Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. SuzeeB says:

    Blink, do you know who the original reporter is who actually talked to Kickee?

    Not sure if it was Courtney or staff. Courtney wrote the piece, but I don’t know if she personally conducted the interview.

  2. mosaic says:

    Oh Cairn, I just saw your post! I need to hang up my mouse (the apple one) and hand over the researching to some of you experts! Wow, I’m impressed with the mental power on this site.

  3. yoshi says:

    yoshi=fail!! :( To save you time I put the only thing you might want to keep private in is this post at the top: (not sure what to do w/it, but there’s lots of names) I had another, but can’t find it at the moment.

    I’m so sorry, I left you hangin. Ended up w/a sick kid. Looks like it’s been very busy here and all of the great minds came together and posted what I ended up finding myself regarding cycling groups, night rides, routes, etc. sans names, of course. Haven’t really gotten there yet myself.

    I am wondering if the FBI is trying to flush someone out, so to speak. I know many have suggested that the cyclists may have seen something out of place like a car parked in a weird spot, but maybe we’re looking for someone who is a member of one of these groups. Maybe as someone suggested the 2nd person involved. (Do they have paper plate in custody for something else but need fine china to proceed?) Maybe someone who didn’t show up for that Oct. 18th ride. Or if they did, they seemed out of sorts and had scratches etc. Here is another ride called the North Garden Loop

    Then again, the article mentioned a tip and the importance of the intersection of 29 and Red Hill Road. What is that little pull off area at the intersection? Looks like it’s outlined w/boulders and it overlooks something? My other thoughts were mountain bikers vs. street cyclists. Looks like there’s a lot of terrain to explore and I wonder if it’s common for kids/students to explore farmland on their bikes.

    I also came across this article. I’m sure its been posted b4, but it mentions gates/trespassing etc. Here’s a snip: Even though signs on the gates say “Private” we’re learning that Waldemar Drive is a common spot for trespassers to go, and it’s a way to access the back of Anchorage Farm.

    I’m so behind. You guys are amazing! My head is spinning.

    mary/ragdoll, if it helps…:

  4. suz says:

    Chad, it’s horrible. The police chief says she shot her brother (an accomplished violinist) in the chest with a shotgun following an argument, then tried to carjack someone, and then fled into the woods. Cindy Anth, I mean, her mom said the gun went off accidentally when someone was showing her how to load it. Somehow the whole thing was covered up.

    Ok, this is as sucky as the Somer Thompson case (since in both cases the perp should have already been in jail and unable to commit the next crime). If these things come in threes…will we see the same in Morgan’s case?

  5. lizzy says:

    “Witness sees blonde with 4 guys. She makes a phone call to a friend.

    Question: What would prompt that? Driving late to a concert, she sees a blonde with 4 men and picks up the phone. Did she K N O W them?”

    Where was it reported that CPA-type called a friend? I saw that she was with her husband and a friend, and called LE when she heard Morgan was reported missing.

    (First concert = The Beach Boys; unless Alabama back when they were still playing honky-tonks counts)

  6. armed says:

    Just spoke with a few local cattle farmers and asked them two questions:
    1. How easy would it be to carry 120 lbs. one mile thru different fields full of natural obstacles (creek, barbed wire fence, hedges)?

    They looked at me like I was nuts. A bag of feed weighs about 120 lbs. To fatten up a herd if you are selling you would fill troughs with dozens in a morning. A dead calf weighs that and more. Any farmer or farm hand can carry 120 lbs.for a mile. No problem. One added at football training they had to run the length of the field with another player over their shoulders and nobody weighed as little as 120lbs. If a man was older, or unfit he could always walk a quarter mile, take a break, repeat, repeat and repeat.

    2. Do tractors, JCB’s or Bobcats have unique keys like an automobile?
    Yes but most farmers leave the key in the ignition. At speeds of 20 -40 miles per hour no one is going to get away. Most barns are not locked the dogs on the property will alert all to intruders.

  7. Chad says:


    Found a couple of links. Unbelievable. Makes me even angrier Suz. This all could have been prevented if the police just would have charge her in the first place. UGH!

    To Morgans killer(s) NOTHING accidental about her DEATH. Police know this , and the public know this. Any family members that may be suspicious, come forward because as you can see , your friend, your brother, your cousin, step brother, step brothers step brother, or your 1/2 sister, will kill again, and as Suz says, it might be you! Or they will go on to destroy another family through violence. We will not let that happen here.

    Not der noth’in right in wat ya’s all gone and did. You be leavin that purdy rich gal out there, you kno on that there home place.
    We be clippin on yo trail.

  8. Swiss Miss says:

    To summarize J2K’s post on February 13, 2010 at 5:06 pm, the CPA saw a wobbly blonde in the over-the-knee, high-heeled, so-not-Morgan-style boots about 9 pm on Massie Road with JPJ to the left as they headed AWAY FROM THE ARENA and then claimed to see her and the same 4 guys about 10 minutes later in the RV Lot, or Lannigan Field overflow parking lot. Some questions for the locals and Blink:

    1. Is it reasonable for someone to be able to walk the route described in 10 minutes?
    2. Does walking on Massie Road with JPJ to the left lead to the RV lot/Lannigan Field?
    3. Are the RV lot and Lannigan Field the same thing?
    4. Why was this woman the only one in her group (with husband and friend) interviewed?
    5. Blink, can you confirm with LE she was in fact interviewed 5 times?
    6. Would this time line and route the blonde took lead to Copley Bridge around 9:30 pm?

    It seems to me from the fact she described the wrong type of boots that the blonde in question wasn’t Morgan Furthermore, why weren’t her husband and friend interviewed? Lastly, if this woman was indeed interviewed 5 times AND had relevant information, why wasn’t it included in the official timeline?

    Makes me think this may not be a relevant sighting.

  9. J2K says:

    [cue intro]
    And, we’re back, folks! … Ohhhhh, sorry contestants – time is UP, and it looks like we have an answer from the audience…

    mosaic – “My one word answer: Discovery.”

    *Ding Ding Ding*
    That would be correct! (in my estimation)


    skyler! Is there a skyler here? Well Come On Dowwwn -

    Here’s your bonus question:

    We know where MH was *discovered* thanks to our showcase winner, mosaic.
    Could the crime scene have been across the street?

