Kyron Horman Missing and Endangered: Kaine Horman Accuses Terri of Contempt With Michael Cook


Portland, OR– late today, through his attorney, Kaine Horman filed contempt of court charges against Terri Horman for showing a previously sealed restraining order to childhood friend of Kaine’s, Michael Cook.


In his motion, he also accused Terri of “sexting” messages to Cook from her cell phone. Cook and Horman exchanged racy and graphic sexual messages back and forth since June 30th.

Michael Cook is best known for organizing the first vigil for Kyron Horman on June 7th and speaking briefly to reporters as he ran errands and stocked food and beverages for those in the home when Kyron first went missing.

Check back to for this developing story 

 Image by Klaasend


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  1. Twinkletoes says:

    All we know is that she has a lover, right? I havent’ seen anything about her trying to get this guy to kidnap Kiera, as some posters have suggested. Did I miss some news flash? I don’t think that having yet another sex partner makes her some master manipulator of men. I don’t know if you all have noticed, but men wanting sex are not exactly hard to find. If anything, it seems to show that TH has pretty severe dependancy issues, imo. Not defending the behavior. Just saying we should be careful not to attribute to some sort of super vixen powers to her. I would be more inclined to think super-weaknesses than super-powers.

  2. neighbor says:

    @mrsomeone says:
    “If you view a map of the area, the first road north of Logie Tr. is NW Morgan Rd. Right there is Rainbow Lake. Has this area been searched? It also looks like NW Skyline Rd. intersects with NW Logie Tr. for easy access up that way.

    TH was seen driving her truck NW 6th Ave at 3pm on the day Kyron disappeared and at 2am the night after. From her home that is the first street South, between Cornelius Pass and the railroad. Always wondered what she would be doing there ..

  3. Lori D says:

    if LE has the landscaper would they book him as a material witness or for kidnap 2?

  4. minima says:

    27.NancyS says:
    July 13, 2010 at 1:36 am
    I was talking to my mom tonight when this news came out and I was wondering as I have not seen it mentioned.
    Is there a reward fund for KYRON? just wondering as like I said, the reward is usually listed or talked about it and in this case it has not been to my knowledge?


    Ah, NancyS, interesting! There is a reward 25,000 infact. I wonder if Mr. MC was doing his own casework on the side, hoping to get close enough to TH to break the case himself and cash in on that reward money. Now, that is a theory that may just have some validity. My gut just doesn’t feel like he’s in on anything with her…but as I said before it could just be stupidity. It’s so difficult to imagine so many conspirators and ruthless people in my hometown!

    And, whoever asked, (sorry I forgot), whether LS was latino, I haven’t heard that. What I have heard are people assuming that simply because he is a landscaper, may be true, but I think this idea is based on a bit of racism. And, if he is, (it is possible) that he is an ‘undocumented citizen,’ but nothing of the sort has been confirmed that I have seen. And I don’t think that this would really have any baring on the case. I certainly could be wrong…it’s hard to keep up with all the little details.

    One a side note: I am confused why people continue to come to this site that seem to have such disdain for it and Blink. Respectful and concerned posters often ask for Blinks insight and response, we don’t get it that often, so it irks me a little that her time is being weighted down having to monitor and defend herself and this site with others hostility. There are many sites out there with posters that love to throw stones, ya’ll would be welcomed there, I am sure. Sorry, Blink, if I’ve stepped over and boundaries : / You can edit this section if you wish to do so and I won’t lash out you, I promise : )

  5. Tori says:

    This case has been strange from the get go. All the other missing kid cases the family, friends etc. are allowed to go out and search. From what I heard, this family was told not to get involved in the search and were told to go about their normal routines. It was quite a while before they even appeared on t.v. if I remember correctly.

