Kyron Horman Case: Terri Horman Sexts Sent To Kaine Horman’s Phone…. WHAT?


In what can only be considered the latest bombshell development in the case of missing Portland boy, 7 year old Kyron Horman, has discovered that the recent sexually graphic text messages or sexts, allegedly exchanged between Terri Horman and mutual friend Michael Cook, may have been altered.  Definitely, alter-able. has confirmed that the phone number which Kaine hand-wrote on the originally sealed emergency restraining order dated June 28, 2010, matches the cell phone number he also alleges, through his attorney Laura Rackner, was used by Michael Cook to RECEIVE the “sext” messages in question.


What’s the issue?

Kaine Horman owns the phone and the account it is registered to, and unless the allegation is that Terri Horman, using her own phone as purported by Kaine, is herself posing as Michael Cook and sexting herself, which would seem like a physical impossibility given some of her *glamour shots*, we have a serious problem.

In Kaine’s own handwriting on the June 28th Restraining Order, he pens that  is an alternative number for Terri Horman.

KainecellScreen shot 2010-10-31 at 11.36.07 PM

In the contempt order filed by Kaine Horman on July 12, Ms. Rackner states that she has personally seen the “work phone” records of Michael Cook, and goes on to say “a search” of his cell phone reflected that he took snapshots on June 28th of the earlier served restraining order, which had been sealed, and was the basis for the contempt motion in the first place. He took pictures of sealed documents on the phone belonging to the other person bound by the same order prohibiting Terri Horman from showing anyone. As there are no texts on the work number until July, it is the only logical conclusion.

I am going to go out on a limb here and assume that at some point it occurred to someone that using good faith information in your affidavit, which when not alerting the court that your client has complete ownership and access to the data on the phone account in question, can look like bad faith in a nano-second, thus the withdrawal.

TROScreen shot 2010-10-31 at 11.13.20 PM

However, not everyone is on the same the playbill because the 21 pages of texts, which were released in PDF format, and do not include any numbers for Terri Horman herself, were supplied in an electronically redacted format; which again indicates this was not an original file.

It was not until the unredacted pdf’s became available October 26th and we converted them to HTML files could we see that based on the file format, it is clear these records came from the account owners and were not subpoenaed from the carrier. Original files, also provided to the respondent, are the requirement of the court. We all know texts can be sent from our phone online accounts, and from our phones directly; I think I even have voice command to text widget thingie.

Anyone that had access to the account, which is registered to Kaine Horman, could clone, spoof, or manipulate those messages, period. That aside, let’s consider the possibility that Terri Horman HAD implicated herself even slightly in any messages on phones that may be utilized to illicit information by a woman who demonstrated her complete knowledge that she understood what expectation of privacy parameters she was under the impression she was operating under, and engaging in, with the “textee”.

Terri Horman was represented by counsel, it would not be difficult for Stephen Houze allege that Kaine Horman was in constant contact with MCSO, had already been provided case sensitive information by them, and as such, was acting as an agent in soliciting the text messages. You see where I am going with this?

The fruit of that poisonous tree is more like the fruit of the poisonous orchard.

The implications of this scenario are abysmal. While I completely understand the desperation of a Father wanting to locate his child, since I have yet to really see anywhere Cook attempts to engage Terrri Horman about Kyron’s whereabouts at any time; I do not get the point of the exercise.

Ms. Rackner is a first rate “Super Lawyer”, but she is not above the burden of her duty to insure that what is being provided to her as a “good faith basis” is just that.

Does this information make Terri Horman any less vulgarly inappropriate at best? Hell to the No.

While it is true on the surface because of this information one will be hard pressed to prove it was definitely Terri Horman who sent the electronic ipecac none of us will soon forget, her attorneys have not denied it was her, nor do I expect them to, at least not until they read this.

What it does, yet again, is potentially compromise the criminal case involving the disappearance of Desiree Young and Kaine Horman’s son Kyron.

This afternoon, contributing editor and Legal Analyst, Lea Conner weighed in:

Kaine Horman claims that law enforcement provided the texts records to him, but that does not mean that the records came from the cell phone provider, nor does it mean that the conversations involve Michael Cook or Terri Horman.

In fact, there are indications that the text message transcripts filled by Mr. Horman are not as they appear.  At least one of the phones purported to belong to “Michael Cook” is registered to Kaine Horman.

Just as important, none of these records indicate any information about the texts Mr. Horman alleges were sent by his wife. Mr. Horman does not list any cell phone number, not one message ID, not one cell record that indicates the identity of other party to the conversation let alone indicating Ms. Horman as the other party to the text message “conversations.” In the case of the phone with the “503″ prefix (503-XXX-XX76), Mr. Horman is the registered owner of the phone that was purportedly sending texts as “Michael Cook.”

More bizarre, Mr. Horman listed this number as belonging to Terri Horman in his application for a temporary restraining order.  Was this a slip on the part of Mr. Horman? Mr. Horman claimed in a motion for remedial contempt that Ms. Horman showed a copy of the restraining order to Mr. Cook and allowed him to photograph the document.

Given that the phone Mr. Horman is the registered owner of the phone he purports was used by “Michael Cook,” it begs the question as to whether Ms. Horman ever allowed Mr. Cook access to the sealed restraining order.  As a party to the action, Mr. Horman had the very same sealed documents. Mr. Horman, through Counsel Laura Rackner, claimed to have reviewed Mr. Cook’s “work cell phone records.”

It is not clear if the documents Ms. Rackner referenced as Mr. Cook’s “work” cell records are, in fact, for the phone registered to Mr. Horman. If the sealed documents referenced in Mr. Horman’s contempt motion were photographed with the phone registered to Mr Horman — the same phone that Mr. Horman claims was used by Mr. Cook —  it might help explain why Mr. Horman withdrew his contempt motion.

Had he gone forward with the motion, he might have had to explain how it was the documents allegedly photographed by Mr. Cook were the same documents that he had in his possession, and that the phone used to photograph sealed court documents was registered to him, not Mr. Cook.

