New Clues In Kyron Horman Search: Fact or Fiction- You Decide

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Kyron big tooth

Portland, OR-Over the last week, much information has been developed about the extended families of Kaine and Terri Horman, and the circumstances with which Kyron came to reside primarily with them, visiting Mom and step-dad Desiree and Tony Young on monthly visits.

One thing that is not clear however, is how Terri Moulton Horman’s oldest son, 16 year old James, came to live with his maternal grandparents after living with the Horman’s until this past January. He now lives with his biological father who gave up his rights to him to Terri’s second husband, who stills pays child his support.


He is believed to have been on a Boy Scout camping trip with his father Ron Tarver and his half-siblings the weekend Kyron went missing.

By all accounts, and certainly by all photos, James and Kyron were *tight* brothers from another mother.

Although it has not been confirmed by Multnomah County Police, it is believed that the focus on Sauvie Island, and the surrounding area is related to cell phone pings from Terri Harmon’s phone the day of Kyron’s disappearance on Friday June 4th. According to family friend, Terri was asked to take a second polygraph this past Saturday, and was frustrated and tired at investigator’s questions as “she was where she says she was.”

BlinkThink: An Investigative Editorial Of Sorts..

Frequently, in our team’s development of information and analysis on the cases I feature, readers and listeners ask my opinion on several items of information that I may not be prepared to release out of context. In some cases, they are working theories. It is however, how we handle our “war room” and take raw data to reportable data. This case continues to baffle so many, I thought I would take this opportunity to show our readership how we work behind the scenes.  Pardon grammar in advance, these are actual excerpts from our collective work stations.

For obvious reasons, this is the collective work of the editors of; the “raw” we discount or scrap is not included.

Priority Lead #1

Tanner Pumala, 8 year old desk-mate of Kyron Horman, was the last person to see BOTH Kyron and Terri Moulton. He is his self-professed best friend, and also his neighbor. His grandmother, Wendy Fuhrer, allowed him to speak to the press, although she was specifically asked not to. As he is a minor, it would require a signed release from his parent or guardian.

Finding of Facts:

LisaPumalaNo mention of his Mother, Lisa Fuhrer Pumala

Tanner’s account states that the substitute noticed Kyron was missing from the headcount. He said she alerted the regular teacher, Ms. Porter, who told her he was probably in the bathroom.

Subissue for Flagging:

There was NO substitute that day. She had been there Monday through Thursday. Why would he offer that specific account, and simultaneously say that Kyron told him he was headed upstairs to the “cool electic one”? As his deskmate, wouldn’t he interject that information?

He was interviewed by BOTH the FBI and MCSO, and asked not to release his information, but did anyway. Who or what really prompted this?

He remarks he did not see him on the bus, so the day goes by, including the talent show, with no further discussion of Kyron although he would not have been in the bathroom for several hours.

KyronDadFriendHowever, he states he was not aware Kyron was missing until that evening, when his DAD saw it on the news.

(Jason Mateos Notes: Could the duo simply have wandered outside together at the prospect of catching a live frog for the exhibit and accidentally fall in the pond and the child is scared.

Blink Response: Plausible only if Tanner unaccounted for, the pond is across the street, and they literally would have to go out of the parking lot, which was heavily occupied at the time. Project next to his is Pond Turtle, however.

The Fuhrer residence, on the market since April 2010, borders the Horman property, and extensive search efforts covered this property. Their is a white truck and camper located at the residence in the photos of the listing.

Tanner House Tanner House RV and Boat Tannerhouseskins

Brian Pumala, Tanner’s father is a plumber and recent electritian apprentice through JATC. He resides with one Ann Pumala on NW Mill in a houseboat on the channel. Quarry Rd, is directly behind his residence as well as the Quarry that was searched initially.

Brian Pumala HouseWater

Finding of Fact:

From Blink notes: Pumala address is on Sauvie. In particular it is the start of the original start area for which MCSO requests video footage, and it has direct access to the channel, which has been a heavy search point.

Additionally folks– we have the investigative equivalent of “the closest distance between 2 points” here. Gram or “mom” Pumala is neighbor to Ky.

Non-custodial Dad, a former neighbor and presumed aquaintance, lives withing the perimeter of the focus of most of the search efforts, AND the alleged cell pings.



Priority Lead #2

Kaine Horman Email:

KyronSnowmanFrom: Horman, Kaine A
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2010 8:39 AM
Subject: FW: Kaine Horman’s son is missing


If you have seen local Oregon news or been browsing the internet or FaceBook there is a good chance you have seen an article similar to the one that Becky forwarded (below).  While this note is difficult for me to write in this state of mind I felt it necessary for Kyron’s sake.

