Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Brad Conway Quits George and Cindy Anthony

Orlando, FL– Brad Conway, counsel to George and Cindy Anthony, has resigned.

Has Jose Baez, the defense counsel for alleged child murderer Casey Anthony had his first good idea by providing more inaccurate information for a motion on behalf of his client? Seems to me rendering the object of your defense strategy, lawyer-less, works in her favor.


He is the 3rd attorney to withdraw from representation of the Anthony’s behind Paul Kelley and Mark Nejame, respectively.

The resignation comes following a week of terse publicly released emails between Cindy Anthony, Mark Nejame, Brad Conway and Jose Baez.

Who’s to Blame?

Not the Anthony’s, says Conway. In a letter appearing on Wesh:

With regret I am forced to resign as George and Cindy Anthonys attorney. The defense motion filed on August 9, 2010 contains allegations that are not in fact true. As an officer of the court I cannot stand idly by knowing allegations involving me have been misstated. I am now a witness to an innacurate legal pleading filed in our court system. As such, I cannot continue in good conscience as a legal representative. George and Cindy Anthony have done nothing improper, it is the failure of the defense to verify the facts alleged in their motion that forces my withdrawal. I will continue to support the Anthonys, will continue to attend hearings and the eventual trial and most importantly I will continue to search for the full truth regarding the killing of Caylee Marie Anthony.

Bradley A. Conway, Esq. Law Office of Bradley A. Conway 189 S. Orange Ave. Suite 1850 Orlando, Fl. Office: 407-246-0803 Fax: 407-386-3114

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  1. lily says:

    Kleat – I don’t comment as much on this one because you guys always have it totally covered – I really enjoy your insights and finds! And holy cow I tried to listen to that “conference call” – I think at least one of them was calling in from the Florida BAR. Whooooooo a few too many?

  2. Carolyn S says:

    re: the “unknown” female searcher
    Laura Buchanan said that she and the group she was assigned to lead all went to the suburban dr. location. I think that it is probable that she cannot recall all the names of the people on her “team” and that this is what the Defense is looking for. Maybe one of these people has been indicated by Ms. Buchanan to be a witness with her of the no water no body scenario and the defense is looking for this woman to coroborate the story. However, I don’t understand why, if there is a specific person they are looking for to coroborate a story, why don’t they just ask the judge for those names and explain why they want them? That does not seem an extravagant request to me whereas the motions they have filed so far seem to be fishing expeditions.
    Also, Kleat, Blink, I respect your right to be cryptic at times, but the exchanges about the “psychics” are too cryptic for me to follow, yet it seems that something important has happened here. Could someone try to make it a little less cryptic for one who has no clue what you are talking about?

  3. Kleat says:

    Buchanan as the anonymous searcher? Couldn’t be, she was on an earlier witness list IIRC, and I had to be remembering correctly because in the last hearing, Ms. Burdick was asked for an example of a ‘document’ (for depo or evidence to be listed ahead of time) by Judge Perry, and she discussed the problems deposing Laura Buchanan because this witness had a document that the state did not have, and coincidentally, the Baez did not bother to bring his copy to her depo yet the defense had that TES document that no one else had.

    So instead of the depo being completed on that date, it’s been rescheduled for October sometime. So Buchanan is on the list, not the anon person.

  4. Kleat says:

    “the Baez” was an accidental typo, as I corrected saying ‘defense’ and put in his name. “The Baez” works suprisingly well. It’s a keeper.

  5. Kleat says:

    Oh, and I admire Ms. Burdick’s readiness– when Judge Perry asked ‘did both sides not have the document”that Buchanan brought to the depo, (ie: was the playing field level), Ms. Burdick pointed out that although Baez did not have a copy at the deposition, the defense DID indeed have the document because when Buchanan’s lawyer faxed the copy to the state for the deposition that day, there was at the bottom corner, a copy of the sticki-note that indicated “Fax to Mort”. Ms. Burdick, covering all as she’s so good at, explained to the Judge that “Mort” was likely Mortimer Smith, the PI for the defense in the past.

