Dr. Phil Show Hosts Missing Portland Child Kyron Horman’s Step Mom Terri Horman Over Two Episodes

I have been covering this case since Kyron Horman disappeared from Skyline School in June, 2010.    Like most missing persons cases I have covered in the past,  I am of the strong opinion that best efforts at the truth are the only way to propel investigations that, similarly to Kyron’s, have gone cold for one reason or another.   This approach has worked in resolving some of my previous cases.    I am proud of that.  I remain steadfast to the integrity involved in those and future cases.

Over the past 10 months (or so) I have been developing an updated series on Kyron’s case to include my multiple interviews with Kyron’s step-mom,  Terri Horman.   Needless to say as she was the subject of at least three simultaneous cases before an Oregon court and remains a person of interest by the agency investigating her sons disappearance, this has been an arduous and sometimes delicate journey.    Ms. Horman’s experiences during the ongoing investigation of the disappearance of Kyron Horman are critically important to propelling his case and with great hope- finding the truth about what happened to this cherubic and innocent child.    There are dozens of sources,  collateral interviews, forensic experts and legal analysts that also contribute to my series and have done so because of their belief that my motivation is to bring to light information and opinions in such a way that would almost “require” a focused review of Kyron’s case and the likely shaking of that proverbial tree everyone talks about.

Set to publish about 6-ish weeks ago I was asked to postpone the first installment of the series, which I did.  I subsequently learned Ms. Horman was participating in the Dr. Phil program after she completed taping.  Dr. Phils producers were well aware that Ms. Horman had interviewed with me extensively, and anticipated my series would be publishing information that was not known to the public previously in the days prior to her scheduled episode.    When Ms. Horman conveyed to me that she feels obligated to speak out about “her son” in any national medium that will have her,   I most certainly respected that.  I still do.

While Dr. Phil seems like a gregarious fellow for sure,   I have zero interest in being associated with his program, nor do I believe his shows content is designed to do any furtherance of investigation or truth.  There is much concern (although I have no affiliation to the show whatsoever) that the timing of the publication of my series on the Kyron Horman matter might be interpreted differently or inadvertently contribute to the programs content or audience reactions.     Not what I signed on for.   A missing 7 year old boy six years running is not a framework for entertaining a target audience.   He is not fodder for online social media bully campaigns- yet it occurs.

I will be publishing my series on Kyron’s case at a later date, in it’s entirety with no editing adjustments as a result of any of the appearances on Dr. Phil.   I appreciate your patience and your understanding.   Feel free to discuss the show below.


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  1. Rose says:

    Kafoury needed to appoint an outsider to clean up mcso culture.

  2. Rose says:

    I thought inthe past we have known
    mcso has dirty laundry on each of them
    and could easily turn the guns on them.
    Art the formerSAC is admittedly closer than close to mcso.
    He is financially dependent and gunning for Pension 2.
    With retirement looming whilst he was SAC, probably he
    explored the chamces of civilian hiring within mcso even
    way back then. It was his most lucrative route to pension 2. So as SAC, imo he woukdn’t have accepted jurisdiction anyway. Since then, SACs have to nurse the probably still fragile
    Muktnomah regional reinstatement of the JTTF. no boat rocking.

  3. Rose says:

    “Tuft is back on”

    IKR. I am in the process of vetting newer intel on that issue in particular. I cannot believe they have not dropped this case. I note Iboshi posted an opinion based update on his own FB, but KGW did not cover her hearing at all.


    911 calls database apparently suffered catastrophic failure . First I heard of that.

  4. Rose says:

    McGrath obviously corrected the Office’ facade of misogeny after settlement with female attorney by hiring lovely lawyers. I infer Rory is Tuft’s supervisor and will reappear at the first sign of trouble? McGrath has been in the job a
    l o n g time and imo will blame others for failure to provide exculpatory.

    About that 911 call now missing.
    Reminds one of Multnomah and refusal to give Houze the 911s.

