totally silenced on an order that has come down their chain of command.

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