Jerry Sandusky Sex Abuse Trial: Sandusky Convicted On 45 Counts, Sent To Jail Immediately

Bellefonte, PA-  not subject to Judge John Cleland’s order, which is likely a violation of our First Ammendment Rights Under the US Constitution, has confirmed the jury has reached unanimous verdicts in this case, which are being read in open court, and so far, they are guilty.


Update: Sandusly convicted of 45 of 48 counts


check back to for updated verdict information.



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  1. first-time says:

    Thank God. God bless the victims.

  2. PamVA says:

    Thank you Jesus!

  3. landlmom says:

    Glad it was quick and swift…hopefully the victims can begin to find peace…

  4. Gail says:

    Thank God. Wonderful job Blink et al.

  5. Mom3.0 says:

    Thank you Blink I couldnt hold My breath any longer.
    My faith in the justice system is on its way to being restored.
    – I will have to hear why only 45 of the 48
    Hope you will be giving us an in depth analysis
    Again thanks for the update.

  6. NY Liz says:

    Justice served. If more boys come forward, does he go to trial again?

  7. Tar Heel Gal says:

    OMG, I feel sick with relief, OMG. So thankful for a jury with brains and a heart for these young men and their families. Betcha some folks in PA are shaking in their boots tonight. Off to find some TV coverage!

    Thank you, Ms. B, for your coverage and insights and for making it possible for your dedicated, intelligent contributors to be read by little squirts like me.

    Sleep well, all, hugs from NC

  8. Sunshine says:

    Thank God, Blink and her amazing team, and you all. God bless.

  9. georgiamom says:

    I am so relieved at this verdict. Thank God there wasn’t a repeat of the FL jury fiasco. I am praying for the the healing of these brave young men and others who have not yet/may never be identified. And I am hoping that someone is currently investigating the WE letter. This was surely just the tip of the iceberg.

    Thank you, Blink, for your diligence and persistence.

  10. pajamagram says:

    I believe that dozens of additional victims will come forward in the near future. The defense was right – he didn’t start abusing boys in his 50′s…

  11. tango says:

    I second that PamVa lol! Praise God!

  12. Eloise says:

    Halleluiah! There is justice for victims.

  13. tango says:

    Are they gonna charge Dotty now?

  14. A Texas Grandfather says:

    The jury did its job getting him on most of the counts. The three were given as not guilty were minor and may not have applied to all of the boys.

    We still have a federal case concerning the fact that he took one of the boys to the Alamo Bowl in San Antonio and either assaulted him or attempted to. The Mann act for taking an under age person across a state line for the purposes of sex.

    How man more boys will we hear from now that they know someone will believe them. Two at least and maybe more.

    Good job Blink! Your summary piece should be interesting.

  15. Myers says:

    I am so thankful that this disgusting man is off the streets. As to his wife, if she truly did not see the pain this man was causing than so be it, but if she did, she has to live with it. So sad

  16. Myers says:

    I wonder if the Florida killer’s trial would have had a different outcome if the same amount of time as it took this trial to begin would have occurred. I bet there would have been. Everyone new he was guilty as she is .

  17. A Texas Grandfather says:

    The AG of Pennsylvania, Lind Kelly just finished a speech in which she stated that “those who conceal a crime such as this would would not be tolerated”.

    This does no bode well for those who knew about this behavior for years.

    I am in awe of her statement, and I am not keen on criticism for them for the lapse in 1998, inappropriate on Honorable Crier’s part, imo.

  18. connie says:

    Thank goodness! Blink- you are so right the heroes are those victims. I pray that these young men have nothing but the best of life – they deserve no less, and hopefully their courage will propel others of this abuse to speak up and ask for help.
    I, like the rest of you here will sleep well tonight. I believe Matt Sandusky and he will be in my prayers- keep the faith! Applause to the prosecution team, and LE for their pursuit of justice. Hopefully, those others who turned a blind eye to this situation are shaking in their shoes and know your time is coming.

  19. Advocatechuk says:

    I am thankful for the verdict but have a heavy heart in realizing that Sandusky is only one man, just one person in power, who abused his position and harmed others. Lord, let the light be shone upon anyone who would harm a child. Let those affected by such people feel a sense of relief, but, please Lord, please let us somehow stop predators prior to their predation.
    Prayers for the victims and their families. Prayers for all children who are victims. Love u, Blink. I am thankful for your strength, and tenacity in working for victims. I don’t want to go off-topic, but Danielle Hill Alvarado needs justice now. Asking for your assistance with her case. Her baby girl needs to know what happened to her mommy, if only for simple closure.

