Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Brad Conway Releasing New Evidence

Posted by BOC Staff | Brad Conway,Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Cindy Anthony,Dominick Casey,George Anthony,Mark Nejame,Tot Mom | Wednesday 30 September 2009 8:52 am

Orlando, FL– Brad Conway, attorney for George and Cindy Anthony vows to release evidence during an 11 am press conference today in his office that raise “serious questions about this case”.


Following the release of the lastest round of discovery, Conway announced there were items that were supposed to be released by the State Attorney’s office yesterday, that were not.

Since Mr. Conway has no legal standing to release anything on behalf of the State Attorney’s office, it is surmised such information was supplied by his clients, George and Cindy. George and Cindy Anthony were previously represented by Orlando attorney Mark Nejame.

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  1. westsidehudson says:

    Quick thought:

    Before the motions, and the display by Conway, the previous display by George, the craziness of the emails –D Casey & Cindy, etc, “photos of a now alive Caylee” do you think that the defense will cop to an accident and say that Casey was actually in fear of her family, rather than for her family? The defense pushes the right buttons, and they go haywire. When things are uncovered such as veiled threats by Cindy, it does make one pause. If you combine that with the alleged strangling incident, it does look like they could be scary or explosive. Maybe the defense is intentionally capitalizing on that?

    It doesn’t hit on the duct tape around the babies head, but it’s a start of explaining 31 days?

  2. Ragdoll says:

    I’m wondering if the Anthony’s are grasping and behaving ‘delusional’ for the sake of their own butts. Throwing them under the bus has come up many times and perhaps this isn’t about saving Casey’s life, but their own. Cindy’s behaviour could just be a cover of raging lunatic of a mother demanding her daughter be set free (this sham of a case…come on sheeple!). Seems to me the only person Cindy looks out for is Cindy herself.

    The apple does not fall far from the tree.

  3. lily says:

    Wow. Read Richard Grund’s myspace regarding recent document discovery release

  4. lily says:

    WSH – lol – I thought you were talking about the names I may have called my boys over the years ‘sarcastically but with affection’

    Can’t deny letting an occasional knucklehead, beavis or goober pass my lips – al with the greatest affection of course. :-)

  5. Kleat says:

    “Jammin Up The Airways… WAA…. WAA….”

    New song just released by Con and the Artists on an album titled “GUM&Shoe”

  6. susanm says:

    at wftv the brad released documents are 19 pages is that all? am i missing something? i thought there were more emails between cindy & dom?

    That is all I have-
    And I am still scratching my head. I do not agree with some of the statements he made at all.

  7. Kleat says:

    boz, no!! Not saying that at all– just thinking (speculating only) that it would be mighty convenient for the two ‘unknown’ perps (kidnappers) in some defense theory, to be suggested as one and the same– it’s a reach, but already the PI has tied the two together to this Murt person. ( we should remember Haleigh is still a ‘missing child’ as her parent with custody, had nothing to do with her disappearance).

  8. Kleat says:

    Blink, of course the two cases have nothing to do with each other, sorry people might have read that out of this ‘speculation’ about George and Cindy’s and Domi C’s associations and connections and their own wild concocted leads. I wouldn’t put it past them to have had the thought– whoever caused Haleigh to disappear could be the same person who caused Caylee to disappear and wouldn’t that be a perfect theory to spin for Casey’s defense.

    Can’t be wilder than what we’ve already read from Dom and Cindy herself.

  9. joan (Canada) says:

    #140 Blink, then do you think it is a great coincidence that D. Casey was hired from someone in the Cummings family to look for Haleigh.

    It just seems to me (and maybe I’m way out there with this) that the fact that Misty was in Orlando and no one knew where she was and that Mr. Casey is now involved it just might be paranoia in my case, but it seems a little strange to me.

    I don’t believe that the murders are related but I think that the A’s are somehow involved.

    What about it. Pull me in, before I’m too far out. Lol

    Mr. Casey has been on this case for some time, but not sure how.

  10. susanm says:

    #153 lily i read all of his blogs back to 2006,very interesting .kleat the a’s are not the only ones helping with the haleigh case so is revrend grund double wow!! just when i was reading his outrageous bblogs(brilliant mind despite angel/demon complex)thinking this case couldnt get anymore bizarre,now he is involveld in the haleigh case whoa my mind is swirling… like in his blog he is all about the script(ure),wants to punish and teach a lesson to,and at dark times start an all out god’s war against: the liars,theives, decievers, maniuplators,adulters,cheaters,whores,partiers,girls kissing girls.who could he possibly talking to?(about)? serious jimmy swaggert potential here and waco and manson, i now understand why casey had to break it with jesse ,between cindy and pop-in-law, i’d of had a breakdown too! i knew at the beginning this had to have a bible belt angle somewhere i grew up in ala. 10 mins from florida,have relatives in orlando.i dont want to engage in persercution,but have to point out in his blogs he uses the terminology “got to a nuetral place” when describing getting surrounded by a gang as aboy in new york” and he professes to subconciously doodle demonic Skull Pictures when he was in his demonic phase ,uses forbidden appleimergy phrases repeatedly,talks about people who died just before age 3 (iirc),hates the withches,especially the ones who commited animal sacrifices on his property and repeatedly begs the question WOULD YOU HANG FOR ME?. if i were a defense attorney this is a treasure trove of RD.

