Fugitive Cop Shooter David Durham’s House Located In NEW Kyron Horman Search Grid

Sauvie Island and Waldport, Oregon- A statewide manhunt is underway during the last week for a suspected shooter of a Lincoln City policeman.

Officer Steve Dodds was alledgedly shot more than once at close range while the incident was recorded on his patrol car dash cam. Dodds is in critical but stable condition. Dodd’s stopped David Anthony Durham for speeding Sunday evening after he left a co-worker’s party without his date, but not without his dog, Huckleberry.

Huckleberry has been recovered by police with only a minor leg injury.

It is not known what prompted the attempt on Officer Dodd’s life, but according to Durham’s own family members, he has been suffering from delusions and instability following a shoulder injury he sustained in June, 2010, for which he was taking prescription painkillers.

Michael Durham, David’s older brother and a Wildlife Photographer, pleads for his younger brother to turn himself in peacefully:

“I wouldn’t say that was a catalyst for anything,” he said. “You know, my brother has been having some issues with a shoulder injury and he had been on pain medication for the past few months. And we noticed that his ability to perceive what was real and what was not real seemed to diminish.” “My sister, Laurie, my brother Willie, myself and my mother, we love David and we want him to peacefully turn himself into the police,” said Michael Durham. “They assured us that he won’t be harmed if he’s not armed and doesn’t act in a threatening manner.”

David Anthony Durham, a resident of Sauvie Island, for the past six years, was a Sauvie Island Volunteer Firefighter, and nominated himself for director in 2007. Six months ago he was removed from active duty for erratic behavior. Durham is also reported to be an avid landscaper and outdoorsman.

Durham’s home on Sauvie Island, is directly adjacent to a highly publicized sighting from a tipster in the Kyron Horman disappearance investigation named “Chas” who claimed to have seen a woman with long red hair the morning of his disappearance at approximately 9:15AM on his way to work, in a white truck.


Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office has cordoned off Durham’s Sauvie Island home and access is blocked by a MCSO patrol car.

There has been a 25 person SWAT team stationed at the base of the street since Monday, as well as a second team at a vacation home in Waldport.

A co-worker of Durham’s at Willamette Blueprint & Printing described her friend as a happy go lucky guy with no emotional problems and has worked there for at least 5 years.

However, Durham failed to show up for work on Friday, indicating perhaps he had concerns prior to the Sunday shooting. In a financial document obtained exclusively by blinkoncrime.com, In September 2005 David Durham claimed he left Willamette to become a full-time college student and that he was receiving unemployment compensation directly to his Portland Teachers Credit Union Account, while seeking financial aid.

It also showed that Mr. Durham was a previous resident on Sauvie Island at another address 2.5 miles South, and directly adjacent to Logie Rd across the channel. New Intelligence Leads To New Search Efforts Today Specifics have not been released, but new intelligence, the first in 9 months, is responsible for today’s new search efforts.

Today, Newly-tasked search teams are concentrated on NW Skyline Rd, south of Rocky Point.

Desiree Young, Kyron’s Mother:

“I have been waiting for this search to happen for some time now,” said Desiree Young, Kyron’s biological mother. “The Kyron Horman Task Force has shared the intelligence information with me, but unfortunately I can’t share that information with the media. I’m excited that today’s search will hopefully bring some closure to this case.”

www.blinkoncrime.com editor Madeline Tanner contributed to this report

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  1. enumclawrose says:

    I quoted a BOC article that I believe Lea wrote and had never picked up on the detail. A DUI can give an ex the ammunition they need to go to court and regain custody, as it goes to someone potentially being unfit. I had never read anywhere else that TH gave up custody due to her drinking and it had me wondering if this occurred after her DUI or when J moved out in 2010. Lea?

    Rose says:
    April 7, 2011 at 6:01 pm
    @E-Rose. If dads and moms lost custody for dui’s, that’d be lots of custody lost. 2 separate legal issues.

  2. sassifrass says:

    Good Lord! Those posters stating that TH was in porn, or related video’s or pics, should step up to the plate and prove it. You can’t go smearing someone’s reputation from speculations.

