Dr. Phil Show Hosts Missing Portland Child Kyron Horman’s Step Mom Terri Horman Over Two Episodes

I have been covering this case since Kyron Horman disappeared from Skyline School in June, 2010.    Like most missing persons cases I have covered in the past,  I am of the strong opinion that best efforts at the truth are the only way to propel investigations that, similarly to Kyron’s, have gone cold for one reason or another.   This approach has worked in resolving some of my previous cases.    I am proud of that.  I remain steadfast to the integrity involved in those and future cases.

Over the past 10 months (or so) I have been developing an updated series on Kyron’s case to include my multiple interviews with Kyron’s step-mom,  Terri Horman.   Needless to say as she was the subject of at least three simultaneous cases before an Oregon court and remains a person of interest by the agency investigating her sons disappearance, this has been an arduous and sometimes delicate journey.    Ms. Horman’s experiences during the ongoing investigation of the disappearance of Kyron Horman are critically important to propelling his case and with great hope- finding the truth about what happened to this cherubic and innocent child.    There are dozens of sources,  collateral interviews, forensic experts and legal analysts that also contribute to my series and have done so because of their belief that my motivation is to bring to light information and opinions in such a way that would almost “require” a focused review of Kyron’s case and the likely shaking of that proverbial tree everyone talks about.

Set to publish about 6-ish weeks ago I was asked to postpone the first installment of the series, which I did.  I subsequently learned Ms. Horman was participating in the Dr. Phil program after she completed taping.  Dr. Phils producers were well aware that Ms. Horman had interviewed with me extensively, and anticipated my series would be publishing information that was not known to the public previously in the days prior to her scheduled episode.    When Ms. Horman conveyed to me that she feels obligated to speak out about “her son” in any national medium that will have her,   I most certainly respected that.  I still do.

While Dr. Phil seems like a gregarious fellow for sure,   I have zero interest in being associated with his program, nor do I believe his shows content is designed to do any furtherance of investigation or truth.  There is much concern (although I have no affiliation to the show whatsoever) that the timing of the publication of my series on the Kyron Horman matter might be interpreted differently or inadvertently contribute to the programs content or audience reactions.     Not what I signed on for.   A missing 7 year old boy six years running is not a framework for entertaining a target audience.   He is not fodder for online social media bully campaigns- yet it occurs.

I will be publishing my series on Kyron’s case at a later date, in it’s entirety with no editing adjustments as a result of any of the appearances on Dr. Phil.   I appreciate your patience and your understanding.   Feel free to discuss the show below.


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  1. erose says:

    Looking for the resource officer (whom I also remember as a female newbie) I ran across this. Feeder Schools?


    Skyline School shares its school resource officer with Lincoln High School and its five other feeder schools. Partly because of Skyline’s rural location off Northwest Cornelius Pass Road, the resource officer doesn’t visit the school “very often,” Shelby said.


  2. erose says:

    Who would have thought back in 2010 that we would be here in 2018 still watching paint dry. Remembering that day and all the people who have let Kyron down.


  3. Rose says:

    Each Cluster (HS plus its feeders) has one Youth Division Resource Officer. While responsible for all feeders (eled & middle) in the Cluster, he/she is essentially stationed at the HS. Truancy seems to be a big part of their portfolio. For that they likely go out into the community. It would explain one reason MBS liked G Weatheroy, because a guidance counselor would work closely with the truancy officer. George apparently did volunteer work in schools to which he was not assigned as well.

  4. Rose says:

    T. Ruth says:
    June 4, 2018 at 4:59 pm
    my opinion is some people in this world cannot distinguish truth from fiction.
    They are not lying because they truly believe their statements are true. Then there are those who confabulate.
    One might have a brain injury, F.A.E., some form of dementia, etc.

  5. Rose says:

    Sadly, bingo:


    Suspect in six Arizona shootings attacked victims tied to his divorce, police say

    Absolutely can and has happened unfortunately.