    (We’ll be back after a word from our sponsor, Blink Cheese & Biscuits. And, folks, a quick reminder from former contestant radiogirl: As always, don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets!)

    Mosaic, you also asked:
    “I wonder if they’re renting — I could not find additional property records under their name. Either way, now that we know the property has been on the market for a long time (as opposed to last November) we can at least put away any suspicion that the listing of that property had anything to do with Morgan’s death.”

    As I noted in my post above, the property’s permits indicate that it’s been under construction since 2007, and in April 2009, the owners reached a point where they stopped the work (not confirmed – could still be activity, such as sewer-pipe installation, glass work, interior work, electrical wiring; however, no new permits suggest this, and I did not see a CO issued yet.

    All that said, I got the distinct impression the cliched owners had run out of funds in looking out onto a horizon barren of buyers for massive over-priced new development (as opposed to the earls ’00s).

    I think they got to a point where they wanted to sell it “as is,” and have thus far not been able to do so, lowering the price as fall came around. They clearly only bought into the undeveloped subdivision to cash in on the housing boom, like many in the surrounding communities – they were just too late to the party. I’m sure they live in a more modest home in the area, and 1921 Red Hill represents a tanking investment. (Who was/is on that site throughout the first half of the development, which ended summer of last year? When was the last time the property was shown?)

    acho brings up another good question:
    “Cairn, J2K, anyone, do you know who d”id any special glass work on the 1920 Red Hill Rd property?”

    Annnnd, now a verrrry interesting post from skyler, whom I believe would have answered my “Showcase” question: COINCIDENCE or CLUE?” as:


    (sky posted) “What is the name of the property where the BG worked the summer before Ms. Harrington’s unfortunate demise, and formed drug connection w/ landscaper employed to work on said property, leaving open the basement door for after-hours partying, and reconnaissance of the AF property, often left vacant by landowner w/ too much money and time on his hands?”

    Looks like we have the Elimination Round up next folks, stay tuned…

  10. skyler says:

    Well, Ms. B, you ask: who is bookkeeper, who is kickee —

    In my Op, the Richmond bookkeeper is the most credible sighting — because everyone dismissed this as Dee and her companions — it’s impossible that it was Dee — Dee is clearly inside during LOG and clearly stayed throughout the concert for Metallica — is it NOT Dee — so, who’re the dudes ?

    I think Bookkeeper’s phone call is only in reference to time — she is a mother — she’s calling her sitter or her husband or she says a friend — to let them know she made it to C-vlle safely, especially if she is by herself — or her friend may have been inside the venue and she’s saying: I’m here — the phone call reference is only for a reference to “time” — she calls herself a bookkeeper — numbers are her life — Why is she interviewed 5 Xs ? Because initially the police think this is a situation where Morgan’s going to come home in a day or two — I honestly think the Holy Grail moment was when the body was found — I mean, initially the “police” could have been campus police, then city police, then VSP, then the FBI — we don’t have a definition of “police” interviewees —

    It also pulls back to the comment on the university newspaper article on the wheelchair guy in the library — the commenter said to the effect, listen, she was seen around a camper in the RV lot — this was done by “townies” not “students” —

    which I believe that camper was associated with the illegal sale of or participation in the consumption of illegal drugs

    now, before anyone starts, ya’ll all know I place no blame on Morgan; that’s not the intent of my statement —

    but I have to circle back around to my friend’s “impression” she got — she didn’t know about the camper or the drug connection because I didn’t tell her — she lives near Texas and only knows of Morgan from what I told her and then after her body was found, they happened to be somewhere w/ a TV and they were reporting it —

    Her impression/feeling/vision — hell, I don’t know how it works — was that this was someone Morgan had met before — was not a stranger to her — is a small-time drug dealer, especially to students — has a g/f, and the g/f was w/ him that night — and lived on the outskirts of C-ville in an old farm house –

    But let’s take my friend’s impressions out of this — it puts Morgan in the RV lot, surrounded by at least four males who have not come forward to the public, and I’m thinking not come forward to LE –

    Then we have the interaction w/ the BB players, who are parked in the RV lot, because the JPJ arena practice court was in use by Metallica, et al —

    Now, Morgan was beautiful, guys are gonna notice — she may have engaged them in conversation because they are in the RV lot and are tall — not a long shot to make the connection — they may have asked them if they wanted to partake of alcohol or drugs — from their dismissal of involvement by LE, we can assume they declined and went on about their way —

    As to her boots — Mom said over the knee boots were not to her recollection the ones Morgan tried on — but did she have more than one type or borrowed someone’s at JMU — no one is speaking in that crowd, so we’ll never know —

    As to the camera, there is a very creditable witness who said she and her husband saw Morgan fall by missing a step as she was “taking a picture” inside JPJ during LOG — that Morgan fell forward, didn’t put her hands out to break her fall, and declined any assistance, in fact, didn’t really make a response, but walked away —

    So going back to our friend Occam and His Razor — the simplest explanation is usually the one —

    Who are those four males dressed in black walking w/ the Morgan-look-a-like ? Why are they also outside of the arena ? Who was in the camper in the RV lot ?

    I can’t get J2K’s comment out of the back of my head: maybe Morgan said: Let go, and NOT Let’s go — and later she imitated how she kicked at the 44 y/o old fart — when you’re 20, 40 is ancient —

    I do not believe that the final resolution of what happened to Morgan is going to be complex —

    I believe it’s going to come down to the situation, fueled by alcohol and/or drugs, got out of hand and escalated —

    I don’t think how she ended up in that field is going to be revealed to be complicated, either — Bass wasn’t home — You have “creeper/Jeeper” (love that, Blink, btw) blatantly driving on the property in the summer claiming to be Bass’s brother — so what is his age ? Is he older — in 40′s? — but Bass is out of town that weekend — it’s rainy and gross — people are inside their houses — I think BG(s) blatantly drove through the front gate — I still believe Morgan was running for her life — I think she was put in the woods, and the weather or animal predation moved her — my dog came home w/ a deer leg in her mouth the other day — gross, I know —

    do we know if Morgan’s hair was recovered near the body at the scene ? Bass reported the skull had no hair, but there were either clothes “near” the body or “on the body” — I’ve read two accounts —

    My last “I think” — and finally, I think whomever killed Morgan, took her necklace as a souvenier —

    I am, of course, adopting Suz’s very wise: Unless they arrest somebody who doesn’t fit my scenario –

  11. Fender says:

    Blink, I’ve always been suspicious of “Kickee” and have often wondered, myself, if the witness who arrived late, might have been one of the friends for which Kickee was waiting. The timing of the phone call is a little coincidental.

