Kyron Horman Missing: New Years Eve Settlement Ends Horman Marriage

Portland, OR- In a surprise court hearing,  Judge Henry Kantor signed off on the agreement between Kaine Horman and Terri Moulton Horman to end their marriage this afternoon.

Details of the agreement have not been released publicly, but according to KGW,  a financial settlement to include child support and a lump payment to Terri Horman has been reached.

In what can only be described as a bitter family court feud-  the divorce matter was last in court on December 16th to decide if the Horman landscaper,  Rodolfo Sanchez Estrada -who alleges Terri Horman tried to hire him to murder Kaine Horman at a lunch meeting – would testify.

Judge Kantor has not yet filed an order from that hearing but Attorneys for Terri Horman were granted a continuance from the pending temporary custody motion scheduled for December 19th and 20th.



BOC Associate Editor Tarin Kenley contributed to this report.




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  1. Rose says:

    At about 2:48 Young embarks on a lengthy list of evidence against Terri. She says LE told her directly Terri failed 3 polys.

    kgw re-publishes what looks to be a Skyped computer-mediated sit down with Desiree:

    In all interviews Young states this interview has grown out of an abject need for money and claims sources who say Kaine’s settlement $ is gone. Of course she needs money; Young’s Army has precluded her from working.

    Desiree’s soundbites

    more bio bites

    just noticed Kaine refers to “a HOST of
    mcso & fbi investigators.” Why don’t Underhill & Staton know about a “host” of investigators on this case?

    It seems Kaine too uses the Army image.
    Def of “host”:

  2. NelMel says:

    Rose says:
    January 20, 2016 at 7:33 pm
    “According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, all children under the age of 13 should ride buckled up in the back seat.”
    Perhaps DY never talked with her kids’ pediatricians?
    apparently she gullibly believed some mcso deputy that this car dna site is evidence?

    I missed DY saying this about DNA.

    True Dat.

    She believes that a child’s DNA left in a car while riding around with a stepmother on errands or to school or to and from doctor’s appointments or shopping trips is “evidence?” Of what? Riding in the car?

    OMG. I need a drink.

  3. MockingbirdSings says:

    In case anyone is unable to see the video, I’m including a summary of what Desiree said – as closely as I can.

    Terri told them what questions were asked when she got back to the house, so they know she heard the questions and they were very direct – she did not deny her hearing difficulty. She told them her timeline didn’t add up when questioned.

    “We” (unspecified who are “we”) know she knows something. In addition to the polygraphs, we have physical evidence that tells us she knows – all the emails that she wrote, all of her GPS information from her phone, her computer, and the photos from the school contradict that article.

    Kyron needs to be found – not doing a photo shoot from People Magazine.

    I hope something helpful to Kyron will come out. She’s welcome to sit down with me and explain herself – she still hasn’t done that.

    I found this interesting – Desiree said Terri doesn’t deserve to call herself Kyron’s mom because she betrayed his trust and his love. She doesn’t deny all she had done to raise him or the in his life since 3 days old, or even say SHE’s his mom and Terri’s a stepmom. She refers to the “kidnapping”.

  4. Malty says:

    They want this woman to talk So they can bitch about her talking
    I see Blink’s post has been removed
    Anyway it is going to be great to have Blink interview Terri Who cares what else happens

  5. erose says:


    Eugene police are asking for the public’s help in finding David Nicholas Temple, a 13-year-old boy.

  6. Malty says:

    @CD Yes what is not to love Kyle I can think of lots not to love about him like he puts his personal opinion above the facts If he ever is out on the street with out a job No tears here he has earned it

  7. Malty says:

    Here I am up before day light to listen to Desiree Young. Talk about hard questions and People paying money
    And she still doesn’t know where Terri was that morning
    Not a thing worth getting up for

    Up at 5am here Malty, sigh

  8. Ode says:

    MockingbirdSings says:
    January 20, 2016 at 1:46 pm
    Nice of him to re-phrase Mr. Horman’s thoughts….

    Right. The very aspect that Engel is compelled to comment speaks volumes.
    Oh yes it does.

    Rose says:
    January 20, 2016 at 1:55 pm
    …He makes this public charge having never heard that from LE, he’s said himself.
    Glad Hernandez & not Bernstein gets the click bait.