  6. Rose says:

    I’d like to know the name of that
    one PPB Task Force member appointed in 10/10.
    If it was Paul W, Homicide, my concern would be in overdrive.
    Then I’d look to see if his retirement & hiring by DA
    was in the time frame when the Task Force ended.
    In any case it’d be interesting to know.

  7. Rose says:

    ot https://www.google.com/amp/s/heavy.com/news/2018/06/dwight-lamon-jones-wife-connie-family/amp/
    Interestingly, Pitt found anxiety & mood disorders & paranoid thinking.
    Another article said he’d attacked his (ex)wife on social media over the years:
    Facebook, youtube, twitter with various accusations including harm to their son..
    that reminded me of Desiree’s attacks on Terri in multiple MSM interviews, the suit which to me was
    a form of stalking, stalking at her residence, and accusations repeatedly on Facebook. Others have youtubed for her. She has often also referred to her moods and to anxiety (and demonstrated both on camera interviews). As Blink you say, the anxiety and moods likely reflect ptsd typical of bereaved parents with an abducted child but in my opinion also preexisting personality. Where Desiree goes beyond that is her paranoid thinking fixated on Terri and her history of acting on her paranoid thinking to include social media stalking and accusations. In that, she reminds me of Jones.

    I can’t say I disagree that there is previous baggage in play here- to my knowledge PTSD will exacerbate any underlying/previous conditions for sure. I am not sure that I think DY is paranoid per se though- I definitely believe her fixation re Terri’s involvement is from MCSO and continues to be. Honestly I cannot even imagine what it would like and or will like that when and if they will be in a position to tell her they had this wrong all along.

  8. Rose says:

    @TRuth. thank you for the bringing the TF forward. there is one participant from each surrounding jurisdiction tasked with running down leads or info in their own jurisdiction: “consists of one sergeant and three investigators from the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, one FBI agent, and one investigator from Portland Police Bureau, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office, and Oregon State Police. Each of the agencies will pay for their own personnel.”
    There are 2 abutting counties, & PPB also abuts, for mcso’s 3 surrounding local LE bodies, the State for State resources, & the FBI for Federal resources. Seems well-planned but dependent on the quality & professionalism of the Who(s) each jurisdiction relied on.

  9. cd says:


    Kyron’s mother, Desiree Davidson Young, posted a message on Facebook on Monday morning that read, in part, “Stay tuned, something big is coming, I promise you.”

    The sad thing here is that if there was something big (involving LE ) going to happen to Terri regarding Kyrons disappearance DY probably would have been instructed to not say anything about it.

    I believe that she just says this stuff because she thinks if she scares Teri then Teri will do something to reveal herself.

    That may have been a tactic LE told DY to employ. Kaine kind of does the same thing with his talk of new leads and the very active case moving forward every year.

  10. cd says:

    I have a legal question

    Is it true that as long as Kyrons disappearance is an active case then MSCO does not have to share its 50+ binders and $11,000,000(eleven million dollars) worth of impressions with anyone else. But if the case becomes cold then other agency’s could investigate the case using MCSO’s case files? A

    Yes. There are however, exclusions to that, as in, if what is in those files ( or specifically) is necessary to protect the public interest. Which is exactly why if God forbid Kyron’s abductor re offends you will see me on every National News outlet in the country pointing that out.

  11. Rose says:

    from kgw also published elsewhere: “”Stay tuned, something big is coming, I promise you. Terri isn’t going to get away with staying silent about where Kyron is, and not have to answer for it.”
    Note: Desiree’s focus is not on finding Kyron’s person, not on advancing the investigation, not even on making Terri talk any more. The emphasis in this sentence & her objective is “have to answer for it.” When I saw Desiree’s one video interview (Medford station?) recently, I felt she had deteriorated. I believe she is as dangerous to Terri over time as Jones was to those he delusionally believed committed great wrong. Terri having a gun for protection won’t work. This should have been dealt with in 2012, but imo Terri’s family & criminal attorneys were cowards who didn’t want to get shot up someday, just wanted to do their piece of representation in their practice areas and stay in their lanes. The result is no child shared custody and a life in danger.