    No, Tuft is I and McBryde is II, no supervisory role I am aware of- all report to McGrath. Very small district

  5. Rose says:

    wrt potential raise to risk of 7 yo male where his father’s brother suffered
    intrafamily sexual molestation by an older generation.
    Statistically & practically, other family males did as well.
    That leaves for kyron:
    1) heightened susceptibility to molestation by a trusted male adult (teacher, coach, etc), or
    2) susceptibility to original molester, or those inbetween generational males who Kristian’s perp molested.
    That pool #2 is not limited to Kaine and Kristian, altho they were the non-bio-born interlopers to the M Horman family line. There are far more male Hormans associated with Melvin in the family network. Then there are the females who love them, wrt Kristian, from grandma to mother, to grandfather’s daughters, sisters, and so on. And knereads Neil’s bio and sees family adulation. To what lengths woukd any of thus extensive family system go if a 7 yo had a story?
    As you say, an investigation should address.

    Whilst no evidence Kyron was ever molested, a trained educated observor like Terri was certainly a bad fit to bring in to a family system with sexual secrets.

  6. A Texas Grandfather says:

    The 911 data base crash is probably cause by a lack of maintenance and an old incorrectly designed computer system.

    In Texas, all such systems are required to have dual disks and multiple tape daily backups. I call BS on this information. However, there are two possible truths. First mismanagement of the system and second there was no 911 call made and LE is using this as an excuse.

    Someone needs to get the manager of the 911 facility under oath and discover the truth.

  7. A Texas Grandfather says:

    There is another possibility for the 911 alleged problem and that relates to electrical power.

    All data centers should have a backup power source in the event normal power is lost. If battery power is insufficient to run the center for several hours, a motor-generator should be installed with capacity to run the center and recharge the first line battery backup. Phase matching equipment should be present for the motor generator if 3-phase power is provided to the building.

    I find it hard to believe that Multnomah was able to get away with not tuning over the actual tape copies to an attorney working a case before a court. The judge should have issued an order to have it for the record. More corrupt activities for the justice system.

    This is actually Yuba City- and as far as I know they have those back ups in place. I don’t know what the oversight and investigation needs are of such a failure but I have to think this info is a very big deal.

  8. Ode says:

    It is absolutely nauseating how much hate people have and are ready to spew it with there names attached let alone anonymous. How unhappy these people must be in life. Talk about wild west justice. Storm the jail grab your man and hang them from a tree. Heck in that case the hangee was at least arrested. In Terri’s case LE will just bring her to the front steps of the jail and then turn their back on her. And now we have more 911 calls and surprise catastrophic failure. Does that mean it was an act of God and not their fault?

    This is just the beginning in this misdemeanor case. It is beyond convoluted and Richards is going to eat their lunch if they are dumb enough to give him the opportunity. Never a good sign when an ADA tries to walk back and the Judge says “no dice”.

  9. Rose says:

    I get the following from Iboshi’s CV:
    have 3 kids & wife, so I’m a Traveling Man, bags packed.
    Korea, Japan, Europe, so ranging down to Yuba County
    was nothing. Got his start in Medford.

    Bet he used his “investigations” of Terri in his application pkg to
    Ohio State Kiplinger. Never known that to be a leading school
    of journalism. Known men when they were
    single take fellowships to Michigan for
    a knight-Wallace, Harvard for a Neiman, & Columbia for a
    Spencer. 40 yrs later, probably plenty of women go too.
    There’s Missouri and Iowa for journalusm and doubtless CA schools.
    .But OSU? maybe he likes football.

  10. Rose says:

    911 is for emergencies.
    Why would someone whose gun was NOT there (thus no danger was imminent), who knew who took it because he obviously showed her the safe combo call 911 rather than the general police no and ask an officer to come by to take a report? that’s what you do with thefts when the suspect is long gone.

    Do we think it a coinky we have a withdrawn complaint and no 911 support?

  11. Rose says:

    Desiree is using kyle once again to start
    her new media pretrial crusade on Monday.
    must be real worried about the CA case.

  12. Rose says:

    found a 2015 ranking no 17 and
    “Ohio State University journalism program ranks in Top 20 in the United States and The Second Best in Ohio. Major competing journalism schools for this college are Indiana University Bloomington in Bloomington and Ohio University in Athens” imo he’s heading where he belongs.

  13. Rose says:

    @Ode. just awaiting the Mon 11 pm
    hate speech Desiree spews with
    kyle’s enabling. Soldiers will followup Tuesday.
    Bet gofundme updates soon.
    After all, it’s Mothers’ Day weekend.

