Freeh Report on Sandusky and PSU BOMBSHELL: What They Missed

Blink is on location and will be filing this report later today.  I am opening the thread to keep discussion on the Freeh Report here in advance of the piece.    Set your RSS.

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  1. beejay says:

    That Sporadic-Gricar blogger lives in the area near where Bucceroni has worked. Not far from Kensington. Keep hoping he’ll contribute something, but IIRC, he didn’t move to Philly till late 1990s??

  2. beejay says:

    I think this is Ward’s “Rebound Foundation, Inc”

    Date: 9/23/2012 Business Entity Filing History
    (Select the link above to view the Business Entity’s Filing History)

    Business Name History
    Name Name Type
    Non-Profit (Non Stock) – Domestic – Information

    Entity Number: 1072429
    Status: Active

    Entity Creation Date: 12/29/1988

    State of Business.: PA
    Registered Office Address: 214 GLENN RD
    ARDMORE PA 19003-0
    Mailing Address: No Address


    Oh, that probably won’t open up. Just enter the PA Sec of State’s Business/Corp Search and enter the name to go to the listing of all the Rebounds on file with them.

  3. beejay says:

    If we didn’t get it up earlier, Donald G. Abbey set up a Calif corp in Dec of 1999 for leasing out pilots and crew. Name is DAD, LLC.

    He also founded a Calif (IIRC) corp, one ot 60 corps he is affiliated with, for the purpose of owning and operating an airplane. Usually people offset the costs of their own use of their private plane by leasing it, and as Abbey has apparently done, leasing out a crew, to private individuals, corps, and/or flight schools. There are many such in the Long Beach area where Abbey lives (most of the time).

  4. beejay says:

    Here’s something if anyone needs it. A woman, now has doctorate in social work, who worked with the court’s Special Master program wrt the patient who filed that suit against Pennhurst hospital; case was big part of Pennhurst’s closing. She also worked with the old Child Guidance Clinic in Philly. Links:

    Oh, just google this for all sorts of explanatory documents:
    Third District Federal Court – Office of the Special Master for Pennhurst

    Case went to U.S. Supreme Court. One link:

    The woman, Dr. E Jane Middleton, also did some academic research evaluating patient outcomes or such in mid-1980s. Pennhurst. Don’t have all that in my records.

  5. beejay says:

    does anyone have enough legal/accounting knowledge to explain why someone sets up a slew of companies with only one employee, being oneself?

    Just wondering about Donald G. Abbey’s many companies. He was said to have started the Abbey Company in 1990 after a 30-yr history of working in the real estate business nationally. I haven’t tried to find much of that.

    Ex., one of his one-person companies, now dissolved, but incorporated in Calif in 1981. Near the airport in Irvine, which is an easy drive to Long Beach. His Abbey Co is vertically integrated, so he tries to own all the companies that provide services for his real estate properties.

    from calif sec of state:
    Entity Number: C1040599
    Date Filed: 04/02/1981
    Status: DISSOLVED
    Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA
    Entity Address: 2061 BUSINESS CENTER DR., STE. 203
    Entity City, State, Zip: IRVINE CA 92715
    Agent for Service of Process: DONALD G. ABBEY
    Agent Address: 2061 BUSINESS CENTER DR., STE. 203
    Agent City, State, Zip: IRVINE CA 92715

  6. beejay says:

    I forgot. Phil Foglietta’s brother was Thomas(Tom) Foglietta, Congressman and later ambassador to Italy. Atty. Here’s his obit, 2004–he outlived Phil. Another person who would’ve been worthy of favors, or just protecting his name, by keeping Phil’s crimes quiet.

    IIRC, Louis Freeh appeared before Congress with Tom Foglietta in attendance, during some of Freeh’s more embarrassing moments.

  7. erose says:

    @Beejay, Don’t-cha-know, you’re not supposed to leave “home” without saying “good-bye,” welcome back, you were missed. I agree Rebound was a sham, but I have to wonder who the other employees were, if any.

