Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Phyl says:

    If LE lost a track on that cell phone at around 9:30 pm (not sure of the time), then whoever abducted Morgan premeditated his plans for the evening right then and there (if not beforehand) when he discarded that battery. I wish someone would find that battery (if they haven’t already).

  2. total amateur says:

    Maybe I’m making too much of it, but the only reasons I can think of for LE to keep this quiet… or “legally” be able to keep it quiet are:
    1) The offender is a minor under the age of 18
    2) It is part of an ongoing criminal investigation

  3. Mom3.0 says:

    Suz you posted their names- So maybe I was wrong about the paranormal site.. Perhaps the site just crashed due to all the traffic.

    Just Desserts, you are welcome.

    I have been thinking on the discovery of Morgan, the weather, and the assaults that took place. Does anyone know if the dates of these assaults would coincide with dates when the snow would have not covered the field? When was the first snow fall? First melt…

    I found this site interesting, posted on Jan 1 is a youtube video showing cows in a pasture, farmer says 22 inches of snow- notice the fence is almost covered, easily maneuverable. FYI not THE farm.

    Blink, are we positive Morgan was placed there early on?
    Easier to walk on hardened snow… easier to miss obstacles….

  4. rvrb says:

    Mosaic wrote: “Do we have any real estate experts on the Blink board? Question for you in the spirit of Location, Location, Location… Does $1.2M seem on the low side for a newly constructed 8,000 sq foot house on 21 acres with fabulous views of the mountains? Not implying anything, just asking.”

    Here’s a link full of explanation specific to this property:

  5. Mom3.0 says:

    Welcome to all the first time posters, thanks for digging in and sharing links and info and your stories mrikim,thanks for caring

  6. Swiss Miss says:

    Blink, up to you on if you want to post this information from 2007.

    In 2007, Beth Huffman (Glaser), a 1981 graduate of Albemarle High School, lived at 1824 Red Hill Road. This is the property that may/may not be vacant and is owned by a woman with a Crozet address.

  7. Chad says:

    Sky: If you go to Morgans memorial, could you put a small flower on the bridge from me? I would love to go there someday. If they catch these guys, or person that caused Morgan death, I will come out to the trial.
    Doobies eh? I remember the Rasperries: I think I did the “pony” dance to their song “Go all the way!”
    LOL! You really are taken me back. What a hoot.

  8. belleboyd says:

    Chad, Don’t laugh too much, ever hear of Gary Lewis and the Playboys?, my first concert, then on to better things, CCR, The Doors, many more in between, but in the past 10 years or so, every summer with my daughter it’s DMB! Rock on Y’all. Morgan is laughing at our musical interests right now.

  9. Gypsy DD says:

    I am still back at Red Hill Road and the unfinished home. Sounds like LE was talking to a few very specific persons in the 6 points. So they wanted to know what locals knew about the property and land out that way..maybe vacant properties that had been broken into, abandoned sheds and barns or houses not yet finished. Something they might of just noticed and had never reported to LE. That part of the 6 points was for the locals as was the generic changing of personality after a person has done such a deed.

    So about 10 percent of houses are vacant in the area per someone’s occupancy link. Location, location, location was for realtors and property management companies who might be trying to sell some of these vacant properties. They have showings and might notice if anything was out of place or even freshly cleaned around that time. If the property looked disturbed in anyway.

    The rest was for the murderer and accomplice. Yep..they wanted them to know they know some things that make these two very easy to finger for this job. They wanted them to squirm a little..there goes that personality change again.

    When they weren’t getting the right info, from the right sources the FBI reiterated their take on someone maybe seeing or knowing something about the area from a cyclist point of view. I thought the FBI stated this earlier and then hopped back in again with this info.

    I think that if a somewhat well heeled well connected guy found out that his not so well heeled friend had dumped the body in a place where it was now exposed..well you might just set that friend up to take a long fall down a deep well.

    Chad sorry to hear about your friend’s husband. I will be praying.

