Holly Bobo Missing And Endangered: Are Suspects Naming Themselves- Odd Dodd?

Darden, TN–


On the eve of the 4 week anniversary of missing Darden, TN nursing student, Holly Bobo, new investigative details are being learned about the case. Two unofficial persons of interest have taken their case “public” in a way.

While blinkoncrime.com was aware of this information, a decision was made to withhold it in the interests of the cases “active” status previously.

That was, until today, when one of the known person’s of interests in Holly’s disappearance, outed himself publicly.

Jonathan Dodd, son of Bradley Grafton Dodd, and Dena Logan Dodd, chose the Parsons topix forum to “defend” himself against what he termed “death threats”.

Blink, Editor In Chief of www.blinkoncrime.com, was able to confirm the poster on the topix forum was indeed, Jon Dodd.

Speaking exclusively to www.blinkoncrime on the condition of anonymity, an extended family member of the Dodd family, sheds more light on Master Dodd’s claims.

“.. Yes, that is definitely him. I have no idea how he can say he does not know the Bobo family, he went to Scotts Hill with Holly for a short time. Karen Bobo, Holly’s Mom, worked for Grafton Dodd, his grandfather, when he was the principle of the Parson’s junior High when it was still there, Brad and Grafton are on the school board, there is no way that is true what is said.


Jon Dodd High School List From His myspace


When he is saying something was stolen from the property, he is talking about the ATV you wrote about before, when I saw that, I knew you were aware of him.   Sandy  called the sheriffs department before she knew that Holly was missing to report that their ATV was stolen. Sandy is also the cheer leading coach at Riverside High, since forever, and she got into some minor trouble a few years back because she got caught rigging the tryouts. Nothing major, but everyone knew about it. Dena, his Mom, was a teacher at Riverside shortly after he got transferred, which is weird again.

Everyone in this family has been covering for Jon since he was a kid. I could not believe when he stabbed Brad with a scissors when he was about 8 1/2, there was a big cover up. Last year Dena moved to Gwinnett County because the grands let him get away with anything. He has a baby with Shelby Sellers and nobody really even knew about that until after.

Jon went to the great-grandparents for a while in Arab, Ala in 2006 after the girl was killed in the car accident that got his ass beat up when he said she deserved it, and again, nobody said a word. Brad and Dena started up that Boy Scouts thing for him and (redacted by blink).

What is he talking about? What does donate DNA mean? O that is totally him, I can tell by the “I get paid to hunt” or whatever. Speaking of hunting, the abandoned cabin that volunteers found, when Grafton was told, was when he refused permission for any other searches and they got a warrant. Grafton and Sandy were seen removing a mattress from that part of the property, the one they found in the place where the outhouses were used recently. (redacted) saw him in WalMart, he looked at her and said he did not do it, I swear. Really scary.

He (Jon) did not donate DNA, it was taken from him in the parking lot of Tuckers Diner, he did not have a choice. The LE came there and showed some papers. Grafton’s was taken too, but I don’t know were, I heard it was at the area of the Pugh property, by that Shayne Austin’s parents house.

Another doozie…”

The X Factor

A former boyfriend of Holly Bobo’s, Blake Barnett, is also doing nothing to avoid being scrutinized. It is clear from his facebook postings that he is aware of his “celebrity”, and that folks following this case, are reading.

While it does not make him a bad guy, we have confirmed that he has had a background of  alleged violence, in a former relationship with Holly Bobo.

He was the first name utttered by Holly Bobo’s parents, Dana and Karen, when they learned of her abduction.

That said, there is no known evidence linking Mr. Barnett to Holly’s disappearance.

Barnett is no stranger to violence, unfortunately, Blake, his brother and sister lost their parents Timothy and Janice in a brutal murder in 1993.

John Robinson, with actus reus assistance from his wife Kimberly, murdered both of the Barnett’s because they were after him for bounced checks.

Amelia, Blake’s little sister, was left in her crib for 48 hours before police found her while looking for the Barnett’s.  She survived.

There have been no official suspects or persons of interest named in the disappearance of Holly Bobo in 4 weeks.

There has not been a LE update to her case since May 2.

The search effort for Holly Bobo continues.

