Kyron Horman Case: The Path From Suspect To Defendant Is Forged

Posted by blinkoncrimestaff | Kaine Horman,Kristian Horman,Kyron Horman,Pumala,Stephen Houze,Terri Horman,Uncategorized | Tuesday 6 July 2010 12:25 am

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Portland, OR-  The tangled web that is the life of Terri Horman continues to weave.



In an Exclusive development to, a Portland local, declining to be identified, provides the bombshell revelation that Terri Horman was behind the 5:16PM call to 911 last June 26th.

The object of her “threat based” call to 911 requiring officers response?

The Landscaper, in his white truck, on her property, demanding his payment for $10,000.

The same Portland source confirmed that an undercover detective, playing the role of an associate of the landscaper turned alleged assassin, was present. It was also confirmed a bulk of the incident was overheard on the police scanner.  The Truck registration and plate were called in on an open channel as well. 

What they did not count on, during the surreptitious meeting, was that Terri Horman would shut down the brief meeting and call Police; thwarting what they were hopeful would end in an arrest.

Kaine Horman had been advised to remove the couples 18 month old daughter in advance, for their safety, earlier in the day.

Upon deputies arrival, as informed by Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office about the sting, detectives were forced to tell Terri Horman she was a suspect.  Horman hired Stephen Houze, prominent Portland defense attorney by Monday June 28th.

The identity of the landscaper has been withheld as this is an ongoing investigation, but has learned that it is contained in the sealed portion of the restraining order obtained by Kaine Horman.

blinkoncrime reader titch contributed research to this article

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  1. mackiezmom says:

    @Elizabeth- I think the observation re weight has less to do with her weight, than the drastic change in her appearance over a very short period of time.

  2. pamomma says:

    Link to copy of restraining order

    I was really hoping we would learn something new about the case when it was unsealed, but seems like we already new the information in it.

  3. PackLeader5 says:

    Question for those that are smarter than me ;-)

    The Restraining Order also keeps TH from Skyline School. If Kyron’s not there, what’s the point of that?

  4. Jeff D says:

    C’mon B…breaks over…tell us something compelling…throw us a bone here…:)

  5. pamomma says:

    on page 11 of the full restraining order file (link below) the date is listed as “End of 2009″ and says “respondent attempted to hire someone to murder me”

    on page 10 it has the date as June 4- present, “I recently learned respondent tried to hire someone to murder me”

    Blink…does this mean she tried 2 times, once at the end of 2009 and once more recently? Or is it only the 1 time at the end of last year he just listed it as having recently learned of it?

  6. puddnheadwilson says:

    HORTON Hears a Who-Done-It?….
    Incredibly sloppy to get the names wrong on such an important court document.

  7. Xami says:

    Contents of the Restraining Order have been released.

    Kaine writes: “I believe respondent is involved in the disappearance of my son Kyron who has been missing since June 4 2010. I also recently learned that respondent attempted to hire someone to murder me. The police have provided me with probable cause to believe the above two statements are true.”

  8. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    @snapoutofit: the reason that the doctor’s appt would be important is because it is an easily provable or disprovable fact. If there weren’t one at all, that would be an especially huge red flag.

    @Andy: LOL re: “There are not any childhood physical or emotional problems that use the acronyms OSC and YSC and Prader Willy is correctly spelled Prader Willi.” I was going to google these but you saved me the trouble. Of course! I should’ve known–grandiosity is de rigueur for sociopaths, and the one I know claims to have education and certification and holds himself out as “highly decorated”. And none of it is true (unless you count his court records which I also found too late). Live, learn. I didn’t check his claims till other clues were emerging, and I know others haven’t checked either (it’s pretty hard to investigate someone who has taken on a new name, after all).

  9. LPB says:

    Good show last night! You said TH stopped the 2nd polygraph after they asked her about the landscaper and she then asked for an attorney. So going into all of these lds, she really thought they wouldn’t find that information? If I were her, I’d be shaking in my boots.