    Clarity..I am in agreement on the pocket book left in the parking lot incident. But question..was Morgan even wearing a coat that night? I didn’t think she was because I haven’t seen a coat mentioned in the description of her clothing.

    Blink why am I still hearing the jail house blues on that harmonica?

    Hey dear friend-
    No coat.

    You are hearing it because it is a combination of “taps” and the keys to the musical connection to Morgan. And there definitely is one. Not a band member per se, but a venue where she met someone or someones that allowed her to feel comfortable enough to get in a car.

  10. juliemooly says:


    The first snow of the winter was on December 18/19 and it took almost a month for it to melt, especially in the shady places.

    Are you positive? My notes say November. I could be wrong though.

    Do we know the rumored location of the boot finding?

    Are we positive the camera is red?

    Can anyone recap the music critique/accountant quotes for me?

    Head is spinning.

  11. mosaic says:

    Thanks to rvrb’s link we know that the 1920 Red Hill Road home was on the market in April of last year. That would negate any speculation (that I had) that the home’s status on the market had anything to do with Morgan’s murder. Glad I can set that thought to rest!

  12. susanm says: these are five different riders ,that haven ridden either red hill road or blandemar,one notes a water stop at at a private residence just east of blandemar.if you browse around w/ snaven you come up w/ a bread and puppet type costume maker ,not sure its the same person.blink i know you’ll pass these links along if fbi wants to talk to anyone who ever ridden in the area.

  13. susanm says:

    oops those got all smashed together ,i left out a space in between ,there are five.

  14. juliemooly says:

    Sorry, should have added that the first snow was 2 feet of snow. It was crazy. It was a nice light fluffy powdery snow, unlike the usual icy mess we get on the east coast.

  15. Gypsy DD says:

    One other thought..these homes are large. Mr Bass may work his farm without much outside help..but is Mrs Bass cleaning the house without any outside help? Just thinking outside the usual box that maybe a local cleaning lady was called in to clean up the mess after someone’s vacant house has vandalized? A realtor does a showing or goes to check the property before a showing, sees something amiss like vandalism. Calls the listing agent..who calls the seller who calls a cleaning lady to take care of the mess rather then report it to LE because the seller has a feeling her own son/ nephew/brother was possibly involved in the vandalism ? Okay far fetched..but possible.

  16. Swiss Miss says:

    mosaic says:
    February 13, 2010 at 2:54 pm

    Suz—A couple things make me think that house is not a spec home. Spec homes are usually owned by a builder or a development company. This one is owned by a couple—a couple that is not listed as owning any other property in Albemarle County. Typically you’d see someone who is building on spec have a separate residence for themselves.
    Actually I believe they do own other property in the County. I checked for the couple’s names and ran across the wife’s maiden name. She has a Facebook page that includes her maiden name. On her wall she indicated she’s a member of the group Save Our Southern Albemarle Schools (from Facebook it looks like they have young kids), and she lists her husband as a friend. Plugging his name into, I found they do indeed live elsewhere in the County and have a Charlottesville address that’s ~ 8.5 miles SE of the Red Hill Road address.

    By the way, she’s also a fan of Summit Custom Homes.

    I wonder if the developer or general contractor went belly up, and the couple’s trying to unload the property to recoup some of their investment. I really don’t think there’s any connection between them personally and Morgan, although their last name (as others have indicated) is quite common in the Charlottesville area.

  17. susanm says:

    ps i went thru all of 1000 maps,there is one more i cant link :seanymac.the map site search says there are 2,630 maps that meet the possible area,maximun display is 1000,so there are 1630 more.