    I’m confused about the restraining order. It was sealed to the public but obviously TH had to read it to know what it was, was she told that under no circumstances was she to show it to anyone else? Then it was unsealed and posted all over the internet for everyone to see but when it’s sealed who exactly is it sealed from as far as family and friends go? If the address was on there and she googled it or had this “friend” google it wouldn’t that be somewhat normal? How do you even know where to stay away from if you don’t know where the address is?

    TH looks horribly suspicious in this whole thing but I still can’t get past the “beyond a reasonable doubt” part in my mind. Could Kaine’s friend have been working with LE to set her up? Seems odd that a grown man who is a father himself would get himself involved in such a sticky situation as this!

    If she was going to hire someone to kill Kaine where was she going to get the money? I doubt anyone would carry out a hit without some monetary exchange first but she was a stay at home mom I believe. It’s just all soooooo confusing! Where are you little Kyron!!!

  6. lizzy says:

    Yes, that is what I was trying to say. I only THOUGHT you had changed your opinion, until I went back and read. What really changed was how I interpreted what you were saying.

    The predator is still not identified.

  7. jane says:

    Twinkletoes says:
    July 13, 2010 at 3:48 pm
    Jane, nice try, but that tony isn’t our guy, I don’t think. I found him yesterday too and upon a little more digging, saw that he has already been convicted of attacking some poor lady and he is a material witness against his buddies who participated in the attack. I think that is why he is being held
    Yep, I was wondering about that since he was recently sentenced to 10yrs in prison.. Well, then LE is doing a good job of keeping his identity private.

    After re-reading through the posts and contemplating “People, Focus on the Landscaper, He’s the key” I have to agree, LE already knows who did it and that TH is involved. They just need the last piece(s) to this maze/jigsaw puzzle to make an arrest(s).
    I pray that someone will come forward or that they will find the missing piece very soon so that Kyron can be brought home and this family can finally begin the healing process.

  8. Gerta says:

    I don’t understand why anyone would suggest that TH is unappealing dressed or undressed. Beautiful women come is all different shapes, sizes, and ranges of color. If it’s her current size, that still doesn’t leave her unappealing to the majority of men that would come around. From external appearances TH is a beautiful woman, even at what may be her worst. JMO that it’s distracting to tear down her physical attributes.

  9. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    @LPB: why, thank you! I’m blushing.

  10. Starlit says:

    before you go and accuse of Micheal Cook about the truck. The truck driver said he saw a black or grey truck not a blue one

    “David Vaughan, a truck driver who was driving down Highway 26 on Saturday afternoon, claims to have seen a child resembling Kyron Horman. Vaughan told authorities he was driving down Salmon Berry Road in western Washington County when a pickup truck suddenly turned in front of him. In an effort to avoid a collision the black or grey truck, Vaughan slammed his breaks.”

  11. Marine Mama says:

    This is all so confusing…with all the diff scenarios put off there.

    Sometimes it’s all too simple.

    The thought crossed my mind. Maybe SM simply told Kyron to go to class put his books/backpack on desk…then leave. Meet her at one of the entrance/exits. This way they would count him as present and not absent. Maybe she tells him..we are going for a treat…let’s go celebrate. Let’s spend the day together.
    Kyron leaves. She picks him up…and off they go. Maybe in fact the man that said he seen SM truck did in fact see the truck.
    Someone somewhere was involved also.

    Jealousy? Scorned? My head hurts.

  12. Marine Mama says:

    Oh ….I forgot to say…just plain evil.

  13. Tarheel says:

    Here’s a theory…

    Terri attemtped to hire the LS for MFR but she backed out (for whatever reason). The LS was angry about the money he would not be receiving. He did some landscape work at the school and was knowledgeable of the school and watched Terri & Kyron the morning they arrived. He took Kyron as revenge because he was an easier target than the daughter. He didn’t come forward until the Police found record of his communication with Terri at which time he divulged that she had attempted to hire him for MFR. This makes Terri look even more guilty for Kyron’s disappearance because if she’s capable of the MFH why not for the disappearance/death of Kyron, and it makes the LS appear as if he’s being cooperative with PD.

