Christine Sheddy Case Murder In Maryland:Chapter 5

 Do Not GO Gentle Into That Good Night


Christine Marie Sheddy arrived at the Farmhouse the evening of November 2nd. She was murdered there during a party on November 12, 2007. The following is a chronicle of what happened in between.


November 2

After days of myspace messages reflecting a serious breakup between Levi and Christine and the ensuing argument with her Mom, Christine packs up and  makes arrangements for Q and the boys to meet Jr. and Tia. Q met them in the parking lot of the Milford, DE WalMart. It is believed they drove that far to meet her there because Christine had no idea how to give Q directions, approximately a 1.5 hour drive. 

November 4

Levi torsoLevi is still looking for Christine. Christine tells Q she is rounding up tin at Jr and Tia request to sell for cash.

By all accounts, Tia and Christine are chums. 

They were headed out shortly to sell it to a buyer.


 November 5

Christine and JR have an argument, he tells her she needs to pull her weight if she is going to stay there.  He later describes the argumentment.

November 6

Christine calls Lynn for the boys social security numbers as JR has told her if she wants to stay, she needs to apply for Government asisstance immediately and contribute to the household. 

(important note: Christine specifically does not call Levi on this, although he most certainly has a record of the boys social security numbers from the year before where he claimed the kids on his tax returns, who did not live with him, prepared by his mom, Joyce. who got a $4,000 cut while Levi smoked the other $2500. I saw the email where Christine learns of this as she was under the impression that money was for a starter house fund.

November 8


Q is speaking to Christine daily, she is chopping wood outside today for a fire. 



November 9

The Farmhouse occupants are burning wood in the wood stove. Steve Steve MaggMagg shows up. A Flue fire results in a hole burned in the roof, the fire department is called and they put it out, into the early am. A Volunteer Firefighter named Serge later tells detectives during a search on the farm that he remembered Christine the night of that fire. She was crying because there had been puppies and dogs there she was afraid for. 

November 10

Jennandhubby Christine calls her sister Jennifer, explains her misery in the farmhouse, and arrangements are made for her and the boys stay with her and her then fiancee’, Paul.  

 Jr. calls the father of one of Tia’s children and asks if he can keep the child another day due to the chimney fire, and the required clean up.

A direct witness, speaking on the condition of anonymity to arrives at the Farmhouse upon hearing of the fire early evening. He has met Christine previously on the farm.  He approaches the house and noticed Christine had peeked out the window to see who it was.

As he was approaching the door to knock, he notices Christine locks both doors. He tells her who is, reminds her they met, and tells her he wanted to take a look at the damage. She opens the door, leaving the screen locked and they chat for a second before she lets him in to see the damage.

ChrisandkidscarChristine was home alone with her boys Isaac and Zeke, who were sitting on the couch. She was cleaning up the fire mess on her own, and hanging plastic from the walls. Jr and Tia had gone out to a party or club. When I asked him to describe Christine’s demeanor, he told me “She was scared.”   I said, do you mean perhaps she did not recognize you? He replied, “no I got the sense that she was scared of something.”

November 11


Another party at the Farmhouse, day before Veterans day. At about 6 PM there were already 15–20 people there. There was a trough filled with ice and beer set up in the outbuilding, and a fire raging in the burn pit.

JR was filling bottles and cans with gas, ripped pieces of cloth and lighting them and throwing them in the fire making explosions for his amusement while there were kids running around.  (pictued above Jennifer Waters Johnson)

November 12

Possibly, Christine spoke to her sister this day. Q speaks to Christine JRJustin after 9PM. He is concerned and asks Christine if he should come get her. She said Levi is coming. She did not say when, or for what reason.

They say goodnight and Christine bathed the boys and put them to bed. 

Q was due to call her back that evening, he did not reach Christine.  Q heard the equivalent of “cat calls” during their conversation. Very, very loud.

Christine is murdered.


Contributing Editors to this article: Candice Bond, Kate Mills, Ryan Tettemer, Lucas Cain

Audio/Video/Images by Klaasend 

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  1. Gypsy DD says:

    Public Eye..thank you for your reply. I am sure the neighbors within viewing distance would have helped..I also believe Christine had been instructed by JR nad Tia to not go near the neighbors.