    Kaine. I advise Kaine to make a call to MCSO.
    Good idea.

  9. January says:

    Thanks Rose! :)

  10. Rose says:

    So what was on at 5 am? Personally, not doing that for Desiree. I thot Terri was Friday.

    Many of your questions, Blink, about why bios have/are not advocating to mcso and DA to re-form, re-staff, and refocus the investigation have been answered in spades the last 2 days. The absolutely do not want thit! That, particularly Kaine, revealed they gave no interest in SZ as a focus of the investigation. They do not care how K left the school. Desiree still believes he left with Terri. They both want the investigation to steam ahead and roll right over Terri until the DA agrees to charge her. This DA now reminds me of the one in the Ramsey case, tho he doesn’t go as far as exhonoration. The bios proudly state the current mcso assets continue to move forward building a circumstantial case against Terri.
    thatkewlgirl says:
    January 20, 2016 at 10:19 pm
    Blink: “I wonder- what I have frequently said, how much is her opinion derived out of the fear of the alternative”

    While ordinarily true and mixed in with her motives, imo this is not Desiree’s primary driver. Her primary driver is abject hatred of Terri that strays into psychotic thinking about her imo. It is a psychological defense imo without which psychotic thinking might generalize into other aspects of her life
    I don’t think DY has this level of reasoning capacity or intelligence–just an assessment, not snark:
    “I truly believe right now Desiree absolutely KNOWS there is no way if TH had any involvement she would be speaking out publicly in the first place.

    You absolutely may be right. It seems to me that DY is indicating some things I have read on this Facebook which lists the name, number and email address of Levi Yandell , a Multnomah County Detective. Considering Mr. Yandell would not likely ask the public to solicit leads by anyone other than himself- it certainly does appear you have a currently assigned detective with some very strong opinions about Horman and I dare say- yours truly. Looks like that abolition of the first amendment is pretty high on the priority list though, lol. Disclosing proprietary technology use in the case might seem like a waiver to exemptions from FOIA to some…

    The 5AM thing was just my inability to turn off the engine, ya know? That and crazytown told me I should expect to be charged with Kyron’s murder and then quickly deleted it. As predicted, the hater crater was like a bunch of rats jumping off the pier and I am apparently not the voice of reason to veer their path I thought I could be. I am aware of what is on the other half of that interview- it is going to get worse.


  11. Rose says:

    my rewrite: They absolutely do not want that! They, particularly Kaine, revealed they have no interest in SZ…

  12. Rose says:

    @cd. Further discrediting of Kyle is Soldier’s Start-up FB Fan Club.
    He’s a jokester, but a shark.

  13. Rose says:

    Can an enlightened Oregonian list the program name and time, Oregon time, what national TV interviews were on today or are on tomorrow?

    Unfortunately Terri’s was apparently prerecorded, and Desiree has been radio wave surfing with a bucket list of “evidence” Terri or her attorney will someday have to refute, as I believe Underhill will succumb to political-social-religious pressurers. Examples: car dna, emails. At first I believed Terri would need to address these ie emails in her interviews. Now I think that a very bad plan. Desiree serves as a surrogate DA to the public punching out the evidence. If Terri responds, it will in part reveal her defence, aiding the DA.

    What her interviews do for the DA is allow him to size up her defenses, her demeanor, her believeability, and how reasonable persons (nirmative jurors) respond to her, a great boost to her prosecution.

    I agree that can be a tactic in certain cases, but no way in the world would Houze ever agree to that strategy, imo.

    The very fact Houze has let her do this suggests he has judged charges will be filed before the upcoming election, boosting his support. She cannot talk at trial, so she has to talk now to get “her side” and persona out there.

    imo she needs to focus not on the investigation, or her activities that day, no emails, but on Kyron, what she did with him day by day, what he meant to her, his special needs, how she went about solving them in the absence of his mother, his school adjustment that year, and the reasons for the confirmed doctor’s appointment.

  14. Rose says:

    I suggest the bios have been told the DA is very close to filing charges, and Desiree has been trying to push him into that final act. I suggest he will file 2-3 months before election day. Thus imo Houze is getting who Terri is out there now in a way he cannot at trial.