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  1. Cnog says:

    I agree with Chris, it is odd that the neighbor that called, called Mrs. Bobo and not 911. It’s also interesting that the mother had talked to Holly’s boyfriend that morning before 7:30 am – maybe he was just that close to her parents, but it’s still interesting. Something else I am wondering about the neighbor calling Mrs. Bobo…wasn’t one of the supposed perp’s family neighbors to the Bobo’s…the family whose ATV went missing? Could this be the neighbor that called Mrs. Bobo?

  2. Cindy says:

    #49 – Statement no. 3 – I understand that in most municipalities that tracking canines are a limited resource and waiting for them is understandable. But what’s not understandable is that no roadblocks were setup during this period of time. I’m not knocking the local LE, but this apparently an act that they were “not” trained to handle. Otherwise, why wait and do nothing when there is blood evidence, a spilled drink, and her car still parked. I’m sure that her family was calling or yelling her name at the wood’s edge and I’d be surprised if none of them entered the woods trying to see if they could see her or anyone and maybe possibly found evidence on their own – papers, books, etc. because it was stated that evidence was found at the edge of the woods. Now, back to the perp, where’s the missing ATV from next door? And why are certain POI leaving town?

  3. Cindy says:

    Why can’t the family bring in professional searchers such as, Texas Equisearch? Or won’t, LE/TBI let them?

  4. Sunflower32 says:


    The timeline of the story detailed in the links below has me wondering if this might be related. Have you driven down this road yet? Very interesting.



    One thing it tells me is that when you have foxes in the henhouse, it puts a chokehold on information between agencies.

  5. jeff says:

    I don’t understand the mention of her being up at 4 30 am. If she had to be at school by 8 am she would have been up anyhow. So that gives you three hours with the parents coming and going. I really don’t even think the time of events stick togather. I wonder if this person didnt’ stay the night and holly’s family just didn’t know it. Just my two cents

    The point is she was studying for a test. Or she was pretending to study for a test, and was anxious about something?

    I have said from the beginning the answer will reflect the date and day relevance.

  6. jeff says:

    Its hard to figure anything out in this case it gets more confusing everyday. Anyone else feel that way. Just my two cents.

  7. Alex says:

    Blink said:
    The point is she was studying for a test. Or she was pretending to study for a test, and was anxious about something?

    I have said from the beginning the answer will reflect the date and day relevance.

    Dear Blink,

    Do you mean that Holly was being threatened before kidnapping? Maybe she told her close friends about it or just they’ve known some kind of change in her behavior or worrying more? Do you think TBI has checked it?
    Also, do you think Holly was complied with the kidnapper because she was being blackmailed somehow or threatened to?
    At last, for my own info, do you know if the short messages in a cell phone (SMS) can be accessible without having a sim card? I mean these messages can be retrieved from cell phone provider? And do you know if there would be a warrant, do facebook allow the authorities to dig in people’s accounts and check them, specially a kidnapped person like Holly?

    Best regards,

  8. Jack says:

    Blink – when you say she was up at 4:30 possibly anxious about something, do you mean she could have anticipated this person doing something bad that day?

  9. Cindy says:

    #6 – Does this lead us back to the coincidence that Holly’s favorite Bible verse is 4:13 or is it an anniversary date, or something more significant?

  10. jeff says:


    To answer your question about facebook. Remember a few months back they found that body in a mattress in utah. Anyhow they got the killer because the two people involved were discussing it on facebook. Its so happens that the girls ex saw the posts of the two discussing it so he turned it into le. I don’t remember the names but its a very recent case.

  11. jeff says:

    Being up at 4 30 am and being anxious could mean she was trying to get away with something to. Blink did put pretending in there. Which means maybe she had someone there that wasn’t suppose to be there. Here is an off the wall thing what if the guy was already in her room threating to kill her whole family if she said anything about him being there. Thats just a random thought about her being anxious. Just my two cents

  12. Jeff D says:

    I have said from the beginning the answer will reflect the date and day relevance.
    Wild stab here Ms. B…..related to song lyrics and album name?…4:13 The Cure….some real broken heart lyrics…

  13. Blink says:

    @ Jeff d
    I do not have that answer. It is my hunch.

