Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Swiss Miss says:

    Swiss Miss says:
    February 13, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    Something interesting from Websleuths I wanted to bring over and add to for everyone. Mrs. Blanka Rosenstiel, who owns Blandemar Farm (in part or in whole) and lives for part of the year at 1604 Blandemar Farm Drive is the Hon. Consul to the Republic of Poland. She’s the widow of Lewis S. Rosenstiel, former Chairman of Schenley Industries. Among her endeavors was the establishment of the Kosciusko Chair of Polish Studies at UVA. I don’t know if she and her late husband had any children.

    Thanks Swiss, I was holding some posts on her I will now release.
    She does have a son I believe, and they spend the bulk of the Winter in Florida.
    If she has a son, it must be from a prior marriage. When she married Lewis Rosenstiel, she was 32, he was 72…although anything’s possible, including fathering a child in old age! (

  2. Observer says:

    TO: Chad: First and foremost, I will keep you, your friend, and your friend’s family in my prayers. Please reach out here anytime you need to. You have an army of loyal and willing supporters who are here for you during this difficult time, and are at this moment storming the heavens with prayers for you, and for the family.

    Second, re: a trial…My take is this: as much as we might prefer otherwise, I don’t believe that this will ever go to trial. The BG is going to plea out–even if at the 11th hour (as often happens). Even if he did/does go to trial, it will be far, far away from here, as a motion for change of venue will be a given.

    Unrelated: Following is a complete re-post of J2K’s 2/12, 7:23pm post, re: the Richmond bookkeeper’s accounting of what she observed the evening of October 17, 2009. I’m re-posting this in its entirety because I think J2K offers an outstanding explanation of this accounting, point-by-point, and I’m in complete agreement with each of her apt assessments. I strongly believe that the bookkeeper did, in fact, see Morgan that evening, just as she described.

    “B…re: accountant witness/Dude Quartet
    Your comments on the witness’s account:
    “That reads “high heeled boots”, and goes on to say the boots were over the knee as the reference.
    Morgan’s boots were lace up front with a chunky low heel as per her Mother. Think a femme version of Doc Martin’s. Ya know, this has been nagging me. Clue or Coincidence I ask..”

    [J2K]: Neither. I think she mis-remembered them. Think about it: dark, people walking in front of her car waiting to turn in the lot from Massie; she’s fumbling for her phone to call friend as she spots them – she may have seen the group for 10 seconds. MH had black tights on. Witness could have easily thought they were over the knee – which would be uncomfy for walking (usually only seem them in clubs, on the Red Carpet, or – presumably – in Red Lights Districts, so I think she was wrong in her description. Yes.

    (B) “Witness sees blonde with 4 guys. She makes a phone call to a friend.
    Question: What would prompt that? Driving late to a concert, she sees a blonde with 4 men and picks up the phone. Did she K N O W them?”

    [J2K]: No. Unrelated. She only mentioned the call to back up her claim of knowing the exact time that she saw MH and the 4 dudes.

    (B) “Witness says MEN are laughing as blonde makes kicking gesture.
    Question: Is she verifying a kick from Morgan and a person’s comedic response to it for any specific reason?”

    [J2K]: I believe MH was describing “Kickee” incident with full-effect. She was *judging* this young, pretty girl with four dudes leaving a concert-in-progress to head for the emptying lot “…no business being with those guys…”) But then she saw the joking “kick,” laughter – everyone seems to be having a good time- and pulled into the UHall lot (speculation) letting it leave her mind until she saw them all again in the RV lot a few minutes later as she locked up her car w/ husband and started to head to arena. (Again judging they were “partying”)

    (B) “Doesn’t this match the amount of dudes the 44 year old allegedly from Fredericksburg, also late, waiting for his friends at the ticket Window? The Arm crooking Kickee who then calls his gf. Did he call her, or did she call him?”

    [J2K]: I don’t think so. He just said “friends” – no number- and the accountant witness clearly noted “young” people in black walking away from arena across Massie and UHall lot; Kickee was crying to his girlfriend closer to the entryway.

    (B) “Possible scenario:..’You effing *****, you told me you were working ****, ‘CPA witness just told me she saw you leaving with some blonde.’
    “Kickee: Schnucky- The biotch kicked me when I would not hook her up. I saw CPA witness, I was not trying to hide anything from you. I am out with the boys. Chill.
    “CPA Witness: Sees her again hanging with them in the lot. Why is she watching her? Or is she watching someone else?
    “Conclusion, Clue or Coincidence:
    Were the accounts of the Kickee and the CPA witness corroborated?”