  6. Kleat says:

    Could it be that what the defense is looking for in the TES documents, can not be tabbed, copied or otherwise ‘documented’ except by it’s NON existence, and that is why they needed full access to ALL documents, to find docs that were missing or not included for some bookkeeping or other problem? To show that the TES records are not, as Tim Miller claimed, 100% accurate. (Obviously Buchanan helps discredit TES by taking that document and keeping it– ‘stealing it’ IOW).

  7. Kleat says:

    lily, yeah, I think Blink’s mom and you have the right idea. I was willing to think ‘speech impediment’! ;)

  8. Kleat says:

    Laura Buchanan is listed on the defense’s latest list (I thought this list was an ammended list as it did not include all the experts the defense has, but it’s just up to date with non-experts, I assume, as there’s more time to add those). Second page of the pdf. “Unknown Female Searcher” listed near bottom of the page. If the searcher is ‘unknown’ to the defense as of Aug 20th, then how are they going to find her? Or does this just leave room for inserting another unnamed female searcher at a later date?

    It has to be the real Zanny then, coming to reclaim her hair straightener.

  9. cindeefromwisconsin says:

    Lily, I totally agree with you. I come here everyday, several times per day to keep up with the sharp crowd that helps me through all of it. It seems whenever I have a question or concern and am about to post it, yup, someone already has addressed it and answered it. Thank you again to all of our Blinsters for helping me though all of this on a daily basis.

  10. chica says:

    what conference call?

  11. chelsea1515 says:

    chica – I’ve just read through your posted link and I could weep!! Of course most of us saw what Dr. Glass saw; we thought the same thoughts, it’s just she is able to put into words exactly what we are all thinking. I saw photos I had never seen before and the hideousness of this crime hit me like a sledgehammer all over again. Anyone who has brought up a child knows that by the age Caylee had reached, they are very capable of communicating facts, especially to such as a grandmother whom would fully understand their use of words and nuances. My own grandaughter told me of a quarrel her parents had had, things that were said, how they shouted, how mummy cried, and she was just 21/2 years old!! And because she trusted me and I was able to coax further details, it didn’t take much to get to the bottom of the problem and in fact I was able to warn them (parents) what had occurred and they were mortified and have never made the mistake of arguing in front of her ever again. Did Caylee see things Casey didn’t want reporting back? Was Casey abusive towards her when alone, either verbally or physically, neither bear thinking about. I wholeheartedly agree with the open letter Dr. Glass wrote to George and Cindy but I don’t for one moment expect either to change their stance. Poor little Caylee, what a home to be born into.

  12. Kleat says:

    “Geraldo Rivera has strong opinions about the Casey Anthony case, and he will share them on “Geraldo: Celebrating 40 Years.” The retrospective on Rivera’s career airs at 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday on Fox News Channel, but he gave me a preview today.”

    quoting Hal THE TV GUY in his web article today at

    “Casey is a selfish, self-involved dimwit,” Rivera said. “But to seek to kill her, because she killed that sweet baby is an absurd overprosecution and will color the whole prosecution.”

    Geraldo wants a mental defense obviously, as he gives the example of Andrea Yates and how ‘infanticide’ is handled in an enlightened society, “these are not the people Florida has lethal injection for.” (is Geraldo only speaking of killers, male or female, of infants who are murdered? The crime is less because the victim is an ‘infant’ who probably causes the crime because it cries or has needs that are a bother, never mind the cost of support through to adulthood?

    Geraldo knows something from Baez about attempts by the defense, to get the state to deal?? Why would he make such a statement ??

    Geraldo quoted by Hal TTVG
    “She has a better chance of being acquitted now if they had gone for a more realistic sentence or negotiated a reasonable sentence.”What’s reasonable? “Fifteen to 20 years would be fine, including time served,” Rivera said. “It’s the best way out for everybody involved, including the prosecution.”

    What did Baez share with Geraldo to share on his Retrospective show. (btw, just how important is this case to Geraldo’s career, that it requires Baez to visit (again) and arrange what he should say?)

