Morgan Harrington Case: Lack Of Leads Frustrates Search Efforts

Posted by BOC Staff | Amy Melvin,Missing Persons,Morgan Harrington,Sara Snead | Tuesday 10 November 2009 12:41 pm

Charlottesville, VA– With Morgan’s disappearance entering it’s fourth week, an eagerly helpful public shows signs of frustration at the lack of information being clarified by both the Virginia State Police and the Harrington Family.


Dr. and Mrs. Harrington will be appearing on Dr. Phil tomorrow afternoon, but at press time there are no scheduled press conferences for them or for Corrine Geller, PIO for Virginia State Police.

Over the weekend, The search efforts coordinated by the Laura Recovery Center had as many as 1600 volunteers scouring the surrounding areas where she was last seen, with no results tied to Morgan’s disappearance or possible whereabouts. The areas designated had been searched previously at the direction of Charlottesville PD and VSP.

Was Morgan At The Concert

Although there are numerous alleged sightings of Morgan, some appearing to be credible, there is not a single image of her caught on camera at the John Paul Jones Arena.

How is it that Morgan goes through three seperate buildings and annexes, at least twice, multiple areas for re-entry, and not a single image of her exists? On the facebook created to help find Morgan, there are a growing number of associates beginning to doubt Morgan ever made the concert at all.

Ticket For Seat #312


One of the quickest ways to tell if Morgan attended the concert with her friends would be for Dr. Harrington, the purchaser of the tickets, to review his account with livenation or ticketmaster, which utilize ticket return and request the scan data for all the tickets he purchased. This would reveal if the tickets were scanned and presented together as alleged by the friends.

According to the livenation policy, the ticket will only scan once at it’s original presentation, even if there is a duplicate bar code.

The timing on Morgan’s ticket scan is critical to the investigation into her disappearance, as is confirming her attendance in the first place. Could LE be looking in the wrong place?


What the Friends Know

The rumor mill has been buzzing non-stop about the possibility that Morgan’s friends may be the key to understanding what happened to her.

We know that Dr. Harrington was told by one of her friends that Morgan’ s car was NOT at JPJ arena. Following her disappearance, one of her friends, Amelia “Amy” Melvin, who was with her and Sarah Snead the evening of the concert had her myspace mood set as “I dont have time for myspace”. It has since been removed. There are numerous pictures of the friends at almost every outing they attend all over the web. Were there any taken that evening? 

What She Was Wearing


We have seen no less than 8 different Pantera tshirt styles on the FB site, and not a single confirmation from Police or the family as to what it actually looks like. No image of the black skirt or black boots to jog anyone’s memory from that night. WHY?  

It was also stated that Morgan was wearing a “distinctive” gold knecklace that evening. Every pawn shop within a 60 mi radius should have been faxed a photo of it within 24 hours. Pawn shops are required to file certain sale reports that would definately list such an item if it had been sold. Has this been checked?

Inside Sources

Sources wishing to remain anonymous, have confirmed to that LE is aware of a woman matching Morgan’s description was visibily intoxicated outside the JPJ arena and was seen dropping her purse and upset while talking on her cell phone. She allegedly engaged briefly with a few UVA basketball players as she was crossing the parking lot.

Why am I feeling like Charlottesville is the new Aruba?

One thing is clear. The fastest way to turn an active case cold is to frustrate the public with inconsistencies and unclear information.

Generating leads is the only way to keep Morgan’s case in the spotlight  and at this point it is this editors opinion there are some serious questions in need of answers in order to progress this case before it stalls. 

Candace Bond and Kate Mills are contributing editors to this report

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  1. wpgmouse says:



  2. sherlock says:

    Good post #185 Observer, and your point about the fall leaves and the many rural back roads is well taken. Still, I believe it is unlikely that anyone would have done so without having first pre-meditated plans to kill her or some victim. In other words, not an amateur but a pro perp who preys on young girls.

    With date rape drugs, or the possibility that she was knocked unconscious by an abductor, it would have been easy for him to transport her across state lines, possibly hold her captive for a time, then kill her days later. There are many serial killer cases where this was the case. So her body is not necessarily in a 25 mile radius. Again, go research the green River case in WA.

    As to her runaway scenario, I do not believe it has been definitely established that she tried to re-enter the arena. Has it?? Maybe someone has said they remember someone that looked like her trying to re-enter, etc. but so far no video footage exists of her attempting to re-enter. Am I correct? So that argument doesn’t fly. Neither does the belief she was wearing all black. We do not know this absolutely. The backpack (containing extra clothes perhaps) opens up the possibility that she changed clothes at some point, before or after arriving at the arena or parking lot. Since no video seems to exist, we don’t know what she was wearing, especially if she was killed – her body may be nude as they often are in such cases. So we cannot assume to be looking for a body dressed all in black at this point.

    Finally, this was a girl from a conservative religious family. I do not know for certain that she had family conflicts. But neither can anyone else on this forum state that they know she did NOT. We simply don’t know the personal details of her family life, or her inner thoughts.
    We do know she liked to wear tie dye shirts, was likely acquainted with Mr Tie Dye (she bought his products), went to rock concerts.

    I have a 20 year old nephew myself, he’s a good student and son to his mom, a good kid. However, I can tell you with certainty he does and has done things that he doesn’t want his mom to know about, including moderate drug use (pot).

    I think it is extremely likely that Morgan also (based on all we do know about her social life) does use drugs – pot, maybe some psychedelics occasionally.

    My point is this – it is not a great leap of reason to assume that she had a lifestyle, or friends that would put her in conflict with her parents. And that she had a motive to run away, especially if a boy was involved as a love interest. This happens to “nice” families, believe me. Some of you seem to be living in the Andy Hardy era. Hello?
    Having said that, I still admit that many things about this case suggests foul play, and with just a little more evidence, I will quickly change my theory. Because let’s face it, in most cases of missing young girls – abduction or murder, not runaway, is the unfortunate truth.
    If she was murdered by a serial perp of some kind, then he has likely stashed her body in a very concealed place and manner. And I will have to stand by my earlier prediction that we won’t find her body for a very long time, if ever.

    I sincerely hope your last sentence is wrong. That is the cruelest of outcomes for any person and their family.

  3. PamTX says:

    I was there today, will go back, I’m with ya.

  4. Gypsy DD says:

    Blink did you get my email I sent yesterday?

    OMG my dear, dear Gypsy. I did, and forgive me for not getting back to you. I had that on the radar and you confirmed it, and I agreed and put that on “watch list.” So sorry, between the anniversary of Christine’s disappearance and the developments of this case, with sick babes earlier in the week, I have plum lost me head.
    Love and peace to you friend.

  5. M. says:

    I’m seeing several posts referring to her family as a “conservative religious family.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe they belong to the Unity Church which is not a “conservative” denomination.