    I’m not a Terri fan, but come on. Back up what your saying. I’m truly starting to feel like I’m reading on GLP or slimy craigslist. You can’t make accusations without backing it up.


  3. justice4kyron says:

    Concerning pics: Old news, months ago, and info was fowarded to authorities immediately. I don’t know T and could not confirm or deny that it was her. I am sure someone more tech savvy than myself has figured it out by now.

  4. MockingbirdSings says:

    Rose says:
    April 7, 2011 at 6:01 pm
    @E-Rose. If dads and moms lost custody for dui’s, that’d be lots of custody lost. 2 separate legal issues.

    It isn’t so separate if the child is in the car at the time and is, therefore, endangered.

    Legally, they are, however, a DUI can absolutely trigger a DFS review, and affect a person’s custody overall.

  5. kjf says:

    I read this often, commented a few times, not often though cause Blink scares me…At the end of the day, every day, this little boy is still missing, gone. Someone or plural is responsible and putting these parents thru hell. Sheer Hell. I know what it is to lose your child not in any way expecting it. My son passed a year and a half ago, feels like yesterday, but I can visit him. I know he’s gone. To be unsure of your child’s fate is torture. May whoever, anyone and everyone that has a hand in horrible scenario rot in ETERNAL HELL

    I certainly would not wish to scare anyone, so thanks for giving me a second chance I guess, lol.

    You are 100% correct about the torture of not knowing, it is heinous. In all my casework, regardless of outcome, I have never had a parent or loved one say, not knowing was “better”.

    My deepest sympathies on the loss of your son, I cannot imagine.

  6. enumclawrose says:

    Glad you made such long posts about what was going on in the Horman home. It’s a great topic to discuss, especially with DY and TH in agreement over Ky moving in with his Mom.

    From what I understand (and you touched on it) about family court, once a parent has custody, it is difficult for the other parent to have the court uproot a child that is in a stable situation unless both parents agree. I think DY asked KH to change the agreement because lawyers told her that unless he (KH) agrees, nothing will likely change. Even if she was awarded joint-custody, the living situation would remain the same. She would remain the parent with visitation. JMO based on experience with family members with a similar situation, though in another state.

    The question becomes why would KH not agree? Sometimes it is a matter of control and sometimes it is a matter of money. Some parents do not want to pay child support. It is as simple as that. Usually it is because they do not want the other parent “getting their” money. Just offering this up as another consideration.

    We know that Christmastime (day after) 2009 there was a 911 call from the Horman house. We know TH has a propensity for making those calls, so I assume TH made the call, but who knows. She also called 911 in May over a dispute with RS. We know she made three 911 calls the day of the sting. She called 911 on Tarver. There were a few other 911 calls made from someone on her road, caller not id’d.

    Prior to Christmas ’09, TH was allegedly shopping for a hit man and presumably having an affair with RS. Are they fighting about affairs? Are they fighting about children and custody?

    In my experience with step-families, the holidays can be very stressful as each family wants to spend time with the children, consequently no one can just chill out, travel and exchanges must be made. Affairs can get stressful over holidays as well. Lovers feeling neglected while people are with their families. Wonder what happened at Christmastime and why KH has not brought it up?

  7. enumclawrose says:

    The couple frequently argued about disciplining Kyron, he said.

    At the same time, Terri fired off long e-mails to Kyron’s mother, Desiree Young, peppered with complaints.

    “She was venting about the teacher and why she should have her job,” Desiree said, “and she was venting about Kaine — everything.”


  8. Carol says:


    Sorry. I confused the post of Justice4kyron as being one of yours.

  9. enumclawrose says:

    Correction: TH did not call 911 on Tarver, she called the sheriff on Ecker.

    A year later, Horman went to Washington County authorities, asking for more child support. His payments were bumped up to nearly $550 a month. Ecker went to Horman’s house to ask for a break on child support, saying the payments were cutting a big chunk out of his salary. She seemed amenable to a reduction, he said, but the next day he got a call from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, telling him to stop harassing his ex-wife.