  14. Jeff D says:

    Hmmm. Not yes, not no. 0+1=1….wonder what dates last few years prom occurred at the local high school…and who escorted who

  15. Alex says:

    Thanks Jeff, for your reply about facebook.
    I asked about FB, since always I wonder why there should be changes in number of friends in a missing person’s page specially, how it can be possible to increase the number of friends without Holly’s entering her page. I hope that TBI knows who is still checked her page nearly everyday.

    And Blink, you have said:”I have said from the beginning the answer will reflect the date and day relevance.”
    Do you mean by date, a real date or meeting? Does it mean Holly has been arranged to meet someone on that particular morning in the driveway of her own home? and because of it, she has woken up early due to her worries?
    All my hopes and prays remain with Holly and her family to have been able to fight in such a tough time.

    Thanks Blink for your kindness and wonderful job.

  16. jeff says:

    4-13 could just be a break up date and the perp has held a grudge against Holly from that time. The guy would have to have some serious problems to hold a grudge that long. Perhaps even sucidal with intent to harm himself and her. Just my two cents

  17. jeff says:


    I see your point but I wasn’t aware of her friends going up on facebook. At this point and time I have sorta of lost faith in the tbi so hopefully the fbi is looking at her facebook page. Th parents or brother might have access to it to or the current b/f.Just my two cents

  18. jeff says:

    I would think there would be a way to track the amount of visits a person makes to her facebook page. Does anyone know if thats possible to do. Just my two cents

  19. chris says:

    The timeline and sequence of events in the interview do not match the initial reports given by TBI. This can only be for three reasons:

    1. Totally mishandled initial investigation.

    2. Somebody (the Bobos?) trying to set the record straight or cover something up.

    3. Somebody (TBI?) intentionally trying to confuse the issue.

    Blink, of the three reasons listed, which do you believe is the case….and why?

    I believe they are trying to protect case sensitive intel.

  20. LaurieO says:

    If the number of friends goes up on Holly’s Facebook page, it could be due to people accepting a request for friendship that Holly herself sent to them before she went missing.

    Also, I would think that if FB was contacted by LE, arrangements could be made to monitor the account. Just a guess, but I would think it wouldn’t be that hard to do. It may be that family has her password or was able to get it or figure it out.

  21. Alex says:

    @ Laurio,

    If such a thing has happened just for a one or two days, it would be logical but not everyday. I’ve checked it and everyday, there were increase and decrease, increase and decrease. I’ve checked it from different places but the same result. I have asked TBI and also the Blink to check but have not heard from them.
    I don’t know if Holly’s family has password to her account or not but if they have it, then we must not speculate that Holly was pretending for reading for a test.

    @ Jeff,

    If TBI can check the facebook page maybe someone posted something there, and also, I think it is not a bad idea to take a look at the people whom has stopped their friendship after she went missing. Maybe can be useful and the prep(s) be among them and has left the friendship to not become suspicious of him.

    Thanks for your replies.

  22. Cindy says:

    It has been suggested but that there was an restraining order on BB. It’s, also, been suggested that he was unaware of it. Could 4/13 have been the court date for the RO or the date it was to be presented to him?

  23. Cat says:

    “I had spoken with Holly, my mother and her boyfriend, all that morning. And of course Clint didn’t know any of this, so I knew her boyfriend wasn’t here,” Karen Bobo said.”



    Would be curious to know what precipitated the call between Karen Bobo and Holly’s boyfriend (Drew), considering this call would have been made fairly early in the morning. Interaction between a Daughter’s Boyfriend and her Mother typically only transpires at such an hour under peculiar circumstances IMO. The event, at the very least, may indicate that something was not quite right that morning and could indicate why Karen’s frantic reaction to the neighbor’s call was apparent. There appears to be some missing pieces being withheld for investigative reasons, which may also explain why the family has been fairly silent to this point.

