Morgan Harrington Murder: Rumors Of A Suspects Arrest

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Amy Melvin,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered,Sara Snead | Thursday 28 January 2010 3:11 pm

Charlottesville, VA– This afternoon, originating on a VT Athletics Site rumors clogged the web that a suspect was placed under arrest for the murder of Morgan Harrington. After my 20th comment in 10 minutes and 12th email inquiry about it, I went to the source.

Crime scene

..There has been no arrest. It is an unfounded rumor and I have no idea how or where it started. I can only assume it stemmed from the fact that we completed our investigation of the crime scene at Anchorage Farm early this afternoon, I guess I will probably have to put out an email this afternoon..”

– Corrine Geller, PR Manager for VSP to Blink

As exclusively reported yesterday on, it is expected that the  and VSP upcoming conversations with those on the list with permission to hunt on Anchorage Farm, will propel the investigation into the murder of Morgan Harrington quickly.

However, Virginia State Police are not discussing whether or not they have a person of interest or suspect in this case.

There is however, unreleased new information and new evidence gleaned from the crime scene. VSP will not disclose what personal effects were found with Morgan’s remains at this time.

The viral arrest rumor was not the only odd occurrance today.

In what appears to be an unrelated coincidence, an explosive device was detinated on the train tracks close to James Madison University this morning. A nearby dorm has been evacuated in connection with materials found at the scene, and a criminal investigation has been launched by the ATF.

JMU is the school several of Morgan’s friends attend, and from where the group departed to attend the Metallica Concert that fateful night of October 17, 2009.

Check back to for updates to this developing story.

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  1. wanttohelp says:

    To Seeker: #41:

    I think the Harrington’s know exactly what they are doing.
    Rest assured, they know more about Morgan’s situation than we will ever be privy to. They are working for justice for their daughter in their own way, at a pace they can maintain for the long haul.

    Imagine, if the killer is a sociopath, he would feed off their fear and anger. It would stroke his sick ego.
    IMO, they are on target, and so is LE.
    I’d like to leave you with another thought, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.”

  2. GnM says:

    Hi, all,

    I rarely post over here but wanted to say hello and …

    I finally fond out who this GRH is – from searching through all county court records for his last initial for a good while. And I’m not entirely sure how or why his name came up. I do wonder if he is incarcerated on other charges at the moment and what his connection is to the farm.

    If the perp is already sittin’ in jail, there wouldn’t be a lot of “fire” to find the perp … I don’t know. My opinion about the perp changes in this case every hour or so.

    Take care.

  3. juliemooly says:

    Hi Acho, you are probably right about Mr. Smart timing his visit with the services. I didn’t mean to imply anything about it by saying the timing was “interesting”, but I see it could read that way.

    If there is going to be no announcement of an arrest at 3pm, I wonder if today’s press conference is to just tell locals to stay off the Anchorage Farm property. I hope there haven’t been a lot of curiosity seekers or amateur sleuths trespassing. Maybe they are going to announce a cause of death or make a statement about community safety.

  4. J2K says:

    ross –

    First, stranger, no one is above reproach.

    Second, I apologize for my remark about Kenny, as, in retrospect, it was quite open to interpretation. I’m sorry *you* interpreted it as a suggestion that Kenny’s dedication to Morgan’s recovery was financially motivated; that did not occur to me, nor was that what I meant by the line.

    I do not know Kenny, and I am not an avid reader of the FMH site – I read Gil’s posts, and very occassionally posters here will link to something over there. From my distant vantage point, Kenny appears whole-heartedly committed to this family’s cause, and if B’s vouching for him, he must truly be a stand-up guy.

    That said, my (apparently) poorly executed point at the tail-end of that comment was intended to express how perplexed I am with Kenny’s breathless promotion of Ann Flaherty. And I do not mean that as a slap to Ms. Flaherty’s professional career as a PI; I mean that in regard to the promotion of her Investigative Journalism page on The Examiner, which is misleading at times, partially plagerized, and has never actually offered anything new or substantitive (though, it does offer a link to her business’s Web site, should anyone need a PI).