  12. suz says:

    Why is everyone but me ruling out driving straight up the driveway on AF? Easy with your own car, your own ATV, Bass’ atv, etc.

  13. skyler says:

    >>>You are hearing it because it is a combination of “taps” and the keys to the musical connection to Morgan. And there definitely is one. Not a band member per se, but a venue where she met someone or someones that allowed her to feel comfortable enough to get in a car.
    B <<<

    Blink, are you saying that the 9:30 sighting on the bridge is NOT the last-known sighting of Morgan — that LE has evidence that there is another credible sighting of Morgan — perhaps that bar — I get the name mixed up — it’s either Wild Wings or the other one — but the one where the dogs allegedly picked up her scent behind the restaurant and the railroad tracks ….?

    I know you won’t give it up, but have you heard any rumblings of what they found at autopsy ? Please tell me they were able to find DNA –

    I am unaware of any released additional sightings of Morgan.
    Autopsy not complete until Tox, and will not be released when it is.

    I never believed the bridge sighting.

  14. J2K says:

    B… re: accountant witness/Dude Quartet

    Your comments on the witness’s account:

    “That reads “high heeled boots”, and goes on to say the boots were over the knee as the reference.
    Morgan’s boots were lace up front with a chunky low heel as per her Mother. Think a femme version of Doc Martin’s. Ya know, this has been nagging me. Clue or Coincidence I ask..”

    Neither. I think she mis-remembered them. Think about it: dark, people walking in front of her car waiting to turn in the lot from Massie; she’s fumbling for her phone to call friend as she spots them – she may have seen the group for 10 seconds. MH had black tights on. Witness could have easily thought they were over the knee – which would be uncomfy for walking (usually only seem them in clubs, on the Red Carpet, or – presumably – in Red Lights Districts, so I think she was wrong in her description.

    (B) “Witness sees blonde with 4 guys. She makes a phone call to a friend.
    Question: What would prompt that? Driving late to a concert, she sees a blonde with 4 men and picks up the phone. Did she K N O W them?”

    No. Unrelated.
    She only mentioned the call to back up her claim of knowing the exact time that she saw MH and the 4 dudes.

    (B)“Witness says MEN are laughing as blonde makes kicking gesture.
    Question: Is she verifying a kick from Morgan and a person’s comedic response to it for any specific reason?”

    I eblieve MH was describing “Kickee” incident with full-effect. She was *judging* this young, pretty girl with four dudes leaving a concert-in-progress to head for the emptying lot “…no business being with those guys…”) But then she saw the joking “kick,” laughter – everyone seems to be having a good time- and pulled into the UHall lot (speculation) letting it leave her mind until she saw them all again in the RV lot a few minutes later as she locked up her car w/ husband and started to head to arena. (Again judging they were “partying”)

    (B) “Doesn’t this match the amount of dudes the 44 year old allegedly from Fredericksburg, also late, waiting for his friends at the ticket Window? The Arm crooking Kickee who then calls his gf.
    Did he call her, or did she call him?”

    I don’t think so. He just said “friends” – no number- and the accountant witness clearly noted “young” people in black walking away from arena across Massie and UHall lot; Kickee was crying to his girlfriend closer to the entryway.

    (B) “Possible scenario:..’You effing *****, you told me you were working ****, ‘CPA witness just told me she saw you leaving with some blonde.’

    “Kickee: Schnucky- The biotch kicked me when I would not hook her up. I saw CPA witness, I was not trying to hide anything from you. I am out with the boys. Chill.

    “CPA Witness: Sees her again hanging with them in the lot. Why is she watching her? Or is she watching someone else?

    “Conclusion, Clue or Coincidence:
    Were the accounts of the Kickee and the CPA witness corroborated?”

    B, I really don’t think Kickee’s related to this crime – too old (i.e. doesn’t fit age demo), allegedly had a wife and friends. I still think he offered help and she loudly and rudely (bc she was irrational/upset about lock-out) dismissed him, then mocked him to 4 dudes (away from ear-shot, I’m sure)

    As far as corroborated, I think being interviewed half-a-dozen times indicates such; no way of *me*
    knowing, but… B? Maybe your buddy Geller knows? (*wink* *nudge*)

    Kickee was not corroborated- but who would offer a phony story to the press that makes them look like a prick?

    (B) “Recall I pointed out the original quote from the kickee says he called LE on December 18, PRIOR to anyone knowing she was missing?? It was changed as soon as I pointed that out.”

    I thought it said he called Monday…
    Still, B, we have the inexplicable conundrum of someone involved in this homicide purposefully put him name, age, etc. out there to the public?? Put himself on the scene???

    That is not behavior consistent with what someone freshly off a back-woods murder would do, imo.

    (B) “Why would LE interview her 5x? The only reason I know anyone would need to interview anyone 5x would be if they thought she was lying, or she could identify any of the men. Sister? Sister In Law?”

    I think they interviewed her in the course of whittling the influx of hundreds of witness accounts as they established the timeline. She was one of many; then she was one of a bout a hundred; then one of dozens, then asked to go over in her account in as much detail as possible…

    Why would she talk to the press if she was *more involved* – i.e. recognized the kids – than simply a credible observer (who inadvertently time-stamped her sighting by making a call around the time she saw MH)? She wouldn’t – she’d be “part of an ongoing investigation.
    Call = *COINICIDENCE,* I submit.

    (B) “It does jibe with the brief interchange with the BB players and them leaving and the whole she was walking “with people” but was not “with them.”"

    Wowwwww,B… interesting! Never thought of that…

    I think we have winner folks! Accountant Witness indeed saw MH, meaning that MH was with a group of young white men in black clothing in the RV lot up until at least 9:15.

