Christine Sheddy Case: Did Arson Play A Role In Her Murder ?

Pocomoke City, MD– Christine Sheddy was murdered on the Byrd Rd Farm in Pocomoke City on the evening of November 12, 2007.

The series of events that led up to her murder are stupifying.  

Of Particular concern is the rash of fires occuring on the farm and within surrounding areas in the time frame of both of Christine’s visits there.


As the September alarms are no longer accessible on the Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Department Site, you are looking at a cached version confirming the call to the farm and the fact that photos DID exist of what was assuredly a major fire. Three different stations responded at a minimum. The Images have been deleted.

The day before the Byrd road chicken house fire on September 20th, the Showell Fire Department extinguished this chicken house fire:


Also a cached version of deleted information from the PVFD site, is this October Alarm Source, through October 23rd, 2007:



Effective October 1, 2007 the Worcester County Fire Marshalls Office takes over.

“..The Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office is responsible for conducting fire investigations of all fires in the County where arson is suspected, the fire is undetermined by the fire department, and/or an injury or death has occurred. The Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office is the local enforcing agency for 3 municipalities and the County…”


Note the October 10th alarm for yet again, a subsequent fire in the chickenhouse on Byrd Road. 

On October 11, the neighbors who have already been vicitmized by the Clarence Butch “ Jr” Jackson crew, are victimized again. As you can see the Fire Marshall visits Byrd Road.

What the record does not say, is that the neighbors are awakened at 3 am by the Fire Marshall and Deputy Parnell from the PCPD. They were told if they called the Fire Department one more time for fires on the neighboring property, they would be arrested.

On the exact same day that JR Jackson unsuccessfully seeks peace orders against the neighbors that are simply trying to avoid the menace of his existance at this point are denied on October 13th; there is another chicken house fire. Fire Police and Pocomoke PD are in attendance.

Another outside fire call on October 17th. There is no data past October 23rd on fire activity available for this time frame. 

The November calls have been deleted entirely by the Pocomake VFD. The site is managed and maintained by “Choppy Layton” a long time Vounteer Fire Fighter and by all accounts, a solid guy. 

What is astounding, is that I am in receipt of an email that confirms a witness gave a statement to Detective Trautman, the original detective in this case, on February 12, 2008.

Should we consider it a coincidence then, that the last time the PVFD site is updated, and apparently when the November alarms were deleted is February 12, 2008?


We have eyewitness accounts of fires on the Byrd Road farmhouse from November 9th through the 13th at a minimum. Fire Police and Marshalls have been to the property.  By my accounting, we are talking in the neighborhood of 12 fire alarms to this property alone, starting one month after an emergency outdoor burn ban.    

Why hasn’t Clarence Jackson been charged with arson?

Any other suspects? Dead Issue? We know there are surveillance still pictures and security guard witnesses, what did they see?

What is the ratio of alarm calls versus arson arrests? 

I digress.

Who was copied on the confirmation email containing a witness statement on February 12, 2008?

Michael McDermott. 

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  1. Charity says:

    Clearly this case is a million times more complicated because of the corruption issues.

    I keep going back and forth between wondering if JR is just an antisocial personality and a pyro who happened to be lucky enough to murder someone in a corrupt place.

    Or whether he is somehow directly involved with some corruption in Pocomoke.

    Either way, if there was no corruption issues, this case would have been solved 2 years ago.

  2. Homegrown says:

    And you have been asked repeatedly to tone down the malicious and unrelated rhetoric about the good citizens of this town, then and only then will you get full cooperation from the locals. I will not allow this to continue unabated as long as you allow me to post. Someone has to speak up for Pocomoke and it’s good citizens.