    [J2K]: B, I really don’t think Kickee’s related to this crime – too old (i.e. doesn’t fit age demo), allegedly had a wife and friends. I still think he offered help and she loudly and rudely (bc she was irrational/upset about lock-out) dismissed him, then mocked him to 4 dudes (away from ear-shot, I’m sure).

    As far as corroborated, I think being interviewed half-a-dozen times indicates such; no way of *me* knowing, but… B? Maybe your buddy Geller knows? (*wink* *nudge*)

    Kickee was not corroborated- but who would offer a phony story to the press that makes them look like a prick?

    (B) “Recall I pointed out the original quote from the kickee says he called LE on December 18, PRIOR to anyone knowing she was missing?? It was changed as soon as I pointed that out.”

    [J2K]: I thought it said he called Monday…[Observer insert here: Kickee originally mis-stated the date, but (most importantly) not the day, that he contacted LE. This date error was later corrected.] Still, B, we have the inexplicable conundrum of someone involved in this homicide purposefully put him name, age, etc. out there to the public?? Put himself on the scene???

    That is not behavior consistent with what someone freshly off a back-woods murder would do, imo. [Observer insert here: Precisely, J2K.]

    (B) “Why would LE interview her 5x? The only reason I know anyone would need to interview anyone 5x would be if they thought she was lying, or she could identify any of the men. Sister? Sister In Law?”

    [J2K]: I think they interviewed her in the course of whittling the influx of hundreds of witness accounts as they established the timeline. She was one of many; then she was one of a bout a hundred; then one of dozens, then asked to go over in her account in as much detail as possible…
    Why would she talk to the press if she was *more involved* – i.e. recognized the kids – than simply a credible observer (who inadvertently time-stamped her sighting by making a call around the time she saw MH)? She wouldn’t – she’d be “part of an ongoing investigation.

    Call = *COINICIDENCE,* I submit.

    (B) “It does jibe with the brief interchange with the BB players and them leaving and the whole she was walking “with people” but was not “with them.””

    [J2K]: Wowwwww,B…interesting! Never thought of that…
    I think we have winner folks! Accountant Witness indeed saw MH, meaning that MH was with a group of young white men in black clothing in the RV lot up until at least 9:15.

    [Observer here: In lieu of re-posting the two posts that followed from J2K on this same issue, I refer readers back to them: 7:43pm and 8:21pm. IMO J2K is on the money here; hands-down; ain’tnodoubtaboutit.]

    Bottom lines (for me, at least):
    1. Neither the bookkeeper nor the kickee were complicit in Morgan’s murder.
    2. The bookkeeper and the kickee did not know each other.
    3. The bookkeeper’s report of the men allegedly with Morgan is exTREMEly important. Her report of these four young, white, black-clad men is, I believe, a critical data point.

    Ok. So I am at 50% with you. lol
    Agreed it I am placing my cheese, it is there.

  3. total amateur says:


    All these “scenarios” aside, I have no idea why Morgan went outside. It sounds like she was drinking, maybe fell or got knocked down. Probably went out for air, or to make a call. The call may have had NOTHING to do with her abduction. Otherwise, LE already has their man. I dont think she went out specifically to meet someone, because its pretty well known she tried to get back in. After her failed attempts to get back in, she may have ran into an “acquaintance” who was heading somewhere else to do some partying- hence the aloof phonecall to friends. I think she wandered down to the RV lot for a purpose… according to witnesses probably with a group of guys. They hang out down there… BB players see her, etc. etc. One of the guys gets fresh, Morgan rejects him.. grandma sighting. However, he convinces her to chill out.. says he’s sorry. It’s cool. She goes back and ends up leaving with them. They stop and she buys some party supplies. They head to a location… either AF, or an unfinished basement. Party commences. She ends up really drunk, guy tries again. Gets rejected… maybe Morgan is harsher this time, embarrasses him.. he becomes violent. Or, maybe rejected guy drugs her. Either way at this point he’s out of control. She was likely beaten and assaulted. No turning back. She knows who he is. He’s not going back to jail.

    I think that my *rookie cheese* is with a musical connection. Maybe not, as Blink said, a “band member”… but someone who frequents this scene. Probably someone she crossed paths with at one of these small-time band gatherings. These gatherings ALWAYS involve underage drinking, drugs, and low-lifes. A bizarre mix of older “loser” types and young people who want to be cool. Great places for ex-cons to hang out, they arent supposed to be in bars. Anyone who has been 17-20 years old has been to them. I know I certainly did. Things EXACTLY like that. I live in the sticks… and as a kid thats what went on, and I’m sure its still the same today. You arent old enough to go to the bars… and these gatherings are the place to be. And as you all probably know, you come in contact with drug dealers… and some overall sketchy individuals.

