Kyron Horman Missing: New Years Eve Settlement Ends Horman Marriage

Portland, OR- In a surprise court hearing,  Judge Henry Kantor signed off on the agreement between Kaine Horman and Terri Moulton Horman to end their marriage this afternoon.

Details of the agreement have not been released publicly, but according to KGW,  a financial settlement to include child support and a lump payment to Terri Horman has been reached.

In what can only be described as a bitter family court feud-  the divorce matter was last in court on December 16th to decide if the Horman landscaper,  Rodolfo Sanchez Estrada -who alleges Terri Horman tried to hire him to murder Kaine Horman at a lunch meeting – would testify.

Judge Kantor has not yet filed an order from that hearing but Attorneys for Terri Horman were granted a continuance from the pending temporary custody motion scheduled for December 19th and 20th.



BOC Associate Editor Tarin Kenley contributed to this report.




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  1. Rose says:

    @mbs. hard to peck on an Amtrak, but I will try.
    One would not sue PPS wrt ascertaining what happened to Kyron.
    SZ Terri etc.

    For a negligence tort to succeed, one merely has to use a central iffice Admin and Keefer to nail pps policy-
    duty of care, duty of supervision; ditto wrt when school “starts” (last bell); ditto wrt attendance taking policy.
    Ditto wrt locked doors & ids. Then you don’t even need Porter. Just show some policy violations using Keefer.
    then say 3 people who saw K in a classroom or the hall after that last bell; Marhews who permtted him to go out with an adult; and if you use Porter, only establish she saw hus personal things in the room–don’t open door to more. Terri plays no role in this suit, even as a defense. The duty to supervise was established after the bell & inside the bldg. The “disappearance” aspect is the thing speaks for itself. that there was a Sci Fair is unimportant.
    The bios didn’t sue because they don’t want a Court record that exculpates Terri (Mathews’ testimony about SZ).

  2. T. Ruth says:


    I suppose I would start by identifying exactly who decided it was okay to not be following their own policy. IIRC, and I know we’ve posted links to it here before, certain doors were to remain locked that day, that were not. Policy instilled by Ben Keefer, I believe it was around 2004/5, was not being followed, at least not that day.

    Were people signed in? Were name badges issued? These are things I’m not sure we’ve received accurate information on yet, but if not, then there again, who is responsible for seeing that the policies were followed? Keefer?

    Matt Shelby, a school spokesperson, also said at one point, kids are picked up by parents like that all the time. I don’t know if he was just a talking head, but if that truly had been the case, and children were allowed to leave that school without being signed out by their parent/guardian, then there’s more fodder.

    Unfortunately, we couldn’t sue Skyline alone for not calling Kyron’s home that day, however, it is my understanding each PPS school had their own choice as to whether or not they phoned home for absences, so I suppose one could sue the entirety of PPS for that lackadaisical policy as well. We do know they thought it became important enough to implement it AFTER Kyron went missing when they made that policy mandatory. Closing the barn door after the horse got out, yes, but IMO, that intensifies the importance of said policy, so why wasn’t it important before? The PPS policy was basically there, it just wasn’t being appropriately implemented, as we found out that weekend, when suddenly it was and the auto-dialer was reinstated.

    Then of course, we have Ms. Matthews, allegedly letting Kyron leave the building with someone she truly did not know. Mistaken identity? IDK.

    Then we have two other staff members Porter and ????, (unknown by us to this day), who both said “they thought” Kyron left with his mother. Then we have Porter, who is in Kyron’s classroom and never notices his coat and backpack are still there. Then we have an alleged out-right notification made to her by some (also unknown to us) Chaperone/Substitute that Kyron is missing and yet she blows it off as he’s getting a drink of water or something. Where was her mind?

    So, IDK exactly whose heads would roll, but I do think it would possibly bring answers as to what actually went down that day and who could be held responsible for a missing little boy.

