Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. MsL says:


    I have lived in Charlottesville all my life, and I do not feel any more unsafe today than I did on October 16th. I’ve always realized that we live in a world where there are very good, and very evil people. I think, unless you send your daughter into some type of a cloistered environment, you will find there are unsolved crimes, including kidnappings and murders, on the books in the surrounding communities, wherever she chooses to go. What I would encourage you and all parents to do is impress on your children, both male and female, the importance of personal safety and awareness. Even if she rolls her eyes, tell her over and over, never, never, never go out at dark without a buddy unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. Do some checking to see if the college she will be attending has an escort service she can call if she has to be out alone after dark. Encourage her to do her best to schedule earlier morning classes if at all possible rather than the evening classes. I know this goes against the grain of a college kid, those morning sleep hours are precious, but not as precious as her safety. Tell her to establish relationships she can absolutely trust. She might not always be completely open with you as a parent but try to impress on her that she can tell you anything so that she won’t hesitate to let you know if someone is trying to establish a relationship she does not want. She needs to have friends at school who she is willing to tell exactly where she is going, who she will be with, and when she will be home. Tell her over and over how important it is that she calls these friends if her plans change. Sadly, no matter how much we dwell on personal safety, and no matter how careful our children are, bad things do happen. I’m sure Morgan’s parents had the safety talk with her, but for some reason, on the night of the 17th, beginning with her exit from the arena or maybe earlier, she became a victim. I would not hesitate to send my child to UVa, or Tech, or William and Mary or JMU, or any other school in the state of Virginia because of this incident. It would encourage me to do research into the warning, security and safety systems the schools have in place. After you do your research as a parent, and you and your child have made the big decision, keep the lines of communication open. Try not to come across as judgmental, be supportive, and don’t hesitate to talk safety at ever opportunity, without going too overboard and taking all joy out of the college experience. I haven’t based what I’ve said on any experience with a college age student, it’s just some thoughts I’ve given to what I will do when my kids head out on their own. I’m sure there are others who have much better advice than I have provided.

  2. lilbugs says:

    Carson? Charlottesville ain’t rural no more. But that stereotype may still keep some of the growth out of Blacksburg. Let’s hope.

  3. Observer says:

    RE: B said:
    “These are the folks LE is talking to ( not literall, do not chase the eggmen of Albemarle) to help provide information. They are not going to call the tip line. They are going to tell you about it, at the Post Office, or when you pick up your eggs, or firewood, or whatever. Then it is up to you.

    As ridiculous as this may sound, the countryside where Morgan “ended up” is breathtaking, and putting away the skerf of your community will restore it’s luster.”

    B is right. These are the folks that LE is talking to. These are the folks that know what’s-what. Agreed completely. [Tip lines are great, but they're just that: lines to receive tips. And tips lead to people. And people lead to people. And people talk--but only if they trust you. They key is for LE to gain the trust of folks. Once they have that, the pieces will continue to fall into place (as I believe they're already doing) like a beautiful, hand-crafted mosaic.

    And then we'll have our BG.
    And I feel absolutely certain that that day is drawing ever-closer.
    And the resulting collective sigh of relief will be audible for miles.

    And as B said, AF, where dear Morgan was found, is absolutely beautiful. It's expansive, rolling, and postcard-pretty picturesque. [The aerials can't begin to do it justice.] Albemarle County is a lovely, otherwise serene place–and I don’t say that just because I live here. I say that because I love this area or I’d never have made it home for all these years.

    Ok, folks–inc. any other locals reading this–let’s get this one solved and restore this area to its natural tranquility.

    Peace for all, not the least of which is sweet, sweet Morgan.

  4. mosaic says:

    The listing photos for 1924 Red Hill Road are confusing because two of the homes pictured are neighboring houses and not the house for sale. The only photo of the actual house is the one with the plain exterior brick siding. Has anyone driven by the home…does it look unfinished?

    What stands out to me from this listing is that there are no photos of the interior. And there’s not a single mention of interior features which any agent would capitalize on…granite countertops, cedar lined closets, wine cellar, etc. Maybe the inside is only partially finished which could explain the low ball price.

    There could be a dozen reasons why someone would halt construction on a home halfway through. Still it raises a flag.

  5. juliemooly says:

    Maybe I answered my own question about where the cyclists park. On google maps on the NE corner of 29S and Red Hill Rd, if you zoom to street level, there is a dirt area that could be used for parking, but it’s accessible from 29S. It is alongside Red Hill Rd. There are hay bales there (the big circular ones, not the little square ones.) I don’t know if this is the parking area for cyclists or not, but the hay bundles are interesting. Could the hay deliverer be Morgan’s killer, or am I off in Left (hay)Field? If someone has already posted where exactly the cyclists park I can’t find it, but I’ll keep going back through the old posts.
    Here is a picture I made of what I am talking about.

  6. carson says:

    Wow, thank you. I do know all of that. My oldest daughter is away at a college in Texas, and I have all of those talks with her constantly. She used to walk the campus at night by herself. Needless to say she doesn’t anymore and knows of Morgan. The thing with Virginia, is Morgan, the 2 kids killed in their car, the mass shooting at VT, the unsolved RT 29, etc. But you are right, it could and can happen anywhere. It just did in Alabama. I am letting my fear get to me. UVA is an absolutely outstanding school and she will be lucky to be accepted. I guess it would be nice to know that these crimes can and will be solved. 2 beautiful college girls and a nice college boy are dead, and no one has been arrested. You have to admit, it gives one pause. Especially if you have a beautiful, long haired girl potentially on her way there.

    Thank you for your kind words and advice.

  7. juliemooly says:

    susanm says:
    February 13, 2010 at 10:19 am
    “how come the paranormal bicycle link doesnt work?julie, what was it a costumed bike ride,cuz one of the guys who mapped a ride thru red hill might be a costume maker.”

    susanm, I never got to see the link. If someone saved a version of it that they can access and share I would like to see it, because it seems to be gone now.

    J2K that CLUE or COINCIDENCE game is brilliant. I’m playing it now, however I think I’m losing.