  11. PAMELA says:

    For those of you who remember my story, of my son’s abduction by his father, I just want to point out how lame the Anthony’s are in their “search” for the Nanny/kidnapper/murderer. It looks like the only searching is done by computer, on my space, and PeopleFinder, very amateurish PI work, that anyone could do.
    Although we were far from wealthy, everything we had went into finding my son, and our families also generously gave, so did our church and friends. Our PI personally followed every viable lead, including but not limited to flying to Indonesia, Venezuala, Alaska, and many other areas where leads took us. We had 3 mortgages on our home to keep searching, and I would like to think that because of the many times we came so close to finding him, & forcing my ex to move on (they lived on a trawler so it was easy to move)it finally drove my ex’s wife to divorce him and bring my son home to me, and this was over 15 years. The Anthonys and their PI’s just sit on a computer? That is incomprehensible to me!!! The Anthony’s will travel… on the networks dime… to “spread their story”, but haven’t spent one cent or one minute in actually searching. The only reasonable explanation for that is… they know that the killer is in jail, and don’t want to waste any real time or money on chasing a “fantasy” Nanny, when they have tans to work on and a boat to pay for. They are truelly dispicable, if my son dissappeared today, same story and the Anthony’s tried to involve themselves in my case, like they have in the Haleigh Cummings case, you would have to hold me back from slapping that grin off their conniving faces. I know we all handle tragedy differently, but I have been involved with missing children, and unwed teen mothers for years, and I have never seen anything like the Anthony’s and their behavior in any other families. They are a “black smudge” on the “face” of missing or murdered children and the families that have to deal with that loss. I think that is the fundamental reason Cindy had so little respect for Tim Miller and his organization, and vice versus. If you’ve been there, you feel a kind of kinship, a bond that others just cannot understand. Cindy and George’s behavior was so “off” those of us who have “been there” could feel it in our bones.
    Also any respect I had for Brad Conway was completely lost yesterday, he was ill prepared, you could tell he didn’t even have the conviction of “truth” to tell, and he is IMHO ruining any chance of furthering his political aspirations with this Sham of a case.

  12. susanm says:

    was caylee rh negative? i knew of two people are rh neg. both are very blonde one is a giant 6-6 his sis is 6-2 the other isnt tall but does have a big head and bones i overheard them talking about about being rh neg, and the mystery behind it, one warned the other dont ever tell or let anyone know you are rhneg i asked why and he said you’ll be a target or kidnapped, its very rare blood ,at the time (several years ago i looked up rhneg and its mystery,i thought that the blood could be sold ,but now i see its considered Ev** by some.

    Ya know, I read that stuff, and I want to scream. Know what I have learned in this case? If I were so inclined to make up the most ridiculous of stories, with the lovely wam bam “web” I could very every theory or resource to support this utter claptrap. I saw email after email of people looking to frame others, not find a baby, cause that email would have been to Casey Anthony.
    Rant over

  13. gigi says:

    What a day of “discover”!! Sorry about my religious rant..just feelings from the heart to boost you all’s confidence that there is hope…just read the Grund gentlemen’s post…fyi..I am not a Grund..just a christian…tee hee. Take care..keep on working…I’ll keep on lurking..
    Waiting for the next great revelation of everyone involved in this case…and for Ms. Lyon’s latest hair adornments.
    Also, I judge no one for their religious beliefs or lack of..but I do know one thing as a christian…there is a hell and some of these characters involved in lies to protect a child murderer are going there!!! Keep up the good work..sorry Blink for being off topic..will stay quiet.

  14. suz says:

    LOL, just to be clear, I do think Casey is NOT innocent. Not sure how Caylee died, but Casey had some hand in it or at least in covering it up. Having said that, I think my point was supposed to be, OMIGOD, is the state, with the help of the Eff Bee Eye, going to do some major OJ-style bungling of the case—perhaps from sitting around howling at how inept poor Baez is, and failing to be as thorough as they would be with a real laywer?—kind of like when a really crummy football team beats a Superbowl winner?