The records for the phone with a “971″ prefix (971-XXX-XX63) are unlisted.  This phone also purported to send texts as “Michael Cook.” Due to the unavailability of any registration for this phone, it is impossible to tell to whom the phone belongs, or who was actually sending texts from this phone. The unredacted copy of the cell phone records filed on October 25, 2010, only identifies one caller on each set of cell phone records. This means that the records came from the phone, not the cell provider. Text records on pages 1 through 12 of Exhibit 1 are from (503) XXX-XX76 (“Cell Phone A”).  These pages allegedly represent text messages sent between 10:17 pm on June 30, 2010 through 7:19 pm on July 1, 2010.

In separate court documents, “Michael Cook” is identified as the sender of text messages and the recipient of text messages is identified as “Terri Horman.” Cell Phone A is a Cingular/AT&T cell phone registered to Kaine Horman. It is also a phone number listed by Mr. Horman in his restraining order application as a phone number for Ms. Horman.

Pages 1 through 12 of Exhibit 1 does not list any phone number for the portion of the conversation attributed to Ms. Horman, only that the texts listed were received by (503) XXX-XX76. Text records on pages 13 through 17 of Exhibit 1 are from (971) XXX-XX63 (“Cell Phone B”).

These pages allegedly represent text messages sent between 6:49 pm on July 4, 2010 through 8:30 am on July 6, 2010.  The bottom of page 17 has a partial text message sent on July 6, 2010, which purports to be sent after 8:30 am. Cell Phone B is an unlisted cell phone with AT&T (formerly Cingular).

In separate court documents, “Michael Cook” is identified as the sender of text messages and the recipient of text messages is identified as “Terri Horman.” Pages 13 through 17 of Exhibit 1 does not list any phone number for the portion of the text messages attributed to Ms. Horman, only that the texts listed were received by (971) XXX-XX63. All texts in Exhibit 2 are from Cell phone A, and allegedly represent text messages sent between 2:29 pm on July 3, 2010 through 9:40 am on July 4, 2010.

Exhibit 2 does not list any phone number for the portion of the text messages attributed to Ms. Horman, only that the texts listed were received by (503) XXX-XX76. All texts in Exhibit 3 are from Cell phone B, and allegedly represent text messages sent between 8:44 pm on July 6, 2010 through 8:41 am am on July 7, 2010.  The top of page 1 of this exhibit has part of an undated message from 8:41 am., possibly on July 6, 2010, that states “I understand. I’m upset about kitty.  I didn’t do [sic]”

Exhibit 3 does not list any phone number for the portion of the text messages attributed to Ms. Horman, only that the texts listed were received by (971) XXX-XX63. Surely investigators working on this case must know that the cell records filed by Mr. Horman as coming from Michael Cook’s phone were not from Mr. Cook’s phone, but from a phone registered in his own name.

Someone in law enforcement must have noticed that the number Mr. Horman claims belong to Michael Cook is also the number he claimed belonged to his wife in his TRO application. Mr. Horman signed his application for temporary restraining order on Monday June 28, 2010, prior to its filing at 4:39 pm that afternoon.

This was two days after the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office conducted its failed sting operation at the Horman residence on Saturday June 26, 2010. MCSO was unable to confirm the murder-for-hire plot that had been alleged by the landscaper.  As a result, MCSO was not able to arrest Ms. Horman.

As such, why did law enforcement then give the green light to Mr. Horman to obtain a restraining order on the basis that his wife had hired to hire a hit man?  Or did Mr. Horman act unilaterally without the endorsement of law enforcement? Surely Mr. Horman must have known that law enforcement could not verify the landscaper’s story, yet he went ahead and filed a restraining order based on the very allegations that law enforcement could not verify. So why did he sign his name to allegations that he knew were not true?

The text messages don’t check out.  The murder for hire allegations don’t check out.  The only common thread here is a man whose son disappeared on June 4, 2010. As tragic and anguishing as Mr. Horman’s circumstances may be, that does not excuse misrepresenting information to the court.

Mr. Horman cannot claim that the phone registered in his name is Michael Cook’s work cell phone, nor can he claim that the phone allegedly used by Michael Cook was used by Ms. Horman. When Sheriff Dan Staton talked about knowing things that might surprise people, could he have been talking about cell phone records? Maybe Stephen Houze and Peter Bunch will force the sheriff to reveal its source for the records.

Although the answer would not bring Kyron home, it might at least alleviate some of the blame heaped on Ms. Horman, as unpopular as that may be.

Lea Conner, contributing editor,

Madeline Tanner, copy and contributing editor,

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  1. jaa1169 says:

    i find that the green people are now hanging their heads. especially after this last election. show us proof of global warming, not articles disputing it. i demand proof.

    I also want to see proof of TH’s intovolvement…what proof is there…if there were some, maybe she would have been arrested.

  2. ReeCheri says:

    I think we should put Mr

    I think we should add grounds keeper Gunga Dave, who left for Mexico shortly after Kyron went missing….he probably knew the LS’s.. he might have had a thing for TMH…..still worth thinking about…just think’in you know


  3. Investigator says:

    I’ve been reading here every day since the beginning and have to say you are all very amazing folks…and Ms. B, this is one of the best crime blogs on the web. That said, I notice a lot of you have commented about the strength of DY and KH…and many stated they would not hold up as well under the circumstances. The loss of a child is every parents worst nightmare and the disappearance of Kyron is exceptional, but you DO manage to survive…somehow, some way, even one minute at a time.
    I lost my beautiful daughter a year ago. I miss her every day; her smile, her laughter, her voice…and yet I manage to find strength in knowing she was part of my life. There is a part of you that goes on BECAUSE of that child. Strangely enough, your emotional state is shielded; I can only describe this as feeling like you are wrapped in a cocoon and I believe it is mother nature’s protection from the pain. I don’t mean to say that I have any idea what Desiree and Kaine are experiencing because the circumstances are so very different and terribly difficult, but I do know that when they speak out, it helps them tremendously. They know they are still Kyron’s parents, they are doing what parents do, which is everything they can for their child. They know he is with them, they can feel his presence. They always will. I pray no one ever experiences this kind of horror in their lifetime but if you do, you will be given the strength to go on, as thousands of parents before you have done.
    Keeping Kyron and his loved ones in my thoughts daily.
    And, PS Ms. B….also trying to give up those d*mn cancer sticks. Thank you for sharing with us.