  15. T. Ruth says:

    Desiree wonders why Kyron’s DNA was in the back of a Horman vehicle? Does she mean the bed of the truck? If it were me, I’d be more concerned if Kyron’s DNA didn’t show up in the vehicles, that would indicate some sort of cleanup. Sheesh, and her husband is a cop?

    And why does Kaine Horman think he is MCSO’s mouthpiece? “MCSO is waiting for you”, WTH does that mean? I seriously doubt MCSO wants Terri to take yet another LDT. What is he thinking? And yes Engle’s translation of Mr. Horman’s comments is very interesting. Why is he being protected?

    I can’t wait to see the whole interview tomorrow and look forward to more here as well!

    Interesting to note that this time around, DY doesn’t tell the reporter that the statement Terri made about Kyron being in her life since day 3 of his own is BS, like she did before.

    Exactly how did that work anyway? Did DY say, here Kaine, you take him, he’s yours so I don’t want any part of him? Did Kaine just say, I’m taking my 3-day-old son to my mistress and walk out the door?

    Someday, the truth of all this is going to come out and I just pray it helps find Kyron.

    In listening to TMH’s comment about I just wished I’d kept him home that day. It’s apparent that whatever happened, she believes would not have happened on any other day, such as the following Monday school day. Was that due to the science fair going on? Or was it due to circumstances that had been put in motion that could not have happened on any other day but that one? IDK, but it’s interesting. I’m still scratching my head about the 6 hours, Kyron was last seen inside that school at 9:45? That contradicts MCSO entirely.

    I hope and pray this ignites something in this case.

    Agreed. When I saw the DNA comment I realized even she is having trouble justifying such nonsense. If either vehicle contained relevant evidence it would never have been released.

  16. T. Ruth says:

    I don’t go to these sites often, and I missed this. I’m guessin’ this is directed at you Blink?

    The Kyron Horman Case: Turning of The Tide.
    January 15 at 9:48pm · Portland ·

    ****************URGENT NOTICE************

    I want to share a few things with you that are known facts to me. Kyron’s abduction is not a cold case. There is an ambitious and relentless detective actively working on it day and night along with an FBI agent and other hired agencies who specialize in researching and analyzing every online detail of those with possible involvement ,their connections as well as people who have been used as surrogate voices for perpetrators involved. The FBI’s CART team just received a new GUI-based program that’s called iLook. I assure you nothing online is anonymous. Things are happening behind the scenes.

    Nothing goes un-noticed not even the defamation of character of a Medford Detective by a person who never bothered to cross check her source. I have verifiable reason to believe this source has a serious problem telling the truth. The person who defamed and lied about this detective knows her source is a known liar. Do not think for one minute that won’t be dealt with. To be more specific, this Medford man never abused his authority to influence custody. The person who published this lie will soon be asked to prove it which could result in revealing her source.

  17. cd says:

    ose says:
    January 20, 2016 at 11:36 pm

    True, you’re right of course.
    Nightline & ABC sure beat Dr Phil and Oprah.
    Soldier is drumrolling Dr Phil to feature Kyron &
    hus mama again. Perhaps she lacks an income
    & ran thru the last Phil $.
    I don’t think Phil issuing to be interested in any show which does not include Terri and Terri is not going to go on any show with SG or DY.

    The person that the national news is interested in is interviewing is Terri they already know what DY and and the hater crater’s have to say.

  18. T. Ruth says:

    DY: “She left with him, she knows where he’s at.”

    Well at least DY is consistent.

  19. Rose says:

    Off in search of whether he’s in the 2 leadership synagogues (Rackner/Goldschmidt’s or Bernstein’s), I stumbled on the MCSO Detective who builds cases on digital footprints:
    “Detectives were able to trace the IP address used to post the ads to Flom’s neighbor, who told detectives that his wireless internet was not password protected.
    While the victim sought help from police shortly after the strange men started showing up at her door, it took months for detectives to follow the “digital footprints,” Yandell said.”