  6. Observer says:

    Sherlock: Good observations. Following are my related thoughts.

    1. Pre-meditation or not: It’s difficult to conclusively determine whether or not Morgan’s disappearance was a result of: a) premeditated; or b) random impulse abduction. I’m definitely open to both options at this juncture.

    2. Inter-state transport or not: Again, it’s difficult to say; however, just as you’ve suggested, an assailant could indeed disable a victim, transport them over state lines, and at some point later murder the victim and dispose of the body at a distant location. My point only was that abductors typically do not like to transport their victims too far away from the point of abduction for the obvious reasons, e.g. being discovered enroute with either an obviously disabled victim or body. [The manner in which Ted Bundy dealt with his victims continues to come to mind; however, I will refrain from certain graphic detail here for the sake of the readers. I had occasion to attend a presentation by the SAIC of that investigation and heard first-hand from him certain things that were not widely-known by the public.]

    3. Re-entry attempt(s): As of yet there has been no announcement of footage verifying Morgan’s entry or exit from the JPJ venue. Even absent that evidence, I am of the mind that Morgan did indeed arrive safely in Cville, did enter the JPJ arena, and exited same. [I believe many people are under the mistaken assumption that video footage would provide a very clear and distinct image of Morgan's entry and exit. I submit that such footage would be grainy at best and clear and definitive identification would be challenged by the number of people entering the arena prior to the event. There are literally hundreds of concert-goers who are being simultaneously shepherded through the portals. To pick any one individual out of a crowd would be no easy task. This is not like the CCTV cameras that are trained on customers as they approach a bank teller's window or individual passengers passing through airport security. Instead, imagine a camera farther away from the point of focus, capturing hordes of bodies moving relatively quickly in a confined area.]

    4. Wearing all black: I have offered no commentary on Morgan’s attire that evening, as I believe it’s immaterial–with the express exception of the fact that a predominantly dark outfit (as she’s purported to have been wearing–and that I believe she was wearing) would make it more difficult for alleged eye-witnesses to see her in the dark of night. I do agree with you completely that, regardless of what Morgan was wearing that evening, we should not assume at this point that we should be looking for a body dressed in black.

    5. Backpack: To the best of my knowledge, no one has alleged that Morgan was wearing or bearing a backpack on the night of her disappearance. The mention of a “backpack” was originally made by someone when describing the type of purse she possibly carried that evening; that is, there are several styles of purses that have small, thin straps and may be worn as one might wear a backpack. I believe Gil Harrington was reported as saying that the purse Morgan intended to carry that evening was vey small.

    5. Morgan’s familial relationships and state of mind: I agee completely: Not a one of us here can possibly know what type of relationships Morgan truly had with her parents or brother. We might assume certain things based on family interviews and accounts from friends who knew her and knew the family well; however, one never really knows. While many of us (myself included) may assume that Morgan was under the influence on that evening, again, we do not know.

    A general comment, re: hitchhiking: The suggestion by LE or others that Morgan may–emphasis on the word “may”–have tried to hitchhike that evening is not intended as a character indictment. Posters take umbrage and issue with the idea that Morgan may have attempted to hitchhike and translate that suggestion to a character assault on her by LE or others. That is by no means the intent of LE or others who propose or support that suggestion. I might suggest again that if Morgan were under the influence on the evening in question she–like any other young person–might be inclined to do something that she would otherwise consider ill-advised. There is no implied indictment of Morgan in this matter.

  7. Gypsy DD says:

    M above are right ..her church is very spiritual, but very forward thinking. I would not frame it as a conservative religion.

  8. Word Girl says:

    M and Gypsy, thanks for breaking that chain of “conservative religious” Not.

    Observer–I’m glad someone clued in the size of those baby backpacks. I had a Prada knockoff one at at a younger age :) (Pain in the butt bags.)

    Here’s one for those who haven’t seen them:


    Some are smaller than that. It just occurs to me that they’d be pretty hard to get into and get the phone out of to steal the battery. And awkward to put the phone back inside. Unlike a tote bag…
    Can you tell I’ve way out-grown a mini backpack?!

    Bath time, kids…

  9. sherlock says:

    Everyone needs to read Observer’s post #206, point #3 about the security video. Very good point!! While for the time being, I will assume that Blink’s info from LE is correct, and that they are convinced from such video that Morgan did enter and make it to her seat. However, Observer’s point is also hard to ignore. If she entered as part of a crowd of people, which is likely, then part of her face, etc. could have likely been shielded from view of the camera, thus difficult to confirm her identity because she was behind someone else, etc. Also true of other later footage inside arena, except in her seat obviously – which would be clearly identifiable.

    As Observer says, these cameras are not high definition quality. Ever see the video of a convenient store robbery?? Sure you have. And often even with that evidence police need help in identifying the robber. Grainy and blurry.
    Furthermore, I think it’s safe to assume that the security cameras in the JPJ parking lot, high up on a light pole perhaps, would be even of less quality. And if there were many RV’s and/or buses in the lot, these would provide more cover as a person moved between them or entered them. So – we may not assume that the video evidence is going to tell us everything here, unfortunately.

    I completely understand why LE is not at this time going to divulge a “play by play” timeline of what the video inside the arena shows of Morgan’s movements (as Blink states). I think they are playing their cards very close to their chests, and may already have a POI.

    However, now that we can assume that she WAS in the arena at least for some time – the $40,000 question is – is there evidence either from video or witnesses that she tried to re-enter?? This is a crucial pivotal point. Follow me here.
    That she went outside may now be assumed??? from the BB players testimony and perhaps video. But whether or not she intended to go BACK to the concert – or stay out in order to (A) party (B) meet someone or, (C) run away, is very significant.
    She is an intelligent girl, and I assume she had been to concerts before. So – she was likely aware of the no re-entry rule at such a venue. In other words, she wouldn’t have likely gone outside unless she intended to STAY outside. And I’m sure there are signs at the venue making that no re-entry rule clear, right? Maybe.

    Bottom line – if she exited the arena (and it wasn’t to smoke or use the bathroom obviously) she must have had a VERY GOOD REASON to do so.
    And that fact would help establish both her real motives and also what likely happened to her.
    Observer, what do you think??

    Just to appease my very important editors, I will be upfront and tell you that they are of the opinion that there is no video of Morgan inside the arena or anywhere else. They still do not believe she is on video at that event and I cant change their minds. Short of seeing it, I dont think anyone can.

  10. Gypsy DD says:

    The backpack purse to me is a huge clue..being found in the RV parking area where both the limo driver and the 3 BB players last saw Morgan..discountng the bridge sighting. The strap was broken, some items were missing and the phone was found with it without the battery. Certainly she would not have left her purse with her ID in it or her cell phone. This says to me that she was abducted at that point and a struggle ensued there prior to the abduction. Or she was abducted at another point, where a struggle ensued. Then whoever was watching her as prey prior to abduction returned the backpack and phone to that area because they had seen her interact with others in the RV area.