  15. skyler says:

    >>Chad says:
    February 13, 2010 at 3:30 pm
    Sky: If you go to Morgans memorial, could you put a small flower on the bridge from me? I would love to go there someday. If they catch these guys, or person that caused Morgan death, I will come out to the trial.
    Doobies eh? I remember the Rasperries: I think I did the “pony” dance to their song “Go all the way!”
    LOL! You really are taken me back. What a hoot.<<<

    “…just hold me close … la la la”

    I am such a small-town girl — I was excited about that concert, which was at a college campus on the “you know your career’s in hell if you’re playing here” Tour — they had long hair and were so cute —

    I saw the Eagles last tour, w/ Joe Walsh as their newest member and some “unknown” guy named Jimmy Buffet who sang the Changes in Attitude, Changes in Latitude song…. I went w/ a guy name Brian, we had 3rd row seats — and I was so stoned, I kept asking him: when’s that guy gonna play — and he told me he already had …

    And I didn’t even smoke pot, was just in the coliseum in Richmond. People were freely passing joints along the rows, and one of the ushers took a hit and passed it to the next set of seats ….

    boy, was that a long time ago — I kept that Eagles ticket stub for years until I was getting ready to move to Montana before my house fire in ’05 and tossed it —

    Oh — wait, I’m wrong — I totally forgot — my FIRST concert was the Jackson 5, w/ Michael Jackson before his voice changed — OMG — he was incredible — I taped the concert and that tape burned in the house fire — : ( It was in the summer at the Hampon Coliseum. I rode the Greyhound bus to my friend’s house — gosh, what a different world …

    Of course, I will leave a flower for you — what kind ? I paint animals on rocks, I’m going to paint her beloved Crazy Dog and leave it — I’ll put BOC on the bottom — : (

  16. J2K says:

    B – follow-up (and an apolly for all the cringe-worthy typos… ugh!!)

    You proposed the following exchange between Kickee and Schooky (CPA Witness):

    “Possible scenario:..’You effing *****, you told me you were working ****, ‘CPA witness just told me she saw you leaving with some blonde.’ …”

    CPA was *with her husband*, I believe.

    (I can’t believe Kickee’s back for more abuse.)

    I know she was, she called her friend, perhaps that friend learned where kickee was and who he was with, which prompted the pansy-fied phone call to her about the “kicking”.
    With me?

  17. skyler says:

    Suz>>suz says:
    February 13, 2010 at 7:01 pm
    Why is everyone but me ruling out driving straight up the driveway on AF? Easy with your own car, your own ATV, Bass’ atv, etc.

    Suz, I’m w/ you — I think that’s exactly what happened ….

  18. anotherB says:

    This is exactly what I meant with “cover up” and “family secret”.

    How the Hell does that happen?

  19. Chad says:

    Clue or coincidence

    (slams buzzer)

    Alex aka J2K….Alex, I’ll take “boots for 500

    Who is DEE!


    Ding ding ding!

  20. Word Girl says:

    Maps by Jester at InSession message board show a path from a vacant farmhouse
    straight across a field to where Morgan was found. I think this would be the most
    direct route hunters would use to not disturb the Bass family.

    It’s found in post #4, the third photograph down where he circles “Farmhouse” and
    “Another Farmhouse.” (Later he corrects his “another farmhouse” label by saying he was getting tired and lazy. Great work, btw.)

    Jester does great work. Except it is not a farmhouse, It is a Big Storage Building.

  21. Chad says:


    I have always questioned myself, the Wild Wings scent that the dogs picked up, and the bridge sighting. Dee plays with my mind too much, and also, a tissue, paper cup, anything that morgan touched and blew in the wind for example could be picked up at another location. I dunno though.
    I know you were not asking me the question, but I just thought i would add my unsolicitated opinion.

    Blink : need first concert info.

    Ok, total lame ass and child of shelter I was. I was not allowed on a car date “yes that would mean a car driven by a boy” until I had my own driver license and knew how to change a tire on my own, with or without light ( thank you Daddy). I did not realize how hilarious that is until I just typed it out.

    Whitney Houston.

    Laugh it Up. GGGGFFFAAAWWWW all around :)

  22. J2K says:

    B, here’s where it notes that:

    “The (Richmond) mother of two… saw the young blonde. After she, her husband, and friend parked the car…”

    They could have been, coincidentally, meeting Kickee (who was from Fredericksburg, not Richmond) – but if they both encountered MH (and Kickee was hopping mad!), wouldn’t he have at least mentioned it in the course of the night and – lo! “We saw that girl crossing the street!! She kicked you?? I thought she looked drunk!” matched-up accounts. If they separately spoke with the press a few days later, I think this would have been mentioned as it makes the sightings more compelling and believable – and, if so stated, surely noted by The HooK reporter for the “Missing” piece (couldn’t ask for a better transition between accounts).

    I’m going to say the sighting relativity is not a coincidence – they both saw her, linked (until they read the published article) by “the kick” – which, for me, confirms they both saw her… one was just more believable to LE than the other – or, The Kickster never actually reported it/or his report was dismissed early down the line/lost in the shuffle (I am aware you were told, B, it was not reported, but that could be oversight – hundreds of tips were coming in at that point,)

    Also: if LE thought she was “lying” or wrong about whom she saw, they wouldn’t interview her 5x; she would have been dismissed. And if she thought she’d offered LE more than just her multi-faceted account, she wouldn’t have talked to the press, imo.

    I do not At All think either one is involved – But! I think they saw who may have been: The Dudes.

  23. skyler says:

    No snow in November, according to this site — it was hot in Nov. and mostly dry — there were days in the high 70′s and only a few nights in the 30′s around the 1st week in Nov., the rest of the month lows were above freezing — I have not looked for Dec. yet —

  24. J2K says:


    Chad! Your answer as too who was wearing the black boots crossing Massie in front of CPA’s car, DEE! is (likely) INNNNCooooorrect.

    Dee had foldy ankle boots – which, I’d be shocked if there was enough material to unroll over the knee, but certainly possible I guess – but, more importantly, Dee claimed to be inside for LOG, was allegedly caught on video (confirmed?) And this sighting would have been moments before Metallica went on at 9:10-ish (meaning she was in the lot when Metallica cam on. I submit: No. Way.)