  8. mosaic says:

    Acho—nice research on the history of the various property owners, I’m impressed
    Radio Girl—good to know I’m not talking to myself! Although I don’t mind that every now and then.
    Chad—thinking about you and your friends, love your goat story
    SuzeeB, Concerned Bystander, et al—you guys are way ahead of me, I’ll try to keep up!

    Total Amateur makes a good point that the Dec 26 assault might have occurred somewhere along the street, not necessarily in or at the house on 1824 Red Hill Road.

  9. mosaic says:

    dadgummit…I meant 1920 Red Hill Road (not 1924 Red Hill Road)

  10. Phyl says:

    Chad: I am so sorry. Sorry to just interject here like I know you all. I feel like I do, I’ve been reading here so long. I love your Mom’s goat story. My dad and aunt had a pet goat growing up. They loved that goat, lol. My family owned some property up in the country when I was a little girl and we’d go there on weekends and vacations. Our property was next to a Farmer and some mornings we’d wake up to his cows on our front lawn peeking in our windows. Farm animal stories bring me back to when I was little with my family on that farm. Such good memories. I don’t see cows and goats much in this part of NJ.

    Belleboyd: Re: #34 & 35. Thanks for those links. I’m directionally challenged myself. These help. A lot.

    MsL: Good advice about stressing personal safety. I became evil stepmom of the century when I “ratted out” my stepdaughter for having a secret myspace page and posting as a 17 year old (she’s 14). Her Mother is a really great Mom and does her best to monitor her online activities, but the kid is a shrewd little devil. Despite knowing everything, she has no clue how dangerous the world really is. She thinks I’m her worst danger lurking around on her myspace page. I wish that were true.

  11. anotherB says:

    Just a thought on the 26th of December – over the Christmas period, there is usually an increase of two very different types of crimes, burglaries (many people being away) and family conflicts. The latter is because people are either stuck with their family and issues which may date back decades can suddenly resurface and cause conflicts. Or, alternatively, people who are not with their family, for whatever reason, are suddenly confronted with sugary Christmas TV programmes, realize that their life is far from harmonious, believe something is wrong and decide to confront their relatives.

  12. MsL says:

    After writing the above and leaving it where I did, I realized that some might think I’m placing blame on Morgan for what happened. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I don’t care what kind of condition she was in, she should have been safe. If she was so impaired that she had no sense of personal safety, someone she talked to in that parking lot or inside the arena should have seen to it that she got help before she met up with the evil person who took advantage of what ever opportunity happened to get her in his/their hands. There’s a lot of things that could have happened that would cause us all not to be here on this site talking about a young 20 year old, but ultimately, the reason we are here is because there’s someone who did something and knows something evil from that night.

    Obviously, Morgan was not on her own home campus. When the day comes that I send my kiddies off on their own, I hope I remember to tell them, whatever steps you take at your own school, double those efforts when visiting other schools or communities. Please, please dear children stay in a group, there’s more safety in numbers. If there’s any minute degree of blame to be placed on Morgan, assuming that she was aware of her surroundings, it would be that she either ignored or forgot what her parents told her, do not go out alone. If she had only stayed in that arena, the entire story would be different. Why, or why did she walk through those doors? Is that the beginning of the answer to this tragedy of a young girl’s death?

  13. juliemooly says:

    Judi and Blink
    That Daniel N. White served his time in Culpeper County at Coffeewood, but he lived in Albemarle county at the time of his crimes and did his crimes there. He must have been between 18-19 at the time of his crimes, according to the article about Coffeewood’s graduation. He is not listed in the VSP website on the inmate locator, so he’s out, but I haven’t found out when he was released. Also, it looks like one of his gun crimes was during the commission of rape. I will try to look up news reports from back then to get more information. I am doing self-taught on-the-job training here on Blink and I haven’t found all the quick ways to look up this information yet.
    Here’s the basics from the court website.
    CR03016244-00 WHITE, DANIEL N CONSPIRE / B & E 05/20/2003 Trial-Judge with Witnesses
    CR03016245-00 WHITE, DANIEL N BREAK AND ENTER 08/12/2003 Trial-Judge with Witnesses
    CR03016246-00 WHITE, DANIEL N GRAND LARCENY 05/20/2003 Trial-Judge with Witnesses
    CR03016247-00 WHITE, DANIEL N ABDUCTION 08/12/2003 Trial-Judge with Witnesses
    CR03016250-00 WHITE, DANIEL N USE FIREARM IN RAPE 05/20/2003 Trial-Judge with Witnesses
    CR03016434-00 WHITE, DANIEL NORMAN USE OF FIREARM 05/20/2003 Trial-Judge with Witnesses
    CR03016435-00 WHITE, DANIEL NORMAN ROBBERY 08/12/2003 Trial-Judge with Witnesses
    CR03016436-00 WHITE, DANIEL NORMAN USE OF FIREARM 08/12/2003 Trial-Judge with Witnesses

    Wow. I need a stats and prob person. There is an excess of very young men involved with very severe crimes in this area. That said, very large county.

  14. skyler says:

    Boy, so many new posts — i haven’t read to it, but I’m guessing from the posts, Chad, you have close ties to the Huntsville tragedy — I am so so sorry — but know your presence and kindness will help those grieving —

    I don’t know what house the Moon has been in the past week, but it’s a doozie, to be sure.

    I’ve been posting here awhile, and I’m still blown out of the water at the research brought to the table here —

    To all who asked, thank you, I am feeling better — the dr. put me on prednisone for just a month, and in only two days, what a difference it’s made — and Bob-Dog I loved the story about the cows and the kittens — I grew up spending weekends and summers divided between my two sets of grandparents — one had a cow we used for milking, and she was so gentle and sweet — I had no cow experience where they trampled things and misbehaved — horses, which I adore, are herd animals in the wild, they develop strong family bonds, which is why they get along so well w/ goats, cats, and llamas –

    My “brilliant” (tongue in cheek) contribution this morning was going to be: I’m going to write to that guy in jail and just ask him if he killed Morgan — it seems to pale w/ the information others posted this AM —

    just to shed a little light on that situation — it is not uncommon in the Commonwealth, depending on the crime, for attys to request and be granted a short period of time between conviction and appearing at the jail, especially in long sentences, for the convictee to get his/her affairs in order. If it proves this guy is responsible for Morgan’s death, perhaps Va. law will change regarding that.