    Folks..let’s face it..Miss Tia has to have had a hand in this,beside the knowledge of what occurred. If she was innocent of any wrong doing..she would not be running her azz down to TN to join JR. She would be happy he had left and singing like a bird. Nope that lady helped lore Christine there, helped keep her there, and if she did not personally kill her, she approved of it by her silence, witnessed it and personally helped in the cover up. Nice…hope she gets her just desserts from JR …..

  2. boo says:

    Boo I deleted this, I cannot comment about any child in this case past what is out there. Not your fault, just need to protect the innocent.

  3. CB says:

    To Lynn, my heart goes out to you what a nightmare that you cannot wake from. To those who’ve shared the horrible events in your lives, my heart breaks for you too. May God grant each of you the peace, comfort and resolution that you need. Prayers for you all!

  4. boo says:

    How come Domo is concerned about us viewing photo’s of his kids posted on his public myspace page?

  5. boo says:

    What was serge the firefighter searching for when he found christine crying?
    2 seperate occasions. He was putting out fire 11/9, and a volunteer searcher after she went missing.

  6. boo says:

    Oops, sorry blink I just caught that, I will stop asking, my apologies.

  7. seekingjustice says:

    I have to ask. I am not sure I want the answer though. Where the puppies saved from the fire?

  8. Denise says:

    Hi Blink!

    I have a couple questions. Do you know the whole story? Have you talked to this witness and heard the whole story? Not asking you to post, I realize you may not be able to tell the story. Just wondering if you know.

    I think Christine was doing this to get out on her own. She was tired of being a dependent of Levi’s. By that I don’t mean financially, but emotionally. She probably thought to herself that this not the best choice for me, but the only thing I can come up with on my own at the moment. I’m sure she thought that she just had a couple more days to get through and then she would be gone. She had huge pride and didn’t want to admit defeat. She did enough of that asking her sister if she could come there. Going to a neighbors was just not the best for her, just wait it out, it was almost over. This is all speculation on my part of course, but I know that feeling of being with a man that IS such a sponge on society that people on the outside start thinking the same of you, the woman that loves him. Once you decide to get out, you don’t want that anymore. You want to do it on your own. You realize (or at least think) that you can’t rely on anyone else, you must do this yourself. You have children to protect and provide for, you have to make it happen, even if it isn’t comfortable.

    Lynn, her story is to teach us. Something good will come from this. If one woman hears this story and gets out because she sees herself in Christine’s shoes and sees the danger, then I hope that will give you some comfort. God knew she was worthy to teach the world something. I wish it wasn’t in this way!! It isn’t fair. It is so bad. I just hope that the fact that she didn’t die in vain is some comfort. I truly hope that the above doesn’t offend you. It is the only way that I can explain these HORRIFIC crimes. It must be to teach us something. I, for one, am all ears. I am listening to Christine teach us. Her voice is loud and clear. God bless your family, her children and you. You taught her to be strong.

    I do. I have spoken to several witnesses, and I am very comfortable that I know what happened to Christine Sheddy. Comfortable would be the wrong word. I am sick. I never met her, and I know that I never will. And yet, I know very specific and intimate information about her as a result of investigating her case I am quite sure few do. It is not fair. That should be hers alone. I am one of those people that subscribe to the concept that leaving this earth with your dignity and humility is your ticket to the next show with ease.
    I do not know why I was made that way, but I was. Restoring her dignity, and the ideal that she loved her children and did not leave them is her right that was taken away from her by individuals with a gene pool I would not throw an old tire into.

    I want everyone to think about something in her honor. What is the single biggest injustice that has affected you personally? What did you do about it? What positive effect did you have on something or someone who does not have the same skill sets as you, the same advantages??

    Why you ask? I will tell you. Because what happened to Christine can happen to A N Y O N E. Maybe you have nothing in common with her, maybe your life has dealt you an entirely different set of circumstances.
    It is all relative, Karma “rights itself” in an equal opportunity way. It does not know social status or what you got on your LSATS.

  9. suz says:

    Tam and Boo, I guess we have all had bad experiences with construction workers and their cat calls and wolf whistles! Folks might think they are harmless and flattering, but they can be pretty crude and scary.

  10. seekingjustice says:

    #107 Thank you Blink.

  11. spot on says:

    I’ve said all along that the Tia girl knows more than she is letting on.Back her into a corner,and she will fold like a cheap suit.

  12. boo says:

    #108 suz …..I hate it even more when your walking and some guy drives up and honks startling me into the finger, no what I mean?

