Kyron Horman Case: The Path From Suspect To Defendant Is Forged

Posted by blinkoncrimestaff | Kaine Horman,Kristian Horman,Kyron Horman,Pumala,Stephen Houze,Terri Horman,Uncategorized | Tuesday 6 July 2010 12:25 am

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Portland, OR-  The tangled web that is the life of Terri Horman continues to weave.



In an Exclusive development to, a Portland local, declining to be identified, provides the bombshell revelation that Terri Horman was behind the 5:16PM call to 911 last June 26th.

The object of her “threat based” call to 911 requiring officers response?

The Landscaper, in his white truck, on her property, demanding his payment for $10,000.

The same Portland source confirmed that an undercover detective, playing the role of an associate of the landscaper turned alleged assassin, was present. It was also confirmed a bulk of the incident was overheard on the police scanner.  The Truck registration and plate were called in on an open channel as well. 

What they did not count on, during the surreptitious meeting, was that Terri Horman would shut down the brief meeting and call Police; thwarting what they were hopeful would end in an arrest.

Kaine Horman had been advised to remove the couples 18 month old daughter in advance, for their safety, earlier in the day.

Upon deputies arrival, as informed by Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office about the sting, detectives were forced to tell Terri Horman she was a suspect.  Horman hired Stephen Houze, prominent Portland defense attorney by Monday June 28th.

The identity of the landscaper has been withheld as this is an ongoing investigation, but has learned that it is contained in the sealed portion of the restraining order obtained by Kaine Horman.

blinkoncrime reader titch contributed research to this article

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  1. southernsandy says:

    I sooo agree with KOOL LOOK. Kaine’s reported praise of Kyron’s work on the project is a little too much, considering the project was obviously not done exclusively by a seven year old child. Maybe Kaine is just prone to embellishment or maybe, due to circumstances, he remembers his last exchange with Kyron to have been that way. If so, let him have that memory, right or wrong.

  2. Twinkletoes says:

    The 3rd grade Roseburg teacher picked up for child porn could easily be just another sicko, totally unrelated to this case, or he could be a piece of this bizarre puzzle:
    I keep remembering Blink’s resolve in her belief that Kyron’s disappearance has to do with sexual motivations.

  3. Stars says:

    Ok-a couple of thoughts, questions-
    I have been on the fence about Terri, hoping and praying that she really
    loved Kyron. But if she truly did love him, she would have come 100% clean
    on June 4th with LE. She would have told LE absolutely EVERYTHING to bring Kyron
    home. It would not matter about affairs, lifestyle choices, hating Kaine, even MFH
    plot. The only thing that would matter was bringing Kyron home. If Terri loved Kyron
    she would have told ALL, every last detail to bring Kyron home. Now that we know that
    she did not tell LE about LS lover/MFH plot I am coming off the fence. What I understand from BOC
    is that LE did not know about LS until Sat. June 26th. I am so heartsick that Terri
    did not love Kyron back. After 7 years of raising him and taking care of him it just breaks my heart.
    I am still angry that Kyron’s teacher marked Kyron ABSENT when she knew he had been there
    that morring. Unless she SAW Terri and Kyron leave and get in the car together, there is NO
    excuse. The protocol should have been followed. Per the school’s handbook, the student
    is to be signed out before going to appt. I do not care about dates, misunderstandings, etc…
    A phone call to Terri or Kaine may have stopped whatever happened to little, defenseless Kyron
    Thank you Blink for all of your tireless hard work!

  4. Twinkletoes says:

    Dolly, LE is law enforcement. :O)

    All, I have to say I am totally impressed with Desiree’s ability to make it through these pressers. She is obviously devistated through and through, but she keeps getting up every day and faces the police and the cameras and she keeps fighting for dear Kyron. She is finding strength she never wanted to need before and it is strength none of us should ever have to tap, but she is rising to the occassion. I can envision her taking a similar path as Mr. Walsh in time.

  5. pamomma says:

    Susan: I agree with your points about the press conference…the other really strange thing to me was Desiree’s answer regarding the state of Kyron’s room “Desiree – I haven’t made any changes to his room other than to vacuum it. I still have his laundry laid out and his bed not made because I can’t bring myself to make his bed. I like to see that it looks slept in.

    I thought he was only there every few weeks…when was the last time he was there, and why is his bed still unmade from that visit? It’s not a big deal, we aren’t real “bed makers” at our house…I just thought that was odd when she is talking about a room in a house he doesn’t live in all the time.

