Catching Up With Casey Exclusive: Her Escape Via Todd Macaluso Wearing Pants And Tour Of Her Van Down By The River

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Cheney Mason,Jose Baez,Todd Macaluso,Uncategorized | Tuesday 19 July 2011 11:19 pm

*World Exclusive*

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  1. Word Girl says:

    Brava, Blink!
    Way to stay on the tail!
    Or is it tale?

  2. connie says:

    Bravo Miss Blink! Hilarious!

  3. KB in OR says:

    Used to post and read on Kyron’s articles, but started reading Caylee’s during the trial. I can only see the frame and title, but I am intrigued.

  4. Angela_nw says:

    (Gosh I’ve never been 1 before. Or 2.)

    lol Today I thought all the ridiculous false sightings and silly articles about “where’s Waldo – uh KC” were a sheer waste of everyone’s time and enough to finally motivate us all to move on — play with our kids, enjoy the sunshine, go for a hike! I know my own son is really happy to have me “back.” If we have the tv on it’s comedy shows, movies — (although my straight-A, president-of-class and leadership-material offspring has a peculiar penchant for the show “Teen Mom” LOLOL!!)

    Thanks for the levity. I keep getting a creepy feeling that KC is lurking among us now (strange posts here today) but probably she’s in a hottub somewhere feverishly texting her “girls” and “boys” (Sims, Baez, grandfather Mason etc). One can only hope.

  5. Starsky says:


  6. Riverpearl says:

    Smile for the camera ….

    You’re a hoot BLINK :)

  7. [...] Blink On Crime – Catching Up With Casey Exclusive: Her Escape Via … Catching Up With Casey Exclusive: Her Escape Via Todd Macaluso Wearing Pants And Tour Of Her Van Down By The River Posted by Blink | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Cheney Mason,Jose Baez,Todd Macaluso,Uncategorized [...]

  8. Anniex9 says:

    LOLOLOL! Good one Blink!

  9. cbickel says:

    Sorry…I didn’t get it. I’m sure it’s meant to be funny, but I just don’t get it. I really don’t care where she is as long as she’s not baby-sitting my grandaughter or taking care of anyone’s precious child for that matter.

    I’ve dropped her from my twitter feed, I do not watch anything on HLN nor have I bought a magazine with her face anywhere on it. I know it’s a small boycott, a personal one, but it means something to me to be able to drop her like a hot ‘tater!

    Much love and no disrespect intended Blink!

    None taken. Executive decision to lighten it up around here for a bit since Mr. Macaluso wants to play hangar hide and seek.

    Props to Klaasend.

  10. Bananarama says:

    Hysterical! I have had enough as well. Flipping thru channels last night and saw K Belich on NG talking about “the sighting”. As J Ashton said in one of his post-verdict interviews…the way to hurt FCA the most is to ignore her. When the headlines start drying up, she and Baez will come crawling thru the cracks!
    ps- heard FCA is considering a pay-per-view event! Wonder how may people would sign up for that!

  11. cadillac says:

    Did I miss something?

    I dunno cadillac- does it not load for you?

  12. JK says:

    Really, Blink? Not you too…although I think the verdict was wrong, we need to respect the jury’s decision. Let’s move on and help those who need it. We don’t need to waste any more of our time on her.

    I respect the process, I respect the system, I do not respect a decision that DID NOT FOLLOW the charge of the law.

  13. janetoo says:

    Bravo Blink! Hilarious!

  14. Ragdoll says:

    Casey sightings…brilliant!

  15. annetteaa1 says:

    B says” “I respect the process, I respect the system, I do not respect a decision that DID NOT FOLLOW the charge of the law.”

    WOW this is sad

    Agreed, incredibly sad that 12 people decided not to follow 26 pages of instruction.