    My other “brilliant” thought — computers can do all the work, so it wouldn’t involve a lot of actual man hours — but the “painter” who saw the Jeep on the property and spoke to the driver — that tip should be given to LE — Blink? — I realize every other person in that area probably drives Jeep — but — if the painter can recall the color, the make and model — older Jeep, newer Jeep — not a Jeep, but a SUV — they can run that information against info in the DMV database — if they can narrow down the timeframe, perhaps the satellite imagery can even see the Jeep on the property — and against registered owners, it could be a significant lead in this case — and really one that should be explored —

    I’d call it in to the tip line — not a slam to LE, but I have such little faith in tip line info being followed up on — Blink, again, you have ties to VSP — or maybe Observer — especially if the guy in jail bragging he picked up the blonde girl drives a Jeep or SUV —

    I, too, feel an arrest is on the horizon — I also feel it is more than one person involved — their best hope is to turn themselves in — make a deal — once the evidence is air tight — and it will be — I’m praying there’s just a smidgen of DNA on Morgan — all they need is one cell — they have a new method where they can replicate, or grow, the dna from that cell in order to test it — the door to dealing is going to Slam Shut.

    Wasn’t it Candice who said: the first to tell gets the deal ?

    Chad, again, so sorry — this is so off topic — but I love your lyrics and your posts — and Mom.3.0 — how in the world do you do all this research ?

    It’s not important, but my first concert was the Doobies, too (went w/ a college boy — what WAZ my mother thinking) — and then Blood, Sweat and Tears and some group w/ a one-hit wonder called the Raspberries — last concert was Celtic Woman last summer in Richmond, and I’m coming to C-vlle on the 19th to see again at JPJ — boy, do I want to go dig around Red Hill Road — anyone want to come w/ ? Blink, you can give ‘em my email —

    I am going to add to Morgan’s memorial on the bridge : (

    Sky, VSP has the info on GRH, and the jeepercreeper.

  15. melissa says:


    OT for a minute but I may for once be able to help you…WPG Mouse and B have this cheese speak that I bleive started with them. If you say, “I’ll put my money on so and so being the BG” well B puts her cheese in place of money. That’s all it is. Being curly, red and in humid Florida I must represent the shelac comment.


    That shelac comment was after “please spay and neuter your animals”, meaning Bob Barker.

  16. skyler says:

    Enquirer, I’m going to trust you do have some sort of inside connection — are we barking up the wrong tree w/ the guy in jail who supposedly was bragging he picked up a blonde HHer that night ?

  17. melissa says:

    Sorry for the second post but I had a question. Is the red brick home for sale finised now? If not, when did construciton stop? Why?

  18. melissa says:

    I understood the Bob Barker refernce but I just thought it funny cause that is what my hubby calls it.

  19. sunshine says:

    if the fbi are looking to speak to bicyclists that could have been on the night time bike ride on october 17th, the bike ride was supposed to end at 10, which to me would mean that between 10 and 11:30, if bicyclists from red hill rd area were on the ride, they would be returning home.

    Morgans cell phone was shut off at 9 30 pm. I believe her card may have been used between 9 30 and 10 30. I don’t think she survived much longer than that.

    To me, this means that things with the perp(s) went bad very quickly. I think that Morgan was under the impression that the person picking her up was gonna take her back to Crozet to hang out which is back in the direction of JMU where her car would be the next morning. I think maybe the convo went something like this:

    “oh, you cant get back in the concert and dont want to waste the night waiting for ur friends to come out of the concert, I’ll come down and pick you up and take you back to crozet and you can party with us and then i’ll drop you back off at JMU in the morning…”

    I think she got agitated, as maybe she was already upset that she was missing the concert, or maybe upset that there was a creepy friend in the car with this guy. Morgan was a very smart girl, and I have to believe that she sensed something was wrong very quickly.

  20. suz says:

    SuzeeB (i mangle your handle everytime—SuzeBee, etc.—sorry about that!)

    How do we know they have a point of entry? Shoot, what did I miss?

  21. melissa says:

    Cheese and rice I’ll get my thoughts in one place one day… last post shoud read ‘hubby calls it when I spray my hair’. That’s all I meant.

  22. suz says:

    Juliemooly, I don’t think the costumes you would ride an endurance race in would be very elaborate. Basically it seems you get 5 minutes shaved off your time for showing up in any kind of costume—I didn’t read that quality mattered very much, but lemme go poke around.

  23. suz says:

    Re: that custom home being scaled back, that’s prolly no surprise in this economy. Maybe it was spec home of some sort and the money and market just dried up, so they downsized accordingly.

  24. acho says:

    Does Abemarle county require Certs of Occupancy, does anyone know?
    I believe so. See code text pasted in below. Have they not spoken w/ the owner about the 12/26 problems? (Asked rhetorically, know you can’t answer …)

    Also, re: property for sale. Price is low but realtors are freaked and don’t know how to price anything, and this particular realtor is not one of the “biggies” in town; this is his only residential listing. New construction/new developments are not selling (this according to a mega-realtor friend in C’ville). I can ask for more detail but my guess is no one wants this piece directly on Red Hill Rd. Here’s the listing with more detail (read the captions in the photo tour). Other homes are its neighbors; property faces North.