    I don’t think it has any bearing on the case…It just struck me as an odd comment.

    I do agree with Blink that I worry about Deriree and hope someone is watching out for her, I can’t imagine how she is feeling.

  6. beejay says:

    Blink, after a post here yesterday that KATU reported that police alledgedly confirmed another LS was solicited by TH to murder KH, you said:

    Yep. I would say we have our third unsub.
    Shout out to LE- well played.

    What is an ‘unsub’??

    And why the congrats to LE for being “well played”?? ‘Played’??

  7. MissMonkey says:

    I feel like I am either getting desensitised to the crazy surrounding this case or am becoming less suspicious of everything as everyone else grows more so.

    A) Kaine’s Story of the last time he saw him: The basics are the same. He was leaving for work, Kyron was feeding the cat, he said he was proud of the work that he did on the project, hug hug …kiss kiss, love you, love you too.

    As we get further away from the day he went missing, it is only natural that Kaine is going to want to remember their last encounter as nicely as possible. The hug may have been a little longer, the praise even more than originally given. This doesn’t necessarily make him a liar or suspicious, but a father wanting to hold on to all the good he can in a bad situation.

    B) The After School Plan: They get him at the bus stop, go throw the bag inside the house, hop in the car, get some ice cream, come home, play a game or two on the Wii, have dinner and then Terri drives him to Eugene.

    It was a Friday night, no school the next day, sure it is a long drive, but I’m sure he was used to it since Desiree often had him on weekends.

    In a custody hand over it isn’t always the bio parent that has to do the swapping.

    The only thing I see odd about this is that the My Weekend bit was never mentioned before.

    C) The Fishing Trip: They mentioned Terri was to drive him to Eugene where Desiree would pick him up and take him to Medford for the WEEKEND and he was going to go fishing with Tony. It was just a regular weekend with Momma and Tony that happened to have some fishing planned.

    If James was supposed to be there for a week, then Kyron would have been back in time to see him for the majority of it. Remember that school was still in. Why would Kyron or James be out of school for that week.

    And he would have been home for the phantom doctor’s appointment as well.

    I’m not really buying the “James arrived the next day as planned” thing either. With all the press camping out, no one noticed a 16 year old boy come and go?

    As Tony said, a rationalising person can see the facts that are out there and connect the dots. He didn’t say we should go paint completely new dots.

    Perhaps nothing was said before because it was irrelevant that Kyron was supposed to be with Desiree later that night. He was gone before that time came. Very little has really been given to the public so it is only natural that we haven’t heard X Y or Z before.

    There is a huge difference between speculation and a hypothesis. Let’s stick with the facts that we have and try to piece the puzzle together so that Kyron can come home.

  8. MissMonkey says:

    Woah. Sorry that was so long. I got on a roll and it snowballed into an essay.

  9. nana2 says:

    @ susan says:
    July 7, 2010 at 7:49 am

    @ KOOL LOOK says:
    July 7, 2010 at 6:48 am

    In that same article:

    What bothers me is that Kaine is so precise & exact about his time lines for that day & you would think if your child went missing on that day how can you be so exact about the time you did things.. I would probably say ‘well around 2pm or between 1 & 2′ but I don’t know if I could be exact about my time given the stress of my child being missing.. my opinion..

    Also Susan to your point # 3 I agree its like everyone is trying to back into a story people would like to hear & all of a sudden you’re hearing about things that were supposed to take place that day..

    I just never got the warm & fuzzies from Kaine & he may structure his responses to what his employer would want to hear in order to protect his employment status.. JMO

  10. Karen says:

    After reading other comments here, I have to agree that some of KH’s statements sound fishy. I could see KH & TH stopping on the way to Eugene for ice cream, as someone suggested, but KH’s promise of playing games on the wii conflicts with the Youngs’ plans to spend the weekend with Kyron. Did TH make that plan without KH’s knowledge? Did she not expect KH to be home that afternoon when the bus arrived, and was planning to later claim she had handed Kyron over to his mother after school? But, then, what kind of alibi would that be, since Kyron clearly wasn’t in school that day?

    At first, I rejected the ideas expressed here that TH wanted to get rid of Ky before offing KH, so that she could collect insurance money. Could anyone be so selfish and insensate? It boggles my mind! Supposing it is true…if TH continued to seek out a hitman to dispose of both Ky and KH, she wouldn’t necessarily look for another landscaper. She may have solicited, say, an electrician. If that is the case, I would only hope that the “hitman” is more decent than SM and is mercifully keeping this innocent little child in a safe place until SM’s treachery is exposed and she is behind bars.