  3. Rose says:

    Well Amtrak is 11 hours of H…. for me today. briefly stopped.
    One needs 1 Central Office Admin to establish policies–
    supervision, care – triggered by last bell
    visitor ids
    ansence reporting
    procedure for a caregiver to withdraw child during school day for an apptmt
    any others
    get customary practices in other el eds as well
    Try to elicit Skyline was an outlier
    also Skyline had been warned before about doors

    rehash each policy
    then elicit 1 by 1 his staff’s actual practices that day
    show him the newletter he wrote about 2008 saying Central
    had asked the school to implement its licked door policies, and the
    school was going to lock all doors but front

    3-4 adult and child witnesses testifying they saw K after the final bell & where.
    have 1 or 2 also say hus lunch & coat were in the cubby.

    lastly, Mathews attesting to a permissive nod to permit K to help carry things in
    then re-call Keefer to state that was against pps policy.

    I’d never call Porter and open the door to her “confusion,”
    her recording him absent, her talk with Terri.

    This is not a suit about anything other than duty of care during the school day breached due to multiple pps policy violations.

    So now it occurs to me someone associated with pps might have shopped the bios’ plight to Dr Phil to get them a sum of money that would deincentivize them to sue pps.

    Absolutely duty of care- Skyline would still be liable and/or negligent and I cannot believe Rosenthal would not have made that perfectly clear to her. I mean, especially because she was aware Kyron took a sojourn from the school previously with a classmate and necessitated that “listening to teachers” reference from both Absolutely correct- duty of care, period. It has never made a lick of sense to me even if DY completely believed TH was responsible why she did not enjoin or name the school. Under any of her theories, the school would still have been responsible. They knew then and they know now and for nobody to escalate on behalf of this child is well, criminal.

  4. Rose says:

    come to think of it, to cover himself wrt future malpractice claims, before Elden took D as a client in the Terri tort, he should have required her to sign a paper he’d outlined all possible tort suits against pps and several employees and what their causes of action are and that she had explicitly disregarded legal advice to file said suits in favor of the Terri tort only.

    Yes ma’am!

  5. Rose says:

    in defense I’d document the prior incident & try to show he had a history of absconding from his classrooms
    and use that as an excuse to get his medical records to birth and maybe in utero (to show some neurocognitive
    issues mom & dad failed to treat).
    So perhaps that was a big reason DY & KH did not sue pps….some sort of contributory negligence.
    That’s why the case in chief should be lean & no Porter.
    I think pps would settle pretty fast.

  6. Marty says:

    @ Erose
    That interview with Dede is very interesting and I believe her Just what would be gained by helping take Kyron she has no past history of crime that has come out She was not really close to Terri who never even called her after she helped with a Birthday party She comes from a LE father so knows taking a child out of school is a crime if done for the reason she is accused.
    What ever she is still hounded by the gang And I feel bad about that for her

  7. Marty says:

    Those hate emails Could have been a complaint about driving to Eugene For visits or having to take care of problems that daddy ignored or never existed except in DY head
    Until there is proof she wrote these emails herself I don’t see the point of calling them hate emails

  8. erose says:

    It has been stated by Blink that Kyron looked like other children in the school. What if Matthews thought that Kyron was someone else.

    From behind, I could not tell him from another student- I have to believe that was a factor in witness accounts retroactively, however, since then I have viewed other images of the “look alike” and I would not mistake them from the front. The other issue is that the other young boy was with parents.

  9. Marty says:

    I see on TV (LoL) all the time by so called experts that a step parent should step back and let the bio parent
    Deal with the problems of the child Sounds reasonable to me.

  10. erose says:

    @Rose, wrt twitter of Linda M, who are the parents of the twins?

  11. erose says:

    @MBS< I think Rose and TRuth nailed it. You know the system better than all of us, do you know of any other person/position who could have contributed, or was negligent?

