Catching Up With Casey Exclusive: Her Escape Via Todd Macaluso Wearing Pants And Tour Of Her Van Down By The River

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Cheney Mason,Jose Baez,Todd Macaluso,Uncategorized | Tuesday 19 July 2011 11:19 pm

*World Exclusive*

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  1. mosaic says:

    Oh. And all this time I thought “F” in FCA stood for “Fugitive.”

  2. WPG says:

    Blink, thank you muchly for both responses.
    I was thinking a big part of the vindication in this case would come from the deposition, but I get what you’re saying. And yes, of course, it is up to Z and what is in her best interest.


    “She does not have her own Heisman to steal at gunpoint, maybe she could sell that straightener with her prints on it?


    ps . . . she would have to get it from her mother first . . .

  3. pale rider says:

    I’m watching a show detailing the Phil Spector murder trial. Wow, this case echoes Caylee’s case, except the first trial ended with a hung jury, and SAO got to re-try it and got a conviction.
    The comments from the jurors on the first trial that held out for NG were eerily similar to the comments from FCA’s. They couldn’t connect the dots, no reasonable cognition, wanted someone to produce a video catching him in the act (MSOO, my snarky opinion only).
    I believe the problem with finding competent jurors is more widespread than in just the FCA case, especially after reading what kinds of people DTs don’t want on their juries.

    And as for Ants wanting seized evidence back because of fear it’ll end up on eBay – who but the grifting Ants would even think of something so nefarious, and well, scANTdulous!!!

  4. PamVA says:

    mosaic says:
    July 21, 2011 at 3:23 pm
    Oh. And all this time I thought “F” in FCA stood for “Fugitive.”


    Better than what I thought is stood for.

  5. SusieB says:

    Looks like old Al Taylor better up the ante……

    Meanwhile, a company called Schalmo Production, based in Ohio, claims to be offering Anthony $5 million for an interview.

    On its Twitter profile, the company posted, “Just received a great call. In contact with defense team and Jose’s agent. 5 million offer for Casey Anthony.

    You can buy a lot of friends with that kind green.


    This defense team is Todd Blacking , I mean Gil Caboting the media and they are not buying it.

    You can fake a bidding war all you want you gavones, we on the inside, specifically those with redbook access whose clients are calling and saying, I want to revise my adspend if there is any CHANCE y’all will feature Casey Anthony..

    NOBODY wants to be the next abc, cause next time, as I stated early, we are going Bekah and the Murdoch inquires on your asses..

    Blink out.

  6. Anniex9 says:

    It hate that evidence that is considered “prejudicial” was not allowed in trial. If the State had been able to juxtapose the video of the bones found in Jay Blanchard Park and Casey saying “they’re looking in the wrong place” and the video of her reacting to the little bones found on Suburban Drive (hysterical, needed medical attention) that would have been it. Game Over.

  7. susan2 says:

    Never in a million years did I ever think I would be saying anything on George and Cindy’s behalf. However, possibly (just possibly) they are making sure that Casey and Bozo don’t get the evidence. I don’t believe that Casey is doing as well financially as they would have us believe. I do think Casey is “low” enough to sell anything to anyone.

  8. IMOIMO says:

    1.mosaic says:

    July 21, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    Oh. And all this time I thought “F” in FCA stood for “Fugitive.”

    LOL Mosaic… that “F” could stand for A LOT of things when it appears in front of Casey Anthony :-)

  9. Anniex9 says:

    I believe I may have misspoken, I’m not sure if there is a video of Casey’s reaction to the Blanchard Park bones discovery, but a fellow inmate’s testimony as to her reaction was taken in depo. I respect the State’s decision to not use the testimony of known criminals in the presentation of their case. I wish Judge Strickland had not sealed the video of Casey’s reaction to the Suburban Drive discovery.

  10. pale rider says:

    maryfromthemorganthread says:
    July 21, 2011 at 3:06 pm
    I just have one last little comment and question before I head back to Morgan’s thread. I’ve seen some headlines and comments that the defense used social media to formulate their theory and to chart their course during the trial. That gives me a queasy feeling. In going back over old threads some posts were almost verbatim to the defense theory. It’s sickening to think that in trying to help there has actually been harm done. Please tell me that the prosecution monitored social media too, at least I will feel like it is not all in vain! Especially during the trial, when many were posting quick snips of their impressions, the prosecution could have put sites like this to use also. Did they?!
    This is why I closed my FB account.

  11. Anniex9 says:

    Further, if the video of Casey’s reaction to the discovery of CAYLEE on Suburban Drive,had been a part of the State’s case, they would have HAD to call the known criminal to the stand to present the difference in Casey’s reaction. I don’t know if it would have made a difference. Juries tend to disregard the testimony of criminals and the defense likes to shred them.