    Kleaty, Kleat-

    I have bypassed your comment for the 10th time talking myself out of responding to Jerry Rivers.

    Has anyone told him that owning property in Puerto Rico does not make you Puerto Rican?
    Where did I leave that folding chair?


  13. Terry says:

    Check out What Gerald Rivera is saying about the case…..on caylee daily…Almost sounds like his buddy BS is…Spinning a hopeful plea for his client.

  14. Mom3.0 says:

    I wish I had such cool & witty friends Blink- priceless. I especially liked the mention of a jackwagon- My Dad used to say that-

    Kleat, I thought you looked rather dashing in your tinfoil hat- IMO we all need one to follow this case- Without one we could fall for any of the defense’s outlandish tactics-

    For instance getting your #fan, and friend Geraldo to stand up for you by saying that Baez is looking bad only because of his client Casey Anthony, at the same time saying she is guilty of killing her baby- but in no way deserves the death penalty- because her crime is not as evil and grotesque as a serial murderers….

    See you forgot to wear your hat- you actually thought Hmmm that isn’t so far off.

    Blink- you have been rather funny this week- Zanny and her straightener. Beautiful- I do not know who this unnamed searcher – How could they not know 2 years out?

    Lol, I never heard the term before until that ridiculously funny commercial pointed out to me by my five year old niece. I am taking a break from ass prefix words.

  15. Mom3.0 says:

    Ha- See I told you we all need to wear our tin hats- I just finished posting a comment regarding GR- only to hit refresh to see Terry and Kleat’s comment-

  16. Annals says:

    Kleat says:
    September 2, 2010 at 11:54 am

    “Unknown Female Searcher” listed near bottom of the page. If the searcher is ‘unknown’ to the defense as of Aug 20th, then how are they going to find her? Or does this just leave room for inserting another unnamed female searcher at a later date?

    It has to be the real Zanny then, coming to reclaim her hair straightener.

    YES! Finally; releif! I have worried over Zanny and her hair straightener for almost two years. Now I KNOW Jose will find her.

    Good thing she has not seen the instyler commercials or he would be sol.

  17. OutofOrder says:

    Blink said:

    Kleaty, Kleat-

    I have bypassed your comment for the 10th time talking myself out of responding to Jerry Rivers.

    Has anyone told him that owning property in Puerto Rico does not make you Puerto Rican?
    Where did I leave that folding chair?


    Love ya to pieces Blink, but some of your comments lately, well, they need some ‘splainin’, Lucy? Please? I want to ‘get’ this. lol

    Sorry, I shall try to be less obtuse, my bad.

    Gerry Rivers= Geraldo Rivera real name

    Geraldo has a house in PR, that does not make him PR= joke.

    *side note, one might take a gander at an ole email from Dominic Casey on the matter.
    Where’s my folding chair? = Geraldo got his nose broken by someone cuffing him with a folding chair on live TV.

    I cannot believe my friend Turbo has not shown up here yet, she is a big fan of Mr.Shirtless.

  18. Mom3.0 says:

    Has this “unnamed female searcher” all been about proving that they needed the TES documents sooner? Not sure how they can name the searcher as female without knowing who they are looking for though-

    Geraldo sounded as if he were trying to insinuate that the media and all of Orlando are biased against Casey and Baez because Baez shares the same heritage as he does “Are you picking on my friend”-(nice house Comment Blink)

    Everything the defense does is fishy to me- but hey I’m still waiting to see the picture that Baez said they had of Zanny- so what do I know?

  19. Sister says:

    didn’t someone say the “unknown” female searcher is really Zanny? I totally agree!!

  20. chica says:

    I recall casey telling someone that caylee was on the couch acting like she was humping it now where did she learn that? I am sure casey didnt want her communicating anything to cindy, but killing her well that was in revenge to pay cindy back. she hasnt cared or shed a tear for caylee. Instead she tells a cellmate she wants another kid. geez

  21. ERB_MD says:

    Is it standard and legal for lawyers to stick things on witness like “unnamed female searcher”? If they know there is a female searcher then they know the name? I guess really what I’m asking is, is it okay for defense lawyers to fabricate things and go as far as to put it on a legal document (especially when they know everyone will see it)? And what is the point of having a Florida Lawyer’s Bar? I thought they were there to ensure that lawyer’s certified to practice in Florida were ethical and remove them if they weren’t. I’m starting to think that the main reason to become a lawyer is so that you can commit crimes and get away with it with legalize BS.

