Inspiring Vigilance: The Murder Of Morgan Harrington One Year Later

Charlottesville, VA– Sunday October 17 marks the one-year anniversary of the worst day of Dan and Gil Harrington’s lives. Although they were not yet aware of the horror that had befallen their Roanoke, VA family, the next morning their daughter’s purse was found on the grounds of the University of Virginia Lanigan Field. Morgan Dana Harrington had vanished.


While attending a Metallica concert with friends Sarah Snead, Amelia Melvin and Dan Cassagne with tickets purchased 6 months earlier by Morgan’s Dad, Morgan, for reasons unknown, was outside John Paul Jones arena at approximately 8:45PM.

Morgan attempted to re-enter the arena but could not locate her ticket and was denied access to return to the venue.  Shortly thereafter, Sarah called Morgan at 8:48PM looking for her and was told she could not get back in and would be attempting to locate a ride, according to Snead. 

Various witness accounts and in some cases corroborating statements from Virginia State Police (VSP), place Morgan in different areas of the adjacent parking lots of JPJ over the following 45 minutes, moving toward the far perimeter of UVA property.

 According to the VSP, there is a witness statement that a person matching Morgan’s description was seen hitchhiking alone on the Copeley bridge at approximately 9:30PM.

After several private law enforcement searches and two volunteer based efforts organized by the Harrington’s failed to locate her, Morgan Harrington’s remains were discovered by a prominent Charlottesville land owner on his remote 700 acre farm in Albemarle County,  8 miles South of JPJ arena, on January 26th, 2010.  Morgan’s death has been classified as a homicide, however her cause of death has not been released.

Until July, the case seemed to be at a virtual standstill from an investigative perspective, in fact the only arrest to date is that of a man who provided a false lead to VSP, and was prosecuted for it.

On July 1st, as a direct result of an article linking Morgan’s case to an unsolved sexual assault case in 2005 in Fairfax, VA published by, a sketch of a man forensically linked to both the Fairfax case and that of Morgan Harrington was released by the Virginia State Police, albeit grudgingly, at first.

Behind the scenes, Dan and Gil Harrington, who were made aware of the connection a few weeks earlier, were adamant the sketch was critical to developing leads and warning others and demanded the sketch be posted on the VSP website; it was uploaded later that afternoon at Dr. Harrington’s request.

Virginia State Police have not commented publicly on the case in several months, but in a private correspondence with a concerned reader, Lt. Joe Rader, leading the investigation for VSP,  said not only is the case not cold, but he has recently assigned additional manpower to it.

Dan and Gil Harrington, Morgan’s bereaved parents, along with Morgan’s beloved brother Alex, have spent the last year keeping Morgan’s case alive through the development of their own family blog, TV and radio appearances, and most recently, a meeting regarding safety concerns with new University of Virginia President Teresa Sullivan.  This Sunday, a memorial plaque to promote safety and honor Morgan Harrington is being presented to the Harrington’s on the Copely bridge.


Note From the Editor

“How would you describe the Harrington’s?”  I am asked this question frequently.

I always respond the same way.  “I would not”. 

The grace and poise these parents have shown in the face of the worst conceivable tragedy to befall a parent is not something I could wordsmith or articulate. 

If the question comes from someone I feel may help their cause, I offer to make the introduction, but I would never presume to speak for them.

The Harrington’s have created a legacy in memory of Morgan that only parents of a 20-year-old blossoming artist, music loving, budding educator could.


Morgan Harrington Photo chosen by and courtesy of The Harrington Family Library

Elizabeth Morten, Madeline Tanner and Jason Mateos, contributing editors to

Madeline Tanner, copy editor

Images By Klaasend


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  1. Amy says:

    One of the first times there is no argument amongst us so this must be true (or close to).

    Morgan s first choice of destination was getting back inside the concert. No help there on the parking lot.

    The second choice as per phone conversation ‘ getting a ride’ to ?
    that was said to the BBP. No help on the parking lot.

    We never knew ‘ getting a ride’ would be HH. Its a big leap and if the bar was close by why not call a cab, and if she already lost her purse (this is a big enigma) she would be searching the RV lot not be HH for minutes. Its unlikely the ‘ irrationality’ suddenly got worse as she got closer to the bridge. If the Norma Parsons sighting is correct Morgan got into a car and went with some friends? something happened, the purse got planted back at the lot and somehow Sketch got implicated or was involved.

    Can we agree here the timeline does not fit? Who or where did this get mixed up?

    professional witnesses JPJ/security/LE

    -ticket taker
    -curtsy duo

    any I missed?

  2. Amy says:

    We do not know if the HH is connected to a crime. Its clear she was on the bridge HH however unlikely that is, if we have to start questioning official statements there is no hope finding the truth anymore.

    But it could be the people who picked her up were trustworthy (or seemed so) and did bring her to the place she wanted to go. If she was at a bar, witnesses would have seen her.

    So no, but maybe somewhere else. It could even be she was brought back to JPJ and her car which was waiting at the lot (I d go back to my OWN car esp when your young its a big deal to have a car like your first big step to being adult same with appartment/job etc).

    And the actual crime could have started way later. This is why I always was curious about the Parsons sighting. Also the descriptions of the boys she saw would indicate to me ‘ college style kids’ the kinda people Morgan would probably trust?

    Also they seemed out of place at a wedding and seemed to be partying in a private home ready to depart in the middle of the night (so if they were involved the crime was later that night)

    Finally I am convinced ms Parsons saw ‘ something’ and its never been cleared up who she saw (could be unrelated)

  3. MsL says:

    I don’t think Morgan’s desired destination was a bar, but even if it was, there are probably only a very few who know that, the person or people who refused or were unable to give her a ride and the person who actually picked her up or forced her into his car. Not a lot to hope for, but just maybe the man will some day let slip Morgan’s desired destination, a fact that has not been released to the public.

  4. Blink says:

    @ Amy
    I have always stated the timeline does not match the timeline.
    Under the timeline proposed by Vsp Morgan was on the bridge when her phone loses its power source. Makes no sense.

  5. deetee says:

    thanks blink and amy.

    you guys make clear, excellent points about where there are contradictions in the published timeline. i’m adding these items to the already long list of what is just plain dumbfounding about LE’s handling of the case:

    who goes hitchhiking without their purse and other personal belongings? and even if we assume you are intoxicated enough to actually do just that, how does the phone power itself off while you are separated from it?

    Correct. You can’t have it both ways, as I believe one of the witness accounts of her walking toward the bridge ( anyone correct me if I am wrong) had her with her purse, the other did not. It was cold and misting, don’t forget about her umbrella being found in the lot.

    I buy one scenario ONLY of Morgan being on the bridge, and that is if whoever was offering her a ride, told her they would pick her up there. Again, the MO of this perp, is attack from behind, disable, and drag to rape scene, in 2005.

    Do we really think this type of sexual sadist rapist is not honing skills in 4 years? There is no way I will believe that Morgan got in a vehicle ( I am repeating myself) willingly, with this creep. He would lose about 50% of his thrill.