    Example, a comment by “Tams”:
    So, it appears the new Miss Fire Prevention is one Taylor Layton . . . hmmmm, a relation to Choppy Layton, the PVFD computer whiz? Granddaughter, niece maybe? Thus the identity of the laboriously windy and loudly protesting HomeGrown is perhaps revealed?

    meh, comment in response: untruth 4- I do not think???or at least I have learned that homegrown is not the grandfather u think. Layton is as good a man that has ever walked the face of the earth and dedicates his life to a widw range of charities.Softspoken and would not engage in this knd of bantering.
    Blink: I have heard he was a good guy, which I stated. What’s your issue?

    “Tams” is making an un-substantiated comment that is insinuating that this man is pulling strings or in some type of conspiracy to get someone a position.

    I asked before if “Tams” is a member of your team and you never responded.
    If she is she needs correcting based on your reply above.
    If she isn’t she needs to be admonished, as you are doing me.

    Just one example.

    Ok, with as much respect as I can muster with the utter fecal slinging I have swallowed to try and be fair to both sides; You sir, are a complete loon. Someone should save you from embarassing yourself, and the community you have self-appointedly represented, any further. Do us all a favor, create a blog, wear a sandwich board up and down 13 in big red letters saying “Blink Stinks”. Whatever you need, but be done here.

  3. Brenda in Virginia says:

    I work in IT now and Blink is correct…NOTHING in cyberspace is secret. Especially dealing with IP addresses. Routing numbers are what they are like a phone number and even if they chg…some server and router somewhere hold logs with the “directions” straight back to the source. How we track down problems often!

    I’m not networking myself, but what those guys can come up with for me is amazing! We get clients who email complaints, but there’s a server outside our intranet causing the issue and our guys can track it to a specific machine hundreds of miles away….in about 5 minutes or less most cases!

  4. Charisse says:

    #200, You said what I am thinking, but more profoundly than I could.

    “Alot of people say this corruption has nothing to do with Christina but in the big picture it does. It is because of the secrets in this community that her death was not taken seriously or investigated. If this corruption is not dealt with there will be other murders or crimes committed because of what this town has allowed to run rampant.”

    Oh, and I should add in this line:

    “I know that there are citizens in this community who are kind, caring, proud and hard working people.”

    Of course there are good people in Pocomoke.

    Of course there are good firemen and policemen, etc.

    Blink and team are looking through detail after detail about this case and expect to see things handled in procedurally proper ways. And every time something strange pops up, they pause and ask why.

    Why is generally a good question.

    I would ask why about these things that they have noticed, too.
    And I can guarantee that Christine’s family is asking why about a whole lot of things – and THEY deserve some answers.

  5. Homegrown says:

    Blink said “this”?:
    “Every site owner and every poster is independently responsible for their content, period. There is no such thing as anonymous in cyberland anymore. You post it, you own it. You allow it to be posted on your blog or site, it’s your responsibility, that’s all we will comment about that. Makes you wonder what could be possible if people turned their energies into worthy causes desperate for it.
    B ”

    Sorry if this sounds disparaging but; “What a hypocrite”

    Lol, sorry? Doubtful. And considering I am held to that exact standard, how is that hypocritical? This is rhetorical, my site is not here for badgering ad nauseum. I do believe you have other outlets at the ready for such drivel.

  6. Charisse says:

    Oh, Christine’s mom and sis and whole family, I am praying for you both today.

    Even watching people come here and blast Blink is emotionally tough on me. I can’t even imagine how you must feel.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  7. boo says:

    Was doing some more thinking about killers who keep revisiting the crime. Found this disorder that seems to fit. Here is my sourse link OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER (OCD) is classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Heath Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-11-7R) as an anxiety disorder. It is characterized by distressing, intrusive, obsessive thoughts and/or REPETITIVE compulsive actions.

  8. Charisse says:

    There is a post on the Tattler recommending a book to help people understand the politics and corruption of Pocomoke:

    written by Joe Cline, called A GRAIN OF SALT

    (Blink Note: I have no idea about this book, not endorsing, just passing along)

  9. Charisse says:

    The only reason I mention the book is that when I read the synopsis, it struck a chord:

    “A Grain of Salt is the story of a cold case murder investigation. The case involved the murder of a small infant by a means that is very unusual and unheard of by most people. The prosecution was swept under the table until a stranger came to town and reopened the case. This detective was up against small town politics involving old family power and corruption at the highest levels. His struggle to prosecute a murderer resulted in his own prosecution for crimes he was not guilty of by a prosecutor whose motives were a complete mystery.”