    I am very sorry for your loss and pledge my support for the other when you are ready.

  4. Malty says:

    Dede and cousin Tom
    is who I think
    no real reason except they keep on talking
    and some of the talk is sick
    but why?
    Would they do this ?
    Where is Dede today? How come she has no computer
    and can’t post herself

  5. GraceintheHills says:

    37.Mother Hen says:
    November 18, 2010 at 10:16 pm
    “I have asked this before, but don’t recall any reponses…so I am going to ask again. Sorry if I have merely missed any comments.
    Isn’t it true that we only have knowledge about TH being overly strict with Kyron, etc., via Kaine? And if that is true, then is it really true?”

    Good question, Mother Hen. Let’s look at the dynamics that are possibly at play in this relationship, and I will explain why I believe it is more likely true than not.

    Imagine for a moment, the level of discipline and control one must exert over one’s appetite, body, mind, energy level, and even pain threshold to lose 62 pounds AND buff one’s body into shape for a Bodybuilding Exhibition in a matter of few months. I would posit that only an intensely driven, perfectionist individual would even attempt this feat. In my line of work, it is a mere quantum leap to conclude that this type of controlling, highly driven person might be inclined to exert this same type of control over a child in her care whom *she perceives* to need some “structure”. Since she values this trait in herself, she would likely expect perfectionism from the child. I would add that this type of person would be more inclined to exert this type of control over a child during times when she is not successfully controlling her own impulses, is under stress, or during times she suffers from lower self esteem or is impaired.

    What I am saying is this: In looking at TMH’s past disciplined, controlling and perfectionist behaviors (e.g. Bodybuilding, as I think it brings that aspect of her character into sharp focus), and taking into account KH’s matter-of-fact description of TMH disciplining Kyron in a manner that is not appropriate for his developmental level…Yes, I find it credible. This is a dynamic that mental health professionals often see in families who come in for therapy. Anyway you slice it, it can set up a power struggle between the adult and the child, with the adult AND child developing strong resentments toward each other over time if this struggle is not resolved.

    Now, let’s find Kyron.

  6. GraceintheHills says:

    40.Blink says:
    November 18, 2010 at 10:45 pm
    We are getting our first freeze tonight, but after reading your words I am feeling all warm and fuzzy. Thanks so much, Blink, for caring so deeply for the victims, and for giving us a chance to post our feelings about these heartwrenching cases.

    You are a true gem.

    BTW, my beloved stepson is proposing to his beautiful and brilliant Jersey girl this weekend. His Dad, Mom and I are over the moon! :)

    O Big Cheers to you and yours!

  7. GraceintheHills says:

    22.zeus says:
    November 18, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    “The only other way I can see it happening, is a bad guy says to Kyron-let’s go look at the flower bed outside-someone said there were frogs in it. Then once he gets him outside, he grabs, subdues, and tosses him in a vehicle. The problem I have with that is someone most likely would have seen or heard a struggle. Although I was very concerned when I saw the closeup pics of Skyline. I have never seen such a remote school with so many hidden outdoor and indoor corners, stairs, hiding spots, etc. It was a disaster waiting to happen with no cameras controlling any of it. But even with all that, I still think someone could have noticed and that would have been a really risky chance to take.
    My heart sunk when I first saw those pics of Skyline, too, Zeus. It seemed so remote, so overgrown with grasses/weeds in need of trimming, and seemed to be filled with plenty of places to pull off something like this. Geez…

    But, I still struggle with one question. Why take him from a school, especially a school where he was apparently respected and loved by so many. Someone HAD to see something that day, don’t you think?

  8. cd says:

    puzzled says:
    November 18, 2010 at 7:44 pm
    nora says:
    November 18, 2010 at 6:36 pm

    So lets make a list of who IS still on the list:

    What else we got?
    How ’bout looking at the relationships …

    TH and RS
    TH and DD
    RS and Associates
    RS and AS-S
    TH and MC
    TH and KH
    KH and MC
    Villareal family members
    Mystery male in Science Fair photo
    Mystery male chaperone
    Unknown stranger

    anyone we can eliminate?
    you left out

    DD and RS
    just saying ………………

  9. Amy's Sister says:

    16.wordweaver says:
    November 17, 2010 at 1:59 pm
    Amy’s sister says: “When you can see white around a persons iris it can be a sign of mental issues. I noticed that in her DUI photo, her competition photos, and when she was going down the slide with James in the Dateline clip. We’re going to find out she is mentally disturbed and quite capable of harming Ky or causing him to be harmed, I’m certain of it.”

    And I bet we can find some pictures of Terri Horman where her pupils are red — surely indicating she is the devil…..

    ~~LOL! I even had to chuckle at my post! :) You’re right in some ways, I scanned a little on google (couple of pages) and saw very little correlation between sclera showing around the top and bottom of the iris aside from exotropia and isotropia in children as an indicator to mental problems… but have you looked at a mentally ill person? I think it is the case many times.

    In defense of my admittedly weak post, see this gentleman posing as a sociopath (the link also has a short but highly interesting description of sociopaths, which pretty strongly correlates to Terri’s behavior and lifestyle). Note his large, wide eyes.

    Think Jack Nicholson in The Shining, John Mark Karr, Charles Manson. Note the wide eyes and scleral exposure.

    Okay, you get the point.

    Which took me into the realm of sociopathy, it’s indicators, long diatribes written by sociopaths (SO interesting), how they suffer, yes suffer, the lack of human emotion, and their behaviors. Makes me want to go back to university and study the subject in debth.

  10. Kozyotb says:

    Blink IMO has said it wasn’t Terri or RS who took Kyron from school.
    She has told us to look at a LS but did not say it was Terri’s LS.
    I think she did say RS was involved so I think it was someone involved in the new garden or groundwork.
    This is all IMO.

  11. Kozyotb says:

    Who is not employed/missing or voluntering at Skyline since Kyron’s disappearance?

  12. cd says:

    I know that this is a way out there theory but here goes.