    It shall be unlawful to use or permit the use of any structure or premises, or part thereof, hereafter created, erected, changed, converted, altered or enlarged, wholly or partly in its use or structure, until a certificate of occupancy indicating completion of the work for which a permit was issued, is issued therefore by the zoning administrator. Final inspection approval or approvals may serve as the certificate of occupancy for any addition or alteration to a structure for which a certificate of occupancy has already been issued. The certificate shall show that the structure, premises or part thereof, and the proposed use thereof, is in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. (Amended 10-3-01)
    When structures are completed and ready for occupancy prior to the completion of all improvements required by the site plan, and the zoning administrator determines that the site may be occupied consistently with the public health, safety and welfare: (Amended 10-3-01)
    a. Except as provided in subsection (c), the owner may provide a certified check, bond with surety satisfactory to the county, a letter of credit satisfactory to the county, or other form of surety satisfactory to the county approved by the county attorney, in an amount sufficient for and conditioned upon the completion of the improvements related to the structure for which the permit is sought, within one (1) year. Upon the providing of such bond with surety, a permit may be issued for the occupancy of those structures already completed. (Added 10-3-01)
    b. The board of supervisors may extend the period of the surety if the applicant demonstrates that the extension is required because of adverse weather conditions or other unusual circumstances beyond the applicant’s control, rather than the applicant’s failure to diligently pursue completion or other reasons. (Added 10-3-01)
    c. A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued, and a surety shall not be accepted, if the zoning administrator determines that improvements directly related to health and safety, such as fire hydrants and safe and convenient access to public roads, have not been completed and are not operational. (Added 10-3-01)

  25. MsL says:

    Carson, Ultimately, you have to go where your heart directs with regard to your children. Since you have experience with a college age child, you know the steps to take investigating their future surroundings. I don’t know whether or not UVa has an escort service for their students, but if they don’t they should. Would not have applied to Morgan’s situation, but would add to the safety factor when kids have later classes, or have to work and walk back to the dorm or apartment building. If your daughter comes to UVa, or whatever school she chooses, I hope she has a wonderful experience.

  26. Cat says:

    In regards to the bicyclists, why didn’t LE provide timeline of when strange activity may have occurred? Are we assuming the morning of 10/18, days or weeks after? There would be no bicyclists the night of 10/17. I am an avid bicyclists, I see strange occurrences all the time, nothing that I would specifically report to police though.

  27. awa says:

    juliemooly… for the bike race go to…. not the original link, but hope it helps

  28. suz says:

    Hey, I found the confirmed riders in the Oct 17 2009 Paranormal:

    Leah Kimper GRIPPED RACING
    Timothy Koch GRIPPED RACING
    Johanna Kraus Whip It
    Janine Prunka Ghost Riders
    Joe Prunka Ghost Riders
    Kyle Rodland Whip It
    Duo Coed Entries: 6
    Duo Men Beginner top
    Zac Douglas Brass Nipples
    Bon Jun Koo Blue Ridge School Duo 3
    Michael Potter Brass Nipples
    Jesse Thomas Blue Ridge School Duo 3
    Thomas Torries Blue Ridge School Duo 2
    Spencer Wuthmann Blue Ridge School Duo 2
    Duo Men Beginner Entries: 6
    Duo Men Expert top
    Chris Cunningham Team Fissure
    Kevin Murray Bike Factory Racing
    Daniel Ortiz Bike Factory Racing
    Scott Ramsey Off Constantly
    Shawn Tevedale Team Fissure
    Mike Walling Off Constantly
    Duo Men Expert Entries: 6
    Duo Men Sport top
    Fenton Carey Maxamillion
    Kenny “rockstar” Craig Towson State Old Boys, Est. 1995
    Sam Lindblom Blunt Trauma
    Timothy J. O’Donnell Towson State Old Boys, Est. 1995
    Donnie Peppered Maxamillion
    Mark Romagosa Blunt Trauma
    Duo Men Sport Entries: 6
    Duo Women Open top
    Laura Bechtel Team Tutu
    Carey Hill XX Factor
    Kristi Lombard 2 Mellow
    Alex O’Neill XX Factor
    Ellen Ramsey 2 Mellow
    Jennifer Whedbee Team Tutu
    Duo Women Open Entries: 6
    Shop Team top
    C-Ville Bike And Tri C-ville Bike and Tri
    Shop Team Entries: 1
    Solo Men top
    Robert Breckenridge
    Jamie Bridges
    Tony Brown BLUE Ridge School
    Thomas Canu
    Michael Carlini Blue Ridge School Solo 3
    Jay Catlett Team Nature’s Path/ 3 Sports
    Angel Chaparro Puerto Rico
    Charles Clarkson Ellsworth Handcrafted Bikes/Whole Foods Market/Central Coffee Roasters
    Charles Collins
    Ij Diakata Blue Ridge School Solo 1
    Robert Eiserman Deaf Guy Racing
    Carlos Espinoza
    Dillon Long Blue Ridg School Solo 4
    Donald Loomis
    Damian Lovello
    Nick Pashoian Blue Ridge School Solo 2
    Nick Pence JMU
    Richard Pence Van Dessel Factory Team
    Chris Royer
    David Tevendale
    Joseph White Bike Stop
    Solo Men Entries: 21
    Solo Women top
    Jennifer England

  29. ConcernedBystander says:

    Mosaic says: SuzeeB, Concerned Bystander, et al—you guys are way ahead of me, I’ll try to keep up!

    Nah, I think most of us are on the same page. And actually many are way ahead of me.

  30. Lovely says:

    Chad – my thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend and her brother. I am thinking all the time about the young 19 year old. Please keep us updated.

    Ragdoll – lol…I didnt know what cheese was either when I came here 4 months ago, and I am still not too sure I use it correctly, but cheese can either be a little treat from Blink (ie: positive reinforcement LOL) OR, like monopoly, like a game piece – For example, if you firmly believe a point and use that a a point of reference for the rest of your theory – then your “cheese” is firmly placed on that point. Get it? :-) I THINK…
    OYE was a poster who came here a couple of months ago and gave the impression she had inside information. There was some “controversy” over her, but she stopped posting, and it seems now that she was just posting her own theories, as they are not relevant to the case with the info we have now…

  31. suz says:

    Ha! let’s all play “Coincidence or Clue?”!