    I honestly believe LE has to be getting close on this. The only way they’re not is if this was a complete stranger abduction- which I no longer believe.

    You are all really great people for trying to help put criminals behind bars, and advocate for families and victims. I wish I could help more, and sorry if my posts are mostly about stuff you guys already know, or have thought of. Its hard to research only whats online when you dont know the area, locals, or people involved. Although, this experience has AMAZED me at just how much you can dig up on the internet. I actually get really frustrated when I cant get answers or find stuff. I feel like I cant really “advance the conversation”, or come up with anything new… because if *I* find it-one of you guys already knew it. That said, I promise no more long, dragged out posts about possible scenarios, etc. They just take up space. I’m going to follow, read, research what I can- and if I happen to have some sort of epiphany thats worth while- I’ll post it. Thanks to all and keep up the good work to Blink and her contributors!!

  4. J2K says:

    Okay. Last comment, cuz I’m late, late – late for an important date…
    B, you pointed out:

    “In a sense, you have 2 witnesses seeing the same thing ( kicking) why are you believing only one when they are supporting each others account? IMO, it has to be ruled out.~B”

    I do not, for one, believe they are supporting one another’s accounts. I believe that it is a similarity between their accounts that gives them both added cache in their consistency in MH’s immediate post-arena actions (in describing to separate sightings within in minutes allegedly involving a kick).

    I *do not* believe one or the other – I *believe* LE believes one, and is either unaware of the other or, more likely, does not *care* about the other:

    The difference between the significance of the CPA’s account and Kickee is that CPA saw MH *with 4 men* leaving the lot – all inline with the timeline they eventually released. Kickee just said a girl looking like Morgan was pissed and aggressive and possibly accosted him in annoyance as she passed by.

    I don’t think he’s significant to the investigation; I think the CPA’s account was given some attention by LE – no way to know what panned out, but as far as I know, it has not been discredited.

    And, if MH was never hitching on Copeley – as some here believe, including you – then she stayed in the RV lot after the BB players allegedly left, and the four dudes may have been the second-to-last people she was seen with/by, as the other party (BB players) have essentially been dismissed by LE after their interviews (note – I did not say “cleared” – though I personally believe they have been).

    Still no suspicion, huh? I just don’t see how Kickee’s a more likely target than these guys, and why CPA is a witness on the same par (or colluding!) with him. Her 5 possibly-plus interviews give her credit, whereas he’s been ignored/looked over. His account was in the paper, and LE saw it. No cheese.

    Also, in regard to -
    “Don’t want you to feel left out, not holding. Volume issue.~B”

    I was/am confused, because minor posts I’d written *after* them have been published and commented on. Thought things were in order of submission on your end, but maybe not. Sorry.

    “Maybe I need another mutinous exodus.
    Kidding. Sort of.~B”

    Is that a hint…? (Wow.) Cuz I’m sure my bosses and boyfriend would love for me to march away from here in mutiny. Say the word dear leader, and increase my non-MH-related activity by about 100 percent.

    It’s Official. It must be me.

    I was referring to the fact that posts that are longer, and require a response, I review last.
    I respect the fact that someone would take the time to review data, and provide data to support their own opinion or contribution to the discussion. I feel it is incumbent upon me to do so.

    I need to do that for server reasons. I am outgrowing these jeans by the hour it seems.

    So we have a sister in Nascar tommorrow I hear? Cool.


  5. Teri says:

    Blink – You said you never believed the bridge sighting.

    Didn’t the scent dogs hit on the Bridge??

  6. juliemooly says:

    Blink, I forgot to answer you when you asked if I was sure about the snow date. It was December. It was the week before Christmas; we got 2 feet of it. If any flakes fell in November, and I am pretty sure they didn’t, it wasn’t more than a dusting.


  7. J2K says:

    Observer -

    Thank you, dear friend [wipes single tear] – I was starting to feel like I was in an unsettling dream: yelling to people what I saw, and that they should care… and them walking and talking around me like I wasn’t even there.

    Hyperbole yes, and many others have noted their possible presence as well, but (with mascara wand in one hand, car keys in the other, socks in mouth, and phone ringing courtesy of my BF wondering where I am), I just wanted to curtsy to both B and Observer for at least agreeing that it’s feasible the Dude Quartet plays into this night and MH’s destination more than previously discussed.