    DD- was there any clarification as to how the strap was broken? I know Gil stated the purse had a handle which unzipped and converted a single strap into 2, allowing it to be used as a backpack.

  11. Gypsy DD says:

    Blink..I just remember reading that when the purse was found one of the straps was broken. But..there has been so much misinformation out there as well….

    I’ll start posting at the new thread..sorry to still be over here.

  12. cali love says:

    This entire situation reminds me so much of O.J. Simpson case…. I am assuming that Morgan has probably ventured to Charlottesville quite a few times along with her..(supposed) really close friends. All I see is Cover-up. I mean really there is more evidence concerning little children that disappear. Charlottesville is not a mysterious place..Morgan is 20 yrs old..educated..knows how to communicate with people…I would be more attentive to even an acquaintance that just became a part of a group that was coming along with to any venue…what a travesty. If she were my friend..she would know that I would not rest until she was found! Considering my commitment I have already made and I have never met her…Thank you so much Blink for giving so much!! These girls are not real friends!! I just have to say it..I read a posting that they have turned their pages to private..not wanting to be nice for them…makes me so angry. I would find the strength myself to do whatever I could just to be able to look at myself in the mirror everyday. I believe that we are in each others care…the fact that very few people(from my own personal experience) hold themselves accountable…Not to blame..just accountable. So my question to all that have interacted with Morgan..What Are You Doing to HELP?????

  13. Observer says:

    To Sherlock, re: your 209 post:

    I do not believe and have not believed that at any point LE has been able to make a positive video identification of Morgan inside the arena. [Emphasis on the word "inside".] I still believe that LE has every reason to believe that Morgan did, in fact, enter the arena, exit it at some point prior to Mettalica taking stage, and make at least one attempt at re-entry. I share that view but would be remiss to comment further.

    Morgan’s reason(s) for exiting JPJ are as yet unclear. Whether she: a) was disoriented enough that she unintentionally exited; b) exited as a result of “enticement” by another party–either planned or unplanned by the other party; or c) exited as part of a pre-established plan on her part, is also unclear.

    Absent corrobating and confirmed information to the contrary, I maintain that Morgan was abducted by an individual she knew, e.g, planned to meet there that evening, or she was the unfortunate victim of stranger abduction. I further maintain that the UVA basketball players in no way contributed to Morgan’s disappearance.

    LE is releasing certain information, at specific times, in very specific ways, in order to further the investigation. [Again, I would offer an example here but that would be counterproductive to their efforts.] Putting the pieces together is a time-consuming and arduous task. Identifying witnesses, determining their reliability, cross-referencing with other witness accounts, etc. is accomplished neither quickly nor easily. It is an exercise in patience and diligence on the part of LE.

    I understand everyone’s anxiety to bring this case to closure as quickly as possible for the sake of the Harringtons. I share in that desire, especially given that this horrific event occurred right here, in my own community.

    Patience and diligence are our touchstones at this juncture.

  14. Ragdoll says:

    #54 Debidoll…I was just thinking the same thing! Were they or Morgan to meet a ‘boy’ at the concert, and her friend/friends were jealous? I’m almost runnin with the ‘mean girls’ swag. I went to concerts too when I was their age. My friends and I ALWAYS had plans if we were to be seperated. We had a meeting place. No cells phones back then but always a plan. I know in my heart if my friend was gone for a length of time, I’d ditch the concert and look. This could not have been a close knit of friends. I’m not implying they are involved in Morgan’s disappearance but I am certainly upset they weren’t concerned about her absence. One of them should have stepped forward by now.

    Are they being counselled to keep quiet? (keeping in mind that a father of one of these ‘friends’ is in law enforcement).

    Has foul play been suspected at this time?

  15. sherlock says:

    Comment by Observer — November 14, 2009 @ 7:35 pm

    To Sherlock, re: your 209 post:

    I do not believe and have not believed that at any point LE has been able to make a positive video identification of Morgan inside the arena. [Emphasis on the word "inside".] I still believe that LE has every reason to believe that Morgan did, in fact, enter the arena, exit it at some point prior to Mettalica taking stage, and make at least one attempt at re-entry. I share that view but would be remiss to comment further.

    Dear Observer,
    Everyone seems so sure that Morgan tried to re-enter the arena.
    As of yet, I haven’t seen anyone post any proof/evidence of that fact,
    video or otherwise. Unless someone is willing to show me where LE said they know she tried to re-enter, I still must believe this is just supposition. If you don’t trust that LE has video evidence of this (and I completely agree with you that video is iffy, as I said earlier) then what convinces you that her re-entry attempt is a fact?

    I think the idea that she exited the arena accidentally is completely ridiculous, BTW.
    Maybe LE is trying to make someone believe they have such video evidence because they are guessing that she was with a POI at that point, and that he would also be caught on the video as well???

    I have not made up my mind either way on re-entry, but as I said, this is a crucial point in establishing her motives that evening. Where is the evidence she tried to re-enter??
    We cannot make intelligent hypotheses without accurate facts. Please. Thanks.

    I’m not going to search out a source link this am, but I will confirm that Le has stated Morgan tried to re-enter in MORE THAN ONE area. That said, I was also told by an inside source within LE that they had her on surveillance video. My team spent countless hours tracking down where at least some of those cameras are located. I am really going to need someone to explain to me how they can say she is not on video (discernable) now. They should EASILY be able to verify the scan time on the tickets and cross reference the time stamp on the video. I am still of the opinion she was there, but again, this info does not make sense to me.

  16. Observer says:


    You raise some excellent points. The overriding challenge in the case of Morgan’s disappearance is, quite simply, the lack of hard evidence upon which LE may base a conclusion at this time. Outside of Morgan’s found purse and cell phone, there is no evidence per se–at least none that LE has deemed appropriate to release to date. This is exactly what LE announced in their first press conference, e.g., “We have a purse and we have a cell phone. We have a missing girl,” said Lt. Joe Rader.”

    Absent any other hard evidence upon which to base a theory regarding Morgan’s disappearance, LE is working diligently to confirm through verifiable eyewitness accounts Morgan’s activities that evening. They have provided a possible timeline based upon certain of those witness accounts. As additional witnesses come forward LE must ascertain, among several other things, if the account given is consistent with other accounts that have been previously verified. The process is tedious and time-consuming. Eliminating witness accounts is likewise critical.

