Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Baez Motionfest in Court This Morning

Orlando, FL– If yesterday’s antics at the press conference of attorney for the search group Texas Equusearch, Mark Nejame, were a precursor to this mornings motions hearing, it should prove to be a long day.

Exactly what pending motions are slated to be heard as there are several before the court at this time, remains to be seen, however, all have been initiated on behalf of the defense team Jose Baez and Andrea D. Lyon.

It is presumed the court will hear: Motion to delay the economic charges against Casey Anthony, motion response on behalf of TES Founder Tim Miller to be certified as a witness in the criminal case, Motion of 90 pages regarding evidence tested by the FBI (insert yawn). Motion regarding Anthony Lazzaro phone records, motion regarding Dominic Casey records and motion to preclude Leonard Padilla, Tony Padilla, Tracy Mclaughlin and Rob Dick from testifying as prosecution witnesses. Motion for anything I forgot.

Strap in. Ride starts at 9:30AM EST, live feed here:

Mark Nejame, Todd Macaluso, Andrea Lyon Argue TES Motion 

First Up-Mark Nejame vs. Andrea Lyon TES motion 10:18 AM

White shoes. Repeat. White shoes in court. Got the petty out of the way, thanks for indulging me.

Mark presents to his Honor, Stan Strickland, the vast problematic issues with a broad request, which could encompass 4000 different individuals.

Andrea Lyon argued this is not a fishing expedition, it is the equivalent of the defense relying on the “Trust Me”  argument on behalf of the state. They are not looking to expose people’s personal information. Ms. Lyon went on say the defense is willing to hang out at Mark’s office until they get what they need.

Judge Strickland in recent receipt of the answer, deferring ruling upon review in short order. 

Jose Baez Argues Tony Lazzarro phone records 

Baez argues Lazzarro was served, and that the motion has been narrowed and only received response yesterday at 4PM.

AttorneyJay, for Tony Lazzarro, argues he was not served either, was notified by a third party as to ammended motion. Jay agrees to requesting the 6 week period of records from AT &T, but is not optimistic he will be able to. Furthermore, the materiality of the defense request post July 15, 2008, has not been shown. All communication had ceased by then.

Judge Strickland grants a portion of the defense request, June 1 through September 2008, within 30 days.

Jose Baez Argues Motion to Preclude Leonard, Tony, Tracy and Rob

 Baez calls George Anthony. Casey begins weeping openly. George discusses his interaction with the team.

Linda points out Mr. Padilla puts up $50k  bond, so how is it he was unaware that his intention was to find his grandaughter. George is doubletalking that they volunteered to provide security only once she was out. Jim Campbell, was the retired LE officer was staying at the home at the time. Mr. Baez had to be present when any person spoke to Casey or was around her, if he were not, a family member had to be present at all times.

George states he knew nothing about the privacy arrangements they agreed to. Linda pointed out there were several people that could have transported Casey back and forth, and that they requested this service. 

Ms. Drane Burdick presented the audio interviews of Leonard, Rob, and Tracy, about 3 hours worth which the Judge will review. She requested an original copy of the signed agreements for all parties.

*Secret*.. What Baez presented as the true and correct copies of the executed agreements by all parties is NOT.. Ms. Burdick is aware of this

Judge Strickland points out that Baez has had well over a year to file a temporary restraining order as Padilla as he has been “breaking that agreement” all over TV under this argument.

Ms. Drane Burdick argued Baez motion is essentially a gag order, and their has been no agency established, they posess the burden to establish privlege in the first place.

Oral agreement was hatched upfront between all parties, and prior to the written agreement. The agreement to provide security was a condition of posting the bond in the first place.

BAM… What I eluded to, Tony Padilla did not SIGN that agreement in the motion.  Hello, Florida Bar, please hold… 

I am intentionally shortening this segment, The State ate his lunch, and I have no clue why, but ruling deferred.

Motion to Determine a Trial Date Check Fraud

The state argues the check issues are relegated to specific dates and feels although witnesses may overlap, there is not an issue as to hearing testimony in the murder case. Baez is the only attorney on the docket of the case. The victim, Amy Huizenga, is asserting her right as a victim for the matter to be concluded. As an alternative, the State advises they are willing to go the bench trial route, which would allay the concerns altogether.

Ms. Lyon argues it is not their position it should never be tried and it is the states fault for seeking the death penalty in the murder case. Ms. Lyon sugested the state postpone the check fraud charges 60–90 days behind the murder charge.

Judge Strickland is considering this ruling as well

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: 3D Virtual Juror Exclusive- Tour for Yourself

Orlando, FL– While the countdown begins for upcoming motions in both the criminal and civil cases against notorious tot mom Casey Anthony for the murder of her daughter, Caylee, a exclusive:

Overhead mapAn Interactive Tour of the crime scene off Suburban Drive, the autopsy area and digital DNA lab, and the Anthony home where most believe is where 34 month old Caylee Marie Anthony sadly met her end.

Built by a colleague at my request, Angela Talamasca and her team have recreated an interactive simulation that undoubtedly will be used by both the State’s Attorneys and Jose Baez Defense Team.

It is designed to provide a virtual experience allowing the final “triers of fact” to literally transport themselves within the evidence and theories they will be presented to consider when determining the fate of the accused, Casey Anthony.  This proof of concept ”build” includes contribution and consult from leaders in the fields of: Forensics, CSI, Crime Scene Reconstruction and Medical Examiners Investigations.

Currently, we have closed the simulation “island” to the public while it continues development to reflect known evidence and elements of the case.