    Btw, I want to assure everyone that not all Hispanics are sorry wastes of human flesh like the inmate’s lawyer. He gives the rest of us a bad rap.

    CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY, JUSTICE IS COMING! Sorry your mother and immediate family had to do this to you. :-(


    Let me be clear-

    There is no racism here. Never was, never will be.

    I could care less what ethnicticities are involved. If an individual breaches ethics and responsibilities which they have sworn not to, it has nothing to do with their national origin.

    Any person of any background can be smarmy, it is not mutually exclusive to anyone.

    When I was a kid my friend and I were at the Mall and put pop rocks in the soup at Hickory Farms thinking we were bad ass. It could happen to anyone.

  22. OutofOrder says:

    Blink, my bad too. It would have helped if I had read the entire article instead of getting sick to my stomach at Geraldo half-way through and then screwing off the last paragraph by not reading it. That would have explained the PR “connection” that the twiddlebird thinks he has.

    I don’t know who Geraldo thinks he’s speaking for when he says that “most people outside of Orlando agree with me”, because I sure as hell don’t and I know that thousands more share my feelings. I’ve never seen any case that’s so filled with poisonous people in my entire life, and if they had half a brain, they would realize that it’s people like Geraldo that escalate the fury for the entire Anthony clan all the more. Thanks for letting me vent. I rarely do, but this called for it.

  23. ERB_MD says:

    Blink, I did not accuse anyone of being racist. I am Hispanic and am married to a black. I and only I am upset that this person brings up his ethnicity every time and what gets ME upset about that is that he’s done unethical things and seems proud of it and ties all that together. I am really sick and tired about the shenanigans that have gone on with this case in where CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY lost her life and still over 2 years later and now Florida taxpayer have to pay for the defense plus the other thing that I am sick and tired is the word racist being thrown around all the time lately. I know anyone can be sleazy and unethical no matter what race which that wasn’t even my point. But its not about me. It’s about JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY.

    As it seems that it is easy for misunderstandings to occur via email expression, this will be my last post. i will attempt to stop reading the ridiculousness of this case. I will continue to pray for the criminals to get their punishment and JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY. And the next news I expect to hear is that that thing was found GUILTY.

    My dear friend, I was not accusing you of anything, I was embarrassed for you that you felt compelled to say it, and frankly if he were from the same heritage as I, I would have done the same. It is a good thing to be proud of your roots.

    I should have been more succinct, I was put off by the Geraldo comments that because he owns a house in PR near where Jose’s Mom lives that they are “bretheren” (my words).

    Please. Mark my words, Geraldo and Baez have a Spanish speaking TV gig joint venture they will be heading to soon enough. I say Avanza to them.

  24. Mom3.0 says:


    Hi, I would also like to know if it is standard procedure to have an unnamed person listed as a witness. Perhaps she is unnamed because her name is not being released for her own protection? If not I find it really weird. I wonder if Judge Perry will allow it.

    I just wanted to let you know that my earlier comment was solely directed at Geraldo’s asinine statements and not at his or anyone’s heritage.

    I would never begin to assume that anyone’s common heritage makes them behave in one way or another. Not for B or G and Puerto Ricans nor for The Anthony’s and Italians or the Irish.

    I am sorry if my comment made you feel defensive. That was not my intention.

    Ps. FWIW, I do not think Baez is giving a bad name to anyone except himself.

  25. Kleat says:

    Only one additional comment, ‘Jackwagons’ officially come in all sizes, colours, colors, races, ethnic backgrounds, genders, family groups, regions, religions, non-religions, but in this case, there’s just a higher percentage of them show’in up.

    (yeah– the Zanny searcher with the too curly frizzy natural hair, she was there all along!! Not visiting Gerry’s relatives or Baez’s momma in PR afterall!)