    There is a dire conflict in Morgan’s placement, and the tshirt being displayed the day after the LE only search, and following the internal announcement that LRC was being invited by the family. We have a conflict between perps, or a power struggle of sorts, but my question is: Who needs $150K?


  6. peace through music says:

    Morgan wasn’t even 21 yet, so I doubt she was looking to go to the bar.

    Blink says: I buy one scenario ONLY of Morgan being on the bridge, and that is if whoever was offering her a ride, told her they would pick her up there. Again, the MO of this perp, is attack from behind, disable, and drag to rape scene, in 2005.

    Awhile back someone suggested she could have been followed/harassed/creeped out by someone in or around the lot/porta potties/under the bridge and was either a) HH in a panic trying to get away from him ASAP or b) merely pretending to HH in an effort to lose him/signal her disinterest in going with him or remaining in his presence. I find those possibilities very compelling on a gut level, possibly though because they are the only scenarios I can think of that actually make any sense… also that would explain why she disappeared so quickly off the bridge: he caught up with her, grabbed her and whisked her down under the bridge/back to the lot, or wherever. Didn’t the dogs pick up on Morgan’s scent by the porta potties, I wonder if that could have been from AFTER the bridge, if he took her down there… (haven’t looked at a map so I could be way off, don’t know the layout of the lot in relation to the bridge, etc.)

    I’m sorry Blink but what is LRC again?

  7. George says:

    Along with the phone discrepancies there is the matter of Morgan’s bankcard. If it was used after 9:30 and if the card was found in her purse the next morning then not only was the bag planted after the fact but whoever planted it had to know that Morgan was in Lannigan Field prior to being on the bridge – if, indeed, she was ever on the bridge.

  8. Mom3.0 says:

    Hello again everyone-

    6005 comments and counting- both sad and comforting…

    I just wanted to re- post the summary of The Dissapeared show- that we all discussed earlier, since peacethroughMusic- (great name & welcome to BOC)brought up the offer of a ticket- and the quote originated from LE on this show-

    This show again underscored Blinks point that “the timeline does not fit the timeline”


  9. Mom3.0 says:

    Part 1 of The Disappeared Show
    reposted including My intitial questions…
    Part one

    Clips from Show…narrator says Morgan left her seat at concert and doesnt return… at the same time video is depicting Morgan exiting arena LE is talking…Interestingly IMO, Morgan shown exiting, grabbing on to a young man’s arm-, young man appears to be african american… He is apologetically shown shaking head no… (Question? Is this Kickee encounter? Not sure, Show infers this young man is security shown in earlier clip wearing black jacket with possible insignia over heart and tan pants- shown arms folded shaking head no, while Morgan depicted trying to talk her way back in arena…)
    LE talks as reenactment (grabbing arm) on screen …
    ” even though she was warned that if she left she would not be allowed to reenter for some unexplained reason Morgan walked out the front doors….”

    The very next clip has Norma Parsons- narrator says strangers report seeing her later that night…NP shown, says: “Its 3:45 in the morning, and I was like, why is she out here with a mini skirt on…out here., legs out, and shes with these 3 guys?”

    Next Rader says:” we had a girl we knew was missing we had a purse and we had a cell phone and thats it… I remember looking at the investigators and saying we have a problem”

    Rader- “The last place Morgan was seen around 9:30, would have been the Copely street bridge trying to catch a ride,hitchhiking”

    Morgan’s parents, the next morning “immediately” start calling Morgans friends trying to find her- (Question- Did they try to call Morgan’s cell? I assume so, IDK) Friends tell Dan- Morgan left seat in middle of concert, ultimately left arena…DR. Harrington calls UVA police Morgan is missing Narrator says UVA police take Morgans parents concerns very seriously begin conducting search of the immeidate area surrounding JPJ .

    According to Dr Harrington- Additional” items” (question is this phone and back to phone and umbrella) were found near where purse was located – phone battery missing…

    VSP enters case on third day
    Cappuzzo says:
    intially the investigation was focused on a missing person but there was no indiction that there was any foul play after those first few days, after she was reported missing. according to her friends they indicted that it was not unusual for her to go off on her own and spend sometime with another friend and to leave and show back up the next day.

    Question? There was a missing woman- purse found- id inside-phone found back off, battery missing…She did not turn up the next day… so how is it they this wasnt unusual and cause to begin thinking foul play was involved?

    interviewed friends-
    Morgan had not left her seat prepared to leave the concert Rader says: She did not have her keys when she became separated from her friends to go to the bathroom NOR was there a planned rendezvous point after the concert was over Cappuzzo says: Morgan received call from sara- 8:48 looking for a way back in Finally…basically said she was gonna find a ride… last phone contact – Rader says: (Friends) They even looked for her after the concert hung around the venue…. went down to a local restaurant tried to find her.. & after many hours into the morning they went back to Harrisburg Virginia..where they originally….
    (girl shown driving Morgans car..Amy mentioned by name, Sara- not DC

    Question? Why would they need a rendezvous point – logically it would be at Morgans car… right? Why did they take the car? Maybe Morgan came back to the arena and found her car gone and then was TOTALLY stranded.
    How long did they hang around the car, around JPJ- before they decided it was a good idea to try to find her at a local restaurant, where they presumably stayed HOURS into the morning? If they were so concerned that they waited for hours, then why oh why didnt they call The Harringtons when Morgan didnt show up & didnt have phone contact? If it wasnt unusual for Morgan to turn up the next day..then why wait around at all? My guess Morgan had never left without a call, or with oit her car…JMO

    Next serve lance video-.Capuzzo says:” None of the video footage that we reviewed showed any evidence of what happened to Morgan- nothing”
    Rader says “I cant explain it…of all the video we have there is nothing relevant to Morgan that we are aware of..”

    cont part 2

  10. Mom3.0 says:

    Part 2 of Disappeared show Heavy Metal Mystery

    repost in entirety questions and all…

    Cappuzzo says: Witnesses outside the arena, told us “that they offered Morgan assistance… you know… asked her if she needed help..did she need a ticket …. to get in…she said no, she had a ticket, but she refused any kind of assistance, that anybody offered her…”

    Narrator-After Compiling accounts from OVER a hundred INDEPENDENT eyewitnesses… it leads them (investigators) to the Copely Road Bridge over the RR tracks… (hitching)

    Gil Morgan’s Mom: ..”they said they have two different sources… that place Morgan on the bridge and it was hard to process that.. its very atypical behavior for my knowledge, Morgan has not Hitch Hiked before..its not..these kids all have dont Hitch Hike…”

    Comment- IMO there is a big difference between 2 witnesses and 100…

    Rader says- “we have a girl that is exposed now to some cold weather and some drizzle…we have a girl that doesnt have a cell phone that works… we have a desperate individual..we have a girl thats not thinking clearly… so when your not thinking clearly, you’re gonna do things you normally wouldnt do…. so while it wouldnt be normal for Morgan Harrington to hitch hike on that Particular night ..we uh.. believe she was hitch hiking out of desperation….”