    I think that CPA witness saw Morgan – why does the sighting strike you as false? I’m curious, because of all the prevailing witness-account scrutinies here over the months, I seem to be the only one who has doggedly clung to this one (4 dudes/RV lot) – though others have certainly noted it, and expressed interest in its veracity. And, as opposed to Granny and Paper Lady, it was never noted the CPA was discredited. Was she? Did I miss something…?

    Her sighting matches the time, the direction, the type of people she would feasibly be with (as opposed to Kickee) – her description even tangentially matches another witness’s description who allegedly encountered MH moments before (Kickee).


    In a sense, you have 2 witnesses seeing the same thing ( kicking) why are you believing only one when they are supporting each others account? IMO, it has to be ruled out.

  25. Chad says:

    Skyler: Thank you so much for doing that for me. I believe a lilly would be appropropiate, if you can get one this time of year. TIA.

    Suz: My Husband is an attorney. I know they always are thinking Law Suits, but this shooting could be blown wide open into some type of a law suit.
    My friend Lisa is a Scorpio. She prob she have been an attorney herself, as opposed to a Psych prof. I would not want to mess with her at all in this situation.
    WOW, I wonder if the University checked out her background at all prior to hiring her? I’m still in shock.

    I’m with ya on the driveway too. Easy access.

    I have literally studied this landscape all day. I respectfully have to disagree.

    They would not go to the lengths they did to put her where they did to risk getting caught.

    The good news is they did not plan on her being found.

    When she was, the ” I told you we should have..” Your an effing idiot if I go down you go down with me…” started. That leads to positioning and chatter leaks.

    I just have the sickening feeling that the indignity we are collectively feeling for her is going to get worse when there are arrests.

  26. J2K says:

    B, re: CPA witness, you commented:

    First, the post of mine you commented on was part 2 of a much longer post, wherein I answered the questions raised in your previous comment point-for-point? Why did this one come up and not that one? It offers the context here.
    Anyway! You commented:

    “I know she was, she called her friend, perhaps that friend learned where kickee was and who he was with, which prompted the pansy-fied phone call to her about the ‘kicking.’
    With me?~B”

    No I put my “Kick-Me” sign on and firmly declare: Our so-called Kickee was NOT involved, except in probably encountering MH when leaving the arena (and I do not think he’s connected to CPA-witness love triangle).

    His possible involvement flies in the face of all my sensibilities in regard to this case, unless you offer something that convinces me otherwise. From everything (read: the little bit) I’ve seen so far, nothing indicates him except him placing himself outside the arena entryway when she was and believing he witnessed her demeanor and was victim of her frustration (or being a jack-a–, who knows?)

    If he’d told the reporter: “She tried to grab my arm, and when i wouldn’t go with her, she kicked me! I was there by myself anyway, so I decided to leave – that’s how much she upset me. I just went home and went to bed.”

    Sure, hinky meter would creep upward. But no way she went anywhere with this guy – and being that he drew attention to himself, put his unknown girlfriend on the other end of his phone in the spotlight as well, mentioned friends coming to meet him and the city he was friend – *and his NAME*, I highly doubt he slunk away after MH, hopped in his car, found her again in the back RV lot area, attacked her with no one seeing or hearing,, and forcibly abducted, murdered and disposed of her in a remote location on a nearby private farm.

    Is this what’s being proposed…? Or am I not picking up what yer puttin’ down, B?

    Nope, we agree the age is wrong, but we are assuming he told the truth about it.

    Secondly, when I broached with VSP, they had no idea what I was talking about.

    That said, they could have followed up with it.

    Honestly, for me this has come down to proximity, access, and common denominator.

  27. susanm says:

    suz i am not completly ruling that out,but they would have to know bass was out of town.

  28. awa says:

    chad! i am in for something up with the boots.
    did y’all happen to see the brutal beating of the girl outside a nightclub with security just standing by while one girl just kicked another in the head. the guards said they were unable to intervene, but could call the police. gave me goosebumps. i very much imagine the same thing happening with morgan. and, until i hear definitively something different i wonder who all really went ‘home’ after the concert and who all stayed around and partied together??? and, sky! i think blink said that morgan used her card after 9:30 pm… there are too many coincidences for there not to be some glaring clues. where is mom3.0 when you need her to put all our ducks in a row?
    some of the people with whom morgan associated seem to have no conscience or scruples. i think more than morgan being murdered that night went on…. starting with the overlapping friendships in the parking lot before the show… some things just seem to be too convenient to ring true

  29. J2K says:

    [head hits keyboard

    *Please* disregard the unintelligible first 'graph of my previous comment, B.

    In my defense - if you can hear me over the background noise - is that my boyfriend's band is practicing within a room of me for a show they're playing tonight. Men, horns, base, drums, keyboard, singing coming through an amp is not conducive to coherent thoughts. Sorry.

  30. total amateur says:

    Can anyone confirm that kickee actually called the police BEFORE any stranger could have known Morgan was missing? Where did that potentially HUGE bit of info come from?

    Has kickee ever been identified?
    I remember reading that he was a 44year old? is that right?

    Then I remember people talking about a 44year old RSO?
    Same person or speculation?

    Accountant- anyone know her identity/age? I got the impression she was “older”- at least married, kid..etc.

    Seems like if his identity is KNOWN, then a link between him and the “accountant” could easily be confirmed/dismissed.

    I have a hard time thinking the two are working together for the simple fact that it is ALOT of talking to reporters/LE when they didnt have to.

    I COULD, however, believe that somebody with a guilty conscience would be dumb enough to call the police a day early. Especially if he was scared that someone saw him… like Grandma? IDK, just thinking out loud.

  31. juliemooly says:

    J2K: you wrote on the previous page “If the party responsible for Morgan’s death and placement on AF entered the farm property from Red Hill Road – and we know he/they did – they certainly passed up a vast, flat, dark mass of private land to their west anchored far from the main road by a long-vacant, unfinished home.” Are you saying that it is confirmed he/they entered from Red Hill Road, or are you hypothetically saying that for that particular scenario you outlined? Cuz I thought I had read everything recent on BOC, but I didn’t know it had been confirmed which way the bad guy(s) entered onto Anchorage Farm.