    So everyone is aware, it is my understanding that interview was scheduled to coincide with the eve before trial, and KGW coverage of same. The earliest the trial will commence is about 6 weeks from now and KGW was DENIED their media request to record it before the move date. So there’s that. I hope Mr. Iboshi has informed Ms. Young accordingly.

    More bad counsel to this woman. More wasted hate and angst and no Kyron. I say again- call and request a status meeting with Underhill and/or call and request a review of the case from ODOJ and/or the FBI. Why isn’t this happening?

  14. A Texas Grandfather says:

    It appears that the judge is about to get an ADA in big trouble and maybe the boss as well.

    Would bringing a false case to the court be something to create sanctions on the attorney and the District Attorney office?

    I don’t think there is any danger of any allegation of a “false case” or malicious prosecution, SLAPP per se- it appears there was an original complainant and as far as I know some means whereby the defendant admitted to be in possession of the firearm. It is my understanding however that the defendant maintains the firearm was a gift, most certainly not stolen- but that puts the registration burden back to the owner so who knows what the current position is.

    I think the risk in this misdemeanor case rests squarely on the State of CA. At worst, TMH has a misdemeanor conviction. The State has already been forced to admit it has not turned over discovery and in another case may not even have it. A witness of theirs has been stricken from the list based on their alleged perjury in another case and when that comes out… The ADA who begged off the case when alerted to the missing discovery was put back on the case by the Judge in her absence. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what looks like it started out as an opportunity to get some google creds or resume creds is quickly turning into exactly what someone wished for.. but with the opposite effect. Pardon my crass language on this- but it is a shitshow I do not think Yuba knows how to get out of gracefully.


  15. A Texas Grandfather says:

    If Yuba City is the location of the 911 failure maybe they have a California system in place that works about as well as the under designed,built and inspected spillway up the road at Orville.

    A commercial back-up system should be tested at least once each month. Communications systems should be tested once a week. Depending on the battery type, they may need replacement as often as each year.

    American Power Conversion (APC) has a computer based program that monitors their systems, even small ones, on a minute by minute basis and can print daily, weekly and monthly reports. The voltage tracker is as accurate as a strip chart meter. I put this type system in place nearly thirty years ago for a 911 call center.

    An investigation should be made and if a disruption did occur, then it is a management problem. If the investigation reveals no glitches in the system are found, that leaves claim of a system problem in the clear and the agency’s claim to be a false statement. I vote for the latter.

    No. California received almost $5million in Fed grant to upgrade this system- you are 100% right that a thorough investigation as to its failure better be pending. I have not heard about it previously and can find NO other references to it anywhere. I am not suggesting McBryde would make false comments as a sworn officer of the court, but how it effects the pending matter is important to the State’s position.

  16. erose says:

    Scroll down to CA and you will see Yuba County received a grant for state of the art 911 system.


    In September 2009, the 911 Enhanced Grant Program made more than $40 million in grants available to 30 states and territories to help 911 call centers nationwide upgrade equipment and operations. Financial assistance may also be available through other federal probrams.

    The grants, which were authorized by the ENHANCE 911 Act, were available for use on hardware, software, training or consulting services that directly benefit public safety answering points (PSAPs) in upgrading equipment and operations. Grants were awarded to 30 states and territories, ranging from $200,000 (awarded to American Samoa) to $5.4 million (awarded to Texas).


    Here is there prospectus for the upgrade. If you read, it is very intertwined with the state of CA and the highway patrol.


    So I guess if any other court cases are using 911 calls from the same time frame as the alleged call against TH…

    Hi erose- please pardon my holding of my posts until this morning, I wanted to read them in total first and this was my first opportunity. Solid research, I thank you. My first thought after- wtf are we just learning about this in a piddly misdemeanor case? Why isn’t the MSM running with a “catastrophic failure” following an over $4million dollar grant, in an area where they also expected a dam breach to put a few towns under water and mass casualty?

    I am at a loss on that.

  17. erose says:

    AT&T got the contract.