    I’m starting to think Kyron’s disappearance is stemming from this attempt to murder plot. I’m tempted to speculate further….

    Here is the link to listen. Blink’s interview starts around 45:00

  10. LPB says:

    2.Elizabeth says:
    July 8, 2010 at 12:14 pm
    Terri Horman is a stepmother and she is overweight, so that means she must be guilty.

    Stereotypes about stepmothers and America’s obsession with weight are probably enough to convict her in the court of public opinion.

    And she lawyered up, so that means she must be guilty.

    I think any reasonable person who has been the subject of a sting operation by LE would decide they needed good legal advice.

    Facts are few and alleged actions are only alleged. I hope that LE continues to develop and investigate multiple working hypotheses in this case.

    I respectfully disagree. These are not the reasons we are honing in on her.

  11. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    @packleader5, not smarter, just hopeful: in my mind, that’s the reason: HOPE.

  12. Kaz says:

    If LE had any real evidence that TH conspired to kill her husband, wouldn’t they have arrested her instead of trying to get her to implicate herself with this sting? So we’re looking at one of two things, right? Either TH tried to have her husband killed, in which case most of us would be inclined to believe she was capable of harming Kyron, too. Or, the landscaper is lying and he becomes suspect (if he isn’t already). If he’s a jilted lover, he could seek revenge by implicating TH, or he could be responsible for Kyron’s disappearance in the first place. Aligning himself with LE would give him the ability to feel close to and stay updated on the investigation, too. IMHO, if the landscaper was an upstanding human being, he would have come forward when the alleged request to kill was first made, and tried to prevent a tragedy. Are we supposed to believe he suddenly had a change of heart because Kyron is now at risk? If what the LS says about TH is true, the children in that home were at risk all along. What a mess. :(

  13. Hopalong says:

    Too bad the restraining order wasn’t properly redacted…there’s all kinds of personal info in that thing! Someone’s gonna’ get a talking to somewhere out there….

  14. NancyS says:

    LPD I really don’t think anyone is accusing her because of her appearance and her weight. IT is probably more her silence, having a plot to murder her husband, being the last person to be seen with Kyron, not telling police where she really was to name a few that we are aware of, let alone the video and witnesses that LE has. I do know that restraining orders are not easy to get, it is like going through a mini grand jury to get one…. and Teri will be heard within 5 days of answering the order from the judge. Teri legally has 30 days to respond and if she does not, Kaine will get everything he asked for in the restraining order. If she does answer within the 30 days, the case will be heard within 5 days and the judge will decide to either keep it in place or not…

  15. MissMonkey says:


    A) According to this piece -> “The identity of the landscaper has been withheld as this is an ongoing investigation, but has learned that it is contained in the sealed portion of the restraining order obtained by Kaine Horman.”

    Was part of the RO not released? Or was he not named after all?

    B) Here in the UK, misspelling a name on any Order of the court can result in that Order being dismissed. Might the fact that the Order names them as Kaine and Terri HORTON cause this RO to be easily fought by Houze?

    C) Where the heck is Houze? And why isn’t Terri saying I’m innocent, give me my daughter back!?

    It is my understanding that was only going in if the RO was not ordered, in other words, if the judge did not feel it met the statute. On standbye if you will

  16. Word Girl says:

    The Restraining Order is so sobering. I feel lead in my stomach.

    Full statement–
    “I believe respondent (Terri) is involved in the disappearance of my son Kyron who has been missing since June 4, 2010. I also recently learned that respondent attempted to hire someone to murder me. The police have provided me with probably cause to believe the above two statements to be true.”