    Until we found out the Basses were out of town the weekend of 10/17/09 I believed the most likely point of entry to Morgan’s final resting place would have been from the treeline leading towards Blandemar and that green-roofed building. However, I can see that it’s equally accessible via the Bass’ main house at the end of Anchorage Farm Rd. I would not want to be Mr. and Mrs. Bass, knowing at least one killer had been on my property, and, if the killer(s) worked in some capacity for me, possibly had access to my outbuildings or even my home.

    mike you asked “Did this “river” have water of any depth in it in late Oct?” I know that we had a very dry summer, and the drizzly rain we had the day Morgan disappeared was the first in a while. That river, more like a creek, would have been low. I doubt it was completely dry, but we’ve been in a multi-year drought (that hopefully has been remedied by all this d&^n snow).

  32. Morgan's Dad says:

    Morgan’s body has been returned to Roanoke. Gil and I had the privlege and honor of seeing and holding her for the last time. I cannot tell you how angry I am that someone could have murdered this beautiful young woman.

    As we bring closure to this part of our family tragedy, we will continue to seek justice for her death. We also will continue to find ways to make Morgan’s life remembered and her death not be in vain.

    Gil, Alex and I are so appreciative of your continued support and help in finding Morgan’s killer(s).

    Dan, Gil and Alex Harrington

    Dr. Harrington-

    I don’t have words. I would not presume to think I could provide comfort to you and your family with something I click on a keyboard.

    What I can do for Morgan, and for you Gil and Alex, is continue the work here until the very dangerous people that took the life of your shiny Morgan are apprehended and brought to justice. And they will be.

    Your words both paralyze and energize me. The rest of what I wish to say I will do so privately.

    We got this, Dr. H.


  33. total amateur says:

    I’d really like to know what the BB players had to say.
    If they were leaving practice (I thought thats what was reported), they would be sober and alert.

    I still believe Grandma.

    Another scenario-
    Morgan runs into someone she “sort of” knows. Kickee- maybe. Maybe his “friends” show up. Follows them to the RV lot. Accountant sees this, and then the same group around a vehicle. Somebody slips Morgan a “tainted” drink. She begins to feel the effects… suspects something and tries to get away to the nearest place, the bridge. A scary scenario that may be what made her desperate enough to hitch hike. She knows she’s in trouble. One of the perps follows her, tries to corrale her. She fights back..Grandma sighting. Perp sees Grandma, has to let her head back toward the arena, but trails behind. Perp sees Grandma leave. Drug is now taking over- Morgan is easily taken.

    Kickee has to place a call and cover his ass- because he knows people saw him interact with her.

    Ofcourse, this is all null and void if Morgan used the debit card herself.

  34. suz says:

    SusanM, I’m not sure he’d necessarily have to know Bass was out of town in order to sneak onto the property—if for instance he knows that Bass goes to bed early every night, or that it’s really easy to sneak onto the farm at night if you drive slowly with you headlights off your until you pass the house and get up over the hill—something like that.

    BUT…I do think that gossip like who’s going out of town and for how long spreads with surprising efficiency along the local grapevine, so if one person knew he was out of town, others did, too.

  35. bluewillow says:

    The empty shark eyes… yes, I have seen those, in the eyes of a foster son who had reactive attachment disorder. From my study and training trying to help this boy, I came to believe that is how many, if not most, of the sociopaths & psychopaths among us begin. I always look for that look when they are showing a perpetrator on tv. Sometimes I can recognize it immediately. It’s a chilling look. And let me tell you, it’s disconcerting to see it on a child.

  36. J2K says:

    B -
    (still missing comments, but moving on…)

    Even *if* Kickee made up the whole thing (despite being tied by “the kick” to another witness’s independent account), all that means is he’s an attention-junkie who lies. Personally, I think he twisted the alleged encounter to the press. I still stand firm he reached out and touched MH’s arm when she wobbled by him, and she was so pissed she kicked him and told him where to stick it… before humorously recounting same for 4 dudes.

    That said, I’ve read a number of witness accounts on the blogs that were supposedly “taken” and summarily dismissed/not followed up on by LE. I’m sure they don’t recall every one. Or, again – he lied- but in my book, that’ the worst he did. (Well that and being a total whipped pansy.)

    You noted:
    “Honestly, for me this has come down to proximity, access, and common denominator.~B”

    Proximity: With dudes in RV lot minutes before she disappeared.

    Access: Same.

    Common Denominator: Young peeps in black, music fans, “partying,” outside of Metallica show as it began; both parties (MH/Dudes) starting off Saturday night together (No one that age does anything before 10 p.m.)

    With me?

    Nope, we agree the age is wrong, but we are assuming he told the truth about it.

    Secondly, when I broached with VSP, they had no idea what I was talking about.

    That said, they could have followed up with it.

    Honestly, for me this has come down to proximity, access, and common denominator

  37. anotherB says:

    As for the police time line, I firmly believe that all the information they released is true. It is just fragmentary. They don’t tell us everything they know. Thus – I believe Morgan was inside of the arena. She also was outside in the parking lot, and all the witness accounts from this area actually refer to Morgan. Eyewitness accounts can be incredibly inaccurate, (just try it out yourself, it is very difficult). And I fully agree J2K, the witness was wrong about the boots, maybe because of the poor lighting and the dark tights. And since she did, as you state, judge Morgan’s conduct, her visual perception may, in a moment of doubt, have opted for the over the knee boots since they are in common belief associated with morally questionable behaviour ;-)

    The phone call of this specific witness is probably coincidental. The “kickee” on the other hand had a reason. To me, it appears that there were two things he was afraid of, the reaction of his girlfriend, should she find out (that is why he called her immediately), and of the police. Thus he hastened to add that he (a) had a girlfriend and (b) was there with friends. So he doesn’t fit the stereotype of a rapist, and he has an alibi.

    Now, looking at the evidence they released, the police want to know what Morgan did from the moment she left the arena, to the time she got into a car on the bridge. To my knowledge, please correct me if this is not the case, all other information was reported by the press. This does not necessarily mean it is not true, it is just that this is not the part of the story police need information on. Maybe they already know. Maybe they have surveillance videos. Or maybe they know it couldn’t have been the case.