  13. Public Eye says:

    “She said Levi is coming. She did not say when, or for what reason.”

    so, do we know if Levi went to the farm after he spoke to Christine?

    BTW: Blink, my ice cream is good

    I cannot place him there until Nov.13 with Joyce, picking up the boys. He was not there.

    ps. I cannot take credit for that. My good friend Red Ranger sneaks that into posts or emails to crack me up when I am really cheezed. I just bought some myself. It is called “my first nite in the pokey”.

  14. boo says:

    #108 suz ..can you imagine what it was like for christine? No way out with two small boys and those animals cat calling? I can and I have. She must have been so frightened. Wish I could get that picture out of my head but I can’t.

  15. boo says:

    #108 suz the women who stood by make me just as angry. Those women are mothers, it sickens me. No hearts, no souls.

  16. Gypsy DD says:

    Blink..can’t help myself…next Chapter please.

  17. Denise says:

    To your reply to #108

    You are so right. I know what you are saying. I have tried and hope that I have helped in some way, someone. If nothing else my intentions were there.

    Thank you for your response. I trust that you have broken the news of the actual events to Christine’s mom? I’m sure her imagination of what could have actually happened could be much worse than what did. I’m glad she has some answers now.

    Now, let’s find Christine and bring her home. I’m in MD, let me know when the search is, I’ll be there!!

    As a matter of fact, we all need to keep in mind that this is an active an open investigation. Until this is over, there are subjects that are off limits to anyone except LE. Lynn and her family have done an exceptional jog maintaining focus, there’s a place and time for the rest to be determined by God.

  18. Gypsy DD says:

    Okay..I’ll bite our respected aerial photographer form Caylee’s case working on Christine’s case?

    Woman you are killing me.
    Isn’t it your bed time?

    Kidding, love to you my friend

  19. seekingjustice says:

    LOL Blink @ #118

    So you don’t think Levi was ever at the farm, even to pick up the kids wsith Joyce? WOW

    BTW – Now you have me eating ice cream too. Thanks! LOL

    no, I specifically said he was with Joyce on 11/13

  20. seekingjustice says:

    I just keep asking myself what did Christine see in Levi? Of course, I have asked myself that a time or two in my lifetime. LOL

  21. seekingjustice says:

    To clarify post #119 We know he went there with Christine and Steve. I am talking about in November.

  22. Gypsy DD says:

    Blink..signing off..of course tomorrow is another day…love ya all..sweet dreams.

    ‘Nite friend. Sweet dreams to you

  23. seekingjustice says:

    #119 Oops, sorry Blink! It has been a long day and I am wiped out. I am also sharing my computer….grrrrr!!

  24. boo says:

    I have read that christine was funny and made people laugh. She liked music.

  25. columbia res says:

    Blink-what about that team that searched for little Caylee- Equ..hmm Equsearch? Would something like that be possible? There’s strength in numbers.

  26. seekingjustice says:

    Blink – did just delete a post that said someone was on custody. Or am I going crazy? LOL

  27. silverspnr says:

    For the taxable year 2006, each child would have allowed the supporting parent to claim $3,300.00, hence the total for 2 children was actually $6,600.00.
    Therefore, EVIL smoked up $2600.00 (assuming Mother Hall still took $4,000.00)
    (Let’s give proper “credit” to EVIL when it is his due). (SCUMBAG. sorry, but I am beyond INFURIATED).

    Chilling progression of events. Just chilling.

    None of us is immune from evil. It exists– everywhere, and in all walks of life.

    Christine was clearly planning on extricating herself and her children from the belly of this beast. She phoned her sister on the 10th and made plans to relocate to a better place. (How I wish she had made it to Philly. Maybe I would have walked by her on the street someday, never knowing who she was. Wouldn’t that have been lovely).

    The fact that she looked scared of something just hours later on the 10th indicates to me that something went down on that day between that phone call and the time that JR and TIA left the farm to go party. She went from a place of misery–to being noticeably “scared”.

    Christine personified some of the traditional “good girl” traits that make many of us hesitate to trust whatever is in us that innately makes the hair raise on our arms/goosebumps jump to attention.

    She thought “everyone” was “cool”.

    She was the one pulling/pushing tin; cleaning up after the fire; keeping her children clean and nourished; she is the one who built her boys that playhouse on her own; she was working/taking courses/doing her best to improve her lot in life.

