The Nittany Nightmare Continues: More Financial Incest At PSU- Accused Perjuror Gary Schultz Head of Nittany Insurance Pays First Victim Payout AND His Lawyers

State College,  PA & Burlington, VT-  In the latest example of financial incest involving PSU, The Second Mile, and a bevy of double-dipping board members and executives, we arrive at the first discovery between an accused suspect in the case and his principal interest in an insurance company that recently paid out a settlement to an alleged victim of Jerry Sandusky.  As the filing has likely been sealed as a condition of it’s settlement, it is unknown if Schultz or anyone else within PSU in addition to Sandusky was named in the civil action.

Gary C. Schultz, interim Sr. VP for Finance and Business returned  following  previous retirement from PSU this past July.


His return to the PSU payroll  around the time that a grand jury was meeting about his possible complicity, FOLLOWING his own alleged perjurious testimony begs the question-As Schultz knew he was under investigation as well as Sandusky and Curley-

Did Schultz come out of retirement in anticipation of  incurring significant legal fees he did not want coming out of his own pocket?

-Record Scratch-

You read that correctly.

Mr. Schultz, who along with Tim Curley were bound over for trial at their preliminary hearing on perjury charges and a misdemeanor failure to report summons last month,  is being provided legal representation costs through Nittany Insurance Company, where he is a paid Director.  According to Acting President Erickson,  it will also be used to cover any civil settlements and judgements in the Sandusky debacle et al.

This would seem to be in violation of the Vermont Captive Insurance Regulations Section 12, or conflict of interest.

In a letter sent to Penn State Interim President Rodney Erickson,  Senator Michael Stack (D) Philadelphia,  expressed his concern that taxpayers and donors should not be footing the bill for the Universities necessary legal representation for the various civil and criminal issues  and potential settlements.

In a response to Senator Stack,  President Erickson assured him that such costs would be accommodated by it’s liability insurance.  Nittany Insurance Company  is listed as the professional liability insurance company of record on the PSU site as well as the provider for PSU students in programs including the Hershey Medical Center.

President Erickson did not reference Mr. Schultz’s directorship position within Nittany Insurance Company although was able to confirm with the Vermont Secretary of State that as of this afternoon, there are no pending changes to its registration.

Gary Schultz’s co-director at Nittany Insurance Company, is Allan Anderson,  Former VP and Chief Executive Officer for Hershey Medical Center.

While the captive insurance firm is self-administered, as Director,  Schultz would be in a position to review,  award, accept, negotiate or reject settlements within the framework of their contract with PSU and appropriate regulatory requirements.   Captive insurance companies are often developed as part of a risk mitigation strategy and as an entree to the reinsurance market for payouts exceeding a fixed amount.  Registered in Vermont, Nittany Insurance Company was formed in 1993.

It would seem a good starting point for questions on the regulatory  and compliance matter might be how the bid is/was awarded for initial self-administered liability coverage directed by a potential party and what the premiums, which are deductible to PSU,  were and  are?

What adjustments to same have been made in relation to the known incidents and corresponding dates alleged against Sandusky, Curley and Schultz?

What else is Nittany Insurance funding it may have had ample heads up about?

Does Schultz have a poster of Ken Lay in the top of his humidor?  Bernie Madoff?
 poster erose contributed to the research of this article.




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  1. beejay says:

    “State College Area School District Superintendent Bob O’Donnell visited the Columbus Chapel and Boal Mansion Museum today to learn about the local, national and international history there and consider how SCASD students might benefit from all that history.”
    [Scroll down near the bottom]

    On Boal Mansion’s Facebook. Appears that the photo was done in Dec, 2011 at Boal. That’s post-Sandusky media explosion. I saw it yesterday, and wondered: did O’Donnell not KNOW about Lee? or is it simply unimportant? certainly from a risk management viewpoint, he needs to both know and consider it.

    So, HI LIZZY. Thought about you earlier today, thinking about Lee and that you know about him. Wondered if you were still with us here. Glad you are.

    If I were a local, I’d be forced to print out whatever I could find about some of these folks and accidentally “lose” my copies of same here and there about the local haunts. Or something. If folks know, and choose to ignore, that’s fine EXCEPT FOR THE KIDS–HELLO!!