    Blink and team and Christine’s family, I don’t think I need to say, be double-extra careful when looking into a town where people have been arrested (and it sounds like even prosecuted) for made up crimes just for looking into a murder case of a baby.

    Sounds Interesting to say the least, but in the real world, we consult with counsel prior to covering any case we are directly involved in. It is actually quite a cumbersone, but necessary process.

  10. PrivateEYE says:

    Seems to me only thing homegrown is pissed off about is wanting witnesses names and once IT did not get them IT now goes on a rampage about BS!!!

    You know the Market Street Deli is open for service now?
    Go have a cold drink and think about what you are saying.

    Blink/Lynn/Jen and the rest of the family keep your heads up!!!
    Don’t let these clowns interfer with anything you have done this far.

    Thanks Friend. What is the reference to the Market Street Deli?

  11. pak says:

    Blink and team keep up the good work. It is a shame that we come on here looking to see if there is any progress on the search,case,etc… and we have to read these comments from these people that say they want to help and then in the same breath try to shit on the only hope the family has had in 2 years.I get so heated reading this crap that i physicaly feel sick. Ok getting angry again so I will leave it at this thank you. Loook we now know where all you haters stand we dont need to keep hearing it. We need to find Christine so we can tell her beautiful children that she didnt just run away. I wish this situation on nobody If it was your loved one you would take a step back and think before you write sometimes.

  12. boo says:

    I found this disorder which could explain JR’s fetish for fire at Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early childhood and present in a variety of contexts as is indicated by five or more of the following: 1) is uncomfortable in situations in which he is not the center of attention 2) displays rapidly shifting and shallow emotions 3) has a style of speech that is excessively impressionist and lacking in detail 4) is suggestible, I.e. Easily influenced by others or circumstances 5) shows self-dramatization theatrically, and exaggerated expression of emotion.

  13. Charity says:

    210, called Barnes & Nobles, because I have to get the book.

    Wondering if justice was ever served in the infant murder case.

    Wondering how many other families are devastated by having murdered loved ones treated this way.

    Wondering how many murderers are walking the streets of Pocomoke, feeling invincible, because they know nobody will prosecute them.

  14. coney says:

    So Blink flips a switch, the lights come on and low and behold, a town infested with rats. Who to blame for the infestation, well naturally the one who turned on the lights. People cannot be that gullible, or can they?

    Apparently some would prefer to live amongst arsonists, child rapists and murderers. Why are these people defending scum?

    Who would say that a child rapist has served his time and should not be named during an investigation that involves the the force for which he works? If society truly believed that his debt has been paid then why put his name on a list that has the sole purpose of warning us of his crime and his where-abouts?

    Someone on the Tattler revealed the pervert’s relationship to his unfortunate victim justifying why we should not discuss him here. Never had I read here who he raped, but it was clear who his victim was by his defenders at the Tattler. I have never seen Blink out a rape victim but these rapist defenders sure don’t mind naming the victim of the firefighter who they so love and value.

    If this were happening in my own small town my fellow citizens would be raising Cain. Never have I seen towns folk rise up to defend a convicted rapist. All I can imagine is that the evil ones are tuned in and the decent humans are busy taking care of their kids and other responsibilities.

    I sincerely hope what your saying, in terms of a juvenile sex crime is not being discussed, that would be illegal.

  15. boo says:

    I found this phobia might apply to all of christine’s murderer’s and all others involved or have direct knowledge and refuse to step forward. My source link Claustrophobia), an abnormal fear of being in enclosed or narrow places. You can get treatment for this one!!!

  16. Charisse says:

    To the people who feel like Keven Hall being mentioned on the internet has ruined his reputation or the reputations of the PVFD.