    Question? Does a girl that is desperate refuse help? Does a girl who asks BBP for a ride and doesnt flag down curtsy duo or accept offers of help and offers of another ticket…suddenly turn desperate… then leave behind a purse that she has held onto all evening despite dropping it and picking it up several times…… just discard it? Same for phone and umbrella… Did her phone have GPS? It went dead at 9:30 what info is there that it had not been working prior, after all she did receive call from SS…

    Rader: says they searched the tunnels of JPJ… used more dogs…again…thought of potential “dump sites/body sites” and covertly searched those sites….

    Rader says they didnt stop searching until “we were confident until we searched areas we needed to search and beyond”…Dec 16th investigators stop searching….

    The Hook paper/Reporter CS- launched its own investigation the day after Morgan disappeared…… goes to orientation of volunteer searchers according to CS- NP stands up and says ” Why has nobody returned my call? I have been trying to give you my tip, I saw Her.”

    Question? IME following other cases such as Caylee Anthony’s. LEO do not get back to people who leave tips… It is unclear when the orientation was, or exactly what NP said on the tipline, if she had called previously ect.
    Did she go down to the police office to try to give her tip? Which LEA did she contact UVA? CCP? VSP? FBI?

    What about Granny? Kickee? Why did LE have to search out certain witnesses? Are there other witnesses outthere who believe they were not taken seriously? Are there witnesses that did not come forward? Did others come forward just to get into the limelight? Why are some witnesses being held as corroborated and others not?

    In the show LE said they have not discarded any witness account… perhaps one of the 100′s of accounts were given to throw of LE…perhaps the BG/s gave there own statements or other witnesses claimed to see Morgan ect to protect their loved ones or friends…LE got 100′s of tips…we have heard about only a few…

    HMM- cont
    NP-(pp)noticed Morgan was just standing there… she was tall…blonde, her hair was stuck inside of her I … just stood there while they walked slowly by me… I just noticed she had all black on, black jacket, black skirt, no tights…umm.. knee high boots… 3 white young males walking with her… She walked up the steps…I looked her dead in the face…The Next morning NP says she recognized Morgans pic on front of newspaper as lawn sighting…

    NP goes on to say (pp) Im good at faces… faces… 5 years later Ill remember..

    Comment-Keep in Mind, though, even though NP says she is good at faces Morgans own parents were confused by other look alikes, when shown video from the concert…. and NP was going off a photo in the paper..-

    Did she see a possible “Sketch” out and about that night? She said 3 boys were white, but was this group the only people she encountered that night? If it was Morgan that she saw, maybe she prior to or later on, encountered Sketch…Did LE ask her about Sketch?

    HHM Cont-
    LE (Rader) says they vetted NP lawn sighting- several different times, different LEO… blood hounds were used.. so we havent discarded that info.. we just have not… that could come into play later on… as more info is unraveled……as it is right now, we can not corroborate that sighting.

    CS- follows up on her own, she takes it upon herself to go check out the lawn story… she went to the room that NP says she saw girl & 3 boys, exiting… student there says its not possible…said she probably saw guests from wedding reception…

    Question? The Hook has supplied a great deal of info that was previously unavailable.. I am wondering if they give LE a heads up before the paper goes to print. I know journalists protect their sources…so how was kickee ect found? Did he go to police himself?


    cont part 3

  11. Mom3.0 says:

    part 3
    repost in entirety questions and all

    Begins with
    Quote snipped from lead in on Part 2:

    Norma Parsons account has “eerie similarity” to another witness account unearthed by Courtney S…

    Prt 3 Heavy Metal Mystery

    CS says-(pp)

    Woman from Richmond arrived late she saw group of 4 young men they…crossed in front of her car with a wobbily blonde. She was wearing black boots and “sort of ” in an outfit that matched the description of what Morgan had been wearing..

    Without physical evidence, no serv. video to support either account impossible for LE to prove accuracy…
    Cappuzzo comments-

    “Eyewitness accounts in a criminal investigation-are very important, but eyewitness Info, generally, always has to corroborated in some way…”

    Comment-Witness accounts need to be independent, corroborated in some way & or have physical evidence backing the accounts..then we can assume LE has such corroboration in certain accounts… I would hope they would be independent of JPJ, of the team, and of the student body, as well as independent of UVA & not friends of friends ect….JMO

    HHM cont-
    Nov 11th shirt found – appeared to be consistent with one Morgan was wearing.
    Cappuzzo said he was notified by the Charlottesville City police that they had recovered a Pantera tee shirt with TAN letters…it was initially discovered by a student at 15th & Grady “on the ground” in front of apt building… but video clip shows shirt on bush… 2 miles from JPJ.

    LE Cappuzzo or Rader, say they searched there before…had not seen shirt then… “… found just exposed to the viewing” dont know how or when it got there…

    Sent to lab recovered hair from shirt…compared to other hairs of Morgan and Moms hair, it matches…LE interviewed people in new info garnered…

    On Jan 26 Morgan’s remains found on AF Mr. Bass checking fences- in a remote corner of his farm, 10 miles from JPJ…vid clip depicts Bass on tractor, looking over a fence… thinks it is a deer carcass…..then notices clothing and jewelry on the remains…
    911 called … LE immediately takes action…investigators CSI and forensic team included … hope to use DNA to determine if it is Morgan… although LE does not alert The Harringtons… someone from local media calls them and says we want you to know that it looks like Morgans body has been found….

    Positive ID needed to confirm by LE…thru DNA testing…dental records & Rader says (pp)that is what you use on decomposed body… 2 days later dental records confirm it is Morgan remains recovered…

    Officially a homicide investigation… LE wont discuss the exact manner of her death in an ongoing investigation… manner of death homicide.

    Location- very remote- not easily accessed by vehicle- location where prior knowledge is needed inorder to get there-

    Rader- says- we are talking having to cross over creeks… and ravines and fences and go thru gates..” they felt low risk..they felt.. I can get in here without being seen..I know where I wannna go…I know the terrain ..I know what… I have to cross I know the obstacles..All that is pretty telling…”


    Cold hit connects forensic evidence to another case- FairFax abduction and rape… Sept 24 05- 10pm young woman grabbed from behind- dragged away raped- woman fights back- man runs away when passerby – forensic evidence recovered…victim helps LE with composite drawing

    LE wont disclose how match made… both investigations open… police have not yet identified a suspect.

    Rader- “Theres a DNA connection that Morgan Harrington at some point during her time at Charlottesville prior to her death came into contact with a person who has already been in the unknown subject database….”

    What does this statement mean? During her time in Charlottesville? How can they make that statement? And I am still uncertain about the wording of prior to her death..Do they think Sketch met up with her much earlier in the night?… and possibly had nothing to do with her death?

    I am more confused then ever…

    Cont from show:
    LE believe the info will help them solve this case..urge the public to continue to utilize the tip line.