    This same scenario could play out if LS is a scorned lover who had plans to kill Kaine and live happily ever after with Terri and Kaine’s life insurance money. Terri could have backed out which then led to the kidnap/possible murder of Kyron as revenge. Then the story continues as in the first theory.

    I agree Blink, the answers have to be with LS. If I were LS, I too would say I knew nothing about the disappearance of Kyron. Has he taken a poly?

  14. ClassyGal says:

    OR she may be going overboard so that people can see her as mentally incompetent.

  15. Twinkletoes says:

    Here is a link to the parties beign held as material witnesses currently in Portland and Multnomah county. None of them jumped out at me and screamed LS, but who knows:

  16. SadieBlue says:

    My thoughts, if the Landscaper is the key. Terri was often at the school, and there was a landscaping project recently at the school, so this LS could have been involved and she could have met him there, and he could be familiar with Kyron from working there. If he and Terri became intimate during the day while Kaine is at work and Kyron at school (Kiara at daycare?), then they could have come up with the plan to do away with Kaine. For some reason they did not go through with it. So they focus on Kyron. Terri takes him to school, the LS, who he knows, is there, and Terri convinces Kyron to go with the LS, either to another part of the school grounds, where he is then taken by LS, or she gets him to get into the LS’s truck. Why, I can’t figure that out. Why hurt him? To get back at Kaine? Is Terri that selfish? It is starting to look as thought she could be. I still can’t imagine harming little Kyron, but I’m not her and can’t imagine what is in her head. I don’t know what happened but I am one holding out until the last moment that he is okay. I begin to picture his last moments at the hands of someone he knows and trusted and it is just too much to bear. One thing I keep in my mind, remember Shasta Groene? Her captor took her to a convenience store, and the surveillance camera shows that she walked around looking at people, and no one realized who she was, even though she was part of a highly publicized case. I am well aware of Kyron, but my husband wouldn’t recognize him in a store. Some of us are very aware, others are not, it is just a chance of who he comes into contact with, so I am praying that so far he just has not had contact with the right person and he is in fact out there somewhere, waiting to be found. Shasta’s dad said she asked him, wasn’t anyone looking for her? It’s heartbreaking. We just have to keep looking and praying and hoping.

  17. SS says:

    Two comments:

    Mom3.0 – Uh-uh no. Impossible for me to buy that Terri is having sex with different people to keep her mind off Kyron.

    And to Michael Cook – I can’t even fathom what low quality of a person you must be to become involved with Terri at this time….

  18. christy says:

    40.Mom3.0 says:
    July 13, 2010 at 4:00 pm
    “…Terri could be acting/reacting in this inappropriate way inorder to keep herself sane. She may be doing everything and anything to keep her mind off of her children’s absence, and the horror of what may have happened to Kyronadd to that, the horror of what may happen to her if he is not brought home.

    She may be going overboard in the opposite direction in order to spare herself from the quiet contemplative moments that inevitably sneak up on her. Or she may be going overboard because she can not face the truth of what she knows or did.”
    Verrrry good point mom3.0. At this point though i am more inclined to think that this is par for the course with this particular woman and that she is indeed a sociopath.
    Wondering now why Houze hasn’t dumped her? Because he and his team already knew all of this ick before he offered his services maybe?

  19. equuslady says:

    Are the landscaping bids for the Skyline school project on public record i.e. School board Meeting minutes? Could the landscaper’s name be found that way? Did Terri actually meet this landscaper at the school while volunteering?

    >;p still thinking hard…

  20. Hopalong says:

    40. Cartwheel says:
    July 12, 2010 at 11:36 pm

    Thanks for the link to that informative website on mental disorders – take your pick of several TH has exhibited symptoms of!