    The above is only one of several reasons why LE has released what information it has, when it has. To the public’s eye, LE is willfully withholding information. To an extent, that can be accurate. In other instances, it is not. I am certain that in Morgan’s case–as in similar cases–LE is using a combination of efforts and strategies to engage the public’s assistance in bringing this case to a successful resolution. [Bear in mind that the term "successful resolution" may be recovery of Morgan's body and identification of the party or parties responsible for her disappearance.]

    Sadly, there is little “proof” to be had thus far regarding Morgan’s disappearance. This is what is most frustrating to LE and hampers their efforts to further the investigation. This is precisely why LE appropriately turns to the public for their assistance.

    Back to your question, re: re-entry attempts on the part of Morgan. I believe that LE has aptly concluded that Morgan did, in fact, attempt at least one time to re-enter JPJ. [More on that below.] Even absent conclusive video evidence to support same, interviews by JPJ door/security staff and telephone convo(s) between Morgan and one of her friends inside JPJ would support this assertion.

    Re: Conjecture surrounding Morgan’s possible accidental exit from JPJ: I believe that there is a greater chance than not that Morgan intended to leave JPJ. [That said, there is still a distinct possibility that she exited accidentally as a result of faulty thinking induced by chemical influence, e.g., drugs or alcohol.] Bear in mind: Morgan may have originally intended to leave JPJ and, for reasons seen below (b), she later attempted to re-enter but was unable to.

    I maintain that Morgan did not leave willfully to “run away”, but may have instead left JPJ with the intent to meet someone with whom she had a pre-arranged plan. If that is the case, the plan went seriously awry. That is, either: a) the person she intended to meet was a Bad Guy (“BG”) that she (and/or her friends) originally thought was a Good Guy (“GG”) (which would not explain her attempt(s) at re-entry); or b) the person she intended to meet was a GG but who did not arrive as arranged and she unfortunately met up with a BG (who offered her a lift and/or enticed her into his vehicle) in the interim. Scenario (b) above would explain her attempts at re-entry (prior to her abduction).

    I remain open to several theories in this case.

    A side note: Two of my staff will be attending the Chris Daughtry concert at JPJ this Friday, Nov. 20. I will be happy to ask each to determine and confirm, to the best of their ability, the existence and location of any cameras both close to the exterior of the entryway doors, and inside in the lobby/vestibule area. [For readers who have not been to JPJ, the lobby area is expansive. I've attended several events there, including JPJ's inaugural event--Cirque du Soleil--in August, 2006.]

    B: You indicated that “They should EASILY be able to verify the scan time on the tickets and cross reference the time stamp on the video.”

    The electronic “guns” used by LiveNation to scan tickets as ticket holders enter the arena should have a time stamp.

    The video cameras inside JPJ may likewise bear a time-stamp. Cross-referencing both, however, would be complicated by the three challenges mentioned in one of my earlier posts regarding JPJ security cameras: 1) the questionable quality of the images; 2) the distance from camera to image(s); and 3) the very large number of individuals moving through the portals and inside lobby area of JPJ during any given screen shot. Therefore, even if the time stamp of Morgan’s ticket is identified, and the same time is identified on the JPJ video, LE may still not be able to offer substantive proof that Morgan entered JPJ at a specific time.

    However–and this is the big “however”–I believe, as does LE, that Morgan indeed entered JPJ. When there is reference made to LE having Morgan on surveillance video, there is a distinct possibility that the video in question is of Morgan attempting to re-enter from the outside of the arena–not of Morgan’s original entry into the arena.

    That is, LE may have in their possession video footage of Morgan attempting to RE-enter (as they assert repeatedly) because there would be far fewer individuals moving within a given screen shot after the majority of the concert-goers had already entered JPJ earlier. In addition, cameras trained on the area immediately on or outside of the portals may provide more accurate footage based upon their location from the target focus—as opposed to video images taken inside the otherwise congested lobby area.

    Ergo, LE may well have documented video footage of Morgan attempting to re-enter, while they are not in possession of documented video footage of her original entry into the arena. If her ticket was scanned, LE might rightfully conclude that she entered and exited at some point. As mentioned above, accounts from security personnel and the cell phone conversation(s) between Morgan and one of her friends inside JPJ would support this theory.

  17. sherlock says:

    Blink replied to me –
    I’m not going to search out a source link this am, but I will confirm that Le has stated Morgan tried to re-enter in MORE THAN ONE area. That said, I was also told by an inside source within LE that they had her on surveillance video. My team spent countless hours tracking down where at least some of those cameras are located. I am really going to need someone to explain to me how they can say she is not on video (discernable) now. They should EASILY be able to verify the scan time on the tickets and cross reference the time stamp on the video. I am still of the opinion she was there, but again, this info does not make sense to me.

    Thanks Blink for clearing that up !!! That’s good enough for me and I can now assume that she DID in fact try and re-enter. Back to my drawing board, Hmmmm…..

    And Observer, wow what a post! Your reasoning is explicit and sound. Hats off to you, esp. regarding the “GG” and “BG” theories, and the excellent point you make about the difference in re-entry video (when she was easier to single out) versus pre-concert entry video (when she would be part of a crowd). We will all await further “on site” info from you after the Daughtry concert on the 20th. Invaluable!!
    I can’t add anymore to what you’ve already said so well, so I’ll shut up. :-)

  18. Observer says:

    Thanks, Sherlock, for your kind commentary on my most recent post. [I am sensitive to the fact that many readers would be disinclined to read through such lengthy missives. My intent is to be as clear as possible in my communications to avoid possible misunderstanding or miscommunication. This investigation is already rife with such occurences.]

    No need to shut up, Sherlock; your observations are sound and well-received. I actively welcome challenges to my theories and assertions. It is only through challenge that we are able to ultimately discern where the truth lies in any investigatory process.

    I’ve already asked one of my staff who will attend the Daughtry concert this Friday to pay particular attention to the location, distance, etc. of the on-site video surveillance equipment. [FYI: There are no such cameras in and around the vicinity of the Lannigan RV lot.]

    One final note about the camera surveillance: One of the earlier VSP reports (paraphrased) mentions MH being seen outside near one of the ticket booths. [I believe this was made in conjuction with MH's re-entry effort(s).] It would be reasonable to assume that the ticket booths–like bank teller booths–would offer the very best images of any concert-goers attempting to purchase a ticket. Video surveillance and monitoring at this particular site would be critical to arena security in the event a BG attempted to rob or hold up a ticket booth attendant. It may be that LE has a clear(er) image of MH at this location.

    Lastly–and I realize that this will undoubtedly cause a firestorm of controversy–I believe that there is absolutely the potential for merit to the 44YO witness referenced in The Hook article. Whether or not the person he interacted with was MH–or quite possibly the other woman previously confused by witnesses as MH–remains to be seen. I remain unconcerned regarding the date referenced in the article, re: his reporting to the police; either author or the witness may well have mis-spoken the date. This happens not frequently in print media.

