Christine Sheddy Case Murder In Maryland:Chapter 5

 Do Not GO Gentle Into That Good Night


Christine Marie Sheddy arrived at the Farmhouse the evening of November 2nd. She was murdered there during a party on November 12, 2007. The following is a chronicle of what happened in between.


November 2

After days of myspace messages reflecting a serious breakup between Levi and Christine and the ensuing argument with her Mom, Christine packs up and  makes arrangements for Q and the boys to meet Jr. and Tia. Q met them in the parking lot of the Milford, DE WalMart. It is believed they drove that far to meet her there because Christine had no idea how to give Q directions, approximately a 1.5 hour drive. 

November 4

Levi torsoLevi is still looking for Christine. Christine tells Q she is rounding up tin at Jr and Tia request to sell for cash.

By all accounts, Tia and Christine are chums. 

They were headed out shortly to sell it to a buyer.


 November 5

Christine and JR have an argument, he tells her she needs to pull her weight if she is going to stay there.  He later describes the argumentment.

November 6

Christine calls Lynn for the boys social security numbers as JR has told her if she wants to stay, she needs to apply for Government asisstance immediately and contribute to the household. 

(important note: Christine specifically does not call Levi on this, although he most certainly has a record of the boys social security numbers from the year before where he claimed the kids on his tax returns, who did not live with him, prepared by his mom, Joyce. who got a $4,000 cut while Levi smoked the other $2500. I saw the email where Christine learns of this as she was under the impression that money was for a starter house fund.

November 8


Q is speaking to Christine daily, she is chopping wood outside today for a fire. 



November 9

The Farmhouse occupants are burning wood in the wood stove. Steve Steve MaggMagg shows up. A Flue fire results in a hole burned in the roof, the fire department is called and they put it out, into the early am. A Volunteer Firefighter named Serge later tells detectives during a search on the farm that he remembered Christine the night of that fire. She was crying because there had been puppies and dogs there she was afraid for. 

November 10

Jennandhubby Christine calls her sister Jennifer, explains her misery in the farmhouse, and arrangements are made for her and the boys stay with her and her then fiancee’, Paul.  

 Jr. calls the father of one of Tia’s children and asks if he can keep the child another day due to the chimney fire, and the required clean up.

A direct witness, speaking on the condition of anonymity to arrives at the Farmhouse upon hearing of the fire early evening. He has met Christine previously on the farm.  He approaches the house and noticed Christine had peeked out the window to see who it was.

As he was approaching the door to knock, he notices Christine locks both doors. He tells her who is, reminds her they met, and tells her he wanted to take a look at the damage. She opens the door, leaving the screen locked and they chat for a second before she lets him in to see the damage.

ChrisandkidscarChristine was home alone with her boys Isaac and Zeke, who were sitting on the couch. She was cleaning up the fire mess on her own, and hanging plastic from the walls. Jr and Tia had gone out to a party or club. When I asked him to describe Christine’s demeanor, he told me “She was scared.”   I said, do you mean perhaps she did not recognize you? He replied, “no I got the sense that she was scared of something.”

November 11


Another party at the Farmhouse, day before Veterans day. At about 6 PM there were already 15–20 people there. There was a trough filled with ice and beer set up in the outbuilding, and a fire raging in the burn pit.

JR was filling bottles and cans with gas, ripped pieces of cloth and lighting them and throwing them in the fire making explosions for his amusement while there were kids running around.  (pictued above Jennifer Waters Johnson)

November 12

Possibly, Christine spoke to her sister this day. Q speaks to Christine JRJustin after 9PM. He is concerned and asks Christine if he should come get her. She said Levi is coming. She did not say when, or for what reason.

They say goodnight and Christine bathed the boys and put them to bed. 

Q was due to call her back that evening, he did not reach Christine.  Q heard the equivalent of “cat calls” during their conversation. Very, very loud.

Christine is murdered.


Contributing Editors to this article: Candice Bond, Kate Mills, Ryan Tettemer, Lucas Cain

Audio/Video/Images by Klaasend 

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  1. Charity says:

    To me, the fact that they were rage-filled, out-of-control, drug-using, bullying, thieves would be enough to make me miserable enough to look and sound scared.