  12. T. Ruth says:

    erose says:
    June 4, 2018 at 9:36 pm

    I believe what they mean by a “feeder” school are any K-8 schools, whose graduates would be eventually attending Lincoln High. From what I’ve been able to dig up I can see is there was no resource officer at all for that district for some period between after Kyron went missing and 2014. I find that weird, that for some reason the resource officer was removed AFTER Kyron went missing. One would think they’d have added more, not removed what they already had funded. Maybe I’m just not finding the right info, but that’s what I’ve come up with so far.

  13. T. Ruth says:

    Ooops, sorry erose, I meant @erose says.

  14. T. Ruth says:

    I think I was looking at the wrong thing, I was looking at someone from the MCSO who is called a Community Resource Officer. Still trying to find the info on the school resource officer from PPB.

  15. T. Ruth says:

    The reduction of four officer positions in the Youth Services Division has had several impacts.
    First, the School Resource Officer (SRO) was eliminated in the Lincoln High School cluster and
    one of the East Portland Schools SROs was eliminated, thereby limiting youth-related police
    services in the East Portland community. SROs no longer respond to calls on Mondays, leaving
    Precinct patrol to handle all school and youth-related calls for service.
    The division also reduced the Juvenile Runaway Unit by one of two officers assigned to the unit.
    This has doubled the workload and demand on the remaining officer in combination with the an
    overall greater workload due to increased number of missing/runaway juvenile cases.


    Hmmmm, it appears the position was eliminated in 2013/14. And it was reinstated I guess when Officer Stoffel took over in 2016? Anywho, I’m still trying to find out who was the SRO in 2010.

  16. first-time says:

    T. Ruth says:
    June 4, 2018 at 4:59 pm
    None it it make a lick of sense, no matter how you spin it, no matter what mental health issues this family may suffer from. They must read here. Those who counsel them likely do also. It is weird and inexplicable. There is something with these folks that we are all missing. I had hoped for more from this little frog-man’s loved ones. I guess their secrets remain safe.

  17. Rose says:

    That Community liaison officer assigned to the Skyline sector is relatively new—iirc happened a couple years ago when one of those small town PDs was taken over by mcso & iirc was one of their officers.

  18. Rose says:

    @ cd says: June 5, 2018 at 3:05 am
    And imo when Reese submits the yearly budget request each April or so, Kafoury and tribe could easily grill them on the expenditures of the last 8 years, ask them to justify the investigation’s line items budget requests going forward, ask Reese to produce a written summary of the investigation and its status in both explicity and redacted forms , and so on, as well as inquire about what Reese is doing to locate the unknown male Kyron left with. Now Kafoury would do that with any issue & County agency she cared about. Not this. Her fondness for Reese outstrips her governance.

  19. Rose says:

    in his video, kyle gets to the pith ofDesiree’s message (Terri will answer for):

    If you scroll down and click through to Iboshi post- you will notice that he has not covered Kyron’s case on the news site since that last stalkathon re the Roseburg allegation, which “had no file” but then had a file, and DA Underhill passed the FOIA request on to another county (first time ever) with no follow up or appeal from Iboshi.

  20. erose says:

    Rose, My personal belief about DY is that whatever MCSO told her that aligned with TH’s guilt she has held on to and whatever is exculpatory she has tossed out, rationalizing that they are wrong somehow. When I see what has happened in AZ it reminds me how people are so emotionally triggered in divorce and child custody cases and how they abandon all reason for their perceived justice.

    You’re the expert on behavioral issues, but as a lay person, I think DY has resented TH from the time she entered KH’s life. It might even be normal to an extent to blame the parent to whose custody last had Kyron, but after all this time, I would think she would have come to terms. This runs so deep, IMO.