  12. Marty says:

    @ MBS
    I know very little about school policy but common sense says call home or call and check if the child is
    Not in class Don’t guess When mine were teens skipping I was getting calls
    At work It was good. The kids were not happy but I was Soon they stayed in class

  13. Marty says:

    @MBS it makes me wonder how James skipped as often as he claimed with out Terri getting calls all the time

  14. Rose says:

    erose, she has children.
    iirc Mengel = marriage 2
    someone correct me, but
    I don’t want to put out
    unrelated names. Interesting she
    followed TH’s name change outcome.

  15. erose says:

    @Malty, Great point. Just because the alleged emails may have come from TH’s computer, does not mean TH wrote them. BTW, love your Nixon story, I LOLed.

  16. erose says:

    Blink, So my take away is EM knew it was Kyron.

    I can’t certify that- I don’t know.

  17. cd says:

    thatkewlgirl says:
    August 13, 2015 at 9:51 pm

    And I am troubled by the manipulation of James. But that seems to be the norm in his life, so he’s comfortable with it. He probably didn’t get the red flag all of us do from it.
    What if Kaine was gifting JM and being his friendly Stepdad and father of JM’s sister because of something he did not want JM to reveal to JM’s mom, the press or MCSO. If I was someone in MCSO I would be curious about Kaines motives for befriending JM.

  18. thatkewlgirl says:

    @ Marty says:
    August 14, 2015 at 2:24 pm

    Is this “Malty”? Typing style is same… thinking is a typo on login? Or wanted a better quilt pattern? ;)

    Hard for me to keep who is who straight anyway, around here… heh.

  19. thatkewlgirl says:

    @ Marty says:
    August 14, 2015 at 2:18 am

    First I’ve heard about a previous marriage for KH in Shoreline… I thought DY was his first wife.

    I do try to point out when I speak in theory (IMO), as opposed to confirming info without revealing my source. I will try to be more mindful of making the difference.

  20. Marty says:

    I just see Keefer to blame he was the principal If he was on the job that day then he should answer why Kyron went missing from the school on his watch. Then let him blame some one else if he finds his policies
    Were ignored Or mistakes made Unless Keefer appointed some one to be in charge that day
    And most places I ever worked had long boring meetings once a month to review policy and safety
    So even the newest employee knew rules policy and safety
    Lots of handouts Tests on the material Q and A time

  21. Marty says:

    But I never worked in a school

    @ Erose you did such a great job going over the interview of DeDe I was happy
    Dede said she didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for her But I do anyway those sites have said the meanest
    Things about her In the name of Justice for Kyron.

  22. MockingbirdSings says:

    This is an interesting article about different kinds of informants used by police and how they are used by police and prosecutors here.

    Portland Tribune: County DA to play larger role in use of police informants
    Created on Thursday, 13 August 2015 01:00 | Written by Peter Korn
    Multnomah County District Attorney Rod Underhill has assigned Deputy DA Russ Ratto to work with police to help ensure that the right suspects get convicted — and those convictions stick.

    Portland criminal defense attorney Bear Wilner-Nugent says if Underhill is serious about heading off wrongful convictions, the DA might want to clean up the way police use informants.

    Wilner-Nugent two years ago defended Eddie Davis, accused by police of dealing cocaine. Virtually the entire police case, Wilner-Nugent says, consisted of their informant, Glasker Frank Jackson, making a buy from Davis. Jackson was set to testify against Davis except, according to Wilner-Nugent, the original discovery documents he received from prosecutors didn’t even provide the name of the informant. Prosecutors wanted to settle without giving up Jackson’s name.

    Wilner-Nugent eventually was provided Jackson’s name and he sent a private investigator around to Jackson’s listed Southeast Portland home. The house was vacant, with a “For Sale” sign out front. Jackson had moved to Georgia, Wilner-Nugent discovered. Among other things, that put him out of compliance with state laws that require registered sex offenders to notify authorities when they change addresses. Jackson, it turns out, was a registered sex offender, and also possessed a 31-year history of convictions that included alien smuggling and sexual battery.

    When Wilner-Nugent brought all this to the attention of prosecutors, the charges against Davis were dismissed. In addition, the DA agreed to dismiss all pending cases in which Jackson was used as an informant and place Jackson on a list of informants it won’t use anymore.