    Look at the date that Google cached the Paranormal Race page:

    This is Google’s cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Jan 26, 2010 00:35:37 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more

    (spooky coincidence)

  32. carson says:

    I hope I didn’t offend any Virginian with my worries about the college areas. As a New Yorker, I know better than to paint with such a wide brush. Everyone says, “You’re from NY, how exciting” meaning NYC. It takes me atleast 5 hours to get to the city. Sorry for any offense. Didn’t mean it in the way it came out.

  33. Observer says:

    TO: skyler (and B): I’d posted on a much earlier thread, re: Celtic Woman on the 19th. I had been thinking of going (love them but have never seen them live) and would be happy to meet up w/ you at JPJ. (Note to all: I swear I’m not the lurker/stalker/BG; B knows who I am and where I work:)) Beside that, I’m just an old–I mean, “seasoned”–woman of a certain age:-)) If time permitted, we could drive to Red Hill Rd. since I’ve been to AF so have some familiarity with the area. [Although it was years ago, it's easy to get to.] We can also stop by Morgan’s memorial on Copeley.

    It would be great to meet another BOC poster IRL; I’ll be the one wearing some manner of hand-crafted BOC logo:-)

    B: I’ll take skyler’s email (or, give her mine; whichever you’d prefer) so we can sync up. TIA.

    Woman- I heart you big, big, but look what you just posted!
    Taking this offline.

    ( Oye ma-nuge ! mumbling.. They ACT like they listen to me… who are they kidding, I will just e my plans out there and la la la la la.. )


  34. suz says:

    Ok, Juliemooly, there IS a prize for best costume, but most people (well, based on a 2007 pic) seem to be dressed as lance armstrong…wait, characters from Breaking Away…wait….oh, shoot, they’re just in their biking get-ups.


    Additionally: Show up in a costume and get a time bonus-how can you beat that!!?

    In the past we’ve had Mr. Incredible, Superman, bunny rabbits, Mr. T, Nuns, Priests, Hilary, Obama, Witches, Hippies, Grandmas, Beer Kegs and Vikings.

    As always, there is an award for best costume.


  35. suz says:

    Aaack, another round of Coincidence or Clue:

    The team in the Paranormal named Blunt Trauma.

    What was their # and don’t make me fall off my chair.

  36. crimewriter says:

    Just a good read…

    The Dead live on as they kick off tour at coliseum
    Monday, April 13, 2009 (Updated 7:33 pm)
    By J. Brian Ewing
    Staff Writer
    What do you think? 6 comment(s) Read other visitors’ comments. GREENSBORO — With the voice of Jerry Garcia calling out from an iPod atop a BMW a few feet away, a man dressed as a penguin danced with his wife and son Sunday in the parking lot of the Greensboro Coliseum.
    Hippie icon and legendary jam-band the Dead came to Greensboro on Sunday and their devout and eclectic following joined them.
    The band kicked off its first tour in five years at the Greensboro Coliseum, the second tour since Garcia’s 1995 death.
    Some might wonder: Why start the tour in Greensboro? But for the Grateful Dead community, it makes perfect sense.
    They know that Greensboro was the site of the legendary April 1, 1991, show when the band played an especially trippy rendition of “Dark Star.”
    Serendipity and luck brought the band back to Greensboro to begin its 2009 tour, said Scott Johnson, an assistant director at the coliseum. The tour’s booking agent — who attended the “Dark Star” show — remembered the coliseum’s strong relationship to the Dead and suggested starting the new tour here.
    More than 17,000 people attended Sunday’s show, Johnson said.
    “There’ve been a lot of really good shows here, ’89 was a good show,” said James Herndon of Virginia.
    This is Herndon’s third Dead concert in Greensboro. He came in 1989 and 1991, and he said one thing that’s nice about Greensboro is how laid-back officials have been.
    Vendors, not welcome at many venues, sold grilled cheese, bongs, T-shirts, beer, buttons and dozens of other items in the parking lot Sunday.
    “It felt like the old culture out there in the parking lot, except last time there were 16,000 people selling stuff,” Johnson said. “This time there was just a core of people selling things, but the feeling was still there.”
    The Dead community started filling the coliseum parking lot about 10 a.m Sunday and by 5 p.m. the lot had turned into a sea of people. While there was no shortage of tie-dye and long hair, the fans will tell you neither is a requirement to be a part of this massive family.
    For the most part, the parking lot revelry was uncensured Sunday. Although police did give tickets to people who skipped long lines to the mobile restrooms in favor of public urination, and officers were seen searching and cuffing at least one man.
    Herndon, who sells tie-dye clothing for a living but wasn’t selling at the show, said that for the most part “the community” isn’t here to party, they’re here to visit with one another.
    The party is the result, Herndon said, not the reason.
    Steve Smith and Doug Calnek are Charlotte financial industry professionals and devoted Dead fans. Smith’s first show was in 1979 and Calnek’s was in 1991. Calnek sports a green and black tattoo of Garcia on his calf. Both were looking forward to the Greensboro show after hearing through the grapevine about past shows here.
    “When you’re in the Dead community, you hear the waves,” Calnek said.
    For veteran fans, the shows can be minivacations from reality. Frank Brock, a landscaper from Jacksonville, Fla. has been a fan since 1979. He doesn’t even try to explain his long trips for one-night concerts to friends, he simply tells them: “I’m going on sabbatical. I’m going on a religious retreat.”
    Wondering around the parking lot and strumming his guitar, Brock runs into people he hasn’t seen in years and they pick up like they never left off.
    “It’s like going back in time 20 years, except you can send a text message,” Brock said laughing.
    The band’s next stop is Washington on Tuesday and then another 20 shows before wrapping up the tour in July.