    Cappuzzo says He is confident they will develop a suspect..confident this case will solve, someday…

    Morgans parents end the show with remembrances … words of hope and a warning that a murderer and rapist still walks the streets.


    My prayers to the Harringtons and the community.

    Basing this on Blinks earlier comment, if she thinks its time that the FBI be asked in, I hope VSP will consider it and not let pride or whatever keep them from asking for help…

    Sorry about the length guys.


    Hope the repost/refresher generates some more discussion- keep on keeping on guys- M3

  12. Rose7 says:

    If Rader knows Morgan doesn’t have access to her phone, then he knows the abduction is aftet 9:30. ( MOM3.0, 6:47pm )

    AND … how is ‘sketch’ tied in??? If sketch’s DNA is NOT in any data base and identified … how does he fit here?

    Un-identifided DNA vs un-identifided DNA?

    WHO has comand and control of these data bases?

  13. Rose7 says:

    PS: to MsL … I totally agree with you about the victims mo and behavior; it’s a help to find justice for her. (in an open, un-biased investigation). BUT, in MHO this now goes way beyond Morgan’s ‘crimes’.

    There’s way too many questions about (any) LE’s competence to put faith in that; i.e., JPJA arena video, Morgan’s phone battery, mis-leading descriptions of boots and accessoties, etc.

    So, that LE would want to direct the public to Morgan’s state of mind is mis-leading to the extreme (MHO) at this point in time, and calls for questioning of this investigation from the get-go.

  14. mary says:

    Thanks Mom3.0

    More random thoughts: They apparently knew it was Morgan’s shirt fairly quickly so why did the group of plainclothes detectives show up at the apartment complex the day after Morgan was found to search around the bushes?

  15. Blink says:

    Excellent question.

  16. Amy says:

    Farmers were asked unofficially to search there land. Some searched every inch of there 1000 acre farms, others further away were unaware of this request from search groups or didnt comply with the request.

    later, around Abermarle owners were scared and felt accused about a murder victim being found. Being this as it may the facts don t change. There is no blame only curiosity and turning of stones.

    It is my feeling the searching made the killer(s) uneasy wanting to divert attention back to the JPJ area and the tshirt was planted. This hints at a permanent presence of the killer around the AF area, where he/they felt threathened. Only found vague hints at AF (and area) being unoffically searched prior to Morgan being found.

    T-shirt: it would be strange if only DNA from Morgan and her mom were found, possibly much more including around the finding place (hence the detectives searching i would guess)

    I also would be interested to know if a POI hastily left the AF area after the discovery of remains


    thanks mom3 for the summary very helpful, even tho we are rerunning circles still new insights appear.

  17. Mom3.0 says:

    IIRT to the video from the arena, I found the quote from the show ro be rather strange- and I hadnt noticed it the first time around

    Snipped:Capuzzo says:” None of the video footage that we reviewed showed any evidence of what happened to Morgan- nothing”
    Rader says “I cant explain it…of all the video we have there is nothing relevant to Morgan that we are aware of..”

    –This seems to say that they do have video of Morgan and seems to convey more than 1 sighting.. although none of this video “showed any evidence of what happened to Morgan- nothing”

    So do they have video showing the Bathroom visit? The Ttaker encounter? What? Does it show her trying to gain reentry and her abrasion on the chin? What exactly some interactions in the lot? IDK
    and then we have Rader saying nothing RELEVANT to Morgan- well what is relevant? Perhaps that is why he added “that we are aware of”

    mary Hi thanks- and a BIG ditto on the excellent question-

    The whole shirt find is very strange, especially when we remember that Geller at first denied knowing anything IRT to this find-

    Another strange thing about this nationally televised show is that they didnt show the necklace and they didnt talk about the camera- wouldnt that be something to put out there? IDK….

  18. deetee says:

    mom3.0, blink, amy, and all, you guys really have my noodle working overtime today, proving once again when i think we have dried up every drip of information, we can still find more to work with.

    after re-reading mom3.0′s rundown of disappeared, there are several things sticking out at me:
    Mom3.0 says:
    September 29, 2011 at 6:41 pm…

    …VSP enters case on third day
    Cappuzzo says:
    intially the investigation was focused on a missing person but there was no indiction that there was any foul play after those first few days, after she was reported missing. according to her friends they indicted that it was not unusual for her to go off on her own and spend sometime with another friend and to leave and show back up the next day.

    i did not see the disappeared piece, but reading this rundown it sure sounds like UVA PD and Rader relay a pretty standard missing persons investigation for the viewer with information about what was found and obvious, abundant concern for the missing person. then we have Cappuzzo, and from this account my impression is that he starts in immediately with a lack of concern for the victim, and in fact offers information that counters the direction of UVA PD and Rader’s statements. maybe others that have seen this piece can chime in to let me know if my impression is off or on here.

    next, i realized something that i had read at least 50 times or more before, but this time it finally sunk in. Morgan was WITH the boys in black. she walked “with” them and joked “with” them, shaking her leg. paraphrasing here, one witness said something like she had no business going into that dark lot “with” those boys.

    to me this “WITH” is especially significant because her interactions with this group show some level of acceptance by way of joking and traveling with them to a destination. she didn’t follow them, or interact with them in a passing way like being shot down on a ride request, she was WITH them, hanging out if you will. no other accounts i have read of Morgan’s activity outside the arena interacting “with” people that night leading up to her disappearance indicate an acknowledged level of socializing like we have here with the boys in black.

    now, believing she has some rapport with the boys in black, i can even begin to make sense of the curtsy in this scenario. they are hanging out in the lot, and she has to pee. she’s directed to the port-o-potties and given the less than pristine, dark facilities there she decides to relieve herself near them instead of inside them. when the security type duo on a cart comes along and catches her in the act or finishing up, she curtsies for her audience, which is not just the duo, but also the boys in black she was hanging out and joking around with. it would be a recognized social way of handling an awkward situation.

    i also agree with blink that the only way i can see her “hitchiking” on the bridge is if she was signalling someone she was familiar with or meeting someone there. so what if the arrival of security in the lot, caused the boys in black to move out pronto? they certainly wouldn’t want to be associated with an underage, intoxicated young woman that was just caught in a compromising position. maybe one of them had some booze, weed, etc. on them and they split. it could very well be that morgan’s next move was to try and intercept them at the bridge for a ride by signaling them with a thumb out. did they pick her up? and did someone (a white someone) get rid of a car almost immediately after her body was found? perhaps in nj?

    this scenario would not rule out the norma parsons sighting of a blonde with 3 white males either. was the shirt found near the norma parson’s sighting? or was the shirt found near the work place of a black man that resembles sketch. or are both of these true?

    it would also allow for the dumping of her belongings back in the lot, after she was picked up. the purse/phone plant might have been done to say she disappeared from the lot, and was not seen by ms. parsons, or being picked up on the bridge.

    so here too, we can have multiple perps, supporting the perp conflict and power struggle many have picked up on.

    i’d say who needs $150,000 is a very good question indeed.