  10. M Harris says:

    @22.ccane says:
    April 7, 2011 at 12:00 pm

    re: The report indicates that instead of Spicher, authorities now believe “the mystery person could be someone else entirely.”

    This is the first time I’ve heard this; however, we still don’t know if our witnesses even know one truck from the other(s). Correct me if I’m wrong.

  11. justice4kyron says:

    @ 31.GraceintheHills says:

    Like you, I can only offer an educated guess.

  12. Malty says:

    Pssst ………
    You are so right

  13. Jeff D says:

    The dogged determination you folks have shown reinforces my faith in people. Known facts are chewed and chewed again. As if in someones kitchen pieces of this jigsaw are moved around the table, flipped and sideways, always looking for the best fit. New questions are raised and answered, newbies are quickly brought up to speed.
    For this observer some questions always seem to resurface.

    What impact did the mid_May 911 call have on the events of 6/4?

    Certainly it is that incident which led police to Rudy’s door within days. RS had plenty of time to develop the MFH in case he was questioned. That 911 has produced a ton of smoke and drama around this investigation, both in the case of some RS involvement in Kyron’s disappearance and in the case of an SO then all that drama is a red herring.

    What was the final explanation regarding the scheduled plans for that weekend?

    Kyron going to spend w/e with mom..no part of KH’s discussion of the day’s events mention the drive to meet up…Ky is expected to bus home on such a busy day..curious about all that…

    What is it exactly police wish they did not know?

    and mainly

    where is Kyron?

  14. CBickel says:

    I dunno, for some reason “we” are starting to look a lot like other sites that just bash people and start rumors. The talk about tripping people was a new low for me. I think it’s time for me to take a step back now, I’ve watched as others have done that and now I “get” why they did.

    Thoughts and prayers are with Kyron, his brothers, sister, friends and classmates.

    Any researcher, should be browsing with Firefox and have a sound malware/anti-virus program and you will be fine.

    That whole “tripwire” nonsense is inaccurate. LE needs substantial warrants if that kind of activity is ever part of an investigation, nobody can just “trip” people as private citizens.

    That said, if you have the above, your certification requirement on your system should flag any “questionable” site in the first place and if it does, my advice is to not visit it, period.

    Looks like somehow we took a left here, let’s all circle back to constructive dialogue for hopefully finding this little guy. We are rapidly approaching one year.


  15. rmack says:

    When the cat’s away, the mice will…drag rumors of all kinds from un-named sources and imply they are fact. I’m bowing out till Blink gets back

    What the Hizz did I miss now?

    I can’t turn my back on you kids for 3 seconds to get my work done…..



  16. Rose says:

    Well, CNN online says when the gov’t shuts down tomorrow, FBI in the field keep working–good for Kyr.
    I hope Skyline’s DC trip isn’t this weekend.

  17. Rose says:

    @ccane. 4/7 12 pm. Right on observation. Very odd of both Hormans IMO. Not out of ordinary for the self absorbed, however. Bet they were often rendevous-late.

  18. Kat says:

    @Nelmel & @Dee
    Thought-provoking posts. Custody and personality types. Interesting possible recipes for what transpired on 6/4/10. It makes my heart ache even more for the pain/separation/abandonment feelings children experience–especially Ky— when they become pawns in Divorce Wars—especially when those precious years are cut short/interrupted with kidnapping/violence.

    Praying for a resolution to this case soon. Praying the clinching evidence will be revealed and all parties apprehended. Most importantly: Kyron found.

  19. Sheila says:

    Lea, I am a regular, (occassional contributer…regular scroller & roller). I live in Terri’s neighborhood.

  20. NelMel says:

    @ enumclawrose says:
    April 7, 2011 at 7:21 pm

    (snipped) “We know that Christmastime (day after) 2009 there was a 911 call from the Horman house.”


    When that date, 12/26, was mentioned in the child custody/divorce hearing by Bunch, I read his statement (referring to wanting records of 911 calls “back to December 26,” I believe — don’t want to quote him without re-reading that report) and felt he was asking for 911 call records back to that date. I wasn’t sure he was saying that there was a call ON 12/26. Does anyone have that report — I believe it was the Horman’s Family Court appearance last fall? Unfortunately until my math-geek son cures the ills of my computer, I’m running safe mode and can’t dig up some old bookmarks, and that court appearance was one of the stories I kept.