    Thus, I am calling into question what Kenny’s motivation is in using his significant influence on the FMH board and FMDH FaceBook page to direct people to her “highly anticipated” new articles. Contrary to my misinterpreted sarcasm (“What’s Kenny’s cut?”), I do not think it is financially driven on his part; but I do think it is misguided, and potentially reckless.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Chad – I may need a publicist in light of all the highly sensitive people now lurking about. Are you available for contract work?

    B – have I ever told you that you’re good at what you do? Cuz ya are. (*clinks* on me tonight)

    I support Kenny, and that his heart is in the right place. I have told him personally in that *position* he has been entirely too trusting of resources or assets willing to assist. I legitimately believe he is well intentioned and respectfully, ill-equipped to have understood the scope of what his work on this case would bring to bear. Who the Hell could?

    That said, on the eve of Morgan’s “Celebration of Her life”, I am going to resist the urge to outline the dangers of online activities in efforts to keep a subjects story alive. There are ways to do that that do not compromise safety or an investigation and imo, that topic needs review in this case when appropriate.

    You were right and fair to question his involvement, and I took no disrespect toward him from you, and frankly, I do not think he would either. I know because I have asked him myself and have found him to be completely forthright; even apologetic when some of the road bumps have hit from people he and his group trusted.

    I would like to point something out. Ann Flaharty has not been retained by the Harrington’s in any capacity.

    Lastly, I was anxiously awaiting your response to that post, and *clink* you never disappoint.

    I am envious of your ability to say “eff you” ( my crass words, not yours) and “I apologize” in one post, leaving nobody really sure to whom either is to. lol.


  5. messimamm says:

    Watchtower and Seeker:

    Watch and seek the grace and poise of this couple in the midst of horror and grief. I dare say this is one of those “this is how you do it” moments in our lives when we are able to observe someone who is showing us a very admirable way to handle a very difficult season.
    I completely agree that there needs to be a “fire” of energy to keep this investigation moving, a sense or urgency to find BG and make SURE this does not happen again. However, I would reframe it to show you, me, LE, friends, UVA, JPJ, Metallica, – the list goes on to be the ones to fuel that fire. Right now Morgan’s family is inundated with emotion. The relief of her being found is saturated with sadness. The joy of having known and raised her is drenched with the grief of having to say goodbye too soon.

    Surely you can see why this melange of emotion far outweighs their focus on her killer. They are still entirely focused on their love for Morgan and the fact that she is gone from their lives.
    TAKE NOTE: This is a very evolved couple. They are fully embracing their grief. They are prioritizing in a remarkable fashion.

    Let’s you and I be the ones who encourage the community to keep the fire under LE to do all they can to build an airtight case. Maybe next time around the Harrington’s will be the ones in a place to do so. Better yet, maybe once they are able to step away from their grief, they will be the ones to prevent such a tragedy. I feel certain they intend to make steps in that direction.

    Idk about you, but I’m taking notes and taking advantage of the “this is how you do it” moment.

  6. Link5150 says:

    I also think Morgan was lured outside by an ex. I agree with the scenario where the ex creates a fake facebook or myspace persona to lure Morgan outside. I think that this helps explain some of Morgan’s behavior and some of the sightings. Once Morgan realized who lured her outside, she realized she was in trouble. She then tried to get back in, telling security to call the police. Again, realizing she was in trouble, she did try to grab that guys arm and tell him “lets go”. I believe he said that she also told him to call the cops. Talking with the B-Ball players, hoping they would scare the ex off.

    By the way, I am from Chicago and have a daughter the same age as Morgan. I cannot imagine what the Harrington’s are going through.

  7. Sister says:

    It has been my pleasure to be able to read the inner thoughts and feelings of the Harringtons. It is humbling when they have shared the places within their souls where beauty and hope abides.
    Such places are not shallow at all, quite the opposite. They are the sanctuaries within our spirits where love is pure and compassion abides. Many people have never ventured there — oh the pity! for it is from within, and not from without, we can see people and our world so clearly.
    The Harringtons focus’ is quite appropriate for these soul searchers — it what they know, it is who they are. Have no family go through what they have been through. Have no brother cry out for his sister. They have confidence justice will prevail, therefore, they seek to help those around them. Oh that I could be so gracious and merciful.