  23. MockingbirdSings says:

    Article accompanying the one above on informants.

    False confessions: I did it. I did it. Not really.
    Created on Thursday, 13 August 2015 01:00. | Written by Peter Korn

    What both sides can agree on is that false confessions have become one of the most controversial topics in the wrongful conviction debate. Eighteen years ago, Oregon was the site of the nation’s most sensational false confession case, which hinged on a confession the accused claimed had been coerced out of her.

    Kassin has studied the factors that can result in a false confession. Research, he says, has determined that teens and people with mental health problems such as depression are more likely to confess to crimes they didn’t commit. Teens, he says, are by nature more focused on short-term gains than long-term consequences. If that means a confession can get them out of a stressful interrogation room, some will admit to a crime they didn’t commit.

    Interrogations that take many hours, with stress and pressure steadily increasing, sometimes lead to a false confession, Kassin says. In one study, Kassin showed that in 125 cases of false confession, the average length of interrogation was over 16 hours. Nationally, the average interrogation for all suspects is less than two hours.

    When police lie and tell a suspect they have evidence that appears to make the suspect look guilty, a surprising number of innocent people confess, Kassin says.

    Ninety-five percent of false confessions contain facts about the crime that, in theory, only someone involved with the crime could know, according to Kassin. That’s hard to refute in a courtroom.

    “What the judge and jury can’t get past is, ‘How did he know those things?’ “ Kassin says. “Tapes will answer the question how he knew those things.” What the tapes show, according to Kassin, is that police slipped some of those crime details into their interrogations.

    Easy to see why attorneys tell clients not to say anything at all – and why that’s hard to do. The time length given for interrogations was surprising to me in its variation/average.

  24. erose says:

    @Malty, I know you agree with me that Blink did such a great job landing and reporting that interview with DDS. It says a lot that out of
    e v e r y b o d y, DDS thought that Blink would treat her fairly, and of course Blink did just that. I don’t think Blink will get the recognition she deserves for her investigative jounalism unless and until Kyron is found, but I don’t think Blink cares about accolades, she cares about Kyron and children like him. She not really the media, she is an advocate. Thank God.

  25. thatkewlgirl says:

    @ cd says:
    August 14, 2015 at 4:17 pm

    Absolutely! The history of connecting with women who have 7 year olds may not be coincidence IMO… I wonder how old he was when grandpa was known to be diddling within the family…

    I don’t buy the ‘it didn’t happen because he didn’t have symptoms of abuse’… Whose to say how textbook a victim acts when it’s happening inside a secretive family? There were red flags to problems under that roof, and there is no solid reason to point at. Without knowing for sure, it should not be taken off the table, IMO.

  26. Marty says:

    @Erose I never did hear who reached out to who to get that DeDe interview but all anyone has to do is spend a few minutes on any other blog- discussion – forum -FB site To know BOC and our Blink runs the the fairest
    And linked site That is gentle minded and open minded and
    Always looking for truth
    I always feel proud of her and this site :)

  27. Marty says:

    About Dede
    I am not fast to say things about LE or their jobs
    However the sign they made early on with Terri ,the truck and DeDe gave out the wrong message
    Later the video search of her apartment the same deal
    No other search was on video of some ones home unless I missed it
    Then that Noname interview By Media
    The pics of her at grand jury downtown pics of her moving out
    And so on all adds up to a lot of attention for some one who was not a suspect and had a alibi with witness

  28. Marty says:

    @ TKG Thanks because I find it easy to wonder fact from theory sometimes and not just your posts

    But since you do have a little more knowledge of some relationships and people in this case. I feel it is important to read you right You writing style and way of telling stuff is interesting Holds my full attention

  29. Rose says:

    @tkg. if you want to figure the math, (I haven’t), Iirc Topher in print interview said he hadn’t seen his mother since he was 2 when he went to Spokane to see her Wounded. Presumeably that hiw old he was when tge Hormans did a bunk on their spoyses and kept their kids. So get his birthdate generally, and Kristian & Kaine’s. See the age diff between them & Christopher, and add that diff to age 2. And if grandpa molested Kristian, what about Neil?

