Kyron Horman Missing: Terri Horman Retains HEAVY HITTER HOUZE

Portland, OR– Early this evening, Stephen Houze, prominent Portland criminal defense attorney leveled the playing field.


He is representing Terri Horman, step-mom of missing child Kyron Horman.

The announcement comes on the heels of the filing of divorce by her estranged husband Kaine, and inside sources that state her arrest is imminent.

Check back to for updates.

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  1. mamah says:

    Wow, big news! Considering she’s going to need a divorce lawyer too, I hope she’s got a super big jar of coins stashed away somewhere. Methinks guys like Houze don’t come cheap. This is a big deal. I really, really hope it means we’ll find out where Kyron is soon.

  2. seemeatthebeach says:

    What took her so long….pfffft

  3. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    Blink, is Houze child endangerment material, or something even more critical/criminal? His credentials and website give the impression of a pretty formidable guy.

  4. starshadow says:

    Just so people know… anyone who has posted on KATU and been accused of being TH might wish to change passwords associated with their IntenseDebate account and email address.

    This morning on KATU’s forums, I was accused of being TH, and shortly afterwords, my email, which had the same password as my IntenseDebate account, was accessed by someone else via proxy.

    This evening, they have a prominent news article that includes a description of accessing TH’s account info to track verify that the account was hers. Apparently, they were also searching for more IDs that might be.

    I’m ticked and disgusted with KATU. Enough so to share this here, so others have a chance to protect their privacy.

    Honestly, I am not sure at all that identifying her posts on their site is even legal.
    I expect that to go buh bye.

  5. AVS says:

    TH did in fact post all those comments on the KATU message board. Creepy.

  6. Heather says:

    I’ve heard of him, he is a big shot criminal defense lawyer here in town.

  7. oneshot says:

    Good for her! Now “we” just need a good private searcher with a piece of worn not clean clothing from Kyron as a scent article, & go find him. Although, bugging Kaine’s phone & following him around would work as well to lead everyone to Kyron, or at least the person Kaine’s fooling around with who might’ve taken Kyron, I’m beginning to believe.
    I hope she gets Gloria Allread or someone comparable for her divorce atty.

  8. seemeatthebeach says:

    PORTLAND, Ore. – Terri Moulton Horman, the stepmother of missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman, has retained prominent criminal defense attorney Stephen Houze, a source confirmed Wednesday.

    Houze has represented high-profile clients like Dr. Jayant Patel and Portland Trail Blazer Zach Randolph.

    He also represented Deniz Aydiner, a man who received a life sentence for murdering University of Portland student Kate Johnson. Aydiner avoided the death penalty through a plea deal.

  9. lily says:

    Ugggg I don’t know what’s more difficult

    1) Reading all of the suspicions against Kaine Horman about his completely understandable actions given the know circumstances and watching his reputation and love for his boy and his baby twisted and turned into something its not


    2) Like many people – coming to the realization that another mother has done the unthinkable.

    I do not, cannot, and will not ever understand how one can harm an innocent soul that trusts, loves, depends on you for their very life every single day. I don’t care if you’re a bio, step, grand, adoptive, foster, mentor, whatever. When a child depends upon you to live a minute, an hour, a day, a year, a childhood, forever – you don’t let them down if it’s within your power. You just don’t.

  10. Heather says:

    Blink, I know you read these before approving them and this is for you.

    I was wondering if you heard the speculation that one of Terri’s many online persona is oneshot/HopeinVa? One of which posts here…!/topic.php?uid=113113938734246&topic=247

  11. FLGirl says:

    I realize that people don’t want to believe the SM could do this (myself included), but I really don’t see why some want to drag Kaine through the mud.

    He has been fully cooperating with LE. He took actions in moving out of the house on the advice of LE. He took action to protect the children via RO.

    There has been absolutely no evidence that Kaine is guilty of anything. He was not lying about his wherabouts. He has an alibi for when Kyron went missing. There have been no allegations whatsoever that he’s had something going on the side. In fact, Blink has even stated that it is something in the SM’s lifestyle that has likely brought harm to Kyron.

    So, why is anyone going after the father? To throw suspicion off the SM? Not going to work. I mean, if someone wants to truly believe that the SM is innocent, that’s all well and good. But there has absolutely been not one shred of evidence against Kaine.