  21. kelly says:

    The main players here are Terri and Kaine. They had a bad marriage long before this all began. She was cheating on him and he was cheating on her. Kaine has a history of using the legal system as a weapon against women, first gaining sole custody with Kyron. My theory is that they fought bitterly about divorce and custody and Kaine threatened Terri that because of her infidelety, drinking and depression,she would never get custody of her daughter and she certainly would never get near Kyron again. Terri, in a state of anger and desperation, approached the LS about killing her husband which in her mind was the only way out of never seeing her children again. I think Kaine is a controlling domineering person, slick in that he knows how to use divorce and custody laws to his advantage.
    Then,one of two things occured:
    1. when Terri pulled out of the murder plot, the LS was stiffed, scorned and enraged. He was ultimately responsible for what happened to Kyron.
    2. OR, AND I THINK THIS IS MORE LIKELY, Terri was enraged with Kaine. If Kaine threatened to take her daughter, she (Terri) would do likewise with Kyron. I think she is unstable and was pushed to the edge by Kaine. He reminds me of the husband who ditched his wife years ago, the wife was so desperate, he took the kids and he got a restraining order against her. She could not withstand any more abuse and ultimately murdered him and his new wife. Whatever Teri did to Kyron was revenge – to get back at Kaine.

  22. SJC says:

    While I fully agree with Kaine’s request, nothing good is going to come out of Terri leaving that house. She’ll probably go whole hog in one way or another. I think each one of these people are now subject to blowing a gasket, but with Terri, you can count on it.

  23. chica says:


  24. Kathy says:

    I just took a break from reading book “The Shack” that someone suggested over on Morgan’s thread and all I can think of is our red eyed tree frog little man. Please, please anyone who knows anything bring our little man home to his family, they need him.

  25. raceyrin says:

    If we think back to the begining and look at the bigger picture with several more pieces of the puzzle, it begins to look like Terri Hormon had some kind of fantasy life planned for her future(MFH) get rid of Kaine, cash in on life insurance.So she hired the LS but didn’t have the funds. Terri had to think of a way to get more $. She hatched a kidnapping plot(DRs Appt) where ransom money was to be paid (glasses sent?)and possibly Kaine could be killed while going to pick up his son.Terri would be the victim in all this. Remember when Kyron first went missing they had LE at the home 20/7, assuming Kyron alive and not wanting to anger kidnapper or tip thier hat that they were on to the other half of this kidnapping team(Terri).It appears that Terri did not factor in LE being in her home and FBI watching every move. I think LE cannot locate the other half of this team or they can and are waiting for a clue to where Kyron is.

  26. Sondra says:

    Terri’s attorney: she will appear at July 22nd hearing

    KOIN 6

    Last Update: 3:26 pm

    Print Story | ShareThis
    Kaine accuses Terri of having an affair (1.0MB)
    Terri Moulton Horman doesn’t contest moving out (52.8KB)
    Petition for Terri Horman to move out (302.1KB)
    Restraining order against Terri Moulton Horman (1.0MB)
    Motion for immediate hearing (176.2KB)
    Motion to unseal Kaine Horman restraining order against Terri Moulton Horman (349.6KB)
    Motion to unseal Kaine Horman restraining order (157.7KB)
    Kaine Horman files for divorce from Terri Moulton Horman (301.7KB)
    Kyron Horman questionnaire (92.3KB)
    Kyron Billboards (708.7KB)
    A Multnomah County judge set aside two hearings Tuesday after Kaine Horman filed paperwork Monday alleging, among other things, that Terri Moulton Horman violated a restraining order.

    Moulton Horman is said to have violated the sealed order by allowing Michael Cook to take photos of the document. In motions filed by Kaine, he believes Terri is also having an affair with Cook. The documents also say that Terri tried to kidnap their 18-month-old daughter after Kaine moved out.

    The first hearing is set for July 22 at 1:30 p.m., and will discuss the restraining order. Terri’s attorney Stephen Houze said she will appear for this hearing.

    Houze said Terri agreed to move out, give up rights to custody, but the hearing will address other issues.