    We learn:

    Terri Horman is restrained from being able to “purchase or possess firearms or ammunition” (p. 6 of 19). There were no firearms or ammunition at the home, as far as Kaine knew: He answered “don’t know” to the question of whether she had access to firearms, when asssessing her threat level.
    He underlined the words “I am concerned about his/her getting firearms.” (p.12 of 19)

    He also indicates the he was the victim “at the end of 2009″ of his wife who “attempted to hire someone to murder me.” When asked if weapons or drugs/alcohol were involved in the plot he answers “Not sure–don’t know.” (p. 12 of 19)

    Kaine asked that Terri be restrained by 500 feet from Skyline School, The Edge Gym, and Intel Corporation, (p. 5of 19) Further, TH is restrained from current or future daycare sites and schools. (p.6 of 19)

    Parenting time is not an option (p.8) custody will be decided at the time of the divorce (p. 4) and sole, temporary, custody was awarded to Kaine. (p.7).

    And, as usually happens, there is no contact in person, phone, text,mail, email, or through a third party.

    Finally, the box checked indicates Kaine is aware of the second attempt to “hire someone to murder me” and is a stark reminder of the reality of this situation because in the last 180 days has “attempted to cause me bodily harm.” (p. 11 of 19).

  17. oneilgirl75 says:

    lily and Gustoeater
    that link doesn’t work :o (

  18. Hets says:

    There would be no reason to not fully cooperate with authorities and/or jeopordize a polygraph if you weren’t involved somehow. There is nothing worse then what people are “speculating” she did.

  19. Word Girl says:

    I saw that right away, too, but I am wondering if that is not the signed copy? Mistakes happen, I realize, but this is one case you don’t want to mess up.

  20. Hopalong says:

    Here’s a link that works for the RO

  21. Hets says:

    Just throwing this out there…not sure if they purposley misspelled the name to keep people from “searching” for the document. I find it very hard to believe that the attorneys, judges, Kaine and anyone else involved in the filing would all over look the misspelling of the name that has become etched in our brains.

  22. Angie says:

    I believe we learned a lot from the RO. Now we know that the police showed Kaine probable cause that Terri was involved in Kyron’s disappearance. Since we normally receive NO information from the police, that tells me that they do have some evidence.

    Also, I do not believe that there was a second attempt on Kaine’s life. It is unknown when the murder for hire plot was to take place or whether it was still pending prior to the police getting involved.

    Because Kaine recently found out about it and the actual date was unknown he checked the 180 days box.

  23. Twinkletoes says:

    I’m an attorney. There is no way a defense attorney isn’t going to come out swinging double briefcases if he had anything at all to say in Terri’s defense at this point. Not a peep, which means he thinks it is better to remain silent. For one thing, I think he is not getting the real story from Terri either, so he doesn’t want to commit to a defense. She will trust no one from this day forward. And as far as Kyron goes, imo, she considers him gone and she sees no value in telling anyone what happened to him. That part is over for her and she is in survival mode. She trusts no one. She will be silent and let the defense counsel do his best with picking apart the prosecution’s case. That is likely what he is focusing on at present. Don’t forget burden of proof. Whatever the cops have, it apparently hasn’t been enough to arrest her.
    I think she is rotten to the core, but it all comes down to what LE has on her.

    I agree with you 100%. Houze is a master, make no mistake. This may be completely strategic, as my local news counterparts more familiar with his work than I have suggested, but that exparte filing would not be enough to hold a ferrit here. You cannot allege a crime took place which entitles you to protection, without an actual crime being alleged. Speaking procedureally, this is a mess. He is ethically bound to zealous representation of this woman. Yowza

  24. NoseyRosey says:


    Kaine writes “The police have provided me with probably cause to believe the above two statements to be true.”
    I know he’s got information from LE about Terri attempting to hire a hitman, but what information have they given about Terri being involved in Kyron’s disappearance? I know the obvious answer, but I am hoping this means they have actual evidence.

  25. nana2 says:

    @ LPB says:
    July 8, 2010 at 5:05 pm

    “I respectfully disagree. These are not the reasons we are honing in on her.”

    You forgot to tell us what the reasons are..