    Blink herself has even stated that she believes Kaine has absolutely nothing to do with Kyron’s disappearance, nor does he know where Kyron can be found.

  12. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    lily says:
    July 1, 2010 at 12:51 am
    Ugggg I don’t know what’s more difficult

    1) Reading all of the suspicions against Kaine Horman about his completely understandable actions given the know circumstances and watching his reputation and love for his boy and his baby twisted and turned into something its not

    Lily, seriously, I’m with you. I read a couple of posts about Kaine that really gave me pause to stop, shake my head, and say “seriously?” because they’re such “out there” rabid comments written about him. I guess LE was just tricked into believing Kaine and ignoring the evidence to which they’ve access and we have none? I mean, really, this is about common sense and critical thinking, not projection of past experiences and personal issues. JMO.

  13. TunedIn says:

    Very Interesting update!!

    “The best defense for an (alleged) offense”

    “He’s reached the point in his career where he can pick and choose the cases he takes,” said Michael Regan, a Clackamas County deputy district attorney …”

    “Steve finds statements and witnesses and versions of events that detectives don’t always uncover,” said Regan, who worked for Gustafson during her protracted battle with Houze and the Oregon State Bar before she was disbarred in March 2002. “He gets a whole other side of the story. You end up looking like your investigation wasn’t as thorough. I’ve learned how to be a better prosecutor from watching him.”

    But, Regan said, preparation is not the sole secret of Houze’s success.

    “He’s very adept at PR,” Regan said. “He never overhypes a defense or grandstands, but the minute he steps in front of a microphone, he’s very much aware that he’s presenting a defense.”

    “In addition to Houze’s own work schedule, his wife of almost 22 years, Portland attorney Susan Svetkey, works full time as a Multnomah County Circuit Court judge.”

    WOW, so much for the rumors that Terri could not afford competent counsel!

  14. TunedIn says:

    Is this the type of big guns you were looking for Terri to come out fighting with, Blink?

    If he does not hit the junkett quickly, I expect her to be arrested with something.

  15. zeus says:

    Oneshot, be careful- a commenter on KATU listed a “oneshot1″ as also potentially being Terri! Here’s the link and comment by debbie97058:

    “today, someone said they thought StepMom was posting under the name: oneshot1
    * is that you Terri? ”

    And all this really makes me glad that I only post at BOC! Although it is starting to feed into my new belief system:

    (Guilty until proven innocent-or in other words, everyone sucks until someone can prove to me they don’t suck.) Just not feeling great about the human race anymore :(

  16. minima says:

    RE: RDSQL – wow, if that is indeed true. that is beyond bizare and delusional. either that or some else is having a laugh at something that isn’t funny.

  17. blue says:

    Although I fell off the fence this morning, there is a small part of me that believes Terri may have passed her lie detector tests. As much as people assert that she was required to take another test for a previous dishonest answer, a part of me wonders if they were even more specific the second time around in the hope of catching her in a lie. I still don’t think they have.

    I do think Kaine Horman filing for divorce is convenient for him. Whether or not Terri knew about it, I believe this has been in the works for a while. I’m not convinced she knew about it, though. I tend to think he is a difficult man to be in a relationship with and to be around.

    I fell off the fence, but I’m still leaning against it. Sigh x 100.

  18. amychika says:

    While still hoping for Kyron and very concerned for him – kid completely vanishes in the daylight, i’m actually glad that she got an attorney – there is so much dirt out on her already and besides if she is the reason or has part in Kyron’s disappearance – she NEEDS an attorney like that (somebody like Cochran in OJ case). Not defending her or care for her though.
    Kept wondering all these days why in the world she has not obtained att. earlier – was she hopping that she won’t be a suspect?!

    Hopefully, we will know on Thursday or Friday some news of what took place. This case had twisted from the beg and having so much coverage that makes me wonder of why is that. Why we do not hear as much of other missing kids? Why everyday we get tiny little piece via media coverage (usually meaningless and of know facts or easily obtainable info)and seemingly nothing of substantial?

  19. Sparkling says:

    OT but…………

    Andrea Lyon has finally been legally released from the Casey team.,0,2682343.story

    Baez says it is purely for fiscal reasons.