    Add to that, fire explosions when her kids were around and that at least one of the people who saw her as a sex-object felt the need to express it loudly, even when her kids were around. (If I remember right, Q said he heard the catcalls in the background of more than one conversation, so it is possible that she was putting up with it the whole time. How annoying would that get very soon!)

    With those factors alone, I think Christine would have been nervous all of the time.

    Add to that… Levi found out where she was, so if part of her original goal of being there was hiding from him, because she was serious about breaking away, once Steve saw her there on the 9th, that part of the motivation for being there was gone.

    The fact that she argued with Levi because of his drug use…. I am guessing the drugs alone would have made her want to leave.

  2. Red Ranger says:

    Hey Pookie, Christine had spoken to Levi and set up a ride home with him for her and their sons. Levi had lied and let her down so many times in the past that she also set up a back up ride.

    Levi let her down constantly. He also has done almost nothing for his sons. I have yet to read about Levi ever buying a diaper or so much as as a PB&J. Her choosing him is the basis for all her problems. He dragged her down. He treated their children as pieces of furniture instead of living beings with needs. She had realized it was never going to change and was implementing her short and long term plans to cowgirl up and make a good life, without Levi. Then people she met through him killed her. He is still trekking down his path of not caring for his children. He is steeped in that tradition. Lynn and company pull his weight every single day.

    He inherited it though. I haven’t seen his white trash mother charging around the internet making her disparaging remarks about Christine lately. Since she is not intelligent enough to stop on her own I will just have to surmise that her attorney told her to stop. Or the attorneys from her employer at the radio station. Someone assuredly told her to put a sock in her gargantuan pie hole.

    Christine was NOT a sponge on society. Beyond what she earned at the family business, had she gotten minimal groceries and diapers from Levi for his sons she would have needed nothing from beyond the walls of her family unit. And Joyce and Levi filed for the tax return money. Disgusting. And Christine was making the move on being not just self sufficient but succesful. I applaud her courage.

    This group of bottom feeders is like the bushel of crabs on the dock. Every time one tries to crawl out another reaches up and pulls him back down. Christine was better than them. She had a better upbringing and DNA than they did. They considered it a personal affront that she was going to move on and prosper leaving them behind to rot in their own feces. Another may make it out though. That one critter that was cat calling Christine during her phone call was scooped up by his maternal parental unit and shuffled off to Texas. He apparently had a crush on Christine but lacked the ability to make his feelings known in an acceptable way. At least he had higher aspirations. I hope that when she blew him off, it did not cause her death, due to his drunken tantrum. Standby to end rant…..annndd…..GO.

    Red, very slight clarification, we cannot CONFIRM Christine set up a ride with Levi. I can confirm she told both Jenn and Q that , but in reviewing her myspace, Levi posts to her after she was missing that he was sorry he did not pick them up when she said she hated it there. I am inclined to buy that, but it comes with the fact that I have no doubt she knew she was dead, as did his mom.

    There is only one reason I can think of that Tia would keep her pie hole quiet and risk what she has- she is complicit in some way, and my money is on JR was hitting on Christine and she saw it or Christine told her and JR freaked.

  3. nickysays says:

    I think the information about Christine missing 5 of her teeth came from this…

    It was posted on the scared monkeys forum

  4. Public Eye says:

    No problem, B. understood

    how about Domo? do we know if Christine ever left the farm and/or to go wash her close at Domo’s like he keeps saying?

    If not, why does Domo insist Christine was at his place doing laundry?
    I have my suspicions (DNA) but that’s of course only speculation on my part.

    Personally, I believe JR did his laundry at Domo’s, not Christine. He is afraid JR will point the finger at him.

  5. susanm says:

    i have been reading this story,as a story,i tried at the beginning but couldnt easily find fact links, discovery,so i just let blink unfold the story,but i am anxious to find if christines body is buried on the farm or not ,she wasnt burned in the pit fire.whats the wait?i am into the hi tech search techniques,is there going to be more on that? i still say what happen to detain them all, trump up charges,til they spill and start pointing fingers.i wouldve taken any felony against jordan(natalie holloway)rather than nothing at all.i guess i ‘m thinking its just that easy.