    The contempt of court hearing has been set aside for September 21.

  27. Sondra says:

    Terri’s attorney: she will appear at July 22nd hearing

    Last Update: 3:26 pm

    KOIN 6

    A Multnomah County judge set aside two hearings Tuesday after Kaine Horman filed paperwork Monday alleging, among other things, that Terri Moulton Horman violated a restraining order.

    Moulton Horman is said to have violated the sealed order by allowing Michael Cook to take photos of the document. In motions filed by Kaine, he believes Terri is also having an affair with Cook. The documents also say that Terri tried to kidnap their 18-month-old daughter after Kaine moved out.

    The first hearing is set for July 22 at 1:30 p.m., and will discuss the restraining order. Terri’s attorney Stephen Houze said she will appear for this hearing.

    Houze said Terri agreed to move out, give up rights to custody, but the hearing will address other issues.

    The contempt of court hearing has been set aside for September 21.

  28. Sondra says:


  29. snapoutofit says:

    RE: Madame Clouseau post on July 13at 2:26 pm: Local news in Portland, OR is stating that searchers are going back over property on and near Skyline Elementary School and especially at homes and property of those with “pick up trucks.” This has been going on for the last week KPTV is stating. And property has been searched 3 -4 times in that area.

  30. Sondra says:

    Terri Moulton Horman expected to attend July contempt of court hearing

  31. cc says:

    why would LE share the sexting info with Kaine
    Has he been cleared by LE?
    Did he hire the lawyer before Kyron went missing?

    Can I say Mike Cook looked a bit smoked out in his pic and that would explain weight gain if Terri was hang around him for some time now

    But Kaine looks a bit sucked up and someone commented about how much it looked like he aged

    I have to wonder if meth use by Kaine is a factor and Terri is just going with the flow to not antagonize the situation

  32. beejay says:

    IIRC Blink responded to my post long ago to the effect that she thought Terri’s LS-lover was a material witness. (Do I have that correctly worded, Blink?)

    I also speculated earlier that he was the one who disappeared Kyron (or had someone do it for him) out of revenge–jealous jilted lover and all. And that there was never a MFH plot. Well, I’m still of that opinion. Maybe he told her about it and she is guilty after the fact for not telling LE. (Um to protect her marriage? reputation? squelch that laughter folks!)

    Here’s the good part: he might be seething mad when he learns that she’s now getting it on, in a sexting kinda way, with another man!!

    My BIG HOPE now is that he can and will provide some real, verifiable evidence about Kyron. Maybe he’s lacking a big-time lawyer to muffle him.

    Why haven’t nosy civilians found his arrest records? Most folks are probably only looking at MCOS and he was never processed through there and isn’t being held there.

    Can anybody get on board with this? (Notice that it doesn’t require TH to be innocent, for those who don’t believe she is.)

  33. MissMonkey says:

    Oh that Terri is something else….

    Terri now wants money from Kaine

    By Thom Jensen KATU News and Staff

    Story Published: Jul 13, 2010 at 3:42 PM PDT
    Story Updated: Jul 13, 2010 at 3:53 PM PDT

    PORTLAND, Ore. – In the ongoing saga surrounding the disappearance of 7-year-old Kyron Horman, the boy’s stepmother is now wanting money from her estranged husband, Kaine Horman, to move out of the family home.

    Kaine was asked to cough up the cash Tuesday afternoon as attorneys for both parties appeared before a judge.

    Kaine’s attorney, Laura Rackner, said her client is not willing to hand over money to Terri.

    “He would like some cooperation from her first,” she said. “He would like to know where his son is.”

    Terri’s attorney, Stephen Houze, did not give any information to the media on Tuesday, saying it would be unethical to comment on any aspects of his client’s case.

    The two sides will be back in court next week for a hearing on the eviction and custody case filed by Kaine.


    This just gets weirder and weirder.

    Why doesn’t she bunk up with MC? or LS?

