Consensus On Census: Door To Door Is Deadly

Posted by BOC Staff | Consensus Crimes,Murdered | Thursday 20 May 2010 11:30 pm

US Consensus

Everywhere, US– It is Census time in the US.

This very important initiative occurs every 10 years.

Census Forms, which are filled out and returned, began mailing in February of this year. For those that either did not execute the survey, or receive it, you will be on the list for a vist from a census worker.

Yes, in 2010, we have a government program that encourages citizens to open their door without appointment, to strangers, and share the specifics about who lives in your home, including ages, employers and social security numbers.  I don’t do politics here, that is not the issue.

The U.S. Census Bureau has made the screening process for employees more rigorous than in any previous census. Each applicant is required to accurately disclose information about any conviction, imprisonment, probation, or parole in the last 10 years. All census takers must undergo both an FBI name check and an FBI fingerprint check. We disqualify any applicant whose screening indicates prior convictions or a pending charge for certain categories of crimes, such as murder, sex offenses, robbery, voter fraud, or other crimes that suggest a threat to safety or the integrity of census data.

Safety of our Families against victimization, and frankly the safety of someone ENTERING a strangers home, is paramount.

Bad Idea. If you cannot guarantee our safety against crime, we do not want you in our homes or on our property.  Online Forms Will Work.

This dude, was in my area:

Camden sex offender charged with lying to get job as Census worker

Frank Kuni

Peer Review:

Terror in Kentucky: Census Worker’s Murder

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