    Changing the subject to cyclist. It’s October. It’s fall time. Rainy and muddy makes for the dirtier forms of cycling.
    {Mountain Bike Race
    Charlottesville, Va. • October 17
    This six-hour endurance race, which starts in the late afternoon and moves into the dark autumn evening, has become a must-do in the Central Virginia MTB scene. After the closing of the popular Panorama Farm trails, the event moved to Tevendale Farm, which is filled with much of the same pastoral open field riding mixed with wooded twisty singletrack. Riders also get a great blend of short steep climbs and surprise descents. Five-minute time bonuses are awarded to bikers in costume. They also offered a bonfire and overnight camping after the ride that night as well.}

    I also thought this video was interesting on “Sara Snead Speaks Out”

    Sometimes it’s good to think back to other things to how they can be linked. The study of natural resources is interesting too. I wonder if any university students have ever studied the land makeup at or near the farm for a class study. Sorry in advance for re-posting anything that’s already been covered or linked. I just think it’s good to roll stones after you’ve turned them over too.

  37. Clarity says:

    I’m going to lay out the cell phone info to see how you all think. IMO the cell/purse will be the perps undoing.

    1. Battery, yes it’s possible it popped off the phone when dropped. The odds get longer when you try to convince me it just disappeared into thin air in the locale of the purse yet nothing of value in the purse was missing. Based on this I have ruled accidental loss of battery out.

    2. Reasons to remove battery. It made you mad because it died. Should have been in purse or near phone. Discounted. Only other reason would be to not have phone be traced to another location OUTSIDE of current cell tower range. No reason a phone owner would do this esp. if in some sort of distress so must have been someone else.

    3. If you remove the battery to defy location after leaving the area, why would you return phone without battery to location of abduction? A perp wouldn’t. Bad guy would want it to appear that she just poofed.

    4. Who would return to site of abduction to return purse and phone? Someone who forgot it was in their car? Nope – they remembered enough to remove the battery, not gonna forget anything big as the purse being left in the car. Perp who returned the phone/purse wanted it to APPEAR that an abduction occurred.

    5. Thousands of concert-goers would not miss a purse laying on the ground. Nor would they steal just a phone battery. You will never convince me that thousands of people just “missed” the purse that night but a lone “jogger” found it the next morning.

    6. A perp wanting to stage an abduction would go back very early the next morning because they would NEED that purse to be found to set the stage for the abduction. They NEED to have no battery found so it appears intentional. They couldn’t risk a concert-goer stealing it and blowing their setup.

    7. Why stage an abduction? Because you know the victim and want to throw suspicion off of your own trail.

    8. You cannot make the pieces fit in any way if you look at purse location and the hitchhiking bridge thing as well as the direction necessary to travel to the farm. Perp would have had to pick her up hitching, drive into lot drop purse after removing battery (huh?), then drive out and SouthWest on 29. All while what? rendering Morgan unconscious? I don’t think so. She did not just drop her purse, battery goes poof, wandered up to bridge and hitchhiked! You all read her parents statements and interviews – you KNOW these actions are not typical Morgan or even inebriated Morgan – come on!

    Now take next morning. Perp drives to bridge and puts jacket on the railing. We heard early about a jacket found on the tracks – no confirmation but just go with it for now. What is under the bridge? The tracks. Jacket falls/blows off of railing to tracks below. Dogs hit on the bridge – scent transfer from her jacket.

    Then perp goes across bridge into lot and dumps purse, phone and contents. Had plenty of gas to drive this route after leaving cell tower area because used her card to get gas the night before after the crime. Perps put the card back in her purse (educated guess) to make it look like Morgan would be the one who used it. To use a debit card you need the pin. If no pin obtaining gas is easy – you just have to know the zip code of the home address. A perp isn’t going to threaten her into giving her pin or zip code to get GAS! They would want $$$!!!! The person who used it knew her, her zipcode and/or her pin.

    Use of card later the night before was another attempt to make it look like Morgan was still alive and had been abducted or ran off. Heat transfer.

    I’m not questioning LE but I do believe they are basing her hitchhiking on the bridge on the dog hit (very well trained dogs by the way) and a single eyewitness – remember to discount these. Scent transfer can explain the dog hit.

    Why I discount eyewitnesses:

    Think about the last place you went. Grocery store? Gas station? Restaurant? Movies? Now tell me what color the hair or eyes were of the person who waited on you? What color shirt? Age? You can even attempt to remember what a co-worker that you just saw yesterday was wearing or even your spouse. I TRY to do this and fail. ***** I can’t remember what I wore yesterday! Just imagine if you were just driving by – no way. PLEASE stop counting on eyewitnesses as gospel!

    OK, sorry for long post – let’s hear it.

  38. fish says:

    >>”Yes, and it is a Federal Offense to lie to a Federal Agent, as in, a Felony.Also, their protocol and evidentiary intake procedures are different than under the Commonwealth.It should be noted that the FBI is not lead in this investigation, they are assisting VSP, and I would bet so is their lab.B”

    >An intake procedure?

    What about Red Hill local’s point of the gate. Is it still there or has it been replaced? My point being, they could have braced against it or braced Morgan against it. Could have accidently backed into and left paint or taken paint? Just a thought. Could they perform an “intake procedure” on this?

    Lovely, I’m am truly sorry if my opinions and life experiences bothered you. I did not mean any harm and I apologize, from the bottom of my heart if it did. I think that you are a sensitive soul and more understanding than I. I admit I may be a tad more harsh than the norm. I work hard to not to be. I value time here and like so many have said in my family, concerning the friends, “day late & dollar short”.
    **I will never pander to the likes of any of them.**
    I know that it is really not effective. I know what works. They will not reinvent the wheel. They are good people. They are good people. They are good people. There I said it. They also need guidance.

    If we are holding Morgan to her personal responsibility then I will hold them to theirs. They had a ride home.

    If you would like my e-mail, say the word, Blink can provide. I would be happy to start a dialogue with you as your concern is the same as mine. Justice for Morgan. We just say things in a different way. Doesn’t make me or you any better or any worse. Happily, that makes us diverse. And, this may be why you are named “Lovely” and I am named “fish”! haha
    But believe it or not, I know who I am and I’m ok with it. I am also ok with you. You are a joy to read. So positive, my friend, that sometimes I envy YOU!

    A big hug goes out to you and ragdoll and chad. I think that you all need one.
    So stop lurking already and accept an apology.
    (smile and an exclaimation point for you!)