  18. Cairn says:
    Address 5xxx VIEWMONT WEST DR
    Primary Prop. Address 5xxx VIEWMONT WEST DR
    Other Address 4xxx SCOTTSVILLE RD
    Primary Prop. Address 19xx RED HILL RD

  19. sunshine says:

    Not sure if this has been posted or not or if I am completely off base, but I was just on the GIS website for Albemarle county and found a woman that lives in the 1800 block of red hill rd that also has an address in Crozet. Here is the link to the GIS site for those of you that want to look at it:

    I tried to research the person to see if she might have a son around morgan’s age or if this was the home where the assault occurred. When I tried to look up the address of the assault that occured on 12/26/09, I found this link:

    Now, it doesn’t give the exact address but it does say 1800 block of red hill rd. There are 2 listings for simple assault at this home and one for vandalism/damage/destruction of property. All three of these crimes occurred at the same date and time at the same location. This was about a month before Morgan was found.

  20. J2K says:

    [cue Cheesey intro music]

    radiogirl, juliemooley, suz, Chad, and Red Hill Local… [spotlight scans crowd wildly]

    COMMMME ONNNNN DOWWWWWWN! You’re the next contestants on:


    Okay, go the fabulous Showcase behind Door No. 2…

    The still-in-development house at 1920 Red Hill Road – directly across from where MH was found on AF – was erected on 21 acres of “prime real estate” bought from Sycamore LLC by a North Garden couple (with a common-to-the-area last name) just before the the housing bubble burst in 2006. The building permit for construction was issued in July 2007, and by May 2008, the central portion was structured – but barely (think just walls/exterior unfinished).

    Since that time, an permit for electrical work was issued to Joseph R. Black Electrical (PO Box 180, North Garden); and a permit for plumbing work (though there is no indication in the planning certificate that is hooked up to sewer lines) to Glen R. Carter PLumbing (920 Harris St., CVille).

    But, my eager contestants, as we all know, that Bubble burst, and the poor couple was one of thousands who bought land in Abermarle to build on and flip with a subdivision developer (in this case, Greg Baldwin Realty and Development), and were assured buyers would be there to snatch up “estate” they were funding in the new “South Fork Farms” neighborhood for a tidy profit; by 2009, when it was clear such was not the case, work on the 1920 RH Road property came to a stand-still as the desperate owners realized they may lose a $@#&-load of money on the venture. (Keep in mind, contestants – 1921 sits in front of the property between it and Red Hill Road – which completely vacant and for sale by owner (different person) for the same $550,000 the Morris’ originally bought their property for).

    As of April 2009, the vacant, unfinished home (with outside basement access) was put on the market by the couple as a “Unique Opportunity” for $1,375,000 (as opposed to today’s bargain price of $1.2M), and were offering it in its current “in-development phase” complete with builder bids for the cost to finish the construction.

    So, we have a massive estate’s construction going strong for a year, before puttering out when only half done… and sitting virtually vacant for the next year, surrounded by completely bare parcels of multi-acre residential real estate. This accessible-from-the-road site sure seems like a convenient place to do things secretly – could the basement be accessible? What contractors were working on the house (likely using local labor?) Did the local electrician company/plumbers commence work? How long has it been abandoned waiting for a buyer?

    These questions will all be answered in time, dear contestants, but for now I will have you all consider the question pertaining to THIS SHOWCASE…

    If the party responsible for Morgan’s death and placement on AF entered the farm property from Red Hill Road – and we know he/they did – they certainly passed up a vast, flat, dark mass of private land to their west anchored far from the main road by a long-vacant, unfinished home. On the surface, it seems much easier to traverse and more secluded, but the perp(s), instead, obviously went through a good deal of effort to place the body deep into the farmland across the street…

    The timer has been set, contestants…


  21. crimewriter says:

    Blink, in my prior post to you c-peper is the abbreviation he used for Culpepper, which is approximately 45 minutes North of Charlottesville along on Rt. 29. Did he go to visit a grave, “someone” he had to visit to figure out what to do now??? Only speculating on what his words “meant”…

    One of my dearest friends moved from Culpepper last year. I am not sure which person your referring to.

  22. Twinkle says:

    Seldom post (cause you guys are light years ahead of me in “skillz”) but I haven’t seen this link posted anywhere. It’s pretty cool…you can click on parcels and see ownership and land use. The big parcel, 88-5, is Anchorage Farms.
    Thanks SO much for everyone’s hard work…a really caring bunch here.