    Take the socks out of your mouth while driving :)



  8. Mom3.0 says:

    awa, thanks for the confidence but, man I don’t know where to start with the ducks-ya know?

    Here is the full quotes from these 2 witnesses. – I would love to know what kind of vehicle they were gathered around in the rv lot. ..
    Says kickee was from Fredrickburg…

    Another concert-goer claims he was outside the building, waiting for late-arriving friends to meet him around 9 PM when he heard a “commotion” outside one of the venue’s entrances.

    “It was some shouting,” the man, who asked not to be identified, says. Moments later, the young woman, who matched Harrington’s description, approached him, and put her arm out, bent, as though to invite him to link his arm with her. She said to him, “‘Let’s go.’ It seemed somewhat aggressive.” The eyewitness says Harrington’s behavior seemed “unusual” and when he told her he had to stay and wait for his friends, he claims the woman cursed at him and kicked him.

    “It wasn’t that hard,” he says of the kick, but it was disturbing enough that he immediately called his girlfriend to relate the encounter. “She told me I should call the police and report her. Now I wish I had.” He reported the matter to police as soon as he learned of the disappearance.

    Another witness claims seeing a woman resembling Harrington walking across the street with several companions, and that she was “wobbly.” She was allegedly walking with four white men away from the venue. The men, according to the witness, were allegedly laughing. “I thought, ‘That girl should have no business going off with those guys, walking into an empty parking lot when the concert is getting ready to start,’” the witness said. The girl did not seem distressed and was even joking with the men, the witness added.

    She was later spotted by eyewitnesses in an overflow parking lot, with the men, the same place Harrington’s purse and cell phone were found. Sources claims members of University of Virginia’s men’s basketball team were among the last to see Harrington in the parking area before she was seen thumbing for a ride on the bridge.

    Outside the Arena, another concertgoer says, he was on the southeast side of the building waiting for late-arriving friends to meet him around 9pm when he heard a “commotion” at an entrance.

    “It was some shouting,” says the 44-year-old man who’d traveled from Fredericksburg to Charlottesville and who asked not to be identified because of the high profile nature of the case. Moments after the shouting stopped, he says that a young woman with long blond hair and dressed all in black— including, he says, a black Pantera t-shirt like the one Morgan was reportedly wearing— approached him, put her arm out, bent, as though to walk arm in arm with him, and said, “Let’s go.”

    “It seemed somewhat aggressive,” he says.

    Waiting for his friends and concerned that her behavior seemed “unusual,” he says, he declined and turned to walk away. The young woman responded, he says, by cursing at him and kicking him.

    “It wasn’t that hard,” he says of the kick, but it was disturbing enough that he immediately called his girlfriend to relate the encounter.

    “She told me I should call the police and report her,” he says. “Now I wish I had.” The concertgoer, who now believes the commotion he heard was Morgan being denied re-entry to the Arena, says he reported the encounter to police on Monday, October 19, when he learned of the disappearance. Police have confirmed that Morgan ended up outside the Arena sometime around 8:20pm and made multiple attempts to re-enter. Security at the 16,000-seat facility is outsourced to RMC Events, a Richmond-based firm with a Charlottesville office. Company President Dan Schmitt has declined comment, referring questions to Arena management, who have also declined comment.

    Minutes after the concertgoer’s encounter, another witness says, a woman resembling Morgan was walking across the street with several companions.

    “It was right about 9pm when we were driving down Massie Road with JPJ to left,” says a Richmond bookkeeper/musician whose late arrival prevented her from hearing opening acts Gojira and Lamb of God— but got her there in time to spot a “wobbly” blonde woman step in front of the car.

    With the blonde were four young, white men— a conspicuous group, says the witness, because of the direction they were headed: away from the Arena.

    In addition to a black miniskirt, tights, and a black shirt, the young blonde was wearing distinctive high-heeled boots, says the witness, a mother of two who spoke on condition of anonymity over concern for getting “pulled into the fray.”

    Until now, the missing woman’s boots have been described as “knee high,” but this witness insists they were “over the knee.” (Through a spokesperson with the Harrington’s recently hired PR firm, Gil Harrington says the boots she saw Morgan try on prior to the concert were not above the knee.)

    The men, says the witness, were allegedly laughing.

    “I thought, ‘That girl should have no business going off with those guys, walking into an empty parking lot when the concert is getting ready to start.”