    You said: “it reminds me how people are so emotionally triggered in divorce and child custody cases and how they abandon all reason for their perceived justice.”

    Absolutely true and one of the reasons I despise ever working in any capacity in that field of law. Adding that particular baggage to an untenable situation like a missing child and criminal allegations that were either dropped or never materialized and here we are. In terms of some of the things I have heard DY say that if true could only have come from LE, I wrestle with whether she was actually told something and she does not understand it is impossible (in context or outright) or she made it up. Lord knows no reporter is ever going to ask the obvious follow up 8 years later.

    For me, I actually believe pretty strongly a lot of it has to do with the fact that if she believes TH is involved, she knows unequivocally she would never physically harm Kyron. Same with Kaine.


  21. erose says:

    TRuth, Thanks for the info on feeder schools. There were 5. That resource officer was busy and if shared by Lincoln, probably spent all her time at the high school. BTW, why does the @ matter?

  22. Rose says:

    2009 p 7 Both Underhill & Moawad were on the Homicide Cold Case team along with both Weatheroys, Pail who was longtime Homicide & George who at one point was a Youth Div Sch Resource. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/article/346238
    Moawad’s online diary said Underhill assigned her to Horman full time from the get go.
    So he probably also drew from his Homicide team 1 or both Weatheroys as investigators (for the DA’s office).

  23. Rose says:

    Says due to budget cuts in 2013, Lincoln & its feeder schools had no Sch Resource Officer. By this year George had retired from PPB & hired at PPS.

  24. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Search for assigned school resource officers from PPB and the school district. Some school districts have their own LE agency.

  25. Rose says:

    Surrogate Soldier reminds her public of James’ assent to being videoed by Soldier & the Desiree-led stalkers in Roseburg, he lsaying Mother threw me out, not Kaine. He’s not stupid & knew the damage he was doing to Mother, and therefore their relationship was poor at that point. That tells me a major reason Terri had to get James out of town was Kaine’s incessant bad mouthing of her to him, turning him against her (alienating) because severe misogynists do that—strive to alienate teen children from mother. In James’ case, likely he wanted the teen to opt to live with him ensuring he’d get residential custody of kiara, have J vouch for him in any custody matter with mother, and so on. It is a testament to Terri’s judgment & planning ability that she got James to her parents’ while Kaine was out of town.
    Is there any possibility of your interview publishing, Blink?

    For me- I did not see that as solely James bad mouthing Terri- I saw it (firstly a set up) as James trying to play the diplomat- he was taking responsibility probably where he should not have, but seeing it as a maturity thing. I think James wanted to see his sister and Kaine had little choice because he was already NOT allowing her grandparents to see her and we all know the importance of siblings under OR “best interests” law. I do know that in James’s deposition he was emphatic he did not believe his Mother would ever be involved in anything that DY (suit) was alleging and they are close today.

    I remain “the same” on my piece, largely based on multiple interviews with Terri, unfortunately Rose.


  26. T. Ruth says:

    Just looking back at some of the, for lack of a better word, “characters” included in Kyron’s young 7 year old circle. It seems ironic that a young man who blatantly posted insults at his own mother’s alcohol abuse and addiction would end up like this:


    It appears K.Holm has found peace and has beat her addiction, it’s too bad her son is apparently now in the same boat as she was. I’m sure Mr. Avery has now come to realize that demons are very, very real and come in many forms.

    Sad. I hope the other boys in this family have fared much better off.

    Anywho I was just looking around because it occurred to me that very soon, some of Kyron’s roomates will become an emancipated age. I hope one of them has the urge, such as the Parkland students have shown, to set things right. Since all we’ve heard from LE is crickets, out of respect for Kyron, it would be nice to hear their own stories and recollections of that fateful day in 2010.

  27. T. Ruth says:

    I thought that sounded familiar. Wonder if the media just picked up on the soldiers re-posting last year’s DY post?