  8. redly says:

    I hope its not inappropriate for me to say this but I really hope this forum does not get bogged down with many posts about how the Harringtons are handling this. I personally think I would react differently in some respects but I hope to God I never find out. I admire their dignity in the face of this terrible, terrible event whether it is a teaching moment or not.

    It will definitely not.

  9. Mom3.0 says:

    Frank Speaker,
    Since Blink’s first article on Morgan, some of us have become more than just anonymous posters in our hope to bring Morgan home to her family. We stared out as strangers, posting theories and new information. As we came to know more about Morgan, her disappearance, her life, her friends, her family, we also came to know more about one another.

    In trying to figure out what happened to Morgan, we shared our theories, based on our experiences,and our personalities. We shared our humor, our frustrations and ourselves.

    We were here together through every new piece of info, through possible sightings of Morgan, through Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Birthdays, New Year’s and Morgan’s discovery.

    Some of us post often, others less, some just read. Just as we came to care for Morgan and her family, we came to care for each other.
    If you are looking for just the cold hard facts, without feelings, without debate, without fear or hope or humor, then you probably won’t hang around to get to know us.

    But if you continue reading, and posting, and contributing, you too, will come to be more than a poster, and more like a friend. You will find it hard not to want to know how everyone is doing and whether or not we care how you are doing.

    Blink is great, and fact checks and follows up, always keeping us in check. We post intelligently and respectfully, but we do it with feeling. We like it that way. PEACE

  10. DG Davis says:

    I b leave this piece of garbage has an ATV with maybe an ATV cart and he lives VERY CLOSE. He gained access to the property from the “pulloff” just North of the first little bridge over the Harware River you come too as you head North on RED HILL ROAD off RT 29 as he has driven this trail MANY times.Its the closest and “sneekiest” to his residence. From there its a straight quiet ride north down to where he “tossed” or “forced” her. He has been down this path many times in his youth. He grew up very close to here. He is in his early twenties, goofy kinda “hillbilly” type. He has hunted and gutted animals all his life. He’s a “normal” looking toad and very much a loner. He is hanging onto or has hidden her belongings as trophys (in a barn or shed?). He lives with his parent (s) and they were either not around or were asleep when he brought her home from C-Ville.

    Do you have someone in mind? Are you simply profiling? I ask because I am aware of just a *someone* who fits this description and I have not disclosed.

  11. Fletch says:

    Messimamm and Sister –

    well stated.


  12. Mom3.0 says:

    Dr. Harrington,

    Thank you for taking the time to come here and share your thoughts and feelings. Please, know that Morgan and your family have found a place in my heart and nightly prayers forever.
    My sincere condolences.-Momof3

  13. DG Davis says:

    You can see by arial photo that he came to the deep ravine with the fence to his right as he headed North, pretty much the end of the trail if your heading North in this manner. I cant tell but I bet you there is an access point to the hayfield / pasture in that area.

  14. DG Davis says:

    Its also worth noting how secluded not just that area is but that one rectanguler field is “hemmed in” with trees, hes been in that particular field many times before. I have lived on 1500 acres before and I will tell you that you not only hunt the land you EXPLORE the land.

  15. Mom3.0 says:

    To answer your question, yes, early on there was a witness that said he spoke with Morgan before the concert. His name was Dave Gardner. In previous threads, we spent a considerable amount of time discussing several statements made by this witness, and also his status as a friend of a friend of Morgan.

    Please, go back and read the threads they are very informative. Or perhaps someone else would like to give a link back, as I am still trying to figure out Blink’s new format, I apologize. HTH

  16. Will says:

    Such a sad, yet defining statement:

    “A reception to celebrate Morgan’s life will be held afterward at the Hotel Roanoke.

    Her father explained, since they’ll never be able to have a wedding reception or graduation party for their daughter, they are holding this reception to celebrate her life.”