    Your actually pointing out a very fair frustration on behalf of our readers. There was virtually no coverage on this case, and what was, is thanks to the Tattler and Lynn. That is unfathomable.
    But Yes to all, coming.

  6. christinesmom says:

    I wonder how they knew that her wisdom teeth and one other molar had been pulled? They are correct.

  7. boo says:

    Tia the poser SOUL SISTA, makes me ill. And BTW, who the Hell was that poster, outraged”dick”, ever find out?

  8. seekingjustice says:

    #146 Christinesmom and Blink

    The 5 teeth missing is on the Chralieproject – under distinguishing characteristics. In all honesty, I did not notice it until someone pointed it out to me.

    You can find it on SM – Page 1, post 13 by Nut44x4

  9. Brenda in Virginia says:

    #149 wrote “because she was one of the few women there. JR didn’t feel she was pulling her own weight to be there, he might have felt she owed him more.”

    That’s what I’ve been thinking, but didn’t want to post because I know Christine’s mom is active in here…yet I realize both Lynn and Blink are aware of witness statements and nothing we type out in here can be more painful than the truth she already knows.

    Other thing I’ve wondered is if Christine mentioned to one of the “women” there @ the party (in confidence of course) that she planned on turning those individuals in who stole the tax return money that belonged to her and the children. That alone is enough for someone as dehumanized as the “haunted farmhouse clan” to do somthing horrible to Christine….and being what they are use her beforehand….

  10. columbia res says:

    I think Christine is the kind of women that after abuse (and from what I’ve seen-before) protects everything-animals, people, etc. Deep compassion because she can empathize. Tia, from what I’ve seen is the other kind- being abused makes it easier to pick on something smaller- Christine or animals, children. I don’t think she’ll be the weak link in this. After my abusive relationship- I rescue everything-bugs get dumped back outside, etc. One night I decided either he or I was gonna die- it didn’t matter much. Okay- I picked a night he was falling down drunk LOL He never hit again. The verbal kept on. I finished my nursing degree and got the heck out of there so I could support my kiddo and me. I don’t advocate this though. Christine was soooo little. Just makes me so mad. These kind of guys would never never understand empathy.
    Wonder if a list of the guests that were there that night has been drawn up. There has to be ONE person that’s willing to talk.

  11. Public Eye says:

    Thanks Blink RE: Domo/laundry

    RE Red Ranger:
    WOW! that was a very passionate post, that post actually sunk into my very hard head.

  12. Charisse says:

    The party was MUCH smaller on the night of the 12th.

    I am figuring that would make it more dangerous for Christine.

    First of all, they would be more apt to pull out the hard drugs at a small party, rather than a large one.

    Christine hated that Levi did hard drugs, she would have hated it when this group did it.

    My mind is back to all of the domestic violence cases in the group.

    Okay, the domestic violence people: JR, Justin, Domo, Charles and Stephen Dale. 5 out of 6 of the guys at the party had been arrested for domestic violence. The 2 women were addicts of some sort & had been victims of violence in their relationships.

    Jennifer is a drug addict who has 3 kids with 3 men. Perhaps she really was someone who did trade sex for drugs. Do we know when and why Justin was violent with her?

    Also curious about Domo’s sexual assault on a minor charge.

    Do we know any of the particulars about the past arrests?

  13. Jaelin says:

    Ok, so if witnesses have come forward and insinuated or flat out said she was murdered, why can’t they tell LE where she is? Is it because they are assuming, or hearsay, or are they refusing to elaborate?

    I can partially answer that. Hearsay and not credible is the cloud that follows this bunch, until recently.

  14. Charisse says:

    152, Blink, I have been thinking that JR hit on her, too.

    My fear is that Justin and JR and Domo might have ganged up on her together.

    Domo has a sexual assault charge, and he is covering his butt a whole lot, so… though my eyes are mostly on Justin and JR for the violence itself, I am guessing if Domo thought there was a chance to get some sexual contact, he would have been close by.