    One of those SAR Coomand level 5 coordinators. Hired 1.5 yrs before abduction and in need of rapid advancement to “Detective” in 2010:
    No wonder mcso screwed up ping publicity.

    watch on (derivation google, don’t kniw how to link) wet behind ears. now grown a beard. looks a little older.
    ORCOPS – TIP o Portland/Vancouver | Facebook
    Facebook › story › orcops › videos

    With little job, life, or marital experience, MCSO found just the right employee imo to bring it home for the bios.

    I’ve realized in Oregon his first name is more likely Mormon etiology than Jewish.

    No idea- could you imagine if TH was involved, and this dude’s very clear opinion and postings come into court? As I recall the CIA just paid out some $100K award to a criminal because of a similar circumstance. Different case, attacking creds? Unreal.

  20. T. Ruth says:

    Desiree hopes the new resources(?), will “bring us closer to Terri”. Odd that she doesn’t say *bring us closer to finding Kyron*. (Actually I guess it’s not odd, based on her past statements.

  21. cd says:

    Malty says:
    January 20, 2016 at 4:24 pm
    lOL just went to see what the Soldier was saying
    She is begging everyone to get ahold of Nancy Grace. I guess she doesn’t know about Steven Avery and how into it Nancy is with his mom interviews today. The Soldier is so wrapped up in herself She may lose her hero status
    Oh I wish
    I don’t think NG will take on Kyrons case because the evidence that SG sites either is meaningless (like Kyrons DNA being found in Kaines truck which he probably rode in all the time) , the evidence they talk about is how some looks, or the evidence that SG touts is non-exsistant made up lies and rumors to keep her followers following. Also Terri is not even a person of interest in the case.

  22. cd says:

    Rose says:
    January 21, 2016 at 11:26 am

    The very fact Houze has let her do this suggests he has judged charges will be filed before the upcoming election, boosting his support. She cannot talk at trial, so she has to talk now to get “her side” and persona out there.
    As long as Kaine thinks Kyron is alive what would they charge Terri with?
    You can charge murder with no body but people have to believe that Kyron is deceased. They could charge her with helping someone Kidnap Kyron but they don’t have a suspect to say there was a kidnap.

    When LE goes to trial with no body usually there is usually some sort of violence against the victim bloody weapon, bullets blood stains in the home past incidences of abuse but in Kyrons case there is none.

    LE probably knows she would get off and then they could never try her again. I also think that even if they found Kyron and he was deceased they still would not have enough evidence. But then depending on the cause of death LE might try.

    They really need to give Terri immunity if they are ever going to find out what they think she knows. I think LE does not do that because they don’t believe she knows anything.


  23. Rose says:

    @TRuth. I believe her actual spoken interview word was “car” not truck or vehicle.
    Suggesting Desiree thinks Terri moved him in her car at some point.

    And I thought she said “her vehicle because I remember thinking- does she mean hers or kaines? I do think she meant the car however.

  24. Malty says:

    I have mixed feelings maybe Terri should now just fade away into silence again nothing is going get thru to Desiree
    Or the people who are so sure she did something to Kyron I think LE and the Da have always known where she was if they wanted her to come in and I think she would have if asked
    This was nice to hear from her and a interview would be nice but what has it changed not a thing
    Kyron is still being put last

    LE and the DA and frankly Kaine, as well as a handful of court appointed professionals have always known where she was. As she an obligor, she must file that info, which is protected by an order, however.

    I wish like hell someone would ask Desiree or Kaine the tough questions- I think that may be coming.

  25. Rose says:
    “T. Ruth says:
    January 21, 2016 at 12:05 pm
    I don’t go to these sites often, and I missed this. I’m guessin’ this is directed at you Blink?

    The Kyron Horman Case: Turning of The Tide.
    January 15 at 9:48pm · Portland ·

    ****************URGENT NOTICE************

    I want to share a few things with you that are known facts to me. Kyron’s abduction is not a cold case. There is an ambitious and relentless detective actively working on it day and night along with an FBI agent and other hired agencies who specialize in researching and analyzing every online detail of those with possible involvement ,their connections as well as people who have been used as surrogate voices for perpetrators involved. The FBI’s CART team just received a new GUI-based program that’s called iLook. I assure you nothing online is anonymous. Things are happening behind the scenes.”

