Posted by BOC Staff | Blink,Chris George,Cold Case,Missing and Endangered,Murdered,Tracy Ocasio,Uncategorized | Monday 21 February 2011 7:57 pm

Ocoee-Apopka, FL- Breaking News this evening in the Onda “Chris” George missing persons case.

A ground search in the area of Keene and Ocoee/Apopka Rds, near Medicine Lake, focused on locating evidence in the Chris George missing persons case has recovered bones, a cell phone and other evidence, a source on the ground speaking on the condition of anonymity shared with this evening.

Chris George was last seen with Tyler Watters and Jimmy Hataway.  The two are believed to have staged a truck accident close to the location of the search today.  Watters is currently facing felony charges for drug related offenses in Orange County, and Hataway is about to be tried for attempted murder in Seminole County. recently covered Chris's case, and tracked the last 24 hours of his life.

George's Mother, Rachael George,  has led recent efforts to rejuvinate Chris's case from it's "cold" status.

Reached at her home this evening, Ms. George refused to comment about what was found at the search, or if she has been told the remains are linked to her son.

.."I would not be in a position to discuss what Apopka Police have shared with us regarding the search today, and have been asked not to discuss it with the media..  We continue to be thankful for all efforts to help locate my son, and we are praying, as we have at every search, that we are able to finally recover him and for those responsible for his death to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The search today was based on locating evidence in his case,  and late last week I was told that law enforcement was planning renewed  search efforts at our request, but that is all I knew  before today.

Please keep Chris, his girlfriend and our family in your prayers.

-Rachael George

At press time, calls to Apopka Police Department have not been returned.  The remains recovered today have been sent to the Medical Examiner, Dr. Jan Garavaglia, and have not been identified pending autopsy.

Check back to for updates.

Blink On Crime Case Previews For Next Week: Bentley, Hoffman, George

Beth Bentley, missing since May 23, 2010 from Mt. Vernon

Beth and brother Ron

Matthew Hoffman, Homicidal Hobbit Sentenced To Life

Hoffmans Living Room

Chris George Missing since February 11, 2009 from Winter Garden, FL

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Halt Your Hubristic Hubrishness Jose Baez.. We Are All Stocked Up Here

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Jose Mason

“He has lulled himself into a false sense of competence.”


Hold The Hubris Pass The Humility

The saga begins as follows:

Aging local *legend in his own mind* defense attorney gets “defendant envy” when he sees the dude he thought was the busboy at all The Florida Bar functions, making more on his first big case, with more media face time, than Or lawn do has ever seen. Seasoned barrister signs on for his professional *see alice*, if you will.

Wait, kidding, not the saga in question, my bad.

Yesterday, on behalf of Casey Anthony, lead counsel with Jose Baez, J. Cheney Mason put to “motion” what undoubtedly was screaming inside his head as Mr. Baez bumbled, err, argued, against the States motion for contempt and sanctions last week.  The reconsideration request drafted by Attorney Mason will undoubtedly come as a surprise to Judge Perry.  When his Honor asked Mason why the deadline was not met at the State’s hearing:

..”Was there any particular reason that was not complied with?..”

Mason replied, “The answer to that is I don’t know.” 

Mr. Baez was found in contempt and fined less than the cost of his ipad.

I am not an attorney, but I do know that you cannot introduce new and different bullsh*it you neglected to bore the court with previously AND when you had the opportunity to respond and argue with a new tie and pocketsquare ensemble.

Apparently Judge Perry was not swayed by Baez “.. They say they will call but they never do..” argument, insinuating all Jeff Ashton had to do was call him to work out what his other previous 4 email requests could not.

Makes sense to me now that he put it like that, right?

Everyone knows you can trust what a defense attorney says on the phone who will not commit same information to writing. Duh.

Damn this traffic jam how I hate to be late.. It hurts my motor to go so slow.. 

I have this vision of Atty Slabaugh driving down the 4 with the top down and the 300 pages he threw in the back “loose”, are flying all over the freeway behind him. So that’s the problem.. the dang clerk’s office refusing to tie up their fax, dedicate 2 folks to replace toner and paper in the middle of the 300 page and 5 hour late response, while jamming every other case and function, for Casey Anthony. Missed the memo as well, I presume.