    I have heard of housewives working during the day as paid companions if you know what I mean. They work through an agency and get assignments to meet clients at hotels. These clients are usually out of town business types just looking for some fun. The ladies get their share of the cash, go home, put the extra money in the cookie jar no harm no foul. Terri was a good looking athletic woman ( with those body building pictures to prove it) at least until Dec 2009. Maybe her involvement with one of these agencies let the vampire’s in.
    she stole from one of agencies ( kept all the money)
    found out about something she should not have known about and quit. Maybe they feared she would reveal something about them.
    she met a really bad person who was a client or employer of hers in this nefarious business who wanted to do her harm for whatever reason.

    Hey at least it’s a new scenario.

  13. Sunnysideup says:

    Idahogal says:
    November 18, 2010 at 4:52 pm
    Well, so far this week I have:
    - been chased around the barn yard and laughed at by a Mother Hen
    - checked the whites around my eyes way too many times
    - failed miserably while trying to explain the patterns, cycles and possible causes/effects of addiction and abuse
    - realized I am no closer to helping with Ky’s case than I was 5 months ago
    - realized being proud of my sobriety and sharing my experience will just get me labeled in a negative way with a lot of folks

    I’m whipped in more ways than one. I’m going back to lurking for awhile. Good luck to all. Love and prayers for Kyron and his family.

    @Idahogal. I have been reading here from almost the beginning. You are one of my favorite blinksters and always have something interesting and informative to say. Always be proud of your sobriety. Never be afraid to share your story out of fear you will be labeled negatively. Only insecure or unstable people would do so. If you were chased by a mother hen it may be because she has issues and I won’t elaborate further on that. Know you are thought of very highly here and I hope you’re not gone very long because you would be sorely missed.

    Thanks to all of you for caring so very much about this sweet little man who has changed our lives so profoundly.

  14. Word Girl says:

    welcome to

    I like your assessment that there was an awareness of the school’s
    approach to security. Usually, the criminally minded pick up on that right away and, if they are planning an illegal activity, use that information as part of their arsenal.

  15. zeus says:

    I just read what Kaine said on KATU Nov 18th. It’s interesting because I know that most Moms would word it differently and feel differently about it. Here’s some of what he said:

    * ..said he no longer feels responsible for what happened to his son

    * ..he came to realize he didn’t stand a chance against this circumstance. (after therapy)

    * Kaine said he now believes there was no way to know his son would disappear

    * ..said he believes there was nothing he and others close to Kyron could have done to prevent it

    * That if it helps people to put blame on me for this then go right ahead if it makes you feel better as long as you get right back out and start looking for him then that’s fine. But I don’t hold myself responsible. I’m not going to hold myself hostage for this event that happened to him

    * “I know that she’s extremely upset. I don’t know it’s necessarily at me or anyone else in particular. We’re all having a hard time with this,” he said. “I’m just chalking it up to just one of those really difficult times that we’re going through right now (discussing Desiree)

    Man, if that had been me, as a mom, I would always blame myself. Even if there was no way I could have caused any of it. There would be no amount of therapy that would make me feel better-none-ever. The what ifs would haunt me until I died. Especially in circumstances like Kaine and Terri’s, with some of her odd behavior. I believe poor Desiree feels extreme guilt (even though she shouldn’t), and I wonder how she will react to what Kaine said?

    But as a curious thought-I wonder how everyone feels reading or listening to what Kaine said. If he himself feels clear of any responsibility in Kyron’s disappearance-do you all feel better that he is being honest and putting it out there? Or do you think he is not telling the truth for some reason?

    I am REALLY wondering about his choice of words for this particular sentence:
    “I’m not going to hold myself hostage for this event that happened to him”

    I’m sorry-but that feels sort of heartless/cold and definitely weird!

  16. Malty says:

    great post I think there was no big love between Terri and Rudy
    she had a baby to care for and Kaine wanted her do yard work
    so she sexted and teased a landscaper over
    He saw big bucks
    from there I agree with you
    Fired made him mad he may have had other jobs lined up that he
    dropped to take on this job
    I have never bought the MFH stuff I think he made it up

  17. Malty says:

    I think Kaine needs to step back an calm down a few days
    then tell Desiree the truth Not tell the whole world before telling her
    that hurts
    calm down is best thing he could do right now

  18. Sammy says:

    Thanks to Kimberly and Stars who posted these previous replies from Blink. I remember reading them months ago, but had forgotten. Putting them together now really has me going hmmm??

    The statements below from Blink that are especially poking at me right now are these 2 that are taken from the multiple Blink replies listed below that Kimberly and Stars had brought forward in their posts yesterday.
    These are the big questions I’m wondering now after reading B’s replies below are …
    1.)WHO has not been on the job since early that week of June 11 (and did that person EVER return to Skyline)?

    2.)Is this person possibly that lawn guy that was mowing the field at Skyline June 4? (as I recall he was not a Skyline employee – but rather an employee of maintnence staff/outside property mgt group/city employee)

    3.)Does this lawn dude know RS? Is there a connection there? Could he be the 3rd person?
    (end of my words-below are previous replies from Blink that Kimberly + Stars brought forward)

    “The likelihood that this is an employee or volunteer of this school is very high, I am choking myself out of not just coming out and saying “the suspect is the man that has not been on the job since early this week.”

    “I was looking for staff not on the roster, but the maintnence staff, which is not employess of the school, but at outside property mgt. group.
    —– —– —– —– —— —— —– —– —–
    Kimberly says:
    November 18, 2010 at 3:16 pm
    (brought forward these older replies from Blink)

    Not if he was “in something”, and sadly, not if nobody is looking.

    There is only one way in and out of the school, and there are no cameras.
    The likelihood that this is an employee or volunteer of this school is very high, I am choking myself out of not just coming out and saying “the suspect is the man that has not been on the job since early this week.”

    I despise these cases. I did not know when I went on my rant about pedophiles on Dana’s show last week, it was prophetic.

    No, there is a linked article saying they will not release the ID of the person OR the location within the school, that he was last seen at 9am. No, I do not think the Step Mom is involved.
    Thank you Classy, I should have clarified as you could not see Twinkletoes post, I was looking for staff not on the roster, but the maintnence staff, which is not employess of the school, but at outside property mgt. group.