    Observer, I too appreciate your attention to clarity, regardless of length- thanks for your contributions.

    I have a confession to make. When my editors said to me- there is no video footage containing Morgan or her friends, or at least “discernable” images, I scoffed. I had been told differently for starters, so that did not thrill me. Through process of elimination and a few more whacks over the head by “team”, I have come to the conclusion this state of the art arena less than 3 years old, has a lousy video surveillance or CCTV system. I just spent the last hour studying close ups and reviewing Blue Prints, bid specs, the whole shabang. The firm listed as having consulted on the project for security does not list this facility on it’s site as well; perhaps an area of cost reductions?

    Admittedly, this is my first foray into arena security vs. “other”, but for the amount of crowds that arena holds, the varying types of events, I am flabbergasted there is not a much more robust system in place. My Blinkette will not be thrilled I will be reviewing arenas securities while she continues to be of pre-concert age.

    Point is, EXACTLY what is LE using as positive ID Morgan was in that arena in the first place? Friend accounts, ticket scan?
    Please don’t say texts.

    (for the record I believe she was there, my original theory still intact, but Blink contributing editors make a valid point- If the friends lied to Dr. Harrington about the car, what else?)

  19. Observer says:

    B: A couple of random points:

    Last week I met twice with the security consulting firm that is on contract with the University. [This was not coincident to or as a result of the MH investigation; the meeting had been arranged far in advance of MH's disappearance. Rather, the scheduled meeting was in response to our acknowledged need to re-evaluate and re-vamp the existing security protocols at the specific facility where I work.] At those meetings we intentionally did not discuss the MH case. Our focus was on meeting and managing the security needs of our faculty, staff and students.

    B, I would submit that, while your efforts to review blue prints, bid specs, etc. of the surveillance system of JPJ are notable, I would not rely on them alone. While it’s clearly not feasible in this instance, I would rely instead of first-hand knowledge of the placement and functionality of the video surveillance system. Absent that first-hand knowledge I would be reluctant to comment definitively on the level of sophistication or functionality of said system, and the related appropriateness (or not) for a venue of that size serving a wide variety of audiences and events.

    Re: MH’s friends: Has it ever been verified that MH’s friends willfully lied to MH’s father, re: the car? If so, by what parties and upon what basis was this determination made?

    Bear in mind: At this point we know only what LE has released. [Hearsay and conjecture otherwise abounds.] Without our having spoken directly with MH’s friends who accompanied her on Oct. 17, it is difficult to determine if any of them lied and if so, when and why. In addition, media reporting is often fraught with unintended errors and omissions. [Note from my last (218) post: The final sentence should read "This happens not INfrequently in print media."]
    An audio tape or tape transcription of the early convo’s between MH’s friends and Dr. Harrington–and comparisons therein–might be some of the only ways to ascertain if they lied.

    My sense–again, only my sense–is that MH’s friends were at points scared…bewildered…confused… paranoid…devastated… guilt-ridden…etc. et. al. following MH’s disappearance. It would be easy to imagine how, during the first days following her disappearance, communication between the affected parties would be disjointed resulting in multiple opportunities for unintentionally conflicting information. [Remember: There were alleged to be at least 4 people in the car. The greater the number of individuals recounting stories the greater opportunity for later confusion and unintentional error.] This was–and still is–an emotionally-laden time for all parties and communication disconnects are not at all uncommon; rather, they are the norm.

    Observer, while I completely respect your a “retinal scan” facts person (keep in mind I mean no disrespect by that,) I am similar in the foundation of my work, but probably can be accused of being somewhat aloof in my articulation of same at times when speaking editorially as opposed to straight reporting.

    That said, I don’t think you will find much disagreement in general that an arena holding up to 15,000 people at a clip, a woman in attendance goes missing and not a single discernible image of her or “many” can be used from the surveillance footage; I don’t think it is a stretch to say UVA may want to facilitate the grant writing process to Homeland Security.

    While I agree your correct, first hand knowledge of the current system would be the best way to evaluate it of course, I have recently had somewhat of a crash course in this area through a seperate case by a colleague of mine and I am aware of the levels of sophistication in technology that are out there. Again, my early observation stands.

    Morgan Harrington was last seen in the one area were there is no CCTV, or lit pathway, and only one Blue phone towards the
    outbuilding. She left the lit pathway, and the safety of M A N Y blue phones and apparently, security.

    Addressing your rebuttal to the friend lying comment puts me in a compromise as to source, so I will agree to strike, and I also agree there was certainly margin for misinterpretation without necessarily, malice, between parties.

  20. Dakota says:

    I , at this point give Morgan’s friend(s) who were INVOLVED on the evening in question some credit . Just like a fish , you can’t get caught if you keep your mouth shut .

    One LIE leads into two , unless you stop talking :)

    AT this point I do not feel LE are influencing the “friends” not to talk to the punlic . I feel this is a wise choice made by the “friends” to keep quiet .

    What are they hiding ?

  21. chad says:


    I have read several of your posts, here on this site, and also on the “Hook” commentary site. If you feel that the friends are “hiding” something, what is it exactly you think they are hiding?? Love the fish analogy by the way. What exactly do you think the friends have to conceal? I know we need to be very careful about posting, friends, family, and others read these sites.
    I can try to read bewtween the lines if you choose t post your response in a generic way.

    Also, I was particularily interested in your correspondence with “Sean”. I believe that this poster (Sean) was possibly a family member, or someone VERY close to the case, and I so thought your response was appropriate.

  22. sherlock says:

    Dear Blink (or Observer) can you clear up one point for me? I’ve re-read everything posted tonight and I can’t get a definite.
    The parking lot “RV” lot where her purse was found – was it used at all
    for the concert parking?
    1. Concert cars and RVs, vans were parked there.
    2. Only concert RV’s and buses were parked there (large vehicles only).
    3. No concert parking there at all, lot was mostly empty.

    Obviously this makes a difference. If there was no concert vehicles parked there – then she had another motive for being there. Can you help me on this point?

    Further, I’m wondering if we’re looking at a “two act play” here instead of just one chain of events. What I mean is this –

    Act One – Morgan possibly has a fall inside arena, then leaves her friends to go outside for some reason. Again, I just don’t buy the
    idea she accidentally went outdoors. If you’re too wasted to know the difference between inside and a 45 degree night outside, you’re too wasted to be conscious. I’m an old tripper, and I’ve seen some amazing things, but I always knew when I was outside. :-)

    Act Two – she is outside and something goes wrong. The person she was supposed to meet or get a ride with either doesn’t show, or she gets into an argument with them, etc. It is at this point that she moves from an arranged plan of some sort, involving people she knows – to some improvised “Plan B” that involves strangers and danger.