  26. Cartwheel says:

    My theory. TH is in the midst of a mess with some ne’er do wells (sp?)who have now snatched Kyron to make her pay up. Maybe he/she/they did not complete the deed of murdering Kaine, but feel entitled to the cash for whatever reason (5K for effort?). Which makes me believe Kyron IS still alive or said ne’er do wells would have pointed to his whereabouts in an anonymous way so as to effect their revenge. TH doesn’t want to tip off LE as to the potential snatcher, who might well be party #3 attempted murderer, because then she goes down when they start bargaining with LE for shorter sentences since TH knows they want to find the source of this mess, HER! I think she’s banking on the fact that WHOever is involved won’t hurt Kyron so she remains zipped hoping it’ll all be found out some other route and she can play the “his word against my word” card when it all goes down. LE is, therefore, gathering data so they can end this with “checkmate” and not just “check.” Maybe, as another mentioned, we’re just waiting on a lab somewhere. Which, by the way, why does THAT take so long in this day and age?

    I do not.
    I would welcome being wrong and see the beaming face of this baby any day.
    the meantime, they are watching every breath she takes so she doesn’t scoot outta site.

    Of course now, B thinks Kyron is no longer with us, correct? And she’s pretty smart, which blows my story away. But those are the way I connect the dots.

  27. FLGirl says:

    snapoutofit says:
    July 8, 2010 at 4:10 pm

    But what does this matter about the doctor appt/and Kyron’s medical or non-medical issue? Blink explained the “smoking gun” already and it is spelled out in the restraining order


    I think it’s very relevant. If there was never any Dr. appt., then we know Terri was intentionally lying. So why would she lie about something like that? To create a period of time where Kyron would not be missed, so that whatever was done to him, could be done.

  28. Cartwheel says:

    and…I realllllly reallllly dont think this about weight and stepmother. Come on now. Give the cops a little credit.

  29. NoseyRosey says:

    Well, I should have paid closer attention I didn’t read the words “probable cause”. I did find it odd that he doesn’t know if she’s been convicted of a violent crime.

  30. MarchmallowWI says:

    Some were asking earlier:

    respondents location (Terri)

    11 am to 2 pm
    24 Hour Fitness, 1265 NW Waterhouse Ave, Beaverton OR 97006

  31. MamaGriz says:

    My understanding is that this isn’t the RO that was released, but just the petition, or application, for an RO.

    Maybe the landscaper is named in the actual RO?

  32. FLGirl says:

    Since TH was a SAHM if she wanted Kyron to go missing she could have picked any time or any place especially one where there were no witnesses.. I keep asking why would she pick the school where she could possibly run the risk of being seen doing something or being somewhere in the school were she shouldn’t have been that’s the part that makes no sense to me at least.. Too many witness possibilities not worth it just for an alibi when you’re leaving everything up to chance.

    Well, if Kyron disappeared from home, Terri would be the only suspect. Whereas if he disappears from school, especially on an extremely busy day where the school is open to the public, there’s dozens of potential suspects. Teachers, staff, strangers, parents, Sex Offenders, neighbors, etc. Seems pretty logical to me that if she did this, that she picked this particular where and when; public place with unfettered access on a busy morning where people wouldn’t be paying much attention to who is coming and going.

  33. FLGirl says:

    In the ABC story someone posted a link to a page or so back, there is a comment that the LS was asking Terri for “hush money”. Now, I would tend to think that this was in reference to Kaine, not Kyron. Meaning he came back now, at the height of the investigation to blackmail Terri, so that he wouldn’t tell LE about her wanting to kill Kaine.

    Of course that’s a moot point, since it was all a set-up by police. But, it does make me think, again, that the LE’s involvement is to do with Kaine, not Kyron. And I think the objective was to get her on tape admitting to the Murder For Hire, which they could use as leverage against her, to find out Kyron’s whereabouts.