  16. dolce says:

    JK says:
    ” . . . Not you too…although I think the verdict was wrong, we need to respect the jury’s decision. . . . ”

    A decision implies deliberation and thought; however in this case there wasn’t even enough time taken by the jury to discuss the evidence, testimony or judge’s instructions. It was truly a default request to get back to their lives – they didn’t “decide” anything . . . . other than they were tired of it all. So nothing to respect other than avoidance and abdication of responsibility.

  17. Kleat says:

    I was wondering where that blonde with skinny legs was hiding out!! (Macauso’s wife is blonde, isn’t she— her photo was on his law firm as one of his staff, wasn’t she? There was a blonde in the skinny-dipping on beach with Corona on the Buchanan’s (?) bill, had a blonde beer copter delivery person too, didn’t it?

    Blink, ya think Padilla is still on the Baez ‘pay’ role? Why else would he be getting his face in the news but not filing the da^^m’d lawsuit already?

    WTH does Leonard think he is going to sue Baez for? He signed his contract AFTER Casey was out..

  18. NancyS says:

    I too feel like the jury did not follow the intstructions and I am and have been a very open minde follower as you have also.
    I know it seems to some people that are new and reading here since the verdict and think that some of us are following suit against all man kind and the system ( you all could not be more wrong) I myself have a law background and then some and know that the jurors in this case did not follow the law here and it isnt because of the verdict, it is because they admit it and what is hard to understand is what can we do to fix this?
    A new way of picking a jury panel?
    Having only professionals decide a persons fate?
    How? can we fx this and how accountable are these 12 people that have not served their duty honestly and what can be done about it?
    This is what we are working on for those that think we are being harsh. What can we do about it? and how can we get it out there, that we are not goig to just brush it under the rug?

    Oh Blink help me ot here please……..

  19. NancyS says:

    I also have to say, even though I feel the judge was more than great, I still think he rushed the juror process in this case. and feel that the jury should hae been in Orlando….JMHO

  20. nana2 says:

    @ dolce says:
    July 20, 2011 at 10:09 am

    JK says:
    ” . . . Not you too…although I think the verdict was wrong, we need to respect the jury’s decision. . . . ”

    A decision implies deliberation and thought; however in this case there wasn’t even enough time taken by the jury to discuss the evidence, testimony or judge’s instructions. It was truly a default request to get back to their lives – they didn’t “decide” anything . . . . other than they were tired of it all. So nothing to respect other than avoidance and abdication of responsibility.


    If you listen to all of the taped interviews from the Fab12 they all eluded to the fact that they did not follow the courts instructions.. I agree a default verdict so they could go home & now cannot live with it..

  21. Al says:

    I have been a follower of BOC since the Morgan Harrington disappearance and murder. It is great to see sites like this that act as victim advocates. I’ve always been amazed and disappointed in the way defendants, their paid defenders, and loyal followers are able to draw sympathy from a gullible media and public while the victims are laid to rest and forgotten. It’s about time that changed for the better.

    As for my respect, it is earned, not a requirement. I may be subject to the rules of a system and it’s ruling but that does not mean I must respect it. I was willing to give this jury the benefit of the doubt until a few began to talk. Their reasoning is pathetic and, IMO, irresponsible. I have my issues with our legal system as it is but I respect it as the best we have been able to achieve up to this point.
    It will however be snowing in Kuwait on a regular basis before that same respect is extended to this jury.

  22. JR says:

    EXACTLY! Well said.

    “I respect the process, I respect the system, I do not respect a decision that DID NOT FOLLOW the charge of the law.”

  23. Angela_nw says:

    I wish people writing about “sadness” and “respect” would do the following:

    1) provide safe harbor for the sad Casey Anthony at your own homes if you dare!
    2) spend some time reading over 25,000 pages of discovery which reveal her devious character. She was NOT loyal or fair or respectful of anyone – and more to the point – she never cried one teardrop for Caylee. Those of us who treasure our children will hold fast to our conviction that justice was not served.

  24. Charlotte says:

    I have a question for Mr. Baez (if he still has time to read here). You want US to respect the jury’s decision on the NOT guilty verdicts, then why are YOU NOT respecting the jury’s decision on the GUILTY verdicts? Why are you appealing the jury’s (respectful) decision????