    So now we have a new attorney working in OR and one less attorney working in FL. I guess that makes it even !

  20. Eloise says:

    Club 53 appears to be located within St. Stephens Episcopal Church on SW 13t Ave. I google earthed the address.

  21. Malty says:

    Great she has Houze
    about time
    Katu is upset because Terri posted???
    Doesn’t she have a right to post?
    I don’t post there but see no big deal if she wants
    now she can get buzy with her lawyer
    and have something to do

  22. christy says:

    10. lily:
    “Ugggg I don’t know what’s more difficult

    1) Reading all of the suspicions against Kaine Horman about his completely understandable actions given the know circumstances and watching his reputation and love for his boy and his baby twisted and turned into something its not


    2) Like many people – coming to the realization that another mother has done the unthinkable.”

    I agree. wth? Kaine has not done anything wrong.

  23. Superflavor says:

    “oneshot” has been posting all over the Oregon boards, Oregonian, KGW, KATU under many other names “HopeInVA” for example. The language and tone is exact. Quite hostile and accusatory towards Kaine and sometimes other posters.
    This doesn’t need to be posted publicly, more of an FYI. Oh–I obviously did not use my real name, not sure how this worked on your blog.
    Keep up the hope for Kyron!

  24. Look4Kyron says:

    Harry Oakes, the head of International K-9 Search and Rescue, and his trained search dogs, reportedly found a sock in a spot of water on Wednesday (KPTV) – was this find identified as relevent or not as he did not have anything of Kyron’s to scent the dogs with?

  25. zeus says:

    This comment was posted on KOMO news, a Seattle news station I follow, and also on KATU. I thought it was interesting, but of course it may not be true. Link:

    >>I work at a restaurant in Vermont and the police were there the other day reviewing video footage of 3 people eating – a child, a woman, and a man. The child was supposedly the child in this article. We were all questioned about the child and were told he was a missing child from portland OR. I guess another table at the restaurant recognized him and reported that the 2 adults were acting strange. He was playing with pokemon cards or magic cards or something.<<

    I know many feel that Kyron is not with us anymore, but I like to hold on to that last shred of hope that he just may be alive after all!

  26. kelli says:

    For God sakes I hope someone see’s or finds kyron, we have no idea whether he is gone, no matter where u live in the country we should be keeping our eyes open, its hard for us ‘the public’ that has grown to love and essentially adopt him into our thoughts and hearts to be kept in the dark about whats going on but we have to remind ourselves that LE want nothing more than to bring him home right now, we have to do our civic duty, keep our eyes and hearts open to finding him until we learn more.

  27. susan says:

    I am not sure that SM is guilty of harming child, she may have just left him unwatched by the pond or somehwere else, from the period 9-10am. If she was on Sauvie Island for a ‘visit’ with someone.

    I read that the Science fair was 8-8:45, and that school did not start until 10am. I do not know if this is true.

    If that is the case, and those hours do seem odd to me, and inconvenient for working parents, she would have likely taken Kyron with her for about one hour.

    Possible that he was thinking of pond projects, or electric projects, during this time, and perhaps someone wanted to get even at SM for some act, such as, and this is hypothetical, “you ruined my family, now I will ruin yours.” If Ky was waiting outside while SM had a ‘visit’, then the wronged party could have snatched him.

    I think that scenario addresses the Sauvie Island pings, the search of the water there, and the rest.

    Another thought, about the electric project, and someone living on Sauvie Island being an electrician in training, perhaps this person was the ‘visitee’ of SM, and Ky got into the electric stuff and hurt himself, after seeing the electric project at school, and the SM was too afraid to tell Kaine about what happened. So now, there is no easy out for them to come clean.

    I feel that either an accident, or an intentional snatching by a wronged party, was the real criminal here.

    I do agree that SM was in the mix, and odd that Kaine was home for bustop pickup.

  28. tk says:

    what about this harry oaks guy doing a private search against the cooperation of the family or LE? Any thoughts blink?