    These two acts may be almost totally not connected. In other words, while I still find the friends stories very hinky – they may only refer to Act One events which they or Morgan would not have wanted her parents to know about – and have nothing to do with a later violent event or POI suspect that neither Morgan or her friends planned or had prior knowledge of in Act Two.

    Does that make sense?

    Now, to Act Two. A friend/s or an unknown college student may well have attacked and/or raped her. Or they do drugs and she overdoses by mistake. But murder, and disposing of a body when you’ve never done either before? That’s hard for me to buy. Possible, yes, but in true crime research, not statistically likely. At most, they would have bungled something and we’d know by now.

    Picture one or two 20 year old guys, he’s just sexually assaulted her, or tried to, they fight, and she unexpectedly dies. “Oh my God she’s dead, what do I do now?” There may be blood. How do you have the nerve and cool to destroy evidence and dump a body?
    Accidental death or deliberate murder? Occam’s tool divides the scenarios into two very different type of persons and outcomes.

    No, I think it’s more likely we’re looking at a serial perp, probably has a vehicle, maybe van or RV who cruises concerts like this looking for victims. Once he got her into a vehicle, her location possibilities get vast and wide. Since he is totally outside her known circle of friends, unless they have video of her entering his vehicle – he may be almost untraceable at this point I fear.

    However, I am still rooting with your team Blink that she may have run away, I pray. What motive to so would be powerful enough so that she is still keeping herself hidden? That’s real brain wrecker. :-(

    Sherlock, unfortunately nobody from my team thinks Morgan ran away. The disparity is that some members dont feel she ever made it to the concert, or at least, are not satisfied there is proof positive she was. I personally believe Morgan was there, and met a nefarious end, sadly.

  23. Observer says:

    Thank you, Blink, for you commentary on my #219 post.

    My observation of this unfolding case is through two distinct lenses: criminal investigation and legal implications. That is, I am observing this mystery as it unfolds as if I were the lead investigator and, at the same time, my perspective if I were either the prosecutor or counsel for the defense. [Criminal investigators and LE are well-advised to take the long view when attempting to effect resolution to a case. It is not enough to focus alone on identifying suspect(s), M.O., means, motive, etc.] In the case of Morgan Harrington, making effective use of all three perspectives may be helpful in coming to the appropriate conclusion and bringing to justice the party or parties responsible for her disappearance.

    Agreed, Observer. I am very concerned about the body of a female found in Roanoke, VA this morning. Do you know anything about that? Thanks in Advance.

  24. farrah says:

    Hi there, first time posting,but daily reader.I love your down to earth yet up front no bull attitude all at the same time.Kinda the way I like to operate.Sorry off topic,just wanted to intro myself.My question is how far is the location of where this body was found and where Morgan was maybe last seen or where she lives?Any other info at this time that you know of about the deceased?

    Welcome Farrah and thank You. Nothing I can comment on, I will update when information becomes available.

  25. farrah says:

    Can you at least tell me where this location,bride in Roanoke is from the arena?I’m from California and never been that way

    Wasena Bridge, 2 hours away. Not far from Morgan’s parents home.

  26. lizzy says:

    I don’t often follow these types of cases, but I’m a puzzle hunter, and something about this case is particularly intriguing, but sad, to me. The “newly released” information about the necklace set me off hunting for a good info source, and led me to this site. I have just completed reading this and a couple of other long recent threads.

    A few moments ago, I had a thought that I haven’t seen here anywhere. Interestingly, it runs entirely contrary to my overall opinions about the case. But it could play into a number of possible scenarios.

    So, here’s the thought. QUESTION: Why did Morgan take multiple outfits to get her mother’s opinion on what she would wear to the concert, when her mother wouldn’t even see her dressed and ready to go? PREVIOUS ANSWER: Because they were close, she was excited, and she wanted to share the experience. ALTERNATE ANSWER: So her mother would remember exactly what she was wearing.

    Sorry if this has been posted, and I missed it.

  27. Observer says:

    LE has tentatively ruled the FB in Roanoke as a suicide.

    News release to follow shortly.

  28. sherlock says:

    Okay Blink, here we go down the rabbit hole. Please take a minute to at least consider my concerns before labeling me a “conspiracy nut”.
    You probably already know this, but I’m slow to catch up –

    “We’ve found, over the past several years, that online digital media is the best, fastest and most efficient way to reach specific audiences, and it’s especially important when you reach out to young
    people,” said Gene Grabowski, senior vice president of the Washington-based Levick Strategic Communications, which is behind the sophisticated online effort. Levick has six of its 50 employees
    working to keep the Harringtons online presence up to date.

    Now, let’s not forget the Ramseys also hired a PR firm. I can certainly understand the Harringtons need to hire a lawyer – but a PR firm? And not just any PR firm, this one is BIG time, with definitely big political connections and possibly CIA or intelligence connections. Let’s not forget this is all taking place in the CIA’s backyard. And I have strong suspicions (go read Jon Mark’s classic book “The Search for the Manchurian Candidate” )
    that the Virginia Tech shooter was a mind-programmed killer.

    Among the former clients of the Levick Communications firm are the Catholic Church, where they helped “improve” the priest’s image during the sex abuse scandals. Here are some links to give you more background on just exactly how big this firm is, and what possible connections (intelligence or CIA) they may have –

    I know Harrington as a doctor, makes a good income. But to hire this firm and have six guys working for them would take a LOT of money. Or extremely good and suspicious political connections.

    There are dozens of missing girls in the USA right now as you know. Why, after only a few weeks, does THIS case get on Dr. Phil and get all this media attention unless someone behind the scene is pulling strings?? Why is it being publicized so strongly, so soon after the event?

    I have resisted putting any suspicion on Dr. Harrington up to this point, because frankly there hasn’t been any reason to. But I am still bothered by the discrepancy between his story and the police as to which car was driven to the concert. And now this PR firm. Surely there are other PR firms more local (and less costly) that he could have used.
    Please understand I am not saying that Harrington was in any was responsible for Morgan’s death. And to speculate any further without more data would be foolish, except to say that this perp, whomever he is, may have intelligence connections or be another programmed killer. I strongly believe that the D.C. sniper (recently executed) was also such a mind controlled killer, and there is a vast body of research that supports that hypothesis.
    I don’t know what else to say except my radar is alerted, and I smell something hinky going on behind the scenes here. Either you and/or others here have recently spoke of suspicions regarding the Univ. of VA and its need to cover something up – so I don’t think my concerns are too far off that base.
    Again, you know I’m a responsible poster, and I’m not accusing anyone, just saying my radar is showing red here, and I don’t know yet what this might mean. Thanks for listening.

    You lost me at Manchurian candidate or hello. Not sure anymore.
    I checked your stats twice, I totally though you were someone claiming to “be You”. Left Field is not even in your zip.