Optional actions for you:

The Intel network is large and wide-reaching.  Many have asked me what they can do to help us and my answer is the following:

1. Forward Kyron’s information to as many people as you feel comfortable with; the more people that see this will increase our chances of finding him

2. Do not speak to any media if contacted; I am trying to contact Intel legal to give them the heads up and help with this situation

Physical description at the time of his disappearance (picture is show in Becky’s note and here):

He is 3 foot 8 and 50 pounds, with blue eyes and brown hair. He was wearing black cargo pants, white socks, worn black Sketcher tennis shoes with orange trim and dark-colored t-shirt with the “CSI” show logo

Police Hot Line Number:

(503) 261-2847

Some rough background:

The article that Becky forwarded is pretty accurate with details.  He was dropped off at school about 8:45 and went missing sometime between then and 9 or 9:30am.  We did not know he was not at school until we went to get him off of the bus at 3:30 and he was nowhere to be found.  The bus driver immediately called the school which responded that his teacher had not seen him all day in class, at which point we notified police in partnership with the school.  It is still unknown whether he left school grounds on his own or was abducted.  Be assured that there are currently an amazing number of agencies and amount of person-power being applied to the search and investigation.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers for Kyron’s safe return.  I will update the group once status changes which will hopefully be soon.  At the time of this note Kyron has now been missing for ~48 hours; time is of the essence.

Kaine Horman

Enterprise Business Architect

Intel Corporation

JM session notes: Bolded by Me. Dad states he went to the bus stop with Terri. Indicates both vehicles were at the residence, and in working order. What prompted his schedule to be home at that hour, would it be normal? Why is this the only account that features the Dad at the bus stop.

“in partnership” is odd wording. What does that mean exactly?

Priority Lead #3

Terri Horman call to school: When do the exhibits need to be picked up?

TerriClassroomBlink notes: exculpatory. If your counting on a timeline that gives you until approximately 3:30PM, why would you risk the potential to raise the flag of Kyron’s absence. He was in fact, marked absent, although his things remained on his desk. SM calls and askes when the exhibits needed to be removed. In my mind, it is to see if she needed to also pick Kyron up that day, as he could not manage it himself on the bus.

Priority Lead #4

The questionaire released by MCSO and the FBI KyronQuestions editor JM, an experienced investigator and polygrapher, believes strongly there would have had to have been a deceptive response to necessitate a second poly. Blink notes: I believe strongly this is designed to progress leads in this case. My opinion as to “why” may be very unique.  It is almost as if they want someone to believe she is a suspect, stopping short of naming her. Could they be hoping for someone to make contact with her. Admittedly, agreed on the deceptive response, but could she have exposed a bad guy to Kyron through her behavior or actions, but had nothing to do with his disappearance? Those images are FBI generated from an analysis they preformed on her behavior, no doubt in my mind.

blinknotes: I believe it possible the questionaire was requested for multiple reasons. Again, I cannot wrap around her. Put plainly folks-her profile does not match up to execution or strategy as we know it.  I also believe this is designed to produce 300 exemplars. With the DA present while parents were to drop off their completed questionaires, I again think aloud– is there a convened GJ at the moment, in this case?

Also, what about this– it lets them capture the make, model, and plates of cars coming to the school with completed forms. Does our guy show up at 9am or 6PM on Father’s Day with kid in car, borrowed from someone, or does he send it with another parent?

Actual excerpt in work session:

*warning graphic* professionals need to de-sensatize in order to analyze.

Research/Investigstive Professional: Something is bad wrong is going on inside the Horman home without a doubt.  I tend to look at folks who will not talk. Terri is simply acting odd. She has odd expressions. I mean effin odd; a self-centered nutcase. Unequivocally, yes, but she has an extensive track record of caring for kids. I would def buy her having an affair.  If this is her, what kind of lame ass plot is this, in the first place. You drug the kid, you take him out on your own damn property, or closest body of water, and call the cops the next morning with your back door open and his foot trail still fresh. Say he has a history of sleepwalking. In that neighborhood, the critters would have him by then ( sorry, I know). This woman spend significant time with the school and his class. She had the baby in there, multiple times, knows all the kids by name. This is where she is going to take every risk and chance to off the child she has cared for since birth with no conceivable motive– no history of mental illness,  and a facebook of loving family photos, several of which taken by her of a beaming Kyron? Not feeling it.

That said, it is connected to her in some way. Scorned lover? Unrequited affection of someone at the school? Kyron was chosen because of her?

Priority Lead #5

Terri Horman follows cases like these:


Priority Lead #6

The baby Kiara, was not with Terri and Kyron that morning.