  11. Angie says:


    LE = Law Enforcement

  12. Savryn says:

    From my perspective there is only one reason the SM hasn’t been arrested yet and that is the police have no clue where Kyron is. SM either killed him and hid his body (most likely I afraid) or kidnapped him and has stashed him somewhere. Under either of these scenarios she probably had help (i.e. one of the landscapers). I think LE believes Kyron is probably dead at this point, but because there is still a glimmer of hope that he is alive they are allowing SM to remain free as long as possible, hoping that she will slip up, contact her accomplice, or be contacted and give LE a clue as to Kyron’s location. Unfortuantely, with SM retaining counsel, its highly unlikely SM will provide anything valauble to LE at this point. My best guess is that SM will be arrested tomorrow or Friday on kidnapping charges and then charged with murder if Kyron’s body is found.

    One question for you lawyer-types in Oregon…under the Oregon Practice Rules, does Atty. Houze have an ethical (professional)responsibility to reveal the location of Kyron if he knows he is dead and his body stashed somewhere? I am guessing he doesn’t have such an obligation. What is he knows Kyron is being kept in a safehouse? Being abused? If Kyron is alive and being treated well, and Houze knows this, does he have an obligation to reveal Kyron’s whereabouts? Or is this a client confidential information? My guess is that Houze can’t aid SM in breaking the law but that he doesn’t necessarily have to divulge anything unless Kyron is in immediate danger. Obviously, SM may have told Houze that she isn’t involved, but what if she told him the truth of her involvement in Kyron’s disappearance? What if he knows where Kyron’s body is?

  13. beejay says:

    Okay, let me float this, Blink or current editor.

    Re that third “unsub” (assuming Blink’s def. of that is “as yet unknown subject of a criminal investigation”): This would be loverLS’ associate–the one who actually disappeared K for loverLs. At the sting, the undercover cop was presented to TH as the guy who actually did the K disappearance, and either loverLS OR the cop said this associate now wants money and will tell where K is (dead or alive? who knows?)

    Could be they let the cop do the talking about the $, not trusting the already-implicated loverLS to have the speaking part.

    Blink? Editor? Anybody want to think about this? You have to open your mind to the possibility that TH is “merely” guilty of having a lover and of concealing her knowledge of a crime (loverLS’ disappearing K, a revenge act I described yesterday here)

  14. staccie says:

    I agree that there is a lot of gaps in the June 4th timeline. I think that is completely on purpose, at the request of LE. There is an accomplice out there (more than one?) and they don’t want this individual to know what they know. If Terri tries to contact this person or vice versa, LE is all over that too. I don’t think Kaine is involved in this at all, maybe indirectly because Terri obviously hates him. I think that’s why he wasn’t at the latest media conference with Desiree and Tony. They are trying to appeal to Terri mom to mom and maybe Terri seeing Kaine would make her very angry, especially since he’s taken Kitty away. As for Kaines “mushiness”, I think a lot of people that lose someone unexpectedly display these kind of emotions. Subconsciously they are wishing they did more, said more the last time they saw that person. I just don’t see him as suspicious, but hey, those of you that do could be right. I just hope something happens soon. Too many unknowns – it’s driving me nuts.

  15. Angie says:

    If Terri did schedule a doctor appointment for Friday June 11 for Kyron, isn’t that odd. With only 2 days of school left, why would she schedule at doctor appointment at that time. I know that I would wait to schedule it when school is out. They are usually doing fun things the last few days of school.

  16. Karen says:

    “B) The After School Plan: They get him at the bus stop, go throw the bag inside the house, hop in the car, get some ice cream, come home, play a game or two on the Wii, have dinner and then Terri drives him to Eugene.” – MissMonkey

    Your explanations do make sense MissMonkey. I guess all of that could be fit into one afternoon.

  17. melissab says:

    Shelbar Re: Long sleeve on Desiree I wondered about the long sleeves and jackets in the many news videos and search pics in the beginning so I started checking the weather at the and today at 9:30 am it’s only 61!!! I’m in FL and I am so jealous. I never realized how beautiful and lush that state is. I so want to visit there now. One of the posters from SM that lives there also told me the humidity is nothing like Florida’s. When she told me that I thought I might have found heaven on earth. I apologize for what I am about to say and not to be grusome but if our Little K is deceased and outside there may be a lot of evidence left because decomp. wil be slower if it is very cool and low humidity. On the other hand, if he is having to survive/camp outside right now the conditions are pretty good for him. I just hope if someone is hiding him they are treating him well and just don’t know how to bring him back but I do fear the worst has happened. All I can do is pray and hope.