    TY TRuth. I don’t sign into FB so couldn’t view firsthand. I did google an old page which advertised Yandell last Oct.
    I focus on the “ambitious and relentless” detective characterization. I fully agree those are his credentials. And maybe the DA liked & suggested him for his digital work in convicting the sex case whose O url I published. He was 30 & a new hire when K was abducted. Clearly this FB Admin does not want the abductor apprehended. She wants Terri successfully prosecuted and conveys Yandell is determined to do that.
    Of course the reference is to Blink mentioning Tony used his credentials to ascertain information about Quinn relevant to custody. That could be as benign as mentioning to a guidance counselor he’s a Medford Officer; doesn’t mean flashing a badge. But this in the know admin conveys she kniws the incident, the subject matter, and mist of all Blink’s Source. So, where there’s smoke, there was fire. everytime Tony gave a video or print interview about his cases, I learned all I needed to know for me to judge his competence in my own opinion. Sounds like this Admin is more concerned about Tony than Kyron. I agree Blink, publishing the name of a proprietary software local FBI acquisition is unusual; probably used to target local Oregon Muslim “terrorists” online. Anyone on the internet knows nothing is anonymous. Honest people don’t care, except when Desiree’s Army stalks people like vwoolf or grasshopper.

    Maybe, but MCSO has NO INTEREST in naming the detective and there can be zero doubt he is aware of it as leads were appearing on the page.
    There were a handful of Medford detectives sitting on Hormans porch while the woman was being dragged in and out of interviews.

    Bottom line, Terri also met Levi.

  26. T. Ruth says:

    No matter which vehicle, it’s a ridiculous statement. Even if DNA found in the bed of the pickup, so what? One sweaty sneaker, one empty soda can could have Kyron’s dna on it. Even it were Kyron’s blood, one skinned knee or toe climbing into the pick up….so what?

    Actually, when I listened to that interview, I didn’t hear her say that, but the write up says she said that. Who knows?


    I was just thinking about why Engle would insert himself in this mess and offer a more reasonable response from Mr. Horman…….

    Is it possible that the whole MFH thing was fabricated by Ms. Rackner and Mr. Horman; you know just trying to do everything to help LE? If so, their law firm would have it’s butt on the line and have to do everything within their power to hide the truth?

    Just a thought.

    That FAPA order was sought in bad faith, period. It is my understanding that Rackner did face a bar complaint in this case and was dealt with privately but it is the reason she never signed another motion or spoke in court. She was ill at the time and in this high profile of a case it is my experience the bar likes this quiet.

  27. T. Ruth says:

    Who would ask them the tough questions? I’d love to see it also, but who? Funny WW still is not reporting on this, even though over 5 years ago, they were anxious to speak with Terri and were one of the few who actually did.

    And I wish when DY suggested Terri just needs to answer the “tough questions”, that the reporter would have at least said “such as what?”

    I’d bet my bottom dollar that Terri answered more questions than DY ever was even asked.

  28. T. Ruth says:

    This is all interesting, but I gotta run today. Can’t wait to see the whole interview tomorrow. Is it going to be on GMA in the morning AND on Nightline, or is it two different portions of the interview being aired? Anyone know?

    I could be wrong but I think the Nightline interview is a live one.

  29. T. Ruth says:

    And didn’t Engle say he somehow found RSE on his own?

  30. Rose says:

    Gosh, alalysing the content of this escaped me. not a flash in the pan, but a big Constitutional Liberty Interest (privacy) deal. Where is Snowden?

    “every online detail of those with possible involvement ,
    ***their connections***
    (sounds like Dede, her attorney, friends, acquaintances, relatives;
    Terri, lawyers & employees & associates, family, friends, employers)

    ***as well as people who have been used as surrogate voices ****

    for perpetrators involved. The FBI’s CART team just received a new GUI-based program that’s called iLook.
    I assure you nothing online is anonymous. Things are happening behind the scenes.”

    So the local FBI Office has acquired software this knowledgeable case insider says will be and is being used
    on ordinary people’s internet activity who Det Yandell and his colleagues “suspicious” without any probable cause?
    That’s an illegal use of govt resources. Do they justify it by the Patriot Act? I thought Portland was “liberal.” Why is Wyden et al turning a blind eye? Oh, I forgot he lives in NYC.