  25. JK says:

    I don’t think these jurors decided to acquit her because they wanted to go back to their lives. I think it was a hard decision for them. They have been attacked and threatened since the trial ended. Who would want that? I watched the entire trial and if I was one of the jurors, I’m not sure I could have voted her guilty based on the evidence that was presented. We’re going on what we all know, which is a lot more than what was allowed in trial.

    And just because I’m “respecting” the system that is in place and the decision, doesn’t mean I sympathize with her, Angela_nw. So if someone isn’t respectful to us we shouldn’t be respectful to them? If that’s how you live your life then so be it. That’s not the way I treat people.

    I didn’t mean any disrespect to anyone – but the more we keep talking about her, in any capacity, the less time we have to focus on those in need. There’s a mother, Nique Leili, here in Lawrenceville, GA that was just found murdered and left in the woods – near where I live. Her husband is now a suspect. I’ll be attending her vigil this Friday night @ 7pm if anyone is in the Atlanta area.

    Thank you Blink, for allowing us to freely express our thoughts on your site. You do an incredible job.

  26. mrikim says:

    JK you sound like an incredible person and I do respect you.

    However, I do not respect the decision of the jurors and never will. I do not feel they did justice to our justice system.

    I have been following this case since it began and there are things I still don’t quite understand. I had to go back read over. If in fact they had limited or no knowledge of this case in my opinion there is no way they could of made a reasonable decision without going back or asking questions. I find that tragic.

    If the truth ever comes out I think we will find out there was miscarriage of justice concerning the jurors and the defense team. MOO Respect is earned and they do not deserve it. They did not do the job they were selected to do.

    Like many other people I have chosen not to follow any of the escapades on TV. I honestly do not care where she is. My prayers are that nobody else is harmed by this woman.

    Blink and all you do an awesome job. Peace

  27. Minnie Penney says:

    I was shocked and angry when I heard the verdict. Then came the “what ifs”. One problem was maybe the issue of cause of death – no way to determine due to condition of remains. If the body had been recovered quickly things might have been different — Roy Kronk reported the bag to the police, yes? Nobody responded. That really bothers me. The Jurers were likely not happy – away from home and family – locked up – they just wanted to go home and from some responses totally ignored the weight of evidence and statements. Perhaps having professional and well trained jurers to evaluate evidence and statements as many other countries now have a group of well-trained professional panels of judges who rule guilt or innocence and not planning their book deals. Just my opinion.

  28. Boz says:

    Would someone please tell me why this innocent, devastated mother who drowned her child, oh wait, I mean watched her child drown, oh wait, I mean saw her dead baby floating in a pool, oh wait, I mean, dragged her dead baby out of a pool, oh wait, I mean, watched her father drag her dead baby from a pool, why oh why is this depressed, sick woman hiding from the public. WHY does she have to hide?

  29. Todd in Tulsa says:

    Even if their opening statement…”Caylee accidently drowned” in which noone does…I would think the failure to provide prompt medical attention would be criminal in itself..on another proposition….new rules regarding jury service….eligible citizens must have an IQ of above 50

  30. StephG says:

    I’m with Blink on this 100%
    You simply can’t respect this decision when the jurors didn’t follow instructions….and we know they didn’t follow the instructions because they told us so themselves!!!

  31. Ragdoll says:

    @ JK

    -respectfully snipped from nana’s quote

    If you listen to all of the taped interviews from the Fab12 they all eluded to the fact that they did not follow the courts instructions.. I agree a default verdict so they could go home & now cannot live with it.



    No one wants to believe this could be a possibility, so some turn the other way. A natural reaction. Otherwise, if you listen to the comments of the jurors, they’re amibiguous, generic responses. No specifics, never referencing prosecution evidence, which I believe was laid out brilliantly. If they paid attention, Casey would be in jail. Maybe not for 1st degree, but for a long time.