    Just a bit of a panic, as happens now and again in this case. My meter swings from SLAM DUNK to OMIGOD. I do, however, think (about the Ants): What if they really think she’s innocent and feel she is being railroaded and tried in the court of public opinion, with the state sending out evidence that seems to damn her when maybe it isn’t quite so clear cut—as if trying to put the squeeze on her to make her plea? Then I can get why they would want to release evidence that raises doubt—and think it is fair for them to do so.

    I agree, but I think sometimes the emotion gets in the way for some to best absorb the snark. Kinda like I love -love Larry David and my sister thinks he is mentally deficient old man , happens.
    ps. don’t miss the season opener!!

  15. westsidehudson says:

    #149 “Jealousy should not drive Justice.”

    WTF is with this ongoing obsession with jealousy? Who is jealous of what? And how does this make even sense?

    Doesn’t everyone want justice? I would like to see justice for those other children as well.

    Main Entry: jus·tice
    Pronunciation: \ˈjəs-təs\
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French justise, from Latin justitia, from justus
    Date: 12th century
    1 a : the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments b : judge c : the administration of law; especially : the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity
2 a : the quality of being just, impartial, or fair b (1) : the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) : conformity to this principle or ideal : righteousness c : the quality of conforming to law
3 : conformity to truth, fact, or reason : correctness

  16. westsidehudson says:

    #159 susanm

    Motive,opportunity & some connection to a phantom nanny need to be present
    to get any really play out of R Grund. My opinion of his beliefs or actions in the past don’t count, but if you simply believe that he is “off”, it still doesn’t make him look to be the person responsible for the crime.

  17. westsidehudson says:

    # 159-To boot, juries hardly buy into these occult or sacrificial killings. And rightfully so, in the vast majority of cases murderers are much “closer to home”.(or at home)

  18. westsidehudson says:

    I liked that rant Blink, it made me laugh. (I’m not laughing at your pain though)

  19. Kleat says:

    DNA found from a technician NOT that unusual, doens’t mean the evidence is no good– Dr. Levy

  20. Kleat says:

    susanm, this has nothing to do with giants, as in ‘real’ people. It’s not historical at all.

  21. artgal says: reporting that the motions filed by Baez etal to dismiss
    are procedurally incorrect and without substance and should have been filed correctly last year if at all! So much for their hotshot lawyers. Also the article states that the lack of DNA and also the techs DNA found on the duct tape also no big deal – if the defense
    tries to focus on one tiny piece of evidence it could lose sight of the whole case – so lets hope so!

  22. Kleat says:


    Mr. Conway, at BlinkOnCrime, we attempt to provide commentary and when relying on published information, we are expected to at minimum, link to sources we quote. If we quote someone or some fact that is new to the page, or questionable, we are reminded to please provide a link.

    Who or what was your source of the information, which was part of your half hour presentation to press, about a ‘hair on duct tape’? And why was the document from discovery, not at hand for your press conference? at about 9 mins into the conference:
    Q: from unknown male reporter: Stray or foreign hair…? What do you understand?….
    A: …that’s…. that’s…. [flipping pages]…. [flipping pages]… you know what, I’m not finding it…

    I dont condone it Kleat, but I do think he was set up, thats not the only flub I would call him out on, I would ask him who told him there are no prints on the ductape as he confirmed for the world.

  23. Susan 2 says:

    I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve just been lurking. Most of the people here are so smart, I usually don’t feel as if I have anything to add. That is until I read post #161. I am rh negative. I’m 5’1″, my weight is about 120lbs, my head is normal size, no one has ever tried to kidnap or target me (except the blood bank, they call on a regular basis because my blood is universal……anyone can use my blood). In other words, no big deal.

    TY Suzie2!!

  24. Kleat says:

    Rporter: You said it was your understanding…

    ‘That is my understanding of it, but it did not come from the defense…’

    WHO was the source of your understanding about the alleged ‘third hair’????

    Answer: __________________?????__________________________ [place holder]

    (Blink, Brad says at 12 mins in, that the defense provided these docs to his clients, and his clients gave the docs to him… he did not get it from the defense directly)

  25. gigi says:

    Clarification…not telling you all to read that post….meant I just read it myself…in no way advocate or disadvocate his stuff..first time I ever even knew he was into so many things…sorry, just wanted to make that clear..

  26. soulsister says:

    Just a thought about Cindy and wesite closing:
    what about what Cindy has said about other people… accussations are just as damaging as somone calling Casey or the A’s names. I would think it would be against the law to slander the Grunds name, all of Casey’s friends, and other innocent people’s names she used to cover for her daughter. How can she stand on he soap box and say others can’s say what they want or feel and yet she can say anything she wants??

