Casey/Caylee Anthony Case: PI Deposed in Gonzalez Suit Implicates ABC and Lee Anthony

Orlando, Fl– Jim Hoover, one of the private detectives that had been working for the Anthony family and by way of Dominick Casey also Jose Baez and Casey Anthony was deposed yesterday in the Zenaida Gonzalez Civil Suit.

Attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez, John Morgan, questioned Hoover for over three hours with the PI becoming visibly un nerved when faced with questions he did not wish to answer. Hoover arrived at the deposition at the law offices of Morgan and Morgan without an attorney. At one point, the self-proclaimed 35 year veteran private investigator requested to stop the deposition and he would get a lawyer.

“..Part of Private Investigations is that it is private.. Is that question relevant to this? How is that relevant? We should probably just stop this and I’ll get a lawyer.”

For most of the 3.5 hour deposition Hoover was fidgeting in his chair and when Morgan asked questions that were clearly uncomfortable for him, he seemed evasive. Morgan asked Hoover if he had memory problems:

..What celebrity were you a bodyguard for?.. Do you not remember or you don’t want to answer the question? See.. if I was a bodyguard for Oprah Winfrey, I would remember that.. By the way, this is the easy part..”

As previously reported exclusively on Blinkoncrime, Hoover admitted that Dominick Casey told him that either Jose Baez, attorney to tot mom Casey Anthony, or Casey herself was paid between $200–$225K for image rights by abc. When asked who he felt Dominic Casey was on the phone with, he said he was never told but that he always thought it was Lee Anthony. Hoover was never asked to perform any investigative work into any person named Zenaida Gonzalez at any time during his tenure with the Anthony’s.

YouTubes of Deposition:

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7

part 8

part 9

part 10

part 11



New Motion to Compel Filed in Casey Anthony Civil Case: Lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez want another crack at Lee Anthony

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,John Morgan,Lee Anthony,Zenaida Gonzalez | Wednesday 11 March 2009 3:22 pm


Uh-oh. John Morgan, attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez in her civil defamation suit against Casey Anthony filed a motion to compel this afternoon.

Morgan and co-counsel Keith Mitnick want Lee Anthony to answer the two questions he was advised against answering during his February 27th deposition:

Do you know who Caylee’s Father Is?

Do you think your sister is responsible for her daughter’s disappearance?

Thanks to Good Ol’ YouTube, we already know that one of those questions he has the answer to, and moreover, he L I E D during his deposition.

“We will never release the name of that person who has passed away, whose family who had knowledge that he was even the Father..

“If I know she’s gotta know, she told me..” This is not new news to us, we have known for years..”

In his deposition testimony on February 27th, when asked by John Morgan if he thought Caylee’s father could have something to do with her disappearance, he answered “If I knew that door would have been knocked down a long time ago, You couldnt stop me from it..”

Lee’s Depostion can be found here: 

Zenaida Gonzalez & Annie Leigh Downing’s Excellent Adventure: Zannie and Annie Go to Traffic Court

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Jose Baez,Missing Persons,Murdered,Tot Mom,Zenaida Gonzalez | Friday 16 January 2009 12:25 pm

When asked the question, do you’re Clients still believe a Zenaida Gonzalez is responsible for what happened to Caylee? Brad Conway, attorney representing George and Cindy Anthony responds:

“They do, but not the Zenaida represented by Mr. Morgan…”


If your like me, you are as bewildered as one can get at the insistence of “Camp Casey”  to continue to suggest that a person with this name is involved in the abduction and murder of 34 month old Caylee Anthony. Perhaps Attorney Baez and his Cum Laude Clan are preparing their Columbo moment in this regard while fighting over who gets to be Colonel Mustard in the study .

Although listed as a witness for the Prosecution released by the State’s Attorney’s office on January 11, 2008, Annie Leigh Downing’s Interview with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office has never been made public.  Her cell phone records and any IM or text messages between her and Casey Anthony have also never been made public although other witnesses have.

Failure To Yield

That may be the gross understatement of the year describing Casey Anthony. But in this scenario, it is actually a traffic citation, one of two, given to a Zenaida Gonzalez, on May 24, 2008.


Click to enlarge

No, again, this is not the Zenaida represented by Mr. Morgan, this is a different Zannie, with a birth date of January 11, 1986. Wow. Just a mere 3 months older than Casey.  Did they go to school together? Have mutual friends? Fellow Fusionite?

Nope, Not the Best Driving Record

Annie Downing had a rough couple months this Spring in the traffic area. On March 30, 2008, she received citations for both Speeding 15-19 mph over the speed limit, and for not producing her driver’s license and insurance card. While the presentation of those documents on April 18 cleared that part of the citation,  the speeding ticket remained open on her record until 2 online requested and subsequently granted extensions later on July 1, 2008. Why do we care?


Co ink y Dink or Other

There are only 3 plausible scenarios where  a material witness in a homicide case whose statement has been withheld, and  a woman with the name at the center of the linchpin of Casey Anthony’s defense get traffic citations on the same day. Throw in the tidbit that Casey met Tony Lazzarro for the first time at a party that same evening, and you have what appears to be in retrospect, the beginning of the omen for Caylee.  To be able to best portray the relevance of the above ZG incident as compared to known relevant dates in this case, I offer the following three theories with accompanying timeline.

Theory 1: Casey is using Zenaida as an alias


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