    Although we don’t agree with how they got to the verdict, they made one and that is that. I just hope this kind of carelessness is never made again.

  32. Sammy says:

    annetteaa1 says:
    July 20, 2011 at 10:01 am
    Blink says:
    “I respect the process, I respect the system, I do not respect a decision that DID NOT FOLLOW the charge of the law.”

    (anstteaa1 says)
    WOW this is sad

    Blink says:
    Agreed, incredibly sad that 12 people decided not to follow 26 pages of instruction.

    No shit.
    Those 12 weren’t even back in the deliberations room long enough to READ thru the 26 pages of instructions and the list of multiple charges.
    Aprox 11 hours … minus time outs for 2 lunches and various desert lady visits.

    That was their DUTY as jurors – and it is a huge FAIL.

  33. Valley Girl says:

    29.Boz says:
    July 20, 2011 at 12:51 pm

    Exactly!!!! That is the conundrum, is it not? If she was as “innocent” as she/her attorneys “claim” her to be, then why hide???

    Then again, who would find their child/grandchild floating in a pool and not call 911? Who would sit in jail for 3 YEARS, all because of an acccident??? Nobody who is truly innocent!

  34. Angela_nw says:

    In reference to respect again:

    IMO this case was not won on respect of the law but on sensationalism. Remember Baez crooning that the SAO ruled out a drowning because it was not “sexy”? But George putting his **** in KC’s mouth, that is sexy. And George being obsessive/compulsive about gas cans, that’s sexy,.. and George writing a suicide note (after possibly having an affair), that too is sexy. According to the jurors who have spoken, they were suspicious of George! IMO there was no respect for the evidence or the facts in this trial.

    Just before they rested, the SAO requested to enter into evidence KCs cell phone pings or text-messages or something from Jun 16th. I don’t know the mechanics of this or why they were not used in cross or closing. I think this jury needed June 16th nailed down hour-by-hour in the closing. But nonetheless there was plenty of evidence they just ignored.

    As others have said, respect is earned. One must accept the verdict, but respect?

  35. Annie says:

    I am sick of reading that Casey Anthony has “lost her child’, “lost her family”, “lost her friends” – let’s call it like it is: She cast them all aside like so much trash. Her child, her family and her friends, there is no one in her life that she won’t discard, and I am sick of seeing it mischaracterized so completely.

    (rant over… :-)

  36. Kleat says:

    New today, filed with the OC clerk, ZG vs CA civil case:

    “07/20/2011 Request to Produce”

    Produce what? If not ‘WHO’! One would think that all these Todd Mac antics and Baez antics, covert ops, undercover of someone’s white jacket and in Casey simu-wear and flip-flips, might make the new judge wonder if the client isn’t still in control of the fun and games, and not quite as ‘stressed out’ from trial as first implied by Greene.

  37. daydreamer says:

    I got that video and thought it was hilarious,good move Blink to lighten
    things up.Now to read up on what I missed.

  38. chelsea says:

    @ Ragdoll – here’s your bit of levity for the day

    Might not be for everyone but it made me smile.

    Blink, will I be able to listen in to your radio podcast soon?

  39. NLB says:

    Just a thought. Casey was a texting and calling fiend. Who is she going to call now? Besides Lee and Mallory, even If they want to speak with her. She has NO friends and it’s going to be hard for her to make new ones. Would you even want a friend who is friends with Casey Anthony? She must be driving her lawyers crazy with inane texts.
    Also I am honoring the No Clicks for Casey. Only blogs like BOC and Hinkey Meter. The sooner the site hits drop the less power she will have. Join me in turning of the spigot. Let her wither.

  40. Sammy says:

    Cindy and George want all the evidence returned to them.
    Yep, even the “it smells like there’s been a dead body in the damn car” mobile.
    They say they’re afraid these items may end up on Ebay.

    Ok, the FIRST people who would be most likely to put the baby killers accoutrements up for sale on Ebay would be Cindy and George themselves !!