  24. Michelle says:

    I don’t know how you do this day in and day out-this is the only case I’ve followed like this and I will have to admit this has drained me! Every morning/afternoon/night etc (beginning to think I might be a little OCD, lol) I’m checking online for updates only to be disappointed. I so hope this case is solved soon! I can’t even begin to fathom what the Bobo’s are going through.
    The 4/13 date has me perplexed- I must admit I find it odd that on that day an article about the meth/drug problem in Decatur County was released and just the day before a deputy from a close county was arrested on trying to sell informant info. May not be related at all though-just trying to think outside the box a little.
    I’m soooo frusterated with the Clint bashers as well- not sure why people can’t see he is not involved (not so much on here but on other sites). I feel so bad for him but am certainly glad that you’ve tried to put these rumors to bed.
    Sorry to ramble on….I do actually have a question….do you still feel that arrests will only be made once/if Holly is found? And if so, can you elaborate? Thanks in advance, keep up the great work and thanks for doing what you do!

  25. jeff says:

    Here is a few questions that I have about the neighbor that called holly’s mother the morning of the abduction. How did this person know it was holly screaming. This could have been any girls scream in that area. What was this person doing up so early and why didn’t they call 911 first. What else did this person hear that morning besides sreaming. What was discussed on the phone when the person did call holly’s mom. just my two cents

  26. smiths says:

    Is it possible that Holly’s boyfriend stayed the night with them the night before Holly went missing and that’s why Mrs. Bobo had already talked to him that morning?

  27. Dr. Pepper says:

    Ive heard speculation regarding the significance if the date but I can’t remember it right now & its killing me! Let me think

  28. LaurieO says:

    Holly’s FB friend count is currently, at this exact moment, 606. Before, when she had just been missing a short while, it was at either 573 or 673, I think. It is odd for it to jump that much. That makes me think that her family is on it, adding or dropping friends. Let’s hope that is all it is.

    Alex, thanks for making me think more about this. It is odd.
    Thank you, Blink, for all you do.

  29. Cnog says:

    Wild guess, but maybe Holly was somehow involved (as an informant) in this situation covered in the article below. Perhaps she was scared because she had been made aware that there was a “leak” of information in the case and was cautioned to take precaution because her name could have been compromised?


    While I am not aware of any evidence Holly was a CI of any kind, I cant exclude the relevance in terms of how the investigation was affected.

  30. jeff says:


    It might not have been holly that was the informant. There are two ways to make it hard for someone to talk. One is abduct someone they love or make them disappear. Perhaps it was someone she was close to that was the informant. Just my two cents

  31. Sunflower32 says:

    “While I am not aware of any evidence Holly was a CI of any kind, I cant exclude the relevance in terms of how the investigation was affected.

    Agreed. Also it may shed some light on why the Gov put up that (relatively) big reward. Although, one would think that the safety of one and one’s family would be worth more that $85K.

    Sadly, if the Holly as a CI theory is the correct one, this case may never have resolution. At lease not a publicly known resolution.

    I think this may very well have been a professional job. We’re talking clean, efficient, and carried out with surgical precision.

  32. Cindy says:

    Blink – I’m bewildered at the accusations regarding how this investigation is being handled. Lots of mis-steps, cops on the take, protection of turf between local LE and TBI, meth labs galore being found, etc. I’d like to think that tthose that have these jobs to protect and serve their employees (us the taxpayers), but have been let down by their lack of discipline and willingness to bring someone to task for this crime. So very frightening to the people of Decatur County as there is at the very least one or more abductors is on the loose and possibly one or more murderers and accomplices are on the loose.

  33. Alex says:

    Dear Laurio,

    I’ve checked the friend count on Holly’s page since 11th. of May and at that date, the count was on 622. This count is now on 605. The important point is the change in number of friend count was not always declined and in many occasions, this count was increased. Also, another point is regarding the decrease in her friend counts? Is it something common, to end your friendship with a friend who has gone missing? If someone has accessed to her friend list, maybe it is not a bad idea to take a look at those, whom has ended their friendship after her missing.
    In addition, if Holly’s parents or bf have access to her account, then it is not logical to consider Holly to hide something from them, or better said, nothing important from her point of view to hide!
    Blink said: While I am not aware of any evidence Holly was a CI of any kind, I cant exclude the relevance in terms of how the investigation was affected.
    Also Blink was stated: I have said from the beginning the answer will reflect the date and day relevance.

