Kyron Horman Case: Terri Horman Sexts Sent To Kaine Horman’s Phone…. WHAT?


In what can only be considered the latest bombshell development in the case of missing Portland boy, 7 year old Kyron Horman, has discovered that the recent sexually graphic text messages or sexts, allegedly exchanged between Terri Horman and mutual friend Michael Cook, may have been altered.  Definitely, alter-able. has confirmed that the phone number which Kaine hand-wrote on the originally sealed emergency restraining order dated June 28, 2010, matches the cell phone number he also alleges, through his attorney Laura Rackner, was used by Michael Cook to RECEIVE the “sext” messages in question.


What’s the issue?

Kaine Horman owns the phone and the account it is registered to, and unless the allegation is that Terri Horman, using her own phone as purported by Kaine, is herself posing as Michael Cook and sexting herself, which would seem like a physical impossibility given some of her *glamour shots*, we have a serious problem.

In Kaine’s own handwriting on the June 28th Restraining Order, he pens that  is an alternative number for Terri Horman.

KainecellScreen shot 2010-10-31 at 11.36.07 PM

In the contempt order filed by Kaine Horman on July 12, Ms. Rackner states that she has personally seen the “work phone” records of Michael Cook, and goes on to say “a search” of his cell phone reflected that he took snapshots on June 28th of the earlier served restraining order, which had been sealed, and was the basis for the contempt motion in the first place. He took pictures of sealed documents on the phone belonging to the other person bound by the same order prohibiting Terri Horman from showing anyone. As there are no texts on the work number until July, it is the only logical conclusion.

I am going to go out on a limb here and assume that at some point it occurred to someone that using good faith information in your affidavit, which when not alerting the court that your client has complete ownership and access to the data on the phone account in question, can look like bad faith in a nano-second, thus the withdrawal.

TROScreen shot 2010-10-31 at 11.13.20 PM

However, not everyone is on the same the playbill because the 21 pages of texts, which were released in PDF format, and do not include any numbers for Terri Horman herself, were supplied in an electronically redacted format; which again indicates this was not an original file.

It was not until the unredacted pdf’s became available October 26th and we converted them to HTML files could we see that based on the file format, it is clear these records came from the account owners and were not subpoenaed from the carrier. Original files, also provided to the respondent, are the requirement of the court. We all know texts can be sent from our phone online accounts, and from our phones directly; I think I even have voice command to text widget thingie.

Anyone that had access to the account, which is registered to Kaine Horman, could clone, spoof, or manipulate those messages, period. That aside, let’s consider the possibility that Terri Horman HAD implicated herself even slightly in any messages on phones that may be utilized to illicit information by a woman who demonstrated her complete knowledge that she understood what expectation of privacy parameters she was under the impression she was operating under, and engaging in, with the “textee”.

Terri Horman was represented by counsel, it would not be difficult for Stephen Houze allege that Kaine Horman was in constant contact with MCSO, had already been provided case sensitive information by them, and as such, was acting as an agent in soliciting the text messages. You see where I am going with this?

The fruit of that poisonous tree is more like the fruit of the poisonous orchard.

The implications of this scenario are abysmal. While I completely understand the desperation of a Father wanting to locate his child, since I have yet to really see anywhere Cook attempts to engage Terrri Horman about Kyron’s whereabouts at any time; I do not get the point of the exercise.

Ms. Rackner is a first rate “Super Lawyer”, but she is not above the burden of her duty to insure that what is being provided to her as a “good faith basis” is just that.

Does this information make Terri Horman any less vulgarly inappropriate at best? Hell to the No.

While it is true on the surface because of this information one will be hard pressed to prove it was definitely Terri Horman who sent the electronic ipecac none of us will soon forget, her attorneys have not denied it was her, nor do I expect them to, at least not until they read this.

What it does, yet again, is potentially compromise the criminal case involving the disappearance of Desiree Young and Kaine Horman’s son Kyron.

This afternoon, contributing editor and Legal Analyst, Lea Conner weighed in:

Kaine Horman claims that law enforcement provided the texts records to him, but that does not mean that the records came from the cell phone provider, nor does it mean that the conversations involve Michael Cook or Terri Horman.

In fact, there are indications that the text message transcripts filled by Mr. Horman are not as they appear.  At least one of the phones purported to belong to “Michael Cook” is registered to Kaine Horman.

Just as important, none of these records indicate any information about the texts Mr. Horman alleges were sent by his wife. Mr. Horman does not list any cell phone number, not one message ID, not one cell record that indicates the identity of other party to the conversation let alone indicating Ms. Horman as the other party to the text message “conversations.” In the case of the phone with the “503″ prefix (503-XXX-XX76), Mr. Horman is the registered owner of the phone that was purportedly sending texts as “Michael Cook.”

More bizarre, Mr. Horman listed this number as belonging to Terri Horman in his application for a temporary restraining order.  Was this a slip on the part of Mr. Horman? Mr. Horman claimed in a motion for remedial contempt that Ms. Horman showed a copy of the restraining order to Mr. Cook and allowed him to photograph the document.

Given that the phone Mr. Horman is the registered owner of the phone he purports was used by “Michael Cook,” it begs the question as to whether Ms. Horman ever allowed Mr. Cook access to the sealed restraining order.  As a party to the action, Mr. Horman had the very same sealed documents. Mr. Horman, through Counsel Laura Rackner, claimed to have reviewed Mr. Cook’s “work cell phone records.”

It is not clear if the documents Ms. Rackner referenced as Mr. Cook’s “work” cell records are, in fact, for the phone registered to Mr. Horman. If the sealed documents referenced in Mr. Horman’s contempt motion were photographed with the phone registered to Mr Horman — the same phone that Mr. Horman claims was used by Mr. Cook —  it might help explain why Mr. Horman withdrew his contempt motion.

Had he gone forward with the motion, he might have had to explain how it was the documents allegedly photographed by Mr. Cook were the same documents that he had in his possession, and that the phone used to photograph sealed court documents was registered to him, not Mr. Cook.

The records for the phone with a “971″ prefix (971-XXX-XX63) are unlisted.  This phone also purported to send texts as “Michael Cook.” Due to the unavailability of any registration for this phone, it is impossible to tell to whom the phone belongs, or who was actually sending texts from this phone. The unredacted copy of the cell phone records filed on October 25, 2010, only identifies one caller on each set of cell phone records. This means that the records came from the phone, not the cell provider. Text records on pages 1 through 12 of Exhibit 1 are from (503) XXX-XX76 (“Cell Phone A”).  These pages allegedly represent text messages sent between 10:17 pm on June 30, 2010 through 7:19 pm on July 1, 2010.