  34. melissab says:

    You know what…? I really thought there might be more to this RO esp. being sealed. Looks like Good ol boy cop got Good ol boy judge to sign off on what may end up being nonsense. I hope they got proof of TH trying to hire a hit. Here in FL I have seen people get a RO for just about anything until the person filed against steps up and fights back. He said/she said happens all the time in divorce and custody cases. I’m completely for LE and really like Staton but I really thought this might be as NG puts it a ‘Bombshell’!!!!

  35. Daisy says:

    I am at the point where I feel so (blank,if you will..I have too many emotions to choose just one!) at how all this is being brought to us in little tiny pieces of information and none of it is helping Kyron! Where is he? I will remain optimistic that he is alive until I have reason to believe other wise. Blink and team, if you have the time to answer this question, how much longer do you think this is going to take!?!?

  36. melissab says:

    Regarding my comment about the RO being unsealed–hiring someone to murder your husband or anyone and being involved in the disappearance of you stepson should and will never be take lightly and would warrant a RO. What I meant was I hope there is solid proof against her and they weren’t just trying to smoke her out. I guess I just wanted some answers and B already told us basically what could or should be in there. We need our resident Red eyed tree frog expert back! NOW!

  37. christy says:

    @Kaylee says:
    July 8, 2010 at 11:17 am
    A big however, however. Desiree said in her Medford presser on Tuesday that she misses Kyron coming out of his room in the morning to see her. Sounds like he behaved differently at mom’s house.


    Hmm. Yes it does. What was it at Kaine’s house made Kyron stay in his bed until “someone came and got him”? I do not like that at all.

    My kids run downstairs as soon as their eyes open. Poor Kyron.

    Mine too, maybe even with one eye open. Imo, that issue is about something else with Mr. Tree Frog.


  38. Gypsy DD says:

    Does anyne have the link to the family interview where Kaine and Desiree are discussing that Kyron would not get out of bed in the morning unless someone came to hhis room?

    I have a request for thta discussion over at Scared Monkeys and I can’t put my hands on it now. Thank you

    Dang Gyps I do not, but can tell you it was on a morning show. Anyone?

  39. cc says:

    47.snapoutofit says:
    July 8, 2010 at 4:10 pm

    But what does this matter about the doctor appt/and Kyron’s medical or non-medical issue? Blink explained the “smoking gun” already and it is spelled out in the restraining order

    It matters due to “woman have the prerogative to change their minds”

    If getting rid of Kaine was once her Idea that does not mean she didnt change the plans before June 4th

  40. christy says:

    I am super new to this site and I thank you Blink and your contributers for your awesome and and stealthy work and dedication. I am confused however, I guess how this particular blog works. I am so hoping that Kyron comes home NOW and in one healthy piece that I am checking here by the hour (I know, obsessed, this is the only time it has ever happened to myself as I have two boys 5 and 8) and when I tune in, I get #1 new comments and then also have to go to “older comments” with numbers that do not match up to what I have read. This is super confusing to me as the normal blogs I read are completely dif. (people you’ll see in; My apologies if I am annoying Blink. I have only respect and thanks for you and your team. Sorry for the novel :)

  41. susan says:

    Terri has already lost her husband and her daughter, so the only thing she has left to lose by coming clean is her freedom. The fact that she will not help the investigation at this point tells me that she would lose her freedom. That is not a good sign for Ky that she is still silent. Not even proclaiming her innocence.

    I suspect that she did something to Kyron because she was enraged over something that Kaine did, possibly having an (ongoing?) affair.

    I am wondering what exactly it is her high powered attorney is going to do for her, negotiate with the media for money to tell her side of the story? That would be sickening, that info on Kyron to the investigation would be held up due to negotiations about money for Terri.

    I think the County should convene a grand jury and look into the matter. She can take the fifth if she wishes, but I believe that she must comply with a subpoena to appear, and she must answer questions which do not incriminate her. The police could then see which questions she refuses to answer. They can also lock her up if she lies.

    Speaking of lying, why do they not lock her up for lying in the first polygraph, if that is what she did.

    The sooner she gets put away, the easier it will be to get her to come clean.