  26. lily says:


    LOL pop rocks? Please do tell more!!

  27. chica says:

    It does appear that geraldo has the same mentality as baez cut from the same scissors. Neither caring or thinking before speaking. I never have cared for geraldo I have always had a low opinion of him and his silly comments.
    Justice for caylee who cares for jerry rivers thinks he isnt the majority and he doesnt speak for us hispanics with more brain cell activity than he!!

  28. chica says:

    you say what do you know!
    you know casey killed caylee and you know baez is inept lol I laugh everytime I think of mark nejame telling Mason that his colleague was a liar lol too funny.
    Geraldo just managed to make an arse of himself thats all he sounded so stupid making that comment.

  29. chelsea1515 says:

    Oh crikey – is it because I’m from the other side of the pond that I am finding it more and more difficult to completely ‘understand’ you Blink! I love your wit, wisdom, obtuse comments etc. but I sure am having a hard time ‘getting’ it currently. Where can I get lessons in Blinkspeak please? I follow up all the links, lurk daily and feel I am keeping up but things like the Geraldo thingy frighten me to death – I just want to see real justice for Caylee.

  30. everyone's a suspect says:

    According to the clerk’s office, on 8/31 another amended defense witness list was filed. I may have missed it, but I haven’t seen it in the media yet to compare it to the one filed the day before. (possibly an overlap) Any info on that?

  31. justanothergm says:


    Is it possible the unknown female searcher will be Baez’s excuse to make cold calls to all 4000 searchers to find out who she is. Can he say that they know she was searching with a particular group but no one knows her name thus the need to contact everyone to find her? TIA

    I would say it is probable.

  32. chica says:

    you didnt answer me what conference call any links?
    anyone know what call??? lilly referred to?

  33. ERB_MD says:


    Blink, BOC readers and participants, and especially Mom3.0:

    I said in my previous post that it would be my last and that I was going to attempt not to read any more about this case. My attempt was in vain and I couldn’t leave Mom3.0 thinking that I was offended by her comments. I didn’t even think anything anywhere near or close to racist(m). NO ONE on this board has offended me nor put me on the defensive. The only one that I am perpetually offended by is Joselito Baez (and if you go through the few posts I’ve done you’ll notice that the only name I ever called out has been CAYLEE’s…but I want there to be no doubt who makes me want to vomit). I do not want to be linked/associated to Joselito Baez in any fashion, not even as a member of the human race.

    And yes I know those 2 “donkey butts” have something cooking in the Spanish t.v.. Once I know the specifics of it, I will make it a priority of mine to inform my family, extended family, friends, there friends, the channel, my Facebook friends in P.R. “como estos dos buitres avarientos vividores sin escrupulos hicieron su fama y dinero burlandose de la vida y asesinato de la preciosa bebe, CAYLEE”. And I won’t be so nice.

    Have a good Labor Day weekend!

    This is about JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY!! (The justice that her own immediate family doesn’t even want for her)

  34. Mom3.0 says:


    Thank you very much for not leaving me hanging. I would have hated to think that something I wrote made you want to stop posting.
    It must be hard for you to feel so strongly about Baez’s ineptitude and then have Geraldo constantly reiterating the fact that Baez is Hispanic.

    As to your feelings about not posting or reading anymore, I hope you will reconsider both, as I find your thoughts and opinions valuable.
    There are days when I too wish to walk awat from all the unnessary drama surrounding this case. But Blink and BOC always bring up something that I have to comment on- LOL

    Thanks again for making sure that I understood your comments. Hope to see you’re still hanging out with us.

  35. Mom3.0 says:

    Hi, everyone’s a suspect, Perhaps the Defense thought better about including Kronk’s lawyer?
    If this is not the reason for the amended list perhaps they named the unnamed searcher?

    “Kronk’s Lawyer Wants His Name Off Of Witness List
    He Says Status As Possible Witness Could Lead To Disqualification”

  36. chica says:

    ok since lilly is not answering me does anyone know what conference call she is referring to above????