    Mon frier you needed a hat.

    Therefore I gave you one. Many thanks.


  20. MKAY says:

    Here is a breakdown of the verdicts. God bless the jury. Bravo! They got it right. They found JS guilty of charges pertaining to EVERY victim. Even #2 and #8 who have not been identified. McQuery and the janitor were believed. IMO this is a bad sign for those PSU officials that have yet to be tried.

    According to Amendola’s statement outside the courthouse, the family was ready to throw Matt under the bus. God bless Matt. IMO Dottie S. comes across as a resentful, bitter woman.

    Continued prayers for ALL the victims. I hope they feel truly empowered by their courage and the
    verdicts . They deserve all the credit for putting the devil where he belongs.

  21. erose says:

    Totally OT and irrelevant.
    @WordGirl, From the photos you posted. Remember the thumb? Check out the toe.


    And again a freak out, lol. I sent that image to a colleague early this evening and told them it had investigative value, and honestly, it does, imo.

    General Info Sharing on the tale of your good post erose, if you do not mind:

    I fielded a few calls asking for comment about Dottie’s non-reaction.

    Let me be plain.

    The woman is scared beyond words about the pending grand jury, and she is glad to be rid of that monkey on her back. Except the monkey on “their” back is now hers, considering the civil actions coming to park on their marital assets.

    Maybe she can cross her toes for luck.

    I appolly, was crass and inappropriate and I am not seeking my own level, lol.


  22. erose says:

    Dr. Drew on Piers Morgan says taking showers with children a form of pedophilia. Go figure, someone in Bellefonte want to run down to the Y and let the gang know? This is far from over, i hope, but tonight my heart is full for #1-#10, especially the eight that testified and most especially #1, for all he did, he is #1 (and his attorney says he is elated).

    I had to check if this was Rose with that stealth snark attack.

    How’s about you? Nice job erose. Icebergs and such not withstanding, let’s take a win in the column my friend.


  23. annals says:

    Yes, thank God for this. Without this guilty verdict I shudder to think of how victims would ever come forward.

    I am grateful for the astute mother who ignited this latest inquiry into Sandusky’s activity. She recognized the impropriety of her son having been manipulated to shower with an adult after a short workout. After decades of Sandusky grooming and raping, he’s investigated because a boy had wet hair.

    You have a way with presentation annals, thank you for your expression and just wow.

    I spent the evening watching the verdict and subsequent discussion with 3 young men who already know about such creepers, not as victims, thank God, but occupational hazard I am afraid.

    That said, if there are parents out there who have not opened up the dialogue about such issues- what are you waiting for? There are thousands of “jer’s out there.


  24. erose says:

    at your request, I did not, but funny and post-worthy in context if you change your mind :)


  25. Jane says:

    Blink, excellent work as usual. All your regulars certainly made valuable contributions as well. My prayers and hope for the victims. Hopefully, their courage and the verdict will allow them to now move forward. I was amazed at the number of people outside the courthouse on a Friday night at that hour. Jer actually looked a little nervous. Strange…but I noticed those toes first thing in that photo.

    lol. Oye.


  26. erose says:

    I trust the moderator to gauge the room.

    Maybe a sound plan. I admit I see this as glacial warming.


  27. Rose says:

    rejoicing from this sleepy snarkette
    was in rural area without cell reception 6-11,
    but when we got back to Civilization and the radio
    called the verdict, I knew the details and analysis
    would be here. I hope Beejay has her tech back tomorrow.
    Thanks to Blink & all for the Victim support and teaching.

    Blink, more thoughts on a ring? JS seemed to compartmentalize so.
    And no boys have come forward about other adults.

    J Cleland will be back to Sunday School. Nice if he’d lead a governor-
    appointed legislator-judicial commission to suggest model state laws making
    trying these cases easier. ie eliminate the need to prove an intent
    of sexual gratification, or lust, because the act to a child is harmful irrespective of intent.

  28. Word Girl says:

    “Word is not enough, ” to quote Poet Joseph Soldati.

    I am relieved. Myers, I get your heavy-hearted feeling. While reading Sanduskys letters I found myself taking on a familiar pose within a shell next to the porch rocker. Letters, accepted by literary scholars as a beacon of inner truth, voiced the indelible evil inherent in every interaction–nay, every waking breathe–everyone this defendant, Gerald A. Sandusky, violated, tricked, and emotionally destroyed.

    A million years will not be enough. How do we stop these crimes? How can we help these victims? Will they receive lauds and honors? Who will, respectfully, touch them now??

  29. Word Girl says:

    Excellent job by Jeff Frantz, Patriot-News, on his article tonight.