    I also thought — was Bunch referring to 911 calls on June 26, not December 26th? Because I am very confused about those dates. The media reported when TH made 911 calls in May and June of 2010 once Kyron was missing, but I never read a news story about any other 911 calls she might have made, and can only recall Bunch using the December date.

  21. justice23 says:

    Any researcher, should be browsing with Firefox and have a sound malware/anti-virus program and you will be fine.

    That whole “tripwire” nonsense is inaccurate. LE needs substantial warrants if that kind of activity is ever part of an investigation, nobody can just “trip” people as private citizens.

    That said, if you have the above, your certification requirement on your system should flag any “questionable” site in the first place and if it does, my advice is to not visit it, period.

    Looks like somehow we took a left here, let’s all circle back to constructive dialogue for hopefully finding this little guy. We are rapidly approaching one year.


    Blink … with much respect, I think you missed a few pages back. In regard to the whole “tripping” thing Cbickel was talking about, it is down below my post. It had nothing to do with “tripwiring” by LE. I read the earlier comments as well and was a little surprised to see it here on your forum because unlike other forums, BOC isn’t like that, but like you always say, “scroll and roll” so that’s what I did.

    Anyhoo … I believe this is what Cbickel was referring to. Not sure about all the posters lately who seem to be coming out of the woodwork and commenting about how everyone is posting speculation as fact. That part completely is lost on me since it seems we are all speculating to some degree since none of us really know what the he** is really going on factually. What appears up is sometimes actually down and what appears factual seems to change later to speculation, so with this case it seems it’s really hard to know for sure. I’m hoping and praying however that LE genuinely does since they have access to information and sources that we the public do not.

    From previous knowledge however, and being a long-time reader/poster here at BOC, my experience has been that for the most part, when we do speculate that most of us post it as simply our opinion and not actually “fact” as some are claiming. I know I usually try to do that and I know many others do as well. There has been enough MOO’ing here in this case within the last year to fill a barnyard! But that’s just my opinion … FWIW.

    Have a great day Blink … nice to see you’re finally back on the Ky link. I know you were probably working on the recent developments in the Anthony case earlier. I have been watching that case closely with much anticipation as well … hope Caylee finally gets the justice she so genuinely deserves. Until then, may Ky be surrounded by peace and serenity wherever he may be.


    Sheila says:
    April 5, 2011 at 4:22 pm
    Saw Terri out running in our neighborhood this morning.


    Did you trip her? :)
    Amy’s Sister says:
    April 5, 2011 at 7:58 pm

    Ahaha… Lyla… we’re bad.

  22. justice23 says:

    NelMel says:
    April 7, 2011 at 12:54 pm

    Blink, I’m sorry for my book length comments. I felt my head exploding today, thinking about all of this.

    NelMel … I thought your book-length post was excellent and very well thought out. I’m glad you wrote it and I read the entire thing with interest despite it’s lengthiness. Thanks for sharing! {:)

  23. rmacks says:

    “What the Hizz did I miss now?
    I can’t turn my back on you kids for 3 seconds to get my work done…..

    B ~ The ball started rolling down hill with loose claims that a “simple IT” search resulted in many sites that include TH porn images, second poster’s unsupported claim: similar images were found in somebody’s private porn collection, a third says KH statement that his wife was on her laptop the day of the dissapearance is the proof that ties it all together.
    Comment to you about tripping…Second thread became a virtual running joke after someone spotted TH running, lol comments followed topped off with “did you trip her??” I know, it’s funny, but considerably dumbs down BOC.