    Dear Blink,

    Did this date that you have mentioned have anything to do about being informative about anything? I don’t want to point a finger towards anyone specially LE but can Holly become informed of something and has arranged to meet someone from LE, or supposed from LE on that morning? Maybe that’s why she has woken up early that morning, to collect something she had to hand it to someone, also, it may be explained why Holly’s books and school stuff was not found on the driveway, while she was attacked there. Maybe the prep has collected them!
    And such a think, can explain why LE don’t start to entering woods very soon after her abduction, or make road blocks.
    If you can, clear us a bit Blink.

    Thanks for your excellent job.

  34. Cnog says:

    I don’t know if Holly was a CI or not and you’re right, they could have abducted her because a loved one had some inside information. Given that the date of the abducation seems to have some signifcance and that there is a possibility that Holly was “anxious” about something….it could have been that April 13 was the day Holly was going to report information to LE and she knew the danger of what she was doing.
    Because the date is of significance, and Holly was possibly up at 4:30 am out of anxiousness, as of right now, I believe that is because Holly herself or a family member had some sort of “event” that was going to happen that day. I think it has to be more than just an “anniversary of a break up with a former boyfriend,” because why would Holly be anxious about that?
    It’s also possible it wasn’t a negative anxiousness, but a positive one? What if Drew was going to propose and Holly got wind of it? Maybe that’s why Drew was on the phone with Holly’s mom….to make sure all the plans were in place?

  35. Cindy says:

    #32 – JMO – I don’t think it was a professional job. I think it was someone known to Holly. There have been other disappearances in the area where the bodies have never been found over the past few years. It’s too coincidental that this happens in such a rural area. Maybe someone with experience but not a professional hit.

  36. Ragdoll says:

    I don’t know how credible this source is. If it’s true, why is this info coming out now (not sooner????)….


    The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation admits that a registered sex offender has been missing since Holly Bobo vanished as well.


    There’s a pic of the RSO in the article (oink). He looks much bigger than alleged person/s of interest (for lack of better terms).

    Ragdoll, thanks for posting.

    Honestly, I am going to ban “gather” links, because someone is going to get sued.

    1. Nickel has been ruled out by TBI in relation to Holly’s case.
    2. The title in that article implies HE is missing, and he is in jail.
    3. The RSO that is missing has been missing since 2007, and from a different county.

    It is common for RSO sweeps in abduction cases, it is parallel to family queries.
    Drive me nuts, lol.

  37. Edward says:

    Local people need to get together without LE involvment and research the area and especially places like parks or backwoods hangouts known to locals, teens, and hunter/fishermen.
    5 miles perimeter tight search grid.

  38. Ragdoll says:

    Understood, B. Big apollies.

    I’ve never heard of gather…but I certainly won’t forget. Of course they’d be all over RSO’s in that vacinity.

    Trying to making sense of the date and time line as you suggested. I keep reading it over and over. Nothing is clicking. All I get are more questions and the biggest one of all….why didn’t she fight back if she knew her life was at risk????? Whether she knew her abductor or not, she left with great apprehension. What did he say to her (not to mention an injury…how severe?)

    This person did not have a regular work schedule? If he did, he would have been late for work, called in sick, took a day off OR never showed up that day. My other thought is shiftword. If he was @ the Bobo’s at a specific time, he had the luxury of being there on that day for a reason.

    Probably over thinking and already covered.

  39. LaurieO says:

    Blink said-
    “3. The RSO that is missing has been missing since 2007, and from a different county.”

    Hmmmmm……so if this person is still missing and has been for that long, any chance it was him who took Holly? I knew Nickel had been cleared.

    I would be surprised if people began to unfriend Holly on FB because she was missing-unless they knew something and didn’t want to be tied to her in any way. People may just not want to have to think about it every time they get on FB. It would be hard for her friends and family. But a friend of mine died and we have never taken down her FB page because it is a way we can post things and pay tribute to her.

    Also, it is not hard to get into someone’s FB account, especially if she had her password to her email or FB account written down somewhere. The drop in numbers does seem very significant. Maybe family is “cleaning house”.