  15. jennifer34 says:

    “There is only one reason I can think of that Tia would keep her pie hole quiet and risk what she has- she is complicit in some way, and my money is on JR was hitting on Christine and she saw it or Christine told her and JR freaked.”

    Maybe Tia is the one that “freaked” and killed her? Of course all of the males probably would have already sold her down the river.

    I think the evidence points away from that, but she is an accessory or accessory after the fact, of that I am certain. Aint no dang trailer in the woods going to save her or Jr.

  16. seekingjustice says:

    If it were me and I was on the farm by myself at night with 2 small kids and no phone and someone knocked on the door, I would be very scared too.

    But I think maybe JR made some threat to her that night about money before he and Tia went out partying. I also think just being around that sicko would have her nerves frayed.

    I am just speculating because I can’t fathom what Christine went through. He is one evil SOB!

  17. Bearly says:

    #146 Christine’s Mom:

    Here is the link for that description:

  18. Charisse says:

    susanm, I’m with you: i wouldve taken any felony against jordan(natalie holloway)rather than nothing at all.

    Grateful that Hataway is being brought up on other charges in the Ocasio case. Makes me feel better that he isn’t roaming free, bragging about his ability to make people disappear anymore.

  19. Charisse says:

    Re 140, “…we have some contact with Govt. Officals and a friend on the hill. The consensus is to see how we progress, and intervene as appropriate if necessary.”

    I am so thrilled that Christine’s family FINALLY has people on their side and that there are people higher up than the local level who can step in if it is needed.

    Lynn did the legwork- all of it.

  20. boo says:

    What does Tia have that she would risk by keeping quiet? Why keep quiet to protect JR if he is the killer? What does Tia have to gain by doing that? Keep her Man from prison? So he can keep an unburned trailor roof over her head? I think Tia must have other motives than that.

  21. Charisse says:

    Reading all of the comments on the various blogs, I have internally noted MANY times what an amazing woman Lynn is.

    In every post, I see a tenacious strength born out of love and faith.

    So beautiful it brings tears to my eyes even now.

  22. renandrj says:

    re 163;

    Maybe they can’t tell where she is because maybe they burned her body so there would be no evidence. I think that because they had the fire at the farm already and then JR was throwing bottles of gas and making gas explosions. Leads me to believe they are familiar with fires and might decide to burn any evidence.

  23. boo says:

    Was everone at the farm eventually questioned by LE in some capacity? Everyone but steve magg that is?

  24. suz says:

    How much smaller was the party on the 12th? Cuz one of the things I think and fear is ‘mob mentality’. People do things in groups—-bad things—-that they would never dare to do on their own. I don’t know what happens, but it’s a real phenomenon. Even your nice little puppy will change his behavior when he gets with enough dogs to feel like he’s in a pack. Add alcohol, drugs, a remote location, nighttime (not necessary to the equation, but night makes everything feel so much more secretive) and it’s already a really bad equation. If a mob sees someone start beating someone, they might be more inclined to egg it on than to stop it. They might even join in. Johnny Cash singing “killed a man in Reno just to watch him die” expresses something that happens. Unthinkable to us, but real.

  25. seekingjustice says:

    I am now wondering what Chrisitine wrote to Levi on myspace. Maybe JR or Tia read it and were PO’d.

    I wonder if Jennifer was jealous that Justin was hitting on Christine?

  26. Charisse says:

    Boo, thinking about Tia.

    Tia was there and Christine definitely did die that night, so why didn’t she speak up…. well….

    1) Jr has abused her. She is still with him.

    Back a few pages, someone said that often in abusive relationships there is an element of addiction, on top of fear and shame and guilt.

    Even if she was tempted to tell what happen, the first day had to be traumatic. Someone died. They must have ALL felt very much “in trouble.” Guessing that they all took drugs that night and nobody wanted to interact with police, including Tia.

    Tia was under JR’s control big time. I’m sure she just went along with whatever he said.

    It must have felt like a relief to her that Joyce and Levi went along with the story and the cops believed them. After that, even if she felt guilty, it must have seemed easier to keep her mouth shut.

    2) SEVERAL of Tia’s relatives have police records and violent backgrounds. When most of your relatives are criminals, you probably learn young to shut your mouth.