    Let’s face it, if being arrested for sexual violence against a minor didn’t ruin his reputation, how is this going to?

    And, if having his arrest for this happen while he already was a fireman, and if the arrest information is already available on the internet for anyone to see, how is having a few more people see it going to affect anyone long term.

    I am sure if his arrest made the papers when it happened that probably affected the community more than this website ever could.

    Is the Salisbury FD forever ruined because someone from there pretended to be a cop? No, but that man, from this point forward will be an “open topic for discussion” whenever anyone wants to discuss it, whether on a board about firemen or cops or corruption or whatever. His being arrested makes it a fair subject.

  17. Charisse says:

    Once Keven Hall committed a crime, he became a part of public record and he opened himself up to be a part of public discussion.

    Goes with the territory.

    That level of scrutiny, which ALL criminals get, might be a good enough reason to NOT commit crimes in the first place.

    Actually, for us, his breach of the by-laws and being an officer, coupled with the uninvestigated fires in a missing persons case make him fair game.

  18. Charisse says:

    To me, Homegrown seems po’d, because he is looking for Blink to give “evidence beyond a reasonable doubt” before posting anything.

    He seems to be confused between the role of the police officer and the private investigator / investigative journalist in various cases.

    Blink holds back info from witnesses she has questioned, who have asked her not to speak. However, she does share things, which are already public record. And she does ask questions.

    Name one investigative journalist that doesn’t do those things.

    I will never in a gazillion years compromise a case for a “scoop”, or fodder for the mongers, no way.

  19. boo says:

    Billy just outed homegrown on the tat. Tee Hee. Way to go Billy!!!!!!

  20. Homegrown says:

    I just figured out how to beat you guys. In about two seconds I am going to give good riddance to myself and to you by clicking the little red X up in the top right corner of my screen. Bye Yall.

    Well then, your the winner. We shall suffer from your discovery of the red x, no doubt. Woe is us.

  21. boo says:

    Thanks blink, for outing seekingjustice! Seems sj had me confused with a smart monkey!

    I was incorrect about seeking justice posting under different hats, I had an unfortunate problem with someone posting under many hats from 2 ip’s and she got caught in the middle. I have apologized to her for the error.

  22. suz says:

    So no more Xtraham either?
    That would be a NO. ( Insert own inference)

  23. Seashed says:

    Blink, Question. Is soothsayer anyone you know or is he/she from the Tattler?

    No idea, but I answer that out of respect for you, I am not one to “out” people. People post under different ?hats all the time I can’t verify. What’ s the issue?

  24. PrivateEYE says:


    i also read that and after a lookup of the ip he posted, it orginated from texas AT&T hmmm who could that be….

  25. PrivateEYE says:

    With a bounce back from North Haven, CT

  26. lily says:

    Ay yi yi – so glad that the Tat has finally outed the multiple hats on that site. I guess I try not to post unless I can add something or if I have a question – but I kinda broke that rule here and over there too.

    All I can say is I’m looking so forward to the day when Christine is finally brought home. I don’t know why but this has touched my heart at a time when I couldn’t be busier at work or with family. But that’s just the thing – I am here, able to do all of that – and Christine is not. And nobody has been brought to justice. YET.

    Plus I used to lurk over ‘there’ when I was interested in what crime blogging was all about – a newbie. BUT I NEVER REGISTERED. It wasn’t for me.

  27. Red Ranger says:

    Your capacity to suffer fools gladly is exemplary. I reckon one jackass has all but hijacked BOC, demanding all of your work product, private notes, plans and innermost thoughts. Maybe he should choose a different entity. I am sure that Bill Gates would share all of his research and future plans with anyone who demands it or feels he has some kind of right or claim to it. If not he could try Warren Buffet or T. Boone Pickens. Maybe McDonald’s would let him know when the McRib is coming back. Just anywhere else but here.