In separate court documents, “Michael Cook” is identified as the sender of text messages and the recipient of text messages is identified as “Terri Horman.” Cell Phone A is a Cingular/AT&T cell phone registered to Kaine Horman. It is also a phone number listed by Mr. Horman in his restraining order application as a phone number for Ms. Horman.

Pages 1 through 12 of Exhibit 1 does not list any phone number for the portion of the conversation attributed to Ms. Horman, only that the texts listed were received by (503) XXX-XX76. Text records on pages 13 through 17 of Exhibit 1 are from (971) XXX-XX63 (“Cell Phone B”).

These pages allegedly represent text messages sent between 6:49 pm on July 4, 2010 through 8:30 am on July 6, 2010.  The bottom of page 17 has a partial text message sent on July 6, 2010, which purports to be sent after 8:30 am. Cell Phone B is an unlisted cell phone with AT&T (formerly Cingular).

In separate court documents, “Michael Cook” is identified as the sender of text messages and the recipient of text messages is identified as “Terri Horman.” Pages 13 through 17 of Exhibit 1 does not list any phone number for the portion of the text messages attributed to Ms. Horman, only that the texts listed were received by (971) XXX-XX63. All texts in Exhibit 2 are from Cell phone A, and allegedly represent text messages sent between 2:29 pm on July 3, 2010 through 9:40 am on July 4, 2010.

Exhibit 2 does not list any phone number for the portion of the text messages attributed to Ms. Horman, only that the texts listed were received by (503) XXX-XX76. All texts in Exhibit 3 are from Cell phone B, and allegedly represent text messages sent between 8:44 pm on July 6, 2010 through 8:41 am am on July 7, 2010.  The top of page 1 of this exhibit has part of an undated message from 8:41 am., possibly on July 6, 2010, that states “I understand. I’m upset about kitty.  I didn’t do [sic]”

Exhibit 3 does not list any phone number for the portion of the text messages attributed to Ms. Horman, only that the texts listed were received by (971) XXX-XX63. Surely investigators working on this case must know that the cell records filed by Mr. Horman as coming from Michael Cook’s phone were not from Mr. Cook’s phone, but from a phone registered in his own name.

Someone in law enforcement must have noticed that the number Mr. Horman claims belong to Michael Cook is also the number he claimed belonged to his wife in his TRO application. Mr. Horman signed his application for temporary restraining order on Monday June 28, 2010, prior to its filing at 4:39 pm that afternoon.

This was two days after the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office conducted its failed sting operation at the Horman residence on Saturday June 26, 2010. MCSO was unable to confirm the murder-for-hire plot that had been alleged by the landscaper.  As a result, MCSO was not able to arrest Ms. Horman.

As such, why did law enforcement then give the green light to Mr. Horman to obtain a restraining order on the basis that his wife had hired to hire a hit man?  Or did Mr. Horman act unilaterally without the endorsement of law enforcement? Surely Mr. Horman must have known that law enforcement could not verify the landscaper’s story, yet he went ahead and filed a restraining order based on the very allegations that law enforcement could not verify. So why did he sign his name to allegations that he knew were not true?

The text messages don’t check out.  The murder for hire allegations don’t check out.  The only common thread here is a man whose son disappeared on June 4, 2010. As tragic and anguishing as Mr. Horman’s circumstances may be, that does not excuse misrepresenting information to the court.

Mr. Horman cannot claim that the phone registered in his name is Michael Cook’s work cell phone, nor can he claim that the phone allegedly used by Michael Cook was used by Ms. Horman. When Sheriff Dan Staton talked about knowing things that might surprise people, could he have been talking about cell phone records? Maybe Stephen Houze and Peter Bunch will force the sheriff to reveal its source for the records.

Although the answer would not bring Kyron home, it might at least alleviate some of the blame heaped on Ms. Horman, as unpopular as that may be.

Lea Conner, contributing editor,

Madeline Tanner, copy and contributing editor,

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  1. lizzy says:

    “I know for certain that Kyron did not leave Skyline School with Terri Horman.

    “For certain” is a big statement. I have to ruminate on that. That’s further than saying it is “for certain” that it cannot be proved that he left with her, because if so she would certainly have been charged by now. This is “for certain” that he did not leave with her. I wonder if that is “leave the building” or “leave the school ground.” Thanks for any clarification possible.

    Now, to go way OT. My brother-in-law smoked 3 decades ago when his oldest two children were quite young, and had been a chain smoker since he had served in Vietnam, and had grown up in a family of smokers.

    He had to have gall bladder surgery, and there were problems due to his heavy smoking. The doctor told him he would die if he kept smoking, and ever had to have anesthesia again. That didn’t make him stop. The doctor then asked my sister for permission to speak to their children. I’m not sure that she quite realized what he planned, but he told these wee ones that their daddy would die if he kept smoking. Thereafter, every time he smoked or they even smelled it on him, they would start sobbing. He quit.

    OK, back to Kyron.

  2. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    @Riverpearl: Giant hug. Thank you.

    @Weeds: Great summary on sonar. I did a little research but you really helped clarify some things.

    Blink, you wrote:
    “I know for certain that Kyron did not leave Skyline School with Terri Horman.

    If you know for certain, then LE knows for certain that Kyron didn’t leave with TH. True?
    (I know you may not be able to answer)
    But do you know or have a good idea about who Kyron left with, or is this the big ? that LE is working on?
    Do you think that person and TH met up again later?

    I’ll take any answers I can get.

    Unrelated note: Blink, your smoking response to JeffD was awesome, and it just shows how much you do care. Glad I found your awesome blog.

  3. lyla says:

    30.Observant says:
    November 18, 2010 at 4:27 pm
    I’m confused. I’m seeing posts where people write that Blink says there’s a third suspect or Blink says Kyron didn’t leave with Terri as if they are facts. I am going to flat out ask if these are things you know for certain Blink or is that your theory based on what you have learned about the case so far?

    I know for certain that Kyron did not leave Skyline School with Terri Horman.
    I believe Kyron left the school on his own under the instructions of TH for the “supposed” Drs. appointment. Once outside the building he left the school premises with someone he knew. We can all assume he left with TH because it fits in with some of our theories. The fact is we do not know not know who the person is who took him off the school premises. We do know whoever he did leave with meant him egregious harm. Are there any suspects other than TH at this time that we don’t know of? Will there be an arrest(s) by the end of January or February when LE expects to wrap up the case?

  4. GreenEye says:

    Ode says:
    November 17, 2010 at 6:00 pm

    “Just a thought, we have forgotten the referred to December 26th, 911 call. It was as I recall brought up by TH’s attorney as if a signal to Kaine. If that call related to LS then they may be showing Kaine that they will show he did know about the LS.”