  17. Josie says:

    Dr. Harrington, My prayers for you and your family today and in the days to come. Please know that this group is here not only to seek justice for dear Morgan, but also to support your family today and in the days ahead. We will be with you tomorrow as you lay your beautiful daughter to rest. God bless all of you.

    Blink, I sure do miss you when you’re gone. I know you’re out there doing what is your calling, somewhere, but selfishly wish you were here. Time again to thank our dear lady Blink for the respectful and welcoming site she has here and her many tireless efforts to speak out for the victims.

    JoeAmerica, Thank you for your great post. All of it so very true.

    Chad, I read your post on the other thread. My heart to your heart.
    I too, am a Gemini, along with yourself and lori. For the last week, the quiet one has had charge over the one who speaks without thinking.(The twins, ya know?) I haven’t posted much but have read, analyzed and weighed each post. And what a lot of good posts there have been.

    As everyone knows, I’m not gonna try to call out posters by name. There are just too many. But I say thank you to all who have worked so hard and shared your thoughts. Remember when someone brings in a new cheese for us to sample, do so with great care and savour the taste. If it’s not to your liking; moldy or too sharp, move on to another. We are in this together and want the same thing. Justice for our girl, Morgan. Each day brings it closer…And coming it is.

  18. Mom3.0 says:

    P.S to Ross and Speaker, J2k is a valued contributor here. She has a great deal of class. I would not propose to speak for her, other than to say, you are wrong in your assumptions about her character. ;)

  19. zarpisimo says:

    I’d like to weigh in on the *what if* scenarios of meeting someone on line. This is just my opinion, but I believe Morgan was smart enough not to go outside the arena to meet someone. IF a pre-arranged meeting were to take place, surely it would have been inside the arena. I can envision a scenario where IF she had been talking with someone online for months about a highly anticipated concert, something like “okay, I’ll see you at the concert.” I mean, it’s a place that’s packed with people. They wouldn’t be alone and she could still see Metallica. I don’t think she would have gone outside to meet someone. That makes no sense to me. Inside, yes. Outside, no. So, I don’t think she would have been lured out that way.

    I don’t think the *You’ve Got Mail* scenario is plausible for 2 reasons. (1) I believe if this was the case, LE would be all over the guy and (2) I believe Dr. Harrington when he says Morgan did not know her abductor.

    I initially said one of three things happened:

    (1) BB-player involvement – I was on that one for a while, but #2 made more sense to me.
    (2) Called someone she knew to come get her and things went south from there – This falls more in line with the *You’ve Got Mail* scenario and I think it can be ruled out for the same reasons. Which brings me to #3.
    (3) Stranger abduction. After all this time, I’m finally here. I have to believe friends/LE/JPJ Security & probably BB players know(s) how/why she went outside and couldn’t get back in. After that, it was just try to make the best of a bad situation and unfortunately, the bad situation got a lot worse.

    I have such admiration for each every one of you that have posted here. I am impressed with the analytical skills, writing skills, wit & dedication of each of you. I am definitely addicted to this site. Blink, thanks for all you do and for this site.

    Okay, enough with all the gushy feeling stuff. Sorry Mr. Frank Speaker if I got too mushy.

    To the Harringtons, my thoughts and prayers are with you each and every night before I go to bed. You lean on each other now physically, emotionally and mentally, but spritually, there are so many people who are with you and wish you peace and safeness and comfort.

  20. Kimberly says:

    Hi, everyone. Still reading all of the posts and trying to keep up. Sadly, I’m also having tons of trouble with the new format! I used to keep track of where I left off on a notepad and then continue reading from there each time. It was a great way to make sure I didn’t miss any posts. Would someone who has figured out a good personal system for the new format be so kind as to share it with me? I’m trying to determine how to remember where I was, and also where to start reading to make I’m going in order.

    Sorry to ask, but I know someone out there has to have figured out a way!

  21. localcvillegirl says:

    Like Josie (I’ve missed you girl) I’m just checking in. Still reading, and still amazed and hushed by all the great minds on this site.

    JoeAmerica, as my name implies, I’m local (though not really, technically, a girl anymore), and I sure appreciate your post in favor of LE. I am not married to LE, nor related in any way, but I have a few times been on the receiving end of their hard work and kindness. These ladies and gentlemen are real heroes in my eyes.