    3) I am sure all of these people were afraid that they wouldn’t be believed as credible witnesses. Almost all of them had records. People with police records don’t generally like giving info in a crime, particularly if they were there.

    If Tia agreed to lie on Day 1, I can’t imagine her feeling like she could go to the police and tell the truth afterward.

  27. Charisse says:

    I am guessing that it is probably as simple as most of them having records is why nobody spoke up.

  28. sassy says:

    my griends husband is a judge in tn. and i have had them looking at this case, and i know for a fact that they are keeping up with every move that miss tia and nasty jr make in tenn, they sure did pick the wrong state to run to cause they report everything, just like today they are not showing soap’s ( daytime tv) to show a death penalty sentencing hearing. lynn alot eyes are on tia and jr right now. they cant even pick who are the true friends, or who has made friends just to find out info lol.

  29. sassy says:

    post 176 show have g-friends husband

  30. Charisse says:

    4) Most of these people were related to each other in some way or another. It is harder to turn family members in.

  31. seekingjustice says:

    #175 Or Tia is just a sociopath like the rest of them!

    I am on the fence with her. But I do think she is another victim of abuse.

  32. seekingjustice says:

    Why would Levi cover for this group? If he was not there and had not part in it, why isn’t he enraged that they killed the mother of his children?

    Unless to cover for his cousin????

  33. boo says:

    I am curious about that probation supervision jennifer got on 11/13. I looked that up it covers a multitude of offenses, drugs being one. I am curious how that came about? An appt she kept or didn’t keep, a test she failed?

  34. boo says:

    #175 Charisse……well that may be what Tia believes in order to sleep at night, but a mother was murdered and her children told she ran away. Fear, shame does not excuse THAT.

  35. Charisse says:

    5) They barely knew Christine.

    Back to Steve Magg.

    He didn’t have a record.
    He wasn’t related to the Johnsons or the Jacksons.
    He knew Christine more than any one of these people, because of Levi.
    He doesn’t seem to be one of the major suspects.
    He is the reason she met these people to begin with.
    He is related to someone who was in love with Christine.

    He doesn’t have any of the excuses for not telling that the others had.
    (Unless he was involved.)

    Yet, he still didn’t tell.

  36. Jaelin says:

    So essentially what you’re saying, Blink, is that they are not following up on witness statements because they think they’re trashy or druggies, etc?

    In some cases yes, but previously none of them led to a location of her body specifically. You cant get warrants on hearsay, there has to be some corroberation. In some instances I dont blame them.

  37. Charisse says:


    The party on the 11th had 15 to 20 people show up by 6 pm.

    The party on the 12th had:

    JR, Tia, Domo, Charles, Stephen, Justin, Jennifer, Steve M. and Christine. (Did I get them all?)

    I fear the mob mentality, too. This smaller group, was the worst kind of mob – almost all were related and almost all had police records.

  38. Taylor says:

    #170 Not only will Tia lose JR, but she had 2 brothers, SIL and one cousin there also. She has to keep her mouth shut. I don’t believe it took Christine too long to figure Tia out. I think she knew she was on her own and was anxiously waiting for Levi to pick her up.

  39. SeekingWisdom says:

    Dearest Blink and all other posters,

    I have only posted once before and am sending compassion and love to you again all the way from South Africa. I have been so moved by this case and Christine and her Mom’s stories. My prayers go out to all of you!

    Blink, something u mentioned earlier really hit home with me: Christine is any of us and all of us, and that does not change with the country u live in. It is so true. I have been sickened by Levi’s family’s comments about what type of mother and person she was! To them i would like to say :: NO!!!!!
    Since my youth I have “prouded” myself as the obedient one, not into all the “naughty” stuff some kids get themselves into. Unfortunatly i have been in more that several such situations. Thank God that intuition always kicked in, and altough i am a paranoid person, i always managed to keep my cool…and i am not streetwise at all! That said, i have had encounters with viscious and immoral people, even though i never put myself there…that is why it is important to remember that Christine is any of us!