    I’m gonna look up that OR Congressman who made such a fine statement about Malheud.

    Welcome back Rose, LOL! I knew you missed some of that initially, LOL- I was like- where is my “rabid Rose” on Govt issues?

  31. erose says:

    DY places all responsibility for Kyron’s safety on TH. (video) No mention of the school. Accuses TH of fraud. Claims MCSO investing resources into forensics. Claims TH did interview for $, though this is the only point that article follows up on and is refuted by People.

  32. Rose says:

    Dem Rep Earl Blumenaur,
    quoted in O Editorial,

    “Blumenauer issued a pungent call to any who suffered the impression Bundy and his crowd were upright folks exemplifying a new American individualism. Blumenauer wrote: “This occupation involves a small group of militants — I would call them terrorists — who decided using threats of violence will somehow change federal law instead of using the democratic process that was created out of our Revolutionary War.” It is doubtful Finicum, Bundy or any of their cohorts understand that the Revolutionary War models nothing for them other than the use of rifles.”

    Don’t think he’d be in favor of “aggressive” MCSO directing the turning of FBI proprietary tools on general Oregon or American citizenry without probable cause and a warrant.

  33. Rose says:

    The below Sounds like vwoolf, grasshopper, TKG, and many others to me.
    ***as well as people who have been used as surrogate voices **** for perpetrators involved.”

    This is rather shocking. I do not doubt the Author, who sounds like an employee in the LE field.
    No “perpetrator” has even been named as a “person of interest,” so how can the local FBI Office turn sophisticated “anti-terrorism” software generally on Americans they suspect intend to liblically defend Terri?
    This is scandelous and needs aWaPost or NYTimes investigation of the IT investigatory practices of the local OR Field Office using this case as a focus.
    —As for Tony, in many interviews dating to 2010 he accused Terri on camera of being the perpetrator while he was identified as a detective. How is that anything but what it is?

    Oh its legit alright.

  34. T. Ruth says:

    Before I take off, the reason I was asking about when the second GJ was convened, is:

    Is it possible the 2nd grand jury was called in because they were inquiring about a different person of interest in this case, than they were in the first? We have no idea who went before, or perhaps, more interestingly, who didn’t go before, the second grand jury, other than DDS. So, I’m curious as to the timing.

    No. the focus of the 2nd grand jury was definitely Terri Horman. Unequivocally she was the target. They did abandon the mfh by then.

  35. Malty says:

    @Truth I almost never go to that turning tide site I have no idea who runs it or care
    So this morning I was there and read the same post about a Medford cop must have been about the same time as you. I made it my last read because it sounded so crazy No one has been saying any things about a Medford cop
    I have read except his accusing Terri If not Terri who
    Are we sick of these crazies yet Threats and lies

  36. Rose says:

    Unfortunately, I suspect ACLU Portland is supported by the political-social ilk whose vested interests seem to be to put Terri away rather than find SZ and Kyron’s outcome.
    Wasn’t Eldon ACLU-active?
    Yes, he was recently hired by the ACLU to fight a Portland community police officer’s “secret list.”
    That Court case is dirsctly on point about what accountability shoukd exist in the MCSO Horman investigation process.

    The place anyone with Facebook can send the mcso-Young Horman case insider’s post of the local mcso & fbi field office’s intended use of propriety software is

  37. T. Ruth says:

    Rose says:
    January 21, 2016 at 1:25 pm

    “Anyone on the internet knows nothing is anonymous. Honest people don’t care, except when Desiree’s Army stalks people like vwoolf or grasshopper.”


    Me, I don’t care what they use, if they can ferret out the answer to this little man’s disappearance so be it. Just hope they’re not wasting their time digging behind the wrong scenes. Someone knows what’s happened to this little guy. Where is Kyron?

  38. Rose says:

    In selfdefense, I coukdn’t access it til TRuth brought it over.
    thanks, TRuth.

  39. Rose says:

    It seems to me based on that FB Admin’s post, he is aware of a “secret list” developed by the MSCO-FBI retiree, and LE Contractors they manage, or mcso is using a list supplied by the bios and associates, of persons believed to be “supporters” in print, friends and assocuates, of “unnamedperoetratorS, in a crime with no oerson of Interest.