  12. Ragdoll says:

    B, I’d be so interested to know what you think is really in store for Casey in the next months and long term.

    Is she ever going to go away, iyo?

  13. Ragdoll says:


    @ Sammy

    Casey/Caylees’ room is my guess. MOO (lmao about ‘floating on her noodle….now to get that image out of my head).

    My MOO too. She died in that home.

  14. Kleat says:

    OH, I wrote FCA, meant F to be ‘free’ vs ICA for ‘I’ncarcerated.

    But I’m sure anyone can figure other things that would fit. ;)

  15. SusieB says:

    I cant find anything on Schalmo Productions. I’m beginning to think it is a hoax.

    LOL I am going to pee myself, I admit embarrassingly..
    That’s a lot of a dough for a 20 year old.

    Put down the monopoly money kid.

  16. Kleat says:

    Riverpearl’s ‘F’ for felon, that’s much better than free– so I’m adopting that for my meaning, thanks!

  17. Kleat says:

    Here is the filed ‘Admissions’ and ‘Interrogatories’ by the TES lawyer for FCA to admit and to answer.

    (includes answer required for who bio father of Caylee is, and his name and address).

  18. SusieB says:

    Blink says….


    This defense team is Todd Blacking , I mean Gil Caboting the media and they are not buying it.

    You can fake a bidding war all you want you gavones, we on the inside, specifically those with redbook access whose clients are calling and saying, I want to revise my adspend if there is any CHANCE y’all will feature Casey Anthony..

    NOBODY wants to be the next abc, cause next time, as I stated early, we are going Bekah and the Murdoch inquires on your asses..

    Blink out.


    Blink you are a riot. ROTFL………I cant believe the media… they ever check their facts?

  19. pen says:

    Maybe they should’ve named their company ‘sham’o productions.

  20. SusieB says:

    Cindy,George Anthony Take Up To 80% of Foundation Money

    Sorry if this is already posted.

  21. KP says:

    OK, I am moving on but… I keep going back to that phone call home from jail. All she wants and can think about is her stupid boyfriend’s phone number! Seriously? Her child is dead, (OK maybe missing) her family is totally distraught. She throws the F-bomb about 20 times and demands the phone number! She slips up by saying “all my parents care about is Caylee” but then true to her nature makes a terrific and seamless recovery by stating “and that’s all I care about too”. Pure evil genius. Loser, loser, loser. Guilty, guilty, guilty! That phone call said it all for me.

  22. SOTT says:

    Kleat says:
    July 21, 2011 at 5:07 pm
    OH, I wrote FCA, meant F to be ‘free’ vs ICA for ‘I’ncarcerated.

    But I’m sure anyone can figure other things that would fit.


    I used the “F” in FCA with the intention of it meaning “Felon” and the “I” ICA for “Inmate”…I never even considered the “F” to stand for “Free” (free to committ more crimes maybe), or the “I” to mean “Incarcerated” but they all fit, don’t they? I’m sure we all may actually have different thoughts on what the initials stand for. How about CFCA (Convicted Felon Casey Anthony)for future use?

    Where in the world is Mom3.0 ?!?!

    She is having a rough time, and she has mom summer schedule as we all can relate, but I know she will not mind me telling you that this was the first case she followed all the way through, and I think there are some that are taking a sanity break to realign their chi, we have been in touch, lol…

  23. Liam says:

    Believe it or not, there are probably millions who would watch a Casey Anthony interview.

    Irony has it that the media that is being used to try and destroy her, is in fact going to enable her to live comfortably somewhere else.

  24. Ragdoll says:

    Jake Schalmo
    Owner at Schalmo Productions Jan 2011 to present
    Lives in Columbus, Ohio
    From Shreve, Ohio

    He’s a nobody, really.

    I’m hearing the Grundy County Auction song in my head.

  25. Ragdoll says:

    Heart you and miss you Mom3.0!

  26. Ragdoll says:

    LMAO…the SM link includes an image of a check to Casey Anthony for exactly….

    1 MILLLLLION DOLLARS (pinkie finger on bottom lip).

    2 words…mini me.

  27. Ragdoll says:

    Wait…Schmucko is a kid? For real?

  28. Ragdoll says:

    -respectfully snipped from SM-

    posted by: Titch

    I posted this a few pages ago but I didn’t see it on myorangeclerk this morning:

    Lawyers in Casey Anthony “fake nanny” suit want to see media offers, psychological evaulations
    July 21, 2011

    In their latest filing, attorney John Dill said he wants Anthony to produce all documents related to any psychological or psychiatric evaluations.
    The attorneys also want Anthony to produce all documents related to offers of “any type” made to her or her representatives for “interviews, television show appearances, movies, books, magazines, newspapers, advertisements, literature…,”reports the Orlando Sentinel.
    The document asks Anthony to produce the items within 30 days.