    Green [Ward's Attorney] argued that the foundation had at least two other University of Pennsylvania employees on its board and had helped other youths.

  8. erose says:

    @Beejay, I tried to make the Foglietta link and came up with this. Not saying it’s right, but does not show Phil as his brother. I have seen other bio’s where sibs aren’t mentioned. Perhaps he wanted distance.

  9. beejay says:

    @erose: TY for the welcome-back. Here’s the thing: my DH has figured out that it’s easier to seize my electronics without warning. That way he gets no begging, or manipulative delaying offers from me. That, plus we’re both really really busy with our separate projects. And I depend so much on the many ways he helps me with mine that I can’t possibly complain.

    Yeah, I’d like to find more of the testimony in the Ward trials to see if we can find those purported two other U Penn employees. I mean, if Ward’s tax atty/accountant set up the accounting end of it for real–or maybe not. Money guy for the mob liar-type? IDK

    Reading one of those articles, though about how Wharton/Penn convinced him to take emeritus status, yet still gave him honorary awards after they got him out of sight, had him teaching for their division in some sex-trafficking country, travelling there for his child abusive hobby on the school’s dime. Thought i was reading about Sandusky and PSU after 1999. So sad.

    I’m down to the Nixon chapter in Posnaski’s Paterno book and I have one nagging question: why did he use Don Abbey so much for material for the book? Paterno approved this biography. Did the Paternos suggest Abbey, or did Posnaski bring in Abbey material after Joe died, trying to balance out the editorial tone, since Abbey didn’t much like Joe?

    Repeat after me.. cheeseburger once a month.

    One small distinction, he was an approved biographer, the Paterno’s did not approve the biography and had no creative control. If you have not seen the Costas interview you simply must.

    I wish he was a true crime journalist.


  10. erose says:

    Taxes are a good place to start. The more entities, the more ways to shuffle the money around because they are all in his name, IOW no one else investing with him, IMO.

    beejay says:
    September 23, 2012 at 12:53 pm

    does anyone have enough legal/accounting knowledge to explain why someone sets up a slew of companies with only one employee, being oneself?

  11. beejay says:

    Thanks, Blink, for your comments. Just finished the Posnanski book. Did you read it?

    Well, Posnanski said that Abbey said Paterno took him under his wing after Abbey showed up around State College again in the early 1990s, and that they “met”. IDK if that meant by appointment, or by chance. And that Paterno subsequently went out of his way to hook Abbey up with business people, to help him with his real estate company. (that’s near end of the book; and the description of the Abbey-Paterno relationship is intriguing–not in a good way)

    Was Phil Knight of Nike one of those business contacts? Abbey Co did a press release around 2007 saying they might expand their acquisitions out of Calif, with Portland OR being a possibility.

    Guess it’s apparent that I’ve made little progress on the list erose gave me of PSU players in Sandusky’s early coaching years. Don Abbey was the first name on the list. And I can’t get past it.

    Have not yet beejay. Reading is going to be luxury I will not have for a while unless it is course-driven.


  12. beejay says:

    So, I maybe there was truth to that rumor that Bruce Heim was to appear before the grand jury–what was that 2-3 weeks ago?

    From some of the sidebars, in-chambers stuff that was released last Fri. Cleland referring to Bruce Heim here:

    “Cleland later asked, “On the other hand, you don’t have to confirm this, but I assume by reading between the lines that you’re telling me there may be ongoing investigations involving his involvement, which Juror 6, as his secretary, may be aware of?””

    Read more here:

  13. beejay says:

    @ erose says:
    September 23, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    @Beejay, I tried to make the Foglietta link and came up with this. Not saying it’s right, but does not show Phil as his brother.

    erose, you know that came from Bucceroni, right? I feel sorry for him; people seem to be throwing every perv in history at him and saying, ‘did ya know him, too?’ Let’s work on that some more…

  14. Word Girl says:

    Welcome back, Beej!
    As usual, you return in Smarty Style! Grazie bene.