JM notes:

I don’t know where dad was.

I do not know what he drove.

I don’t know when he left.

I do not know when he came home.

I do not know for sure he was even at work but it would be easy enough to document with ID swipes, etc.

I do not know where the baby was.

I do not know who was watching the baby.

I do not know why dad decided to come home early to meet the bus (and even that is in question.)

Where was she and is this normal routine?

Images by Klaasend

Madeline Tanner, and Jason Mateos, contributing editors to

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  1. snapoutofit says:

    So where is Kyron? We keep trying to second guess if SM is involved, etc and we’ve sort of played this whole thing out several times here….but where is Kyron?

  2. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    minima says:
    June 26, 2010 at 5:03 pm
    Ok, sorry, i just remembered something else, i liked the theory that the flier were to get handwriting amples but i remember seeing that they could either be handed in or emailed. so, an emailed flier wouldn’t help get writing samples…

    Very true. Good point. So maybe what LE is looking for is specific wording/usage. For example, what if the perp is British or Canadian and spells certain words differently (harbour, colour, favourite, manoeuvre, etc.) or a non-native English speaker who can’t get the pronouns and verbs to agree, or someone who always misspells a common word, or misuses an uncommon word specifically (I have a friend who consistently spells the day after this one “tommorrow”, I knew someone who would say “mute” when they meant “moot” and “urethral” when they meant “ethereal”… and they did it consistently and without any clue that they were missing the big boat). In the work that I do, I write a lot, and I’ve had people with whom I work tell me that years later they can still ID my work by writing/set up style. Maybe that’s what LE is after.

  3. yoshi says:

    Don’t know why I referred to Kyron’s biological mom as Debbie. Too many post surgery painkillers, I guess. Feeling a little loopy.

  4. Elizabeth says:

    Now we have to explore “where was the baby girl”? A few possibilities.

    Home with the dad?

    Dropped off at a friends house?

    Left in the truck?

    The first two seem like they could be told quite easily. The third one gives me pause. If the little girl was left in the truck while Terri got Kyron set up that could be a reason she did not go to the classroom with him. She would be in a hurry to return to the truck.

    Mothers do that. They shouldn’t but they do.

  5. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    Jackie Bauer :) says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    June 27, 2010 at 4:50 pm

    _________________In the post cited above, I missed “WHERE”, a very important miss, so that’s unknown (as far as we know) information that the perp has, too.

  6. minima says:

    Good golly, “ONESHOT!” geez, sorry! Ok, I think I got it right this time.

  7. the queen says:

    again, i will refer you to where the psychic says he will be found today. i’m upset that you did not post my comment from yesterday. snapoutofit and myself are trying to send emails to all of the reporters at the tv stations to go on this website. maybe someone will encourage LE to give another look at sauvie’s island by the lighthouse.

    Ma’am, your link did not work and still doesn’t, thus the non-posting.

  8. minima says:

    Thanks Blink for your response. I have combed through this site, but there is a lot of info and not all of it can I wrap my brain around; honestly I don’t understand all the acromyns and such, so some stuff escapes me : )

    As I have stated, this is totally new for me. I have to never posted a comment outside of a social site to being a serial poster on this one (0 to 60, yikes!). Anyway, I guess from my lack of knowledge about such cases, or my missing something you said, I was more wondering about how she doesn’t fit the profile? What profile would that be? I also, have stuck to this site because while some of your input may be vague, I really respect your opinion and integrity. I only asked for claification on this simply because I feel like I am missing something, not because I doubt your theory! I am just not totally getting it. But like I said, your integrity and the integrity of the posters on here is what draws me to this site. So, I understand if you can’t be more specific. This just hits close to home for me on many levels, as for many others on here, no doubt.

    Also, I know you don’t think she is completely free and clear of any involvment; I have gathered that much : )

    @ “Elizabeth” in one of the interviews Kaine states he worked from home “that afternoon,” so, I think we can assume he was at work that day. And who knows if it’s rumor or not, I think it is, but the baby was with a sitter? I think we just don’t know. It’s the big question. However, the fact that they have yet to say anything about it leads me to believe the baby was elsewhere. They have said nothing specific about TH’s day that day between the hours of 8:45 and 3:30, as far as I know. Right?

  9. FLGirl says:

    MackiezMom: “He too said she has had two polygraphs, have taken her truck twice and questioned her for up to six hours, several times.”


    So can we take this to mean LE was untruthful when they said the truck was being towed to the garage for “starter problems”? Because I would tend to think, unless it was done in the first day or so after Kyron went missing, the media would’ve picked up on it. The only way they wouldn’t have, is if the white truck sightings weren’t public knowledge yet.