    Where is Ganim?

    Some of us old-timers would have thought Franz’s piece should have been hers.

    Maybe she’s working on Jerry’s goodbye to Bo, his faithful pooch?

    I think this is the right link WG- and you are right. I know this case well, and all the ancillary investigations but he did an artful job of presenting it. Just wow.

  30. Word Girl says:

    Erose, darling, I pointed out the wide-stance thumb as well as the near-double crossed toes. I don’t normally muscle in a score, but those digits were my own radar readings. I hope other readers will still play the Thumkin game, despite these early spoilers.

    Now to figure out a proof-text (Rose, is that how you say it? I’m a long way from Bible studies).

  31. Word Girl says:

    @MCKAY, 6/22 11:50 pm

    I think we should frame your comments!

    You captured the hopes, dreams, and fears of this most heinous affair.

    Thank you for stating that there was justice for each victim.

  32. Malty says:

    Finally something going right
    I am thrilled
    Goodbye Jer Sandusky
    Sorry Dottie you should have paid attention to what was going on in your home

  33. erose says:

    @WordGirl, Toes, aside, can you share the key to the mint? or is this just for Blink?

    Word Girl says:
    June 22, 2012 at 5:31 pm

    This might be cruel or a brilliant discovery–you get to choose.

    Joe Hermitt, a seasoned staff photographer who has covered Penn State football for 12 years (on staff since 1997) has had many opportunities to photograph the Sanduskys.

    In this photo we find the key, the true secret, to how the husband and wife have managed to obfuscate the truth in this trial.

    Write me back if you don’t get the answer (you might have to flip through all nine photos to find one of Gerald and Dorothy getting into a black vehicle.)

    Freaking me out twice today. I sent this image to a colleague earlier. My focus was different investigatively, but I agree with you in overall tone.

    One observation:

    JLA ESQ.


    That was me- did I not bold again, lol?

    That is Amendola’s plate in the shot.

  34. erose says:

    No surprise on PSU, still trying to do things of their terms.

    Incest might be hard to prove since Matt was adopted at 18. Does foster child equate to a legal incest charge, as Matt was adopted as an adult? It matters not, in the grand scheme of 400+ years of prison time, but it is an interesting legal question.

    “The university wants to provide a forum where the university can privately, expeditiously and fairly address the victims’ concerns and compensate them for claims relating to the University.”

    [re: Matt Sandusky]
    Legal analysts say the accusation could bring additional charges, including incest charges, against the former coach.

  35. erose says:

    Texas, Texas, Texas to the rescue with Arrow and Praesidium, hmmm. Why would a victim become involved in a risk management company that is hired by the institution that is liable?

    The University has already established a confidential counseling process for victims of Mr. Sandusky’s conduct, and that process remains open.

    Praesidium Inc. (browse around the site, it is for institutional support not necessarily victim support, IMO).

  36. Sherlock says:

    Well, maybe there is a God. This case will be precedent setting I believe. Other than the priests that have been tried for abuse, I can’t think offhand of another SERIAL molester case that has been tried and brought to conviction – at least in recent years. Anyone know of any??
    Certainly not with this amount of public attention.
    And this story is not over yet. Plenty of people at Penn State and TSM
    who have good reason not to sleep well tonight. As relieved as I am with this verdict, I still want to see the NETWORK that covered and supported Sandusky’s behavior put on trial.
    Maybe now America is ready to face the truth – child abuse is endemic to any and all child-related programs and organizations – churches, sports programs, foster care programs, and of course – the “Y”.
    Case in point, in my home town a decade ago, the youth director at the local YMCA was indicted for abusing teen boys in – you guessed it – the showers.
    Before these and many other agencies can get back to the good and needed work with youths that they were intended to do – the cover will have to be pulled back to expose what is too often really going on. This case is the beginning, I pray.

    As for Sandusky, after he finishes his 400+ years in prison, there will still be a special place in Hell waiting for him.

    The victims that spoke out are heroes, now and for thousands of young men in the future.


  37. erose says:

    Sandusky will likely stay in county custody for about two months, and there he’ll have to submit to evaluation by the Sexual Offender Assessment Program. Under the Commonwealth’s Megan’s Law, his name will automatically be added to Pennsylvania’s sex-offender registry.

    After sentencing, which defense attorney Joe Amendola said he expects will come in September or October, Sandusky will be transferred to the state facility at Camp Hill, where he will again be evaluated to see which of Pennsylvania’s prisons is the best fit. He will most likely be assigned to the minimum-security Laurel Highlands State Prison, which has a special geriatric unit.