    Murders get life for taking a life
    Pedophiles/Rapist SHOULD get life for taking a soul

    Good book: The Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant!! Real and True

    Hey Obama… want to save some money? Put to death everyone on death row so I don’t have to pay for their food, medical, clothes, dental, or their life.

  27. Kleat says:

    Another Kealing report that covers a lot of ground– with more comments by legal analyst Richard Hornsby, which discusses how the state doesnt’ have to use all these tests, they have strong case without using any of the questionable tests, and that Casey Anthony made the case easy for them. Someone, Casey or someone, is going to have to explain all of Casey’s statements, which will come in at trial– someone has to go on the stand and explain.

  28. Kleat says:

    AND, Kealing says another docdump expected next week — another 1000 pages or so. (so that will likely have the pages that defence sent to George and Cindy that Brad was reading from).

  29. SuzeeB says:

    #167 Susan2

    Hey Susie 2 we all have something to add. Just jump in.

  30. Gypsy DD says:

    Spin, spin and more spin..the A team is at a loss for how to cover the damage done by the latest release. And there was damage done. Many things that reporters said, the A team said had no basis. I mean need to read between the lines with the FBI stuff..they are talking about each piece of evidence..not the whole trunk..not the whole household, just one particular part of the evidence. Careful reading is needed. They have never said many of the things that the reporters read into the reports. Take it one piece at a time… Each response from the FBI is only for that piece of evidence they are examining..not every piece of evidence they have.

    As far as claims by DC and Cindy about Richard Grund..very wrong..more speculation and BS stuff from the A’s. There are lots of RH negative people in the well as other blood types…………..doesn’t mean a thing. I am RH negative, blonde, blue eyed, and stil couldn’t donate a kidney to my sister, Enough with this nonsense.

    My dear and wise friend, sage advice.
    I have spent the last few hours on a few anomalies I found as well, requiring me to go back to several discovery releases.
    All is not as it seems

  31. SuzeeB says:

    Well maybe Brad meant the unidentified hair on the shovel. I thought their was a hair on the shovel that was not identified but then again it was the neighbors shovel.

    That is my opinion as well. For me, he is a defense attorney, that is not an error you wish to make live.

  32. lily says:

    Just a reminder soulsister – the death penalty laws are on a state by state basis and have nothing to do with the federal government and absolutely nothing to do with President Obama.

    There are some here that don’t agree with the death penalty – but I can see both sides and have never been or have had a family member a victim of a violent crime. I might feel differently if I did.

  33. leo says:

    i think for me if i were sitting on the jury trying this case the most damning evidence against casey is 1)m she did not contact police for 30 days then explains that she was using her own resources to find caylee but cannot produce one outcry witness. 2.) when questioned by law enforcement she is offered a scenario in which caylee died by accident and casey is perhaps afraid to say the truth because she does not want to be perceived as a negligent mother and she nor her lawyer jump at this scenario. to me these two points will be the defense teams biggest challenges. good luck to the defense!!

  34. kp-in says:

    I do not understand why someone would put duct tape on a gas can. Where was the tape placed on the gas can? Was the duct tape being used for a missing lid (cap) for the gas can? If the duct tape was being used for a lid (cap) the gas in the can would chemically attack the sticky part of the duct tape. Therefore, making the gas can leakable. Maybe the tape was only being used for labeling purposes on the can. Example: Gas/Oil mix. idk

    That is my opinion, labeling. That said, then why did Casey take both in the first place?

  35. Todd in Tulsa says:

    In astonishing response to the carbon copy off of #149, “It’s amazing how the media pays a male feminist and a Peppermint Patty look-alike to do interviews about nothing but rambling on about how one of them locked himself in a motel with a 6 pack of odoul’s, some midol, and a sorry suicide note, and then to have a xerox copy Cindy Sheehan chime in, “noone knows this, but I thought about suicide too”. All Spindy knows how to do is bite the hand that feeds her. Hopefully after Crasey gets convicted, they go after Spindy and Georgina for obstruction, and whatever else. Then the hands that feed her can be none other THAN THOSE OF THE ORANGE COUNTY JAIL GUARDS

    Todd, you have been pretty good about this, but I need to warn you on the name calling. Emotional few days, but we have to stick to the rules here. Therefore I will refrain from asking about the Peppermint Patty reference.

  36. soulsister says:

    Not sure if anyone saw the pictures on the Caylee Daily of the car but it is terribly sad… I’m not sure what else to say because I can’t stop crying after viewing these pics.

    Soul, respectfully , I will not advocate reviewing images at that site, the FBI note specifically says that image is monitor specific. Not going to be the same zip code, I would encourage others to review if they chose, accordingly, but thanks for posting

  37. Todd in Tulsa says:

    Blink, what do you think Baez’s response will be at trial when it is made known of Casey’s fingerprints are on the tape?