  23. Neil says:

    I’ve been following on here since the beginning just reading not posting. While there are a lot of great thinkers and well-intentioned people here, there are also a couple of windbags whose real motives I question. Their comments center around themselves with a dash of Morgan thrown in here and there. They make a lot of references to their vast professional knowledge, they have a presumed superiorty to other posters, and act as if they are a filter or judge by which others’ comments are measured. They often post several long-winded 20 paragraphs long comments a day, all designed to impress the reader how intellectually superior they deem themselves to be by comparison and much of what they say centers around themselves rather than Morgan. It reeks of insincerity and ego.

  24. Ragdoll says:

    #15 Melissa

    LOLOLOLOLOL!!! I appreciate your response to my cheddar issues my friend. Unfortunately, I know I’d eat my profits before I could place any reasonable bets.

    ^5 M! xo

  25. acho says:

    Cairn, J2K, anyone, do you know who did any special glass work on the 1920 Red Hill Rd property?

  26. suz says:

    Thanks, Mosaic, yes, could have been a couple building a dream home who (like everyone) lost liquidity when the market tanked. I don’t find it surprising in the least, whether they were flippers or just hoping to retire to a big azz place.

  27. J2K says:

    B! – I thought you’d never ask:

    Minutes after the concertgoer’s encounter, another witness says, a woman resembling Morgan was walking across the street with several companions.

    “It was right about 9pm when we were driving down Massie Road with JPJ to left,” says a Richmond bookkeeper/musician whose late arrival prevented her from hearing opening acts Gojira and Lamb of God— but got her there in time to spot a “wobbly” blonde woman step in front of the car.

    With the blonde were four young, white men— a conspicuous group, says the witness, because of the direction they were headed: away from the Arena.

    In addition to a black miniskirt, tights, and a black shirt, the young blonde was wearing distinctive high-heeled boots, says the witness, a mother of two who spoke on condition of anonymity over concern for getting “pulled into the fray.”

    Until now, the missing woman’s boots have been described as “knee high,” but this witness insists they were “over the knee.” (Through a spokesperson with the Harrington’s recently hired PR firm, Gil Harrington says the boots she saw Morgan try on prior to the concert were not above the knee.)

    The men, says the witness, were allegedly laughing.

    “I thought, ‘That girl should have no business going off with those guys, walking into an empty parking lot when the concert is getting ready to start.”

    The blonde, however, did not allegedly seem distressed and even, seemingly as a joke, shook one leg at the men, also clad in black. The witness estimates the time at 9:05pm since she placed a phone call to a friend a minute later while still on Massie Road.
    Police say the last confirmed sightings were on both sides of this bridge around 9:30pm.

    It wasn’t the last time the Richmond woman saw the young blonde. After she, her husband, and friend parked near U-Hall, she says, she saw the same group of five gathered around a vehicle in the RV Lot, or Lannigan Field overflow parking lot— the spot where Morgan’s purse and phone were found and one of the last places police have officially placed her.

    “I figured, ‘They’re going to party before they go into JPJ,” says the woman, who estimates the RV Lot sighting as 9:15pm. When she learned about the disappearance on Monday, October 19, she says, she immediately relayed her information to police, who have interviewed her as many as five times in the past three weeks.

    Now I know why I am so uberanal when I write ( except for the gross misuse of the English language and spelling errors).. That reads “high heeled boots”, and goes on to say the boots were over the knee as the reference.

    Morgan’s boots were lace up front with a chunky low heel as per her Mother. Think a femme version of Doc Martin’s.

    Ya know, this has been nagging me. Clue or Coincidence I ask..

    “Witness sees blonde with 4 guys. She makes a phone call to a friend.”

    Question: What would prompt that? Driving late to a concert, she sees a blonde with 4 men and picks up the phone. Did she K N O W them?