  15. beejay says:

    Correction–MY BAD. Bucceroni only said Phil & Thomas Foglietta were related. Didn’t say how.

    Greg Bucceroni Greg Bucceroni ‏@gregbucceroni 15 Sep

    NYC pedophile was related to Philadelphia Congressman Ambassador to Italy Thomas Foglietta who was also good friends with Sam Rappaport.


  16. erose says:

    @Beejay, Thanks for the tweet from Bucceroni about the Foglietta’s being related. I couldn’t quite get there. Maybe cousins. Tom Foglietta’s dad was a councilman. Some might say between the father and son, they “ran” Philly for about 30 years.

    Foglietta’s father, Michael, was a Republican committeeman, ward leader and clerk of quarter sessions who was ultimately elected to Philadelphia City Council in 1947.

    In 1955, Foglietta ran for Philadelphia City Council. Foglietta won, becoming the youngest person ever elected to that body. Foglietta served on the Council for 20 years.

  17. erose says:

    Apologies if this was previously posted. Aunt Margaret, Aunt Bertha, fwiw.

    Another Foglietta Aide Has Run-in With The Law

  18. erose says:

    Hon Michael Foglietta obit

    Theodore Foglietta, Retired Cop

    Theodore M. Foglietta, a retired Philadelphia police officer and the brother of U.S. Rep. Thomas Foglietta, died Saturday. A native of South Philadelphia, his age was not released.

    While on the police force, Foglietta worked at the old 12th and Pine streets station with then-Capt. Frank L. Rizzo. After retiring, he worked as a detective in the district attorney’s office, and later for the Philadelphia Parking Authority.

  19. beejay says:

    Yes, yes. All the important people who were remotely connected to known-but-not-investigated pedophiles have been protected for decades and don’t want to be in the spotlight now.

    Lynn Abraham, Philly DA’s office who (finally) brought charges against Ed Savitz–becomes inhouse counsel for TSM in Nov 2011. She had joined the large and prominent law firm of Archer & Greiner, post retirement from DA.

    In Dec, 2010, the head of Archer & Greiner, James H. Carll (with that firm since 1978) received a position with the Union League of Phila:

    “In December, Carll, a resident of Haddonfield, was selected to serve on the board of directors of the Union League of Philadelphia, once and still considered the premier club for Philadelphia’s professionals and business tycoons.”


    Carll specializes in complex corporate business transactions. Press release about his apptmt to ULP is at link below. Snip:

    “…The League’s civic participation and philanthropic outreach take the form of three charitable foundations: The Youth Work Foundation, The Scholarship Foundation and The Abraham Lincoln Foundation….”


    Internet traffic is heavy. I suspect a seizure coming on for me personally. I have many loose threads and a thousand questions. Will be here as I can.

    Where are all the OTHER, less-well-known pedos that might have operated in the sphere of TSM??? Did they simply control their activities once Sandusky was stopped? I think not. Large flashlights are needed!

  20. Rose says:

    I came back to look for beejay.

    Will charge my flashlight batteries,
    but am looking forward to Vics being socially respected
    thru their civil suits as a reassurance to other young men.
    To that end, I hope they do not continue to be

  21. Rose says:

    re slew of cos., 1 employee, airport & freight involvement, etc
    for goodness sakes, beejay, think cia front, special ops, etc

  22. Rose says:

    I guess that would be one reason a house on an island in (Montana?)
    would appeal while he could afford it.
    Maybe a spigot turned off in election of 2008.
    What’s the military service hx if any and the political attachment?

  23. Word Girl says:

    As usual, thx for all the great research. This thing is just gets more complicated. I’m impressed by y’all’s tenacity and brain power.

  24. erose says:

    Mr. Corbett did receive significant political contributions from Theodore Foglietta, Jr., president of McCormick Taylor and Mr. Schoch’s boss. Mr. Foglietta donated $61,000 to Mr. Corbett’s gubernatorial campaign over the last two years.