    State OES Receives Awards 12/18/13


    The Information communications Technology (ICT) Innovations Finalist – The Enhanced 9-1-1 Grant Project was recognized for its role in helping improve public safety and emergency response. The CA 9-1-1 Division implemented the California Enhanced 9-1-1 Grant Project (CA E9-1-1 Grant Project), an Internet Provider (IP) solution that has enhanced wireless 9-1-1 call delivery in 13 northeastern California
    counties and 37 PSAPs


  18. Rose says:

    lots of nonemergency numbers depending on location
    the city of yuba city PD and Sutter Sheriff appear to have
    separate 911 operations depending on whether residence is in incirporated land or not

  19. Rose says:

    imo Her chief counselor is, and always has been,
    Tony, who has functioned when before media
    in earlier years, before his on air interviews ceased,
    as a true grandstander imo.

  20. Rose says:

    So despite kyle persuading Momma to show off a new obvious dye job, makeup, and the Tammy Faye lashes, the poor woman, due to bad counsel, will come off looking quite foolish post interview as this matter plays out. imo she is being taken advantage of once again.

    I guess I look at it this way- she has nothing to lose because nobody is willing to contradict her strategy and you sure as hell know Iboshi isn’t going to ask anything meaningful or balance the conversation. Half of what I have read previously that allegedly came directly from her I know to be outright lies- as an example (Kaine property never searched by cadaver dogs). What’s Iboshi going to say- “Ms. Young have ever confronted the possibility that Ms. Moulton/Horman is innocent and knows nothing about your son’s disappearance? ” Seriously. It’s the same as saying- look at what an imbecile fake news reporter I am stalking your “target” across 2 states and at employers- giving actual testimony that cannot be verified, all under the guise of the first amendment. Oh? How do we think Rea feels about Iboshi these days in the aftermath of that hot mess?

    I get the sense that the recent Rea debacle following the publication of a non public document re Cristobal has Iboshi’s editors and legal on notice that there are several tort options out there that do not necessarily require direct defamation or libel- liability for intrusion or harassing behavior is well grounded.

  21. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Thanks B for the explanation about the Yuba City case.

    Laughing at the last sentence. A real tar baby case where the more they wiggle to get out of the tar pit, the more tar sticks to them. Not a good position to be in. This just proves that proceeding from a false position makes the justice system look incompetent.

  22. Rose says:

    Rea. MCSO apparently was contacting anyone under her bedsheets, or even a friend, back to eled, and this was all they could come up with?

  23. Rose says:

    “nobody is willing to contradict her strategy ”
    For a long time she has only interviewed with a few like kyle
    & medford local who will ask no investigation relevant questions, and she
    undoubtedly has strict ground rules.

    Anything a reporter ever wanted to know about ground rules was patently clear in the diatribe she wrote in response to her TMH people interview. Basically- she infers she only has an interest in participating in outlets that will demonize Terri. Moreover when something “does happen” those who do not walk her line will be out of an exclusive. To be honest, that post had me thinking she keeps more of her own counsel than input of others than I originally thought.

  24. Rose says:

    I forgot that writing against People.
    Yes, it lays out her strategy fromthe
    beginning of her stalk and chalk/Soldier
    initiative: demonize Terri. She doesn’t need
    Tony to tell her that.

  25. Rose says:

    Terri talks, and Desiree demonizes her.
    Desiree’s lie is that Terri refuses to talk to LE when it is mcso who
    refusesto talk to Terri after she retained counsel. That’s odd as
    PDs talk to suspects with counsel present all the time.

    Absolutely. That would be my first question if I was interviewing her- I would ask her if she was aware that at no time since June 2010 has MCSO EVER requested an interview with Terri Moulton Horman. I will never understand how that does not absolutely freak a parent out. Let alone the wife of a detective who should absolutely know there is no plausible explanation for that whatsoever.

  26. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Thanks for the links about the 911 system erose.

    The 911 system allows for a fee to be paid monthly by each subscriber to keep the system operational and up-to-date with technology.

    That was a nicely prepared RFP document. However, I doubt if the county actually prepared it. This looks like something the state helped prepare. I saw a lot of potential problems in the description of the testing and cut-over procedures.

    There was exactly zip about back up power in the RFP.

    I am not surprised that AT&T won the bid. Telephone companies are the prime business entities that usually win such bids for a number of reasons. AT&T has some good people and some that are not. Their systems are often behind the times for a particular task.