  37. Kleat says:

    Mom3.0, yeah. How many is this now, Conway is gone from the defense putting him in a potential conflict as witness situation, Judge Strickland is gone as he was asked to recuse himself, and now the most critical witness, Roy Kronk, has his lawyer attacked to possibly force him to step away from his client, something that may work to the defense’s advantage by giving the pubic an illusion of an impression that this lawyer might be withholding information critical to Casey’s defense and make Kronk look guilty should his lawyer be forced to step down.

    And there was the failed attempt by the defense, to have the prosecution team replaced. How many days do you give the defense to re-file that motion under this new judge??? Not long, I suspect, as Geraldo has already hinted at Baez’s words about this being an ‘over prosecution’.

    Count down to the state threesome being asked to recuse themselves??

    Each time someone steps down, it’s under suspicion of them knowing something that would help Casey, or having done something wrong, just as Judge Strickland had a cloud over his head when he was forced out.

  38. Trudy says:

    I’m sure this is the conference call you’re wondering about.
    Long time reader here, never posted.

  39. Annals says:

    Chica, I’ve been holding out on you. I’m lazy. I admire your persistance so I’ll tell you what conference call I think lilly refered to.

    Go back to the page previous to this one to find Kleat’s two posts numbered 34 & 35. Kleat & Blink discuss it and there’s the link to the call video. The video (and the very fact of it’s existance) is so annoying, I’m not sure you’ll thank me for this.

  40. Annals says:

    Trudy, welcome aboard! Chica, I guess three times is the charm.

  41. Kleat says:

    Trudy, that’s it, sadly and annoyingly as Annals says, that’s it. ;)

    Baez set up the media whirlwind from the beginning, even his complaining about the media is keeping it going. And after watching Dateline last night and getting insight into that psychopath and why he held out on the families of his victims, was for manipulation and control of them ‘forever’. When faced with ‘it’s over’, he saw that as his life being over, he had to have the victims and their family on ‘the hook’ to keep himself contented and happy.

  42. Kleat says:

    That last comment is what Casey is doing to her family and gives insight into why a sociopath/psychopath never releases their information or grip on the victim and the hows, whys and whens. Never. Unless there is something big in it for them.

  43. chica says:

    hi thank you for your response lol
    kind of you to respond:)

  44. chica says:

    thank you kindly for doing this act of kindness much appreciated:)

  45. chica says:

    eerie similar to what may happen in this case right now casey thinks she is in control. under the false pretense she will walk out in masons arms. the ol goon can bearly handle hisownself

  46. Mom3.0 says:

    Kleat says:
    September 4, 2010 at 2:22 am
    I agree Kleat

    I was reading Casey’s words from her written statement- and one part regarding little Caylee,struck me as the truth and nothing but the truth, so much so, that I need to share it with you all and get it off my mind:

    “I’m afraid of what Caylee is going through. After 31 days, I know that the only thing that matters is getting my daughter back ”

    –I think this is as close to a confession as we have ever seen, to me, Casey is saying she knows what little Caylee is going through and it scares her- DECOMPOSITION- and after 31 days all that CAN matter is getting her back- not alive, and not well.JMO

    Thanks for letting me get it out.-

    Here is the link to the statement in its entirety-

  47. chelsea1515 says:

    chica – thanks for the link and yes I did gag, big time. Went on to read who C. Rich was and feel much better having noted he scored popularity of 3% !!
    I wonder what he based his study of Cindy on? He must have been watching different video footage to me. Of course I wouldn’t want to be in Cindy’s shoes but she put them on! If she would just tell the truth and then support Casey through her punishment (whatever it turns out to be) she would go up in my estimation even now.

  48. Maryann says:

    Does anyone remember what led the searchers to the Suburban Drive location in the first place? Have followed this case from the beginning, but don’t remember.

    Honestly- statistics, but keep in mind the fired cop he neglected to alert detectives.

  49. chica says:

    your welcome :)
    I hardly could believe my eyes that anyone would have anything nice to say about cindy.
    She is one of the most evil, scamming conniving women in history.

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