  2. beejay says:

    Sorry for double post. Went to grab the facebook link; didn’t realize I had already submitted one. That and, no, I haven’t completed my caffeine-reduction-program yet!

  3. lizzy says:

    @beejay, I’m here if sometimes invisible to all but Blink.

    Yeah, I’ve been known to lose a few things.

  4. beejay says:

    @lizzy: “Yeah, I’ve been known to lose a few things.”

    God Bless you, dear! All’s fair in these situations…

  5. erose says:

    HARRISBURG — Prosecutors today filed a document listing 33 statements made by two Penn State administrators to support the perjury charges against the men, accused of lying to a grand jury investigating child sex abuse allegations against a former assistant football coach.

    Read more here:

  6. erose says:

    @Lizzy, I didn’t get your June 5th reference of school graduations until I read this. TY for the explanation of “lesser charges” which makes total sense in the context of my question (though no sense in keeping the kids safe). I;m with Beejay, is Lee’s molestation history not a part of common knowledge or has everyone “forgiven” him?

    Senior Judge John Cleland ruled Thursday that the trial date will be postponed “to accommodate various logistical contingencies that have arisen.” He didn’t elaborate.

    Read more here:

  7. erose says:

    I was asking generically. Are you saying applies to both?

    erose says:
    March 30, 2012 at 4:19 am
    How does someone get an ARD for a felony sex offense if ALL of the felony sexual offenses are not eligible for ARD’s, or is this a county by county discretionary decision?

    Are you referring to Lee or Reedy?

    If they are a misdemeanor, but a sex offense, according to the law, they are not expungable.
    How a sex offense of any kind is a misdemeanor, is a mystery to me.

  8. lizzy says:

    lizzy says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    March 30, 2012 at 10:38 pm

    Lee’s “legal problems” seem to have a put a damper on few, if any, of his activities.

    This is a wonderful pianist; should I attend?

  9. erose says:

    I bought two archived articles from the CDT to better understand the allegations against Lee. I wanted to know exactly what was reported. In an effort to spare you all the expense I have summarized the articles and situation as follows:

    He was prosecuted by Lance Marshall in front of Judge Sinclair and Joe Amendola represented him. The charges were three counts each of indecent assault, corruption of minors and harassment brought September 2005.

    The Harris Township Board considered this a personal matter and he can legally remain a supervisor until he decides otherwise.

    Lee was seeing a woman who was the mother of two boys, ages eight and ten. On June 3 [2005?], she and her sons stayed at the mansion where the two adults and two children watched movies in the TV room. Lee and the ten year old ended up alone in the room on the pull out sofa. Lee kept asking the child if he was hot and tried repeatedly to remove his pj’s. While the child was in and out of sleep, he became aware of Lee’s hands in his pants detecting them on his genitals. He removed them and went to find where his mother was sleeping. The eight year old child recounted some 3-4 similar experiences. The ten year old child also said that Lee had wrestled with him and tried to put his fingers in the child’s mouth. The ten year old child was aware of molestation and thought his mother missed some “red flags” in her trust of Lee.

    Lee maintained his innocence, and believed the allegations stemmed from a misunderstanding. Lee’s defense was in response to the 10 year olds allegation of June 3rd, only. He claimed the child was a bed wetter an wore protection. Lee was merely checking the diaper.

    At the preliminary trial the judge said the prosecutors had not presented enough evidence for one of the counts, so it was dropped, however, the article does not identify which count. DA Michael Madeira cut the deal with Lee for the ARD to “spare the children from testifying in court,” a decision their mother did not agree with, calling it “a slap on the wrist.” So Lee received an ARD, for nine months, for the charge of indecent assault. Because this charge involved a minor under the age of 13, the record cannot be expunged.

    The articles I accessed in the Centre Daily Times Archives: “Official’s Sex-Abuse Case Harris Twp Supervisor, Boal Mansion CEO Accused of Inappropriately Touching Two Boys” and “Charges Against Lee To Stay On Record Despite ARD.”

    Apparently some people in the greater State College area tried to get to the bottom of this “ARD” afforded Lee as they wrote the CDT editor and wanted an explanation of how Lee‘s case was resolved.