    It also appears that the State of California is collecting the subscriber monthly payment and then parceling it out to the cities and counties in a form of grants. This often puts system improvements in a secondary position in an effort to standardize equipment.

    At least the RFP addressed the voice over IP issue and some of the issues with cell technology.

  27. Rose says:

    Tony has had 2 strategies, which Desiree echos:
    1) demonize Terri (if not Terri, who?)
    2) capital murder cases can and shoukd be made on circumstantial evidence only.
    I did it. (I know that hispanic had a knife, I just coukdn’t find it. But he was in the vicinity,)

    It is the DA’s failure to charge Terri with circumstantial evidence alone that gets them.
    The problem is, the circumstantial evidence Desiree still repeatedly cites exhonerates.
    She cites as recently as 2016 gps pings, witnesses, and timeline.

  28. T. Ruth says:

    Detective ignored rape, abuse cases for years, documents show


    (Oregonian file photo)
    Noelle Crombie | The Oregonian/OregonLive By Noelle Crombie | The Oregonian/OregonLive
    Email the author | Follow on Twitter
    on May 11, 2017 at 8:43 PM, updated May 12, 2017 at 5:57 AM

    A veteran Clackamas County sheriff’s detective ignored allegations of rape, sexual abuse of young children and multiple thefts and fraud dating to 2009, a pattern extensively documented by a supervisor yet largely dismissed by command staff.

    Detective Jeff Green retired on April 17, 2015, after his supervisor, Sgt. Matt Swanson, tried unsuccessfully to initiate an internal affairs investigation into Green’s history of failing to investigate serious crimes. Swanson worried that rapists and other criminals were going free.

    (snipped, more @ link)


  29. T. Ruth says:

    So it appears Clackamas County has the same problems as MCSO and other agencies across the nation. Corruption seems to run rampant in so many LE agencies these days. It appears to be more the rule than the exception. IMO governors across this country need to address this problem immediately. IMO transparency is key. What gives police officers the right to lie, shoot people without cause, violate peoples’ rights? Why are the whistle blowers being chastised instead of rewarded? How did things get so out-of-control and what needs to be done to bring back real law and order that is also followed by law enforcement themselves?

  30. T. Ruth says:

    From 2005:


    A Clackamas, Ore., Sunday school teacher is under arrest on several counts of sexually abusing a child after police were tipped off by a computer technician who allegedly found child pornography while he was working on the man’s computer.

    Steven Bulleit, 40, was arrested Monday and charged with 13 counts of sodomy, two counts of encouraging child sexual abuse and possession of child pornography, a spokesman for the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office said.

    “We know that he was a Sunday school teacher and that he took films at Clackamas High School,” Manley said. “He filmed their sporting events as a parent-helper and a volunteer for the school.”


    Bunch of original news reports about this guy are MIA. What happened to this dude, Bulleit and his partner? Green was one of the detectives handling the investigation.

    Anywho, MO reminds me of Rockett.


  31. T. Ruth says:


    I went back a page and saw Rose had already posted a link to the Clackamas detective. (Sorry to repeat.)

    Anyway, found the Bulleit case info here:


    Steven Craig Bulleit’s admission spares three teens from testifying publicly about the molestation

    Thursday, August 18, 2005


    OREGON CITY — A Clackamas man admitted this week that he sexually abused three Clackamas High School students, including one in his care, and will serve 18 years in prison.

    Under an agreement approved Monday in Clackamas County Circuit Court, 42 of 47 counts against Steven Craig Bulleit will be dismissed Friday, when he is scheduled to be sentenced.

    The settlement spares the teenage victims from testifying in a trial, prosecutor Christine Landers said. Advertisement

    “The three young men involved were very adamant that they did not want to have to testify in public,” she said. “It would have been quite difficult for them.”

    Bulleit pleaded guilty to three counts of second-degree sodomy, involving a child younger than 14; one count of third-degree sodomy, involving a child younger than 16; and one count of using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct.

    Under the agreement, he will serve 220 months in prison with credit for time served. He remains in Clackamas County Jail without bail.

    Bulleit, 41, and his partner were among the first same-sex couples last year to apply for a marriage license in Multnomah County. His partner filed for divorce in February.

    In April, the Oregon Supreme Court voided all 3,000 of the state’s same-sex marriages.