    “Witness says MEN are laughing as blonde makes kicking gesture.”

    Question: Is she verifying a kick from Morgan and a person’s comedic response to it for any specific reason?

    Doesn’t this match the amount of dudes the 44 year old allegedly from Fredericksburg, also late, waiting for his friends at the ticket Window? The Arm crooking Kickee who then calls his gf.
    Did he call her, or did she call him?

    Possible scenario:..” You effing *****, you told me you were working ****, “CPA witness just told me she saw you leaving with some blonde.”

    Kickee: Schnucky- The biotch kicked me when I would not hook her up. I saw CPA witness, I was not trying to hide anything from you. I am out with the boys. Chill.

    CPA Witness: Sees her again hanging with them in the lot. Why is she watching her? Or is she watching someone else?

    Conclusion, Clue or Coincidence:

    Were the accounts of the Kickee and the CPA witness corroborated?

    Recall I pointed out the original quote from the kickee says he called LE on December 18, PRIOR to anyone knowing she was missing?? It was changed as soon as I pointed that out.

    Why would LE interview her 5x? The only reason I know anyone would need to interview anyone 5x would be if they thought she was lying, or she could identify any of the men. Sister? Sister In Law?

    It does jibe with the brief interchange with the BB players and them leaving and the whole she was walking “with people” but was not “with them.

    So who is CPA and who is Kickee?

  28. crimewriter says:

    I’m refeering to firefighter J.S. who said this morning on facebook “has been to c-peper and seen what I needed to see now time to think on what I want to do” responses were – “what did u see that you need to think about”
    “everything ok buddy?? if you need to talk yell at me..” and his response – “Thanks Art but I’m good. But I will keep that in the back of my mind!”

  29. total amateur says:

    Blink to answer a couple questions you posed… although Nancy Grace and arent “official” sources.

    From CNN Transcripts
    January 26, 2010

    Nancy Grace

    GRACE: OK. Stacey Newman, it`s my understanding that a Swarovski crystal necklace was found on the skeleton. Is that similar to the one that Morgan had?

    NEWMAN: Yes, it was. And of course, that is the report that we`re hearing, that she did have on some sort of Swarovski crystal necklace with some kind of, like, a linked chain on it, as you`re seeing in this photo that we`re showing you now.

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I live in Charlottesville, Virginia, and my son is the same age as Morgan and was also at the concert that night, so my heart really breaks for her family. My question is — I was one of the searchers who went out on the volunteer searches looking for her. And when they spoke to us that day, the investigators told us they were specifically interested in finding a digital camera. And I am wondering if any mention was made of that today, as to whether they found that camera or why they would have been interested specifically in a digital camera.

    GRACE: Cindy in Virginia, that is right on point because we do have some information about the camera. Apparently, they don`t have it yet. To Tim Martin, Newstalk 960 WFIR. What about the camera?

    MARTIN: Yes, Nancy, this was information that came out, you know, a couple months after Morgan Harrington went missing. Joe Raider (ph) with state police said they were looking for a red digital camera that was in her possession, Morgan Harrington`s possession, the night she went missing. And it`s something police would like to find. And you may wonder, you know, how could they, you know, be fairly certain this is her. Well, this could be one of the items that they found with the body. We just don`t know that. We`re waiting for more information from police.

  30. Ragdoll says:


    My prayers for a quick recovery for your friend. What a horrible experience, I cannot imagine! God speed friend xo

  31. susanm says:

    i am curious about the rumored boot too,iirc ,found behind a convenience store,rumored to maybe be 7-11,iirc the gist was close to campus.

  32. suz says:

    Why are we talking about culpeper? (one p, er, two altogether, in that oddly spelled town)

    Dr. H said it was a red camera. A sony I think. I posted it somewhere once upon a time. Here’s a transcript from cnn:

    MARTIN: Yes, Nancy, this was information that came out, you know, a couple months after Morgan Harrington went missing. Joe Raider (ph) with state police said they were looking for a red digital camera that was in her possession, Morgan Harrington`s possession, the night she went missing. And it`s something police would like to find. And you may wonder, you know, how could they, you know, be fairly certain this is her. Well, this could be one of the items that they found with the body. We just don`t know that. We`re waiting for more information from police.