  38. Todd in Tulsa says:

    My apologies blink, i let the emotions get the best of me

  39. Fred McNeil says:

    To those of us talking about rh negative blood, my mother and sister are rh- but not of us men in the family are. Neither are blonde. Both are about 5-4. Only rarely have they been kidnapped.

    snark alert, lol

  40. MsEnscene says:

    Hoo-wee! The Rev Grund is hot to trot! Civil lawsuit comin’ down the
    pike. That peculiar Hopespringe Clan is gonna be mighty busy in the court system. Get the gum and water wagons ready! The Rev addresses, among other Anthony accusations, their presumption that he participates in sacrifices of babies. Oh, and a somehwhat lesser one to ponder: “Jesse had a key to the Pontiac”.

    Heckfire, I wouldn’t be surprised if, unbeknownst to Jesse, he doesn’t possess a whole chain of Anthony keys hidden in the meds’ cabinet. That scamp Casey! She just had to shower at Jesse’s that morning, and, perhaps she kindly collected hairs out of his shower drain like the thoughtful guest she was.

  41. Barb says:

    From Wesh website: Expert: Lack Of DNA In Caylee Case Not Unusual
    Attorney Also Questions New Casey Anthony Motions

    ORLANDO, Fla. — A DNA expert said Thursday it is not surprising that duct tape found on Caylee Anthony’s skull lacked fingerprints or DNA.

    Dr. Bruce Levy, who also is the chief medical examiner in Tennessee, said it also is not unusual that the FBI found DNA from one of its own technicians in a sample.

    Levy’s comments come as Anthony defense team seeks to have charges against her dismissed, citing what they call a lack of evidence linking Anthony to her daughter Caylee’s death.

    Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder and is in Orange County Jail awaiting trial next year.

    Levy examined the recent FBI lab results on duct tape found across Caylee skull when he remained were discovered in an Orange County woods in December 2008. He said it is not surprising little DNA was left once the body was found.

    “If it was on the body while it was exposed to the elements, you may find very degraded DNA or a small fragment,” he said.

    In its reports, the FBI admitted it did find DNA belonging to one of its own female technicians. Levy said that can happen very innocently and does not mean the lab tests were botched.

    “Any person coming into contact or coming near that body can leave DNA evidence unless they’re enclosed in a cocoon,” Levy said.

    WESH 2 has learned that Casey Anthony’s defense continues to maintain there is an unknown DNA fragment on the duct tape that does not belong to Caylee, Casey or Cindy Anthony, who is Anthony’s mother and Caylee’s grandmother.

    “I think the defense is going to want to make it as significant as they can…that it belongs to the perpetrator,” said Levy.

    Levy, a veteran of hundreds of criminal trials, says that might not be Anthony’s best defense.

    “I think if you want to hang on to one little fact in a sea of facts you may lose sight of the whole case,” he said.

    Also Thursday, a defense attorney said the motions to dismiss charges against Caset Anthony have no chance of success.

    “The motions they filed are lacking in substance and procedurally incorrect,” said Richard Hornsby, who has been reviewing the case and speaking with WESH.

    For example, Hornsby said ew motion to dismiss murder and aggravated child abuse charges should have been filed by the defense last year.
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  42. Jan says:

    Re Cindy and her “unconditional love” and determination to save her evil spawn by any means available. Not buying it. Cindy doesn’t have the depth of emotion required to perform such a seemingly selfless act. Cindy is trying to save Cindy — her self-image and perceived public image. Cindy isn’t interested in being known as Mother of a Baby Killer, period. Cindy also doesn’t like to be wrong. Cindy is also a control freak. Those are the forces/motivations at work behind her noble quest to “save Casey.” It’s not about Casey any more than it’s every been about Caylee for her. As for George, his motivation is to hang onto Cindy. Period.

  43. Jan says:

    typo: It’s not about Casey any more than it’s EVER been about Caylee …

  44. Kleat says:

    I caught a post on WESH that looked like Cindy lacking a bit of the spew, then checked the other posts and other posters seemed to think this person is Cindy.

    I don’t know, but if it is, a very strange last post that suggests Casey should get LWOP if we go by the evidence.

    But the most recent post says “Don’t be so quick to judge. The trial has not yet begun yet you have Casey Marie convicted. You haven’t seen but what the prosecution wants you to see. Smoking gun> Bring it!!!!!” signed MyAngel

    The earlier one looks like her: “Thanks Wesh. One thing is for certain, there is no COD, it can’t be proven as a MURDER.” (on the no cause of death article– Sept 14th 11:31 pm EDT )

    On Sept 15, 2009 1:26 am EDT, MyAngel wrote the confusing comment about LWOP:

    “Okay, put yourself on the jury, (now you have to remain openminded and listen to ALL the evidence). The State wants you to believe this is a murder, and nothing less. Now comes the Defense and implores you to believe “accident”, or someone other than Casey did it, and set her up. At the end of the trial you have doubts that it was indeed a cold, calculated murder, and that hmmm, maybe she wa set up, do you still find her guilty beyond ANY reasonable doubt, just because its the in thing to do> Do we put to death a 23 year old girl, simply because of the media hype, or do we listen to the evidence and give her LWOP?

