Casey/Caylee Anthony Case: Zenaida Gonzalez Civil Case Back in Court -UPDATES LIVE-

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Cindy Anthony,John Morgan,Murdered,Tot Mom,Zenaida Gonzalez | Tuesday 19 May 2009 8:33 am

Orlando, FL– The Motions hearing in the civil case on behalf of Zenaida Gonzalez against totmom Casey Anthony got a late start this morning.


Keith Mitnik, representing Zenaida for Morgan and Morgan, began by alledging the defendants motion, represented by Jonathan Casen, is untimely, and filed after a response 3 months prior. Judge responded by allowing Casen to address the “moot” ness of the filing, and then hear the merit of the filing.

Almost immediately, Judge Rodriguez slammed both sides of the court to stop the eruption of snark barbs and threatened to cancell the hearing if it did not cease. First on the docket was the motion on behalf of Gonzalez to ammend the civil case to include punitive damages.  

Mitnik went on to masterfully craft the argument that Casey Anthony is the only person to identify his client with the abduction of her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, as well as with Sawgrass Apartments, where Ms. Anthony had friends living at the time.

Casen, responding to Mitnik’s claims, argued that the plaintiff’s counsel did not provide adequate fore-diligence in researching the probability of punitive damages in advance of the filing and the ammendment for punitive damages should be disallowed. Casen then followed up with the Judge’s own words from an earlier hearing in the case, regarding “splitting the baby” on the issue. (Editor’s note: Who says that in open court in a case that involves a murdered 34 month old whose remains were found scattered in nearly a 1 mile radius)

Motion 1 Granted

Both sides agreed to continue the balance of the motions before the court on Thursday.

Judge Rodriguez then addressed the issues of prior security regarding the corridor and warned the media if they are going to “monger” to catch footage of respondents or interested parties and it causes a safety breach, they will be barred from the proceedings.

The hearing ended with Attorney Casen whining to Judge Rodriguez that if the opposing counsel had told him their plan to table motions until Thursday with the exception of this one, he would have appreciated the professionalism to have been told that in advance, as he drove up from Jacksonville the day before.

Judge interrupted Casen’s whiney drivel and immediately requested counsel approach his honor where he went off the record.

It is not clear what His Honor said to Casen, but sources inside the courtroom have confirmed to they overhears something about calling a WWWWWAAAAAAAmbulance.  



Casey/Caylee Anthony Case: Cindy Anthony “Casey Had To Have Help”

Orlando, CA– The audio of a voice mail message left for Sgt. John Allen, Orange County Sheriff’s Office previously released in transcript form, was released today.


The recording is 3 minutes and 46 seconds whereby Cindy Anthony tells Sgt Allen she does not feel OCSO is looking into things presented by her family, does not want her parents contacted and that they are only interested in pointing the finger at Casey and not finding Caylee.

This release comes on the heels of Oprah Winfrey’s decision to cancell the Anthony’s appearance on her show next week, and the cancellation of their appearance as key note speakers in a highly lauded Victim’s Advocate Memorial Conference. 

YouTube courtesy of Klaasend

Casey/Caylee Anthony Case: PI Deposed in Gonzalez Suit Implicates ABC and Lee Anthony

Orlando, Fl– Jim Hoover, one of the private detectives that had been working for the Anthony family and by way of Dominick Casey also Jose Baez and Casey Anthony was deposed yesterday in the Zenaida Gonzalez Civil Suit.

Attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez, John Morgan, questioned Hoover for over three hours with the PI becoming visibly un nerved when faced with questions he did not wish to answer. Hoover arrived at the deposition at the law offices of Morgan and Morgan without an attorney. At one point, the self-proclaimed 35 year veteran private investigator requested to stop the deposition and he would get a lawyer.

“..Part of Private Investigations is that it is private.. Is that question relevant to this? How is that relevant? We should probably just stop this and I’ll get a lawyer.”

For most of the 3.5 hour deposition Hoover was fidgeting in his chair and when Morgan asked questions that were clearly uncomfortable for him, he seemed evasive. Morgan asked Hoover if he had memory problems:

..What celebrity were you a bodyguard for?.. Do you not remember or you don’t want to answer the question? See.. if I was a bodyguard for Oprah Winfrey, I would remember that.. By the way, this is the easy part..”

As previously reported exclusively on Blinkoncrime, Hoover admitted that Dominick Casey told him that either Jose Baez, attorney to tot mom Casey Anthony, or Casey herself was paid between $200–$225K for image rights by abc. When asked who he felt Dominic Casey was on the phone with, he said he was never told but that he always thought it was Lee Anthony. Hoover was never asked to perform any investigative work into any person named Zenaida Gonzalez at any time during his tenure with the Anthony’s.

YouTubes of Deposition:

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7

part 8

part 9

part 10

part 11



New Motion to Compel Filed in Casey Anthony Civil Case: Lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez want another crack at Lee Anthony

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,John Morgan,Lee Anthony,Zenaida Gonzalez | Wednesday 11 March 2009 3:22 pm


Uh-oh. John Morgan, attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez in her civil defamation suit against Casey Anthony filed a motion to compel this afternoon.

Morgan and co-counsel Keith Mitnick want Lee Anthony to answer the two questions he was advised against answering during his February 27th deposition:

Do you know who Caylee’s Father Is?

Do you think your sister is responsible for her daughter’s disappearance?

Thanks to Good Ol’ YouTube, we already know that one of those questions he has the answer to, and moreover, he L I E D during his deposition.

“We will never release the name of that person who has passed away, whose family who had knowledge that he was even the Father..

“If I know she’s gotta know, she told me..” This is not new news to us, we have known for years..”

In his deposition testimony on February 27th, when asked by John Morgan if he thought Caylee’s father could have something to do with her disappearance, he answered “If I knew that door would have been knocked down a long time ago, You couldnt stop me from it..”

Lee’s Depostion can be found here: 

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