How insensitive. First word folks.. flash-drive. Second word.. GARMIN. It does not take 5 hours to get from Kissimme to Orlando, and that’s assuming he left when the filing was already past deadline.


Moving on to the defense’s whine list:

My fave- Dr. Lee found 17 hairs in a car that is believed to have transported the victim in this instant capital murder case and therefore he should not be expected to testify about it.


To date, this is absolutely the most laughable attempt to publicly excuse a witness who Mr. Baez apparently does not consider important enough to pay his dang expenses out of pocket for.

I hear this in my head:

Dr. Lee is not going to be called to testify OR be available for a deposition, cause, like, maybe the harsh weather will not produce that case of luscious oranges, but we are not sure yet, so please wait while we ask the plant lady, who will of course be testifying about plants, but you knew that already. Please tell me you knew that already.

Not to be confused with p-l-a-n-t-i-n-g, as we plan to move to strike or suppress any appearance of the words ” Dr. Henry Lee” and the word “planting” that appear on the same page of any document or media article, as well as within the silent thoughts of any of them-there bloggin’ types.


Lest we forget, Mr. Lee, who will not be testifying anyway if his expenses are not going to be paid, was denied access to an active homicide recovery scene while CST’s were still removing the tiny bones of Caylee Anthony from her swamp tomb.. the nerve of OCSO.

I mean, who knows what Dr. Lee could have come up with in that cornucopia of specimens.

Maybe even Kronk’s Oscar Meyer weenie whistle from the third grade perhaps.

Apparently the defense team , while discussing the virtues of Jose Hubris’s new “do”, missed the free lesson on the actual designation of the Crime Scene Technician, or CST, as mentioned by Jeff Ashton as opposed to the continued reference to “CSI” in defense motions.


The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, January 4, 2011 “A Year in Review” – Special Guests: Donna Simpson, Robin Sax & Blink from Blink on Crime

Posted by BOC Staff | Blink,Robin Sax,Scared Monkeys Radio | Tuesday 4 January 2011 8:24 pm


click on radio banner to listen


Tonight Dana welcomes special guests:


Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Casey Anthony’s Defense Has Gone To The Dogs

As previously reported on, the hearing last week ordering Jose Baez and his defense team to submit specific information regarding their expert witnesses, has gone to the dogs.


Dr. Fairgrieve, a forensic anthropologist and expert witness listed for the defense, intends to testify that Casey Anthony should have the right to confront her accuser.

Novel, appropriate, good news.

In this instance, one of her accusers with fur, according to her defense attorney, is named Gerus. The other, Bones. 


For starters, if the summary of Dr. Fairgrieve’s findings is accurate as presented in this filing, I recommend as a practical matter, he identify exactly what “alerts” he is seeking to debunk.

There are several, all of which are well documented.

Orange County sheriff’s investigator Carlos Padilla told reporters, “We had two different dogs from two different counties that hit on the same exact spot.”

Evidence Bay with a closed car:

Casey Anthony’s Car: Detectives reported a different dog alerted to the same strong smell in the trunk after the white Pontiac had been abandoned in a parking lot.

“They have a hypothesis that the child may have somehow passed away,” Dr. Richard Weinblatt told Eyewitness News.

It is undoubtedly the recent work of Dr. Fairgrieves in a case involving a murdered man, Robert Wone, that got the attention of Jose Baez and his Scheme-Team.

In a successful inlimine motion, Fairgrieves offered testimony in the supporting affidavit that suppressed canine evidence in the Robert Wone murder.

The three male house mates of Mr. Wone were acquitted of the charges they faced as a result, which were not for his murder. The prosecutor himself could not prove his actual cause of death. The trio are currently facing a wrongful death action by the desceadent’s family. 

“My role in the case is basically peer review,” Fairgrieve told the Orlando Sentinel. “I will be reviewing reports on the evidence. So far everything I’ve done has been remotely.”  Scott Fairgrieve, MD

The ole probative vs. prejudicial argument is not unexpected in this case, I get it.

However, two different cadaver dogs, from two different counties, hit in the same area under or near Caylee’s playhouse. This was AFTER the alerts in the evidence bay on the car trunk, and both searches were conducted with permission from the Anthonys.

That would be the car trunk that produced one latent lift from the accused in this case, Casey Anthony.

Under Dr. Fairgrieve’s theory of “necessary corroboration”, we, in fact, have exactly that.