    It doesn’t take a high paying job to demonstrate what a woman with a solid work ethic looks like–and I have no doubt that had she escaped the clutches of Levi/this situation, she would have been one of those resolutely reliable co-workers we all come to know and depend upon.

    A tear is a tear, and pain and suffering are pain and suffering, no matter who you are, where you lay your head down at night.

    Every PERSON there who did nothing to help her should be ashamed of themselves, not just the women.

    Every PERSON there who took part in the escalation of events, leading up to Christine’s ultimate fate, should be ashamed of themselves and punished for it, not just the men.

    O How I pray readers see this and re- read. There are multiple “take aways”. She is anyone. She is everyone.

  28. NancyS says:

    Did Levi go to the farm at any time on the 12th? as I thought that he had done this and now if he was not there and Christine didn’t leave that farm, then how can he be involved in her death?
    Am I missing something. I am sooo trying to read everything and get this straight, Christine is so in my heart here, I really want to help.

    I was Christine 10 years ago and LUCKILY I had an opportunity to move across the united states without him knowing. It was quick and it was an opportunity that God put in my path. I REALLY miss my friends and family BUT still have my sons, although they are adults now, it is a much safer lifestyle….

  29. Charity says:

    Was the security guard next door on duty all night?

    From my experiences, sound travels well at night. When my next door neighbors have parties, I can hear the music and any laughing or arguing (and that is from inside of my room)

    Very curious if he heard anything or saw anything. Whether he might have heard the fight or heard the nervous voices as they were scrambling around trying to figure out what to do after they knew she was dead or saw the actual digging.

    He kept track of and took footage of the cars that entered and left and had footage of people on the roof. So he was looking at them.

    He probably at least had a sense how long the party part of the party lasted – and whether it was outside or inside, etc.

    I am guessing that once she died, that laughter and cat calling would suddenly have been replaced by nervous chatter.

  30. seekingjustice says:

    What could Christine have been so afraid of?

  31. Charity says:

    Silverspnr, I love how you have described her.

    YES, she WAS the one pulling/pushing tin; chopping the firewood; cleaning up ALONE after the fire; keeping her children clean and nourished; she was the one who built her boys that playhouse on her own; she was working/taking courses/doing her best to improve her lot in life.

    She made plans to make a new start in a new city…. She was ready to do whatever she could to make a better life for her kids. THAT Is her legacy.

    I am praying that those things will be what her children hear and believe when they are old enough to understand. I pray that they come to know with all of their heart that their mother’s whole focus was on trying to make things better for them and that they will take it so to heart that they will press forward with all of their might to have that better life she wanted for them.

    Blink you have said it eloquently. She is anyone. She is everyone.

    I find myself identifying with all of these women. I guess it is their vulnerability. Maybe their naivety or innocence in the face of an unsafe world around them. I don’t know exactly.

  32. Charity says:

    Nancy S. No Levi didn’t show up until the 13th. He wasn’t there. He didn’t know she was there until after the 9th. But he does know that something happened to her & didn’t come forward with it.

    He looked in his own childrens’ eyes for months and still didn’t come forward.
    More than that. He was emailing her on her myspace after she went missing, he is FOS.

  33. Charity says:

    If Levi’s brain hasn’t been totally fried…
    If his conscience hasn’t been totally seared…

    If there is any spot in his heart that is still soft….

    He should be the one who comes forward and tells everything he knows.
    For the sake of his children.

  34. Bearly says:

    Why is Christine so worried about dogs and puppies on the night of the fire when there were kids and people around? Did she mean to say women and children or did she already know they were okay?

    It seems like fire has something to do with all of the craziness. Did they do something to dogs and puppies during the fires, like sacrifice them of torture them? Are these kids now safe?

    Did someone drug Christine and rape her, or did they threaten her kids? This story is chilling. I have been reading for days everywhere I found information.

    I have felt sure whatever happened to Christine happened on the 12th. Why are you so sure, Blink?

    Christine, I admire your tenacity in fighting for your daughter. I especially admire your caring for your Grandchildren and agree women instinctively protect each other. I think when your brain is so damaged by the misuse of drugs, your instincts are no longer there.

    I also wonder if a woman was afraid to protect Christine because she also had kids there and was afraid of getting hurt herself, leaving her children with this bunch. I wonder how much Christine was able to protect anyone she saw being abused because she feared for her children.