    Stars says:
    November 18, 2010 at 3:58 pm
    When Blink said that RS was not the one to take Kyron, I was flabbergasted.
    So, I have gone through all of my notes again. These, to me, are Blink’s
    most important comments.
    To briefly summarize: RS is involved, AS could not have snatched Kyron,
    LE knows the “who”. Now, per Blink, RS did not take Kyron from school.
    My biggest question, Blink, is WHO is “the suspect that has not been on the job since
    early this week? And do you still believe Kyron was SEEN with the person responsible
    for his disappearance?
    Again, I say they know the “who” already, and sadly, I do not believe the sightings are Kyron.

    June 11, 2010 at 9:47 am
    From an overwhelming statistical perspective, this baby was the victim of a known offender, for sexual motivation, and the fact that the parents have been accompanied by a deputy 24/7 since it started, tells me they have a suspect, and the parents know who it is as well.

    June 11, 2010 at 9:52 am
There is only one way in and out of the school, and there are no cameras.
The likelihood that this is an employee or volunteer of this school is very high, I am choking myself out of not just coming out and saying “the suspect is the man that has not been on the job since early this week.”
    I despise these cases. I did not know when I went on my rant about pedophiles on Dana’s show last week, it was prophetic.

    There is no doubt in my mind this child was last seen with the person responsible for his disappearance, and that is the reason that information is being withheld.

    July 3, 2010 at 3:22 am
    I believe that there is someone in Terri’s life, and possibly Kaine’s that has knowledge of where Kyron is.

    July 13, 2010 at 12:19 pm
    people, go after the landscaper, he is the key.

  19. enumclawrose says:

    Idahogal – We are all addicted, to this blog, LOL. Everyone has/had issues, don’t let ‘em get you down. You would probably win Miss Popularity if we held a contest. Kiss that cutie pie son of yours, plop your butt down and keep typing! PLEEEEEEZZZZEE!

    Power and internet out since Sunday night, so much to reflect on.

    I think Ky left the school with the man “chaperon”. The information TH relayed in her email of 06-05 came from somewhere. I’m sure the entire email isn’t totally truthful, but I think we can decipher. This comment would be wildly stupid for her to make up on her own. This information had to come from somewhere.

    Earlier, we explored the theory that RS was the man and the girls were his children. We can eliminate that part of the theory based on Blinks comment that Ky did not leave school with RS. That still leaves us with a story of a man and two girls, perhaps classmates that were with the man prior to or at the same time Ky was.

    Could someone tell me when we decided Elsy was RS’s wife, because I don’t think that was ever established? I do, however, think the point of when she actually disappeared is well made. Anytime before 07-27 is up for grabs. She seems to be too big of a coincidence.

    The recently released emails to an extended family member (in my book that implies a relative by marriage) must be the connection to KH’s brother’s family which we’ve been told is part of the on going investigation. Have we established that KH’s brother could not be in Oregon on 06-04? I am just saying I think we can add him to the list of possibles.

    Texts, Sexts, Pings, Batphones, Emails…I think we can agree that electronic communication of any kind can be made on behalf of anyone if you have the device in question. I am not going after anything specific here, just making the point that these things seem easily manipulated.

    Looking at the day Ky vanished and his plans to go to Medford for the weekend, and Blinks overall question of why this would occur so close to summer vacation, I have had thoughts along those lines. For various reasons I have expressed before, that particular weekend did not make sense to me. James was on a camping trip. It was reported there was a three child swap in Medford everyother weekend. Why would TH participate in this swap if James wasn’t coming back with her to Portland?

    We need to remember that the doctor’s appointment that TH claims she made for Ky was for Friday the 11th, the last Friday of the school year. If true, WHY not wait for three more days until school is out? DY and TY got Ky a fishing pole for Christmas that they planned to use in August on the houseboat they rented. Respectfully, summer vacation in it’s entirety is only about ten weeks (mid-June thru Labor Dayish). Not sure how that was going to play out between both families, but we have KH claiming plans for Ky the first part of the break.

    I’m not sure what to think about KH right now. I can argue both sides. I guess what I don’t understand is why LE would reveal the MFH plot to him, get him out of the house, and essentially keep him on their team all this time if they thought he was even remotely involved. Isn’t the bottomline, right now, that the GJ assembled to indict TH?

  20. enumclawrose says:

    Sorry, the swap wasn’t IN Medford, it was half way to Medford.

  21. Cbickel says:

    @NelMel….I had suggested something similar to that some time ago. Nobody ever really said anything about it…(I prolly get “scrolled and rolled alot) It sounds personal against KH to me as well, there are those that say that alone means TH must have planned Kyron’s demise.

    I’m thinkin’ that the visit by the cops to RS caused alot more trouble than just the marital kind (IF Elzy is his wife), I think it started LE talkin’ to ICE and the thought of being sent back to Mexico not only enraged LS but seriously interfered with some of his other…um….for lack of a better word….moon lightin’ jobs.

    I did a lot of research on medicinal marijuana and the inevitable inclusion of the drug cartel’s while I was in the hospital and I’m convinced LS and “associates” are involved in that business. I’m sure other folks here have done the same and have come up with the idea that LS could have been involved with one of the cartel’s as well.

    @Blink….funny story about your sister! I just want to say that my family was about as screwed up as they come; only I didn’t know it. My mother did a good job makin’ me believe everything was ok.

    Thoughts and prayers are with Kyron, his brothers, sister, friends and classmates.