    Bulleit was the legal guardian of one of the victims, who was placed in his care as a foster child at age 9 in California. The crimes began when the boy was younger than 12, according to allegations in the grand jury indictment.

    So I guess his “partner/husband” had no idea this was going on.

  32. Rose says:

    T. Ruth says:
    May 14, 2017 at 6:57 pm

    reminiscent of the Seattle Mayor’s MO.
    volunteer in a program for foster children.
    get one placed with him.
    this kyle thing is pretty fishy professionally.
    putting aside all his onesided noninvestigatory interviews with desiree,
    now in short order we have a strange tale of a mfh in high school that rises to nothing criminally and has no statement from victim Rea; \
    the man takes off for CA to appear at a hearing last year; he’s got an “interview” of Desiree on the eve of trial (formerly) designed quite obviously to influence the outcome; AND he files a motion to film the trial to rebroadcast back home in Oregon–treating a nothingburger misdemeanor like a capital offense, whose only possible reason is not oregonians’ public interest (after all, she is in California) but cearly to continue inflaming public opinion in the matter of kyron. Those last four acts are not those of a professional journalist imo, they are acts of a surrogate and advocate for the strategy of the Youngs even where it does not make journalistic sense for kgw’s Oregon public.

  33. Rose says:

    Thanks erose. glad you and ATG are willing to wade into technological weeds. Why hasn’t this surfaced in cerimi al cases…serioys felonies are unlikely to be in the trial phaseyet; McGrath is unlikely to send this discovery info to publuc defense artys; and the latter are most likely to plea out and don’t care.

    The public hasn’t niticed bcz the 911 system did what they wanted when they called 911, and if so who cares if there’s a call record?

    this is either a software/storage system failure the vendir must correct or humsn error. if human error was it faulty procedure or a lone employee’s error either from incompetence, or intentionally. There may be other more important cases from 2015 where an evidentiary record needed to be “lost.” Imo in Yuba it’s more likely local human error than vendor error, otherwise the County atty woukd’ve sued the vendor for damages and compliance changes to meet the contract specs.

  34. Rose says:

    oh proofreading pass on mother’s day?

    Of course.
    Happy Mothers Day to All x0

  35. Rose says:

    kyle clearly wants to get out of town.
    maybe he could audition for Celebrity Apprentice?
    lot in common with it’s former star.

  36. T. Ruth says:

    You want a better, more fraternal, more just world?
    Well then, start building it: Who is stopping you?
    Build it inside yourself and around you, build it with those who want it. Build it small, and it will grow. – Lanza del Vasto

    Love this ^^^^^^^ just sharing. :)

    This girl deserves so much more:

    It’s actually amazing that they don’t even address her severe injuries here. Sometimes I think the whole world is just brushing aside everyone who gets in their way.

    Not trying to be macabre, but their day will come right along with ours.

    Happy Mother’s Day to all.

  37. erose says:

    Blink, That was my point on the 911 system, and just try and find an article on the failure of. That was what I originally searched for and I could not find anything on that. Think of other court cases it could affect, so if any case has used a 911 call within that time frame then it would negate their claim.

    Exactly, and you were spot on. I have requested the details from the highest levels within the 911 conversion/grant management/implementation/monitoring positions and I will share whatever I learn of course. Not only could this have a profound effect on court cases as you point out- but given the timing and location perimeters, I have to believe it could be impactful in the areas of insurance and subrogation claims as wells. Can you imagine FEMA dealing with this at the height of the dam scae, etc? Quite simply, I have never heard of a catastrophic failure in the 911 system resulting in the inability to retrieve archived calls so “on its face” here, I am interested in just how localized this is. In other words, is it a Yuba thing, or enterprise wide problem? Is this what the defense was claiming to be exculpatory discovery materials? I can’t imagine any officer of the court putting forth any bad faith info on the record, most especially in this case, but the lack of information about the claim is pretty staggering, imo.


  38. Rose says:

    I had not found anything either erose, Blink. what month did he allegedly call 911 in 2015?
    How accurate is the police report it was a 911 and not a nonemergency number call.
    Biff patrolman coukd’ve just assumed.