    She may have been afraid to say what she was fearful of while on the phone, because those that she was fearful of were so near.

    If Jr was afraid of Christine exposing something, why did he let her talk on his phone every day?

    Do we know why Christine took her kids with her instead of trying to live there for a week or so and then sending for her kids afterward?

    Why was Levi so upset when he found out Christine had gone to live on the farm? If he was so upset, why did he make arrangements to pick her up at a later date instead of going right after her?

    Does Levi have an alibi for the 12th? Do we know for sure he was at work the next day? Have the phone records of anyone been subpoenaed?

    It seems as if Tia and Christine are almost in the same situation. They are single moms in relationships with abusive men. That may be where their similarities end. It seems like they should have bonded more. Is there any way to speak to her or is she just too hooked on Jr to see the light?

    I would think when Christine was there the first time, she would have noticed some of the drugs that were being done there. Wasn’t she afraid of bringing her boys into this situation or was she so afraid of Levi that this seemed like the lesser of 2 evils? What I mean was, why didn’t her “mommy meter” go off earlier? Did Tia and Jr pretend to be something other than they were on the first visit?

    I know I have more questions than answers, but if I had answers, it might help me understand some mindsets at the time.

    Do you know who did this horrific thing to Christine and are waiting for more evidence or have you only narrowed the list at this point?

    I will understand if you cannot answer all of these questions.

    If Christine never left the kids before, except with their other parent, what makes LE think she would walk away now? Was it that she was just like the people who were usually at the farmhouse? Did Tia and Jr. rent the farmhouse? Who from? Will they let a search take place there?

    My heart aches for the little ones and Christine’s family. God bless.

  35. Red Ranger says:

    I would like to get the group’s thoughts on Christine’s reasoning for being scared, not liking it there, seeing criminal activity, or whatever her reasons may have been for wanting to leave the Byrd house forever.

    1. Bettering herself- She may have just seen that these people lived like tree sloths and decided it was just not for her. We already know that she had made a plan and was implementing it. It involved getting rid of the dead wood and weeds in her garden and cultivating flowers and vegetables instead. I tend to discount this “grass is greener” approach due to the fear she demonstrated in her phone calls.

    2. She saw something that she did not want to know about or be involved in. It could be drugs, theft and fencing, orgies, child endangerment, dog-fighting, crimes against other earlier party attendees, or a myriad of other things. In the “She saw something” scenario, the drug angle apears to me to be the most likely. Almost all the attendees had drug arrests in their pasts.

    3. She was required to do something she felt was immoral, reprehensible, or illegal for hers and her boys keep. Video porn, prostitution, drug mule, burglary, etc. I cannot form a valid opinion on this because past performance of the crew of Byrd shows they are into many illegal activities. There are many arguments for each scenario except the prostitution and video porn. The only reason I even included them is that Christine seems to be the only attractive woman to ever visit the Byrd house. These people are predators and oportunists. Whatever was required of her did not seem to come up until the eighth or ninth. This is when she first made others aware that she was scared or uncomfortable in being there.

    Why would the Byrd house crew feel the need to monitor Christine’s phone conversations? They must have been scared of some knowledge she possessed. Something she had seen, overheard, been told about etc, had made them fear her. Or they had overheard an earlier phone statement she had made describing some of their illegal activities to one of her friends or family. They did have some fear of her or they would not have monitored her phone calls.

  36. Felicity says:

    I still find it strange (and very sad) that Rev./Det./Mayor McDermott has not made arrangements for the FBI to become involved. What (or who) is he protecting? Sen. Biden is a very caring man, and I think he would offer more help…if he had all the facts. Especially about McDermott…..

  37. Public Eye says:

    “She was required to do something she felt was immoral, reprehensible, or illegal”

    I think that nails it right there…I’d almost bet on it. Then when the klan at the farm found out Christine was leaving for PA for good, she was of no use to them any longer and she went from their ‘new toy’ to their victim because she would be a liability.

  38. Bearly says:

    Sorry, 5th paragraph should say:

    Lynn, I admire your tenacity in fighting for your daughter. I especially admire your caring for your Grandchildren and agree women instinctively protect each other. I think when your brain is so damaged by the misuse of drugs, your instincts are no longer there.

    The next to last paragraph should say:

    If Christine never left the kids before, except with their other parent, what makes LE think she would walk away now? Was it that they thought she was just like the people who were usually at the farmhouse?