    Seems like special treatment to me.


    Thank you for these, I feel badly because I have them, and for some reason do not remember having to pay the archive fee, excellent synopsis.

    The only thing I would add is the confirmation that AMendola moved to have the 3rd charge dropped, as a result of that child no longer willing to testify, and the incidents were on different dates.

    Madeira did not consult the victims mother prior to offering the ARD deal.

    The special treatment might be due to the fact that they were both running for separate elections on the Democratic ticket- has to be odd at the mixers.


  10. erose says:

    It’s okay Blink, I think I got more out of that five bucks than I did on the MEGA, lol.


  11. beejay says:

    Many thanks, erose and Blink, for the summary and commentary on Mr. Lee, Madeira, etc.

    Question: did we determine here that State College atty Matt McClenahen is simply sought out by reporters for commentary rather randomly–and has no special knowledge of/interest in Gricar’s disappearance? (PSU/Dickinson Law grad; admitted to Bar in 97)??

    Going back to his Jan 2012 comments, as reported, on Gricar. After McClenahen was quoted as saying (paraphrasing here) that people are puzzled at why Gricar didn’t pursue Sandusky in 1998, and also saying that it had nothing to do with Penn State or Sandusky’s position, he then went on with this:

    “I can tell you with near certainty that there is absolutely no connection between the disappearance of Ray Gricar and the Sandusky case,” said McClenahen. “This is not the first time that Gricar’s disappearance has been linked to cases he either prosecuted or investigated.” Sandusky.html

    Here’s a link to McClenahen’s website. His cases are listed on left by the year:

    Excellent Point. How could he say with “certainty”? Strong term for a barrister, don’t you think?

    Does he know something the rest of us do not, because even those close to him, as I understand it, are not “certain” about anything as far as his disappearance except that since last year he is legally deceased.

  12. beejay says:

    Well, if McClenahen knows something the rest of us do not, why would he be blabbing to reporters about it? That’s pretty ballsy, or maybe just trying to help the rest of us get-a-clue? IDK how to evaluate his statement.

    Here’s one other one, from an article where Rominger was saying that JoePa was fired based on the grand jury presentment, which was of course incomplete. But that’s not my focus.

    Frederiksen, spokesman for AG’s office said that there was
    “…nothing different done in this case than in any of the other grand jury cases we have been involved in,”

    The reporter than stated that McClenahen had “…never heard of a child sex abuse case that went through the grand jury process — he said grand juries are normally used in cases where witnesses are reluctant to give information.”[quoting the reporter here]

    “In a case like this, you don’t have a situation where the witnesses are in any trouble if they talk to the police,” McClenahen said. “They are pure victims.”

    Is that true? Or is McClenahen simply unaware of any such cases?

    1. Someone better decide if Rominger is a member of this defense team or not.
    2. He is a liability, as he literally used verbiage any first year would know you never do publicly when your client has been charged with such, and have it attach via google. He is the same dork that tweeted a grand jury meeting whereby the judge spent ample time in his order addressing the is he or isn’t he issue and barred him from receiving the grand jury transcripts 10 days prior to trial.

    Sorry, I know that was not your question. Iirc, there have been 4 total grand jury reviews of Jerry Sandusky allegations, so if it is not “the process” why was it 4x?


  13. beejay says:

    McClenahen is from Lewistown if I’ve got the right fella, so maybe he has sources up that way

  14. erose says:

    Is JKA suggesting some sort of GJ corruption or apathy?

    How many grand juries does it take to come up with a presentment?

    Answer by JKA:
    Only one. And in a more perfect world, it might be hoped that it would even be one whose members actually were present when the ‘supporting evidence’ against individual subjects of the presentment was offered.

    Read more here:

    Read more here:

    Boy Ms. Arnold makes me sit up straight and eyes forward. Seriously.

  15. erose says:

    Who is Matt’s Daddy?


    Fellow State College attorney Matt McClenahen said Amendola has a knack for taking on controversial cases.

    “I’m glad that he’s willingly to take that case because somebody had to take that case, and I sure as hell wouldn’t want it,” McClenahen, a criminal defense attorney, said.