    With regards to SM and teaching, I believe it came out that 5 or 6 years ago, she got a DUI with her older son in the car, and charges included something like Child Endangerment. Which makes me wonder if she was/would even be able to be a public school teacher. Obviously the DUI had nothing to do with her teaching abilities, but maybe her decision-making skills. And maybe a school just would not take that chance on someone. I don’t really know. But maybe that would explain why she was a helped rather than a sub or something; considering I think she had the appropriate educational background.

    Farfetched probably, but maybe an inherent resentment towards the school (and Kyron’s teacher) for not being able to teach?

    V: “IF the school has a population close to 300 (I believe it was 296) and there were eight grades and all grades participated in the Science Fair, how could 350 questionaires be 100 percent?”"

    Well assuming the children, teachers, staff and parents/relatives. I could see there being a few extra people. Granted there is no way they could be 100% sure how many came and went, but maybe 100% of people who either could be verified, or self-verified that they were there that day.


  10. FLGirl says:

    So is there any information as to when Kaine and Terri moved into their current home? Because as I was perusing some documents earlier, I noticed that the property was in someone else’s name, and with some regards to maybe some property boundary issues.

    I’m guessing it probably isn’t related to Kyron’s disappearance, but you never know.

  11. CovertCCW says:

    In my opinion this case has stalled in obscurity. The cops have nothing. They have fail, like it or not. Sorry, but it just make me agree.

  12. lizzy says:

    I have no idea what happened, or what Terri’s degree of responsibility or negligence or whatever it might be. However, I just don’t find anything nefarious about any of her FB pictures/captions/comments. For example, the “REAL daughter” caption was a picture where the little one had on a pure trouble expression, and followed a comment Terri had made about it being too bad one couldn’t see her horns. There was no caption about “just not knowing anymore” about Kyron. There was one picture of him with his stuffed-truck Easter basket on his head as a hat, to which she said she didn’t ASK any more and referenced Kaine’s genes as a reply to a friend’s comment. She took quite a few pictures of Kyron, and tagged Desiree on some of them so she wouldn’t miss them. Her own April pictures in the pool and at mini-golf looked a little pudgy, but not puffy or miserable or anything like that.

    And I have no idea why James went to stay near/with his bio-dad, but on the other hand, it doesn’t seem unusual to me that he might want to spend more time with him at that age. Maybe the grandparents house was a neutral interim step, or maybe they were afraid the legal dad would severe the child support payments if he found out James was staying with his bio-dad.

    None of the above sets off my hinky meter.

    If Kaine and she were both home that afternoon, and went down to the bus together, etc., and she already knew he had come to harm, then Terri must be some fine actress, or Kaine knows something as well.

    The interviews with Desiree and Kaine did raise my hairs, however. They are clearly not on the same page, even though their words matched. Kaine is clearly separating himself from Terri. Desiree’s reaction to Terri, however, didn’t seem more than one might expect toward the caregiver who “lost” her son.

  13. lizzy says:

    NOTE: At least tagging someone in a picture they’re not in is how some people make sure the taggee sees the pic. Shouldn’t imply for sure that was Terri’s motivation.

  14. CovertCCW says:

    Blink: You stated you think somethings going to break in this case next week. What do you base this on?

  15. TR says:

    Not only does your link not work, it seems to reference a website that
    does not exist.

  16. Domsmom says:

    I don’t want to post actual links because it may not be her, but seems as though, one Ann Pumala has recently left to Arizona, and if this profile is hers, she is not lonely.

    I am an admin on the FB Open Discussion page for Kyron Horman and receive many emails from people who claim to be involved or related, and I believe T’s family is involved.

    Actually, more recently, I believe there is something wonky going on with the two couples. I think they’re more than acquainted. IMHO

  17. Domsmom says:

    Something else was brought to my attn, could it be that SM was having an affair with Brian P. and Ann P. found out, has taken Kyron as revenge. Overlooked because everybody seems to be dismissing T’s statement.

    That perhaps Terri was threatened, and that is why she was seen on SI that day driving like a bat out of hell, looking for Kyron. It’s been alleged she was seen there with a man.