    Sept 15, 2009 1:26 am EDT from MyAngel


    That is strange– did MyAngel REALLY want the jury to find her guilty whether Casey was ‘set up’ by someone who did the murder?? (And didn’t she try to say no COD/no murder in another post?) If Casey was set up, and innocent in her last scenario, why does MyAngel suggest give her lWOP?

    Strange– maybe MyAngel didn’t mean to type what she did! Or was actually typing what she knew was the truth and didn’t catch it at almost 1:30 am!!!

  45. Kleat says:

    (maybe someone told the defense camp posters, to change tactics from the ‘sheeple’ rants to something more reasonable and even quite ‘formal’–ie: ‘now comes the Defense’ with a capital D! and then calling Casey, ‘a girl’)

  46. NancyS says:

    Kleat! regarding your post.
    This is EXACTLY what I was coming up with last week!
    Someone is talking to the Anthonys and visa verse This case is having an eery connection and YES the money is coming from somewhere.
    I bet Misty has either met with Bozo himself or thru Dominic being the common denominator.
    I bet when I brought it up, people thought me to be crazy but we shall see huh?

  47. Justice seeker says:

    Thursday, October 01, 2009

    In His Light,

    Richard Grund

    On Tuesday September 29, 2009 another batch of documents pertaining to the Casey Anthony trial were released to the public. Usually I do not comment on these documents but as there were some information in those documents specifically pertaining to my son Jesse, myself and my family that were offensive, derogatory in nature and misleading I felt the need to address them. I understand the fascination with this case and the people who have become emotionally involved in Caylee’s story. Because of that I want to make sure you can discuss things with ALL of the information at hand and not just the malicious lies and deliberately misleading information contained therein.

    .. ..

    Some of what I write here will be strict facts and some of it might be tongue-in-cheek. You will have to discern which is which. What ever it is – it will be the truth!

    I will try to cover as much as possible but due the pervasive nature of these false claims I may have to pick the most diabolical ones and save the others for another time such as prime time news and the court room.

    So, let’s get started and deal with things FOR THE RECORD.

    FOR THE RECORD – what you are reading in these documented emails exchanged between the Anthony family, their private investigator and their online “support” is what my family and I have been enduring for the last 16-months. There has been an online effort to harass, defame and destroy our family name, our personal reputation and all for the purpose, in my opinion, to taint the jury pool in the Casey Anthony trial by fabricating reasonable doubt. If you want to know who I have been referring to in my blogs over the last year just read these emails and you will have full names, email addresses and, in some cases, personal home addresses and phone numbers. Some of the names listed are personally responsible for the web sites, forums, blogs and profiles set up to attack Jesse and me. I would never have been able to legally post their information but now that they are a matter of public record online I do not have to. Reread my previous blogs, refer to the initials given and compare. Have at it. As they claimed on Topix when they attack us “it’s a matter of public record”.

    FOR THE RECORD – I have not EVER lived in the State of ….Maryland….. In fact, I do not think I’ve even been in ….Maryland….. I may have flown over it but do not know for sure. If the professional investigator and his “researchers” did their homework they would have been able to find in public record that I have lived in Florida since 1990 and in Orlando since 1995. Therefore, it would be impossible for me to be living in Maryland 8-years ago and “hanging out in a bar”. I mean come on they’ve spent enough money using every search engine known to man to dredge stuff up about EVERY Richard Grund to post it online. You’d think they could at least get this easy one right. I’ve met Roy Kronk ONCE and that was at a recent motions hearing. If this is what josebgood and others believe is “BIG” the only thing “BIG” about it is how wrong it is. To quote a prominent American paternal figure, Homer Simpson, “D’oh!”

    FOR THE RECORD – I was involved in the occult for 30-years – almost 21-YEARS AGO! Had anyone involved taken the time to listen to the link posted in that email on page 8090 ( they would have known that. I have never hidden my testimony regarding being delivered from the occult by a loving God on October 9, 1988 in a church in .Tallahassee, Florida. (and to save the crack research crew any work I lived there from 1990 to 1995). I’ve always been open and transparent about my past to save others from going down that road. I’ve spent the last almost 21-years giving freely what was freely given to me. I’ve never hidden this fact and besides the audio links at the above site anything I’ve done, taught or believe is here in my profile or at If this crack investigative team actually did their homework they would have realized that this effort would only confirm my testimony not demean it. And, again, Homer says ”D’oh!”