    “Anytime you have a lawyer who is willing to step up to the plate and defend an unpopular defendant, he’s doing a service to all defense lawyers.”

    Amendola said he has represented Sandusky since 2008.

    After the grand jury investigation began, Amendola said he felt an obligation to continue to be Sandusky’s lawyer, as he knew the background of the case.

    McClenahen said Amendola is fearless, and described him as articulate, well spoken and experienced.

    McClenahen said he was glad Amendola was willing and able to take on the case.

    “You won’t get people to say bad things about Joe,” McClenahen said. “He is not a bad guy.”

    He said he knew Amendola professionally, and his parents went to high school with Amendola’s first wife.

  16. erose says:

    So, let’s not (convene a GJ) and say we did?

    Boy Ms. Arnold makes me sit up straight and eyes forward. Seriously.

    Some permutation of that, yes.

  17. beejay says:

    @Blink: If this isn’t more of the disinformation campaign, I’d consider that MM meant he had not heard of grand jury process being used with suspects other than Sandusky. No matter how many gj’s were used with Sandusky himself.

    @erose: if i’ve got the same one, here’s g’father’s obit. There’s a MM who graduated HS in Lewistown 1990, which fits MM’s other educational dates. (Reedsville is adjacent to Lewistown)

    On trutv forum a poster said MM and Stacy Parks Miller are colleagues, but I haven’t been able to verify yet.

  18. beejay says:

    Just ran across SPM’s Facebook. Around the time of MM’s published statement (Jan 2012) HE is commenting there. A tight little group; might be worth a look:

  19. beejay says:

    So far, following one lead from SPM’s Facebook, I found a bizarre coincidence–probably just that. But ya never know where we’ll find clues, so…

    Apparently the false statement people thought was made by someone pretending to be SPM was really made by a Brian Krause, who stated he was with PA Police.

    There is a Brian Krause I found in a 2004 official report, a member then of the PA State Police CID unit out of Harrisburg.

    A Brian Krause, PA Trouper, also testified in a TN trial (victim travelled from PA, thru TN where he was killed, and body dumped back PA; there were jurisdictional issues)

    snips from lengthy article:

    Testimony began Tuesday in the second trial of Shifflett, 53, of Lebanon, Pa.

    Prosecutors say he lured Charles Richardson, a 43-year-old businessman and antiques dealer from Meshoppen, Pa., on a phony trip to Georgia for railroad lanterns three years ago….

    “A jury in Harrisburg, Pa., found Shifflett guilty in November 2004 of dumping Richardson’s body in the Susquehanna River there and tampering with evidence.

    But it ruled Richardson died outside Pennsylvania and that Shifflett couldn’t be prosecuted on a murder charge in that state.

    A Sullivan County [TN] grand jury indicted him a month later.

    Most of today’s evidence could consist of a five-hour tape of Shifflett’s interview with the Pennsylvania State Police along with testimony from Trooper Brian Krause, who helped question him.

    Richardson’s live-in girlfriend, Tracey Sincavage, testified Tuesday that she last saw him the morning of April 21 as he left to meet Shifflett. The men had talked about going to Douglasville, Ga., to buy a set of antique railroad lanterns, she said.”

    Well Richardson supposedly emptied out his bank accounts (to go buy antique RR lanterns), his girfriend saying she had packed the cash in ziploc bags. DA said it might be $250K (to buy antique RR lanterns) but had not then been recovered.

    Although this doesn’t fit my idea of what happened to RG, I’m trying to allow everything into the pot right now.

  20. beejay says:

    Just for the record, the last para above the link in my previous post was my own statement, not from the link. Mine:

    Well Richardson supposedly emptied out his bank accounts (to go buy antique RR lanterns), his girfriend saying she had packed the cash in ziploc bags. DA said it might be $250K (to buy antique RR lanterns) but had not then been recovered.

  21. beejay says:

    How funny, speaking of a tight little group. Ran across SPM’s Aug 2010 Facebook and CDT’s Sporadic Gricar blogger chummily joined in with a comment.