  19. osu says:

    very interesting indeed. Perhaps thinking outside the box will help. Things seem to be tied in to how could sketch’s dna be on her, maybe there is other unidentified dna. If she hooked up with the boys in black, went to party with them and sketch was there (if he associates with the boys in black) with the idea she would hook up with her friends later but things got out of hand. Have the BIB ever been identified and interviewed? They could have association with AF.

  20. Mom3.0 says:

    Amy and Dee Tee youre welcome-
    Amy very interesting scenario IRT the AF area…

    Dee tee- the shirt find is not that far from the lawn- Grady is just a hop skip and a jump on google maps- But a local could better answer that question… no this wouldnt rule out any sighting, as Capuzzo and Rader said -no witness account has been ruled out entirely…which makes me wonder about pantops and the gas station ect…I know its a never ending circle…

    This article- Blinks article, was written a year ago- to mark the sad one year anniversary…Tomorrow is October 1 2011- another year anniversary is fast approaching, what a lugubrious commemoration.

    I never thought this case would go unsolved, how does a vibrant young lady vanish in plainsight, and turn up dead?- and evidence points towards a suspect in a unsolved brutal rape… with a sketch, and still the guy roams free…. IDK


  21. Amy says:

    Rader says “I cant explain it…of all the video we have there is nothing relevant to Morgan that we are aware of..”

    to me this says: Even tho she should be on one of the videos (notably the doors) neither Morgan or one of her friends or interactees was on them. Casting a very bad light on certain witness statements maybe? I do doubt there is any footage tho unless we see it.

    more random thoughts:

    car, can anyone remember make and year? I thought 2006 Civic? Relatively expensive for someone with financial issues and not something to just leave behind if you hardly can afford gas money (I think there was a gas money issue) and next day a money issue discussion? The risks of your friends ruining it would justify waiting for the end of the concert locally only to check it got safely home. Same ofcourse with the purse.

    What primarily emerges from our recent blogtalk to me means that Morgan was looking for help and actively choosing who she would accept help from. Her first priority was getting back inside JPJ her second priority (less clear because of non disclosure destination) would seem to be waiting out the concert if only to make sure to have her own car in her possesion the next day? What would Dan say if she got home without the car? I am trying to figure out if she really wanted to get ‘ home’

    She did have a ticket but that was to no avail, she did not have her car keys and she did have some money (?).

    So how does this rhyme with ‘ i ll get a ride’ ?

    Maybe a ride to the place she planned to meet her friends after the concert. Being responsible (this is a very risky assumption I know seeing how irrational she is painted to be) this is a wise choice. Only a short drive in the Civic by the designated sober driver to a restaurant or other meeting point and they could drive home together.

    This IMHO does not put the friends in suspicion of any crime but it makes more sense in trying to figure out the information.

    This solid plan went wrong as Blink said on the bridge and JPJ was revisited by the criminals (yes a crimescene sorry to say jurisdictionwise)

    Also what I don t get is the taboo on residents of the area where a victim of murder was found. It makes sense to assume the killers are local. Maybe even neighbouring locals. Right from the start we hear about hunters, campers, bicyclers, hikers etc

    ofcourse that means the area is widely traversed by non habitants but it doesnt mean to look away from the most obvious. Nothing slanderous about that. The easiest way to do this is to check if any local residents were at the Metallica concert? But I guess that was checked by the ticketingbooking machinery-computer files data.

    also I wonder how many officials were mis named:

    -ticket taker (hired security?)
    -curtsy duo (UvA employees checking the fields or security?)
    -HH witnesses (?)


    there might or might not be some connections there too

    plenty of work and enough to go on

    Morgan overdrew her checking account, yes, but by no means was she suffering financially, she had just worked with her dad all Summer, and stayed with her parents, going out very infrequently over that timeframe. In fact, the Metallica tickets were a gift from her Dad. I truly believe that the Harrington’s wanted to put out there that Morgan overdrew her account to potentially thwart anyone from stealing from her based on any info they may have learned from her ( keep in mind, we did not know motive at the time) and to sponsor any sort of ransome demands, if that were the case, to them.

    We know this crime was not about money.



  22. Amy says:

    I agree Deetee a very good interpretation of the social interactions much better than was reported (especially initially)

    Its not as much a lack of concern but an attempt to diffuse the severity of a crime at the concert I d think. IMO LE has no business doing PR work. This has and does look n smell like a crime connected to JPJ/AF/UVA etc. No matter how much deoderant you put on that.

    No matter how you slice it, UVA using the word consistently “off grounds” , even with assaults of their own students, is un-nerving to me at best. This crime originated at JPJ.

  23. alabamamom says:

    EARLIER posted by Blink :
    Blink says:
    September 29, 2011 at 7:36 am
    @ Amy
    “I have always stated the timeline does not match the timeline.”
    “Under the timeline proposed by VSP Morgan was on the bridge when her phone loses its power source.” “Makes no sense.” (end of Blink comment)

    Blink , I have gone over everything many times over & do not know how I missed the fact that
    Morgan was on the bridge when her phone loses it’s power source. If that is what VSP is saying , it Does make sense to me . Why ? Because if someone is going to take another person against their will , one of the 1st things they will do is render their cell phone to be unusable , thus making it untraceable as well . Making it impossible to trace any of her movements from that point of
    abduction on.
    Her purse was found on 1 side of the bridge & something else found on the other side of the bridge ? I read somewhere that something was located by the fence by the porta -potty. Is that correct , something by the porta potty fence? That leads me to believe that her purse & the contents were “planted” right then & there , that very night & not the next morning to throw things off . To make it appear as though she disappeared from below the bridge where her purse was located . That also leads me to believe as i have thought all along ,that it is more than 1 person.
    All of this just makes my heart sick . It’s time for answers. Way past the time for answers.

  24. alabamamom says:

    Mary Posted above :
    mary says:
    September 30, 2011 at 11:22 am
    Thanks Mom3.0
    “More random thoughts: They apparently knew it was Morgan’s shirt fairly quickly so why did the group of plainclothes detectives show up at the apartment complex the day after Morgan was found to search around the bushes?”

    They also questioned a few people in the apt building didn’t they? Members of a local band who lived there , perhaps wanting to know if they had seen the shirt before . I also wondered if VSP thought that someone placed the shirt there to point the finger at the band members? (Sorry I cannot recall the name of the band )

  25. George says:

    “Rader- “Theres a DNA connection that Morgan Harrington at some point during her time at Charlottesville prior to her death came into contact with a person who has already been in the unknown subject database….””

    This seems to indicate that the contact with “Sketch” happened in Charlottesville, and not in Albemarle County, and well before Morgan was killed (as opposed to contact with “Sketch” during the committing of the crime)?

    Another weird thought: What if the place Morgan wanted to be taken to by the BB players was very near where the t-shirt was found?

    We have assumed that the t-shirt was planted in the seedy student off-campus housing area to draw attention away from AF. What if it wasn’t? What if it was placed by someone maybe tangentially involved but someone afraid to call the police directly?