    However, I think Kaine knows more than he is saying, and maybe they were swingers that went awry. I don’t know, it’s a leap…

  18. Titch says:

    Re the flyer: I think there’s a reason this flyer was released in the media. I believe it was to generate info from the public, maybe some that weren’t even in the school, even though le specifically requested those present (adults and/or children, even personnel) between 8am & 4pm to fill out the flyer. Even though the flyer informs that you can drop it off in the parking lot, you could also email it in. One thing that interested me personally is that it specifically stated “It is not necessary to drop it off personally.” – this could mean that you could send it via email but it could also be interpreted as though SOMEONE ELSE could drop it off FOR YOU. Secondly, it specifically informs ANYONE there between 8am & 4pm…well remember that Kaine & Terri went back to the school TOGETHER (according to police dispatch/scanner) when they realized Kyron wasn’t on the bus. Well, what vehicle were they driving? Was it the truck? Or the mustang? Incidentally, one or both were sent home in case Kyron showed up at the house. Now why would they BOTH immediately go to the school? Why wouldn;t one stay behind just in case their son showed up being driven by another parent or maybe got on the wrong bus? That’s something that just doesn’t make sense to me. Why leave Kiara with somebody else (if that’s the case) just so both Kaine & Terri can pick up Kyron from the bus, then they BOTH go to the school. To me, jmo, doesn’t make sense. Kaine is an Enterprise Business Architect for Intel. He’s a critical thinker, has to be or he wouldn’t have that job. Working on a touchy interface requires intellect, near perfection, analytical thinking, intricate details, etc. Why would Kaine go with Terri? Why not go himself & send Terri home to be with the baby? Or conversely, why not just go back home & let terri go to the school & update him when she got there, maybe thinking Kyron was at the school & all would be alright. Maybe the reason this flyer was released to the MEDIA as well as the parents, faculty, & children was to see if maybe Terri was SEEN in her MUSTANG RIGHT AFTER SHE LEFT SKYLINE.

    Too uncanny for me that James moves in with his grandparents just a couple months before Kyron goes missing, now lives with his bio dad Tarver that basically saw him throughout his life now all of a sudden wants to take him camping with the boyscouts (puhlease), Ecker pays child support bc he legally adopted James during his marriage to Terri bc his bio dad wasn;t involved in his life, then Uncle Kristian is arrested for molesting his step-daughter, during all of this KYRON DISAPPEARS. In the meantime, several true crime buffs looks up all kinds of info on all those surrounding Kyron’s little life. The one that keeps popping up is Terri. I hope to GOD she’s innocent but I swear any wanna be teacher that has lewd_conduct in her email address from when she was going to college TO WORK WITH CHILDREN in the teaching field NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT VERY CLOSELY! Something else to think about – why would this chick’s email address have lewd_conduct in it if she was going to a CHRISTIAN COLLEGE while she had that email? When I look at my notes, it’s right there in black & white type…she’s working her way up. Each marriage has a higher paid partner. Big question to me is I wonder if Kaine upped any of his life insurance policies recently…?

  19. zeus says:

    39 Tarheel says:
    June 26, 2010 at 3:11 pm

    Tarheel-no, definitely NOT anything on Terri and Kaine that I have found on any of the sites I have gone on so far. Because we have been talking potential “lifestyle choices” in this case, I took it upon myself to look through Portland area websites, facebooks and myspaces of local swingers clubs and adult oriented clubs.

    What I wrote was trying to show how many regular people show profile pictures of themselves with their kids, or just a picture of their kids on these adult sites. What I was getting at is that people in general need to take a look at what putting your kids pics or family pics on these sites, and then physically interacting with other adults from these clubs who would then know what your kids look like and possibly where you live-is dangerous to the extreme.

    On one of the Portland swingers club sites, a few “members” were using their facebook photo of Kyron’s missing poster as their profile picture, and I found that disturbing. Not that they know what we here at BOC are researching, but that they have so much trust in these adult themed sites-so much so that they often put their own kids photos out there. I would think nowadays that people would be more careful and not so oblivious.

    So I was just speaking to people in general. Believe me, if I found anything that even remotely looked like it might be a family member of Kyron’s on those sites, Blink would be the first to know!

    I’ll keep researching- but man, I have to clear my history, etc., often, or my hubby will think I’ve gone in an entirely unexpected direction!

  20. Titch says:

    Re my last post: When referencing Tarver, I meant to say that he almost NEVER saw James throughout his life, now all of a sudden he sees him & takes him camping, never paid child support but now James is living with him? Pffft!

  21. Titch says:

    PS: My use of caps in the above posts wasn’t me “yelling”, it was only done for emphasis.

    Blink, please keep on this case. Kyron needs to be found. Thanks for your dedication to helping all of these innocent victims of injustice. Crimes to children just tear me apart, as I’m sure it has the same effect on others that follow these cases. We care, which is why we keep coming back here to compare our notes…hoping that maybe, just maybe, everybody’s notes & perceptions can somehow help to provide justice. I don’t mean to speak for everybody, but that’s how I truly feel.

    Hugs to all.

  22. Scooby says:

    The man on this website says he has been very successful in fi ding other missing children. I wonder why he hasn’t been contacted to help with kyron’s case?