The hairs that were found in the trunk, including the hair with the “signs of decomposition” corroborate the canine’s alert as well as the report from Oak Ridge Labs.

Let us not forget, that a statement from the car’s owner and material witness in this case, concurs with the presence of decomposition in the damn car.

Reached late this afternoon prior to his Canine Christmas Mixer, caught up with Gerus:

Seriously, that dude has my dander up daily. He needs to stay out from under my collar.

I know what I am doing at my job. And by the way, who is calling who a TOOL?

You tell that *My Cousin Vinny wanna be* that he should take his unearned legal hubris and shove it, where in my line of work, I don’t have to sniff.

Unlike him.

Speaking of hubris, a message to George-

The headline is not going to read ” Casey Anthony Not Guilty of Murder By Hereditary Hubris”

It is going to read..

“Apparent Shared Hubris Defect Cause for Casey Anthony to Blame Father in Caylee’s Death.”

Be like a burger and flip already. It’s all you got.


ps. “Shared Hubris Defect” is mine, J to the B.


Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Will Expert Witness Order Reveal Jose Baez Defense Strategy?

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“I quite frankly don’t know why we are here..– Jose Baez”


In a rare 5 P.M. Friday afternoon court appearance, after attempting to gain compliance from Jose Baez, State’s Attorney Jeff Ashton successfully convinced The Honorable Belvin Perry that the defense team for Casey Anthony has been holding out. While unavailable at the time of this articles publication, the new order in essence says Jose Baez’s proffer of an entomologist “will be talking about bugs”, is not going to fly. Pun Intended.

Chief Judge Perry, after reminding the parties that discovery has been ongoing for over 2 years and the May 2011 trial date is rapidly approaching, verbally dictated a new order on the record.

As a specific example of the defense’s non-compliance, Ashton references Dr. Michael Freeman, a forensic epidemiologist who intends to charge the state $575/hr to depose him, when the application of his area of expertise to the case against Casey Anthony for murdering her daughter Caylee is questionable at best.

Or Is It?

Epidemiology is “the study of the distribution and determinants of health related states or events in populations, and the application of this study to control health problems”. It is the basic science for public health.

Admittedly, Dr. Freeman’s addition to the defense expert witness list has been on my mind for over a week. His curriculum vitae, as impressive as it is, is heavy with publications about neck injuries following various impact ratio vehicle accidents, vertebrae -spinal cord compression and roller coaster whiplash.

What is he going to testify to? Was THE BAEZ LAW FIRM really going to go with the nanny was in a car accident with Caylee and Casey was following her and they accidentally smothered her with duct tape which was meant to act as some sort of neck brace? Maddening, yes. Plausible, No.

After examining the email’s included in Ashton’s motion for the umpteenth time, I finally realized what was bugging me more than the absence of what was already ordered by the court in it’s content, or the juvenile response from the lead counsel in a murder defense and sworn officer of the court.

It was the fact that in both email’s from Jose Baez to Jeff Ashton there was only one expert witness whose name was not bolded and seemed to be sandwiched in, almost as if to demonstrate it’s lack of importance. Moreover, Jose Baez suggests to Ashton that the state depose him last, as his reports are incomplete.

Baez Email Freeman


$575 an hour rate to tell the court at trial what the statistical and probable likelihood is of a public outbreak of unemployed, Caucasian, Target-loving party girls suddenly murdering their toddlers is?

Methinks the nut is under Freeman’s shell, but how is that possible?

Chiari Malformation Type I

Almost conveniently, Chiari 1 complications contributing to the sudden death of a child, was profiled in an episode of Dr. G Medical Examiner. Jan Garavaligia, MD who performed the autopsy on Caylee Anthony is the Medical Examiner in District 9, Orange County, Florida and an expert witness listed by the prosecution in this case. Garion Barber is an 8 year old Orlando boy who passed away in his sleep in March 2008 with only a minor history with seizures. Dr. G’s office investigated his death for over 4 months before she was able to conclude Garion died from an un diagnosed Chiari 1 malformation/sleep apnea. Dr . G also had the benefit of reaching her findings on a recently deceased child, unlike 34 month old Caylee, whose remains were tossed in a swamp off Suburban Drive and were completely skeletonized at the time of their discovery two years ago today.


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