  18. lizzy says:

    pamomma, the unmade bed comment puzzled me, too. It could be something she always does between visits, although it would be a little eccentric, imo. Or maybe she just makes it up with clean sheets before he comes again?

    Or maybe she slept there the first night he was missing.

  19. Nanc Drewtoo says:

    To nana2: Kaine is an Intel computer specialist of some kind; his personality and line of work may be the sources of his “precise and exact” answers. He would also have been questioned more than once by LE and would likely have tried to have been as detailed in his answers to them, though not necessarily repeating each detail to the public. I don’t see a problem here; time will tell.

  20. Twinkletoes says:

    pamomma, I was also struck by the bed-making comments. But moreso, I was struck by Kaine’s comments about how “we” are keeping Kyron’s room the way he left it and that kids are dropping off presents for Kyron. Where is Kaine living? He has been out of Kyron’s house for a while now, right? For all he knows, Terri may have turned Kyron’s room into a weight training room. Did anyone else find his response odd? Not saying he did anything wrong. I just thought to myself, how would you know if you aren’t in the house anymore?

  21. Twinkletoes says:

    If Kyron was supposed to be with Desiree that night, perhaps some effort was made to make it look like she was going to run off with Kyron (parental kidnapping)??? No clue. Just a thought regarding how whatever the perps expected to happen that day might give them an advantage in what they tried to plan for that day. If that makes any sense at all . . .

  22. TunedIn says:

    Eloise says: July 7, 2010 at 9:08 am “Lastly, I do believe DY intentionally spoke about Kaine’s absence, she came across sincere. But, that may be based on what info she has. And what is the police working on with KH individually about?”

    Another interesting comment from Desiree: (paraphrased) What’s extremely frustrating is that we know Kyron is somewhere, and we do not know where, and *they* are not sharing.

  23. susan says:

    One more thought, and that is that LE may really believe that TH just shuffled Ky off with someone, and he is being taken care of , and she won’t talk, –as to being the reason she is still on the loose.

    (I wonder if LE has checked in Arizona, where one AP has reportedly gone.–likely they have, but I would just like to hear more on the BP/AP potential involvement, b/c of Tanners address to the media.)

    I suspect that the divorce was in the works by Kaine, some time ago, and with Ky supposed to go to Momma and Step-dad,for the weekend, this makes her position less secure, especially over the summer.

    I do not know how disappearing him before school is out helps her, but it would look more suspicious if it happened the last day of school. Also, the science fair evidently gave her excuses that “strangers were in the school.”

    I think the disappearing Ky by TH is a domestic situation, meant to stave off a divorce which was in the works by Kaine, and TH kept coming up with plans to prevent him from filing for divorce, like hiring the various and sundry LS to do the deed.

    So now that the hit did not occur, the missing KY was to forestall the divorce if she thought that was imminent.

    This is just a theory, because I am trying to put together the bizarre facts, ….she is not in custody, hit men in the picture, Ky missing, obviously not a good situation in the marriage/household.

    If disappearing Ky could help keep her grip on Kaine, I believe she would do it.

  24. ClassyGal says:

    Terri sent James away around the same time she was attempting to set up a hit on Kaine. Maybe THAT is the only reason she wanted him away- so that he wouldn’t see her odd behavior and get sucked into what she was trying to do. Remember, he came home for what……1 day while this case was starting to unfold and had to “tell on her” to someone over the phone- that she didn’t pass her polygraph? Maybe James already knew Terri wasn’t “right”.

  25. Futureman says:

    Kool look, susan, et. al.,

    Is there anything about this case that *doesn’t* arouse your suspicions? Consider this: information trickles out without the benefit of context and precise timelines. Thus what may appear to be anomalous or contradictory may be perfectly sensible to those with the relevant information (which I–or you–do not have); innocent parties obsess about their activities and whereabouts on the relevant dates and may come to give more details/accounts over time; innocent parties have their own foibles and vices that are irrelevant to the crime being investigated. And so what if Kaine gushes over his own son? I would, especially in his absence. Finally, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

    Be patient. The whole mess is going to come out in the wash. Trust me. For I am Futureman!

  26. retro says:

    Quick question: why did TH have to call 911 if LE was stationed at the home 24/7?