  23. twinkletoes says:

    blink, did you state earlier on that baby girl was in day care or preschool part time?

  24. Hadley says:

    Re: #7 I think the psychic is wrong….bet u r surprised.

  25. Stacey says:

    I’ve read in a couple of places that the baby was with a sitter … don’t know how accurate that info is though.
    However, if it is true, it does have me thinking. I wonder if she used the fact that she was going to explore the Science Fair with Kyron as an excuse for the sitter…. because I’ve seen several pics and video that show her at the school with her daughter … why not take her with them that morning? Just an observation.

    Also, when the bio parents were asked in their interview why they didn’t go before the cameras sooner, their answer was because they didn’t want to distract anything away for finding Kyron. Huh??? That doesn’t make any sense to me … how can pleading for the safe return of your child be a distraction?

  26. D.A. says:

    MackiezMom says:
    June 26, 2010 at 1:33 am
    “@DA- Yeah Yeah Yeah, when your kid is dead or missing, THEN you’ll be the expert on how shocked and bereaved parents SHOULD react.”
    I’m not sure which of my posts warrant such a reply as yours. While it’s true that I have not had a child go missing, my twin daughters were murdered by their father. I understand all too well what shock and bereavement is.

  27. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    8. lizzy says:
    June 27, 2010 at 7:42 pm

    “…If Kaine and she were both home that afternoon, and went down to the bus together, etc., and she already knew he had come to harm, then Terri must be some fine actress, or Kaine knows something as well.”

    Not necessarily, because according to Kaine, they thought Kyron might just be at school and so the most Terri would’ve had to feign was surprise, worry, maybe annoyance possibly, but not true fear/terror/etc. just yet. The more dramatic emotions would’ve come after there was no Kyron to be found, and that would be required in front of Kaine, LE, etc. And in the eyes of many, she hasn’t been a good enough actress during this.

  28. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    Domsmom says:
    June 27, 2010 at 8:37 pm
    I don’t want to post actual links because it may not be her, but seems as though, one Ann Pumala has recently left to Arizona, and if this profile is hers, she is not lonely.

    Domsmom, it seems that the Ann Pumala who lives with Brian, Tanner’s father, is actually Annalee Pumala, another Ann Pumala that shows up on Intelius lives in Tempe, and the Ann Pumala on FB is currently in Phoenix. She may not have relocated there, she may just “be” there (I use my current location on FB in funny ways, too.) So hard to say that it is the correct Ann Pumala but going thru her friends I see no Brian Pumala or any Hormans, so may not be the same one.

  29. Stacey says:

    Someone please fill me in on Terri’s e-mail and the “lewd conduct” reference. It’s been mentioned here a few times but I apparently missed the story behind it. Was it an old e-mail address? Thanks!

  30. Stacey says:

    Nevermind my question about Terri’s e-mail and “lewd conduct”. I just went back and read some earlier posts and Justanothermom answered my question. Sorry… and thank you Justanothermom.

  31. mag603 says:

    I wonder why Desiree said in the interviews that she didn’t know Terri prior…but this article says there were friends.

  32. Andy says:

    IMO, SM and the known facts surrounding Ky’s disappearance fit many characteristics of an offender who MIGHT be guilty of domestic homicide.
    1. Ky missing from school and most child abductions are family abductions. SM was last person to see Ky.
    2. Most family abductions occur in a safe place for the child (home usually, but school also counts.
    3. History of dysfunction in father’s home (arrest of brother for molestation and he blamed grandpa.)
    4. Young juveniles are abused and killed by stepparents at a significantly higher rate than genetic parents or any others.
    5. Only a serial child murderer with numerous kills would be brave enough to enter into a school to choose a victim. Law enforcement specifically stated that this was AN ISOLATED INCIDENT so this was not the work of a serial child killer.
    6. Stepmother is a victim of her disrupted adoption which occurred before age 3 when Carol first “saw her” as stated on Facebook. Research Reactive Attachment Disorder.
    7. Child has moderate to severe vision problems and difficulty listening which might make him a challenging child. Research child abuse and disabled children. The stats are frightening.
    8. This family had experienced previous disruption with the moving of SM’s 16 year old to Grandma’s home. Why?
    9. SM has gained at least 20% of her body weight in the last 6- 12 months and it’s not muscle weight. Why? Marital problems? Depression? Unhappiness? Stress? Look at her postpartum “thin” photos.
    10.The presence of a stepmother’s genetic child in her home increase the risk of filicide for the non-genetic child. SM has her own new baby in her house now.
    11. SM has had numerous commitment failures/3 marriages. Why?
    12. SM has only held one full time job for one year in 40 years of life. Why?
    13. SM has history of DUI at 0.15 BAC = stumbling and slurred speech with a child in her car=child abuse/endangerment history
    14. SM spends significant amounts of time engaged in fantasy ( W.O.W. game and internet are examples) and so have most serial killers. Research it.