    I find it hard to believe amongst all thesegrants and new system 911 backup, installations and training, only Yuba County or City (was his home in unincorporated land?) 911 backup failed in 2015. I suspect local human error which if by a govt employee in Multnomah, ie mcso or pps, woukd’ve been concealed and covered up tout suite.

    August 2015, Rose.

  39. Rose says:

    ot aug 2015 fcc rules re 911, power, backup

  40. Rose says:

    an example of a conviction being overturned due to a DA and detective concealing exculpatory evidence: an alternative suspect involved in the fight with a knife he’d blatantly just shown off, spoiling for a fight to use it.
    I’ve casually wondered if the OR Supr Court’s ruling was prior to june 4 that year.
    This is an example of a famiky system with something against a “parent” of kyron.

  41. A Texas Grandfather says:

    erose & B

    The 911 systems are mostly operated by LE agencies. Sheriff’s in counties and City Police in large cities. In small towns, the Sheriff may provide a link to a community that has a police department.

    If a failure occurs, no one would know outside an agency unless it occurred during a major event and the public became aware of it by trying to use the system.

    The issue of providing call evidence to a court is after the fact. The agency has to search the daily call back-up system, then isolate the requested information and make a copy of the call on tape or CD or DVD. A medium that can be accessed by attorneys and the court. The copy has to have a certification from the proper person operating the system. This would be the 911 manager or sheriff’s deputy that might hold that position.

    One of my concerns is voice over IP (VOIP) which means an internet connection to the system. Is a proper firewall in place to prevent someone from sending malware over the digital connection to cause harm to a system.

    If a system was breached by malware, then it would depend on how it affected it. The calls could come in and the malware intercept them and direct them to by-pass the recording system. If that happened, it would not be found until someone examined the data that is on the back up system. This means that those in charge of a system must be trained to take logical steps of testing the data on a daily basis to see if the data is really there.

    Testing and checking these types of potential problems is the purpose of an operational audit. Therefore, some type of audit trail must be built into the system. Systems built without such provisions have a major design flaw.

  42. Rose says:

    the only things I get out of this, which is Kyle’s Big Story as he prosecutes and intimidates TH alongside Desiree the Accuser, and Soldier the Torchbearer are:
    1) when mcso first found Rea (a few yrs ago) the agency sent sn incident report to Douglas Cty who opened an investigation that has lain fallow in succeeding years (but the mcda doesn’t want mcso’s incident report to see the light of day),
    2) Swimming With The Sharks Krafve has been in charge of Horman for six years.
    MCSO is the sole agency with the case.
    Imo his affidavidts aren’t worth toilet paper.
    Nevertheless he has no new info. New seaches are not investigatively productive.
    Why won’t Desiree advocate fir her son after 6 yrs
    of a deputy with Krafve’s history going nowhere?
    3) DA hasn’t disbanded the last grand jury.
    that means nothing; info is just passed along.

    Honestly, her interview leaves me speechless. It was edited of course, so there’s that.
    Congrats to MCSO for analyzing Terri’s laptop 7 years later. Way to think outside of the century. I guess that allows them to log activity in lieu of requesting an interview with her.

    No mention re the rule of law for empanelled grand juries, which I would think would be very important to a reader base or say, anyone interested in actual facts. 2nd grand jury after a previously dismissed one. Does everyone know that the SAME grand jury MUST hear the same case start to finish in OR? If the contention is that this is the same empanelled jury- it has been sitting for over 4 years. I will let y’all do the math on that.

    No attempt to reach Terri through the 4 or 5 lawyers that currently represent her for a comment? Guess that Kiplinger training on Journalistic ethics did not stick, just some new training in format.

    No mention that this sweet child of God was last seen with a male, which they have never, to date identified or tied to Terri, the account of which is memorialized in court depositions.

    Note- that response should have been forwarded to the DA (Underhill) why wasn’t it?

    Oye. What to say anymore?

  43. Rose says:

    I keep feeling like Ruth in Louise Penny’s mysteries wanting to call all these players Numbnuts.
    But there are no French Canadien inspectors to save the Village.