  27. PDXgirl says:

    @MissMonkey and @adair: It breaks my heart and sickens my stomach to say it, but I think TH cooked up the fishing trip idea so that Kyron could be lured out of school on 6/4 and not be surprised by being taken on a long drive. Kaine might not even have been told about it, though I don’t know why she would’ve kept it a secret from him. In TH’s mind, it was never gonna happen. That poor sweet baby probably thought he was on the way to Eugene, in whomever’s car he was in that afternoon. That’s probably why this has been kept on the down low until now.

    It is all so very, very heartbreaking.

  28. pdh3 says:


    Kaine is an engineer….of course he’s precise. He is a man of numbers. I see nothing strange about him at all because I was married for years to an engineer, and I have many engineer friends. It’s how they are trained, and it’s how they are by nature. Engineers are analytical, and it shows in all phases of their lives. Engineers are detail people, even down to the smallest thing, so that’s why Kaine is so precise. It’s just who he is. It’s why he wrote the Intel email the way he did. He was laying out the problem, and the steps needed to solve it in the only way he knew how….as an engineer. I have never met one that was any different in their approach to a serious problem. Most engineers are introverted people, and having the spotlight on him is not something an introvert would be comfortable with, especially when grieving.
    I feel awful for Kaine, and I don’t understand the bashing. He is not a perfect person, as none of us are, but I’m sure he is suffering enormous guilt right now for what has happened to his son. I’m positive he never,ever thought Terri’s actions would cause harm to anyone, let alone Kyron.

  29. Twinkletoes says:

    Quiet here this morning. Hope that means breaking news is on the horizon. :O)

  30. ltxl says:

    Do you think that Desiree heading back to Medford and doing a press conference without Kaine was because the police are wanting to seperate Kaine from the pleas to find Kyron? Like maybe more bad information is about to come out regarding Kaine and they want to preserve what people think about Desiree and the pleas for help?

  31. lily says:

    The motion to seal the restraining order is no longer being opposed by the DA. Could be unsealed as early as Thursday.

  32. lyla says:

    Follow this link from Oregon Live:
    Comments from JSparrow3628
    Makes a whole lot of sense to me!

  33. minima says:

    “Midwest Mom,” On the news they said that KH was needed by detectives…could be nothing, or yeah, maybe your right. I was kind of thinking that they were distancing themselves also. It could be purely for the fact that TH wanted KH dead, so they are trying to remove themselves from him for that reason, I probably would do the same.

    AND YAY, “Missouri_Mom” the little girl was found!!! Dropped off at a car wash, see how easy that was, wish the people responsible for Kyron would take note and do the right thing!

    I don’t think that Desiree’s remarks were odd at all. If Kyron didn’t have his own room people would think that was weird too. And he probably spent more time there over holidays, summer vacations and so on. And it’s the “right thing” for him to feel like he has a home and place there even if it is only a couple weekends a month. To me this shows how much DY thought of him. If he has his own room, they probably just don’t go in there much, hence, the bed being unmade. I think all of her statement are just honest and sincere. And I imagine it’s these little things one would fixate on at a time like this.

    I agree “Miss Monkey,” Eugene isn’t that far away, getting ice cream and playing wii could only take a couple hours and traffic is awful on I-5 on Fridays so it would make sense to me that they would wait a few hours to leave. The only other thing I can think of is that this came from DY, right? And TH was suppose to drive him…did KH even know about this plan? It could be very likely that DY only talked with TH about it and the two of them made these arrangements. Maybe KH didn’t know b/c TH didn’t tell him b/c she knew it wasn’t going to happen anyway?

    “Mackiezmom” Ah, I WISH I was in Portugul, no I am in Portland : )

  34. lily says:

    New Willamette Week editorial.

  35. Hopalong says:

    Here’s my attempt to “connect the dots”….

    1) The MFH contact in Nov/Dec 09 and the 6/26/10 visit BY LS/LE to TMH are not connected to the same murder contract. Did TMH realize through her negotiations that trying to kill Kaine wasn’t feasible but Kyron would be? That explains why this LS would approach TMH during this “delicate” time for his $10k – it was for services rendered. Did anyone report that the LS in Nov 09 was the same person on 6/26?

    2) TMH was “hurt” by Kaine. Humm, maybe TMH told the first LS that Kaine had an affair but what if it was the knowledge that Kaine enjoyed an alternate sexual lifestyle? What if a divorce was looming? How embarrassing for a woman that was probably admired at the school. She has a doll of a little girl, was accepted in a classroom to TEACH a class on plants (who knows what other subjects) and probably was the center of attention when she walked into the school, especially with that cutie of a daughter in tow. I volunteered extensively in my kids’ schools and know what special treatment you get from being “known”. Like candy to a narcissist..