    Another interesting comment at Monkeys….

    Baez was going to make this about him. As asked by some of the SM posters, is it possible he never thought Casey would be the catch of the month? We all know he’s pounding that phone, contriving bidding wars…he wants his cut. Once Paradigm dropped him, I bet he thought his oppty was a goner.

    Slicker than snot on a door knob, not so much.

  29. Eloise says:

    BO discussing it out with Geraldo. lol

    Lol any props for B? lol

    That was like no better than first base, lol.

  30. Eloise says:

    Oh, also BO asked G if he might be doing the first interview? hem-haw. Then BO asked if maybe he should do it, being far & balanced and all. Then he said well maybe I will just be there and watch……

  31. SOTT says:

    She is having a rough time, and she has mom summer schedule as we all can relate, but I know she will not mind me telling you that this was the first case she followed all the way through, and I think there are some that are taking a sanity break to realign their chi, we have been in touch, lol…



    I can completely relate. This is the first case that I have ever followed all the way through as well and I can’t believe how effected I have been by it. So much so, that I don’t think I will ever follow another case again. Even this far past the verdict, I find myself with an almost constant underlying dialogue in my head regarding everything, especially the verdict, and then I pause for a moment scrunch my face and say “wtf happened ?!?!”, either out loud or in my head.

    I will never understand the injustice…I just never ever will.

    Give Mom3.0 my best and let her know that she is missed.

    Chi all around!!!

  32. NancyS says:

    Hey you all I am going to share something VERY personal as I know that it goes directly with this case, I had my first son at 19 years old and was quite selfish and had a hard time adjusting BUT my mom, (even though so was very not my favorite) was a nurse and let me stay with her for a couple of weeks to show me how to take care of a baby.
    When he was 14 months old, he got into the jacuzzie and drowned with me only 15 feet from him and did not splash, I noticed I didnt hear him so started freaking out and couldnt breathe. I did not even look in the jacuzzi and I had friends over. I started running thru the house and GOD pushed me back outside to look in the jacuzzi and there he was floating and blue. I started screaming as I did not know CPR. I handed him to his dad that was a year younger than me and took off towards the street screaming that my baby was dead. I tried calling 911 and the phone would not work, two ambulances turned around to come to my house when they heard it was an infant, they got to the house got water out of his lungs threw him, me and a paramedic in the back of a cop car and they breathed air into him with a pump, we got to the hospital, he went into seizures, the priest came in to ask if he could give him his last rights, I agreed but didnt even know what that was and DROPPED to my knees and BEGGED GOD to take my breath, not his.
    My son was given drugs, had tubes all over and they told me we had a 36 hour period to see if he would live, have brain damage, and or lung damage.
    Well you all I stood by his crib all night long (stood up next to his bed) talking and touching him and talking to God. My son got thru it and is now a Firefighter in the Air Force and has two sons.
    We lived at my mother in laws house with the jacuzzie and my son was in the hospital for a week and I told her I wanted it filled with dirt and I would make a planter with it, she said NO, I moved and never went back.
    THis family is so wrong, so wrong, If my son would not let me talk to my grandsons or my daugther in law for one day I would call someone or go to where they live….This is why I KNOW, SOMETHING IS JUST WRONG here.

  33. Ragdoll says:

    Is it safe to say JB is setting up Whorealdo for the so called 5th amendment interview?


    Geraldo Rivera of Fox News, Jake Schalmo of Shalmo productions, and free lance producer Al Taylor are scratching and hissing at each other and fighting over who will get the first interview with Casey Anthony.

    Who ends up being hog swoggled? Stay tuned.

  34. M Harris says:

    I’m so mad I could spit but lest we forget:

    “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” ~ King James Bible ~

    Just sayin’!

  35. Ragdoll says:

    I’m sorry Blink…I’m flooding again. Last post.

    I think this JS served in the military. He’s had another twitter account but it’s deleted. He ‘tweeted’ to Kellie Pickler (could only read partial tweet from google search). He thanked her for being an inspiration (sounds like she mailed him a pic of herself, perhaps)?

    My google search lead me to a topix comment:

    Okay, I think this Jake Schalmo thing is BS. He started the company is January of this year. He has no website, only twitter, a gmail email account, and a facebook profile. Someone on WS said his high school is for at risk youth and he graduated that in 2002. If you look at his personal facebook account, this does not look like a guy with access to $5 million.

    Looks like he also started a “management” company with a buddy. (facebook deleted)

    If he has 5 mill, he’s in the production business alright….producing meth.

    Also, @ SM….a couple posters said Al Taylor was on JVM…said he met with Casey. Her first questions was (allegedly)….’where’s my check?’ He’s insisting he met Casey and that she was the one running the show, not Baez.