    FOR THE RECORD – I do not know who the page belongs to that is attributed to me regarding “Nephilim blood…” but any child could see it doesn’t belong to me. It’s a topic on a forum I’ve never heard of talking about a theory I’ve never heard of. If they had actually gone to the link ( they would have seen it has NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. I have NEVER been there before I read that email from the private investigator to his client attributing it to me. There are 1,050,000 Google hits to “Nephilim”. If you add + “Richard Grund” to that search you find ONE HIT and it’s when I discuss a book written by an associate entitled “Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse”. All of the non-specific hits outside of the book by friend Patrick Heron refer TO THESE OUTRAGEOUS LIES from this week’s evidence release. Hmmm…maybe that was the intent? I don’t know. You decide. But, we know what Homer thinks.

    In regard to this particular email exchange listed on pages 8090-8092 that I would in any way, shape or form commit a religious ritual sacrifice of a child is so diabolically outlandish it wouldn’t deserve mentioning if not for this document release. Also, within these pages my son Jesse and I are considered “involved somehow” (a pet phrase of theirs that I personally heard said as early as July 29, 2008). Don’t know what they think we are “involved” in but if it’s the homicide of Caylee Marie Anthony it’s another OURIGHT LIE and malicious falsehood. The only thing we are “involved in” is exposing the lies and the people behind them.

    As for the other outrageous malicious accusations that I am a “whack job” “racist” that I “demean women” “involved in porno’ “produce pornographic videos” (not in these emails but information fed to a local FOX newsperson in December of 2008 in the hopes they’d be foolish enough to just run with it) or that I “run an escort service out of my home” (also fed to a local FOX newsperson in December of 2008 in the hopes they’d be foolish enough to just run with it) and the fact that these online “researchers” have disseminated that slanderous information all over the Internet all I can say is LIES LIES LIES. What this has to do with the case except to discredit me, my son and my family I do not know.

    Hey Mr. All Seeing Eye of Horus Illuminati Logo P.I. Man – I’ve seen your other emails (soon to made public on a TV screen near you) that I am the “devil himself” and that you can “guarantee” that I am “not going to Heaven” and your promises to “destroy me”. Let me tell you; if you think I do what I do by the power of the devil then I am in good company because the Pharisees in Matthew 12:24 said the same thing about Jesus. On the other hand, just as a Biblical FYI, its considered blasphemy to attribute the work of the Holy Spirit to the devil and according the Lord in Matthew 12:31-32 that’s a sin that won’t ever be forgiven – EVER. I think my African-American “brothers from another mother” have a bone to pick with you about the racist comment but they might have to get inline behind the others you’ve offended. As for the other stuff, “D’oh!”.

    FOR THE RECORD – I do not produce “exorcism videos”. I’ve done one online showing of two trips to Rhode Island and Connecticut. to show the power of the Lord as opposed to the paranormal garbage being promoted on TV today. Again, they are on my various sites. If you have a question about SRT or anything I do, feel free to ask. I have not hidden what I do for the Kingdom of.God. Some may not understand, some may not agree but I only do what I know the Lord did and what He told us to do in His Word. He said it; I believe it – that’s that!

    FOR THE RECORD – Neither Jesse nor I know “Danielle Brofi” that is mentioned on pages 8165 to 8179. Nor have we ever spoken to this person as, already mentioned, we don’t know her. It would seem this person was playing a role to get inside for what ever their personal agenda was in this exchange. All of her information regarding Jesse was false and completely untrue. However a couple of comments stick out in these pages. The whole “flying under the radar” comment in reference to being able to make Jesse pay for something he did not do is very disturbing. I sincerely hope that LE has made a note of that comment. Also, the warning to the mysterious Danielle Brofi on page 8171 for this person to move because I might find out what she was doing makes it seem to me that it was being inferred that I would do this person some kind of harm that would make them want to fear for their well being. Not clear on the intent of that comment either but I am sure that is another one that LE and legal representatives might want to look at.

    FOR THE RECORD – Regarding the “characters of interest” list given to First Baptist Church of Orlando for the memorial held at their facility in February 2009: I have no problem being on that list. I do have character and believe that I am interesting. For the most part I am in good company on that list. And, I am #7. 7 is the Lord’s number, the number of perfection and it’s the number Mickey Mantle wore for the Yankees so I am good. What I am not good with is the OUTRIGHT LIE that I “made threats against the family”. That LIE was propagated to a local church to parties unknown so somewhere along the line someone will have to track down who had access to that malicious libel and have their names added to the witness list for the civil suit that will occur at a court room near you in the near future. Homer is speechless right now and so tired from saying “D’oh!” he had to go lie down.