  28. Rose says:

    James moulton had it hard btw, no wonder he acted out with safe mother. Birth father: severed parental rights w/o a custody fight. Adoptive father: stopped seeing him over a $ dispute with ex’s paramour when he had every right to litigate for joint custody. & that paramour, eventual unrelated stepfather: a misogynistic man with no legal starus over him who apparently was hard on him & worked to alienate him from mother. He apparently has survived these 3 male figures. Good for him.

  29. cd says:

    Just a guess

    I think DY’s new “Stay Tuned” big event to come might be she believes or has found someone who may try to file a defamation law suit against Terri. I saw where she posted about the meter reader trying to sue Casey Anthony for defamation. DY posted it as though Casey was going to be tried again for her daughters death.
    I don’t see DY or anyone filing another tort suit against Terri for Kyron’s disappearance because MSCO is still not going to provide any information or testimony about Kyrons case. So maybe DY is going to try to get a defamation suit going either by her or someone else against Terri. After all the things DY has spread about Dede and Terri that would be pretty ironic.
    Casey Anthony could face second trial in Orlando
    Former meter reader suing Anthony for defamation wants jury trial


  30. Rose says:

    Is Surrogate FB Soldier the Stacey
    whose child(ren) are in prison in WA for murder?
    Can’t remember which of the Staceys it is,
    but iirc it was the FB Admin?

    No, that is Morris, iirc.

  31. Rose says:

    looked back to June ‘17 for Desiree’s statements wrt Terri’s fate. kobe tv (iirc) said she said: detectiveS have been in CA investigating, 2) a second grand jury has been convened. This year she did not comment on the GJ2 outcome. Does she think there will be an indictment?

    It was dismissed. The specifically impannelled gj (the second hearing evidence or non evidence as it were in Kyron’s active case)was dismissed without indictment. This followed a no true bill from the first. For the life of me, I have zero understanding why no journalist has ever asked her (especially Iboshi) about that.

  32. cd says:

    Rose says: May 26, 2018 at 11:35 pm
    Desiree never misses a chance to tell the public Stepmother did it. she
    appears to have deteriorated mentally and physically to me.


    Desiree at 1:49 and 2:26

    It looks like they fixed her hair and makeup and put a sweater on her. A blanket covers her legs and she has her hands are clasped together all the time she is talking. Maybe she had the flu or something.

    I am not seeing that image in that link cd?

  33. Rose says:

    answered my own Q. Desiree’s valued supporter at fundraisers & the Wall & online, FB page admin (antiTH), & persecutor of Terri who has 2 adult children in an OR prison for murder is Stacey Morris. FB Admin Soldier isStacey Rivera who married a Green, from W Longview WA. Based on her behavior to date where she acts on her delusional fixation on Terri, and acts out in her personal space at home, work, & even at a Courthouse, she is dangerous to Terri like the delusional Lamon Jones was in Scottsdale, & Terri rightly tried to get an RO on in Lane Cty & failed. Under OR law, ROs are not designed for FB Admins who incite murder & violent assaults & disseminate lies.
    She failed to recognize one of CS Lewis’ most famous quotes about Christ: a lunatic, a liar, or the Truth, altho Lewis copied it from Watchman Nee who got it from a Scottish 1800s pastor. if what Blink says is true about the evidence contained in sworn depos by witnesses and on time stamped video, none of Desiree’s and Soldier River’s claims are the Truth, in fact police evidence fully disproves them. that leaves the alternatives of lunatic or liar. Since Young & her chief fundraiser fully believe what they say imo, they are not lying which presumes accurate knowledge & an intent to dupe.. That leaves one alternative.

  34. Rose says:

    Interesting article arising out of Jones: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.azcentral.com/amp/677763002
    Speaks to the need for judges & legislators to take threats of domestic violence seriously, to include social media, ie Jones’ youtubes. The Lane Cty judge had a chance to do this and did not. Terri’s is a situation of DV arising out of the abduction of her husband’s child. This is a reminder that like persons in the article, the person making murderous threats & stalking is often an Ex, and may target not merely the divorced spouse, but his new spouse, their children, and their associates viewed as enablers such as attorneys, and treating therapists. In Terri’s case, the perpetrator is a husband’s Ex and her surrogates and their social media followers. As the article says, there oughta be a law, judges on board, and followup of orders.