    As has been mentioned, I believe she has little left to lose by talking now, except her freedom. No marriage to protect, and she has lost her daughter.

    So, if she is innocent, she should speak.

  42. Sondra says:

    In a request filed July 8 with the Multnomah Court, Kaine Horman is asking that Terri Moulton Horman be legally forced to move out of their house.”[Kaine Horman] is requesting an amendment to the [restraining] order so that [Terri Moutlon Horman] is require to move from and not return to the family residence.”…jy3W5FG4Q.cspx

  43. beejay says:

    TH has still not been arrested for solicing murder for hire. Makes me think their “probable cause” consists solely of LS’ statement/accusation plus a polygraph of LS that doesn’t negate his statement. Nothing more substantial to corroborate MFH.

    If, that is IF, that’s all they’re going on, then they’d better have one of the sane landscapers. Yes, I know the world is full of upstanding, sane landscapers, who’re willing to commit adultery with a mother of three, but not commit murder or kidnapping.

    But–and this is my sole area of expertise here–in all the years I worked in community mental health, we referred more schizophrenic and otherwise seriously disordered men for landscaping jobs than you can imagine. It was a great working situation for them because complex human interactions were minimal, compared to most jobs. So, that’s fine for getting the RO, esp. since TH was on intimate terms with LS, by her own admission. But for any higher standard of evidence, I want to see much more.

  44. Dee says:

    The most important info on the RO is the fact that Kaine is the sole owner of the house. This confirms my suspicions that the mfh plot was hatched for financial reasons. Terri has no independent source of income and doesn’t even share ownership of the house she inhabits with her husband and child. She has given the last several years of her life to raise HIS child with another woman. I think she feels cheated and resentful. If he had started an affair or was being abusive (perhaps critical of her 170 lb. body)that may have caused her to go into a rage. If she thought that he was going to leave her for someone else, she may have panicked at the thought of her future without a job, a home or a source of income. Remember, she was adopted and probably has abandonment issues. With Kaine and Kyron gone, she would stand to inherit his entire estate including the house, bank accounts, investments, insurance policies, pension, etc. The unfortunate thing about this hypothesis is that it doesn’t bode well for Kyron. She wouldn’t have wanted him to reappear at some time in the future and she would have been open to blackmail by whoever has him. Unless, of course, whoever has him is her lover with whom she was planning to share the windfall. Pray for Kyron

  45. Andy says:

    @packleader5-The RO keeps TH from Skyline school because the employees and parents of that school are afraid of TH.

  46. TBZ says:

    I just watched the KOIN interview right now with Kaine and Desiree – my heart just hurts more for these parents. They also said that Kaine is wanting to move back inot the house with Kiara and boot Terri out of the house.

  47. landlmom says:

    This is the strongest I have seen DY – she is in the anger phase and it will serve her well!!! She is capable of saying quite a bit with few words. She looked healthy, she sounded strong, and she is resolved. Regardless of KH having full custody of Kyron there is no doubt watching her in this press conference her pure love for him.
    I have chosen to bite my tongue regarding KH because regardless of my perception of him – I do not believe he is involved with Kyron’s disappearance. I will say this though when Kyron comes home, I hope DY gets physical custody of him!

    Thoughts are with you Kyron!

  48. JEN says:

    Andy, wouldn’t the school itself (or every parent and employee) have to file their own RO if that was the case?

  49. snapoutofit says:

    Kaine files petition July 8th for Terri to move out of the home.

    All local Portland TV Stations are airing the emotional news conference of Desiree Young and Kaine Horman. Desiree flat out says “I have known her a long time, I know she’s lying.” … “I have a mother’s instinct. I know she is lying. I knew “what I first got that call” that something wasn’t adding up.”

    I don’t have the link to post yet.

    They would not answer the reporters question about if they believe if there is a third party involved…they did not quickly say yes or no, it was quite a long pause, and then th ey said “we cannot comment on that” or something like that.

    Signing off from hot 100 degree Portland, OR ~ Snap….

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