  22. beejay says:

    If you go to (I’m semi-illiterate here, but) what appears to be SPM’s main Facebook (link below) and hover over all the thumbs up icons, and view all the commenters and “likes” clickers–well, you see who is best buds/suck-up to SPM. I don’t know why. (give it time to load continuously as you read)

    I also tried to see if the Bob Bickhart who is chummy with her is same as Rob Bickhart (big PR guy/Repub Natl Committee Treas, etc) and I think not. (A poster on trutv asked if a Bob Bickhart had posted there, so I thought of the connection. However, some of those longtime trutv posters are locals. So, I’m wondering if that poster knows/knows of Bob B and thinks he might be a good source of info??)

  23. beejay says:

    The Sporadic Gricar blogger at CDT had nothing but praise for how First ADA Mark Smith handled the 8 months or so of his time as Acting DA. I wanted to see how that “Gricar expert” rated Smith’s performance during the Gricar investigation. He devoted an entire article to it, summarizing with:

    “…It was a potential for an administrative disaster, that only through his good management, was avoided. Mr. Smith, though not unsung, is one of the heroes of the Gricar case, and of the Centre County District Attorney’s Office.”

    [an unsung hero!]


  24. Word Girl says:

    If I were Damnly or Myers on the Board of Trustees at Penn State, I think I’d be saying, “uh, hey, wait. Sandusky’s been investigated by the Grand Jury–the important group of people Law Enforcement brings cases to get a True Bill? How many times? And the GJ is looking at him again? We have a crisis here, folks. Wait. You said the University President had to testify? OMG–better duck cuz here comes da Judge.

    Weren’t these men leaders of businesses and accustomed to heading trouble off at the pass? Did they know these Grand Juries were looking into offenses against CHILDREN?

  25. erose says:

    And then there was that other story a week ago about the report from a State College clinical psychologist named Alycia Chambers. She’s the one who received a call on her emergency voice mail in the first week of May 1998 from a mother whose son had been befriended by Sandusky. The mother’s message to the doctor was, “I need you to tell me I’m crazy.”

  26. erose says:

    I’m left wondering if there were GJ’s 1-3, and if the GJ’(s) were convened for the purposes of child sexual assaults, or something else.

  27. beejay says:

    I thought that because GJ’s have a built-in time at which they expire and everyone goes home NO MATTER what–that there were simply 4 total GJ’s in the continuing JS investigation. That’s what I thought JKA was complaining about and the woman told her not to worry about being nervous, that these jurors were all new too.

    Remembering that these GJ’s can only be used for investigative purposes. They aren’t being asked to render a true bill. So, ongoing JS investigation, revolving jurors, now on the fourth set–i.e, fourth GJ. I think.

    beejay- in certain circumstances, a specific gj can be convened for high profile cases to hear just that case, and while it is true that the gj is an investigative tool, the goal is to present the case from the prosecution side and have the members render a true bill or not. A prosecutor can elect NOT to put the case presentation to a vote and suspend the proceeding prior to the vote, or during deliberations if he gets the vibe the deliberation may not be going well. It is then preserved and can be reactivated when more evidence becomes available. Since they are secret, we are not going to know what scenario fits Sandusky until his trial is over- and only then unless it is not prohibited by court order.

    For the most part, GJ proceedings are sacrosanct, at in most every state this transcends.

    Their job as the “finders of fact” is ultimately to be a barometer in the case as to whether or not the criminal indictment can withstand the “triers of fact” which is an actual jury seated via Vior dire.

    Prosecutors also have the opportunity to use their powers of an investigative subpoena prior to seating a GJ, or presenting to a sitting gj.


  28. erose says:

    Sandusky autobiography gave investigators clues to his alleged sex-abuse victims

    Accused Penn State perv Jerry Sandusky unwittingly provided a trail to at least four of his sexual-abuse victims when investigators picked up his own autobiography, “Touched: The Jerry Sandusky Story,” a new book on the scandal claims.

    Pennsylvania state trooper Joe Leiter picked up the “clues” by just reading the names and looking at the photos of young boys that the former Penn State assistant coach mentioned in his tome.

    Because of the book, Leiter was “convinced early on that this was a seriously sexual predator,” Dvorchack said.