    3) How much suspicion is there if she is caught with her son in her truck leaving the school on 6/4/10? None, which makes that part of her plan perfect. She is, of course, his “mom” and would be expected to have him with her in her own vehicle. A suitcase in the bed of the truck would be innocent as well.

    I really believe that one of your Blinkers figured out the way Kyron left the school that morning. It makes sense that she would leave the school a different route, say she was stopping by the office for a minute (whether she actually did or not makes no difference), and then meet up at the truck to retrieve his lunch or something for the exhibit. How hard is it to deceive a timid 7 year old that you know?

    4) Reading back through all the posts on your website, it remained a question in Blinkers minds how Tanner did not know that Kyron was missing. Tanner was in class when the Ms. Porter marked him absent so how would he know he was missing instead of absent?

    Looking at the picture of the science exhibits, it was clear that these were set up on top of each student’s desk. How do you hold class when no student can see the board or the teacher? If you put these displays on the floor after 10am, how do you move around the classroom?

    The 2008/9 school handbook states that lunch for 4-8th graders is at 11:30am and recess for 1st – 3rd graders starts then too. All students are back in class by 12:15pm. That left 45 minutes until the talent show started which probably was used to prepare for it. (If the current schedule is the same as in the previous year, of course).
    It sounds like a busy and disorganized day which would be perfect for a child to go “absent” based on a misunderstanding concerning a doctor’s appt.

    5) How severe was Kyron’s allergy to bees? Could this play a part in his death by him being given a large dose of bee pollen?

    6) I was unable to look at TMH’s FB pages before she changed her privacy settings, so I will take the previous poster’s word that TMH posted snarky comments concerning Desiree and Kyron. What better way to hurt both birth parents than to cause them both the ultimate pain?

    7) If I didn’t think that TMH was a narcissist, I do now after reading the posts about bodybuilding/selfcenteredness. Add that to being the center of attention in the school and the cuteness of her daughter bringing her additional attention, and there you have it. If I actually knew her, I’d probably know for sure but it seems the diagnosis fits from her known past history.

    Thank goodness Desiree spelled it out for us yesterday in the press conference. Those veiled comments in the previous ones weren’t working very well, were they? I think I’ll take another, deeper look at Kaine’s statements as it looks like he was “talking” to his wife through them. I also hope that LE continues to develop the case in enough damning ways so that her attorney can’t wiggle her out of it.

  36. Novice says:

    Blink, I know you find it annoying when people post things that are off-topic or so cryptic no one knows what the heck they mean. Well I have to agree with beejay above on this one on the 10:13 a.m. post today – usually I’m with you, but this time you lost me as well with the comment “third unsub” because I don’t know what that means either, and why a “shout out to LE as “well played.”

    I do like to TRY to keep up with you at least – could you please take just a sec to clarify?

  37. Cartwheel says:

    The weather in Portland has been cold and miserable until about 2 days ago when the SUN (did someone say SUN?) finally came out. While Medford (southern Oregon) is a much warmer climate than Portland, I don’t know what the weather has been like down there of late, but around here, long sleeves and turtlenecks in July would not be unusual this year, unfortunately, so I can help with laying that observation to rest.

    The landscapers just arrived in our neighborhood to do their weekly thing so I was jolted to remember Kyron and came here to check out the day’s discussion.

    I hope something breaks today. It’s so saddenning to walk around this community seeing Kyron’s sweet picture on the door of so many businesses.

  38. oneilgirl75 says:

    @22.MackiezMom says:
    July 7, 2010 at 1:02 am
    As for the allegations and insinuations of abuse (of TH, by KH), abuse is verrrrry seldom a secret
    I could not disagree more. Having been raised in a home where my Dad was extremely abusive to everyone in the whole home it was VERY much a secret that did not come out until he finally made an attempt on my Mom’s life. Our family and friends were in complete shock and to this day there are still many that would be shocked to know. It’s not something you walk around announcing. However no MFH or any other attempts were ever made by my Mom. She left my Dad. I’m not sure this will help find Kyron. Even if this is TH defense it’s a weak one at best. ( I know that was for Minima but I just had to respond because it I was raised in that home. I’m not attacking just giving you a direct example where that is not fact)

    24.mamabear says:
    July 7, 2010 at 1:20 am
    Alisa Maier has been found alive outside of a car wash in Fenton, Mo.
    Oh thank God! What a relief.