    Just Desserts: Someday when I’m all grownd up, I want to write just like you. I use too many commas, and exclaimation points! I have been told that I write like I talk. From the heart and the gut. Yikes! I read your post and I couldn’t agree more. The offer to any of them is there. I love a good white chocolate mocha!

    Chad: I feel your pain! Just know deep down, lots of love go to you and your friends. Strength, my friend, strength. love, your fish-lobes.

    Sky: Would love to meet you in Cville someday. Maybe we all can have a meeting of the minds. I can tell your son that I touched the “Rock God, himself in 1992! I hope that you are feeling better. localcvilles, you all in?

    J2K: What can I say about you!!! I heart you, big time!!!

    Observer: I am really trying to hear the gurgeling (sp?) of the drain. As I am driving to Cville, in a few minutes. I will say a prayer that it happens soon. Daughter wants to go to a mall.

    Carson: Do not doubt, our new friend! Virginia is a beautiful and safe place to be. Blink, can provide you with my e-mail. I will be your daughter’s “adopted auntie”, if you will! Run a background, I am safe!

    RedHill local: Man oh man! I wish I had you when I first drove to Cville, Nov.6th! I could drive to anyone of those spots now, without a doubt. Thank you for your “direction” and I just do not mean, your “mapping coordinates!”

    To all on this site:

    Blink is an incredible human being. Such patience and guidance. Her work is ‘effing grueling. I just wish my two families would have had her in our life during our times of need. I am self-checking, now and
    No, I have never met her but I feel as if I have known her my entire life. All 315 years. haha

    The Harrington Family, as well as all the victims of violent crimes are blessed to have her on their side! She is one in a million. Lots of exclaimation points for her!!!!!!!!!!

    off to cville…

    I heart you. All of you. But in good faith I cannot preach personal security and then exchange email addresses for y’all, through my email. That would be a breach of my gift of fear lessons. Can you guys come up with a way to handle that please?

  39. Chad says:

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS! It means so much. News update in 1/2 hour.
    My friend Lisa, her brother survived the surgery. She flew out last night to be by his side in Alabama. He was shot in the head, and he is in critical condition (life support). They removed the bullet, but the Docs are concerned about fragments. Alabama indeed has the death penalty. She will be a fit into a very small percentage in history.

    Crimewriter, Lovely, Mom.3: My cheese is right there with yas. A fire, a suicide, a bomb. I believe they are all connected. I have been researching and marinating this for a while.
    I’m sniffing around on something that I am not ready to post yet.

    Juliemooley: RE: Dissappearing links and articles: Funny how that works isn’t it? I have learned a long time ago that before you post a comment here with a link, Always copy and paste it, and save to word, then you will always have it.

    Suz: Thanks for that info on the goat. Yes, my mother had cats everywhere. In the barn and under her porch. She always said they were the best mouse traps and hunters. She had a stud male cat that populated her farm. Also, my mom always aid she could tell when bad weather was coming, because the animals acted differently.

    Phyl: I loved going to my moms farm. She had 1/4 of an acre garden, and 10 acres of land.
    I can visualize cows peeking in you window. Too funny! I loved that!
    I once help my mom deliever a baby pony in a snow storm. The pony was breech and I had to pull the legs to get it out. I learned that a baby pony can stand, although wobbley, right after it is born.

    Redly: Your I’m a man post made my day! :)

    Acho: (sitting up straight) You must get a headache reading my posts. So many typos! So sorry!

    Observer: It is amazing how many hippies are so successful! Hippies-60′s children are running our world right now! You guys are everywhere. My BIL was a Philosophy major a Wash U with a black light and a pony tail.
    and now is a very successful Physician.

    Just desserts: I presume you are local in Virginia? I am not pointing a finger at all, and I understand you are not either, your post was very articulate. Yes, the link was some commentary concerning that Schifflett. I believe that there is another Schifflett that is COP of JMU.
    I find that interesting too. Back to Steve Schifflett in the article that I posted, did concern an african american: Can you expand on that a little bit. I am interested. How could he be impersonating a police officer if he already was one, was he in a different jurisdication that he was targeting this african american?
    Also, the Carl Shifflett that served 17 years in prison, does anyone know How old he is now?
    I have found a Carl Shifflett that is 22. Is this the son of the Schifflet that was killed?
    Just trying to keep it all Shifty Schifflett Sh**** straight.

    Skyler: Feel better friend! Also, can you post your first concert for me.
    I would love to hear everyones first concert! Please share if you haven’t already! Blink you too!

  40. Chad says:

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS! It means so much. News update in 1/2 hour.
    My friend Lisa, her brother survived the surgery. She flew out last night to be by his side in Alabama. He was shot in the head, and he is in critical condition (life support). They removed the bullet, but the Docs are concerned about fragments. Alabama indeed has the death penalty. She will be a fit into a very small percentage in history.

    Crimewriter, Lovely, Mom.3: My cheese is right there with yas. A fire, a suicide, a bomb. I believe they are all connected. I have been researching and marinating this for a while.
    I’m sniffing around on something that I am not ready to post yet.

    Juliemooley: RE: Dissappearing links and articles: Funny how that works isn’t it? I have learned a long time ago that before you post a comment here with a link, Always copy and paste it, and save to word, then you will always have it.

    Suz: Thanks for that info on the goat. Yes, my mother had cats everywhere. In the barn and under her porch. She always said they were the best mouse traps and hunters. She had a stud male cat that populated her farm. Also, my mom always aid she could tell when bad weather was coming, because the animals acted differently.

    Phyl: I loved going to my moms farm. She had 1/4 of an acre garden, and 10 acres of land.
    I can visualize cows peeking in you window. Too funny! I loved that!
    I once help my mom deliever a baby pony in a snow storm. The pony was breech and I had to pull the legs to get it out. I learned that a baby pony can stand, although wobbley, right after it is born.

    Redly: Your I’m a man post made my day! :)

    Acho: (sitting up straight) You must get a headache reading my posts. So many typos! So sorry!