    “Game Over,” a comprehensive account of the Penn State scandal from HarperCollins’ William Morrow imprint, hits bookshelves April 17.

    Read more:

    On one hand, I applaud every book that will cover this mess, on the other, I sincerely hope they intend to preserve the sanctity of victim rights. There are many of us in the media who are aware of the names of these victims, and imo, every one of them and their families should be off limits- I realize my view is ultra conservative on this.

    These folks are at risk for many outcomes as a result of abuse, if true, and I believe 100% it is.


  29. lizzy says:

    While telling their stories may help others, unless they are willing, releasing the names or identifying information of abuse victims (most especially for profit) is beyond the pale.

  30. erose says:

    @Beejay, This is what I can’t get over. This is what makes me wonder about the status of the GJ’s. If this is JKA, what does she mean by this? It makes me question if the whole sacrosanct process existed. The implications of what she says here are that the jurors didn’t show up.

    In response to how many GJ’s it takes to make a presentment.

    Only one. And in a more perfect world, it might be hoped that it would even be one whose members actually were present when the ‘supporting evidence’ against individual subjects of the presentment was offered.

    Read more here:

  31. erose says:

    We have to gain the trust of victims, if we expect them to seek help.

  32. erose says:

    FTLOG who in this organization is qualified to teach leadership skills, and who are the parents and school districts still sending kids to participate in this sham of an organization?


    Woodle spoke to WTAJ during a break from the charity’s ‘Leadership Institute.’ The program is open to high school students across the state.

    The program is held at the Ramada Inn on South Atherton Street in State College, which neighbors the Second Mile’s State College office.

    The program began on Sunday and will run until Wednesday afternoon. Leadership Institute teaches kids how to develop leadership skills.

    More than 100 students are there.

  33. erose says:

    The Centre County Youth Service Bureau will offer its own summer camp, the first time it’s offered that program. The two-week program will serve as many as 80 children from Centre, Clinton, Mifflin and Juniata counties.

    Youth Service Bureau Executive Director Andrea Boyles said she thinks there’s enough need to sustain two summer camps even if The Second Mile holds one.

  34. erose says:

    Seems like the content is in good hands, but what do I know.

    Meet the Author

    Bill Moushey is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist who specializes in documenting abuses of the criminal justice system. He worked with the Pittsburgh Post Gazette for twenty-three years before becoming a professor in the School of Communication at Point Park University in Pittsburgh. In 1997 he won the National Press Club’s Freedom of Information Award for his groundbreaking exposÉ of an out-of-control witness protection program.

  35. beejay says:

    @erose April 2, 2012 at 4:52 pm
    you can probably work out Arnold and the grand jury from Keisling’s article. What was important to me was Arnold’s comments about the multiple juries and jurors involved and the confusion caused by that. How disjointed to hear only pieces of the entire (alleged) criminal rampage, from various random people (that last part is MOO).
    Snipping from that lengthy article, sure I’m within copyright limits:
    “…In December 2010, Mike McQueary was finally put in front of the soon-to-expire Thirtieth Statewide Grand Jury.
    …On January 12, 2011, less than a week before Tom Corbett was sworn in as governor, Penn State officials Tim Curley and Gary Schultz finally made it before the Thirtieth Grand Jury, perjuring themselves, the AG’s office later would allege.
    Like the earlier grand juries, those grand jurors wouldn’t be given much of a crack at the case. In fact, the Thirtieth Grand Jury was set to expire at the end of January 2011, only a month after they’d first heard from McQueary. In February a new statewide investigating Grand Jury, officially numbered the Thirty-Third, loaded with newcomers, would have to be convened and sworn in to take fresh testimony long overdue in the Sandusky case.
    …Karen Arnold would be one of the witnesses to testify before the new, Thirty-Third Statewide Grand Jury.
    …Former ADA Arnold says she was contacted in February 2011 by a woman in the AG’s office. She asked Arnold to testify before the new grand jury.
    “‘You shouldn’t worry if you’re not familiar with the grand jury process,’” Arnold says she was told by the AG’s office contact, “‘as these jurors are new too.’”
    …Arnold says she testified before the newly seated grand jury the day after Ash Wednesday, which places her testimony on March 10, 2011.
    …She wondered aloud about the multiple grand juries involved in the case, and how much of the hundreds of pages of testimony had been produced by which of the jurors. “You have to wonder what’s going on,” she says.
    – Bill Keisling IV
    posted January 22, 2012