  22. Ode says:

    Blink there has been alot of sharing. I grew up with both a functioning alcoholic and a non functioning alcoholic. I have cleaned up blood and patched walls looked for hidden bottles, sat with one while they went through DT’s since I was the only one they would let near them. I have had to put one in the hospital and rehab multiple times. One’s funeral was so big they had to open up extra rooms and still people were standing outside. One’s funeral had less people than I have fingers on my hand. The non functioning one had long periods of sobriety between 100 miles an hour slide into darkness. This one never plotted harm to someone a day in her life yet during the darkness I have ducked plates, ducked suitcases, slept through police calls, been taken out of my house when it was on fire as a child. Both my parents would have stood in front of a speeding car if they thought I was in harm. It is complicated. You would think your Mom, wife had beaten down their demons until you are walking up the street from school and you see your Mom’s best friend’s car in the driveway when she should be home waiting on her kids and you know your Mom needed her more and that pit in your stomach comes back. I have run away with a peanut butter sandwich because it is complicated. I know a man can think he is fixing the problems at home but he can not. I can see a little bit into Kyron’s homelife. I am great and I had a chance that I fear Kyron did not. Tears are flowing for him.
    Onward now, I can see the possibility that both TH and RS were hated by someone they both scorned. RS got his family out. TH could not.

    That should never happen to a child and I am inspired by your break of that cycle.

  23. Lazydog1 says:

    I wanted to say that I have now managed to pull my head out of the southern exposure of my body and I’m healing from the strain. Also back on my meds which helps greatly.

    Regarding children who are abused and come from abusive homes. I am one of those and a victim of a serious crime. I suffer from PTSD and would love for them to find a cure but sadly my brain does what it wants to when it wants to.

    Now as a child, school for me was a respite. I could laugh, smile, play and feel safe. I had friends who I could do this with. I do not remember there ever being friends of my parents who would show up at our house to visit. Don’t believe they had any. My parents did not drink so Alcohol had no part in this abuse. They kept to themselves. My mother was not abusive but received it also. I do believe my Mom did what she could to protect her children and herself. I do not believe she ever really knew or understood how serious the abuse was.

    What I’m getting to here is sometimes I believe parents don’t get the full picture. I never ever told my mother. It would have killed her. Actually I believe in the end it did. I don’t think Kyron was strong enough to tell his Dad everything that was done to him by SM. He only knew what he saw himself and that wasn’t enough for him to think she would truly do something like this or have any part in it. Children can and will hide so much.

    I am also wondering if Elsy is RS wife and those are his children that are now missing. The timing is too close to what else has happened. I find it strange that KH and DY never mention RS in any of their interviews. AS-S just scares the life out of me as he looks like a totally evil person to me.

    Just the other day in our local paper there is a story of a person who owns a small business here. He was arrested and charged with a crime that was committed years ago. They have learned due to his finger prints he is using an alias. He actually stole his deceased brothers identity. When I saw his picture in the paper he is a scary looking person. He has retained the last name but changed his first and middle name. His brother passed in 92 and he took his identity in 94. How cold is that? Again a common hispanic name that is hard to trace.

    At this point I want them to locate Kyron. I want to know that the other children in our community and area are safe from this predator. There are so many more of them out there. I want DY, TY, KH and the children to have closure. This is a horror story that has happened far too close to home.

    I only hope that I have not been banned due to my last rant. I am sorry Blink it was an extremely emotional day for me that day. I should not have taken it out on this website.

  24. ode says:

    Blink the cycle was not completetly broken but my child has never been put into any kind of circumstance where she experienced anything like I did, NEVER. I still enjoy my cocktail but I know the limits. You do not hide something unless it is a problem as a rule as my mother did. You face your problems and you get HELP and you keep getting help if needed. Alcohol is a medication for some, not the right medication though. As I said before it’s complicated.

  25. Lazydog1 says:

    Amy’s Sister says:
    November 19, 2010 at 1:10 am

    16.wordweaver says:
    November 17, 2010 at 1:59 pm
    Amy’s sister says: “When you can see white around a persons iris it can be a sign of mental issues. I noticed that in her DUI photo, her competition photos, and when she was going down the slide with James in the Dateline clip. We’re going to find out she is mentally disturbed and quite capable of harming Ky or causing him to be harmed, I’m certain of it.”

    And I bet we can find some pictures of Terri Horman where her pupils are red — surely indicating she is the devil…..

    ~~LOL! I even had to chuckle at my post! :) You’re right in some ways, I scanned a little on google (couple of pages) and saw very little correlation between sclera showing around the top and bottom of the iris aside from exotropia and isotropia in children as an indicator to mental problems… but have you looked at a mentally ill person? I think it is the case many times.

    In defense of my admittedly weak post, see this gentleman posing as a sociopath (the link also has a short but highly interesting description of sociopaths, which pretty strongly correlates to Terri’s behavior and lifestyle). Note his large, wide eyes.

    Think Jack Nicholson in The Shining, John Mark Karr, Charles Manson. Note the wide eyes and scleral exposure.

    Okay, you get the point.

    Which took me into the realm of sociopathy, it’s indicators, long diatribes written by sociopaths (SO interesting), how they suffer, yes suffer, the lack of human emotion, and their behaviors. Makes me want to go back to university and study the subject in debth.


    I find this very interesting. The reason is my Father had what I consider to be very dark no emotion eyes. I do not remember seeing any white. Just the dark eyes. My brother-in-law was the same. He was an evil person. My sister married like her father. She paid the price.

    I have a photo of my Great Grandfather sitting and all of his sons standing around him. There are many. Just by looking at his sons I can tell which ones were evil by their dark emotionless eyes. Sadly my Grandfather was one of those. So was my Father. His twin brother was even worse than him if that is possible. Next time you are out in the world make eye contact, you will see those who have no emotion in their eyes. Their eyes will be dark and scary. JMO!

  26. Stars says:

    If the person who took Kyron is not SM, RS, ASS, why aren’t the Skyline
    parents nervous about a predator ? What do they know that we do not?
    How can they feel their children are safe? Did LE tell them they have the
    perp in custody? LE must have told the parents something that made them
    feel like their children are safe at Skyline School.
    Also, where is Skyline Parent? I miss your input!!

  27. melissab says:

    Lazy, Ode and others…I am so sorry for what you had to go through. My Son is my life and I’m sorry you did not get to have that kind of love, care, and constant unconditinal love all children deserve. Thank you Lazy for just being you and continuing on each day. I think Blink just might give you a rant pass or two knowing now what is behind it. You never meant anything in anger or to hurt someone. Ode, thank you for being so honest with us and yourself! Take care guys!
    And a good morning to my hero Blink! I know you miss ‘em but isn’t it nice to have a few moments at home alone? I cherish my few moments alone each morning but so happy to see my baby, hubby, cat and dog when I get home! Ya’ll have a beautiful day. May we get closer to some answers for our missing babies here.