    Court documents also reveal the investigation into Sandusky’s behavior with young boys remains officially open, and there is mention made of additional alleged victims Nos. 11 through 19. It’s unknown whether the Commonwealth will pursue further action—whether Matt Sandusky would become No. 20 on that list.

  38. erose says:

    OMG, time to stop.

    Tina Nixon, CEO of the YWCA of Greater Harrisburg, which runs the Violence Intervention and Prevention Program, said the verdict will help strengthen their mission.

  39. Christy says:

    Thank the stars for this jury.

    May all of his victims, especially the scores of the unknown, find some peace for themselves.

  40. kjazzyjazz says:

    Thank you Jesus. I know that this is just the beginning for healing for all the children he preyed on. Hopefully this is a giant step to end sexual abuse forever. Rose I totally agree that laws need to be rewritten in your words…”because the act to a child is harmful irrespective of intent”.

    As I have posted before, I hope he does not get the benefit of being segregated. The children he hurt did not have the luxury of being segregated from him. IMO…Lady Justice has a blindfold on and to me that says if you commit the crime and are found guilty you should be treated like every other criminal.


  41. Idahogal says:

    Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!

    I pray that this case has and will continue to open people’s eyes to the sexual deviants lurking about in this world. I’m sure ol’ Jer’ will have lots of new “friends” in prison, may he dread the showers as much as his victims did.

  42. Rose says:

    @word girl. I’m about 25 years away from those myself.
    To be honest, I don’t get the proof text or photo allusions
    except I saw the crooked painted toe and the license plate.
    You are just so smart!

    It seems to me Jerry believed some sort of idealized fusion
    with troubled kids benefited them and would lift them to a
    higher level of functioning even as he, JS, had been elevated
    to a good, respected life. Much of what he spouted was middle
    class mantras for success. The sexualization of the
    relationship was secret but important. I feel JS got this skewed
    thinking because he was trained to it from an early age, attributed his
    success to his own grooming, and I don’t think it was his Dad.
    I am fixated on that picture I posted recently from the
    Washington PA newspaper of men on that Little
    League Board founded in Washington who were “cutting up” who liked
    to be silly and clown and who gave gifts to visiting children & no
    doubt hometown boys too.

  43. Rose says:

    My personal opinion is victims should rely on their attorneys to find
    seasoned therapists with credentials with whom they work well,
    and sue PS to indemnify their bills in perpetuity with no limits including on the
    service provider, because people can change therapists for many reasons.
    I absolutely wouldn’t go to the PS sub contractor.

  44. alabamamom says:

    Sandusky & the many young men who were abused … how many more will come forward ? How many overall are there in Collateral damage ? In other words, those who prey upon young boys have at one point & time usually been a victim of sexual abuse themselves. They detest what happened to them , yet many turn around & at some point will commit the same offense . Some perhaps once or twice , some many more times, & some who would not offend at all . As far as Sandusky himself , in his mind , I do not feel that he thought any child was off limits to him at all. The sickening feeling I get in the pit of my stomach when I think of his Foundation & the publicity & honors he was afforded by it by it . My thoughts of how the young boy victims , the teen aged victims & what went through their minds when they saw others all but “worshipping” the public Do- good Sandusky who caused them such mental & physical turmoil , what feelings of helplessness , hoplessness , shame & anger for so many years they must have endured. So much that many of them still endure.

    As for his wife , I think for her to have remained married to this poor excuse of a person , that she too had the wool pulled far down & over her eyes. I do not believe that anyone could have slept in the same house with a man that she knew was molesting little boys , or who had teens being raped in the basement time & time again . If you recall the recorded interviews with Sandusky responding to the question of being asked if he liked young boys & if he was attracted to young boys & how his response was rambling on & on . His voice was calm cool & collected as he tried to explain away liking spending time with young people , his attraction to young boys. That cool as a cucumber voice , sly as a fox voice has fooled many over the years . His wife , I do believe was fooled over the years , just as many in the public eye were fooled over the years. I do feel a great amount of pity for her this morning because I do not believe she knew of what was going on . She was kept in the dark , his secret hidden from her just as a bad little boy hides secrets from his Mommy . His cool as a cucumber voice for so many years lying to her face , & having her believe each & every word of his rubbish . I cannot imagine what walking in her shoes will be like for the next year or so as she begins facing the truth . As she begins facing the true horror of what this man has done & how she too must now face this ugly monster of a person who she believed in & trusted . The person she stood beside & supported was her life & now she has to face the ugly & brutal reality of that life.
    All just my thoughts. zi’m also wondering if He will even admit the truth to her now … or will he keep insisting they are all liars ?