  36. beejay says:

    @erose: I didn’t see any Arnold statements about jurors not showing up at your link. But I was reading the statute today, and IIRC (and don’t quote me here) there are something like 30 total grand jurors chosen (23 plus 7 alternates) and only 15 have to show up at any given time–something like that. 12 have to agree to a presentment. They only meet 3-4 times a month. Hardly the intensely grueling day after day grind I had pictured.

    The code is here:
    The complete text of the Investigating Grand Jury Act is at 42 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes §§ 4541 through 4553, 42 Pa. C. S. § 4541 et seq.

  37. erose says:

    @Beejay, Your information helped with perspective and narrowing of possible scenario, especially the citing the 30th GJ. Now we know that the 30th and the 33rd GJ’s were convened to presumably to investigate Sandusky, not to forget that Sassano’s drug investigation intersected somehow.

    I think Arnold is referencing that jurors were not present for a presentment, at least one. Which one is questionable. 1998? 2004/2005? Sandusky? Something else? Would love your read on what this statement means. Corruption of the GJ process, which would fall under the control of the state DA, would be motive for a killing.

    And in a more perfect world, it might be hoped that it would even be one whose members actually were present when the ‘supporting evidence’ against individual subjects of the presentment was offered.

    Read more here:

  38. erose says:

    @Beejay, It is the comments section of the article.

  39. beejay says:

    @erose: TY. Found the jka comment, which was in response to a comment by R Thomas Berner (retired PSU professor, whose own comment was in response to one by a jjofPhila).

    I have no words of wisdom. Could be what you said. I’ve routed it to subconscious for processing. One thing, though, is that jka commenter there sure does appear to know a lot about those GJ’s. I mean, who would know which jurors were there on which days?

    But speaking of longterm posters re Gricar and now Sandusky/Gricar, some of those old posters said that the Sporadic fella was posting about Jonathan Luna before–BEFORE–Gricar disappeared. Interesting. Subconscious is also processing.

  40. beejay says:

    Some of the comments about the commenters can be found on trutv. Apparently due to some sort of protective armour my equipment wears I can’t link to.

    There’s a thread there called Sporadic Rebuttal. Can be located by googling Sporadic Rebuttal Gricar trutv. Or similar

  41. beejay says:

    Gricar’s disappearance might not have anything to do with Sandusky and the coverup.

    But if it does, here’s one thought: We heard that Gricar was pretty strict about ARDs, even suspending one ADA without pay for a week when he apparently stepped out of line on an ARD.

    So, RG was an obstacle in the ARD area. Maybe he needed to be removed for that reason.

    And thanks to Lizzy for suggesting that one might get an ARD for an unqualified charge by first pleading it down to a charge that IS eligible for an ARD.

    Maybe an acting DA who could be convinced to do some plea-bargaining/ARD maneuvers in Centre County was needed. IDK.

    I know I have not been able to confirm or exclude a connection, but I am getting the feeling nobody can

  42. Word Girl says:

    Beej-I needed a laugh today. “Protective armour”! lollol
    I wish my firewall wore one, too. I would have fewer Spam Children.

    Btw, are the comments on the new Josh Powell article open?
    I wanted to know what his juvie offense and incareration entailed.

    They are-


  43. Rose says:

    @beejay. you are always right on the money. And someone wanted that Acting there. And it might be ARD. I think there is either a highly personal or highly professional (mafia) MO, and I feel drug distribution interests & protection reigned. Personally, I don’t think an ARD issue enough to kill a DA for, but future drug profits in play or a guaranteed lengthy sentence would be. But Lizzie’s point of stepping down the charge makes sense

  44. A Texas Grandfather says:


    You may want to go to the gig at the mansion. The ticket price is seventy-five dollars. You never know who you may see or get an opportunity to chat with. Anyway the music will probably be very good.

    You guys keep finding new things and new connections regarding this huge political/criminal activity. It includes both the Democrats and the Republicans.