    I may be overly sensative but IKINTOO (I know I’m not the only one)

  24. Ode says:

    IMHO we are all so wanting something new to happen in the search for Kyron…waiting, waiting and still waiting. I will say early on I came upon some strange sites in relation to TH but could tell and my computer warned me not to go any farther and get the heck out of there. There is no way to know if in fact they truly were sites with anything to do with TH so I have dismissed them and left them to others to investigate if need be. Until something new happens we can only go over things we have looked at over and over. The weather is getting better and I hope that this helps in the search for dear Kyron. In the mean time lets give Blink a break (I don’t mean stop posting)… she has been such a busy bee… the work and the articles she has produced for Caylee as of late are inspiring and educational. She is still working hard on the other cases as well such as Morgan Harrington, and Chris George. When we have something new on Kyron we will see the same work by Blink on his case…(I can’t wait). Anyway I am still here several times a day for Kyron. One last thing. Why is it impossible for some to believe that maybe Kyron’s Dad loved him so much that he just wanted Kyron with him. I believe that is possible…truly. I want to believe that Kyron does have that love from his father as well as his mother.

  25. Malty says:

    Thank God it is Friday and Thank God
    Blink is back

  26. meg says:

    “I will say early on I came upon some strange sites in relation to TH but could tell and my computer warned me not to go any farther and get the heck out of there. There is no way to know if in fact they truly were sites with anything to do with TH so I have dismissed them and left them to others to investigate if need be.”

    Hi, Blink-
    I’ve often read here, but choose not to post. However, I’ve had an experience once or twice which leads me to believe that a search of the name TH might bring up porn sites.
    My son was a child actor, and since that time, I will occasionally google the name of this fellow actors to see how their careers are progressing. On at least two of these searches, using a girl’s name, the google response was to attempt to direct me to “nude pictures of (girl’s name).” Needless to say, I didn’t click on them, nor did I have any belief whatsoever that this girl (with a very unusual name) had any nude pictures. For what it’s worth, that’s what I think happens with TH.
    Best- Meg

  27. Patricia says:

    20.Ode says:
    April 8, 2011 at 10:42 am
    Why is it impossible for some to believe that maybe Kyron’s Dad loved him so much that he just wanted Kyron with him. I believe that is possible…truly. I want to believe that Kyron does have that love from his father as well as his mother.

    Ode – well said. Most custodial parents do not give up custody just because the other parent wants the child. Many step parents would be happy if their spouse’s child went to live with the other parent. That doesn’t mean the custodial parent packs the kid up and moves him. Even if DY talked to KH about transferring custody, she needed to go to the courts for that to happen, and she didn’t. That doesn’t in my opinion necessarily mean KH was controlling, it just means he wanted to maintain custody. My first reaction in a similar situation would be to say no, my child is fine here with me.

    KH did state that he and TMH had problems, but they had been working on them and he thought they were getting better. I’m not sure any parent could forsee their spouse being implicated in the abudction of their child. It’s just not something you would ever think could happen. JMO

  28. Sammy says:

    NelMel says:
    April 7, 2011 at 9:15 am

    NelMel says:
    April 7, 2011 at 12:53 pm

    NelMel says:
    April 7, 2011 at 12:54 pm
    Blink, I’m sorry for my book length comments. I felt my head exploding today, thinking about all of this.

    @ NelMel.
    I wanted to be sure to thank-you for your posts yesterday.
    Beautifully written and insightful look at some of the possible interpersonal + family dynamics occurring in the Horman/Young households.
    Your words and thoughts gave me much to think about.

  29. GraceintheHills says:

    22.Ode says:
    April 8, 2011 at 10:42 am
    “One last thing. Why is it impossible for some to believe that maybe Kyron’s Dad loved him so much that he just wanted Kyron with him. I believe that is possible…truly. I want to believe that Kyron does have that love from his father as well as his mother.”
    So beautifully stated, Ode. One can speculate to high heaven regarding otherwise, but, IMO, this was the case.

  30. Shelly says:

    Skeletal Remains Found Near Morton


  31. T. Ruth says:


    Am I reading here correctly that you personally saw KH at Kyron’s school on Thursday, June 3rd? If so, do you recall approximately what time that was? (Hope you don’t find my asking too intrusive.)

  32. Shelly says:

    Just saw this article, any locals have any furher info?

    Portland Police and SWAT 7:50pm 4/7/11


  33. Shelly says:

    *further* sorry!