    God bless the firefighters from Pocomoke and everywhere else that miss their dinners and sleep so the rest of us have a better shot at being safe. May they be safe from dangerous people from outside and within their ranks. Blink, you are right to support these good men.

    God bless Lynn and her family. They deserve to be able to finish the final chapters and put the book away for safekeeping.

    Curse them who did not do their gig, allowing a veteran of many crimes to remain free to commit the ultimate crime. He and they cannot run far enough.

    Curse them that try to muddy the waters instead of lighting a light so that all may be seen.

    Curse them that threaten the people they have sworn to protect, for threatening these people for simply reporting a crime.

    Curse them that know what happened to Christine but sit there silently in a corner because they are scared to stand erect.

    Bless every poster, LEO, searcher, organizer, thinker and doer that has made any effort whatsoever to bring this beautiful child of God home.

    May all those who consider it recreation to muddy the waters and deflect attention from the real mission get arthritis in their typing fingers. You know who you are.

    Blink, you are far too talented to herd kittens and teach jackasses to tapdance. Don’t miss a single step due to their mange, or whatever the hell is wrong with ‘em. I know I don’t need to tell you that, just like I don’t need to tell you not to step in dookey. Let’s find this girl and lead the critters to the hoosegow.

    Onward and Upward….

  28. Seashed says:

    Thank you Blink, Your awesome.

    Kind Sir, we are the sum of our parts, and btw, thank you for your service to our country.

  29. boo says:

    #225 PrivateEye….really? Ugh!!!

  30. suz says:

    seashed, I’m soothsayer

  31. Seashed says:

    Oh … speechless

    I have that effect on people from time to time.
    ‘Tis something else-

  32. Seashed says:

    You guys have no idea how difficult this is when you live 4hrs behind the rest of the world. I’m just crawling outta bed and most of you have been at work for over an hour. I just get home from work and most of you are crawling back into bed and calling it a night.

    At first I wasn’t sure why God put me here when he did. When Christine disappeared I knew why. It was the only way he could keep me from doing something stupid.

    Those of you with kids should know what I mean. The things a parent WANTS to do if something like this should happen. 1st thing to go, in my case, was rational thinking.

    God is still looking out for me. I almost had a transfer back to where I started but was denied at the last minute. Less than 10 days after that denial Blink was introduced onto my computer (these machines are not as smart as they think they are). Again, it is a good thing I was denied that return to “home”. Doesn’t make it easier watching everyone else being four hours ahead but it does keep me out of trouble.

    Love you guys. I’ll do anything to help this come to a closure, Even fly flak cover for “Lynn’s team”.(Blink knows). Now, if I can just drag my a$$ into the shower…..

  33. Candice Bond says:

    Due to the fact that the mud (’cause I can’t use the word I want to) slingers from Poco do in fact read here even though they say they don’t, I would like to ask a couple questions.

    Do you think they know how to Google? I don’t think they do. If they did, they could find the facts they mud-sling about themselves instead of relying on the posts of others as gospel.

    I wonder if they have Googled purple shirts, donuts and Taco Bell lately? Wonder if they like those musical decorations that you hang outdoors when it’s “very cold” outside or if they have eaten those colorful candies the Easter Bunny leaves? Maybe they just stick to drinking Kool-Aid. Most of us know what this paragraph means but they are eons behind us.

    Christine will be found, put to rest and her children/family will know the truth long before these mud-slinging ding-dongs from Poco (you know who you are) figure out that Blink really was the good guy.

    Have any of them posted what is going on with the Volunteer FD? Is the VIOLENT sexual offender still volunteering there? Gee…hmmmm…Gosh, did I read somewhere recently that this offender is not alone in that town? Headlines on some site?

    Last question – Homegrown, how many times are you going to say you are leaving and not coming back? I would like to know so I can count down to the grand occasion. You seem to be like a fungus amongus – appears to be gone but whoops! there it is again.

    Back to business – let’s find Christine. We aren’t going anywhere. That’s what bothers them.