  33. Ragdoll says:

    Regarding how Morgan’s body ended up in that field (and this could be a really dumb contribution…but I’ll go there anyways). If the perp used an atv, he could have used a trailer to pull Morgan to the site she was found at. My husband is an avid hunter. It was something he suggested. It would not have looked suspicious really because a lot of hunters use trailers to load their ‘catch’ (that is if it was in day light.

    If this has been brought up already, my apologies. I have gone through the posts but my short term memory can be a disability at times.

  34. Ragdoll says:

    To Lovely!!!!!


    Ragdoll – lol…I didnt know what cheese was either when I came here 4 months ago


    LMAO. I don’t know about you but I never caught on and it’s like….oh yeah, the cheese. I’m in the loop. NOT. I felt like a jerk for not knowing but my humility got the best of me. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who was at airport city……whoosh.

    Thank you for sharing Lovely! *why is the song ‘isn’t she lovely, isn’t she wonderful* going through my head ;) xo

  35. Mom3.0 says:

    At first they weren’t sure about the camera, then in one press conference LE gave the description as red. Not sure how they determined this. Still thinking about snow and assaults-

    Blink not sure about boot other than behind a store.

    Did these assaults match up to the times the shirt and boot were found?

    Also you mentioned, meeting up with someone at a venue- Bonneroo, The Croset music festival.- Found out that the Albermarle County Fair had a music festival also. Be sure to check out the entertainment page…

    Address is 4990 Plank Rd, North Garden, VA 22959 and is across 29 from Crossroads Store, and 4.2 miles away from 1924 Red Hill Lane

    Google map it.

    One more coincidence since J2K asked, one Wayne Shifflett is on the board of director’s (according to the fair site) and interesting enough, another person with the same last name until recently, Barbara, had a story in the Hook- Remember -so many in this town don’t know if they are relation.

  36. suz says:

    Dag, Chad, that nut who shot your friend’s brother had shot her own brother—MURDERED him—years ago? Her mom covered for her. Word to the peeps protecting Morgan’s killer. Who’s next? It’s on YOU next time.

  37. Ragdoll says:

    FISH!!!!!!! A big true north bear hug to you my dear sweet friend. You are the real deal and I stinking love you for being YOU!!!!!!

    I’m lovin on my kindred spirits *to infinity and beyond!*

  38. ode says:


    Is it coincidence….Black..?

  39. total amateur says:

    I read a bunch of articles and posts late last night: I cant find the link. But anyway, the “accountant” witness stated that a person matching Morgans description passed in front of her car on her way in to the parking area… the girl was with three white males dressed in dark clothing at approx 9:05. The witness goes on to say that about 10 minutes later, after she parked, she saw this same group hanging around a vehicle in the RV lot.

  40. Mom3.0 says:

    Here is another coincidence… from the Hook article-

    The Fair had lots to do, drag racing, typical farm stuff and a beauty pageant…
    “And after years of bad weather– culminating in last year’s tent collapse during a microburst– Lundgren has tried to turn adversity to advantage with this year’s new events: a drag show, the Miss Emergency Pageant, featuring fire and rescue workers, and a raingear fashion show.”

  41. Mom3.0 says:

    oops meant drag show not drag racing—-BIG difference LOL

  42. NYCDude says:


    Has there been any validation to the assertion seen on other websites that GRH was running around on 10/17 saying he had a blonde hitchhiker in his car and wouldn’t let her go home until he “got some”?

    Was this guy formally imprisoned on 10/14 or 10/28?

  43. suz says:

    Sorry, it was a Kodak


    Mr. Harrington has confirmed the make/model of the camera. It is a Kodak V530, red.