    Here’s a question- are we keeping a running tally on any “ilk” we have uncovered and their election contributions to Corbett. Now there is a pie chart I would make the trip to Harrisburg to present personally.


  25. Rose says:

    Refer back to erose’ 9/8/12 post where (ex MBNA/Freeh colleague) R Struthers,
    new Wilkes Barre PS Board member, moved on to a Corp gaming career.

  26. Rose says:

    you know, we were in dry dock.
    I come back to see if beejay returned
    from (fantasized) Italy, and there’s too much

  27. Rose says:

    i don’t know how to get the url but look at HuffPost today on the PA
    near-term execution case with ” new evidence.”
    (child sexual abuse that prosecutor was
    aware of & apparently buried)

  28. beejay says:

    Ya’ll know that Mr. Abbey has a Portland tie in the past few years, right? Just a little factoid, likely of no use except brain clutter.

    Will provide link if anyone wants it. Otherwise, just hearsay.

  29. erose says:

    Sorry Blink, I can’t make a pie, lol. Maybe if I give you the ingredients, you can make the pie (in your spare time, lol). Might take me awhile to shop around, but here is about 1/2 a million to Corbett just from Shaner and the Pegula’s.

    Kim Pegula

    Lance Shaner

    Terey Pegula

    @Beejay, Would love to see your Portland connection.

  30. erose says:

    correction: Terry Pegula

  31. beejay says:

    OK, erose. It does nothing except indicate he has likely visited Portland in the last few years. Oh, it also indicates, to me, a real misadventure with handling his personal(company’s) funds. I’m sure that’s all very exciting. Putting together all I’ve read paints a picture of a mind you don’t trust with fronting for CIA, Special Ops, etc., as rose suggested to me. Not going to post more about that. It’s all in print for the perusing and pondering.

    Link takes you in at pg 3. If interested, see more pages: FDCO 20120420B69.xml&docbase=CsLwAr3-2007-Curr&SizeDisp=7

    IIRC, this company is Glacier Construction, LLC. I verified it as still an active business registered with Montana Sec of State. If you read all the various litigation, this is what my DH calls a “cluster eff”.

  32. beejay says:

    Tried hard last night to get a post up with link documenting Abbey’s contributions to Paterno For Congress. Gave up. I found it on corporationwiki, under Abbey’s political contributions. We’ve discussed those previously, so maybe the link got posted then.
    (In 2004 he gave $4K to Scott Paterno’s campaign fund.)

    What’s interesting is Abbey’s renewed interest in Paterno, which acc to Posnanski (Mr. cheeseburger-once-a-month) Abbey said in 1990s he reestablished their relationship. Acc to that source, Abbey felt Paterno had driven him to drugs and drink (yes, drugs, per the source) as well as worked him so hard on the field that he has had continuing soft-tissue injuries and surgeries.

    Anyway, Abbey, reportedly, engaged with Paterno. And Paterno took him under his wing–out of guilt? compassion?–and hooked him up with Paterno’s business associates. To help him build his real estate empire.

    So, who were those people? IDK. You could, however, get from there to Bruce Heim (and son Ben) couldn’t you?

    Why, also, did Abbey, once successful, start making substantial contributions to PSU? Did Paterno request it? Or, did someone(s) else? Just food for thought.

    BTW, it’s a comfortable one hour drive from Abbey’s island in Montana, once you get to the mainland, up to the nearest Canadian border crossing. So I’m told. Maybe that already is posted.

  33. beejay says:

    So, um, anybody know who was the older man that the younger Surma was romantically involved with?

  34. beejay says:

    OK, I think it’s important background reading. So here’s the lead-in to surma-vendetta-part-2:

  35. erose says:

    Vic Sr:

    “They picked the right guy,” said older brother Vic Surma, a Mount Lebanon dentist. “I told him Tuesday what a disgrace it is, and what a horrible, horrible thing it is to happen. He said he really couldn’t discuss anything with me, and I wasn’t trying to pry.”