  45. erose says:

    TY, Beejay. My thought is that she has presented in front of GJ’s. Her motivation IMO is her colleague and friend RG, so to insert into Sandusky’s case is telling.

    beejay says:
    April 3, 2012 at 9:46 am

  46. erose says:

    What I find as an interesting aspect of JKA’s life. Have to ask what makes her skills, personality, etc. sub-par in evaluation of school district and Madeira. Gricar saw something in her, ethics? morality? IDK something he appreciated that seemed to escape others. I can see the loyalty.


    My first job was as a traveling elementary music teacher in three schools in the Appalachian area of southwest Virginia, one of them in a mining camp.

    Following the job in Appalachia I taught high school in Delaware and then moved to Pittsburgh, where I taught public school and private piano, and took a job as the Director of Music for a Methodist Church which I kept until moving to Centre County in 1987. It was in Pittsburgh that I became increasingly drawn to the idea of going into law, as a profession where I could make more of a difference in people’s lives. Before making the commitment to pursue another degree and to change careers, I worked for several years with a Pittsburgh civil law firm as part of their support staff to get a feel for what a legal career would be like, and eventually enrolled in the University of Pittsburgh Law School.

    erose- you do an excellent job of asking the tough and necessary questions.

  47. beejay says:

    @erose: “so to insert into Sandusky’s case is telling.”

    Oh, yeah! Great thinking. IF that’s her. And, even more so if that’s really her, to use her own initials and say that. Oh, yeah. TY, erose!


    @Rose: I know; it does sound like more than plea deals and ARDs. We’re still waiting to see if the drug aspect of Sandusky’s phone calls, as discovered by Sassano, ever sees the light of day. So, we’ve got the possibility of sex crimes/trafficking and/or drug distribution. It’d be logical for an organized element to be involved with what look like just an individual’s crimes, esp because of the coverup.

    As to plea bargains/ARDs, it might depend on exactly who needed those. One prominent person? Or a lot of little fish, who could rat out the bigger ones–and were too numerous to “disappear” them all? IDK

    I’m trying to find out how Rendell might tie in. He was Gov for most of the 2000s, and he did approve the state grant for Second Mile’s “chicken ranch” project. Who sold that project to Rendell?

  48. Rose says:

    I have been wanting to address some things related to CPS law from defs section & most especially the time frames —30 day founded & Court gun, or unfounded etc, but have just done 2 all nite drives & not able yet. appreciating posts…..
    Blink mentioned victims could be impeached if victimized others as a sequelae or had criminal charges, juvenile or other,
    Keep in mind Jerry fished in ponds of already troubled youth in the juvenile system. He exploited that very population. Attracted to them no doubt in part because their veracity COULD be impeached relative to his. So of course they’d have had charges or vics. Never took on anyone his own size. Frankly I have more contempt for mother Dottie.

    I don’t think I have more for Dottie- but I definitely have a different variety.

    Jerry Sandusky did not learn his grooming strategy via trial and error. He was taught.


  49. erose says:

    Google “Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program” which was the grant The Second Mile applied for and it comes up with ‘PA Department of Homeland Security.’ Rendell approved and Corbett was to sign, as you know. So the pitchman? My guess is Poole, to ensure his construction company stayed busy.

    He described the RACP application process as involved, where applicants pitch projects and the administration then sends a letter of approval with an application that must be submitted, a process that takes anywhere from six to eight months. It’s a program that requires applicants to have matching funds to receive the grant, a process designed to leverage greater private investment.

    Mr. Poole’s role in the selection of his company as manager for the publicly funded project was not clear Wednesday. Neither he nor vice chairman David Woodle, who is directing the day-to-day operations of The Second Mile, returned repeated calls seeking comment.

    According to the organization’s bylaws, the board can authorize contracts and the chairman is empowered to sign them, along with the “secretary or any other proper officer.”

    Read more:

  50. erose says:

    Same article, but I missed this:

    On Monday, Centre County commissioners notified The Second Mile that they were withdrawing from the project. The county had planned to serve as administrator of the state grant.

    “The County no longer supports or is willing to participate in this project,” solicitor Louis T. Glantz said in a letter to the organization.

    Read more:

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