    That’s interesting. If KH knew the LS, this certainly could lead down the path of the suggestions of some here, that KH and RS worked together creating the MFH plot as a motivation after-the-fact of Kyron missing. It is possible that the MFH was not real at all. Many on here believe that KH and MC worked together regarding the sexts. IMO I think that this is all a far stretch, but I could see how one could go down that line of reasoning. This is a puzzle of sorts.

    I often wonder, did KH have a lover on the side too? I read here a while back that people were wondering about his coworker who sent out the email? did anything pan out with that line of thought? I only ask if KH had a lover because maybe he and TMH were living seperated under the same roof…like he says he and DY were, when she was pregnant and he was with TMH. Perhaps TMH and RS were not a secret. It is possible that this all came out after the 911 call. Maybe those two were lovers because KH was with someone else. Going there…Heck, if they were ‘swingers’ maybe they were with both RS and ES, who knows?

    10.melissab says:
    November 17, 2010 at 9:39 pm

    Could it be that TH was threatened by the vampire/s before to have someone in her family hurt/kidnapped/etc., before June 4 and that is why James was shipped off. Maybe there were threats prior to Kyron being kidnapped and she wanted her child out of the way, Kyron would be going on a trip with Kaine and then DY’s and she would only have to protect Kitty. What did she do to someone(who is either unstable or violent anyway) to piss them off so bad if this is the case? This kinda makes sense. Blink, do you have any clue or inkling as to what may have been going on with TH behind closed doors other than affairs?

    Good questions. It makes me think of RS and revenge on TMH. Didn’t I read…that it is believed that TMH called 911 on RS, after their affair ended and he threatened her, and that after she made that call-he was furious with her, because he was in the us illegally…? And then his wife and kids took off (if ES is his wife)? And this is the same guy she supposed approached with the MFH? Doesn’t he drive a white truck too? And he’s been at Skyline? hmmm. maybe he had someone do this. maybe now, LE gave him immunity, they are stuck. oh boy.

    Maybe TMH, in frustration, was talking about KH and said to RS ‘ugh, I wish he were dead’ and RS said ‘that can be arranged’, and she laughed it off. Maybe that is this whole supposed MFH. Maybe, it was no serious situation, but it’s now out there, and looks worse than it is. Not saying anyone should ever say those words, just maybe it was not an actual request for it to be done, and then it spiralled out of control? And yes, the whole idea of her backing out, makes you think. What if she was really not meaning that, and the wheels were in motion and she was trying to stop all of that? It does make sense, that there would be some consequence for that.

    12.panda says:
    November 17, 2010 at 10:01 pm

    OK. I’m going with the third person is



    Woah. I thought of that a while ago, but then thought that it didn’t fit because she’s been missing with the kids since May 19th. BUT I did wonder, if she and the children were either dead, OR, if she told someone else about this affair and the betrayal, and they took matters into their own hands…followed or watched the H’s and then grabbed Ky … so TMH could have her life torn apart like the S’s were. ?

    IMOO…I still just cannot believe that TMH orchestrated all of this. I think she may have said the wrong things to the wrong people, when complaining, and then to hurt her, they acted it out.

    I know that LE is working this case very hard, but they still haven’t charged anyone, or named anyone a suspect, or a poi, and little Kyron still hasn’t been found. This is beyond frustrating. The person responsible is probably feeling a little too proud of themselves, and that is annoying. It’s time for LE to get the ball rolling and find that sweet child, and for justice to be served.

  5. cartwheel says:

    DAMN! I love your writing! Them’s some good smoking stories, riveting script. I have similar stories in my own family…tobacco, alcohol, and drugs…and all the convoluted and complex behavior and chaos that accompanies all of that and affects every single solitary in member of 3 tiers of my family. I finally had to make the choice to be estranged from them. I could not find peace inside of it as I began to see its continued effects on the generation behind me. My father just died from stage IV renal cancer in April, he smoked and drank heavily for years, though not for the last 20. My aunt just died from stage IV lung cancer September 30. She smoked and drank nonstop for decades, I suspect until the day she died. My precious sweet nephew just got out of prison due to drug/alcohol related crimes. I have an alcoholic brother who is just a flat narcissistic asshole. Another brother who, now in his 50s, still screwing around with meth and had his girlfriend’s children removed from the home a few years ago. Another niece, who, bless her heart, was addicted to pain meds, then meth, and has had a miraculous recovery experience after her mother finally got her dragged hauled in off the streets of Costa Mesa, via phone from Portland, Oregon…. I’ve spent my adult life in counseling, recovery, classes, courses, hypnosis, you name it, trying to survive and live with this crap. I reckon I’m rambling by now, but this topic of addiction is a passionate one for me and I am sending out messages to The Universe that I want to do something huge about it someday, but I don’t know what that will look like.

    Back to TH. It’s been a few months since I chanted this rant. IMO, TH is a pathological narcissist and whoever thinks they can logically understand her, be prepared for her, figure her out, or chastise Kaine for not being on top of her antics, is not read up on this very sick and twisted disorder. A master of deception is even just a small piece of it, yet a huge part of it.


    Thank you for fighting the good fight, and I forbid you to attend family reunions.


  6. sweetnessnlite says:

    H. Long time lurker, first time poster. There are approximately 7 people that could have been involved as that third person would not surprise me. In addition, IMO, theoretically, if harm did come to Kyron, this harm may not have been inflicted until after it was determined by whomever that there would be not be a call from the school, in regard to his absence.

  7. nora says:

    So lets make a list of who IS still on the list:

    One of the Villareal family members
    A mystery lover of Terri
    Mystery male in the Science Fair photo

    What else we got?

  8. roots says:

    YOU can do it JeffD! I refused to buy cigs for my parents as a young child too- under severe punishment I might add. I’m 38 and have never smoked a single cig in my whole entire ever-lovin’ life, but I have asthma– most liekly from two parents doing two packs a day in the house. So many ways to do it! Just get started- the clock is ticking.

  9. Sammy says:

    Rich M says:
    November 18, 2010 at 2:22 pm
    I do not know when the presser was planned or if he was just stalked while at the wall. It does appear planned but I do recall he said he hadnt seen the presser by Desiree.

    @Rich M.
    Thanks for your posts about Kaine’s press conference … agree with you that is was planned.
    I distinctly remember that Kaine’s presser at the Wall of Hope WAS scheduled b/c
    I had read and heard about it in several of the Portland media as being scheduled to begin on Monday at 10:30amPT/1:30pmET (read/heard about it at least as early as Sunday, maybe Saturday night.)

    Many people were posting about Desiree being scheduled to appear that Monday morning … and I remember posting here at BOC the info/time to also watch for Kaine’s presser later in the day.
    I think I posted words along the line of … “Desiree in the morning and Kaine in the afternoon, it’s gonna be quite a day”.