  45. T. Ruth says:

    We all know there is more to this story, but I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders this morning. Can you imagine how these young men feel now? Prayers for their continued healing and a huge thank you for coming forward, it opens the doors for many other victims, and not just Jerry’s.

  46. Sammy says:

    Thanks be to God.
    After last summer’s debacle, my faith in the judicial system has been iffy at best.
    This jury took the time to go over each and every charge – and believed the brave young men that spoke from their torn hearts.

    I flipped thru a few news reports last night as it was announced that the jury had reached a verdict.
    Most passionate reporting came from Shep Smith on FOXnews. MOO
    He feels strongly that the day has come when society (and the media) need to say directly what Sandusky was guilty of.
    Not only “sexual acts with minors” as many of the media reported – but,
    RAPE of at least 10 young boys that were entrusted to his care.

    Shepard spoke of how society used to speak of a woman being raped as “a sexual act” or “sexually assaulted” … but that over recent years, the word RAPE has become common wording for the crime against a woman.
    He continued saying that RAPE is the wording that should be used to to describe what Sandusky did.
    He is convicted RAPIST and sexual deviant/predator.

    Prayers for the brave young men who came forward.
    Sandusky had laughed and told them “no one would believe you, you’re just a kid” when they had threatened to report what he was doing to them.

    Big Thanks to you Blink for your excellent reporting and coverage of this saga!

  47. annals says:

    Regarding the post; Rose says:
    June 23, 2012 at 10:27 am, snipped;

    “It seems to me Jerry believed some sort of idealized fusion
    with troubled kids benefited them and would lift them to a
    higher level of functioning even as he, JS, had been elevated
    to a good, respected life. Much of what he spouted was middle
    class mantras for success. The sexualization of the
    relationship was secret but important. I feel JS got this skewed
    thinking because he was trained to it from an early age, attributed his success to his own grooming, and I don’t think it was his Dad. …”
    Rose, thanks for formulating this complicated insight into words for us. I intuit truth in your insight right there. It dovetails with this from Alabamom;

    alabamamom says:
    June 23, 2012 at 11:13 am; Snipped:

    “If you recall the recorded interviews with Sandusky responding to the question of being asked if he liked young boys & if he was attracted to young boys & how his response was rambling on & on . His voice was calm cool & collected as he tried to explain away liking spending time with young people , his attraction to young boys. That cool as a cucumber voice , sly as a fox voice has fooled many over the years . His wife , I do believe was fooled over the years , just as many in the public eye were fooled over the years.”

    Moreover, Sandusky twisted his own logic and morals into a sick mental pretzel that allowed him to believe his actions had goodness. So convinced he is in his delusions; he was able to convince others of the goodness of his “methods” to boot.

    It is my personal belief that any ministering to children done WITHOUT a measure of DISpassion should raise red flags. I flag any adult who “ministers” to children with any measure of histrionics attached. Needy children don’t need to have over-the-top “passionates” fixing them up. Kids, even needy ones, deserve the simple respect of appropriate interpersonal and physical boundaries.

    In other words, whenever we see anyone involving him/herself with children and displaying anything that looks or feels like emotional grandiosity; let’s ask ourselves: Is this really goodness in action? Or is this some pretzel logic loony trying to move lock stock & barrel into this child’s life, psyche and sacred body.

  48. annals says:

    As for Dottie:
    I believe that Dottie looked the other way when the boys’ boundaries were breached because she was bound to a histrionic man who would pitch “holy fits” when his “methods” were questioned. Add to this, that Jer earned the respect of their community through the self same histrionics. I believe that Dottie allowed Jer to have private time with boys at bedtime even though she knew better. She did it for selfish reasons; self protective and prideful reasons.

    Now that the switch has been flicked; I bet that she is so done with him. And he with her. (Remember Jer saying last November; “Bo [his dog] is all I have left.”) No more protestations that the boys are lying will be likely from Jer to Dot. I doubt she’s gunna be taking his calls and I wonder that he’ll even try.

    Snipped from Blink’s comment upstream; June 22, 2012 at 11:58 pm:
    “…she is glad to be rid of that monkey on her back. …” B


  49. There probably are untold amount of victims over the decades..However due to the statuete of limitations many of those will go un prosecuted..Im from the UK so am unsure of the laws …I susspect he will receive a 50 year sentance an never see the outside again..

  50. Malty says:

    I will be glad when Sandusky’s ugly face gets off TV
    He is ugly inside out
    Those poor little guys who must have been scared of him
    I am thrilled he is locked up

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