    31.Josh says:
    July 7, 2010 at 1:42 am
    Oh Josh I soooo hope you are right!!!! That is my prayer…..

    6.MissMonkey says:
    July 7, 2010 at 10:14 am
    Great words regarding KH and Kyrons last day. I felt the same way. What parent wouldn’t be doing that?

    All I know in all of this is that I have no idea what to expect next. I am so glad to see Desiree stepping out on her own well with her husband of course for Kyron and talking. Looking forward to your next article Blink. It hurts my head and heart to try and connect the dots. I will just have to wait for LE to do it. Its 95 today in Oregon. Spending the day focusing on prayer for Kyron and his family. Prayer for wisdom and direction for LE and the D.A. . Justice for this family and Kyron. Prayer for you as well Blink, I can’t imagine the stress of all of these cases on your heart.

  39. SS says:

    WHERE IS KYRON?!!! He could be anywhere!! The cell phone pings don’t necessarily mean a darn thing. Even if Terri WAS on or near Sauvi Island on June 4th and she did something to Kyron that day, she could have just driven there with her cell phone turned on just to throw LE off, stopped her car and put the phone under a rock so it kept pinging there while she went somewhere else, then she came back and got the phone. She could have seen this done on one of the t.v. crime shows. She only had a certain amount of time to go a certain distance and do whatever she was going to do (or to meet up with whomever to hand over Kyron) according to what I have read – because video cameras taped her in stores with the baby that day, and she was at home when Kaine got there. I don’t know, hiding Kyron on SI just seems too obvious. I wonder if LE has fanned out in different directions to look for Kyron? I shudder to think that TH may have or must have had the baby with her the whole time she was doing whatever she was doing…

  40. Kaylee says:

    A word or two about the science project: when my second daughter and son were in fourth and second grades they were in a school-wide science fair and I “helped” them probably more than I should. I made sure they followed the scientific method, typed, and helped mat and paste for their display boards. Both of their projects placed in the top ten of the school and I was mighty proud. But, most of the projects looked like they couldn’t have been done by the student alone. The ones where you could tell the kid didn’t get any help really stood out. I always felt sorry for those kids that the parents wouldn’t take the time. That obviously wasn’t the case for Kyron.

    However, in a small suburban/rural school like Skyline (and the one my kids went to) it can really be like Harper Valley PTA where the moms compete and are quite critical of one another. I saw moms at our school shun other moms for making choices like Terri did in her past. I really wonder what the other parents’ views of the Hormans were.

    Maybe it was just doing what parents do in a competitive school do or trying to live down a rep, but I wonder if the real reason Terri volunteered in Kyron’s classroom was to further her career. I looked at all her photos and read her comments. She wasn’t just helping the teacher put up bulletin boards or chaperon field trips; she was running full lessons. IMO, she was either trying to keep her skills fresh or she was trying to get a job at the school (which may have been impossible given her rep).

    I can’t find it now, but I saw a picture of Kitty coloring and the comment said “perfect finger placement :) ”. Folks, you would not know that finger placement matters unless you have a child with a motor skill/sensory issue, or you work directly with children who do. What I think she isn’t saying in her comment is that the boys didn’t have perfect placement and they have problems in school. Kitty is going to be different.

    Finally, I wondered about the newly disclosed fishing trip and wondered about jealousy over Tony being the favorite step-parent. Kyron didn’t want to be a body builder or teacher or stay at home mom when he grew up, he wanted to be police officer. Was there resentment that the step who wasn’t doing the volunteering, the over-helping on projects was the one who was the favored step?

    How we go from Terri being a flawed human being motivated by competition, pride and envy to being a sociopath, I don’t get. I’m not saying she isn’t a sociopath, I just don’t get it.

  41. EastDad says:

    Why doesn’t bio-mom have custody? Not sure if it has any bearing on the case, but I have not seen it addressed anywhere.

  42. sage101 says:

    Do we know if Terri Horman already paid an amount to the LS and his possible partner/s?

    Obviously, Terri’s lifestyle issues/choices had something to do with her asking landscapers? to “off” her husband. Is there any sort of life insurance policy out on Kaine? What would be the possible motive for that aside of money? She could’ve easily divorced him.

    So if she kept this all to herself even with the supposed May 9/11th 9-1-1 call (same LS) , do you think she realized they were pretty serious and so she removed James from the home to protect him from these men?