    I just assume that after both Desiree and Kaine were with LE on Friday for that closed door meeting and update … that they both made their separate plans to speak to the press on Monday.
    I don’t in anyway think that Kaine just did it spur of the moment – as in response to Desiree speaking.
    —– —– —– —– —– —— —— ——
    Kozyotb says:
    November 18, 2010 at 11:21 am
    Is the headless lumberjack and unidentified male chaperone one in the same?

    I know there is nothing funny about why we are all here … but every time I read the phrase “The Headless Lumberjack” I do chuckle to myself a bit.
    Hope that doesn’t offend anyone … but it sounds like a character in a game of Clue or something.

    Your post was a good wrap up of “things I think I know”. Thanks.
    —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —–
    Please don’t go into lurk-dom … I always look for your posts and you have helped to clear the spidey webs out of my brain many a time. (and believe me, I have many more spidey web filled holes up there)

  10. Riverpearl says:

    Breaking/ News @ KATU
    KH sits down w/ABC to “clarify” situation w/ DY & other things that have been spoken about in the last few days.
    KATU had just a spot @ 4pm w/ “more” @ 5pm.

  11. ccane says:

    Video of Skyline
    waste reduction program and a native plant garden

  12. TBZ says:

    @7.nora says:
    November 18, 2010 at 6:36 pm
    So lets make a list of who IS still on the list:

    One of the Villareal family members
    A mystery lover of Terri
    Mystery male in the Science Fair photo

    What else we got?

    Maybe BP to the list who lives on a houseboat on SI. And just strange how some of the family memmbers have relocated to Arizona.

  13. Falstaff says:

    nora says:
    November 18, 2010 at 6:36 pm
    So lets make a list of who IS still on the list:

    One of the Villareal family members
    A mystery lover of Terri
    Mystery male in the Science Fair photo

    What else we got?


    “Someone in plain sight”, was that sort of how the quote went?

    Dede, but if so, why hasn’t she been arrested?
    A male associated with the school that she was having a relationship with.
    Mike Cook, does he seem stupid enough? I know, I know, lol.
    Kaine’s brother.
    Pumala, someone in that family.
    Jason (He who shall not be named) W.

    It is a mystery, do we “know” him/her?

  14. puzzled says:

    nora says:
    November 18, 2010 at 6:36 pm

    So lets make a list of who IS still on the list:

    What else we got?
    How ’bout looking at the relationships …

    TH and RS
    TH and DD
    RS and Associates
    RS and AS-S
    TH and MC
    TH and KH
    KH and MC
    Villareal family members
    Mystery male in Science Fair photo
    Mystery male chaperone
    Unknown stranger

    anyone we can eliminate?

  15. panda says:

    Taken from
    Stars says:
    November 18, 2010 at 3:58 pm

    June 11, 2010 at 9:52 am
There is only one way in and out of the school, and there are no cameras.
The likelihood that this is an employee or volunteer of this school is very high, I am choking myself out of not just coming out and saying “the suspect is the man that has not been on the job since early this week.”

    July 17, 2010 at 7:07 pm
If you were guessing, who would be your biggest FOCUS?
    Rudy Sanchez and his associates.

    August 17, 2010 at 6:37 pm
    Make no mistake. Rudy Sanchez is involved. I say that without reservation.


    Thank you Stars for putting those comments together.

    One thing — from the pictures, maps and discussion there does appear to be more than one door in and out of the school. Perhaps there’s only one that is open from the outside but there are others that could have been opened from the inside to either leave, go out to look at the garden, let someone inside, or all of the above.

    But mostly — humbly asking Blink-
    Did you change your mind about who sometime between June 11 and July 17?

  16. Ode says:

    I really want to stay away from religious discussion, it is deeply personal and it never goes well.
    Why Blink I do think a little of you southern charm is showing:))

  17. panda says:

    Please do not use that word here. I did not even get that.

  18. Jeff D says:

    Have quit before and can quit again. One step is raising my hand, so thanks again for your voice. My ‘babies’ are grown and need old dad for less and less so the little things are even more meaningful. And this is why I am here. And why each of these other folks are here. We see glimpses into the lives and souls of everyone. Whether it’s our den mother or Idahogal, or beejay, Rich, pps, or any of the countless others here…we all find this sad story so incredulous, so deeply anti……we want to stalk this evil and haunt this evil and squash this evil like the ugly bug it is.

  19. Mother Hen says:


    First of all, you crack me up!!! “Been chased around the barn yard and laughed at by Mother Hen.”

    Second, I don’t talk about alcohol / drug addiction in general terms. In fact, I don’t think I have really given any comments about it on this thread until I just wanted to show you how inline we really are on certain things.

    Most important, you are great for handling whatever was a problem for you. Many people can’t say that. My, oh my, the stories I could share — especially about those sober people in my family that use their old habit as a constant excuse for their current behavior. I call it narcissisim, among other things. Oh! And yes…the lying! That is NOT alcoholism.

    Thank you and please don’t lurk long!
    - been chased around the barn yard and laughed at by a Mother Hen
    - checked the whites around my eyes way too many times
    - failed miserably while trying to explain the patterns, cycles and possible causes/effects of addiction and abuse
    - realized I am no closer to helping with Ky’s case than I was 5 months ago
    - realized being proud of my sobriety and sharing my experience will just get me labeled in a negative way with a lot of folks

  20. Cbickel says:

    @Jeff D….I had my last cig this year on my birthday, Sept.1. I was sick that day but still managed to puff on a cig or two thru the day. Sometime early in the morning of Sept.2 I woke my husband up and told him to call 911…something was wrong with me. (Those were my words according to hubby, I have no memory)

    I went to the hospital in an ambulance, I do remember being on the gurney and going from the porch to the back of the ambulance. According to hubby I was a very pretty shade of blue, and we soon learned that my bronchitis had developed into a very nasty pneumonia in less than 24 hours.

    I spent a week and a day in the hospital, hooked up to O2, and given IV antibiotics along with steroids. Pretty sure I had roid rage at one point, either that or it was nicotine withdrawal…not sure which.

    ANyway…long story short. It take just 3 days for your body to get rid of nicotine. Just 3 days. It’s been 2 months and 18 days since I had a cig and I honestly have to say so far it’s not been hard at all. If I get the urge to smoke, I just look at the clock, wait 5 minutes and see if I still feel the “urge” (I never have after the 5 minute mark) then go on with whatever I’m doin’.

    It’s pretty much like any other addiction, my kids begged me not to, my baby grandaughter didn’t stop me, almost dyin’ did it for me…I don’t recommend the almost dyin’ thing.

    Oh….one more thing, 2 sometimes 3 packs a day for over 30 years, quit cold turkey (with a little help of bein’ afraid I’d blow up if I smoked ’cause I was O2 for a week)

    Thoughts and prayers are with Kyron, his brothers, sister, friends and classmates.