    I actually read this just after seeing another of Zuckerberg’s “facebook is all about love now” commercials.

  35. Rose says:

    a PO living in Canby got put on leave 5/21/2010 for
    sex related offenses while on duty. Left him with free time.
    Beaverton Chief looks pretty lax.
    Between Blink & Shaub disappearing,
    maybe the Rapture happened & I got left behind.

    Lol, my apologies Rose and all- I am getting caught up now.

  36. Rose says:

    Didn’t see that image in that video cd. maybe a difft link?
    Deteriorated not just in speech but physically imo. Tony needs to
    get her help.

    I want to say I thought I saw her quoted somewhere that she was seeing a therapist. I would agree it does not appear (at least by her public commentary) she has.

  37. cd says:

    Rose says: May 26, 2018 at 11:35 pm
    Desiree never misses a chance to tell the public Stepmother did it. she
    appears to have deteriorated mentally and physically to me.


    Desiree at 1:49 and 2:26

    I am not seeing that image in that link cd?

    It still works for me from this page. Click in the arrow in the image of Kyron. Wait till the end of the commercial when the 2 reporters start talking then click on the timeline at approx 1:49 or 2:26 or just watch the clip until DY appears.

    I saw that image before, maybe I misunderstood the context- I thought you were pointing out she had been made up after that appearance- I did not see that as a blanket covering her but a skirt- if you were talking about the later footage at the search that is the old footage from the staged search for crime watch daily. Thanks for taking the time to respond though.

  38. cd says:

    Is Surrogate FB Soldier the Stacey
    whose child(ren) are in prison in WA for murder?
    Can’t remember which of the Staceys it is,
    but iirc it was the FB Admin?
    That would be stacey Morris’s children she is one of the people who ran a facebook about Terri (which she no longer runs? not sure) since word got around about her children.


  39. A Texas Grandfather says:

    No Rapture Rose, we are all still here.

    Think about something mentioned six or so weeks ago.

    I hope the repairs were successful.

    Yes and OYE!!!

  40. Rose says:

    @ T. Ruth says:
    June 5, 2018 at 12:23 pm
    my reply at 6/6 1:15am isn’t moderated yet but is a link to Reese cut School res offcrs in 2013 bcz the County cut his budget & in 15 he asked for more money to be added to budget so he could reinstate the positions. Of course Kafoury gave more $ for that line item. He’s a budget infighter who knew cutting sch res officers was sure to garner community complaints & Comm’s attention. that is, Reese sacrificed childrens’ school safety first to incr his budget.

  41. A Texas Grandfather says:

    I am happy to learn that things went well with the foot repairs. I don’t know how long the recovery to full usage will take. Be careful and don’t force the issue.

    I am hunting a local source to repair or replace my lower denture which fractured Thursday while eating. That is not the first time it happened and I don’t want to drive the sixty-five miles to Austin in rush hour traffic. I was able to play a two hour rehearsal with the orchestra yesterday with the remaining portion.


    12 weeks to restricted use from the second major surgery- I am not ready to say it went well, lol, as opposed to saying that it is going as expected and was necessary. iwalk2.0 only for first 5 weeks. Millions of people have it way worse than me, and I remain extra humbled til my dying breath.

    My goodness I hope you found a local provider!!!


  42. cd says:

    I saw that image before, maybe I misunderstood the context- I thought you were pointing out she had been made up after that appearance- I did not see that as a blanket covering her but a skirt-
    cd says:
    June 10, 2018 at 2:42 pm
    Rose says: May 26, 2018 at 11:35 pm
    Desiree never misses a chance to tell the public Stepmother did it. she
    appears to have deteriorated mentally and physically to me.
    I was just agreeing with Rose that DY did not look like her usual self in that interview(at 1:49) which I took as a current picture of DY. The other shots of DY in the piece look like pictures from years ago during a search for Kyron.