  34. Brenda in Virginia says:

    Yeah Homegrown can promise to utilize the “red x’, but will he follow through???? (we can only hope and pray ;>)

    I promise he will.

  35. worrywortdd says:

    It’s so scary that a group of people can be so corrupt. I strongly beleive that in some way these people on the farm are connected or have family in these departments because there is no way these things would be overlooked if they were happening in a more rural place. Any officer of the pfd or ppd would have loved to tear that place apart dig up anything they could and throw these scumbags in jail just for probable cause, if they were in pa they would have already all been taken in for questioning and locked up until they could post bail if there isnt enough evidence. Blink..have these people been taken in at all?? interrogated?? Why is it that Chrisitnes case is being treated as though it’s not important?? Swept under the rug buy people we are influenced to trust and rely on. Sicko’s getting away with this because of their *redacted* Blink..any word on 3view?? How about the FBI or any forensic officers?? Have they been on the scene at all?? How are these people alowed to leave the state while this investigation is still underway. Crooked Corrupt that is how I view mfd and mpd fugetuboutit. This is making me queezy. All this time that’s just floating by..i can’t believe they’ve had almost 2 years to let these people think they’ve gotten away w/ this. I was just up there last week and it was an eary feeling the whole time..the vastness of what i drove through on my way to ocmd rt. 113 freaked me out. Anyone could easily dissapear around there and it sad to see because it is the responsibilty of these officers that we are taught at a young age to respect and to call when and if we need help and to see the carelessness for C. I’m trying to understand the how and y still. Why is christine not found? I can’t wait to see the day bring closure to this family and make these people pay for what they did. P.S. w/ all the technology these days i wouldnt be surprised if while all this stuff was going down on this farm that one of these creeps didnt film some of these actions w/ a cell phone or take pictures..there personal belongings should have been held for evdience..and I hope all of there socail networking sites were and are currently being investigated because you never know when someone will slip up or post something they shouldnt. Thank you Blink now i can breathe for today.. PRAY FOR C

    I missed the name you called in this post. I let the comment through. That is my fault. I corrected it when someone pointed it out to me. I do not and will not allow such a general insult. Respectfully, let’s stick to the facts please.

  36. boo says:

    Well, I feel certain we actually got some kernals of information from those posters.

  37. Red Ranger says:

    Boo#236, I agree with you. Local knowledge is invaluable. I would love to hear from the locals who “Knew” Jr from seeing him around town. Also, where did Jr and crew get their drugs from? How about the guy they sold tin to? I miss you most of all Tin man….

    C’mon locals, let’s hear from you on things that have to do with Christine and the group of criminals that lived at and frequented the Byrd house.

    And where’s my lil’buddy Domo? He had a lot on his mind earlier and never came back to finish saying what it all was.

    Any cashiers from the grocery store? Any bartenders? Any firemen that were constantly on Byrd road? I would love to hear from all of you.

  38. boo says:

    Lordy, I had not refreshed by browser before making my last comment so I didn’t see the comment just before mine, that’s weird, we had the same thought about leaving info.

  39. boo says:

    #238 Red Ranger…have you seen Erin’s current my space? She says such lovely stuff about Domo. It’s all positive.

  40. wymzie says:

    Allstate Salvage in Westover, MD is the closest Tin Man to the house.
    PJ’s Bar is the closest cheapest bar to the farm, I believe it was called the Pour House then, but the same folks frequent the place.

    Drugs….ummm go down the list of drug arrests you can buy anything on the street that you would ever want 24/7

    Does anyone happen to know what kinda money we are talking? This is so not my area

  41. boo says:

    I see where you guys are going. Salvaging tin would provide instant cash for drugs.

  42. Gypsy DD says:

    Enough discussion about the cyber bullies. Blink and I have encountered them before, a year ago infact, long before she chose to help in this case. Thinking of those idiots posting on Public Eye now…you’all know they are out of towners because that site has zero comments on anything other then the two articles about Blink.