    I feel strongly that there was something sexual, maybe not planned as such, but if u know people that are addicted to drugs and/or alchol u will know that there is no reasoning with them. (For me personally…the abuse of animals or children…that would have put me over the EDGE!)I wonder if the “gang”/”Mob” did not give her some kind of HOPE to get out after they realised how scared she was…by giving her hope…(not touching her kids..everything will be fine scenario) they gained some kind of control over other words calming her in a way..not running etc. and then doing whatever they felt like doing anyway…surely their alliegence would be with their own needs and her looser ex.?

    I can recall every sence in my body at every single time that i was in a situation where i KNEW something bad was about to happen…the fear and the compliance with the “attacker” trying to placate them and agreeing with everything they said…i was just lucky…

    Lynn, i want you to know taht Christine’s past and her life has NOTHING to do with how they treated her. It happens to all of us….even when we do think we make good choices! God’s speed to you all!
    ## PS.. Blink, u have no need to post, just felt that u needed to know that Christine’s story is alive and bringing wisdom to all corners!

  40. Felicity says:

    Re: Red Ranger #135…I truly believe that when Jr. told her that she “would have to pull her own weight”, he meant exactly that. He probably expected her to cook, clean, make beds, mop, vacumn etc…plus do his and Tia’s laundryetc…God help her if she refused. He would probably remind her of every mistake she has ever made, and in his drugged out, drunken stupor probably threatened her or her children to “prove what a BIG MAN he is.” As you know, Christine was a tiny little person, and I’m sure she was physically and mentally exhausted. I’m sure she didn’t get much rest with all the louds noise and music. That bastard had her out picking up tin so he could sell it for drugs.
    Even a medium piece is tin is heavy. Nothing would make me happier than to see a Rambo type man take him to downtown Pokomoko and BEAT HIM TO A BLOODY PULP. KNOCK EVERY TOOTH IN HIS HEAD OUT AND BREAK HIS NOSE, JAWS, RIBS ETC…then, lock his ass in a rat infested prison for LIFE! Too bad I’m not Sheriff there…

    I pray that you, Blink and the other team members bring this precious lady home …to her babies, family, and all who love her.


  41. Brenda in Virginia says:

    #173, true. but even a mob has a “leader”…someone who sparked the behavior and either leads it on, or steps back and watches it grow on it’s own.

    #175, Tia was probably involved in covering evidence at the least. Would make wanted to go to LE out of the question being conditioned as she is. I’d be curious to know how she appears physically now. I mean has she lost weight and seem worn down? Or is she too much like the others to care and appear same as always??

    (I admit I’ve not been able to follow the cases on this site as I should to keep up. So forgive me if this is old news/topic.)

  42. Denise says:

    Good Evening Blink and All!!

    I just wanted to comment also about Lynn and her amazing character. I have read so much hatred towards Christine. IT ENRAGES ME!! I have posted my rage on another site, I’m sure you’ve seen it. I’m sorry, but it ENRAGED me. I just can’t even explain the anger it envoked. But, Lynn, wow, you just ignored it, responded to it enough to say thanks but no thanks, please go away. Your strength in the midst of what must be your worst days is awesome. I am in awe!! I have never met Christine or you, I never will meet Christine, but I feel so touched by this story. Probably because of your strength. Thank you for showing me how to interact with hate. Christine must have learned it from you. Of course, hate didn’t like it and had to harm her to feel better. So not fair. Don’t mean to keep going on, but Lynn you and your family and Christine are in my prayers every night.

  43. mrikim says:

    I have followed many of Blinks stories. This story for some reason is very dark, very evil. I think it may be hard for us because it involves so many aspects of the evil things in our world. Many of us can relate to different events in this story becasue of our own experiences. The battered woman, the person not getting justice because of their lot in life and the fear we have felt for whatever reason. I am thankful for all who are helping in this case. I am also a survivor of domestic abuse and my daughter, thank god, is now out of the 4 year violent relationship she was in. She has 2 beautiful children and felt trapped. I so understand how Lynn felt when it came to her daughter being with Levi. I am so sorry that Lynn and the family has had to endure this pain. I was laying in bed the other night and thinking about things and this poem came to me