  33. zeus says:

    Domsmom says:
    June 27, 2010 at 8:49 pm

    Something else was brought to my attn, could it be that SM was having an affair with Brian P. and Ann P. found out, has taken Kyron as revenge. Overlooked because everybody seems to be dismissing T’s statement.

    That perhaps Terri was threatened, and that is why she was seen on SI that day driving like a bat out of hell, looking for Kyron. It’s been alleged she was seen there with a man.

    However, I think Kaine knows more than he is saying, and maybe they were swingers that went awry. I don’t know, it’s a leap…


    I think you have a very interesting theory! To run with it a little if I may:

    My first thought, when I read this account on the other site was that Terri (if that was truly her), was driving crazy in the mustang on Sauvie Island because she was tipped off that someone had taken Kyron from school. She was desperately searching for him in the hope that she could resolve this matter with no one else having to find out about it. I don’t know who the driver of the truck speeding along with her would have been (someone else involved?). So my thought would be, that she found out something bad had gone down, something she was not expecting or could have predicted. She tried to find Kyron and get in contact with the “someone” who took him, but failed to do so.

    At that point, when she had to give up the search, because Kaine would be home from work early that day and she had to be home, she would have had several choices.

    1. Inform Kaine of the situation and brainstorm what the next step should be-call the police, potentially alerting the perp who might then hurt or kill Kyron and run, or continue trying to get in contact with whoever had him and do anything needed to get him back. I don’t feel she told Kaine, but who knows?

    2. Go home and pretend everything was fine after she got back from SI, go to the bus stop and then, when Kyron is discovered missing and the police would have to be involved-hope like hell that the person who took him would have come to their senses and he’d be home by that night.

    3. Keep quiet because otherwise it would point to that “lifestyle choice” that she and or Kaine was involved in, and simply hope the perp would keep Kyron safe, and LE would be able to find him fast.

    Of course most of us would have called the police instantly, but I wonder, if we were in a situation like that, if we and our child had been threatened, would we try to find our child first, on our own, if we thought alerting the police would potentially harm our child faster?

    Then, on the other hand, even if it went down like first supposed, she could have been trying to protect someone she loved (another family member, who had taken him), by attempting to find Kyron herself, early that day, in the hopes of avoiding punishment of that person.

    Any of the above would make her story to LE not match up, because she could not admit to being on Sauvie Island, so would have to make up a fake timeline and hope it would be believable.

    I guess what I’m getting at is that if any of this were possible, it would make a kind of sense. If that was really Terri driving fast and crazy on SI, would anyone do that if they had just killed their stepson and were looking for a place to dump him? I think they would be going slow and trying to not be noticeable. I think, if this sighting is true, that it would make way more sense for her to be in total panic mode and driving fast to try to find Kyron or stop someone from doing something to him. She would not be thinking about people seeing her and reporting it if she was scared for him-that would have come later when she had to tell the police where she was, and try to make a convincing timeline of her whereabouts.

    Just something else to think about.

  34. Domsmom says:

    Blink, Do you have a picture of Ann P anywhere? I am curious if the profile on FB is hers, if so she is a fan of S&M and from there, it’s not a far leap to other dabblings and also, from my snooping seems to be having “fun” with her male neighbors in AZ, hence not being lonely statement earlier.

    Being sexually indiscreet isn’t as damning to me as leaving to AZ in the midst of all this. Could all be innocent, or maybe not.

    Went over the Sloop blogs and read comments and if things really are seemingly getting worse with each subsequent case, I pray this case is bypassed and we have a good outcome.

    If it is the one posted on here previously, it is her.

  35. Domsmom says:

    btw, glad that case didn’t do you in. :)

    You seem to be the first with investigative sense. I hope the LE is paying attention here.


    Thank you, they are.

  36. SS says:

    They just need to turn Sauvie Island upside down is all. Trained dogs go in every house and sniff. If he were anywhere near there recently they would find his scent. Of course we don’t know that they HAVEN’T found a scent. We know pretty much nothing, so we’re left here to guess and speculate. So could this be kidnapping for ransom, or blackmail, committed by a close family member or friend? Maybe that’s why the police are keeping it close to the vest, why they’ve been shadowing the family’s every move, waiting for a call perhaps, or trying to get the family member/friend to surface with Kyron. I admit it seems highly unlikely someone would just keep him for this long but stranger things have happened.