  29. Futureman says:

    oneshot says:

    “Now ‘we’ just need a good private searcher with a piece of worn not clean clothing from Kyron as a scent article, & go find him. Although, bugging Kaine’s phone & following him around would work as well to lead everyone to Kyron, or at least the person Kaine’s fooling around with who might’ve taken Kyron, I’m beginning to believe.”

    And you believe this because…?

    C’mon gang. Enough with the armchair sleuthing. In the absence of confirming evidence, this sort speculation is about as reliable as a tabloid rag.

  30. Sue says:

    If my child ever went missing like little Kyron, the LAST thing I would be doing is surfing the web on-line and answering people who post comments and such on a web-site. I wouldn’t be able to do anything other than try to help police locate my missing child. Why would I care what people thought of me, let alone try to defend myself if I was innocent of any involvement with my child’s disappearance? What’s up with that??

    I do hope that this mystery comes to an end soon. Yet another child goes missing or worse under suspicious circumstances. And those who care for him are acting in extremes.

  31. pamomma says:

    “C’mon gang. Enough with the armchair sleuthing. In the absence of confirming evidence, this sort speculation is about as reliable as a tabloid rag.”

    I believe this comment could be directed to those accusing Kaine with no evidence, AND Terri….I’m not aware of any EVIDENCE of her guilt or involvement either…we have tons of speculation, but CONFIRMING EVIDENCE seems to be something that is lacking on both sides of this argument.
    I don’t know what side of the fence I’m sitting on, but I know enough to see this case could be argued from just about any angle you want to look at it from, because there is no evidence for one theory or another, just a lot of speculation.

  32. raceyrin says:

    Why would the SM take Kyron out of school to go have an affair? It would be easier to leave the baby at the sitters and leave Kyron in school. I don’t get why many think this is what happened.

  33. Midwest Mom says:

    Futureman, would you like to share your confirming evidence? Because all we have right now, by legal documentation, is a man divorcing his wife, with a RO within 3 weeks of their child going missing.

    And of course this is speculation from a parentS point of view, his actions show an intent of pointing his finger and screaming she did it, look at her, not at me.

    And as a mother, I turn to the other one and say, “and what part did YOU play in this mess?” Then I wait for the answer from the finger pointer!

    I am waiting for Kaine’s answer I’m sure it will be very telling..

  34. Redrock says:

    ‘Heavy hitters’ in a big metro do not come cheap. As I said previously, $100K+, plus the costs of private investigators, expert witnesses, psychiatric evaluations, etc. Fee letter likely will have a sliding scale with X cost of an investigation and X more with an indictment and X more with a trial. Could easily top $200K.

    Given that Kaine’s 401K prolly took a hit from a qualified domestic relations order in his first divorce, my guess is he will have to borrow from it again if he has to pay Terri’s legal bills; another indication of new debt is a recent second mortgage or refinancing to extract equity. Interesting he left instead of forcing her out.

    All presumptive of course, because as of this writing, AFAIK no one has been arrested.

  35. dee says:

    “Heather says:
    July 1, 2010 at 1:11 am”

    thanks…I was going to say….?

  36. PamVA says:

    Oh boy Blink, have you heard about this?

    Yes. Hinky.
    What 8 year old is last seen several hours prior to a 9PM 911 call?

  37. MissMonkey says:

    Is it law in Oregon that a spouse is responsible for paying their other half’s criminal attorney? I don’t live in Oregon, but where I do live, you can’t just go retain any lawyer you feel like and say “send the bill to my soon to be ex”.

    Could this be part of the reason Kaine filed when he did? Because it was prior to her retaining counsel?

    Also, as a SAHM whose husband has the ability to work when he needs/wants to, I do no see what is working people up about the fact that he worked from home in the afternoon or that he *gasp* went to pick up his son from the bus stop.

    Do I think he is a totally innocent party in the break down of the marriage? I’m not sure. They appeared to be happy in photos, but we don’t really know what was going on behind closed doors. Does having a teenager butt heads with you make you a horrible step father? Not in the slightest. And from Ron Tarver’s quote, I didn’t take from it that he was blaming Kaine for it either.

    This case is like a Rubick’s Cube. Every time you think you are close, it is still one square away from being complete. Unfortunately it seems that lack of info is leading some to peel the stickers off and rearrange them to force them to fit.