  29. Dunno says:

    Don’t know about the conspiracy theories, but one thing I always found suspicious is how fast Morgan was reported missing, the very next morning if I read right. If Morgan was a 12 years old, I’d understand, but not a 20 year old who went out to a concert/possibly partying after. She could of spent the night at a friends because they were to intoxicated to drive or for any kind of reasons (car breaks down, etc.). It was also stated that Morgan often took the phone battery out of her phone, so it wouldn’t be that suspicious if it was impossible to reach her by this mean at first. I don’t know what this all mean, if anything, but it makes me wonder…

  30. lizzy says:

    She was apparently the kind of 20-year-old who called her dad/parents when she and her friends got to the arena to say that she had arrived at the concert safely. He stated that in an early interview, and I’m sure the police were able confirm the call. The alarm probably went out because it was so atypical of her not to show up on Sunday. Plus, her friends probably had a very uneasy feeling after leaving without her.

    I don’t buy any “conspiracy” that extends more than one degree beyond Morgan.

  31. Dunno says:

    I don’t know any 20 years old that would call her parents that often, unless they were total control freaks or that they had obvious reasons to fear for her safety. Especially not a girl who’s been living on her own and who likes bands like Metallica and Pantera. Music you listen to tells a whole lot about who you are and this kind of behavior just doesn’t seem to fit.

    On an other level, I’ve come upon some info that really bugs me, but I don’t want to post it directly here for obvious reasons. How can I send it directly to Blink? I think it’s worth looking into it…

    Dunno, ok to post it, I am the only one who sees it and I will keep it private.

  32. Momof3 says:


    I respect you posting your fears. Just so you know I am familiar with some of your conspiracies. I grew up around the time of the Johnny Gosch kidnapping it struck home for me. I am aware of the theories of MKultra and the Manchurian candidate. I don’t think you are crazy. However, this is not the time or the place to discuss these conspiracies. IMO I don’t know if these conspiracy theories have any merit or not.

    What I do know, Sherlock, is that your bringing all of these theories here and throwing them all into the mix is not helping Morgan. There is too little real information out there already in regards to Morgan’s disappearance.
    Respectfully, Let’s try to get the real facts straight. That is hard enough. IMO

    Well said and much more level headed than I was able to so thank you.

  33. Momof3 says:

    Your Welcome Blink

    # 231 Dunno,

    There are many daughters that are 20 somethings that have that kind of relationship with their parents. Especially young, beautiful ones that have parents who are a little weary about their daughter going to a Metallica concert so far away.

    As a parent I would have been concerned about her arriving safely there. I don’t think there is anything strange in Morgan’s consideration of her parents worry. Perhaps this also goes to why it raised so many red flags the day after when Morgan didn’t show up. Her absence went so far against her considerate, caring nature. Especially when she did not at least call so her dad would not worry.

  34. Momof3 says:

    #226 Lizzy,
    Why would Morgan want her mother to remember what she was going to wear?
    To what end?

  35. wpgmouse says:

    If I recall, Morgan did not call her Dad when she arrived at the concert, she called him hours prior to the concert when she and her roommate arrived to pickup up another girlfriend and unidentified male in the town whose name now escapes me.

  36. Momof3 says:

    I thought so too, but wasn’t positive. The town was Harrisburg, I believe.

  37. lizzy says:

    Momof3, I just try to look at each piece of info independently and look at possible perspectives for each one, separately from trying to connect the dots. I’m a researcher, and it’s just how I’m trained. Then I come back and try to see how the possible reasons might fit into a bigger picture.

    So, while my gut reaction was that she and Gil were just close, I tried to step back from my assumptions. Making sure Gil knew what she was wearing was the alternate reason that came to mind.

    When I step back and try to find reasons for that, I can come up with:
    a. She hoped her mother would be appalled and would take her shopping, since she was out of money in her own account. (what unexpected expenses did cause her to be overdrawn?)
    b. She was planning to skip the concert for something else secret from her parents, and wanted a friend to dress like her, so she was somewhat covered in case family acquaintences were there.
    c. As a Pantera fan, she has no respect for Metallica, and sold her ticket to her friend. Then her mom mentioned that someone she knew would be there, so she wanted a friend to dress like her so she wouldn’t hurt her dad’s feelings. Similar to b.
    d. She was planning to disappear, and ditched those clothes, so her parents would have the description all wrong.
    e. Her mom was in on numbers b or c above. Or even d, with some variation.

    DISCLAIMER: This does NOT mean that I think any of those are the probable scenarios, just possibilities to be eliminated by other evidence. I have seen NO evidence that either she and/or the family have significant other problems, and do not intend to imply so. I am sure they want every scenario considered, if that’s what it takes to find Morgan.

  38. Momof3 says:


    Thank you for your response. Regarding the explanations you gave I could imagine how these might be plausible scenarios.

  39. Observer says:

    To wpgmouse and Momof3:

    The town where Morgan and her roommate from Virginia Tech first met up with their other friends was Harrisonburg, VA–home of JMU (James Madison University). [I mention this because Harrisburg is in Pennsylvania.] They then departed from Harrisonburg in Morgan’s car to drive to CVille.

    Harrisonburg is an easy 45 min.-1 hr. drive from CVille, taking 33E to 29S, or 81S to 64E to 29N.

  40. Momof3 says:

    Thanks for setting me straight Observer.

  41. DTA says:

    I still am not sure Morgan was even at the concert. I think her friends have more information. Maybe something happened prior to the concert.

    That is what some of my team thinks as well.

  42. lizzy says:

    Morgan Inside: The piece of apparently multiple-witness info that causes me to believe Morgan was inside at the concert is the nose/chin/minor facial injury. Do you think that info has gotten enough press to eliminate that being still another black-booted blonde in black?

    Also, I’ve tried to map the accounts of where the injury occurred, and where she was observed after the injury, but they have me confused.

    Morgan Outside: I’ve mentioned before that, if confirmed, the bb players should be able to confirm that it was her outside. Of course, if I step one degree into a conspiracy, what if another blonde dressed like Dee told them that was her name? Then went and stuck out her thumb. That would make an excellent cover for something prior. It would also take some planning, and lots of coordination and tight lips. So, I don’t find it likely.

  43. lizzy says:

    Blink wrote: “That said, I was also told by an inside source within LE that they had her on surveillance video. My team spent countless hours tracking down where at least some of those cameras are located. I am really going to need someone to explain to me how they can say she is not on video (discernable) now.”

    Did you mean to say “they had her on surveillance video” as above, or “they did not have her on surveillance video” which seems to be your later implication?

    I got confused, and reading subsequent entries, I think I’m not alone.

    Thank you.

    Sorry, I should clarify- they stated they had her on CCTV. That said, no way to tell if it is really her, as per the Dee issue.
    Not proof positive.