    It comes when we least expect it
    preys any time of the day
    It comes at us to let it in
    doesn’t want to go away

    It comes to take the young and old
    to break our tender hearts
    It comes to rob our very soul
    Literally tear us apart

    It takes us many places
    where one never wants to go
    It will not let some escape
    wants the fear to grow

    It doesn’t care who we might be
    just wants to hurt, cause sorrow
    It comes to destroy, run free
    EVIL, always waiting for tomorrow

    Blink thanks for all you do. All of the posters here are great. I love reading everyones comments. God Bless Christines family Kim

  44. Michelle says:

    Some things that occur to me…trying for not completely random order

    So many of the people posting here have stories to tell of abusive relationships. How very very sad that is, how angry should we all be to have to have had it happen to us, to our sisters, our mothers, our friends. How prevelant is abuse that is woven through our society everywhere, it’s part of the fabric of who we are and what we become.

    Some of us are lucky enough to walk way, get away, run away…and swear to ourselves that we will never never endure another day or hour or minute of it, and never again do. But not everyone does, or believes they can, or finds the resources- I mean internal as well as external resources- not everyone.

    I think the idea that JR thought Christine ‘owed’ him is probably very much the truth. At the end, at the party, the other males present were pretty sure she ‘owed’ them too. Jr comes across as the strongest personality in this bunch, who could call the shots and bend others to his will (not that that would necessarily require a lot of effort) Tia knows, and is complicit. It may be that JR has threatened her, but she is not innocent. Maybe Tia thinks that by staying close to JR her chances of remaining alive are somewhat improved.

  45. Charity says:

    mrikim, Yes, many of us can relate to this story in one way or another.

    I never want to focus on the evil though. I think if we do, we end up feeling hopeless and giving up.

    My prayer is that rather than being too aware of the evil in the world, we press in to keep searching for the HOPE that Christine was reaching toward until her dying day. She wasn’t willing to give up. Neither is Lynn.

    My prayer is that, rather than feeling hopeless in the face of all of these tragic things that happen, we press in to see the faith and strength and pursuit of justice that embodies Lynn, and many of the parents who have lost their children.

    I think about the way people like Mark Klaas and Tim Miller and John Walsh and so many others have taken the evil handed them and affected countless lives for the good.

    May each of us take the evil that has been done to us and press past it and do the small acts of kindness to make the world a better place.

    The bible puts it in a simple way. It says that there are 2 paths set before us and asks us simply to choose life.

  46. Charity says:

    Lynn, I’m with everybody else. I have looked at the comments on the various blogs aimed at Christine and you and I have been so blessed.

    You did not return evil for evil. Instead, you are overcoming evil with good.

    Oops, now I am crying.

    God has placed you as a shining light in this dark world and I hope you know that each small thing you have done is a beacon shining for many, many people to see. We see it! Trust me, we see it!

  47. Charity says:


    I’m guessing Levi was protecting his cousin and himself.

    In most murder investigations, an abusive boyfriend would have been the first one fingered and examined in every aspect of his life. (I’m sure Blink probably started there herself.)

    It was a MAJOR favor to Levi that they called Q and reported Christine missing to someone before he showed up on the 13th, because the fingers would have been pointing solidly at Levi, since he was the abuser boyfriend.

    He was in the middle of getting into harder drugs himself.
    Criminal types, who rely on other criminal types as suppliers, don’t generally want to be involved with murder cases.
    I am sure dealers don’t like snitches.

  48. boo says:

    Don’t give up (Peter Gabriel)…………..don’t give up…cause you have friends…don’t give up…your not the only one…don’t give up…no reason to be ashamed…don’t give up…you still have us…don’t give up now…were proud of who you are…don’t give up…you know its never been easy…don’t give up…cause I believe there’s a place…there’s a place where you belong

  49. Charity says:

    Wow, reading all of these comments. From Greece. From South Africa. From all around the U.S.

    The world is beginning to look at Pocomoke.

    Mayor McDermott must be feeling some heat himself.

    Not to mention everyone who was at that party.

  50. Charity says:

    And I fully believe with this cast of colorful characters, the national media will be on board soon.

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