  34. Amy's Sister says:

    I like Blink’s site and find that her humor lightens a pretty dark subject matter making it more palatable. I, like most posters, come back everyday to see if there’s new info, or even better, an arrest.

    I have personally have never been confused on the matter of when a post is fact or opinion. I’m more confused by the posts demanding a more concise “jmo, moo, imo” etc… Really, darn near every post here is an opinion because we’re not LE or investigators. Heck, even the media doesn’t always get it right.

    Facts written within the opinions can be inaccurate and a response to correct that is appropriate with the understanding that it’s for clarification and not because someone is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Sometimes, we’ll all just have to agree to disagree, that is how fair debate works. It’s unnatural to think we’ll all feel the same about things, or that we even should.

    This site is informative entertainment. Ya’ll have read Blink’s articles, right? Some of them are hilarious. None of us are LE or investigators so we’re just here positing theories and ideas and gathering info as it’s released because we’re not privvy to all of it, nor will we be until LE deems it appropriate.

    With that said, please forgive my moment of brevity. I thought it was funny and still do. :)

    Eight short weeks until June. I’m praying that the final nail for the coffin of whomever hurt this child is found and justice can be served. I’m holding out hope it will be so.

  35. ccane says:

    6.M Harris says:
    April 7, 2011 at 7:57 pm
    @22.ccane says:
    April 7, 2011 at 12:00 pm

    This is the first time I’ve heard this; however, we still don’t know if our witnesses even know one truck from the other(s). Correct me if I’m wrong.
    True …for all “I” know Terri didnt even drive Kaines Truck and borrowed someone else’s ..I know nothing really

    As far as the posts questioning Kaines and Terri actions on custody, money,terri and waiting for the bus vrs driving to pick him him up..

    My biggest concern with him is this…
    Beside the fact that his brother is in jail and claims of abuse as a child himself
    Kaine ends up with 2 women whom have a male child from previous relationships and the relationships fail after the creation of his own child.

    If this is inappropriate I apologize and feel free to delete this post but this seems to be a coincidence of history repeating itself

    As far as who I think took Kyron and why.. I just dont know and I am not yet leaning one way nor the other just sharing my feeling.. could be anyone and I’ll have to wait and see what evidence LE has before I make my mind up.

  36. Idahogal says:

    I sure hope that everyone will stay here and keep reading, posting, and sharing thoughts, for Kyron. We have a big group of folks, and everyone is not going to agree, or find the same things humorous, etc. Perhaps we can roll and scroll or agree to disagree, respectfully, and continue with our work here on behalf of one sweet, innocent little boy that has been gone far too long. We are all on Kyron’s team and he needs us, so please don’t stop trying to help. Just my two cents, respectfully submitted.

  37. Amy's Sister says:

    12.Jeff D says:
    April 7, 2011 at 9:24 pm
    ….For this observer some questions always seem to resurface.

    What impact did the mid_May 911 call have on the events of 6/4?

    Certainly it is that incident which led police to Rudy’s door within days. RS had plenty of time to develop the MFH in case he was questioned. That 911 has produced a ton of smoke and drama around this investigation, both in the case of some RS involvement in Kyron’s disappearance and in the case of an SO then all that drama is a red herring.

    What was the final explanation regarding the scheduled plans for that weekend?

    Kyron going to spend w/e with mom..no part of KH’s discussion of the day’s events mention the drive to meet up…Ky is expected to bus home on such a busy day..curious about all that…

    What is it exactly police wish they did not know?

    and mainly

    where is Kyron?

    I agree, the May phone call was a precursor of some sort to what happened in June. It is part of what makes some folks believe Kyron was taken as revenge against Terri. In the same token it could just be another link to show Terri was in the midst of a meltdown.

    There is speculation that Rudy is a witness and not a person of interest. He testified in front of the Grand Jury which supports this theory. That could mean his accounts of a MFH were found to be believable by LE. We could then go one step further and consider that there was physical evidence that a MFH was being planned by Terri… perhaps an email or text exchange?

    UNLESS you believe LE botched it by believing RS with no physical evidence and he (RS) should still be a person of interest or at the minimum knows who took Kyron to set Terri up.