    The blonde, however, did not allegedly seem distressed and even, seemingly as a joke, shook one leg at the men, also clad in black. The witness estimates the time at 9:05pm since she placed a phone call to a friend a minute later while still on Massie Road.

    It wasn’t the last time the Richmond woman saw the young blonde. After she, her husband, and friend parked near U-Hall, she says, she saw the same group of five gathered around a vehicle in the RV Lot, or Lannigan Field overflow parking lot— the spot where Morgan’s purse and phone were found and one of the last places police have officially placed her.

    “I figured, ‘They’re going to party before they go into JPJ,” says the woman, who estimates the RV Lot sighting as 9:15pm. When she learned about the disappearance on Monday, October 19, she says, she immediately relayed her information to police, who have interviewed her as many as five times in the past three weeks.

  9. total amateur says:

    I’ve been WAITING for someone to bring up the Nancy Grace thing. I had never heard that the necklace was on the body- here or anywhere else. Blink seems confident that it was an inaccurate report. Like she said, you have to take NG with a large side of salt. LOL.

    I hope nobody is mad at me for posting that: I clipped it verbatim from CNN transcripts- and had no way of knowing it’s validity, just like any other report or rumor that gets posted. I think I even wrote “not that Nancy Grace is an official source” as a disclaimer. ;)

    Blink, thanks for clearing that up, because I was wondering too.

  10. Christy S says:

    On the MLS listing it states the house faces north. And Blink, you are right, the house doesn’t match the plans they are showing although the square footage may be right.
    My guess is that the owners got in way over their heads and they want to be done with this. Maybe they were building it for themselves and something in their finances changed. The house must have just finished although they listed it 146 days ago since the 2010 county assessement was for ~300K. They paid 550K for the land in 2006 so in theory someone is getting a deal but if these owners need to sell fast they’ll still have a hard time selling it at over a million

  11. SuzeeB says:

    Guys, what about the limo driver???

  12. mary says:

    Suz, I know you addressed the question to total amateur, but I’d like to butt in and tell how and why I think she got out of the arena.

    Morgan is excited about being at the concert. She’s having a rocking good time up until the fall. She hit her chin and it hurt, and it was embarrassing. After LOG finishes, she wants to go smoke and use the bathroom. In the bathroom she notices the scrape and feels upset all over again. She starts texting someone, head down, ignoring everyone, including the person saying, “hey, if you walk out you ain’t gonna be able to get back in” and before she knows it she is a few steps outside the arena. Looking up, she frantically realizes what has happened and attempts to re-enter to no avail. She calls the friends and tells them and they say, “try another door, maybe somebody else will let you” but they don’t. She doesn’t want to make them miss the concert, she knows she’s not in any condition to drive so, “hey, I’ll get so-and-so (someone they partied with before the concert) to come get me and take me back to JMU (or Crozet) to wait on you guys. I am soooo mad but see you there!” I think the statement that there were no plans to meet up after the concert meant there were no plans to meet at the actual concert venue. I think the friends were absolutely certain Morgan would be where they had started from when they arrived there after the concert. I think the later assertion that they had “waited around a couple (or 3) hours” after the concert was a lame attempt to deflect criticism after the fact.

    Once outside and texting the ride, Morgan finds herself in the company of a group (two groups actually) of young men walking toward the RV lot. She jokes around with both groups, tells them of her predicament, and the black-clad white guys tell her their car is in the RV lot and they’ll be glad to give her a ride to the store for some cigs and bring her back before JMU/Crozet guy gets there…they’re around her age and clearly safe, heck, they’re EMT/volunteer firemen/security for goodness sake…That dang bag, she can’t wait to tell her mom how aggravating it was. It kept slipping off (not dropping)…Okay, I appreciate it if you guys would give me a ride to the store……

    And I just got a really weird thought: Who would discount the corroboration of a group of EMT/VFD/security personnel that they had seen the missing person-now-murder-victim hitchhiking?

    Thanks, Suz, I knew you’d understand. Do you mind if I go ahead and tell you what I think about the necklace and the phone? Ok, thanks. You are wonderful Suz, a great contributor to this site. Here goes:

    Morgan probably realizes right away she has made a mistake trusting these guys. There were four according to the bookkeeper, but it’s possible she could have included the basketball players in her count. I’m going with two, just cause I want to. Maybe there WERE 4 and two others were in their own cars. I don’t think there were any more than 2 guys in the car with Morgan when things went downhill, which was very, very soon. The BG takes Morgan’s phone and removes the battery because he does not want pings to be traced. In the aftermath, BG tells sidekick/dumbazz to “do something with this stuff” (bag and purse) and dumdum decides to take it back to where they picked it up so it will look like she got kidnapped from there. Plus, if they’re ever approached, they can tell LE they saw her hitchhiking. Now, the necklace:

    John Paul Jones Arena is top notch. No expense is spared in its construction and state-of-the-art technology. The video of Morgan trying to re-enter the arena is available and very clear. She is clearly seen wearing the distinctive crystal necklace.