    Although I find the whole thing distasteful, and when no longer needed everything should just be destroyed …
    The Anthony’s only concern is that someone else might make a quick buck off their baby killer spawn’s junk instead of them.
    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

    (recent tweets 7/20 from WESH)
    AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
    #caseyanthony George and Cindy Anthony want ALL of the physical evidence from the trial so they can decide what to keep or destroy
    35 minutes ago

    AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
    Yup. Even the car. They want to be sure it doesn’t end up on Ebay RT @lalola28: @AmandaOberWESH even the death car?????????@lalola28
    37 minutes ago

  41. Ragdoll says:

    @ Sammy says:

    July 20, 2011 at 3:49 pm

    Do you notice it’s ALWAYS about the money with them but never about their grand daugther?

    Sick sick sick.

  42. Ragdoll says:

    @ chelsea

    I have LDB as ‘like’ on my FB…lol. Thank you friendy! <3

  43. lyla says:

    JK says:
    July 20, 2011 at 9:00 am
    Really, Blink? Not you too…although I think the verdict was wrong, we need to respect the jury’s decision. Let’s move on and help those who need it. We don’t need to waste any more of our time on her.

    I respect the process, I respect the system, I do not respect a decision that DID NOT FOLLOW the charge of the law.
    Accepting and respecting are two different things. I’m with Blink regarding the jury’s verdict…in fact, I have lost respect for the jurors who chose to “speak out” defending their decision…they did not do their homework!

  44. nana2 says:

    @ JK says:
    July 20, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    I don’t think these jurors decided to acquit her because they wanted to go back to their lives. I think it was a hard decision for them. They have been attacked and threatened since the trial ended. Who would want that? I watched the entire trial and if I was one of the jurors, I’m not sure I could have voted her guilty based on the evidence that was presented. We’re going on what we all know, which is a lot more than what was allowed in trial.


    When they were at the 6/6 vote they could have gone the ‘hung jury’ route & that would have gotten them out, home & on with their lives and we would have gotten another trial..

  45. Eloise says:

    To Ragdoll:

    WESH WESH 2 News/
    Tropical Storm Cindy Forms In Atlantic: Tropical Storm Cindy forms in the Atlantic Ocean.
    27 minutes ago

    Relax, we have 30 more days for it to hit.

  46. foobros says:

    Thanks for the laugh Blink – we all needed it. There are so many good posts here. Many snarks (and a rant – hi Annie:)) that made me laugh. If someone wrote this story as a screenplay, not one studio would touch it. They’d say the story was too far fetched and ridiculous – yet here we are! This actually happened and should never happen again.

    NancyS, I always enjoy reading your posts and again, both your posts here are excellent and I couldn’t agree more. The jury should be held accountable and changes are needed in the selection process.

    Thanks all!

  47. OhioSheryl says:

    Kleat says:
    July 20, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    New today, filed with the OC clerk, ZG vs CA civil case:

    “07/20/2011 Request to Produce”

    Produce what? If not ‘WHO’! One would think that all these Todd Mac antics and Baez antics, covert ops, undercover of someone’s white jacket and in Casey simu-wear and flip-flips, might make the new judge wonder if the client isn’t still in control of the fun and games, and not quite as ‘stressed out’ from trial as first implied by Greene.

    Casey is only *stressed out* about having to wear the “same” pink top and jeans everyday. Who is gonna buy the wardrobe I say ??

  48. OhioSheryl says:

    Sammy says:
    July 20, 2011 at 3:49 pm

    Cindy and George want all the evidence returned to them.
    Yep, even the “it smells like there’s been a dead body in the damn car” mobile.
    They say they’re afraid these items may end up on Ebay.

    Ok, the FIRST people who would be most likely to put the baby killers accoutrements up for sale on Ebay would be Cindy and George themselves !!


    Sammy, you are so correct. It is the Ant’s that will be up on Ebay selling anything they can make $$ from. Buyer beware !!

  49. nana2 says:

    oops the Heavens are upset..

    Tropical Storm Cindy Forms In Atlantic

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