    Regarding the weekend plans with Desiree and Tony… there has not been complete verification of what the plans were that weekend. We could speculate that Terri made the plans and Kaine was not aware of them. Desiree stated Ky was to go fishing with Tony that weekend so we know Desiree and Tony believed that to be the case. The misunderstanding lies with the appearance that Kaine had no idea (like you say, Jeff, he never mentions it) and Terri has never (to my knowledge) commented on the weekend plans. In fact, Terri has commented on very little.

    At the same time, Kaine could have planned to hang with Kyron for a few hours then drive him to meet Desiree later that evening so it may or may not mean anything.

    What DO the police wish they didn’t know about?? This comment has allowed some of us to imagine wilder theories than we otherwise would. Coupled with Staton’s “we would all be surprised” and Desiree’s “things that will make you want to throw up” comments…

    Prayers for Kyron and all who love him.

  38. Malty says:

    Oh guys I think we did pretty good on our own, not the high standards
    As when Blink is here
    But no raging fights either
    Yeah we are still OK

    Yes, you did :)

  39. NantucketJen says:

    I have followed Kyron’s case from the beginning. I hardly ever post, but today was my son’s science fair. My son is in 2nd grade and brought home the Gold 1st place trophy on his experiment about his pet hedgehog. He was so excited to have won. After the ceremony was over, he was walking down the hallway towards his classroom. I immediately thought of Kyron and how excited he was about his Red Eyed Tree frog project. In my mind, I thanked the good Lord above that I have my son here with me. I pray for Desiree and hope with all of my heart that one day she will have her son back alive. Please everyone pray for Kyron.

    Thank you for sharing that. I do the same, frequently.
    By the Grace of God go I, ya know.

  40. enumclawrose says:

    I remember the confusion re: Jun26/Dec26 911 calls, but Blink made a firm statement here.
    She called 911 THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS. Regular contributors and readers of blinkoncrime.com doubt she had sale flyer questions.


  41. enumclawrose says:

    I can believe that is possible. If Ky REALLY wanted to go live with his Mom as has been described, and DY and TH agreed, do you think KH loved him so much, he said no? I can see him just wanting to have his son with him. I guess we wonder about other scenarios since there seemed to be problems in the home.

    Why is it impossible for some to believe that maybe Kyron’s Dad loved him so much that he just wanted Kyron with him. I believe that is possible…truly. I want to believe that Kyron does have that love from his father as well as his mother.

  42. beejay says:

    Should I even mention this? It is not illegal to sell photos/videos of female bodybuilders, assuming the images are not pornographic. It is, however, a viable business, both for contestants and for businesses apparently not owned by contestants.

    Last summer I visited the website of one of the past Emerald Cup contestants who was selling her own bodybuilding-related photos. Some of the shots did not take place on stage at any competition. The clothing, such as there was any, was suitable (IMHO) for autoerotic use. There were no other people in the still photos I saw. I didn’t save the link. Here’s one I grabbed quickly of another active bodybuilder. I did not “join” to see everything, nor would I recommend that anyone do so. However, I saw plenty without “joining”.


    The point I’m trying to make is that to my knowledge there has not been any substantiation to claims that TH was in some porn collection. However, she, her husband, a “friend” or anyone else could certainly have been involved in a viable, legal business activity selling images relating to her bodybuilding.

    One other thought: if someone had pornographic photos sent by her to them by, say, cell phone, it is also possible that he used those illegally. That’s one example, if those were actually the facts, where TH could have standing to bring an individual civil action suit against someone(s)under RICO. Using such photos to intimidate TH and/or a witness in any action involving her also has case law to support her (as well as a 1985 Supreme Court ruling to the effect that the witness intimidation can involve witnesses other than the plaintiff–here, TH.


    Lea?? Are your wheels spinning on the myriad of possibilities here?

    @puzzled: I sure hope no one posting here is involved in organized crime! Yikes! I meant the known players in the case.

  43. enumclawrose says:

    Regarding the problems in the Horman home: I think some could say if Ky had not been abducted, it seems the Horman marriage, if left to play itself out, would have probably ended. The divorce, IF it happened would have been reason for DY to go to court as there would have been a significant change in circumstances.