  21. Malty says:

    I am going lurk every day then here I am posting
    stay it is warm and cozy here on a wet cold day
    lov ya

  22. zeus says:

    Idahogal says:
    November 18, 2010 at 8:30 am

    As a matter of fact, I would like to hear theories about this from as many people as possible! My brain is fried, help…

    We keep discounting Elsy because she is missing—but she and her children might have been in hiding very close to Portland at the time of Ky’s disappearance, or not considered missing then at all. She really wasn’t being looked for until July. Just because someone is missing doesn’t mean they are out of the country or far away at all. I have read lately about a lot of criminals that were in hiding and found within 10 miles of where they used to live or commit their crimes. They were hiding, but still close by. Not saying that Elsy is a criminal of course or that she had anything to do with Kyron’s case, but who knows! By now, whether it was Elsy or someone else, they are probably long gone.

    I have a feeling that a woman took Kyron from Skyline, not TH. I find it easier to believe that Kyron would trust a mom figure, especially if it was someone he was acquainted with. I still think TH either got mixed up with people who were very angry with her for something she did or did not do, and those people took him for whatever reason-or that TH planned his disappearance but did not expect it to be so permanent and uncontrollable by her. The bad guys (in whatever form they are in)), would have been smart enough to get a woman to talk Kyron out of his school-a woman who was under their power, or was into the same bad stuff they were.

    The only other way I can see it happening, is a bad guy says to Kyron-let’s go look at the flower bed outside-someone said there were frogs in it. Then once he gets him outside, he grabs, subdues, and tosses him in a vehicle. The problem I have with that is someone most likely would have seen or heard a struggle. Although I was very concerned when I saw the closeup pics of Skyline. I have never seen such a remote school with so many hidden outdoor and indoor corners, stairs, hiding spots, etc. It was a disaster waiting to happen with no cameras controlling any of it. But even with all that, I still think someone could have noticed and that would have been a really risky chance to take.

    That’s why I think Ky simply walked outside with a female he trusted and got into a vehicle. Much less chance of anyone seeing that and raising an alarm, because it would look normal. Especially a woman and child together. Most people do not know everyone at their kids schools, and would certainly not pay attention to a child getting into a vehicle with a woman-especially if she had other kids (or even one) with her. If anyone glanced that way they would assume that he was heading off with his mom, aunt, etc., for an appointment or whatever. If someone did see them-they obviously didn’t recognize the person he was with, or know Kyron well enough to match him with other adults from his family-or this would be tied up by now.

    Blink has said he did not leave with TH, so I believe he left with another woman. It makes sense. This may be 2010, but I still pay more attention to a kid with a man-versus a kid with a woman. It may not be fair, and it may be sexist, but there it is. If by chance, Kyron walked out of Skyline with a man, and someone saw him, and he seemed happy and normal-then Ky left with someone he trusted and knew and was not afraid to go with. That’s a whole different situation if that turns out to be the case.

    What gets me is someone did witness a person in or by the truck-we’ve been told that. So did someone also see Kyron and if they did-was he happy or scared looking? We still don’t know any of those details. I really feel that someone saw Ky by the truck too, and that when Desiree said (during an interview), “why would he be outside by the truck”, and then Kaine backpedaled and said that wasn’t confirmed yet—I think that it was. So someone out there saw Kyron, saw how he was reacting to whatever was going on, but we aren’t supposed to know that. Maybe the person who potentially saw him was a child and that is why we don’t know more. JMO

    I do think there was a 3rd person-I think it was a female-and I think LE is trying desperately to find that person but she is missing, and no one who knows anything about this case is talking. Or if they are talking, they aren’t naming names and potential locations.

    I have a really hard time with the Sauvie Island searches. On the one hand-I am so glad they are still looking, but on the other hand- I really wonder if someone has steered them wrong on purpose and Kyron is not remotely near Portland anymore. LE has to keep searching where they were told since there are not a lot of other options. Could someone have tipped them off to SI in the hopes that they would not search hard enough in other places for him. That would give someone plenty of time and then some for Ky to be anywhere in the world by now. Could an empty suitcase or other type of container have been planted on SI, and when it is found-there will be nothing in it?

    And to freak people out even more-I still think Kyron is alive! I have felt that from the beginning and I still feel that. I think he is somewhere very remote and almost impossible to figure out. I think he will be found someday, like Jaycee Dugard and Elizabeth Smart. Until proven wrong-there is always hope.

    Forgive the long ramble, it’s just All MOO, and things I’ve been thinking about!

  23. beejay says:

    @idahogal: I respect your lurking decision. (You know I love and honor you for your accomplishments!) It’s been a tough week here for a lot of us. We’re discussing something that’s not ready to yield its answers yet. And no one here has the big one.

    It doesn’t really matter if we figure it out. We might not ever know all of it. The wrong person might get railroaded; the right person might get away with it. A lot of things can happen.

    For me, there can be no justice for Ky. Humans cannot mete that out. There’s a great chance that his murderer (who may have committed other crimes against him, too) is still walking around free. If so, he might do harm to another child. And THAT can be prevented.

    OTOH, if he’s locked up already, then he still has to be convicted, so that there can’t be a repetition of this. As I see it, LE has an overwhelming task to reach that end.

    I’m marshalling my personal resources and contacts to see what we can come up with to help. And to find acceptable mechanisms to do that; that’s the tougher part. But I share your commitment to Ky and I have my own commitment to what he represents–all the other innocents out there who might be spared his fate if each of us takes small actions.

    I’ll be away for awhile. I got some new-fangled electronic device I’m trying to master. Maybe I can learn enough to at least read here.

    BTW, just watched live streaming video of Kaine on katu 5pm pacific time. He said it was ok with him for people who’re blaming him to do that if it helps them (I’m sure Desiree appreciates his permission!) And that they’ve gone a long time without speaking, but he thought that might be resolved with holidays approaching. And for everyone to look for Ky.

    Is he really gonna be on Good Morning America tomorrow am? Just heard that, but not sure of source.

  24. Laurel Canyon says:

    If it is known for a certainty that Kyron left with someone other TH – this info could only have come either directly or indirectly from LE. If there were reliable eye witnesses who said they saw Kyron leave with someone who definitely was not TH – they would’ve had to have provided some description for it to be determined that it was not TH. Yet there have been no descriptions, sketches or further updates to the public regarding whoever Kyron left with in order for the public or anyone at Skyline that day to help identify this creep – other than that Dede flyer.
    If LE had a reliable eye witness describing Kyron leaving with a man, or a woman who did not resemble TH at all, why not release that info/description? Why the Dede flyer? It would seem more likely that a witness (or more than one) said, “I saw the person and it was a female with red hair but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t TH”.
    I do not think LE released that flyer without a very good reason and for a very specific purpose.
    My guess would be Dede, with TH not too far away doing her part popping in and out of FM’s to establish an alibi.
    They do have eye witnesses or they would not have released that flyer. The problem might be that the eye witnesses who may have seen this at a glance, from a distance and not thought anything of it at the time….cannot decisively say whether it was TH or Dede. TH has her FM receipts – and Dede will deny it was her until LE can prove it.