    Sorry, need sleep, but I have been doing nothing but reading about Christine and her family for days.

    I read somewhere in Christine’s description that she was missing 5 teeth. Did she lose them violently? How can we convince our daughters that being hit once is too much? I so wish there was some way for women to believe they are so much better than that. It frightens me. It terrifies me when there are children around to see the abuse, and can accept it as something normal and then repeat the cycle.

    How can we stop our daughters from making bad choices? Lynn, you must have been terrified every time you knew she was going to see Levi. I wish there was something we could do to stop them before it is too late.

    Thanks, Blink for helping Christine’s family. How are Christine’s children doing?

  39. boo says:

    #135 Red. I think #2. I feel that christine discovered something on 11/9 that made her afraid. And I also think there is another reason that story of christine walking away and leaving her boys was told for a reason. And someone is still trying to paint christine as a bad mother.They want her seen as someone who did not care for her kids or ANY children. This is very telling.I think someone else was harmed.

  40. larosebud says:

    #135 IMO it does not involve sex. Why? Because the x-cons involved were mostly arrested for crimes involving drug use. I think it all centers on drugs. Were they making them, selling them? They were definitely using them.

    Something she experienced there made her realize they were in danger. But Christine had a HUGE liability. She had her boys with her. Those animals could have made her do almost anything to protect her boys. She had to “play along” with whatever was going on till she could get them all out of there safely. If the pondscum had gotten wind that she wasn’t “one of them” that would have been the end for her and the boys. She had to keep herself alive to protect those kids. That is why she could not risk saying anything to anyone on the phone. She was truly trapped. That’s what I think, and the thought of what may have happened to her makes my skin crawl.

    #136 So..does anyone know? Is there a way to get Vice President Biden involved?

    It did not happen in Delaware, but yes, without being specific, we have some contact with Govt. Officals and a friend on the hill. The consensus is to see how we progress, and intervene as appropriate if necessary.

  41. Brenda in Virginia says:

    “#23 I dont care how drunk you are, if I saw a girl being hit by a man or men, I use that term loosly, You can bet I would be in the middle of it. I would probably get my a$$ beat too, but I will never let a man hit a woman in my presense, EVER. I know alot of women that would do the same.”

    Yes, I was driving down the road one Sat morning a few months back and came upon what I thought was a car wreck. Instead, it was a woman who’d run to the middle of the road trying to stop traffic (a back, country road) because he boyfriend and “baby daddy” had beat the crap out of her and was trying to take the child away in his vehicle. One man was blocking the driveway and the angry abuser was out of his car threatening him physically. I pulled behind him and called 911 because it was escallating and the woman was freaking out…and this poor 4 or 5 yr old child watching emotionless (saddest part). Took about 10 mins for the police to get there and I waited the entire time on the phone.

    BEfore police arrived though, this man pulled his car back to the trailer, took the boy inside…and the woman followed. Once the 2nd unit arrived I left and as I was pulling away saw a neighbor lady standing and watching. She asked “are they fighting again?”. I said, obviously…. She told me this poor woman has come to her door “many a night and in the middle of the night” looking for help…but ALWAYS returns. Sad. I hope this crazy man doesn’t kill her one day. The little boy is scarred for life already.

    We need to step in if all we do is call 911 and remain as another human willing to be involved to show the victim they aren’t there alone at that moment.

  42. Bearly says:

    Pak #96 and Blink:

    Please do not take this the wrong way, it is meant only as a different way to look at things.

    It appears to me this person may have read misinformation out there. Maybe you can enlighten them. I have also seen information out there that the children lived with Levi and his Mom. I am glad this is straightened out now. This information ii coming to us in segments while you have so much more knowledge of this case, of Christine, and her family. I have at times been confused by the information out there, as have others. If you read the stories without reading all the comments, you can become further confused.

    I also see it written from the point of view of a person who, as a child, had their mother take only some of her children with her and may not have taken him/her.

    There are all kinds of people and hurt out there. We bring all our own scars to the table with us.

    Just a thought.

    There is alot going on in this story with many players, no doubt. Not only that, but as developments are occuring, it changes things. That said, I have presented what are verifiable facts in this case, and while I agree there is an abundance of mis information out there, I have been meticulous here. Point is, it is incumbant upon one desiring to convey an opinion TO review that information, imo.
    We are interested in progressing dialog that is constructive, and hopefully that finds Christine.