    Posting here were your more mundane locals with a passion for schelching anything negative about their town and them.

    Since this is really old hat in the cyber aren’t doing good constructive work on a case unless you start having people protest too much..then you know you have hit the nerve center..which gives people like Blink and her crew the inputus they need to know they are on the right track and to keep on with the search.

    Everyone in the cyber world is now on notice..Christine will be found with or without you..and we have no need of your deversion…as in it ain’t over until Christine is found. Your sophmoric response will not deter her or anyone on her team.

    As I said back to yur lairs to lick your wounds.

    Delta Dawn

  43. i4ni says:

    Aluminum was near $0.80 per pound prior to the economic meltdown. I’m not sure what the price for tin was but I heard of people quiting their day jobs cashing in scrap. After the meltdown you had to pay them to take it off your hands. At the time, a chicken house full of tin would have brought a good bit of money. I also know that at the time, Levi was also cashing in scrapmetal.

    Whoa, first I heard of that, was that in DE?

  44. SadGirlbytheSea says:

    #241 – Blink said: Does anyone happen to know what kinda money we are talking?

    If your question is regarding the recycling of scrap metal….Scrap metal pricing varies by regional area and current economic trends.

    In Maryland, for example, for aluminum cans .. back in November 2008… they were fetching $0.35/pound. Today, the rate is $0.40/pound. In comparison,copper, in 2008… fetched $0.70-$.80/lb. Today, it fetches considerably more, from $1.70-$1.85/lb.

    source link from the Maryland area:

    Also found this interesting tidbit:
    the days of profitably scraping light weight metals such as tin, junk appliances seem to be gone at least for the next year. When I did it full time back in 2004, 2005 prices were at a 6 year high according to the scrap dealers who were paying me. You know… demand rises constantly, it may be pent up demand but when the credit markets/ housing markets/ financial markets settle down and who ever has to take their well deserved lumps takes them… we will be back with a vengance.

    above source:

    So…scrapping metal doesn’t pay much, but when you have no other job, and you need to get your “fix” (drug reference), then I guess every penny counts…

  45. boo says:

    Here is a resourse link with all kinds of facts about drugs of any kind, availability, prices etc

  46. boo says:

    According to the source like above, right now, maryland seems to be running alittle low on meth. Maybe that’s why they left the state (sarcasm)!!!!

  47. PrivateEYE says:

    I can tell you this much even if they took all the tin from a chicken house they wouldn’t of got much from All State salvage.I would estimate tops $300.00.Tin is the less paid metal right about now.

    From what i can tell only people scrapping are druggies.Like stated before quick easy cash.

    You know it’s bad when they rip the downspouts and gutters off the church in princess anne and take it to salvage.Luckly that person was caught!!!

    Thanks for your response, for me, this makes no sense then. The angle was not tin. What was it?

  48. suz says:

    Blink, re: scrap tin prices, I am not sure how to read this. Does it mean that scrap block tin for instance pays $4.54 for 6.06 lbs?

    current recycling prices for scrap tin are shown below (LTL, TL) and in USD per pounds.

    Scrap Block Tin 4.54 6.06 lbs USD
    Scrap Pewter 2.83 4.71 lbs USD
    Scrap High Tin Babitt 2.62 4.37 lbs USD
    Solder Dross 0.68 1.35 lbs USD
    Sn/Pb Solder Scrap 1.09 2.18 lbs USD
    Lead Free Solder Scrap 1.62 3.25 lbs USD
    Detining Can Scrap 0.10 0.21 lbs

    Yeesh you guys are impressive. Nicely done.
    Seashed asked me to give you a wink from blink :)

  49. PrivateEYE says:

    I don’t know if it has been to long, but All State is required by law to keep records of who turned in metal.They also require them to produce a ID and they make a copy of the ID.

    Interesting, do we know if that falls under FOIA?

  50. suz says:

    A hit of meth (1/4 gram) fluctuates but seems to be about $25 for a 6 hr to 24 hr high.

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