We got a glimpse of the 3D “view” released in the discovery of Autopsy a flyover of the area where Caylee Anthony’s remains were found. In the second life version (think Wii sims for adults) site called Digital DNA, users will be able to “virtually” tour the scenes by walking through them and simultaneously interacting with the features that will hilight the components and evidence of the case.

Take the Museum tour, interactive crime scene case review, test out your own theories “real time”  or disprove someone else’s; it’s here.

(editors note: out of respect for Caylee’s age, we have used a larger than scale anthropologic presentation)

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: New Discovery Released – Lee Anthony Granted Immunity?

Orlando, Florida– Over 1500 pages of New Discovery have been released by the State’s Attorney’s Office in the Case against Casey Anthony for the murder of 34 month old Caylee Marie Anthony.

A source speaking on condition of anonymity to, believes almost half of the information contained in the reports relates to Jesse Grund, Casey’s former fiancee’.


Parts 1–18 at above link

Check back to for updates and source links as they become available.

LeeDeposition73009WFTV is reporting the Lee Anthony has been granted immunity prior to his deposition by the State’s Attorney’s office this morning. Blinkoncrime has not been able to corroborate this report at the time of this posting. Lee is also facing a motion to compel his testimony in the civil case against his sister, lodged by Zenaida Gonzalez through her attorney John Morgan. 


Check back to for this developing story.

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Baez Blasts Team Padilla

Orlando, Fl– Late last week the latest motions in the defense of Tot mom Casey Anthony for allegedly murdering her 34 month old daughter Caylee were filed. Talk about your average ingrate. The very team Jose Baez called on for help to bail out his client is the latest target in Baez defense teams attempt to restart the bilge pump in Casey’s sinking ship. 

Baez latest attempt to un-ring the Padilla bell may as well have arrived at the clerks office on a cocktail napkin; it will be taken exactly that seriously.

There is no expectation of privilege where there is no attorney/client relationship in Florida. The question is, did Jose Baez sufficiently disclose that information to his client, Casey Anthony? Is this motion really designed to stave off the current Florida Bar complaints under investigative review?


Sources inside the investigation have confirmed to that Baez is attempting to head the testimony of Padilla et al “off at the pass” for multiple reasons. It is expected that the backyard babblings of Casey Anthony to Tracy Mclaughlin will corroborate some of the evidence at the scene where Caylee Anthony’s remains were found. That’s not all. Baez is indirectly looking to block Leonard, Tracy, Rob and Tony from the civil case against his Client filed by Zenaida Gonzalez by blocking them from allowing their testimony as witnesses for the state in the criminal trial.


Casey/Caylee Anthony Case: Zenaida Gonzalez Civil Case Back in Court -UPDATES LIVE-

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Cindy Anthony,John Morgan,Murdered,Tot Mom,Zenaida Gonzalez | Tuesday 19 May 2009 8:33 am

Orlando, FL– The Motions hearing in the civil case on behalf of Zenaida Gonzalez against totmom Casey Anthony got a late start this morning.


Keith Mitnik, representing Zenaida for Morgan and Morgan, began by alledging the defendants motion, represented by Jonathan Casen, is untimely, and filed after a response 3 months prior. Judge responded by allowing Casen to address the “moot” ness of the filing, and then hear the merit of the filing.

Almost immediately, Judge Rodriguez slammed both sides of the court to stop the eruption of snark barbs and threatened to cancell the hearing if it did not cease. First on the docket was the motion on behalf of Gonzalez to ammend the civil case to include punitive damages.  

Mitnik went on to masterfully craft the argument that Casey Anthony is the only person to identify his client with the abduction of her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, as well as with Sawgrass Apartments, where Ms. Anthony had friends living at the time.

Casen, responding to Mitnik’s claims, argued that the plaintiff’s counsel did not provide adequate fore-diligence in researching the probability of punitive damages in advance of the filing and the ammendment for punitive damages should be disallowed. Casen then followed up with the Judge’s own words from an earlier hearing in the case, regarding “splitting the baby” on the issue. (Editor’s note: Who says that in open court in a case that involves a murdered 34 month old whose remains were found scattered in nearly a 1 mile radius)

Motion 1 Granted

Both sides agreed to continue the balance of the motions before the court on Thursday.

Judge Rodriguez then addressed the issues of prior security regarding the corridor and warned the media if they are going to “monger” to catch footage of respondents or interested parties and it causes a safety breach, they will be barred from the proceedings.

The hearing ended with Attorney Casen whining to Judge Rodriguez that if the opposing counsel had told him their plan to table motions until Thursday with the exception of this one, he would have appreciated the professionalism to have been told that in advance, as he drove up from Jacksonville the day before.

Judge interrupted Casen’s whiney drivel and immediately requested counsel approach his honor where he went off the record.

It is not clear what His Honor said to Casen, but sources inside the courtroom have confirmed to they overhears something about calling a WWWWWAAAAAAAmbulance.  



Casey/Caylee Anthony Case: Cindy Anthony “Casey Had To Have Help”

Orlando, CA– The audio of a voice mail message left for Sgt. John Allen, Orange County Sheriff’s Office previously released in transcript form, was released today.


The recording is 3 minutes and 46 seconds whereby Cindy Anthony tells Sgt Allen she does not feel OCSO is looking into things presented by her family, does not want her parents contacted and that they are only interested in pointing the finger at Casey and not finding Caylee.

This release comes on the heels of Oprah Winfrey’s decision to cancell the Anthony’s appearance on her show next week, and the cancellation of their appearance as key note speakers in a highly lauded Victim’s Advocate Memorial Conference. 

YouTube courtesy of Klaasend

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