  37. JR says:

    NOVICE: Excellent point you made (#3): Why did Terri call the school to see when the projects could be picked up, found out it could be anytime the rest of the day and yet she did not go pick it up nor plan to get Kyron at the same time. Instead, she had him take the bus home and the project was just left at the school? Seems like the call would be to establish an alibi or appear like the innocent parent at home thinking about her child and the science project. Unless something important came up that she couldn’t drive or it was normal for the science project to stay on display for a few days…its very strange that she wouldn’t take the short drive to follow-up the phone call.

    MINIMA: Your welcome and I have yet to hear anything to make me overlook the reasons to suspect this woman either. Perhaps the general resistance is that statistically, these cases are stranger abductions/murder more often than mothers or step-mothers so if/when it does happen – its much harder to believe? My guess anyways…

  38. JR says:

    YOSHI: Great link. I am familiar with that statement analysis guy and find him very interesting – lots of good insight on a lot of these cases.

  39. christy says:

    Harry Oakes decided and posted yesterday that he will take his team to look for Kyron. I wish he had done so on June 4. Still, he will find him in a day. Prayers and hugs for you, sweet little Kyron.

    Who is Harry Oakes and why do you think he will find him in one day?

  40. Teri says:

    Never posted here before – good discussions going on. Really hope this beautiful child is found alive very soon.

    Has anyone wondered, as I have, why the SM, if she did do something herself or contribute to the nefarious deed of another person, would be so stupid as to have her cell phone with her and/or to have incriminating stuff on her PC? It seems to me if you were going to commit a planned crime you would not leave so many “tracers”. In this day of advanced technology, everyone knows that you can be located via your phone.

  41. elston says:

    I am really surprised that two people close to TH – her friend and father – would provide information to the media that clearly make her the focus of the investigation. Why on earth did her father tell the media about the truck and chances of an arrest? You would think they would try really hard to shift the focus from her. Is this deliberate? If not, I think it is really messed up.

  42. TBZ says:


    Here is info about Harry Oaks

    Harry Oaks is going to search for Kyron.

    Ok, I find his approach abrasive for someone that has worked in LE.

    That said, I really do not care who finds Kyron, I just want him found.

    I have run into so many in the S&R arena that are top notch, and many that are glorified outlets for 501′s. I do not have the time or inclination to verify his statements, but if he is trained, is willing to spend his time and assets, hav at it- However, I doubt he will get any info from MCSO, which in my training and experience, is critical to establishing his perimeter in the first place.


  43. In Memory of Gini says:


    I googled Harry Oakes. This must be who Christy is referring to:

  44. In Memory of Gini says:

    Another site for Harry Oakes.

    He seems to be very legit and it makes me wonder why the family would not be interested in having him assist in finding Kyron

    I think at this point the family is taking direction from LE.

  45. In Memory of Gini says:

    He claims to have found Ashley Pond in this article:

    Googled Ashely Pond and Miranda Gaddis:

  46. Twinkletoes says:

    D.A., I am very sorry for your loss and pain.

  47. billy says:

    i understand that kyron was suppose to be in a play that same afternoon at 1:30 and nobody missed him also wouldnt sm come to the play to watch also was tanner in the play and did his father , mother ,grandparent come to see it.

  48. Midwest Mom says:

    I just watched the raw video of desiree and Kaine. Kyron needs to come home to them! My heart goes out to Desiree, her pain is very real.

    A couple of years ago I had to leave my children for 5 days for business. I knew I was going to miss them. What I didn’t expect was an almost unbearably PHSICAL PAIN thru out my whole body that I pray I NEVER have to experience again. I just can’t imagine what they are going through. My prayers are with Kyron and his family.

  49. Redrock says:

    I cannot fathom why she did not take the baby with her to school that morning. They were only there for 10-15 minutes. The exhibit had been set up days before so it was basically a drop off / walk-in. Seems to be a lot of trouble to get a sitter or to drop the kid off somewhere else? I know without hesitation I would have taken my son or daughter in a backpack.

  50. Jenny'sMom says:

    Well Lisa P is an interesting factor. Maybe SM left baby with her to take Kyron to school. She returns and LP knows it is safe to go back to the school where she would just blend in. She tells Kyron his mother needs him home for some reason and of course he just goes. Why does she do this? Well I know the focus has been on adult indiscretions, but I noticed in the picture of her it was taken at Christmas time. The 16 year was sent away soon afterwards in January. Could LP have an obsession with the older son? Maybe she used Kyron to lure the older son back into her life. Pretty far fetched I know, but something is still very odd about how quiet the LE is, so I can’t help but think they are protecting some minors involvement in this case other than Kyron.

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