  40. jeff says:


    A crazy x b/f with a grudge would hold this date in high regard. Plus a crazy x would probley be sending her threating text messages up until this date. So she probley would be very anxious because I would imagine she would not know when it was coming or how. However with this being said its hard to make any kind of judgement in this case with the story changing and not very many facts. Truthfully it looks like this is something a crazy x would do but every time I lean that way something new is put on here. It seems personal, plus the crime was commited in the morning at her house. The date seems to be relavent to some kind of event and it looks like intent to hurt her and the family. Thats just my insight up until now however it might change next week if its not solved. Just my two cents

  41. Cnog says:

    Jeff, I hear you. I believe something was going on. And even though maybe one of Holly’s ex’s could be involved, I think it may be that more was at stake than just getting back at Holly for breaking up with him. I could be way off, but I am thinking Holly or one of her family members or boyfriend, had some information that was potentially threatening to the perp. and therefore, abducting Holly was the perps way of handling the situation. Yes I believe it was someone she knew, yes I believe it was a possibly a well known person to the community, and yes I believe it could have been an ex-boyfriend. I just don’t think I believe his sole reason for the abduction was a broken hearted revenge. Like you, my opinion could change – there is so much we just do not know.

  42. jeff says:


    Either way we both agree this person probley is one sick sob. Just my two cents

  43. Alex says:

    Dear Laurio,

    I think in this case, we can realize many thins from facebook, many more than what is looked like in the beginning. Why should someone be friend with Holly and when she was abducted, they stopped their friendship? What are the people afraid of? I’ve been on many of facebook pages which sending prayers for Holly and there isn’t even one post from some of Holly’s close friends, people who has changed their image to Holly’s but has not sent a prayer, so why? Why they afraid of coming forward? Is it because that they know something, Holly was told them something which leads to their today’s silence?
    I think there is someone very big involved, maybe a drug lord, a wise criminal or someone big that all people are afraid of, maybe that’s the reason why the governor proposes 50000$ reward?
    And the point is Holly knew this person and so, she woke up early at 4:30 that morning. If she was nervous, she hadn’t showed up any or her family hides it, then she went missing. Why she should be woken up so early? Is she chatting with someone? Is she contacting somebody? Or is she collecting something to handed to someone?
    Please tell me your opinions.

  44. Jane says:

    Is it possible that Holly actually was NOT seen being lead into the woods by anyone. Perhaps this story was concocted to wisk her away to a safe place. Safe from what/who, I don’t know. Just a thought only because nothing seems to make sense.

  45. jeff says:


    I don’t know if this question has been asked but is it possible that this nickel guy was working with someone else. Maybe he did the scoping and sent someone else to get her. just my two cents.

  46. jeff says:


    Just a thought but maybe holly new what was coming. It might be possible the perp threated her sometime during the week and she kept it to herself. Just a thought and Just my two cents.

  47. chris says:

    Blink, do you think TBI reviewed and approved the interview that was done by WREG? How much control does the investigating agency have over these types of interviews at this point (almost 4 months) in a case?

    In other words, I’m trying to figure out of TBI is “pulling some strings” in the investigation by releasing some slightly difft information (hoping the perp will make a move), or if this interview, timeline, and sequence of events given by Mrs. Bobo was as much of a suprise to TBI as it was to us…?

  48. Alex says:

    @ Jeff

    If you are true about Holly being threatened, then he hasn’t said to anyone or maybe she wrote something in her diary. The girls are doing such a thing and their diary is a kind of refuge in hard times, I wonder if Holly’s diary is checked thoroughly?

    Also, anyone has any idea why Holly’s friends are not posting anything on facebook pages dedicated to Holly. I think it is TBI’s advice for her friends to be quiet, but why? Why TBI wants them to remain in the shadow? What is the danger for them or for the investigation if Holly’s friends come forth? I wonder if they know anything and that’s why they should remain out of sight. Does anyone know except Clint, is there any other person being protected by LE, like some of Holly’s friends?

    @ Chris,
    During the interview, the Bobos were obviously unhappy about the case handling by LE, specially their delay in putting road blocks or entering woods. Does anyone think that it is a strategy by TBI to show problem between them and family in the hope that the prep(s) contact family for some details in exchange of being anonymous?

  49. Kchea says:

    Will nunley: tweet today

    Authorities hunt a missing sex offender in connection to the Holly Bobo case. I will explain why, coming up tonight at 5 and 6. #hollybobo

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