  22. Observer says:

    Charlottesville’s Newsplex, WAHU Fox 27, just announced that they will televise/carry Morgan’s memorial mass tomorrow.

  23. Ragdoll says:

    Hey friends!

    Just wanted to ‘shout out’ to BOC and say y’all are something else! Continue to turn your back on the rainmakers and focus on keeping it real. That’s the BOC way!

    I believe Morgan is our Patron Saint of the missing and victims of violence. ~sweet angel~

    Love and (((((GROUP HUGS))))))


  24. Liam says:

    Im trying to get my thoughts around a possible motive for this crime.

    1. In regards to where Ms Harrington was eventually found, i dont think any sexual assault occured at that location, which in turn would mean it is a secondary crime scene if a sexual assault did occur. She was brought there to be murdered or to be dumped there after she was murdered. (IMO)

    2. If there was no sexual assault then what else could possibly be a motive? Rage, jealousy, springs to mind which would indicate the person responsible had previous history with Ms Harrington and was prepared if needed to commit this crime. (ex b/f?)

    Blink, a question if i may have the honour…..

    1. Would it still be possible to determine through forensics if a sexual assault had taken place, in this case?

    I hope he gets the death penalty.

  25. J2K says:

    B – Ha! You’ve got me on that one. *clink*

    Mom3.0 -
    Thanks, Momo. Also, clinks and kudos to you for managing to bring my OT Fifth Dimension/Age of Aquarius launch back around to something poignant and relevant. Then again, I expect no less.

    Watchtower, Seeker et al – re: Harringtons/LE

    Seeker, I think it was you who commented:
    “I’m just not understanding their approach and the wide leeway they seem to give LE … If her own parents don’t have a fire lit under them for finding out what happened, why should LE or anyone else? Someone murdered their daughter….”

    But to all who legitimately feel this way:

    Seeker, I think you just answered your own question. (So convenient when that happens!) Investigations of the kind in the MH case are handled by an extraordinarily dedicated group of LE professionals in the Homicide Unit (which probably had the case before she was found, as “critically missing persons” cases where foul play is suspected, as I believe it was here. are handled in this division). I note this because they wouldn’t be in said Unit if they were not extraordinary.

    So, a young woman is critically missing/likely dead, and you have a team asssigned to the case. While part of their job is to communicate with/ask questions of the victim’s family when the need arises, they are not working for the family. They do not report to the family. They do not need the family to crack the whip so they feel more motivated to solve their case. In fact, sometimes in homicide investigations, there *is* no family, and these teams still work around the clock to follow every lead, gather evidence, interview witnesses and potential suspects, and solve their case.

    LE is empowered by the tax-paying public and their elected officials to uphold and enforce the law. Someone killed Morgan, whether by accident, in the course of another crime against her, or outright maliciously. In other words: *That* “lit the fire,” and it will burn until the perpetrator is identified and apprehended; after which, the torch will be passed to the Prosecutor’s Office.

    I don’t mean for this to read like a lecture, and I understand where you’re coming from, but the Harrington family unit does not bear the responsibility of keeping the embers of the investigation lit; nor do they have the responsibility of maintaining a public presence in this regard. They *do*have a responsibility to one another to do what they need to do in order to emotionally and mentally survive this horrific, wrenching, inconsolable ordeal. That is all.

  26. scarey says:

    Kimberly, the best way i can figure out where i left off is i go home at a certain time from work everyday so thats when i stop reading, i just look back thru the posts until i get to the date and aprox time i left.

    Hope it makes sense and works for you, not totally bullet proof but i am runnin with it!

    PS hi blink hope all is well with you and the blinkettes

  27. S Jones says:

    43.juliemooly says:
    February 4, 2010 at 1:01 pm

    I agree and must say that your thoughts are much better expressed then mine on this subject.

    I am waiting for B to give us a overview in the 3:00 press release.
    Seems a little strange to come on the eve of the services. I am not reading anything into it.
    Hoping B will explain it to us that are not in the area.
    I trust her much more than the hook, but if there are “quotes” I guess we see here what the opinios are.