    Vic Surma, 61, a starting offensive tackle in college, played from 1968 to 1970 for the Nittany Lions under Paterno. One semester, he said, he lived in a spare bedroom in Sandusky’s basement. He has kept in touch with his former coach through annual golf outings to benefit The Second Mile, the charity for troubled boys that Sandusky created. It’s how Sandusky found his victims, prosecutors said.

    “The whole thing is very, very sad,” Vic Surma said. “I have been in sort of a funk ever since the story broke.”

    Read more here:

  36. erose says:

    Take with a grain of salt, fwiw.
    Now, back to Paterno, Those of us who have friends on the inside of the trsutees, know that Corbett got what he wanted with paterno. Corbett had a huge grudge with paterno over campaign and monetary issues……… there will be more on thsi later when he is up for re-election. The person that I know, Vic Surma´s son, is teh wone who told me this after everything went down….. Vic Surma is my neighbor back in PA. Vic Jr.has hooked me up on several occasions with PSU gifts and things over here in Spain. He has given som einteresting insight on the situation. As far as civil suits, if there are any vs. the Paterno estate, he has told me they wil be settled out of court, and teh family wil be very generous with the victims.!!!!

  37. Rose says:

    @beejay. TY for take on Don.
    I guess we have different takes on psychological profile of a contractor setting up civilian ops shells.
    I don’t think tax reasons explains 60 (how many does MR have for example).

  38. Rose says:

    ty erose. can’t see w/o Flash, but I gather Vic
    was a mature male model in Feb 09 Passion issue if Lux.
    If he lived in the basement briefly, god help him imo. I think
    the Surma article is good background but it’s hard to separate out bias.
    String willed coaches often have pluses and minuses. But no one on Board
    should have had the authority to stop a JP regular weekly press conf
    unless it was on advice of Univ Gen Counsel. And we know how proactive that
    one was.!

  39. Word Girl says:

    OMG on the Jr. cover model cite. Co-model Tara Sukustis’ film is not on netflix but available at amazon. Her FB has a cool lion palate, just for OT rummagings.

  40. Word Girl says:

    Beejay, thanks for the lead-in to the Surm so-called Vendetta. Gives another perspective, indeed, of some latent animosity toward Joe Paterno.

  41. erose says:

    @Beejay, You know Vic Surma and Don Abbey were teammates. I went to corporation wiki and pluuged in the Golden Shore address. The post won’t link, but I saw all the businesses of which you speak. I also found that Vic Surma has places in Marina Del Ray and Venice, CA. Of course, jr is on some modeling sites that warned me not about the adult content, so I did not click. Sad, really sad.

  42. erose says:

    To clarify, Vic Surma SR lived in Sandusky’s basement for a semester.

    Rose says:
    September 25, 2012 at 7:16 pm

    ty erose. can’t see w/o Flash, but I gather Vic
    was a mature male model in Feb 09 Passion issue if Lux.
    If he lived in the basement briefly, god help him imo.

  43. erose says:

    Agreed. That’s some list.

    Rose says:
    September 25, 2012 at 6:07 pm

    @beejay. TY for take on Don.
    I guess we have different takes on psychological profile of a contractor setting up civilian ops shells.
    I don’t think tax reasons explains 60 (how many does MR have for example).

  44. Rose says:

    sorry for my slowness, beejay. I finally realized the civilian business that accesses borders, uses planes & freight, needs good laundry facilities with multiple shells, needs investment options such as real estate & can pay in cash, prefers seclusion. Duh. But why PS gifting?

  45. Rose says:

    a little short of halfway down, JP characterizes the ’69 team with Abbey & Surma.
    He put a lot of pressure on that year and was critical of them. It was a major year it seems
    for JP’s competitive spirit after the ’68 year. Abbey was a fullback and Surma competed with several others for one tackle position. ’69 was also the year JS began coaching at PS on the defensive line. In ’70, JS became linebacker coach. I wonder if these college years when he was competing for tackle was when Surma lived in the basement.

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