  44. lizzy says:

    Sorry for the multiple posts.

    If the bb players described the facial injury, that with some certainty at leasts puts the same blonde inside and outside, at different times.

  45. Elizabeth says:

    Now the question begs to be asked. If Morgan never made it to the concert then are every single eyewitness accounts bogus. Plus her friends lying? Also how did her purse and cell phone get there Morgan?

    This story is going to be on 48hours and a Fanning book for sure..all the twists and turns.

  46. jp says:

    I agree with some posters here regarding her so called friends.
    These friends are the big piece of the puzzle right now and I too
    believe they know more than they are telling. Too many unbelievable

    1. You just do not give your car keys to your friends and if you do because you having been drinking, you expect them to find you and see you home safely. Her friends know the real reason for this.
    2. Has this girl never been to a concert or major event? She must have known unless this was her first that you possibly cannot get back in once you go out of the event. In the rare event when I had to go outside an event to meet a friend, I always ask security if I can get back in and how, once I leave. I do this BEFORE leaving. Why didn’t she ask this question? I don’t believe she was that stupid, so something is wrong there and I think again the friends have the answer.
    3. As many have already stated, as a friend, especially “sisters” you always make sure your friend is safe, even if it means you leave early, you do not ignore them and let them find their own way home alone. That is not a friend folks!
    These friends must come clean and soon regardless of what really happened because every minute that goes by is hurting Morgan chances of being found safely, don’t they know this?? And her mother and father should be instrumental in pushing this very hard right now in my opinion. These are friends?? If I were any one of these “9″, I would be looking for a new set of friends right now and I say that from what we already know as fact, they didn’t bother to see her home safely, left her alone at night and ignored the incident until the next day.

  47. jmcville says:

    I do believe she was at the concert. A good friend of mine sat in the chair directly behind a girl with the exact same description as Morgan and also wearing a Pantera shirt. My friend noticed she was visibly “out of it” and said she left right after the opening act and never came back (he never though too much of it until the next day…).

    My thoughts:
    Morgan and some “friends” carpooled from Blacksburg to Harrisonburg to Charlottesville for the concert. It takes 2.5 hours to get from Blacksburg to Harrisonburg. I read in a news release that Morgan left Saturday at noon. She called her father sometime after 2pm on Saturday saying she had safely arrived in Harrisonburg. Now, it only takes an hour to get from Harrisonburg to Charlottesville. So… to kill the time before getting into Charlottesville for the concert, the friends got drunk/partook in recreational drug use. Morgan is a thin girl – probably a lightweight – and probably was quite out of it by the time she arrived in Charlottesville.

    She left to use the bathroom between acts (which makes sense, she wouldn’t want to miss something.) If her friends were in the same altered state, they wouldn’t have cared as much to go to the restroom with her. On facebook, she is smoking a cigarette in a few pictures. She probably stepped outside to take a smoke break and then in her altered state didn’t think that she wouldn’t be able to get back inside. Then she called her friends who were also extremely high/out of it and when she told them she’d find a ride, they either didn’t care or were too out of it to care. The concert didn’t end til what, 1am? So… whoever was driving had enough time for their high to wear off. The concert was a “special event” and sometimes people will decide to experiment with things they wouldn’t before concerts… possibly E/acid?? The “friends” are not releasing this information because it would incriminate them too – esp since one’s father is in law enforcement.

    After that…. Morgan was too drunk/high to think logically at all. Think about when you’ve been extremely drunk/high (or were, in your college days). You feel that you’re invincible, inhibitions lowered, more adventuresome, etc.

    My prediction is that she got chatty with someone who she ran into late night, who offered to hang out with her/do other things with her and then offered her other drugs/alchohol. With the combination she OD’ed? What would be their motivation to keep her alive and not let her leave? A sex slave? I do think the UVA BBall players have a connection to this….. however I’m not convinced they were the last ones she was with before the night ended. Athletes get drug tested and could possibly be on scholarships so I doubt they would jeopardize that.

    Sorry to write a book… but I think about this case daily. Other thoughts: I am not reading too deeply into the Pantera shirt. I think she wore it because it was black and it’s a metal band and she thought it would go with the “scene”. In regards to the phone battery, I think she drunkenly stumbled about and dropped her purse and the battery fell out when the phone dropped and fell into a gutter or got ran over by a car or squashed by a person. She didn’t realize it in her altered state and moved on. She also could have dropped her purse later and not realized it. I had a few friends in college who were routinely known for breaking/loosing phones, purses/ids/debit cards (which we made jokes of). Also, I don’t think the exact order of entry into JPJ really matters. I’ve gone to several basketball games and concerts there and sometimes there are so many people pushing through that you temporarily get separated upon entry, then stand around for a few seconds while inside to regroup with everyone. Also, even if she entered completely separate, she would have been forced to sit in her seat. They are fairly strict with seating.

    Obviously the parents are withholding information, as well as the friends. I do still think they were her friends though. I don’t think they wished ill on her. I think they were just college kids, being stupid (recently graduated, as we were many times) and drinking too much/experimenting with drugs. When Morgan got stuck outside they might have thought, wow, that sucks, but we’ll laugh about it tomorrow. Reputations put aside…. I agree that more information needs to be released or everyone else will continue to be frustrated and eventually give up.

    I do hope she’s okay.. but at this point, how could she be? Prayers.

  48. Elizabeth says:

    Quick question. Have any video or pictures shown up of the Friends at the concert?

    Which friends?

  49. Dakota says:

    #248 Elizabeth

    The jury is still out , we are waiting on a verdict to see if Morgan ever had any “friends” with her at the JPJA that evening .

    I am not convinced .

  50. wpgmouse says:

    jmcville #247
    (snipped from comments)
    “Morgan and some “friends” carpooled from Blacksburg to Harrisonburg to Charlottesville for the concert. It takes 2.5 hours to get from Blacksburg to Harrisonburg.”

    You just made me think of something. The public has been told that Morgan and her roommate drove from Blacksburg to pick up their girlfriend and a male in Harrisonburg.

    Given the driving times, does it make sense the roommate would go back with the girlfriend and male in Morgan’s to Harrisonburg then drive by herself – alone, – at night, – all the way back to Blacksburg, where at noon picked up the ringing phone to hear Mr. Harrington’s voice, and then upon his request, drove Morgan’s car to Roanoke?
    It would make more sense for the roommmate to at least spend the night in Harrisburg and head out in the morning. Or even after the concert, go straight back to VTech and the others go back separately to JMU.

    Do we know if the roomate was back at Blacksburg when Mr. Harrington phoned? Did he call a land-line or cell?

    Did the friends clarify they expected Morgan to return to JMU or VTech?

    I am not accusing the friends of any wrong doing. I just have some questions because we haven’t been told much of the return trip to each of the parties’ locations.

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