Casey/Caylee Anthony Case: Zenaida Gonzalez Civil Case Back in Court -UPDATES LIVE-
Keith Mitnik, representing Zenaida for Morgan and Morgan, began by alledging the defendants motion, represented by Jonathan Casen, is untimely, and filed after a response 3 months prior. Judge responded by allowing Casen to address the “moot” ness of the filing, and then hear the merit of the filing.
Almost immediately, Judge Rodriguez slammed both sides of the court to stop the eruption of snark barbs and threatened to cancell the hearing if it did not cease. First on the docket was the motion on behalf of Gonzalez to ammend the civil case to include punitive damages.
Mitnik went on to masterfully craft the argument that Casey Anthony is the only person to identify his client with the abduction of her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, as well as with Sawgrass Apartments, where Ms. Anthony had friends living at the time.
Casen, responding to Mitnik’s claims, argued that the plaintiff’s counsel did not provide adequate fore-diligence in researching the probability of punitive damages in advance of the filing and the ammendment for punitive damages should be disallowed. Casen then followed up with the Judge’s own words from an earlier hearing in the case, regarding “splitting the baby” on the issue. (Editor’s note: Who says that in open court in a case that involves a murdered 34 month old whose remains were found scattered in nearly a 1 mile radius)
Motion 1 Granted
Both sides agreed to continue the balance of the motions before the court on Thursday.
Judge Rodriguez then addressed the issues of prior security regarding the corridor and warned the media if they are going to “monger” to catch footage of respondents or interested parties and it causes a safety breach, they will be barred from the proceedings.
The hearing ended with Attorney Casen whining to Judge Rodriguez that if the opposing counsel had told him their plan to table motions until Thursday with the exception of this one, he would have appreciated the professionalism to have been told that in advance, as he drove up from Jacksonville the day before.
Judge interrupted Casen’s whiney drivel and immediately requested counsel approach his honor where he went off the record.
It is not clear what His Honor said to Casen, but sources inside the courtroom have confirmed to they overhears something about calling a WWWWWAAAAAAAmbulance.