    I hope today’s 10am presser will give a few more details or answers and get us closer to the goal – finding Kyron

  38. nana2 says:

    @ Redrock

    Houze may be doing this case Pro Bono most high priced well known attorneys do a couple of Pro Bono cases a year as a ‘give back to the community’ sort of thing.. Just look at the line of Pro Bono’s on the Casey Anthony case..

  39. Angie says:

    As soon as Terri fights the child custody order and TRO, there must be a hearing within five days. It is very telling that she has not fought it yet.

  40. Futureman says:

    MWM writes: “Futureman, would you like to share your confirming evidence?”

    I have not conjectured a scenario out of what (little) has been reported. In other words, I have no need for confirming evidence because I have not made any assertions about what may/may not have happened.

    And FWIW, KH’s actions are not nearly as interesting as the judge’s decision. You say, “his actions show an intent of pointing his finger and screaming she did it, look at her, not at me.” Of course we cannot divine the intentions of others (especially those we do not know), can we? Why not instead consider what we do know: (1) very rarely does a judge grant (and seal) a restraining order and full legal custody in the absence of a hearing (ex parte); there must be some manifestly obvious threat to the plaintiff(s). (2) TH feels compelled to get a well-known criminal defense lawyer. Whatever story you contrive will have to take those facts into account. On the face of it, things do not look especially good for her. In the absence of further facts, that is all I am willing to say.

    Now can we talk about the possible involvement of extra-terrestrials?

    I thought you said you were going to behave. Your going to sit in the front next to me for a while.

    Kidding, but I agree with the non-snark parts of your comment.

  41. Stars says:

    This may be a stupid question and you do not need to post this but-
    is LE still looking for Kyron? I have not heard of any searches, etc,,,
    Thank you!

  42. Angie says:

    We do know that the police briefed Kaine, Desiree and Tony. The information received was used by Kaine to get a TRO against Terri, which is not easy to do.

  43. Boz says:

    Blink, sorry off this topic but you know how happy I am. The Lisa Lampanelli impersonator has left my state. Whoopie!

    It was an ill fit, I agree.

  44. Annals says:

    Angie; I don’t know that the restraining order applies to the information received from police as per the Kyron investigation. It seems to me that it’s just as likely that the restraining order may stem from whatever occurred on Satuday late afternoon which promped the 911 “threat” call.

  45. SadieBlue says:

    To: MissMonkey says: July 1, 2010 at 9:56 am: I love your analogy!! “This case is like a Rubick’s Cube. Every time you think you are close, it is still one square away from being complete. Unfortunately it seems that lack of info is leading some to peel the stickers off and rearrange them to force them to fit.” That is great.

    I was looking at the website of Harry Oakes to see if he might have posted an update on Kyron, but could not find anything. However, I found a memorial page to two of his search dogs which I thought was amazing and wanted to share it with everyone. It is at The two on the site assisted in so many rescues. His dogs are so well trained. It gives me a lot of hope that he will be able to find something in his search for Kyron.

  46. blue says:


    Do you know if a judge would grant a RO on the basis of police testimony? Could it work that way? If LE went with Kaine Horman and stated they believed strongly that Terri was responsible for the disappearance of Kyron, would that be enough to grant the RO?

  47. Twinkletoes says:

    I agree with Lilly and Jackie that there doesn’t appear to be anything implicating Kaine and he is certainly looking like the more stable of the two parents Kyron had available to him. I am just so terribly saddened by this case. It is hard for me to see anyone who touched this boys life in a meaningful way (or should have) as innocent. I am so tired of our babies getting swallowed up by the poor choices of adults. So yeah, Kaine doesn’t seem to be the bad guy here, but who knows what was really going on here? None of us, unfortunately. This case could twist off in a whole other direction by sundown.
    And I am thrilled Terri finally took some action, if for no other reason than to move this case forward and bring Kyron home. I was starting to think she was hopelessly and irretrievably lost in denial’s lala land.

  48. minima says:

    Again, I agree FLgirl. I don’t know Kaine to like or dislike him. He’s not a person I would typically be drawn to, I don’t get warm fuzzies or anything. But that’s really a moot poin in all of this and I am actually really impressed that he isn’t publicly defending her and falling in line with her bout of delulion.

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