    The ATM video is crappy. Blurry, grainy. There’s someone who could possibly be Morgan using the card but it’s hard to say, and she does not have the necklace on so…we can’t really say it’s her, so we can’t advance the timeline, but we’ve hit a dead end so let’s put it out there and see if anything comes up. By the time Morgan uses her card she is already in trouble cause she has been robbed of the necklace and is now being forced to withdraw money from the ATM…

    Thank you Suz for letting me drone on for so long. Did I tell you how wonderful you are? I absolutely love your posts. By the time I have finished typing all this total amateur will probably have answered you back and have everything solved and tied up and I’ll look inept again.

  13. susanm says:

    i slightly suspected the limo as a maybe possiblity ,but it was solidly shot down twice.he was cleared,it was said.

  14. melissa says:

    Ragdoll ^5 and a chest bump back to ya cause I know whatcha mean! Cheese in my casa is a food group of it’s own. B you know I’m not the brightestso a little breadcrumbs and cheese please. Just a little hint of the few in your sight? Sky==you seem to have placed your cheese in B’s wheel. A little hint from you maybe cause I can’t keep up with all the possibles that have been looked at.
    SuzeeB limo driver? Huh? Doggonit I missed something else.

  15. suz says:

    It’s always felt to me like the kickee embellished his story a bit for the drama of it all. That happens sometimes when you’re facing the media and want to give ‘em a good story.

    And he might be prone to exaggeration. I’d be willing to bet that every time he recounts the tale, his close encounter with Morgan grows longer and more exciting.

  16. fish says:

    I’mmmm Baaack!

    O.K., here’s a C or C thought. J2K and Blink,
    Kickee and his girl are on the outs. Trying to patch things up but not working and really not working since he is out for a “boys night at Metallica”. She already doesn’t care for his friends. They take too much time away from her. He perceives her as needy.

    I am thinking that the GF, would be mad as hell and not going take his crap. Her girlfriend (CPA) calls her to rat him out. “See I told you he was a creep. See we are successful. He not so much and he is with this blonde girl”.

    Maybe GF knows more than she or her family thinks or maybe just suspects. But they ain’t sayin’ nothin’, she needs him. A very needy relationship. She has said her suspicions outloud to others, though. They have all clammed up except maybe on a social site. They know she needs him and so does someone else?

    Morgan is caught in the cross-hairs of a bad relationship.
    He is now beginning to simmer.

    Also, the boots. Black tights, black boots. Hell, who can see a heel in the blackness? We were told low, chucky heel, round toe. I’m believing those cops and mom! Unless, she is same size as Sarah Snead and she borrowed something else at apartment. Doesn’t seem the type to do that. She is a pulled together girl. Proud of her look. And, I just checked halloween photos, looking for boots. Who knows. So, I am thinking CPA, said it to make it look worse than it was.
    She incited GF.
    He is now really starting to boil.

    >”I know she was, she called her friend, perhaps that friend learned where kickee was and who he was with, which prompted the pansy-fied phone call to her about the “kicking”. With me? B”

    Blink, I am really trying to be with you. I am.
    I have had a car ride back home with my kid to think and talk about Morgan. She said that I’m makin’ it too complicated.
    The Bad Guy is at the concert. Not just BG driving by. Kids!

    Also, the views of the Blue Ridge were spectacular. Nothing like it. They really are blue. Thought of Morgan’s blue eyes, shining so.
    But, so very, very relieved that she was found before all this snow. There is certainly is a lot of it. It is a miracle, for sure.

    Now, if only I could hear that drain beginning to gurgle. And, Blink not for nothing. Isn’t a harmonica called a mouthpiece? Is somebody a mouthpiece? I am confused about this. Or is it like Skyler(?) said, something about playing it in prison?

  17. fish says:

    J2K; That girl was inside for LOG! I mean Dee! No way do I look at LOG that many times and not know who Dee is. No way!

    Dee had foldy ankle boots – which, I’d be shocked if there was enough material to unroll over the knee, but certainly possible I guess – but, more importantly, Dee claimed to be inside for LOG, was allegedly caught on video (confirmed?) And this sighting would have been moments before Metallica went on at 9:10-ish (meaning she was in the lot when Metallica cam on. I submit: No. Way.)