    Observer: It is amazing how many hippies are so successful! Hippies-60′s children are running our world right now! You guys are everywhere. My BIL was a Philosophy major a Wash U with a black light and a pony tail.
    and now is a very successful Physician.

    Just desserts: I presume you are local in Virginia? I am not pointing a finger at all, and I understand you are not either, your post was very articulate. Yes, the link was some commentary concerning that Schifflett. I believe that there is another Schifflett that is COP of JMU.
    I find that interesting too. Back to Steve Schifflett in the article that I posted, did concern an african american: Can you expand on that a little bit. I am interested. How could he be impersonating a police officer if he already was one, was he in a different jurisdication that he was targeting this african american?
    Also, the Carl Shifflett that served 17 years in prison, does anyone know How old he is now?
    I have found a Carl Shifflett that is 22. Is this the son of the Schifflet that was killed?
    Just trying to keep it all Shifty Schifflett Sh**** straight.

    Skyler: Feel better friend! Also, can you post your first concert for me.
    I would love to hear everyones first concert! Please share if you haven’t already! Blink you too!

  41. jen says:

    Blink is the reason you are firm that she was deceased or incapacitated when she arrived at the farm and not running away, because she was barefoot and her boots were not found at the scene?


  42. suz says:

    Ok, I am happy to report that both of my blunt trauma dudes look like solid citizens who work together at an upstanding place doing righteous work, and accordingly are out of the running as POIs on my list.

    Skyler, you brought me a chuckle cuz your post made me look up the moon’s position this week, and it’s been in Cap the last two days when all the goat postings took place. (Coincidence or Clue? lol).

  43. SuzeeB says:

    suz says:
    February 13, 2010 at 11:48 am

    How do we know they have a point of entry? Shoot, what did I miss?

    Suz, well I probably jumped the gun. I was just taking into consideration that if the FBI was asking questions of cyclists in regards to a “specific area” of Red Hill Rd and along with Red Hill’s post describing a probable entry point to AF farm off of Red Hill Rd in the same area. Well, I guess I figured if Red Hill could find it so did LE. The GPS map is a map which has been sent to Blink by Red Hill showing his directions/discriptions.

    The map is NOT posted on BOC

    Lol, work in progress, I have the capability to do some pretty intense 3D. Working on it, but i am not sure I will be able to release it.

  44. Phyl says:

    I’m sure the volunteer Fire Department (firefighters/ems workers) could have a lot of input. Those guys are awakened at all hours of the night to go out on calls. They usually know a lot of what goes on in their communities. A LOT.

  45. mrikim says:

    I am in awe of everyone on this site. With all the different personalites it is amazing to get different perspectives. The people of this site offer compassion, humour, intellect, caution, forgiveness, support, information and unbelieveable stories.

    I first started reading this site while following the Caylee Anthony case and I’ve been hooked ever since. My co-workers will ask me if I’ve found out any news on that crime site I follow. Another asked the other day who in the hell is Blink. I know why you do what you do Blink but I still think you should be commended for it and all the other posters that help you.

    I am a CASA volunteer and a DV advocate. Alot of my friends do not understand why I would want to be exposed to “that kind of stuff”. My hope is that it makes a difference for someone to know that someone does care about them. My husband says it makes him so mad to hear that a parent can harm their child or a spouse/BF harm their wife/GF. He would just as soon not know. But we all need to be aware.

    I went to the Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum concert Thursday nite and I will say it was awesome. I don’t know if I was more aware of the younger crowd because of Morgans tragedy but there were so many girls that were intoxicated even before it started. While walking to the car I found myself watching everything around me. By the way my first concert was MEATLOAF. You can laugh. Thanks again Blink for being the advocate you are. Kim

  46. Chad says:

    Double post sorry.

    J2K: I say clue, but I’m not coming down!

  47. suz says:

    Blink, aside from being righteous dudes, the Blunt Trauma team pre-registered with that name—thus, prior to Morgan’s demise. Let’s clear ‘em.

  48. Mom3.0 says:

    The cycling site was up until at least 1;30 et.

    I think they? may have took it down because if you followed the links on the site it gave a sign in sheet with full names,and where they placed in the race. I would think that was unsafe, being as they may know something.

    Suz and Julie, actually I think the cyclyists put alot of time and effort into their costumes, even going as far as naming their team based off of what they wore, the only one I can remember is Vicious and delicious. Prizes were given for the best costume.
    February 13, 2010 at 11:54 am

    Juliemooly, I don’t think the costumes you would ride an endurance race in would be very elaborate. Basically it seems you get 5 minutes shaved off your time for showing up in any kind of costume—I didn’t read that quality mattered very much, but lemme go poke around.

  49. total amateur says:

    Does Blink, or any “insider” know who was involved in the Dec 26 assualt on Red Hill Rd? With ALL the arrest blotters all over the internet… it seems kind of conspicuous that this cant be found anywhere. It would seem to me that a local would know, or at least “heard” what went on there, and the identity of who was involved.

    No one is talking about it. Why? I read a post on scared monkeys saying that the Albemarle County Police confirmed an arrest in the incident, but LE didnt say who. Is this not public information? Does the FOIA apply here?

  50. mosaic says:

    Suz—A couple things make me think that house is not a spec home. Spec homes are usually owned by a builder or a development company. This one is owned by a couple—a couple that is not listed as owning any other property in Albemarle County. Typically you’d see someone who is building on spec have a separate residence for themselves.

    That’s not to say a husband/wife wouldn’t purchase land and build a home with the intent to sell it to make money. Looking at the records it might appear to be just that—the land was purchased in late 2004 at the peak of the housing boom, and now the market is in a bust. Money may have dried up as you say.

    From appearances, this looks like it was originally intended to be someone’s “dream house”.

    Something else to consider: the owners may live somewhere outside the county and that’s why no other property listings are showing up under their name. (I don’t have it in me right now to look up property records in other counties.)

    Oh, Captain and Tennille was my first concert as a ‘tween (that’s almost as embarrassing as Shaun Cassidy!)….U2 & Bruce Springsteen are my more recent faves.

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