    KH has not used the Dec/26/09 911 call in his pleadings. Why? Is he the one who would not do well in court over that incident? Except for the DUI before Kiara was born, what else would KH use in a divorce to prevail as the custodial parent? TH has been presented as the children’s primary caregiver.

    In the case of a divorce, DY could fight for Ky and TH could fight for Kiara. I’m not sure if KH wanted both of his kids with him, but after leaving his pregnant wife for another woman, and the demise of a second marriage, with an educator as the primary caregiver of both children, it is hard to tell what a judge might do.

    I am not trying to pick on a grieving father, I am just exploring who had what to lose, IF Ky was still here. TH would lose her husband, who, perhaps she did not want to lose, or wanted to kill, if the MFH is true, and she would lose her financial security, but I don’t think she would lose primary custody of her child. DY would have Ky.

    This ain’t pretty and I am not insinuating anything, but if there was a divorce, where would these people be? KH would be in the midst of two custody battles and a divorce, and as a working single Dad, the mothers of these children would most likely have primary custody of both of his children and he would be making support payments to two women.

  44. Rose says:

    It is odd to me no MSM went to Kyr’s primary daytime daycare provider from early 2003-2006 when KH moved to Skyline for any human interest comments. Surely that caregiver had an attachment. Also, only 6 months after Desiree’s RO, Kyr was in KH’s home care 2 hours daily & his caregiver was a person he met in a restaurant less than a year before. All this from the url MSM article I posted yesterday. The family could have come to someone’s attention (fixation on Kyr) in the Aloha years.

  45. Rose says:

    @Beejay. You rock. RICO is rich. Some incentive to get in shape and do a show.

  46. constance says:

    Is there any evidence of a May 911 call? I have only seen that reported on blogs, etc…

    Is there any proof of a porn connection to TH? Or again, just from various blogs?

    There is enough unpleasantness in this case without feeding off of rumors, in my opinion…whatever happened is surely grisly enough. I think it is a leap to be making statements about rumors, but if I am wrong and there is evidence I have missed, I apologize.

    Constance, it has not been released, but I reported the May 911 calls based on evidence I acquired personally.
    I respect anyone’s right to discount it.

  47. Ode says:

    enumclawrose says:
    April 8, 2011 at 3:09 pm
    I can believe that is possible. If Ky REALLY wanted to go live with his Mom as has been described, and DY and TH agreed, do you think KH loved him so much, he said no? I can see him just wanting to have his son with him. I guess we wonder about other scenarios since there seemed to be problems in the home
    Of course now we can say if Kyron had gone to DY that this horrible thing that happened to Kyron would not have happened. Can you say that since Kaine did not send Kyron to DY that he did not love Kyron? I do not think you can. Misguided possibly. I prefer to think that Kyron was loved. Kyron was Kaine’s first child, his Minnie me….his boy. Kaine was adopted. Kyron was his blood child. Who is to say what that may have meant to him. I prefer for now to look at Kyron as loved and not used as a monetary incentive by his parents. I have seen nothing to indicate that Kaine was inclined in that way. Now TH may be another story.

  48. Ode says:

    Sorry I hit submit to soon….I agree with you enumclawrose, there are so many scenarios to look at that we just do not know. Sometimes we love but do not see. Where is Kyron???

  49. neighbor says:

    correct, 3pm

    T. Ruth says:
    April 8, 2011 at 1:38 pm


    Am I reading here correctly that you personally saw KH at Kyron’s school on Thursday, June 3rd? If so, do you recall approximately what time that was? (Hope you don’t find my asking too intrusive.)

  50. Puzzled says:

    enumclawrose says:
    April 8, 2011 at 3:38 pm

    I am just exploring who had what to lose …. if there was a divorce, where would these people be? KH would be in the midst of two custody battles and a divorce, and as a working single Dad, the mothers of these children would most likely have primary custody of both of his children and he would be making support payments to two women.
    hmmm… interesting thought … I too am curious as to what would have unfolded if Ky had not disappeared on June 4th … as it is, the divorce action keeps being postponed.

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