  25. riverpearl says:

    Ok, had to wait a brief moment after seeing “more” of KH sit-down “conversation” w/ ABC correspondent.

    First: Since I saw the “first” spot @ 4pm PST/ KATU2 Newscast,
    I have been un-able to pull anything up @ either the ABC News web site or KATU2′s.

    Second: The “follow-up” to the 4pm KATU2 @ 5:10pmish PST newscast was almost as short as the 4pm “spot”.

    Three: I am not trying to judge, lets be clear, no dis-respect, BUT KH “seems” NOT wired/able to ADMIT when “he done wrong”.

    Four: YES, to me, he is being dismissive to DY- AGAIN.(and I will say I am being VERY polite w/ “that descriptive” word/take on him)

    Five: I hope to find, on either ABC &/ or KATU web site MORE of “his conversation” because WHAT was used for these “spots”, had me, yes screaming @ the TV.

    Six: Yes, KH is anger, grieving etc. BUT so IS DY (& TY & QM & JM & well, you all know …)


    Eight: I repeat, I am NOT disrespecting KH.

    Nine: Could this be KY TRYING to GAIN CONTROL of DY? (AGAIN ?)

    TEN: I am sticking w/ beejay:

    beejay says:
    November 17, 2010 at 1:34 pm

    …They knew the email revelations would get media coverage. AND, they could figure out that it would be devisive, between the bio parents, and that would be reflected in the media releases…

    The reality is, though, that those were angry, furious tears from Desiree. The longer she stews on that (and watch to see if LE does more of this) the madder she’s gonna get at Kaine. That man better hold onto his a**. KH might have had something he could use against her (or not) in a custody battle over Ky. But now, it’s irrelevant and she might not care what comes out. Tony, LE, and nobody else will hold her back. IMHO.

    IMO, JMHO, MOO to infinity and beyond.


    For the record, DY does not give a rats ass what comes out, made up or otherwise.

    Her child is gone. This is not a PR war. This is not a personality contest.

    Honestly, at this point, if I do not hear about something that progresses this investigation in some way, I am deaf.

  26. riverpearl says:

    TYPO: “Nine: KY”
    Correction/Should be “KH”
    Gads… Thanks

  27. Nancy says:

    Just read on SM that Kaine will be on Good Morning America tomorrow morning to discuss what he thinks TH did with Kyron; haven’t independently confirmed it though.

  28. wordweaver says:

    Idahogal — stop it and get back on this forum! I for one will very much miss your comments, so shake it off and get back up swinging, ok?

    She will. Right I?

  29. wordweaver says:

    People…this is a 7-year old. They DO not keep track of time, run on a schedule or remember (let alone act upon) things like “at 9:00 meet me in the parking lot.” There are a lot of parents here, I’m sure. Who among you would ask or expect your 7-year old to effectively do such a thing? Someone TOOK him out of school. Maybe they were told what to say, “Like, it’s time for your doctor appointment and Mommy asked me to come get you” but the DON’T leave on their own and I sure wouldn’t count on that to happen.

  30. riverpearl says:

    PS. KATU2 reporter Anna Song did say KH said (paraphrase) this was the “longest” (period) of time KH & DY had NOT TALKED
    with the HOLIDAYS COMING “hoped” they would.

    Ok, this may, to some, sound snarky but has he heard of a telephone ?
    Is he stating “she’ll call, she always calls, it’s the holidays” ?

    … because hey, I believe KH does NOT UNDERSTAND the DIFFERENCE of “messing” w/Desiree, the individual vs Desiree THE MOTHER.

    Any woman W/ CHILD(ren) KNOWS THAT & MOST Guys w/ child(ren), being honest w/ themselves, KNOWS YOU NEVER GET BETWEEN a WOMAN & HER CHILD(ren).

    AND I JUST LOVE BEEJAY’s Comment, So I’m posting it again.
    The reality is, though, that those were angry, furious tears from Desiree. The longer she stews on that (and watch to see if LE does more of this) the madder she’s gonna get at Kaine. That man better hold onto his a**. KH might have had something he could use against her (or not) in a custody battle over Ky. But now, it’s irrelevant and she might not care what comes out. Tony, LE, and nobody else will hold her back. IMHO.(beejay says: November 17, 2010 at 1:34 pm)


    IMO, JMHO, MOO to infinity and beyond.

  31. MockingbirdSings says:

    Falstaff says:
    November 18, 2010 at 7:36 pm
    nora says:
    November 18, 2010 at 6:36 pm
    So lets make a list of who IS still on the list:

    One of the Villareal family members
    A mystery lover of Terri
    Mystery male in the Science Fair photo

    What else we got?


    “Someone in plain sight”, was that sort of how the quote went?

    Dede, but if so, why hasn’t she been arrested?
    A male associated with the school that she was having a relationship with.
    Mike Cook, does he seem stupid enough? I know, I know, lol.
    Kaine’s brother.
    Pumala, someone in that family.
    Jason (He who shall not be named) W.

    It is a mystery, do we “know” him/her?

    One of my previous scenarios included Rudy having dumped a lover who either lived in the area or volunteered/worked at the school when he started a relationship with Terri. So that would be a woman familiar with the school and everything that goes on there, and who hated Terri, and possibly Rudy. And possibly whoever she enlisted.
    I doubt this one because it would mean Terri wasn’t involved, and I don’t believe that, but it’s still a possibility. If so, however, both Terri and Rudy would know who that was.

    I still have to consider that Kyron’s unhappiness had been going on for a long time, so although it’s possible an unknown SO came along and took advantage of the situation, it still seems so much more likely that whatever happened had been developing over a much longer period of time.

  32. lyla says:

    13.puzzled says:
    November 18, 2010 at 12:33 pm
    Three red flags dropped for me, at Kaine’s recent pc.

    1) the red mustang … to the casual observer, it’s just a car … but Kaine is driving this car in hopes of people recognizing it … his blatant way of flaunting that he has taken away something that once belonged to Terri … much like his withholding baby K.

    2) claiming that baby K doesn’t miss her mother … although Kaine admits she does miss her brother. Kaine cannot possibly know what this baby is feeling … but is attempting to rid Terri from baby’s life and is dismissive of baby having any feelings of loss of her mother … we’ve witnessed dismissive from him before.