  34. Hopalong says:

    As this sad case drags on and takes it’s twists and turns, I continue to be confounded by the posts to put the focus back on Kyron and get him home.

    The Blinkers here are definitely focused on Kyron but what exactly do you do to get him home? Go out to Sauvie Island and poke around on private property? Drive down a dead end road and get 911 called? Wade through Forest Park and get eaten by mosquitos at the least and stumble into trouble at the worst?

    If you don’t live here, you might not be aware that Forest Park is a 5,158.30 acre forest on the outskirts of a major metropolitan city. It is a huge swath of forest that can be accessed many places and hide many people including a little 7 year old boy. It’s dense forest that extends on up HWY 30 towards the Oregon coast and was traveled through by TMH to reach Sauvie Island on 6/4/10. There are multiple places you can pull off and park for whatever reason, good or bad.

    I think the best method is to post on this website to keep the media scrutiny focused squarely on TMH and pray to St. Anthony that someone who was involved reads it and feels enough remorse to call the tip line and give up the clue that does bring Kyron home. 503-261-2847

  35. kharis says:

    I am trying to put “lifestyle” “not directly did anything” into my brain and coming up with a scenario that sort of reads like the Danielle van Dam case…

  36. Malty says:

    #8 Twinkles :)
    thanks for the research
    I noted on site in text she called Roseburg

    the burg
    I thought at the time here is some place she
    cares about

    many yrs ago I lived in the Burg
    anyone from Roseburg may be a lead

    just give me a name I will help

  37. Shannon says:

    To those individuals who believe it is a scorned lover out for revenge, I just can’t understand, if it is as simple that, why at this point SM would not have fingered him directly to LE. She appears (in my opinion) to be thinking of herself like a victim here, with regards to the state of her marriage and the state of her life. Look at me, poor me, in her discussions to the LS lover and to friends. So if it really is just as simple as being the LS as a scorned lover, I don’t know why she wouldn’t be very quick to say, poor me, it’s not my fault, he did it to get back to me, he did it because I tried to break it off, etc. Now that reality of infidelity is out in the open. If it was just an open and shut scorned lover out for revenge, I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t just point the finger directly that way to save herself, even if she didn’t know it for sure. I just cannot imagine that it isn’t in fact far worse than just the idea of a revenge kidnapping/murder.

  38. julie says:

    Madame Clouseau says:
    July 13, 2010 at 2:26 pm

    “Do you happen to know if there is a place near Rainbow Lake where there is a scarecrow? I don’t consider myself to be a reliable clairvoyant, but I did have an impression a few weeks ago of Kyron lying face up in clear, clean, shallow water with alternating shades of light from above, and I also had the impression that he might be near a place associated with scarecrows.”


    I don’t know of the Scarecrow Hill Farms but I do know there are scarecrows on Sauvie’s Island. When I worked in daycare, there were many classes that took trips out to Sauvie’s Island in the Fall. There are great pumpkin patches out there. There is a place with a hay maze, one with a corn maze, apple cider mill, lots of activities to do, pumpkins to gather, etc…. and there are a lot of scarecrows all around.

  39. Midwest Mom says:

    @Beejay, I’m on board with you! I have been following your post and admire your out of box thinking!

    @lizzy thanks for putting blinks comment all in one spot. I read them all. But can not ever remember them verbatim

    BLINK, the name gonzales eminded me of a post I made regarding one of the hormans houses in Beaverton. At the time I was snooping to find out if it was still vacant due to the housing market. What I found was someone tied to the property by the name of Santa Gonzales. At the time I couldn’t find any more info, could be simply a new owner or renter (disclaimer) wanted to put it back out here to see If anyone may have any info on the person or of the vacancy status of the property. If vacant..well..might be a possibility of hiding a little boy.

    Feels good to get the focus back on kyron! I did not sleep at all last night because I was up worrying about him

  40. Shannon says:

    So if it is sexually motivated and NOT just a scorned lover, what could it be?