  30. Marty says:

    Makes my blood boil to think of a teen in there 16 hrs or a person with health problems
    Sounds like abuse There should be two hr breaks and 6-8 total time For those people
    And food water pop cigarettes if they smoke
    Thanks for the post about it

  31. Rose says:

    Thinking best face on the temporary Kaine-James chats & home stays.
    James would want to be with someone who shated his activities, life events, wveryday life, & memories of Kyron.
    The only available shared person he coukd “remember the beother” with is/wasKaone.
    Terri coukd not talk with her son wrt shared memories & feelings about Kyron. First anything she says to him is subject to subpiena & depo. Second, he’s shown immaturity, poor judfment, & loose lips over time. The only shared memories and history he can share is with Kaine. who was there. James knew Kyron like a brother from a wee age.
    Imo that, not money, was the real seduction, and the real tie between Kaine & James after he was 18. Hope stays, shared memories, after 18 would be appropriate & helpful to both.

    The problem is apparently how horman went about it. allegedly surreptitiously, sneakily, divisively, teaching lying to wives, lying to women, rebellion & lack of trust in mother. what a terrible role model for a confused young man. No reason in the world Kaine couldn’t say I’d like to have you visit on leaves, but let your mother know, and equal time to her. For her participation & support, imo remember Kristin’s mother has had at least 4 husbands and posted a couple years ago on the batchelor how about batchelorettes looking for love over 55 as she was, and Kristin is a multiple marriage gal herself foundering looking for love on twitter when Kaine moved her in and forged a family.

  32. Rose says:

    I have the typo sorries.
    2train rides yesterday for 11 hrs,
    then 9 hr drive in rain
    & bed at530 am
    up to move kid into college apt at 8 am &
    still erranding, even now.

    so imo the next topic will spark when Desiree goes into Fall search mode.
    I’m starting to wonder if there’s more psychologically to searching activity for her.

    you’d think Terri would be the search trigger girl.
    and kids of Eileen & tamara.

  33. Malty says:

    @ Rose Are you still on Amtrack.
    Anyway that site Montered by the family has a post and lots of comments about how sweet new mommy is
    But not a word about needing a service dog or donations. In case you have time to scroll down
    To the pic of Kyron and baby K
    So I looked at some others of kind. Not one word

  34. Houndog says:

    It is curious to me why DY has never, to my knowledge, brought up the possibility that KH’s confirmed steroid involvement could have anything to do with Ky’s disappearance, being fed/mislead by LE or not. Especially given the apparent disconnect between the bios. That being said, I don’t want to speculate publicly as to possible reasons why, out of respect to a hurting mom.

  35. Rose says:

    4 more hours to go malty, driving 3rd leg of triangke.
    trip has taken Amtrak & 3 used cars.
    Nothing new on the investigation has been announced by anyone….

  36. erose says:

    @Houndog, That’s just the thing that is so confusing about how TH is being treated. What if she is a hurting mom as well? Not only is Kyron gone, missing, out of her life, but so is Kitty and apparently KH was working on the alienation of James. Until it is determined who did this, it would seem all four parents deserve equal respect, sympathy and understanding.

    Houndog says:
    August 16, 2015 at 4:26 pm
    snip>….That being said, I don’t want to speculate publicly as to possible reasons why, out of respect to a hurting mom.

  37. Rose says:

    @Houndog. Unlike DDS, Desiree had and has no direct personal knowledge of KH’s steroid use, and at the time of kyron’s abduction, mcso had no direct personal kniwledge. Only Houze had the physical evidence. The prior interview was old business, like Terri’s DUI.

  38. Rose says:

    It occurs to me if Kaine engaged in more-than-parental-alienation with kiara (mommie is RO’d & effectively dead),
    and parental alienation behaviors with James (imo if true after 18, imo it did not start with age 18, but started at least when pubertal development began), then who wants to bet against Kaine having engaged in same alienating behaviors with Kyron such that IF Kyron was acting out with Terri, KH set the stage and got secondary gain imo.