  28. Jamie says:

    “I’m not going to hold myself hostage for this event that happened to him”

    I’m sorry-but that feels sort of heartless/cold and definitely weird!

    Actually it sounds like someone who has been working through his guilt issues in therapy. In my opinion Kaine is far from heartless and cold, I can see the emotion everytime he speaks. The emotion I see is anger; he is angry at whoever did this and angry at himself for not protecting his son. At some point his therapist probably said something along the lines of you could not have anticipated this and you cannot hold yourself hostage. In my opinion that is where that statement came from.

  29. Mother Hen says:


    Excuse me? Quite a reach, I would say.

    There was a debate / discussion going on. If someone does not come out on top of that discussion, it does NOT qualify the other person as having issues. Oh, and — just because a person laughes, online or otherwise, does NOT mean that they are laughing AT someone else.

    Further, I actually thought Idahogal was being quite humorous in her statement about being chased around the barn. I think you are over-reaching.


    “If you were chased by a mother hen it may be because she has issues and I won’t elaborate further on that.”

  30. puzzled says:

    @37.Mother Hen says:
    November 18, 2010 at 10:16 pm
    I have asked this before, but don’t recall any reponses…so I am going to ask again. Sorry if I have merely missed any comments.

    Isn’t it true that we only have knowledge about TH being overly strict with Kyron, etc., via Kaine? And if that is true, then is it really true?

    Also, do we really know for certain that Kyron wanted to live with DY because of TH? Is this knowledge we have — once again — from KH? It seems to me that DY and KH merely stated that KY would get upset when he would have to leave one house or another is would any typical child going back and forth between two house-holds. This is what I recall. The story seems to have changed, once again.
    Mother Hen … I think the public has been exposed to selective snippets of TH’s life and mind … to influence the perception of TH as the one responsible for Ky’s disappearance. At the time, TH was the only person on the radar screen .. with LE and the public.

    Not so true now.

  31. puzzled says:

    Cbickel says:
    November 19, 2010 at 6:46 am

    @NelMel….I had suggested something similar to that some time ago. Nobody ever really said anything about it…(I prolly get “scrolled and rolled alot) It sounds personal against KH to me as well, there are those that say that alone means TH must have planned Kyron’s demise.

    I agree! I think there’s more going on here and it doesn’t include TH, RS or DD. While there may be a scenario that does include this trio .. I don’t think they are collectively responsible for Ky’s disappearance.

  32. puzzled says:

    @Rosey … missed your deductive reasoning!

    I’m not sure what to think about KH right now. I can argue both sides. I guess what I don’t understand is why LE would reveal the MFH plot to him, get him out of the house, and essentially keep him on their team all this time if they thought he was even remotely involved. Isn’t the bottomline, right now, that the GJ assembled to indict TH?
    but they didn’t indict her … so what else were they charged with?

  33. puzzled says:

    @Rosy …

    I guess what I don’t understand is why LE would reveal the MFH plot to him, get him out of the house, and essentially keep him on their team all this time if they thought he was even remotely involved.
    maybe if LE knew then what they know now, they would have done something different.

  34. puzzled says:

    @Mother Hen

    still paying attention?

    July 3, 2010 at 3:22 am
    I believe that there is someone in Terri’s life, and possibly Kaine’s that has knowledge of where Kyron is.

  35. Mother Hen says:


    Someone — it may have been Idahogal, said “Mother Hen laid an egg” after my response to the latest post on BOC.

    Did I freak out and suggest someone was laughing at me? Indeed, there was laughter, but I have a good sense of humor and did not take it so personally. Should I think that people are being insensitive?

    Again, please. My sense of humor is in tact. I think Idahogal’s is too. Maybe you should develop one yourself.

    The laid an egg comment was definitely in good fun, and not an attack.
    Can we please cease with the engaging each other in a negative way?

  36. beejay says:

    @Kimberly says:
    November 18, 2010 at 11:05 pm

    IDK yet. Go 2:

  37. puzzled says:

    Kyron Horman, said he no longer feels responsible for what happened to his son, he said in an ABC News interview.

    He acknowledged that four months ago he did, but after working with a therapist and family and friends, he came to realize he didn’t stand a chance against this circumstance.
    Faster recovery of grief I’ve ever seen.

  38. Mother Hen says:


    I absolutely agree. I just felt the need to find out if there was any evidence of this outside of Kaine’s statements, which flip-flop big time.

    AND YES, I am paying attention. I am behind in my reading. Just catching up here. Thanks for that paste of Blink’s statement.

    puzzled says:
    November 19, 2010 at 10:13 am

    Mother Hen … I think the public has been exposed to selective snippets of TH’s life and mind … to influence the perception of TH as the one responsible for Ky’s disappearance. At the time, TH was the only person on the radar screen .. with LE and the public.

  39. Mother Hen says:


    I absolutely know it was in good fun. Just needed an example.

    I laughed so hard. It was perfect, actually. And yesterday while doing homework with my daughter, I had a vision of a Hen chasing a person around the barn yard. I burst out laughing and my daughter said, “What is SO FUNNY?!!” I did the best I could to explain to a 7-year-old, who frankly, has one hell of a sense of humor herself. Laughter is frequent in this house.

    Have a great day

    The laid an egg comment was definitely in good fun, and not an attack.
    Can we please cease with the engaging each other in a negative way?

  40. Kozyotb says:

    Blink in your opinion did Terri try to find Kyron after she was notified he had been abducted? Did she find him but too late?
    Could that be the unaccounted time for her and Dede?

  41. lyla says: says:
    November 19, 2010 at 1:09 am
    puzzled says:
    November 18, 2010 at 7:44 pm
    nora says:
    November 18, 2010 at 6:36 pm

    So lets make a list of who IS still on the list:
    Let’s add Dave Stenson the groundskeeper. See link below for his timeline.