  28. DG Davis says:

    In hearing this press conference I am thinking maybe “parties” take place in that field? Maybe some kinda occult activities? He just said even if you USED to live there and have MOVED they could use your help about THAT FIELD….WOW

  29. Kimberly says:

    Wow, this press conference has some spark and determination to it! To his credit, Lt. Radar seems to be asking for exactly what they need from whom exactly they need it. I sense that there will be nothing left to the imagination to the locals that should be picking up on his message. Great job by him.

  30. RNmom says:

    State police to provide update on Morgan Harrington’s case today

  31. DG Davis says:


    History. Geneaology. Ancestry.

    Who is buried there?

  32. Mom3.0 says:

    Local, I was wondering about you. So glad you posted.

    Kimberly, I am not a pro with the new format either. Thanks for the help Scarey.

    Observer, Thanks for letting us know the service will be televised.

    Sjones, I also missed the press conference. I too hope Blink will give us her thoughts, along with others such as, DGDavis. Maybe someone can post a link to the conference after the fact.

  33. novamichelle says:

    To those who have questioned the Harringtons for being too easy on LE, I would say the following. The Harringtons are focusing on two things at the moment: 1) laying their sweet daughter to rest and honoring her memory, and 2) supporting each other in their grief. Their energy and focus at the moment is not on vengeance, which IMO is completely understandable.

    It is also possible that the reason for what some have interpreted as nonchalance on the part of the Harringtons, is actually peace in knowing what happened to their daughter and perhaps the knowledge that LE is closing in on who is responsible. Could it be that LE knows who did this, that the individual has been incarcerated on other charges (as others here have speculated) or at the very least been under surveillance, and LE has now shared at least some of that information with the family? Now that Morgan has been found, the police may have the physical evidence they need to bring formal charges against this person. This scenario would explain much, including the lack of a community-wide alert about a sexual predator/killer. Now that Morgan has been found, one would expect local LE to issue an alert if they believed a dangerous local was at large. I can only hope this is the explanation.

    I have a niece who will be entering college in the fall. She is a sweet and trusting young woman. One thing all of us can do is talk to the young women in our lives and warn them that they can be at risk, even when they believe they are “safe.” And…that they need to look out for each other. Young people never believe bad things can happen to them and tend not to take personal safety seriously. Morgan’s story demonstrates how dangerous that can be.

  34. Ragdoll says:


    Who is buried there?


    B, the link offer interesting info of the Anchorage Farm cemetery.

  35. Ragdoll says:

    …..quick view……

    page 7 of 4!

  36. doug says:

    “Do you have someone in mind? Are you simply profiling? I ask because I am aware of just a *someone* who fits this description and I have not disclosed.

    How do you think someone of this “caliber” would happen to take possession of her?

    Lol, you are kidding thinking your going to answer my question with a question, right?

  37. S Jones says:

    HLN just had a report, but no actual press confrence footage.
    I would rather hear asummary or read transcript.

    Need B

    Need locals

    Michael Jackson this, Michael Jackson that.


  38. MsL says:

    Listening to Lt. Rader as I type this. He has 3 words, location, location, location. He feels certain, from what I can gather, that this was not a chance choice of location for where Morgan was found. He feels definitely that the perpetrator knows the area, felt comfortable there, and because of that comfort level during a high stress time, chose to return to that spot,it was not happenstance. LE believes the perpetrator passed up less risky locations because of the comfort level that would have been felt in the Anchorage Farm area. This choice of location would have been very risky for most people, so as Lt. Rader said, there has to be a reason. He wants to hear from people in the community, people who know the area, people who know persons familiar with the area, people who know the history of the area. He wants people to think about events, not necessarily beginning with the 17th, put prior to the 17th, on the 17th and beyond the 17th. VSP wants to know the history of the farm. He said that Mr. Bass has provided information, but obviously, that farm has been in existence for more than 30 years. There are people who have lived in the area, have knowledge of the area and activities in the area, but maybe have moved away. In answer to a question about the UVa community, he indicated that anyone in that community who have knowledge of the area, or knows someone with knowledge of the area, or have attended events in the area, please call the new tip-line, reserved exclusively for calls related to location, location, location. I’ve given just a very quick summary of what the conference. Ms. Geller said a press release would be released shortly detailing 6 specific points made by Lt. Rader. From the look in Lt. his eyes, I do not believe there should be any doubt of LE’s determination to find the person responsible for Morgan’s death. Will he, and all of LE involved be successful, perhaps not, but I really don’t believe it’s going to be for the lack of trying. One of Lt. Rader’s last comments was, they are looking for information, and they think they know where it can be found, in the community. Tip-line for location, location, location information is (434) 709-1685. Look for the complete press release soon.