    It is not in their interest to inform the public about all they know, because then the bad guy would know as well ;-)

    To me, the appeal for information on Anchorage Farm suggests that they need additional information on this very topic, and they need in now. Depending on what exactly they are doing, the DNA analysis can take a few weeks. They probably have a suspect, but mustn’t dismiss any other possible scenarios until they have solid evidence that can be used in court. They are probably keeping a close eye on him, and in a rural area they won’t be able to keep this under cover for a long time. If this comes out, and it is later found that they don’t have enough evidence for an arrest, they could get in trouble for this.

    Please read this with a pinch of salt, just my impression…..

  38. bonbon says:

    This may be a really stupid question BUT: can LE monitor who reads the various MH forums whether they post or not?

  39. Georgie says:

    Still following closely, you guys are doing an amazing job regarding links, wealth of info on here. I have nothing new to add, just that the hubby and I were talking politics the other day, and he mentioned an 80′s song by Lords of the New Church called “Open Your Eyes”. Natch, given our too infrequent guest who goes by that moniker, I checked out the vid and remembered the song. Here are the lyrics:

    “Open Your Eyes” (Bator/James)

    Video games train the kids for war.
    Army chic in high fashion stores.
    Law and order’s done their job
    Prisons filled while the rich still rob.
    Assassination politics
    Violence rules within our nation’s midst.
    Well ignorance is their power tool.
    You’ll only know what they want you to know.
    The television cannot lie
    Controlling media with smokescreen eyes.
    Nuclear politicians picture show
    The acting’s lousy but the blind don’t know.
    They scare us all with threats of war
    So we forget just how bad things are.
    You taste the fear when you’re all alone.
    They gonna gitcha when you’re on your own.
    The silence of conspiracy
    Slaughtered on the alter of apathy
    You gotta wake up from your sleep.
    “Cause meek inherits earth…six feet deep.

    Open your eyes, see the lies right in front of you.
    Open your eyes, see the lies right in front of you.
    Open your eyes…

    Sounds about right Georgie.

  40. Swiss Miss says:

    Something interesting from Websleuths I wanted to bring over and add to for everyone. Mrs. Blanka Rosenstiel, who owns Blandemar Farm (in part or in whole) and lives for part of the year at 1604 Blandemar Farm Drive is the Hon. Consul to the Republic of Poland. She’s the widow of Lewis S. Rosenstiel, former Chairman of Schenley Industries. Among her endeavors was the establishment of the Kosciusko Chair of Polish Studies at UVA. I don’t know if she and her late husband had any children.

    Thanks Swiss, I was holding some posts on her I will now release.
    She does have a son I believe, and they spend the bulk of the Winter in Florida.

  41. suz says:

    Total Amateur, could be. I have never had the slightest inkling that kickee was or is involved in any way, and still don’t, but that’s just a gut feeling.

    Granny’s story, though, was reportedly “discredited” early on (meaning something came along to either explain what she had seen, or the timing was off, or something)—that is IF we believe what we read in The Hook. Lots of the reporting is off in this case (not just in the hook but all over) so godnoze what the real story is.

    But let’s say granny is right on. Your ‘someone slipped her a mickey’ scenario occurs in the parking lot. How and why do you have her leaving the arena in the first place? That’s still such a mystery to me. Or do you think it’s irrelevant?

  42. J2K says:

    From CNN Transcripts
    First, this one goes out to all the skeptics that MH even arrived at the show; I’ve been meaning to note this days: The Necklace.

    The necklace is how we know she was there. It was used to vet witnesses. We only know about it and what it looks at because LE released the info eventually. It was a unique, unknown detail provided to LE by friends with her/The Hs, and they knew there was a high probability that a potential witness saw her and not someone else if they offered or recalled the detail.

    And, sure enough, it *appears* it was indeed found on her, per total amateur’s clip from Nancy Grace (1/26/10)
    “… GRACE: OK. Stacey Newman, it`s my understanding that a Swarovski crystal necklace was found on the skeleton. Is that similar to the one that Morgan had?

    NEWMAN: Yes, it was. And of course, that is the report that we`re hearing, that she did have on some sort of Swarovski crystal necklace with some kind of, like, a linked chain on it, as you`re seeing in this photo that we`re showing you now. …”

    Gypsy DD -re: 1920 Red Hill Road
    I’m with ya. the coincidence of its access and proximity (B!) could very well be a clue.

    You said:
    “… Sounds like LE was talking to a few very specific persons in the 6 points. So they wanted to know what locals knew about the property and land out that way..maybe vacant properties that had been broken into, abandoned sheds and barns or houses not yet finished. Something they might of just noticed and had never reported to LE. …
    So about 10 percent of houses are vacant in the area per someone’s occupancy link. Location, location, location was for realtors and property management companies who might be trying to sell some of these vacant properties. They have showings and might notice if anything … looked disturbed in anyway.”

    Very intriguing deduction, Gyspy. I was rolling that one around my head, too.

    Also, as far as the bikers who pass that site, it may be hoped by LE that they may recall – once prompted – seeing a vehicle on the vacant site or near the house, and had no reason to think anything of it – except being unusual – before being asked about observations on their exact route that weekend by LE. Since many were biking in another area for the (creepily named) Paranormal race, as B noted, LE may have determined a returning caravan passed the site around 11 – their target area of crime-time(?)

    You of all people are going to source a NG reporter?

    Necklace was NOT, repeat, NOT found on her neck.

  43. mary says:

    I have never doubted the bookkeeper sighting but I have always assumed the guys were other concertgoers who had left before Metallica for whatever reason. But then I asked myself, who else might be dressed all in black and parked in a lot where the only other cars were those of basketball players leaving practice?

    >>Quote from bookkeeper: “I thought, ‘That girl should have no business going off with those guys, walking into an empty parking lot when the concert is getting ready to start.” as reported in The Hook.<<

    I don’t know, I answered myself, maybe people who had been at the basketball practice or guys who had worked the beginning of the show in a security or safety capacity? Someone wearing a uniform that was black? Someone who was not LE per se, as I feel strongly Morgan wanted to avoid an encounter with the police, just wanted a ride with someone “safe”.