  18. Steven Shifflett says:

    I see my name being tossed around here once in a while. The most recent was in the form of question… how could I be impersonating a cop if I already was one. Excellent question.

    I involuntarily left a sheriff’s office in March of 1996, it had been a long time in coming. I was totally fed up with the nepotism and favoritism within the department. I hated even getting up in the morning and going to work. But, after more than two decades on the job, and my having seniority over ANYBODYy working there including the sheriff himself, I refused to quit. I made them fire me. Before leaving I had already been sworn in elsewhere. So technically I was a deputy sheriff in two different departments at the same time in March of 1996.

    At the time of my false arrest for impersonating a Greene County sheriff’s deputy in 1997, I was in fact a Greene County deputy sheriff. I was state certified and had full arrest powers. My affiliation with the department had been confirmed 4 hours before the rookie swore to the warrant in front of the magistrate. My brother-in-law was the rookie’s sergeant on duty, and he darn well knew I was a deputy sheriff in Greene County. He did nothing to stop this false arrest, and he was later terminated after decades on his job. I sued all involved when they refused to publicly apologize to me and Sheriff Willie Morris and admit they had made a mistake. After fighting me tooth and nail for 6 or 7 years, all lawsuits were settled out of court when the judge finally set a jury trial date for my claims against them to be heard.

    Fast forward to 2005 — I was once again falsely arrested for impersonating a police officer. I and my attorney will attempt to prove that one of the cops I had sued in the 1997 false arrest set me up in Alexandria, Virginia. The suspect was a 20+ year old Hispanic male, black hair, 5’4″, 140 pounds, with no mustache. At the time I was 50+ years old, much taller, 220 pounds, gray hair, and have had a mustache for the last 40 years. The judge in Alexandria dismissed the charge without my having to utter one word whatsoever in my own defense. He knew something was fishy in this case. All of this combined with all the false information given to the Alexandria rookie by the cop I currently have sued. The lawsuit is still pending and we might get it in front of a jury in 2010 if we are lucky. The wheels of justice move slowly in civil cases.

    I will also add the 2 cops I sued in Alexandria recently settled out of court. A deputy sheriff in Charlottesville, my former workplace, was also sued and settled out of court. It was signed and sealed settlements which specifically prohibit me from disclosing how much money they all had to pay me. And I also obtained judgements against 2 women who ran up and down the Internet posting libel about me.

    I have no idea where the information has come from that I was in any way, shape or form involved in shooting and killing an African American. This simply is not true. There was a deputy sheriff in Albemarle County, Virginia with my same name who claimed a black man had ambushed and shot him several times while he was on patrol and in full uniform. Maybe this is where the confusion comes from. The deputy resigned shortly after this and nobody to this day knows what really happened. He had also been named and sued in a police brutality case when he was employed at the Louisa County Sheriff’s Office several years prior to this. I think Louisa had to pay out $500,000 to the victims. Other than these factss, I have no clue as to any Steve Shifflett (cop) shooting and killing anybody.

    I also saw somebody post that I hate cops. This is also not true. I do – with a passion – hate crooked lying cops, and those cops who lie and deny for them in any type of coverup. Any intelligent person should agree with me here. Law enforcement has enough problems without crooked lying cops giving the rest a black eye. And law enforcement has enough problems without other cops lying, denying and covering up for the crooked ones.

    I could go on for 8 hours about what was attempted on me by a small handful of rouge cops from 1997 to 2005. If they would treat a fellow law enforcement officer like this, think of what they are capable of doing to an ordinary citizen. It’s a pretty scary thought.

    One final note…. I have been happily married for 30 years and have a 17 year old daughter myself. Normal kid, has a new car, comes and goes on her own schedule… I worry myself to death about her safety and well being while out. Even so, I can not begin to imagine the real pain and agony the Harringtons are going through. If a crime was committed, and it appears it was, I can only hope an arrest and conviction would ease their pain a little.

    Thank you for kindly addressing this. I echo your sentiment about crooked cops. I don’t personally know anyone that would not. Lucky Me I guess.

    I also appreciate your words about Morgan. Dear Sir, this girl was brutally murdered, there was more than a crime, there were many. As a Father of a daughter, I know that will resonate with you.

    Lastly and respectfully, are you aware of some individuals I can tell you from first hand knowledge that have been interviewed in this case bearing your same last name?