    We don’t know where the actual crime occurred. We know she was at the arena, she may or may not have been on the bridge, and she was found at AF.

    Just food for thought…..

    I agree that wording indicates that contact was in Cville. Interesting, if one does not know where she went.

  26. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink you wrote:

    No matter how you slice it, UVA using the word consistently “off grounds” , even with assaults of their own students, is un-nerving to me at best. This crime originated at JPJ.

    Bringing this thought together with Dee Tee’s thoughts on the language usage stated over and over- IRT the Basketball players/BIB “WITH” not “WITH” it seems UVA and VSP from the beginning were in full out protection mode-

    Why the whole “with not with” – clearly Morgan Harrington spent more than a few brief moments with these guys- and their interactions were enough to concern the BBP- right? What happened? Where did she wish to go? IDK

    Did they ditch her? Or was she aware of their refusal of a ride? Why was she with the BIB and seemingly friendly- until the convergence of the other players? What went wrong so quickly that they refused to give her a ride even after the B-keeper described the initial group with Morgan as together and likely to party around a vehicle? her description seems to point to a rather chummy scenario- one in which “WITH” would be an apt description…

    I mean come on the whole “WITH” discussion clearly is reminiscent of Clinton speak- well it depends on what your definition of “IS” Is…

    Lawyer speak- protection mode- semantics.

    Do I believe the BBP are the killers? No- but perhaps they at one time knew a heck of alot more of the mindset and conversation and plans ect of Morgan- and perhaps LE and UVA did not ask the right questions or in the right way that would facilitate information ect- perhaps the BBP were themselves in protection mode, I would be, if I were the last known people to be “with” a missing then murdered girl-

    Taking this into account, if LE and UVA and the BBP were all in protection mode- it seems that none were able to formulate questions and concerns ect that might lead down dangerous avenues in terms of culpability or other- pointing towards themselves or their “team”


    Oye, you nailed it again.

    Don’t forget the Joe Rader speak of ” she went missing at a University, which has happened at other universities”.. I was like, this case is not 10 days old and you have no idea where she is and your uncomfortable naming where she went missing from, WHEN HER PURSE AND PERSONAL BELONGINGS WERE LOCATED THERE WITHOUT HER. (not yelling, lol, testy today trying to catch up and work a new case)

    This was after his own captain used UVA and JPJ several times a few minutes before. We should have had complete descriptions, timelines with an accompanying walk through- hell VSP was at the NC concert the next night, not combing JPJ for the best witness recollections. Were geo thermal drones or manned-craft dispatched in a 25 mi radius? Cause I can tell you as a point of fact, had it been, if she was in that Hollow on Af, which I have no doubt she was, they would have recovered her the next day.

    I decided I know what is getting to me these days- Can anyone in LE ever just freaking say.. we did our best, we bungled, but here is the plan to see we don’t fail next time, and I do not mean suspending seven officers after shooting a teenager 63 times.

    Wait, I have heard that, from one detective in recent memory, Sgt. John Allen, OCSO.


  27. Mom3.0 says:

    Please excuse my hogging of the board today wth posts- but I actually have more than a minute to myself- and everyones great points and questions are rather thought-provoking-

    george Blink and all-

    George says:
    October 1, 2011 at 8:07 am -

    That quote has always bothered me-

    IDK Perhaps Rader said it to prompt Sketchs family and friends to come forward and say something-
    We dont think he killed Morgan or raped her…we think the contact happened in C-ville and may have been non-criminal?

    but when this quote is added to- we dont have a suspect, and the fact that LE says they wanted to hold the release of the sketch – it makes me wonder…

    LE said The BBP were free to talk if they wanted to, they are aware of what destination Morgan wanted to get to, perhaps it was to the apts/shirt find- perhaps it was somewhere on campus or near campus- if the BBP were free to talk, then why is Morgans proposed destination hush hush?

    After all this time i find it hard to believe none of these kids have spillt the beans to a friend or family member.

    Afterall it would seem she never made it to said destination- if it were the apts then why werent they searched in the beginning?

    Could it be that whatever the destination was- is campus related in one way or another? and whomever, whilst in protection mode does not want it disclosed? IDK just thinking…

    If it was a public place no one saw her there… So is it to a private residence?
    Or perhaps it was to pantops? IIRC that area was searched rather extensively….


    Blink do you know or have an educated guess as to where Morgan asked to go?


    It is my opinion that for a reason that has not been disclosed due to “whatever” that Morgan was REFUSED re-entry to JPJ, and out of a concern for liability, we are hearing it is being withheld where she requested a “ride to”. I believe she was approached under the auspice of a “plan” because creepfreakrapist overheard her plight, and I believe that individual appeared to be in a position of public trust, to a very upset little lady.

    Here’s a question- how is VSP so sure she was in that alone at any point, if there were no cameras??

    What are they basing that on?

    Anyone that does not think this file will be 100% open by a FOIA filing is off their rocker.

    It will be, among other tangled webs of Albemarle County.

  28. Hummingbird says:

    Correct me if I am wrong but I remember reading here at BOC that the BIB ( the three boys in black)
    were in fact Basketball players, and were joined by a much larger group of BB players that spilled out of BB practice a little later and also ended up in the lot with Morgan. But it was stated by witnesses that Morgan was “with” the boys in black walking towards the lot ….laughing….making a kicking motion in her black boots ….and hanging out with them around a vehicle in the lot.

  29. Rose7 says:

    Blink, that’s the most comforting thing I’ve heard in a long time. YOU?

  30. Amy says:

    Also there was enough reasons to at least partly fence off the potential crime scene and do a forensic search. Traffic for JPJ and the athletes for the rv/athlete lot could be rerouted

    semi offtopic

    k so that money angle doesnt work, I was kinda trying to establish that Morgan would not leave her car to be driven home by her friends instead would wait nearby for concert to end. I know everyone is different on those things. Some share everything with their friends other are very unlikely to share their phone, car, home, pizza etc.

    Also I hoped my comments would be way out of line and only inspire some thoughts or discussion. Its sad that it may not be so out of the realm of possibilities.

    Blink it may be unrelated but how can you shoot someone 63 times? There is not much of someone left to shoot at and also Colby would have been on the ground barely still in 1 piece. And who would have to clean that and how do you expect to explain it? This level of violence indicates to me unbalanced anger. It makes me think of something we discussed way earlier about what kind of people have violence as something regular

    military, gangs, sorry to say hunters etc

    I know in Virginia some big farms are used to practice gunfire, driving, combat bla bla bla would that be something to consider?

    I know these people are not evil its just that someone like that could have been at a place like AF before to practice with his friends/company etc

    Amy- I am not sure if you have read the Lunsford report, there will be many inconsistencies, if it is ok with you, we have rehashed it her so many times over the last 2 years I don’t wish to derail the conversation, it is easy to find, if you have trouble, let me know, i will link dive, lol.