  44. Harelycolt says:

    You know what continues to bother me….Kaine was able to be home by 1:00…sounds like his working hours were very lax, why didn’t he go to the science fair ? & Desiree…she couldn’t attend because it was the “end of the month” in her accounting job. I have worked in account for almost 45 years. We are busy 1st & 2nd but by the 3rd & especially the 4th day of the month, we are well into the next month. Why didn’t she go to the science fair ? Both of them just “let” Terri take on all the responsibility for Kyron. She drives all the way to drop Kyron off with Desiree & then has to drive all the way back by herself. Wonder who they expected to bring him back to Terri…surely not Kaine….these two so called “parents” rub me the wrong way.

    The only thing I will respectfully correct you on is that Terri did not transport Kyron by herself normally, Kaine was usually there (or occasionally by himself) if it was their turn ( they rotated and coordinated with the McCulloughs).

    That said, Terri entered the relationship in a caregiving role for Kyron willingly and I would agree with your assessment that both Kyron’s bio parents would defer to her as, and agree she was, in fact, his primary caregiver.

    As far as why Kaine did not attend the fair, it is my understanding they were headed to Medford that afternoon so he needed the office facetime that morning. There was a prior issue with a confusing schedule at Skyline and Terri was there to film it. As we later learned, Kyron’s presentation was actually the day before although nobody knew it until the morning of the 4th. As far as why DY did not attend, and simply pick up Kyron and Q at that point (if he was due to visit) I can only say that I am sure that there was no “close” at her work and she has since backed off that statement and I presume it was because she had only been to the school on one other occasion, the first day of kinder, and the other time she was at the field and (I think) one of Quinn’s baseball games was when she rented a hotel room for the boys and she as the event was on a Saturday, rather than drive back and forth. From DY’s perspective I can’t say I understand moving 5 plus hours from your kids under any circumstances, but I do find her current statements about it being challenging very honest.

  45. Rose says:

    a small portion of tuatakin is
    in clackamus–a County noted for
    steroid/LE involvement in 2010. Does
    more than one detective on Kyron’s case
    have an athletic history when steroids were
    the norm?

  46. Rose says:

    ot. relating to Kyle’s “investigation.”
    after my dau’s graduation I remained in town because I wanted to pursue $800 bilked of me by a U club. I had petered out in Fall despite the matter and documentation being clearcut as young 20sw don’t apparently take debts seriously, and as is my wont as a social worker, I felt I needed to be present and see the “whites of their eyes,” or a contract attorney’s. (Outcome, one day after giving my doc pkg to dean of students, the “club” wrote me deepest apologies, check’s on the way. Tho kinkos took me 150 of that.

    Anyway, at kinkos, I had the pleasure of sharing a work table with a man putting out a l00 pg booklet on homesless advocacy. We had the best 2-3 hour conversation. He’d been a leader of tiny house movement in Seattle, and had returned to his home town to do the same. He had 3 irons in the fire: sale of town land surplus earmarked 50% for affordable housing; affordable housing; tiny house (zoning changes. Worked with all constituents from Town Council to homeless.

    His big hobby horse though was “investigative reporting” by small town papers and TV media. He and I could put in that category all Multnomah media, certainly the city we were in. If it were Boston, DC, NY, LA, Atlanta, etc., it’s small town. He felt much relating to government management across America needed local investigation by those reporters in the local community. I told him war stories from Portland. He told me war stories.

    He urged me to watch “Spotlight,” a film focusing on pedophilia in Boston as reported by the Globe wherein an investigation rolls up a problem.

    When I looked at the blurbs for Spotlight, I saw the new Globe editor who tasked and propelled the story series was none other than Marty Barron…..Bezos hire to the Post, who is now rolling on to fame as the editor of Pultizer Winner Farenthold, and on to today’s big story….yes Trump’s own Nat Sec staff outing him.

    The man I spoke with felt such leading stories could occur across America on a very small town scale if only local reporters engaged in real “investigations” with integrity and courage.

    He felt that would only occur if some Foundation or government grants (like grants for infrastructure) seeded America creating competitive entities to compete with non-investigative entities like kgw to get out real stories.

    Yup. Works for politics, right? Would def benefit real news v fake news, imo.

  47. Rose says:

    well there’s nothing out there re Yuba and 911 backup failures in Aug 2015.

    The in court comment was “last year”, so I presume the failure was 2016 but you won’t find anything.

  48. Rose says:

    “If it were Boston, DC, NY, LA, Atlanta,
    etc., it’s N O T small town.

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