    3) referring to his wife as “it” … Kaine is beginning to dehumanize the object of his hate… not good.
    I agree. Looks like some sort of “game playing” going on with Kaine. If you go back to June after the first PC, it was obvious to me Kaine did not have a clue what was going on with his wife. It took the abduction of his son, which the focus of LE has been on TH, for him to realize something has been “awry” with their relationship since the birth of Kiara?
    Considering their open lifestyle maybe Kaine let in a few, shall we say, vampires or two. This abduction was revenge on Kaine initiated by TH or possibly a significant other of Kaine’s be it male or female. LE has said “it’s a marathon not a sprint”. Just thinking outside the box at 15,000 feet and closing in. moo

  33. wordweaver says:

    Has everyone totally given up on the grandparents in Washington? The books about kids in the forest, the inclusion of the Red Squirrel character, the sexual abuse that alledgedly took place in Kaine’s family (I’m sorry, but this stuff goes deeper than you might think and explains A LOT of what we have speculated about Kaine)….I think Kyron left Skyline willingly and quietly with someone he knew and trusted.

    Let’s expand the net and think bigger.

    I also pose an alternate path that involves Elsy…we don’t know if Kyron was acquainted with her, she and the kids went missing but that could have been planned. Her warrant didn’t go out until much later, giving her opportunity to be involved — it’s not a missing person notice, it’s a warrant, she could be alive and quite well — and who knows how she really figured in all this RS/Terri Horman stuff.

    I think it’s time to add more theories — based on the information we have.

    That being said, anything involving the grandparents doesn’t fit where Blink is pointing us — which is towards RS, but not directly — just like not directly at Terri. Simply related, connected….

  34. panda says:

    I apologize. It is a name of someone we aren’t supposed to mention and that is my personal opinion for that someone.

    @Zues. Thanks for taking up on Elsy.

  35. riverpearl says:

    Blink says November 18, 2010 at 9:11 pm

    For the record, DY does not give a rats ass what comes out, made up or otherwise.

    Her child is gone. This is not a PR war. This is not a personality contest.

    Honestly, at this point, if I do not hear about something that progresses this investigation in some way, I am deaf.

    BLINK, I agree.

    That’s what a lot of my screaming @ the TV was about … ‘cuz ABC is national audience & chit like what I heard is not about Kyron. So that is why I said I would hold off on the “total spot” as they showed a small snip.

    I apologize if I crossed your line in the sand, not my intent.

    Will stand in corner.

    Having a background in the PR circuit, I can only say oye vey.

  36. puzzled says:


    Hey gal … I’ll have the coffee on in the AM awaiting your latest post after Kaine’s appearance on GMA.

    If y’all are PST, I am SOL. If not, I have a Flavia. Pick your poison.

  37. Mother Hen says:

    I have asked this before, but don’t recall any reponses…so I am going to ask again. Sorry if I have merely missed any comments.

    Isn’t it true that we only have knowledge about TH being overly strict with Kyron, etc., via Kaine? And if that is true, then is it really true?

    Also, do we really know for certain that Kyron wanted to live with DY because of TH? Is this knowledge we have — once again — from KH? It seems to me that DY and KH merely stated that KY would get upset when he would have to leave one house or another is would any typical child going back and forth between two house-holds. This is what I recall. The story seems to have changed, once again.

    Anyone? Anyone?

  38. Mother Hen says:

    Adding to my 10:16 p.m. comment:

    I am well aware that both TH and DY wanted KY to live with DY. Not a mystery for me here. BUT, did TH agree that it was because of TH hatred of KY or that KY did not like TH because of abusive treatment? It sort of goes along with my 10:16 statement because again, there was NO MENTION of this in the initial “turn on Terri” phase of this investigation.

  39. NelMel says:

    Should we be thinking that perhaps a 3rd person who swept Kyron out of school on June 4 was not trying to rattle Terri, but instead trying to rattle KAINE? Kyron is HIS son. If someone was trying to make Terri pay for her evil (perceived) deeds, wouldn’t they go after Kiara? Take a man’s son! That’ll teach him!

    Remember — Kaine is just a doofy engineer (sorry, but I worked with engineers for four years — they’re silly). Perhaps he sucks at relationships. Perhaps he’s a cad. Who the hell cares?? That does not make him evil. It makes him normal in most cases. But he pissed someone off. And Kryon is not with him at Intel. The way to get Kaine’s son, not Terri’s, is at school during a big fat science fair.

    The science fair was local. Local school. Local sign on the school announcing it. Well, maybe a blurb in a local paper?

    Someone is pissed at Kaine, not Terri? Rudy? Why? Kaine told Terri to fire Rudy’s services.

    Rudy or his associate(s) know that KH and TH are a bit different. They have skeletons in their closets — nothing fatal, just bad relationship stuff. Fine, a MFH is a big deal — but was that true? Did the landscaper see a big paycheck from the Hormans, and KH nixed it? To heck with skanky Terri, who was fun while it lasted. The LS is pissed off at getting FIRED.

    People DO get red hot when their fired. Irrational. Filled with rage. Conspiracy theory rage. “I’ll show him! I’ll take his kid!”

    And Terri runs around like a maniac on June 4th, knowing some dirtbag that she and KH both know, and both pissed off in different ways, has Kyron.

    She’s in a bad position. She’s not on Team Kyron. She wants Kaine, and Kaine’s nice money and her stay-home status and Kiara, and she knows if Kyron is gone, living with Desiree and Tony, no more Desiree!!! Yay!!!

    She’s flapped her lips to the LS about all of that. And then messes around with him. Poor Terri, married to a thankless micromanaging engineer who doesn’t appreciate how she raises HIS child.

    RS and TH get it on. TH whines about KH. ALL THE FREAKIN’ TIME.

    Now, RS has sex with this whacky unhappy engineer’s wife, and he has money from working their property. He’s good to go! He’s got a crew, he’s got a horny housewife, and he’s got the husband’s money in his pocket. For a short period of time.

    RS banked on a lot of good things going on. They stopped.

    The sex stopped when KH said “fire the landscaper.”

    The money stopped when KH said “fire the landscaper.”

    So, RS sees that sex and money stops…because of KH, not because of TH. And frankly, choosing between what’s worse, losing some nooky, which can be found elsewhere easily, and loosing MONEY, which requires hard work, RS is PISSED OFF. At Kaine.

    Kaine is clueless. Why would he know any of this? He has a bad relationship, a great job, loves his kids, and Terri spends too much damned money on landscapers. Most guys would act like Kaine. Fire the landscaper, and by the way, our relationship sucks.

    A FEW guys would act like RS. Okay, we don’t have sex anymore, you’re a low down skank, but YOU’RE FIRING ME?????????

    IF RS had anything to do with snatching Kyron, he wanted to mess with the man of the house, not the ninny slut wife.