    In looking at aerial maps and photographs of the RV lot, I have always felt that Morgan walked into that lot deliberately. That’s where these guys were parked and they had offered her a ride (my speculation only). I first felt this way about the basketball players, but since they are not involved, the other group she was seen with has come into the spotlight. IMO if you find out who that group is, you’ll find the connection to Anchorage Farm.

    I have never been able to figure out the hitchhiking on the bridge though. I’m not sure I believe it either.

    Who was at the basketball practice that night? It was a midnight madness event, right? One of the first full practices or something like that. Were there trainers there who may have dressed in black? Was the vehicle they were gathered around some type of EMT or FD vehicle? Hopefully the CPA’s memory about that is better than about Morgan’s boots.

    BTW, MsL, I watched part of the Virginia-NC State game the other night and wondered if you were in the crowd. The other day I said to myself (I do a lot of that – remember my name used to be mary/marytoo)you really ought to send an apology and a money order to Jamil but then I answered myself, “you nitwit, you don’t want to cause him any more trouble. He’s still eligible to play at some point”.

    Chad, I hope all the comments here have given you and your friends comfort. We all know there is evil in the world, but having participated in BOC, I truly believe that there’s more good.

    Find out who that group was, and you’ll find the connection to Anchorage Farm. I think the work you’re doing on the real estate will be key in making that connection.

  44. Swiss Miss says:

    Checking links to some of the individuals discussed here and found on WT’s Facebook wall posted at 3:41 pm yesterday the following statement: “Just found out some really neat information about the “Morris” & “Townsend” heritage he has.” I don’t know if it’s a stab at all the genealogy being done in relation to Morgan or if there was another reason. He didn’t elaborate.

  45. mary says:

    I hope it’s understood I meant the work ALL of you are doing on the real estate will be key. It is absolutely brilliant work from all of you.

  46. lizzy says:

    Addendum to my as-yet-unmoderated 6:47 p.m. comment.

    I questioned where it was reported that the CPA-type called a friend about seeing the blonde with 4 guys. So I went back myself and re-read the reports, because I thought something like that would have caught my attention.

    What the Hook says is “The witness estimates the time at 9:05pm since she placed a phone call to a friend a minute later while still on Massie Road.” This relieved my hinky meter instead of raising it. Without it, I would have wondered what made her so sure of the time. But she knew the time because she had a call to a friend in the log on her phone, which she knew she made while still on Massie Road. So when I read it, I didn’t think it meant she called ABOUT the blonde.

    But I do now see what you mean about the coincidence of kickee waiting for his 3 late friends, and this group of 3 arriving at that time.

    It all kind of depends on whether you read the call as related to the blonde, or just as a coincidental way to tie down the time, doesn’t it?

  47. suz says:

    Hey, NYCdude and my other Queens peeps, you’ll recognize the name on that Chair — same as on the Kosciusko bridge!

    Oh, man, I hate to see a fellow Pole get dragged into the mix. But, proximity and access could be there…

  48. Christy S says:

    J2K re your:
    February 12, 2010 at 8:44 pm post

    Sorry I threw that info out there without any comments. Family obligations took me away from my computer longer than I’d like. I find that to just keep up with all of you I have to read here twice a day, quickly at lunch time and then more thoroughly and do research after the kiddies are in bed. So I am in awe of all of you that post frequently. Also I appreciate all the time the lurkers are putting into reading and keeping up. I cannot even begin to imagine Blink and her team’s grueling schedule, having to read all of this and moderate plus read all the stuff that never gets posted plus do her own research plus referee. If caring was all it took we’d be done here a long time ago!

    I think it’s a clue.
    If we follow the rich kid theory it would be someone that lives in Blandemare. Kids explore the woods near them usually so they would know the area. If anyone would have the resources to keep them out of trouble/ jail it would be some of the affluent families that live there. I’ve been looking into some of them and in all fairness I can’t find anything suspicious really but it doesn’t mean it’s not there. I’m imagining 2 young adults from that area with a spotless record that their parents worked hard to keep that way. They may have been in trouble a lot but their parents took care of things for them, maybe even glossed it over as typical boy stuff and moved on with their busy lives. Especially if they drove her over in a ATV (as Blink mentioned a possibility) it would have had to have been close by and theirs otherwise someone would have noticed.
    I wonder if there are any stolen vehicles reports for that night or next morning in that area?

  49. anotherB says:

    Re: Blink’s comment from February 13, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    “Secondly, when I broached with VSP, they had no idea what I was talking about.”

    Again to me this suggests that they were looking at a completely different set of witness accounts. The “kickee” was probably secondary in their view, and they dealt with it back in October. They already knew about this part of the story, and this was not the interesting bit. They have much stronger evidence.

  50. J2K says:

    You of all people are going to source a NG reporter?
    Necklace was NOT, repeat, NOT found on her neck.

    I most certainly did not. Total amatuer clipped it and brought it over, and all I said was, according to that interview/account it appears so… I even asterisked for emphasis that term to make that point clear.

    “And, sure enough, it *appears* it was indeed found on her, per total amateur’s clip from Nancy Grace (1/26/10)…”

    And – anyway – my main point was not the status of the necklace. My main point was that *the necklace* is the link some here were looking for that she was there.

    If the perp took the necklace, it’s still at the crime scene, it came off in a struggle and was picked up by a passerby who kept it/y the perps after the fact – we have no way of knowing until it’s found. I don’t think it indicates the crime was more personal, because as I just noted, there are way to many variable in its regard – just pointing out its significance to people placing her at the JPJ.


    Also, I hate to be this poster and will probably get the proverbial newspaper-to-nose for being nagging about The Process (usually not my style), but my main thoughts needing input today were strung throughout three recent posts I took a good deal of time putting together:
    #2 to mosaic and sky; #13 to Chad; and # 22 to you.

    They are still awaiting moderation quite some time later, and after others posters’ comments have been posted and responded to by you.

    If they’re being held for a reason, okay, but I feel as though I’m being completely left out of the conversation. Frustrating – as I spent time on them and was eager for responses.

    Ah well, I have to head out anyway – I’ll see you later.

    God speed, B & Blinkers!


    Don’t want you to feel left out, not holding. Volume issue.
    Maybe I need another mutinous exodus.

    Kidding. Sort of.

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