    I personally do not believe Morgan would have left her car, never did, but I think it is possible she sought some refuge until the concert was over. Morgan’s brother Alex was a UVA grad, she was familiar with the campus, and had been to a club or two previously. I stand by my assertion I think she thought someone had come to her rescue, for maybe about 175 yards. He was in the lot at JPJ.

    This was a crime of opportunity for him, not his usual “don’t chit where you sleep” and was not going to pass it up. It will be how he gets caught, and he knows it.

  31. deetee says:

    George says:
    October 1, 2011 at 8:07 am

    “Rader- “Theres a DNA connection that Morgan Harrington at some point during her time at Charlottesville prior to her death came into contact with a person who has already been in the unknown subject database….””

    This seems to indicate that the contact with “Sketch” happened in Charlottesville, and not in Albemarle County, and well before Morgan was killed (as opposed to contact with “Sketch” during the committing of the crime)?

    Rader’s use of “during her time at Charlottesville” may also just be more of the reluctance to be specific and say “at UVA”.

    blink says:

    I believe she was approached under the auspice of a “plan” because creepfreakrapist overheard her plight, and I believe that individual appeared to be in a position of public trust, to a very upset little lady.

    i’m not sure how sketch learned of Morgan’s predicament, and no doubt she was sharing it with strangers. but sadly, i do believe that the perps responsible for this crime also knew she was locked out and separated from her friends.

    in fact, this could have been a deciding factor for the perp to settle on his victim. if so, i think he would have more than likely known that she would find her own way home, so that the friends would not be looking too hard for her or sounding the alarm with the authorities immediately.

    otherwise, the crime happens on the spot. the fact that an effort was made to conceal Morgan’s body is telling us something. the primary crime scene must be incriminating.

    And leads right to him. I just posted in reply a similar stance, and as you know I have always believed that sketch was right there. Remember kickee saying he heard her loud and upset? The security person stopping her from “dumping her purse a second time”? It is 3 minutes later she gets the phone call from the friends, and she tells them “she will find a ride home”.

    Really, she gets injured, booted and she is not irate?

  32. Rose7 says:


  33. Judi says:

    This is just my opinion….

    The timeline and events as we are being told is simply not accurate and information is being withheld not to benefit the search for Morgan’s killer but rather to avoid liability issues. And, LE totally botched the investigation from the very beginning, starting with the first critical hours. They should have treated it as foul player from the very onset. Finding the person who purposely placed the shirt there (with the timing of when they did) would have been a lot easier if they were have immediately released what they found to the public to see if anyone happened to have seen anybody doing anything of suspicion near that spot that morning or late the night before and done more then send some plain clothes officers in “under the public radar”. The person who found it I believe said that he walked passed there everyday, as did many others, and it was not there the day before. The dogs should have been brought in immediately upon finding her purse with it’s contents scattered and her cell phone with no battery. There was no increase in police presence – why?? with an abduction and subsequent brutal murder having just originated on UVA campus. The connection to the 2005 Fairfax case should have been released immediately and the public notified that we are looking at a serial violent offender here, but it wasn’t (and who knows even when or possibly if it would have been if not for Blink).

  34. susanm says:

    well, i have been reading and thinking but not posting ,cuz i decided that if this is le ,it is over my head,i have no idea ,how you catch a cop and i dont feel comfortable suspecting police officers of murder. everytime i see the ad for the new “internal affairs “tv show,co ,i think ,oh ,a cosmic sister of blink.i just find it hard to believe that other cops could not know or would conspire to protect a murdering rapist in their only reference is la confidential,or copland. on another note ,i was, all for, following the mitrice richardson case out of malibu, until her team started suspecting a sheriff,not that i disagree ,its just that i am too paranoid to dig and research to point a finger at a specific le employee,that is being protected by an entire police force ,if true. but out of loyalty to morgan ,i went and peeked at the mitrice richardson case,to see how it was going ,accusing the lost hills/ ma
    ibu sheriffs station of having a rogue cop that murders a girl and dumps her in a field near the police station and where she was last seen,walking. i was only hoping to get pointers,and share them and then hide between two tall people,but i was overwhelmed by the similarities. but this was the real clincher,they removed her bones before the coroner arrived, why on earth, and you cant say this is small town ,inept police, these was the le dept that was suspected ,itself. if ever they should want to solve a murder ,wouldnt they want to solve this one, in their backyard,right under their nose, where they are the suspects and they last people to see her? what would a typical police if it was one of there own? i am not beyond thinking these cases,could be related: real estate connection(there are angry zoning issues going on here as well, in this similar very rich people neighborhood,location location location) ,cop transferred to ca, after fairfax attack,transferred back to charlottesville after malibu attack?traveling music security worker,based in malibu from north garden?the tour was in progress,but this is a major band,roadies could be replaced as the tour goes along.ok, i know this is farfetched ,and the odds are astronomical,lol ,i am trying to connect it with miami,space club disappearance ,paula sladewski, as well.*i am aware that any abduction of a 20 something girl ,is going to have similarities with other similar abductions* i am on a sony internet tv,isnt capable of linking. i’ll link in a bit.

  35. George says:

    One aspect of the planting of the t-shirt is that is was done in such a way to be made public. If it had been found by a passing police officer instead of a student would we have been informed of its’ discovery?

    doubtful George.

  36. Dr. Pepper says:

    What is odd to me, is that after over a year, my opinions about what happened have not really changed much.


    Whoever took Morgan- she thought she could trust.

    Whether an actual or fake member of LE, security etc-

    If she was offered a ride on that bridge-
    It would be in a security vehicle etc

    Colonial pkwy murders-
    Two of the 4 separate incidences are STILL being handled by VSP
    The others by FBI


    It has long been supposed this was the work of someone acting in official capacity as the driver side windows were rolled down and glove boxes open.

    There were 8 killed along CPkwy, metzler childs, Alicia Showalter, Morgan and offers.

    How many unsolved murders are there in the state of VA?????

    I dont care If other states have more. This is crazy.

    Obviously VSP ain’t so great with investigations.

    In fact, what crimes/murders have they solved?

    If it aint broke don’t fix it.

    Well it is broke and it needs to be fixed.

    In regards to sketch’s MO— they can & do change. But I’m not buying that sketch I’d our guy.

    If she had the ability to walk and stick her rhumb out, wtf

    Sorry for the chicken scratch posts

    Way too many thoughts to type on iPhone in amount of time i have.

    Scenario that makes sense:
    She caught a ride with someone she thought was in a position to ensure her safety.

    They took her things back and threw them in the parking lot in the wee hours when no one would see them.

    They knew to take her to AF.

    They placed her shirt on a bush for a specific reason.

    Or she walked back to the lot and was taken there hence leaving her stuff.

  37. susanm says:

    here are some links to the case in malibu:

    I am not linking this to try to convince anyone that they are related,or even similar , but just to back up what i said with links ,here is a description of monte nido neighborhood she was found in:

    The Americans arrived to live in Monte Nido near the turn of the 20th century. With the advent of motion picture, Monte Nido became a weekend retreat for workers in the film industry, as movie moguls bought huge tracts of scenic land for the film studios – 20th Century Ranch and Paramount Ranch are the two closest. Gradually, development came, and by the 1950′s, family-styled homes for teachers, firemen, policemen, as well as those still employed by the studios were built in Monte Nido. ,family calls for police officers to take lie detector tests, la times:

    Mostly i am just linking this as i said ,pointers,to see how another family organizes and press for answers from le..