    Is this possibly something that LE would like to less-than-gently convey to Kaine now? Or from the beginning? Did LE just experiment on the MFH sting, hoping to pin down that RS took Kryon, and hardly thinking that the MFH was real? Did they want to have that sting reveal that RS was behind Kyron’s disappearance? Imagine — sending RS and a cop to confront Terri, and hoping that during that sting, RS would say something or TH would say something about KYRON????

    My head hurts.

  40. riverpearl says:

    Mother Hen,
    I believe DY said it in her latest Dateline interview.
    Not only was Kyron in Medford sobbing asking her to let him stay repeatedly but IIRC she also said TMH had called her.
    KH admitted @ latest Wall of Hope presser to “numerous” incidents even though to him it was “one time”.(Yes, conflicting comments all in the same presser)

    Yes, DY spoke before about Kyron’s requests & KH dismissed “as typical child going back ‘n forth. If you can, get a look-see @ KH comments @ the latest Wall of Hope presser (maybe Oregonian would have transcript ?)


    Mother Hen says:
    November 18, 2010 at 10:16 pm

    I have asked this before, but don’t recall any reponses…so I am going to ask again. Sorry if I have merely missed any comments.

    Isn’t it true that we only have knowledge about TH being overly strict with Kyron, etc., via Kaine? And if that is true, then is it really true?

    Also, do we really know for certain that Kyron wanted to live with DY because of TH? Is this knowledge we have — once again — from KH? It seems to me that DY and KH merely stated that KY would get upset when he would have to leave one house or another is would any typical child going back and forth between two house-holds. This is what I recall. The story seems to have changed, once again.

    Anyone? Anyone?

  41. puzzled says:


    I think it’s time to add more theories — based on the information we have.
    I agree with both of you that we are going to have to go down a couple of different roads, beating the bushes. Not only do we still NOT know what happend to Ky or where he is, we no longer have TH or RS to suspect as the one/s Ky left with. At this point, I don’t know how an LS/Associate would be able to lure Ky out of school … so I’m having to go with he knew the person he left with … and there is a very limited number of people that could be.

    I will admit I have not spent any time contemplating the Washington family, but hmmmm .. could Ky be there? … if indeed he is still alive.

  42. Kimberly says:

    So while I watched this video with the link ccane provided, I had a couple of thoughts!
    GK, Dave Stensen said, IIRC something to the effect that he seen a group of a few kids come outside to look at a garden , they were with an adult.

    When watching this video, I cannot see the soccer field he was mowing, from the location of the garden, AND, the slope.

    To me , it was physically impossible for him to see the garden area!
    Thoughts anyone?

    11.ccane says:
    November 18, 2010 at 7:18 pm
    Video of Skyline
    waste reduction program and a native plant garden

  43. Blink says:

    I would like to leave this comment for those that have shared your very heartfelt and personal but PRIVATE situations regarding addiction or abuse.

    I admit I am one lucky daughter. While the Blink Sr’s are far from perfect, they have always done their best. We were loved, appreciated, and never abused physically or emotionally.

    Except for the same middle sister who flipped me off the top bunk onto the hard wood floor and pretended to be asleep when Daddy flew upstairs and I was gasping for air. You got a spanking and you deserved it and I love you.

    I want to say while I do not understand or feel the pain of not having a good family structure, I wish it were different for those that applies to.

    I am hopeful that in our work here, we help each other and help others.

  44. Kimberly says:

    Does anyone know where the gardening supplies were kept for the kids to use in the landscaping and gardening projects they worked on????

  45. jaa1169 says:

    November 18, 2010 at 6:51 pm
    YOU can do it JeffD! I refused to buy cigs for my parents as a young child too- under severe punishment I might add. I’m 38 and have never smoked a single cig in my whole entire ever-lovin’ life, but I have asthma– most liekly from two parents doing two packs a day in the house. So many ways to do it! Just get started- the clock is ticking.


    Off topic…why go off on a liberal rant when we are talking about a missing kid???

  46. Kimberly says:

    @37.Mother Hen says:
    November 18, 2010 at 10:16 pm
    I have asked this before, but don’t recall any reponses…so I am going to ask again. Sorry if I have merely missed any comments.

    Isn’t it true that we only have knowledge about TH being overly strict with Kyron, etc., via Kaine? And if that is true, then is it really true?

    Also, do we really know for certain that Kyron wanted to live with DY because of TH? Is this knowledge we have — once again — from KH? It seems to me that DY and KH merely stated that KY would get upset when he would have to leave one house or another is would any typical child going back and forth between two house-holds. This is what I recall. The story seems to have changed, once again.

    Anyone? Anyone?

    I agree!!!!!!!!

  47. riverpearl says:

    Anyone not local may not have heard about the “home robbery & rough up” of Gert Boyle(86y/y!), yes that one -the “One Tough Mother” & head of Columbia Sportswear.

    Gert was able to trip a silent panic button. Guy flees when police show up (West Linn Police) & Gert is found bound w/ split lip, scrapes, bruises.

    Police were able to track the guy down eventually, though not that night.

    Well, HILLSBORO Police hear about Gert they realize SHE is the person that had gotten a vague call a few hours before w/ possible ABDUCTION going to happen.

    They arrested NOT 1 BUT 3, Caballero Gutierrez (the guy who fled the house) and two alleged accomplice, Ramon Alberto Midence and Jose Luis Arevalo, are later arrested.

    The person(s) who Hillsboro Police had spoken with had told them they did not know who the MAN to be abducted was & the first request to be the driver for the abduction was 6 MONTHS BEFORE.(He was promised $20K)

    IF these link are messed up go to OregonLive -or- Oregonian & put in Gert Boyle.

  48. Kimberly says:

    OHHHHH Beejay darling, lol
    wanted to get your take/opinion on the first janitor?
    S.Masic! I know we have discussed Mr. Tandy, but I cannot seem to
    find any info about Mr. Masic.
    The picture with the guy in yellow plaid and the mystery man,
    the plaid shirt guy has a resemblence of Mr. Masic’s body structure.
    IMO. Wanted to see what you think/thought?
    I have some other info on him but will wait for your post
    so I don’t once again re-create another wheel.

  49. puzzled says:

    If y’all are PST, I am SOL. If not, I have a Flavia. Pick your poison.
    LOL … I’m up at 3:00 AM thinking about this damn case. After the discussion about alcohol and smokes, coffee is all I got left.

  50. Falstaff says:

    I have a smoking related story also. My late father-in-law was an oncologist. While in medical school (NYU) in the early 1950′s the med students were encouraged to smoke to “relieve stress.” The individual seats that they had in the lecture halls had built in ash trays. He described the air as “a blue haze.” He died due to complications of emphysema. When I was born in the early 1950′s. My mother describes the air in the maternity ward as “blue.” All the new mom’s smoking, having coffee, and a few some champagne. An example of how things change over time.

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