  39. MsL says:

    Sorry, see quite a few typos, but was trying to get the gist of the news conference real time. One thing he did add was that LE does not release a cause of death so he had no comments with that regard.

  40. RNmom says:

    Does anyone have a link for the press conference from today, also where will I be able to see the memorial online tomorrow?

  41. Josie says:

    Hi Ragdoll,
    I believe Morgan is our Patron Saint of the missing and victims of violence. ~sweet angel~

    So do I. Thank you for that. Also, thank you for the link above to the Anchorage Farm registry. Very interesting historical read. The deed map at the end is also interesting.

  42. DG Davis says:

    After the recent press conference I am biginng to think that maybe parties go on out there. Occult activities? THERE WAS SOMETHIN WEIRD about the VSP continual need to stress that one field and how significant is and even WAS to peoplel that no longer even live there.

  43. barney1 says:

    Very interesting news conference today in Charlottesville, LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION (of Morgan in field). Makes me go hummmmmmmmmmm —– Also, Virginia has great State Police!!!!!!! for those of you slamming them.

    The Farm ?????????????????????????

    Three cheers for J2K. You always say it BEST!!!!

    Frank Speaker, chill it.

  44. Josie says:

    This *clink* is to you, J2K. (Our very own J2thaK)

  45. anotherB says:

    Should there have been any previous activity on that field, it will be very easy to establish. People leave trash behind or lose things. Bonfires and holes in the ground are visible for centuries. Just ask an archaeologist. You wouldn’t believe the amount of evidence they find.

    Is it just me or does the tree line look like a landmark? It is shaped like an X.

  46. DG Davis says:

    NEWSPLEX CHARLOTTSVILLE channel 19 CBS affiliate

  47. Slowroller says:

    [10.DG Davis says:
    February 4, 2010 at 3:13 pm
    He is in his early twenties, goofy kinda “hillbilly” type. He has hunted and gutted animals all his life. He’s a “normal” looking toad and very much a loner. He is hanging onto or has hidden her belongings as trophys (in a barn or shed?). He lives with his parent (s) and they were either not around or were asleep when he brought her home from C-Ville]

    this was eery…the “flow” if you will, reminded me of maybe the best scene of all time, from any genre, any era…

    “Six foot one, strongly built, about 190 pounds. Hair brown, eyes pale
    blue. He’d be about 35 now. He said he lived in Philadelphia, but may
    have lied. That’s really all I can remember, Senator – but if I think
    of any more, I’ll let you know.”–Hannibal Lector(Anthony Hopkins, Silence of the Lambs)

  48. DG Davis says:

    Hey Miss Blink are you removing specific POI references?

    Not at all unless warranted, I have an exorbidant amount of posts, and due to some of the info I need to go through them one by one, and thoroughly. Please bear with me-

    Did you answer my question from earlier or will I get to it?

  49. S Jones says:

    Question for all:

    Does the campus have a newspaper?
    Remembering Yale, with that murder Yale’s newspaper reporter was almost the lead on the news.

    If he lawyered up, suddenly the State Police has become the best Agency I have heard of. Unless he has been in custody.

    To keep that secrect is almost unheard of.

    B, you may be right. Just seems like a local would hay heard some skuddlebut.

    If it turns out it was random and a someone just driving thru. The State Police just gave away any trial.

    They must know who, needing someone to come and make case stronger.

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