  36. say-d says:

    I’m really at the point where I think we need a test given to anyone who wants to be considered for jury duty. I think citizens who want to be jurors need to make the effort to take a written quiz, and pass it, to be allowed to be jurors. This would ensure that 1) jurors understood the basics of a jury trial, 2) jurors would understand how to read and write, and 3) jurors would be capable of passing a quiz. A booklet would be offered ahead of time for you to study. You then would obtain a card, much like a driver’s license, which allows you to be called for jury duty. The pay also needs to be upped to ensure that people with real jobs will serve.

  37. mellaril says:

    agreed that caylee died on june 15 or early hours of june 16 at the hopespring drive house after a massive fight with mrs. scamthony. no drowning in any permutation. not one of those people ever gave a damn about caylee, esp. mrs. she probably found her just as inconvenient as casey did, but had the good sense not to act on it.

  38. Ragdoll says:

    O’Reilly vs Whorealdo…and all I can say is wow (immigration law).

    Hearing GR is on Br tonight about the creature. I wish I could see that one go down.

  39. Ragdoll says:

    Dear Lord, help me put the mouse down…

    SM is on the ball!

    Check out SunnyinTX posts @ 8:20 pm and 8:24 pm. Donations are being accepted to protect Casey by Baez law firm????

  40. M Harris says:

    My post was not to say that we can’t vent but to suggest that we continually bathe ourselves in the cleansing light of a Higher Power, thus giving us the strength and guidance to “soldier on.”

  41. cbickel says:

    Of all the things in the world I COULD have stuck in my head…this is what’s there:

    “Cindy is quite content floating on her noodle in the pool – b/c no one ever drowned in the pool.”

    Thanks ever-so-much!

    I’m with all of you about the pool…it would have already BEEN down! We actually got rid of our pool before our grandaughter was born. The thought of finding her in my pool was more than I could bear.

    I have a friend, whose daughter is an acclaimed ballerina. She took some alternative classes for the season, and her tootsies are having an issue going from flats to toe.

    She was torn because she was forced to use duct tape to keep her bandaids in place.

    How sad is that? This child had more forethought.

  42. Ragdoll says:

    Can they do this? Is this even legit (or is Baez behind this…he’s acting like Creature’s p r dude).

  43. Ragdoll says:

    Oops…..thought the above link was selling Casey merchandise to support her.

  44. Eloise says:

    Oh brother.

    George and Cindy Anthony are starting to move on from their daughter Casey’s trial.

    Lippman also said the couple was looking at going on a trip, with the help of supporters. The tip was not paid for by any media organization. They will also stay in Orlando.

  45. RiddleMeThis says:

    Everytime I’m in the grocery store I scan all the magazines and ‘rags’ at the check out. Just to make sure. So far only the Globe and the National Enquirer had short blips in the corners of their front pages about FCA. (love that FCA moniker btw ;)

    Vigilant, vigilant, vigilant, vigilant, vigilant forever, did I mention vigilant?? I don’t think this will ever die down to the point where they see any blood money, and maybe, just maybe it’s starting to sink in for them. They will never change the minds of the people who’ve followed this case. Try as they may to sully and twist and weave some more, they’re foolish if they think they can snowball their way out of this; we’re NOT the Pinellas County jury.

    (traveling here B)

    Riddle me U

  46. NancyS says:

    hmmm why are you holding my post? I think I am almost ready to know that someday caylee will get the attention that she always deserved.

    Oh how I wish Casey would just fall off the face of the earth and her parents move to a different country and then be forced to set up a memorial in a beautiful cemetary so people dont have to slosh around in muck! down the street from these idiots that call themselves Caylees family?

  47. Blink says:

    NancyS- My dear lady. I am heartbroken as this is the first I knew of your child. Is this for public consumption?

    Let me know


  48. Eloise says:

    Ragdoll says:
    July 21, 2011 at 9:12 pm

    Can they do this? Is this even legit (or is Baez behind this…he’s acting like Creature’s p r dude).
    I know right? Did you see where they are accepting donations?

  49. justice23 says:

    Longtime Lurker says:
    July 20, 2011 at 8:52 pm

    That’s really pathetic. These are the people we are entrusting to meet out “justice” for our alleged criminals? No wonder so many people are willing to take their chance at trial. Why confess when you can simply get 12 stupid people on a jury and let you go scot-free.

    This is just example of why people are so skeptical about our system. I have refused to call it the “justice system” for many years because IMO, it’s anything but that. The victim is simply victimized further in many cases. It is, more factually put, a “legal system” which I believe often has absolutely nothing to do with actual justice and definitely not morality in many cases. It past sad eons ago … now it has passed over into pathetic.

    Some people believe we have the best system in the world. My husband disagrees. He says there are others out there better than ours. I am almost willing to agree (don’t ask me which ones because our conversation never got that far, lol).

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