    This is fairly interesting. He saw some children outside looking at the flower bed. Was Ky in that group? Was Stenson the last one to see Ky?
    Terri arrives at school at 8:15 and leaves at 8:45. Stenson arrives at 8:45 and leaves at 9am. Was Terri acquainted with Stenson? Did Ky know Stenson? Was Ky looking at the flowers and did not make it back into the school with the other kids? Remember, his backpack and coat were left inside the school after he disappeared. If he left school at Terri’s instructions for the Dr. appointment wouldn’t he have taken his coat?
    If both Terri and Ky knew Stenson well, he needs to be on LE’s radar. The kids looking at the flowers outside was a perfect set up for someone familiar to take the opportunity to snatch him. Maybe he and TH were romantically involved.

  42. Ode says:

    Dear Investigator ,
    I am sorry about your daughter. Most of us have never met these children like Morgan and Kyron. We have only seen them after the worst thing in the world has happened to them. We look at our children and I myself think I would combust and fall in to nothing but ashes on the ground. You made me think about all the love, fun wonderful things I have shared with her. I would fight for her and I would not want to loose any of those times in memories. It gives me hope I would survive. But that is something I pray I never have to hope for. Again I am so sorry about your daughter and thank you for your wise words.

  43. puzzled says:

    beejay says:
    November 19, 2010 at 10:36 am

    OMG … is he in the neighborhood (address wise) of Ubaldo Sanchez and Elsie? and yes, I see Sanchez connections elsewhere. So where is he now?

    Must be powerful new stuff you’ve got there. Thinking of becoming an internet PI are you?

  44. pps_mom says:

    Beejay, you are a true sleuth! While the rest of us are stuck in the mire, you are still trudging along looking for real clues. Please keep us posted.
    beejay says:
    November 19, 2010 at 10:36 am
    @Kimberly says:
    November 18, 2010 at 11:05 pm

    IDK yet. Go 2:

  45. Amy's Sister says:

    18.Addy says:
    November 17, 2010 at 2:10 pm Are you talking about Sanpaku eyes in your post?


    Thank you Addy. Yes, and I absolutely believe most of the time, certainly not all of the time, a mental condition and especially a mental episode can be indicated in the eyes of the person experiencing it. One need to simply control their own eyes to show the bottom part of the sclera, then do the same thing and show both top and bottom of the sclera. Then think of the mental condition needed to hold that position.

    Empty/dark/unfeeling eyes are another consideration. We’ve all seen them, but I didn’t really put it in terms of mental diagnosis in my own mind. We can say a person has a dark heart, and they might, but psychiatrically and sociologically speaking the brain activity behind what appears in the eyes in fascinating.

    Since I’ve been reading about sociopathy (I’m totally intrigued and way behind on posts here as a result) I’m willing to be bet Terri is one. They simply don’t feel but go through life acting as if they do in order to fit in to society. They lie, manipulate, charm others, become what you want them to be, become easily bored and as a result have many shallow relationships, think nothing of ending them and the pain that may cause others, all because they are unable to feel emotion.

    I totally admit I could be wrong, but I do not think I am. The brain of the sociopath does not entail right hemisphere/left hemispere activity, it’s broken into snippets with little correlation between them, like a puzzle not yet put together or missing some very big pieces.

    Sociopaths recognize eachother. I read this on a couple of blogs written by sociopaths, who also say the only way to truly recognize one is IN THEIR EYES.

  46. lyla says:

    More from Madilu’s timeline and Dave Stensen

  47. lyla says:

    This I do not understand. How does he think an accomplice would increase the likelyhood of Kyron being alive. Whoever did this deed has the morals of an allycat.

  48. krowdkat says:

    They must really want to talk to her badly, because in order to get a warrant for custodial interference, someone else would have had to have a custody order in place, and there is not.


    Coupled with Blinks response on November 17, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    The primary objective was to hook Terri Horman, or for her to hook herself I should say. I believe she brought it on herself because she denied at least the personal involvement with the LS to investigators, and that probably gave them what they needed as a corroborator to whatever they got from him. Someone can try till they are blue in the face to tell me that the LS is some innocent dude using a SS that does not belong to him and he was beguiled by the ginger hair, blah blah.

    You have attorneys alleging the validity of a mfh plot, you have LS testifying before the GJ, after he voluntarily participates in a sting in which he incriminates himself ( yep, he had immunity, but he still did it) and she responds by calling 911 on the guy, who my sources tell me, was not the first time.

    My guess, my opinion, is that they took him at his word without a poly, because if they tested him, they would have found deceipt, in which case, they could not wire him, and that opportunity goes poof. Make no mistake, there are questions in investigations that do not get asked upfront for investigative reasons.

    Lastly, I am convinced the mfh and the disappearance of Kyron are connected or they would have arrested her for solicitation. If it is related, then any charges added to it, are running on the same clock.


    I wish Lea was around. I don’t understand how a warrant for custodial interference can even be issued against Elsy if there was never a custody order for her children in place. Is it plausible that LE did this because they believe Elsy is somehow involved in the interference of Kaine’s custodianship of Kryon?

    Also, if TH did call 911 on RS in the early part of May and around the time Elsy takes off (on May 19, 2010) with her kids 3 weeks before Ky went missing, it’s possible in my mind she took off to not only get even with RS for the affair, but also to avoid deportation.

    It is also possible, in my mind, that someone related to Elsy took Kyron to get even with Terri for her involvement with RS and for Terri sending the authorities out to Elsy’s house. Possibly someone related to Elsy who didn’t care much for RS. Maybe family members were pissed off at RS for being so stupid to get involved with TH that it resulted in LE banging at the door of their potential hidden illegal operations.

  49. MizFitz says:

    Mom: Stepmom had ‘severe hatred’ for Kyron.
    Nov. 15: Fighting back tears, Desiree Young, the mother of missing Kyron Horman, says e-mails sent by her son’s stepmother suggest that Terri Horman may have hurt her son in the “worst possible way.”

  50. Amy's Sister says:

    36.Idahogal says:
    November 17, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    …This link provides lots of stats on child abuse, it may shock some.


    Child abuse is the number one cause of ALL the ills in our society and culture, across the board in all nations and countries.

    If we could raise just one healthy generation…

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