  39. Rose says:

    Well, the site the Davidsons posted they read and approve continues
    to link and lather up at Terri & DeDe jointly.

  40. T. Ruth says:

    Rose says:
    August 17, 2015 at 6:35 pm

    Errr, that we know of anyways. We simply don’t know who knew what and who was doing what or whom or when. Not trying to be cryptic, we just have zero answers to these sorts of questions or accusations one way or another.

  41. T. Ruth says:

    @erose says:
    August 14, 2015 at 1:04 am

    Great post and explanations. Agree 100%.

    erose says:
    August 14, 2015 at 2:11 am

    Re-read part 1 of the Spicher interview, and it is clear that the steroids were creating problems in the Horman house due to KH’s personality change, and that the detective TH trusted with the information and to keep her complaint anonymous could not be trusted.


    To this day erose, I wonder why Det. Lee Gosson was removed from the case. Have zero idea whether this has anything to do with it, but how does one go from being named “lead detective” on a case as monumental as this one and suddenly disappearing without so much as a mention? I do recall that WW actually thought to mention that little tidbit of info, when NOT ONE OTHER media outlet did. So why is that? Is it possible that Gosson was the officer that contacted TMH after her alleged reporting of the steroid dealer? IDK, but it’s curious and it makes sense. (FWIW, not saying Gosson did anything wrong or had anything to do with KY’s disappearance, but seriously, what happened here and where did he go?):

    ” Fitting Portland’s more self-effacing style, the Kyron investigation has no publicly recognized spokesperson. Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Staton’s shop is nominally in charge of the investigation, but the painfully shy sheriff rarely takes the microphone, preferring to delegate speaking duties to a rotating cadre of command staff. The lead investigator, Sheriff’s Sgt. Lee Gosson, has never even spoken publicly on the case. Despite its low-key style and the fact it’s a relatively small agency, insiders say any suspicion that MCSO could mishandle the case is groundless—it has help from other members of the East County Major Crimes Team, which includes some of the most seasoned detectives in the region. The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office is also involved in steering the investigation; the person in that office who puts in the most hours on the case is Chief Deputy District Attorney Norm Frink, who likewise has made no public appearances. ”

  42. Malty says:

    @Rose I don’t know where you go by car and Amtrack but we are having a ral heat wave across the nation this week and fires So drink your needed water
    I just find it odd the admin does not know about the service dog or the needed donations. But do know how close new mommy and little K are. Guessing again ?
    I spent some search time on KH and HS One place he grad in 1996 the other in 1992 Then went to WU
    And the Neil – kristi So did both have boys and combined or what. Suppose to be 4 boys. According to the Obit
    Of Richard Neil Horman. It seems mighty hard to understand For me

  43. erose says:

    The most recent searches are for incriminating evidence against TH. Wonder what it is she thinks they will find.

  44. Malty says:

    In so many cases one parent forces the other to play bad parent and do all the No No and. Correction
    So they can look like the good parent and let the child do anything and have anything they want
    But maybe all that is going on is some overdue bonding between a 18 yr guy and the guy he knew as dad
    And little sister

  45. erose says:

    @Blink, Any truth to RSE getting his landscaping supplies at Sleepy Ridge Farm?

    riverpearl says:
    October 3, 2010 at 6:55 pm

    ” Also next weekend, there will be a fund raising event for the Kyron Horman Foundation at the Sleepy Ridge Farm in Mulino, Ore. That weekend-long event will begin at 9 am both Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 9 & 10. Half of the take from sales of plants and trees will go to the foundation to support the effort to find Kyron. It’s called “Trees of Hope for Kyron”.