  43. suz says:

    Felicity, isn’t Sen. Biden tied up in his new job? It’s certainly a good idea, though. You never know. What’s the new guy like,I wonder.

    Blink, do you know if the family or anyone has tried going through their congresspersons?

  44. SadGirlbytheSea says:

    Blink, I read you everyday here and at SM. I understand if you don’t want to post this, but I just had to type this, it is the first time I’ve spoken of this in 15 years and made myself type and hit the submit button. I respect if you may consider this off-topic.

    RE: #128 – Although I was never actually ‘physically’ harmed by my significant other, mine was more mental and emotional abuse. Before it could escalate into anything physical,I ran … leaving family, friends behind (thankfully I had no children with this loser)…I ran nearly 1200 miles…many states away… and somehow…he found me 3 months after I left.
    He was sitting in the parking lot of my apartment building when I arrived home from work one day…made comments about how he followed me to work that morning, watched my ‘new boyfriend’ come home that afternoon, what kind of car ‘new boyfriend’ drove, etc.. and he also reminded me that he had “friends” that could make me disappear…and I knew that…
    I was never so scared in my life; but somehow managed to come off cool and collected, like I had been expecting him… I can’t go on with the story, it brings up too many thoughts and feelings I don’t need to be having right now…
    Point is, I was 30 yrs old at the time. For the first (and only) time in my life, i got LUCKY – I made it out alive. I was “this close” to becoming Christine.
    My heart aches for Christine and Lynn and her family. And I truly believe that if there is anyone who can bring justice for this horrible crime, it is Blink and her peeps. I trust that with all my heart.

    I think it is entirely “on topic” and I appreciate you sharing it with us. I am very glad you were safe, but that fear was real, and it should never be.

  45. PookyBear says:

    My first instanct (MOO) on what made Christine afraid around the 9th and/or 10th is that Christine had finally spoken to Levi or she knew that he knew where she was (I think his cousin arrived on the 9th). He had been trying to locate her since the 2nd and finally located her around that time. Was he angry with her? Could she have been afraid he would come and hurt her because she was leaving to start of new life? It seems from what Blink has told us that she suffered abuse for less in the past. I am not sure whether this could be a reason but thought I would throw this out there. I have wondered, and you may not be able to tell us, what happened between the two of them from the 9th/10th to the 12th when Christine had expected Levi to come and get her and take her home so that she could move in with her sister. I also wonder that if Christine did tell someone what was going on at the fram that it would have been Levi so that he would get her out of there. Weren’t there messages to her after she went missing which indicate he knew how miserable she was there?

  46. christinesmom says:

    Where in the world did you get information on 5 teeth missing? Just wondering.
    I had never heard that either?

  47. boo says:

    Molotov cocktails while kids are running around just 2 days after a fire? Abusive men and women. Child endangerment my #1. Would christine turn the other cheek to THAT once she left the farm? I don’t think so.

  48. kyrasmommy says:

    I am halfway around the world (greece) so excuse my dumb-dumb-ness but how do we know she’s murdered? Have I not been doing my homework?
    Please enlighten me sumbody!
    Witnesses have come forward, and the rest no comment, but respectfully, you can take my word for it.

  49. Charity says:

    Red, Re 135, you have pretty much put my exact thoughts down, in order.

    Add to that list:

    4. JR was a bully. She came from an abusive relationship. If she heard Tia’s stories, or if he saw his bully side in action, whether at Tia or at herself, it would be very traumatizing for her. It is one thing to put up with the bully you are in love with. It is quite another to view the same situation with someone you aren’t in love with – who clearly was controlling, demanding, etc.

    5. And if men were making cat calls, there probably was a growing pressure from some of the males to be sexual with them, which would be the last thing someone trying to get out of a bad relationship would want.

    I can guarantee the males saw her as sexual, from Domo calling her the chickenhead and Justin making cat calls. That pressure had to grow tremendously the night of the party, because she was one of the few women there. JR didn’t feel she was pulling her own weight to be there, he might have felt she owed him more.

  50. Public Eye says:

    RE christinesmom and B;
    someone on SM’s posted that, Jennifer had 5 teeth missing, I reckon it got construed from there to here.

    Blink if you can answer;
    Do you still have a crew here and what they are doing? Not particulars of course.

    Sorry, no I cant comment on that Public.

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