    Blink’s points that I continue to try to piece together are:

    I will stake my professional reputation on the fact that this is a sexually motivated crime.

    If we agree on that, how is one getting to the SM?

    I would like to know why the 16 year old is living with the grandparents.

    The idea of SM having culpability, (but not directly), without knowledge of where he is.

    Blink saying “I think information is being withheld from Desiree”.

    I really and truly hope that I am thinking way too outside of the box, but could the sexual motivations not have to do with the infidelity but instead have something to do with the children? For example: child pornography, incest or molestation? It is a horrible thought and I hope that I am completely off base. In my mind there are scenarios within those options that would cover sexual motivations, getting to the SM, the 16 year old moving away, SM having culpability without direct knowledge and also why there would be information that would be withheld from Desiree (to spare her).

    Blink, if you could tell me that you have information to indicate that I am barking off the completely wrong tree, it would be a huge relief to me. And if this is just too horrible a concept to post, I understand completely. It was hard to even write or think.

  41. Vanessa says:

    Okay, I’ve been reading this forum (In Reverse) for the last 2 hours so forgive me if this has been posted.

    My latest theory, based on the accumulation of all the comments I have read here today,is that the WHOLE thing is a rouse. Perhaps it WAS a kidnapping for Ransom. Maybe they are still investigating that, but can’t let that information slip out becuase they don’t want to tip of the abducters. The LE Step Dad knows that these things don’t stay in the news for long if there aren’t any new developments, so the family comes up with the idea of putting Terri in the spotlight as the “EVIL STEPMOM.” The public already suspects her so why not take the story and run with it…The info about the RO being copied was only released after the the RO was unsealed and the info about the “Sexting” Came right after the Bio parents announced they would not be speaking unless there were new developments. The Landscaper/ MFH plot and the possible affairs leaves it open for more people to come forward and keep this a Top Story …also MC is an actor…who could have been retained by the family to throw another wrench in the works. After all…He was Kaines friend first. Maybe the reason Terri os saying nothing is because if she broke, it would screw up the whole plan of keeping him the focus…THis is todays theory…I am sure I will have another one by tomorrow :I

  42. shelbar says:

    To cc: your comment about meth use and kaine is inappropriate and NOT validated. The man is missing his child, of course he is going to look “aged”. Please do not post rumors and especially ones that that inflammatory. Thank you

  43. Tarheel says:

    I don’t quiet understand why the bio parents wouldn’t be
    Interested in having others search for kyron.
    I would think u would want anyone that is
    Willing to b out searching to help. Could u help me
    Understand this blink? Thnx.

  44. Lovely says:

    Hi guys,

    What if the landscaper took Kyron as a threat to Terri: you asked me to kill your husband, now I have your child and you need to pay me X amount of money or I will tell everyone about our whole deal and blow the lid off your secret.

    But then he got involved in the sting with the police and he’s been playing both sides.


  45. hebeke says: is reporting that Terri is requesting money from Kaine before she is willing to move out of their home. He refused saying it wouldn’t happen until she told LE where Kyron is.

  46. Kleat says:

    Is there a hint of a pattern, as with Casey, playing multiple men each in turn, new one in the picture before the old one out of the picture.

    We have one male landscaper involved apparently with similar texting etc, with TH, and allegedly he is asked to kill TH’s husband.

    Then no one we’ve heard of for some months– was there no one at all between the landscaper and the date Kyron went missing??

    Then we learn off an alleged relationship that began after Kyron is out of the picture, with someone apparently unrelated to Kyron missing as he came into the picture 4 days after the child disappeared. If there was someone ‘in between’ with a similar interaction with TH, was there just one, or more? And if so, did they not make contact with a mother who has a missing child to offer help or support during her time of need, and if not, why not?

    How likely is it, that these are the only two ‘boyfriends’ of TH in the past 6 months?

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