    By the way, I do have a Glock handgun and it does “rock”. But that comment is not on the SRT My Space page or web site. It’s been on my personal My Space page for three years now. Another example of crack investigative prowess. Anyone who owns a Glock handgun believes their Glock rocks. It was a play on words. If anyone has a problem with me believing in armed self-defense see what the Lord says about it in Luke 22:33-38.

    FOR THE RECORD – Jesse did not EVER have a key to Casey’s car. There was no need to have to key to her car when he had a much better vehicle to drive. From what I see in the court documents the only people to have keys to that car were family members.

    And finally, I want to address something what would seem disconnected but isn’t when I connect it for you.

    FOR THE RECORD – There is NO MOVIE OR BOOK DEAL IN THE WORKS REGARDING MISSING CHILD HALEIGH CUMMINGS. THERE NEVER WAS. Some misguided bloggers and people with personal agendas are posting that false information on various blogs and forums.

    William “Cobra” Staubs is known to most of you from the Haleigh Cummings case. I cannot and will not go into specifics regarding his activities in Satsuma as some pertain to current legal proceedings and because I am not personally involved in that case. Outside of introducing Cobra to someone affiliated with the ..Sheffield.. family I have had no involvement in this case. What I am involved with is the person known as Cobra. Many of you have had some fun at his expense because of the misfortune he has found himself in or because you do not agree with his methods. You have a right to your opinion but let’s be honest – that’s all it is, your opinion. Most do not know the facts but I promise they are coming out. Cobra is not only working with me to expose the efforts of the last 16-months and the people behind those efforts he is my friend and a brother in the Lord. Is he perfect? No. He’s a work in progress as we all are and he knows the areas that need to be worked on. He will tell you that I cut him no slack when it comes to those areas. He also knows that I believe in him and trust him. He has a heart of gold and got involved in the search for Haleigh for the right reason – to find a missing child. Had he not brought an independent news person with him to Satsuma there would have been no coverage of the story. I know. I tried to get friends I knew from my days in media and recent acquaintances from the Caylee story to cover it while he was there. No one wanted to cover the story. Suffice it to say, without Cobra’s news contact reporting on it, there would have been none. Regarding Cobra’s legal problems in Satsuma I personally believe that once LE realizes they’ve been mislead and false testimony has been given they will drop this case against Cobra. If they do not I believe the court system will make that correction. As we’ve seen this week, lies have a way of getting exposed and dissipating when revealed in the Light.

    The reason this applies to this statement is that there is has been alleged that the same private investigator who has attacked my family and I has also attacked Cobra in Satsuma. There have been allegations by people close to the legal and personal support of the mother, Crystal Sheffield, who claim that a (false) report was filed by this P.I. against Cobra and in a telephone call that he made threats against Cobra. At this time these are allegations that are being investigated and will be confirmed in court if and when needed. Contained in this document release are emails from this private investigator and the lead detective on the Haleigh Cummings case. He also claims on his web site that he works for a member of Haleigh’s family but according to others close to this case and the families in Satsuma there is no such affiliation. What’s the truth? Don’t know. Coincidence the same person is involved in similar efforts against me and William “Cobra” Staubs? You decide.

    There is much more I could say but FOR THE RECORD the last thing I want to say is this – I’ve been warned that much of what we’ve seen in this recent document release, and I’ve addressed here, is a foreshadowing of what might be brought into the court room, if allowed, to fabricate reasonable doubt. I would hope that the Florida Courts would not allow itself to be turned into a circus but if God wants His day in court He will have it. Nuff said.

    In His Light,

    Richard Grund

  48. Kleat says:

    The story on WKMG “Anthony Family Attorney to Release Info had a bit of help from the Anthony family supporters on the comments page– justsayin……. no evidence, no smell in the car until July 15, no air sampling arguments, can’t confirm which person ‘dead’ hair evidence came from, yadda yadda… these are listed as ‘reasons for the defense motions to make it easy for you’ (let’s see if the judge buys that!)

    Looks like sheeple comments have turned to repeating the arguments–

  49. dee says:

    #154 Kleat

    To date that was the funniest post I have read, thank you for adding some much needed humor to this horrific case, I was feeling over the last two days that I just couldn’t take much more of this nightmarish 3 Ring Circus, and then your post gave me the boost I needed to continue reading. Thanks :-)

  50. kyrasmommy says:

    1. RE the Duct Tape: Didnt CA borrow duct tape from her friend (and post it on myspace)? Could she have used that tape?
    2. RE the shop vac: Have the released the findings? Perhaps some interesting evidence there.
    that’s all from my side of the world peeps!

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