  44. awa says:

    can we check out the ‘biker’ list and see if any of those folks might be

  45. NYCDude says:

    More questions:

    What’s the scoop with the bank card being used? This has to be corroborated as fact already. No way she could have been the one using it (if true). LE is asking for the public’s help and hae established a timeline. If that alleged card usage doesn’t lengthen the timeline, then either it didn’t happen or LE knows it wasn’t her using it.

    I think at this point it’s shit or get off the pot for LE. Spill what you have if you want the public’s help.

    The strategy worked in catching the DC snipers…LE was reluctant to go public with certain info…it almost always pays off.

    Get the guy off the street first LE. Find a way to keep him off afterward.

    A NYer’s persective. Don’t let it go cold.

  46. mosaic says:

    Swiss Miss said: “Actually I believe they do own other property in the County. I checked for the couple’s names and ran across the wife’s maiden name….Plugging his name into, I found they do indeed live elsewhere in the County and have a Charlottesville address that’s ~ 8.5 miles SE of the Red Hill Road address.”

    Good work digging up that info.

    I wonder if they’re renting — I could not find additional property records under their name. Either way, now that we know the property has been on the market for a long time (as opposed to last November) we can at least put away any suspicion that the listing of that property had anything to do with Morgan’s death.

    So on to the next question…why would the perp forego a vacant, dark property to dispose of a body and instead travel deep into the woods onto the farm?

    My one word answer: Discovery.

    He knows the area. He knows the body is more likely to be discovered on the For Sale property than tucked deep into the remote edge of the woods and field.

  47. Chad says:

    Can you link Please? Are you kidding me? This is true form of an enabler!! SICK! I have been surfing the net for tid bits, and have HLN on for any updates. My friend, Lisa is in Alabama, and is by her brothers bed side. She has text me only twice. He is the one in critical condition, Joe Leahy. She said it is iffy if he will make it. She had me call the priest for intentions for her family and brother tomorrow.

    This crazy Harvard woman will get the death penalty. No one can cover for her now, unless her hubby wants to take the rap who they have detained. She must have been a pretty good shot if she hit 6 out the 12. I guess it happened quickly.
    My friend doesn’t deserve this at all, as I mentioned lost a son to suicide 4 years ago.
    Thank you for that info Suz. Mucho gracious.

  48. skyler says:

    I’ll take CLUE, Alex — er, J2k — for 500

    What is the name of the property where the BG worked the summer before Ms. Harrington’s unfortunate demise, and formed drug connection w/ landscaper employed to work on said property, leaving open the basement door for after-hours partying, and reconnaissance of the AF property, often left vacant by landowner w/ too much money and time on his hands ?

  49. mike says:

    question for RedHill … a while back, perhaps on a different thread, you opined that the perp went north on Red Hill Rd. to a turn off/out just north of the bridge over Hargrave (sp?) river and then went to the site where the body was found. The perp used an ATV maybe with a trailer attached. This may seem minor, but when I look at the google earth image of this turn out, it is immediately north of the river. My question is this: how could the atv rider then cross the river to go to the site? Is there a small makeshift bridge somewhere that only a true local would know about? Is there an easily fordable spot? Did this “river” have water of any depth in it in late Oct? Is it easy to cross this river I guess is what I’m asking? esp. with an ATV. Is this something any idjidt could figure out or would it require some clear knowledge of the path? Is there a well worn path? I realize just a minor issue, but it was bugging me. tia

    Not minor, and I think we have changed our thoughts on that, but let me let Red Hill take this one.

  50. suz says:

    Ok, I always figured that IF the “let’s go” kickee account were true, and IF the blonde with the four dudes dressed in black were Morgan and not Dee or some other similarly dressed gal, then maybe Morgan DID kick at that kid (jovially, playfully—”you and i are in the same boat. stuck outside–let’s blow this pop stand!”) and then she was playfully, jovially recounting to the black clad dudes, “I kicked at this guy like this (kick) and he totally freaked out! ha ha ha ha hee hee”

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