    Like the Myers-Eldon-ACLU case, there is no way to know if your name is on the list of people on whom FBI proprietary software is being targeted in a criminal investigation such that its use can be challenged.
    Kewl and vwoolf might write the ACLU with this quote and ask for an investigation.

  40. Rose says:

    PS Blink. My interest isn’t engaged so much by Govt issues in Oregon but by the defense of ordinary Constitutional rights and American values for ordinary people, and contempt for those who violate them–like the Bundys are doing now.
    That’s why I was very surprised Eldon accepted Desiree as a client.

    I so admire that at its core, but you are brilliant at distilling such issues and pointing a compass. ( blink signifies unworthy bow).

  41. erose says:

    @TRuth, Call this gossip because I now cannot remember if this was an interview, an article or a comment, but I thought TH watched Kyron from age 3 DAYS (and Quinn) while DY was at work. Then KH got the custody at age 3 YEARS.

  42. Ode says:

    On the site that Blink linked earlier

    Someone posted a copy of a list of e-mails attributed to Terri and several of the addresses were a form of roja-ardilla stating she used these before Kyron went missing. Who has access to this kind of information. Of course the ones like lewd conduct were the focas of the post not roja-ardilla.

  43. Ode says:

    correction..focus not focas.

  44. Tiny says:

    You’d have a field day in Portland.
    Last year on one of our many trips to the beach, Ron Wyden was doing a little campaigning and he happened to be at the same place we had stopped for lunch. He’s got some amazingly long legs but other than that all I could think of was….what? NYC is not good for the Fourth of July?

  45. meg says:

    I feel like I need to take a week off and start at the beginning reading through everything.

    Referencing the posts above it wouldn’t surprise me if Kaine did fabricate the MFH. At the beginning of the investigation I had so munch sympathy for him. But as more of his life style choices have been revealed. And reading his posts/seeing his interviews. There is something really off with him.

    In regards to DY I can’t take anything she says with any truth to it. I think she is emotionally unstable so she can’t actually comprehend truth. She hears and believes what she wants to. It is just really sad.

    I really honestly believe Terri has been the most forthcoming in regards to this investigation. I am not sure whether or not charges being brought against her would help or hurt the investigation

    agreed, Meg

  46. cd says:

    T. Ruth says:
    January 21, 2016 at 12:05 pm
    I don’t go to these sites often, and I missed this. I’m guessin’ this is directed at you Blink?

    The Kyron Horman Case: Turning of The Tide.
    January 15 at 9:48pm · Portland ·

    ****************URGENT NOTICE************

    I want to share a few things with you that are known facts to me. Kyron’s abduction is not a cold case. There is an ambitious and relentless detective actively working on it day and night along with an FBI agent and other hired agencies who specialize in researching and analyzing every online detail of those with possible involvement ,their connections as well as people who have been used as surrogate voices for perpetrators involved. The FBI’s CART team just received a new GUI-based program that’s called iLook. I assure you nothing online is anonymous. Things are happening behind the scenes.
    So could some of the info about posters who disagree with SG come from this GUI iLook and an LE stalker.

  47. Ode says:

    This article by Blink was published two years and 3 weeks ago. That means even after 2 years and 3 weeks after her marriage ended her husband has been able to keep her living daughter away from her and her ex and his ex are still controlling her life after not ever having been accused and given a fair trial to present her side. If Terri died tomorrow (please just an if) where would Desiree direct her focus…would she give up. After 5 1/2 years she does not have any answers, what is her plan B. Please Desiree, I want you to find your son so much and even if Terri was involved, please start executing plan B. Please…I know you may have mentioned Desiree may read hear. Just saying it to her as a mother to a mother…I want you to have answers. What is plan B?

    Can I ask ( and Ode is already on there) that we move to..

    In the next few days, I expect there is going to be an egregious amount of discussion here and it is helpful to keep current comments on the current thread. Does that seem as odd to others as it does to me? I counted Kyron’s articles and comments over the last 5 years today- there are no words.
    Desiree reads here. I am of the understanding Ms. Horman will be addressing Ms. Young’s feedback tomorrow.

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