    Tuesday, September 28, 2010
    BREAKING NEWS – Alternate Theories EXCLUSIVE
    “Rudy Sanchez”, the alleged landscaper in the alleged murder for hire plot against Kaine Horman, his landscape business purchases their nursery stock from Sleepy Ridge Farms – the same nursery that is hosting the fraudulent fundraiser for “Kyron searches” in october. Victor & Tracy Elbert, owners of Sleepy Ridge Farms, are good friends with Kaine Horman.


    by Diamond Lil » Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:47 am

    The Elberts do not have any relation to anyone involved in the Horman case but this is not the first time they have been touched by a child’s disappearance. Ashley Pond, who disappeared January 9, 2002 was in the same sixth grade class as the Elbert’s son and some of Tracy’s friends had daughters who were on the same dance team as Miranda Gaddis, who disappeared two months later.

    The Elberts helped distribute missing persons flyers for both girls before Ward Weaver was arrested for their murders. Weaver is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

    “That case was very close to home and this case hits home as well,” Tracy said. “We just felt that we wanted to help. This is an opportunity to keep Kyron’s face out there.”

  46. Rose says:

    One speculatively asks, if there’s significant parental
    alienation behavior with k and J, such that there is
    likelihood with K, what’s the ultimate parental alienation
    act with another child from his 2 mothers?

  47. Rose says:

    6 month old “therapy” dog when a teen needed so much more, apparently.
    It seems there are seizure dogs
    this and that dogs
    k9 dogs
    I saw K9s on Amtrak last week (train & station).
    I saw K9s around a Fed bldg (perhaps fbi) in DC last week.
    Human handlers of K9s in both sites seemed doofuses.

    I’m ready to start a nonprofit addressing
    protect dogs from user human enterprise orgs.

  48. cd says:

    erose says:
    August 17, 2015 at 11:53 pm
    The most recent searches are for incriminating evidence against TH. Wonder what it is she thinks they will find.
    Even if they find (what they think is ) evidence it will probably not be used by LE for anything because of who found it. Evidence found about TH by a group of people who are not neutral and out to get TH any way they can would never hold up in court even if LE accepted it as evidence.
    What a waste money time and effort.

  49. erose says:

    @TRuth, And you also have to wonder if Gosson was a white hat and the black hats needed him outta there.

  50. erose says:

    TRuth, I am bumping you.

    T. Ruth says:
    July 27, 2013 at 11:20 am
    At least in 2002, it appears Lee Gosson was head of the Multnomah County Child Abuse Team, it’s weird, that if MCSO thinks Terri somehow abused Kyron that he did not remain on the lead of Kyron’s case. Hmmmm? Wait a minute, this was from a PPB announcement, is Gosson former PPB?

    This Press Conference, was announced on July 22, 2010 and slated for July 27, 2010 and supposed to include Gosson and Moore, there to answer questions:

    The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office would also like to announce that a press conference is scheduled for Tuesday July 27, 2010 at the Hanson Building located at 12240 NE Glisan Portland, Oregon. The exact time for this press conference will be announced by Friday July 23, 2010.
    Present at this conference will be Chief Deputy Tim Moore and Lead Investigator of the Kyron case Sgt. Lee Gosson. The purpose of this press conference will be to provide an update of the case.

    but….Gosson did not attend:

    Good afternoon, I am Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office Captain Monte
    Reiser. Joining me today is Chief Deputy Tim Moore, Kyron’s Mother,
    Desiree Young, Father Kaine Horman and Stepfather Tony Young

    So, I’m wondering is this when Gosson left the picture sometime between July 22 and July 27 and O’Donnell took over?

    T.Ruth- excellent question. I did not realize Reiser and Moore were right up in it. I dunno when O’Donell took over but I do know that he lacks the specific training for such a case, imo.

    Firstly- I apologize to T.Ruth for not weighing in on her compelling post. The first born is in the new academic nest and it has been a very long day. I suck at embracing independence for my children- and you all know that. I am hopeful to improve. I want to say I recall some online post that referenced Gosson obtusely- as he was released or removed from the case after 5 mos. That said, I concur that to my knowledge- he is not on the LE roster I am aware of- and I believe Rose posted the most current budget to include same.

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