    And she never thought in a million years that they/he would take Kyron? Perhaps they were stalking her as a way for her to pay up?

    So – taking Kyron was a means to get back at Terri? Thus the reason why LE tried to have Kaine and Desiree specifically say that it was THEIR child and not Terri’s…like, “you’re not hurting Terri”..”You’re hurting us. He is ours.”

    I know these things are constantly discussed- but I am really confused…Terri is clearly a nutso and I am hitting my head trying to figure it all out.

    I read everyones comments everyday to hear something new in hopes of bringing Kyron home.

    All I keep thinking about is how selfish and awful Terri is, and this poor little guy with the biggest smile I have ever seen being in the unknown because of a mess that had absolutely nothing to do with him.
    It. breaks. my. heart.

  43. MadreMia says:

    What amazes me is Desiree’s ability to keep herself from going to TMH and torturing her until she gives up where her son is. It is unfathomable to me how a parent can remain sane throughout a tragedy like this.

  44. SJC says:

    This is making more sense to me; the landscaper approached Horman and tried to set her up by ASKING for 10 grand for the hit. He came out of the blue, so to speak, with the follow-up proposition. Being wired and with an undercover man, that’s a more logical story. So, of course, she’s going to call the police about a threat because of what else the article says.
    Forgive me if I’m just now getting this straight! Sorry for repeat ‘splainin’ if so.

  45. TJ says:

    beejay – “unsub” is unidentified subject

    pamomma – Housekeeping – not my thing. I believe Kyron was there every other weekend. It would not be weird for me to not make his bed between visits -I would think about it and mean to do it, but would always find better things to do – I’d probably wash them once a month or so since he was only there for a few nights. I’m not clear on what Blink means by the well-played thing, either.

    MissMonkey – I really agree with you regarding the “dots”, I think Kaine is probably a wreck inside. His whole life has been put under a microscope, and obviously he probably has secrets he doesn’t want revealed. Don’t we all? His son is missing, he found out his wife wanted him dead, has filed for divorce, and has had to remove his daughter from her mother’s care. I feel awful for Desiree, but boy, that’s a lot of pressure. Plus he’s probably had to relay the events of that day about a million times to LE. I find that every time I tell a story I tell it slightly differently. Now, I think he may be getting a little out there because it is getting rather embellished, but you are probably right that he wants to remember it a certain way.

  46. hebeke says:

    KOIN is reporting on their web site that the Multnomah County DA no longer objects to having the RO unsealed. The judge will likely make a decision tomorrow (thursday).

  47. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    @stars: how right you are about SM–” It would not matter about affairs, lifestyle choices, hating Kaine, even MFH plot. The only thing that would matter was bringing Kyron home. If Terri loved Kyron
    she would have told ALL”… Like Blink said, everything we need to know about “who” she is (and is not) is in that statement.

    @nana2 et al: I don’t know but I’ll play Devil’s Advocate for KH since I know geek types–precision isn’t out of the ordinary, re: time or other factors. Perhaps he just cites specific times because this is his precision manner talking. Just a thought.

    @Redrock: I thought that the long weekend of fishing was way back in June (starting the 4th, the day our boy disappeared) and now it’s, sadly, over a month later, so it seems both the long weekend and the extended vacation could’ve happened without a conflict or suspicions being raised.

    @MissMonkey: great POV comment. I’m with you on the dots. I have always taken the facts that I have and connected dots from those points, even if the next dot was at an odd angle, or a distance, it does seem that is a reasonable approach, and doing that, we could still have logically gotten to the TH/LSL scenario. Some of the other theories stray into whole new dot territory, and I tend to believe that comes from projection of or personal analysis of behavioral traits instead of actual knowledge. Of course I’m sure that sometimes that approach pays off as well, but less often. Anyway, liked your comments.

    @Andy: I would love to read the posts that are schizotypal with delusions of reference, but don’t know how to find them. Can you tell me? I feel like I’m in advanced abnormal psych here, and want to learn. Thanks!

  48. Kathy says:

    re: MissMonkey says:
    July 7, 2010 at 10:14 am

    I agree 100% with what you said, I don’t feel what Kaine has stated about that morning has changed at all. Just as time goes on he remembers more of what was said. The basics are the same, Kyron fed the cat, Kaine left for work and before leaving hugged and kissed his son and praised him for the science fair project. The first time he told the media he was probably in such a state of shock that he gave a condensed version of what happened. Admit it, if he had given the latest version with all the details people would have jumped all over him for thinking it was too detailed. The guy can’t win either way. JMO

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