    Blanket or skirt JMO.

    Yup, we agree as well. It reminded me of her appearance at one press conf ( I want to say the one where she announced she was withdrawing her suit, but I think after her Atty spoke and she was answering questions but I am just not sure.) I recall she said something like “Terri cannot win, this cannot be the end” or words to that effect. I pray for her to get good counsel constantly. And I don’t necessarily mean legal counsel.

  43. Rose says:

    @erose says:
    June 5, 2018 at 10:36 pm

    thank you for your valued belief-opinion. I concur with both you and Blink as to the etiology of Desiree’s determination Terri did it and she will pay. There seems to be some mixture of holding onto early information from mcso probably probably designed by mcso to divide and conquer the adults, just as that same strategy was used effectively on Kaine and Terri, and never corrected; or present-day misinformation from one or more mcso personnel trying to be a hotshot; the very strong influence of Tony who was early on behind Terri did it from the get g; a mental inflexibility to take in new information that is not in sync with the old (and that is personality more than trauma; and an antipathy to both Kaine and Terri, but probably more so to Terri from the time of her failed marriage to Kaine. All those are etiologies for Desiree’s present actions and beliefs.

    They do not explain her inability to take in new information which imo is personality based nor her acting out on what really are her fixed delusions. I’m no behaviorist tho I had a bit of training. I think behavioral techniques work in one to one therapy in certain situations (ie unwanted intrusive obsessive thoughts) but not say on an inpatient ward because all the 24 hour diverse staff cannot be consistent however well a treatment plan is delineated. So, I’m not much into behaviorism.

    We’ve all heard of parents in a divorce who kill themselves and their child rather than give up residential custody. They may or may not be delusional, but to me that action is the product of a personality disorder.

    I guess my opinion is whatever the etiology, what matters is whether there are fixed delusions that do not respond to reality testing by others–ie, mcso sheriff Reese himself and Underhill sitting together with Desiree could tell her all the evidence is exculpatory, and Desiree would not believe that imo. And, whatever the etiology of her beliefs, and whatever reason she now has fixed delusions (K went out x door with Terri, for example), many people in that situation would not ACT on those delusions with stalking, multiple TV pronouncements, and so on. Partnering with purveyors of youtubes and facebook (Kelly said they read and approve all Rivera writes) who incites violence and raises money for her. The scarey thing is she acts on her beliefs.

    One of her strengths is her job, payroll supv at SOU. That is what she did at Lithia, and it is a very structured job. Desiree is someone who strikes me as needing a lot of structure (not a bad thing, I do too, many do.) Anyway, it is possible medication of some nature might help her up and down emotions but for that she needs not a “talk therapist” but a psychiatrist, and new medication is best done inpatient to monitor response. One remembers during her pregnancy she says she cried and cried and was depressed. She presents as having great emotional distress now. I hope Tony gets her help.

  44. Rose says:

    @cd. does look like a blanket, but there’s a blanket on the back of the sofa in both scenes. imo hair is the same, she’s just sitting sideways in second scene so it looks a bit better. In scene 2 (2:26ff), her self description sounds exactly like what she said about herself emotionally and behaviorally (in bed crying, always depressed) when she was pregnant with kyron & kaine was running around telling the ladies he met his marriage was over.

  45. Rose says:

    really with both wives it’s amazing kaine
    got res custody of any of the kids

    Agreed it is very unusual.

  46. T. Ruth says:


    I was holding my breath and praying for an outcome different from the Josh Powell one, didn’t happen. RIP little ones. Why oh why do the innocents have to suffer?

  47. Rose says:

    them Oregon Sheriffs:
    if one is the Party-anointed officeholder, & close to County Comm Chair for the budget, they are fearlessly accountable to no one, not voters, and only have the motive of coverup to stay in office.

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