    I just heart your posts susanm but I would be so grateful if you could un-smush them for me on occasion, lol.

    I did it for you friend, I want people to read what you worked so hard to research!

    It is a great comparative to consider.

    That case was flagrantly mishandled.

  38. John says:

    IMO, if a police officer would not inform the public if he found the shirt, he would also not plant the shirt in the first place.
    If an innocent person found the shirt someplace else, and wanted it to be found, he might place it on the bush. Hopefully such a person
    could find the courage to come forward and help solve the case. I wonder if the shirt was originally near the spot where the leggings were found on the search. (OR near the spot where the purse was found) What if the person who found the purse kept the shirt, but turned the purse in? IF this happened, it might be kind of difficult to turn the shirt in later, if you were a young person.
    IF the bbp were fooling around with the shirt (teasing) and one kept it, he might have to put it on the bush to be found (just a thought)

    I believe the shirt was a message of sorts, and also to keep the search in-town.

  39. Minnie Penney says:

    WooHoo Amanda Knox is FREE !!!!!!

  40. Amy says:

    –warning this post is only a personal view in no way does anyone need to feel slandered or his or his community etc blabla—

    Blink I noticed you finally let go of some restraints concerning the ‘official non disclosure’ deal . One of the big warning signs was the changing of the initial reports: at first Morgans fall and behavior was just described in a way to lead to 1 conclusion kamikazelike (my words, gossip etc warning speculation) and later it changed to desperation and the fall could have had impact on her behavior… as well as the cold weather. At some point (way to late) a serious investigation got on the way. I do hope a request for information will yield all that but for that I am fearful too, cynical… The final straw was ‘there is not much to go on’ from what I am reading there are at least 20 pieces of information known to LE that would lead us, blind Blinksters more to the right direction, starting with: Where did Morgan want to go to?

    Hi Susan, I ‘got’ your post its like a flow of thoughts and I agree just hope other readers can decipher the enormity of info ‘mushed’ together :-) . Personally I like unedited posts because we are not writing for a book newspaper or anythin. Anyway the biggest similarity is how Mitrice was supposedly ‘irrational’ somehow was put outside late at night by security/police and had to find a way home and was found slain in a very very remote location which the perp must have known about (local hunter, outdoorstype, vagrant, druguser?).

    Hi Amy, just fyi, I did not edit susanm’s post, I just unsmushed so the links would work.
    As I said, I love her posts and that one in particular, for me, was an excellent example of LE at it’s most negligent in every way.


  41. Amy says:

    It just dawned on me Blink, your reply to John, words ‘keep the search in-town’ .

    Thats exactely what we do know that there were searches in-town at that time. I remember reading a farmer from Cville? (who was attacked for his words) writing ‘I searched every inch of my 1000 acre farm there is nothing on it i am not aware of cause we were asked to search for Morgan’.

    The key to the killer could be to find the ‘trigger’ . Meaning did anyone at that particular time (i think early november) talk about EXTENDING THE SEARCH TO THE FARM AREAS and who would be the person to hear about that before any of the farmers themselves would?

    -inside the search authorities
    -officials responsible for wider searches
    -people that were among the first notified aware of any plans


    clearly this person was able to get information on where searches were planned and if so were there new plans? I do remember Morgan s dad talking about extending the search but I cant remember where or when (if its after the shirt find its irrelevant).

    so, early november any change in tactic concerning planned searches

    sorry for extensive writing + caps


    did the killer go back to retrieve the shirt
    or did he keep it? (hard to believe)

    If he did go back that must have been a huge risk unless he knew it to be safe. Forensic can tell if there was more than just hairs on the shirt and its condition (another piece of info)

  42. mary says:

    Have y’all seen this?,0,3824934.story

    LOL! I was aware of it’s development and I am so very, very proud of the Harrington’s.

    Here is the FB

  43. John says:

    re “did the killer go back to retrieve the shirt”
    Could be that whoever made the leggings disappear from one minute to the next (or one hour etc.) also made the shirt appear on the bush.
    Amy, just look at all those at the first search OR insiders, who knew all about the search. (or their families)

    I absolutely believe that those items were placed for finding purposes to keep the search local.

    The good news is, that means there is a stronger tie to AF than this guy cares to have.

  44. Amy says:

    So for now accepting that as truth, does this mean the Bass family has/had no strong control over the comings and goings of this certain person to such an extent that he could just go to the ditch and retrieve the tshirt from a cold corpse to later place it in the frat area? Who has the stomach and the opportunity for that? Most important how do you get this confident without having some very private information about the seclusion of the farm?

    I mean just 1 guard dog could have ruined all his plans

    (sorry to be blunt but in reading about the new Harrington and Gil s earlier comments I gathered that a dance of words is unnecessary).

    off topic:

    the murals in Mitrice case if we look for similarities at all would be the AF scrolls.

    if that is all connected it would make for a very bad B movie, it could be tho that those kinda perps all have the same MO?

  45. Josie says:

    I’m so glad to see the save the next girl plans. What a wonderful idea and how giving of Gil and Dan to do this. I’m not surprised at all. What a wonderfully loving and caring family they are.

    Thanks Mary and Blink for sharing the links.

  46. George says:

    We know where Morgan was found but that does not mean that is where the assault against her took place. In fact it is doubtful that it occurred in a hay field on AF in the open on a cold rainy night. It would also seem doubtful that the assault happened near where the t-shirt was found.

    For some reason LE was checking near Crozet. Crozet is a short drive down route 250 (Ivy Road) from UVa and Anchorage Farm is accessible from Crozet by back roads. Crozet is also the home of one of the people that traveled with Morgan to the concert. Maybe a friend of a friend situation is at play?

  47. redly says:

    I believe they checked crozet because they had a report of an altercation there involving a young woman whom the tipster thought looked like morgan. Turned out to be a false lead.

    My guess is she was assaulted in his vehicle.

  48. Josie says:

    George, I’m interested in the Crozet connection also. Maybe there isn’t one at all, but, let’s not forget the search that focused from Cville exit 118 back to 114 and beyond on I64 before Morgan’s remains were found. It seems the focus was headed back that direction.

  49. George says:

    Could be that she was assaulted in a vehicle. If so, where? Maybe the same spot where the Albemarle Sherrifs deputies were having their Illicit meetings? That location has not been made public. Was it been checked as a crime scene? That location is another needless secret withheld.

    With so little being revealed there are seemingly endless possibilities.

    None of that mess was made public, but I do invite the public to check out the recent rash of dismissals in Albemarle County. Wonder if it is tied in to whole disciplinary issue?


  50. George says:

    Should be ‘another secret needlessly withheld.,

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