  19. bonbon says:


    We won’t know if that necklace was with her remains until LE discloses that info. Might not be until trial.

  20. fish says:

    dee and her group is at opposite end of stage of the drumset. I am trying to link one of my favorites up. dee does take a metallica black beach ball at end of total concert. this is when you can see her the best and what she is wearing. boots and all. not enought to even try to stretch them up to her knees. plus, she has no tights and her hair is shorter.

  21. Justice says:

    In my neck of Va not that far from Charlottesville, we have creeks that are ankle high and 2 steps across, and then we have creeks that one could put a canoe in on a lazy Sunday afternoon and coast along, without having to get out & push or worry about rocks in the way or getting stuck. Question: does anyone know if the creek running close to AF where Morgan’s body was found has a name, and 2ndly, is it the small hop across type or other?


  22. bonbon says:

    I know I’m way behind, but is there a link to Mr Bass saying he wasn’t home? Was his daughter also out of town?

  23. skyler says:

    Well, I was laughing laughing at J2K’s game show — that girl needs to make a career move to fame somehow — then was looking at the exchange about kickee — then was stopped in my tracks w/ Dr. H’s post. Damn.

    I’m glad Morgan is home — I pray they found forensic evidence.

    When you privately speak w/ Dr. H, please tell him he may read some difficult things here — ie, likely alcohol, drug consumption — her body in that field — what happened to get her there — what happened before that —

    Assure him no one here holds Morgan responsible for her fate — we were all young once — but that we’re really “damn angry” about her murder, too, and w/ you at the helm, keeping us in line, we will not stop.

    Also tell him Morgan was NOT on that bridge at 9:20 — and I’m thinking even as late as 9:25 — because — .I think the only reason I found my way back to the EconoLodge was because I finally turned left off Copeley onto Ivy and saw the blessed sign that said: Emmett Road — I would have stopped for his shiny girl — I really would have. : (

    O Sky, of course you would have. I heart u.

    Forgive me, but I will not tell him anything he does not ask me about. I am of the opinion after his message he will be navigating his family (no disrespect to Gil, certainly they take turns at this) into the “forget what we know mode”, and focus on survival of grief. I can’t imagine.

  24. fish says:

    At 7:50, right at the last flash, you must be quick. You will see Dee and her group. Standing there in bare-legged glory. She is there during LOG.

    FWIW: I believe Morgan is all the way over by drumset. On the left side of stage. If you are looking straight at your computer screen. Hey, what I am no “tecki”, or how ever you spell it.

    Please, I pray this link works.

  25. skyler says:

    Chad, I will look for a lilly for you — also, your comment about the paper cup or tissue being carried on the wind is certainly valid —

    there is so much that is mysterious about this —

    I hope Morgan will not rest in peace — not yet — she needs to help us find who did this —

    I like to think if Morgan visits us, in whatever way that is possible, that she rocks out and enjoys our diverse music tastes and memories ….

    speaking of which …

    Blink, Whitney Houston has a huge voice — I bet that was an awesome first concert — : )

    I heart you. It was. Needed to be, we had lousy seats. Midterm the next day. L O V E D I T .

  26. skyler says:

    Man, these bonus round questions get harder —

    >>skyler! Is there a skyler here? Well Come On Dowwwn -

    Here’s your bonus question:

    We know where MH was *discovered* thanks to our showcase winner, mosaic.
    Could the crime scene have been across the street?

    (We’ll be back after a word from our sponsor, Blink Cheese & Biscuits. And, folks, a quick reminder from former contestant radiogirl: As always, don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets!)

    Thank you, for that reminder. Just had my dog spayed two weeks ago.

    If you believe Morgan’s life was extinguished prior to being left on the farm, then yes, the house across the street is a viable crime scene; however, I have to stay w/ my original thought: I just believe poor Morgan was running from her captors, and they caught up to her and her life ended there.

    But I think we can classify the house across the street as the “party scene” — as in — hey, do you wanna see what this big house looks like on the inside — we leave the basement door unlocked —

    I don’t want to think about what happens next.

    Sky, which house “across the street” are you referring to?

    If you believe she was running from her captors, where was she running from??

    Are you suggesting she was on the property of AF, because I have studied the terrain including elevations, either home on the property does not make sense to me, but I am open.

  27. Sobermom says:

    Chad- I’m praying for you friend’s brother. I am utterly outraged that the shooter had shot her own brother and her mother covered it up.

    Thanks for offering to join me in a moment of silence for Morgan. You are very kind.

    I always thought the 4 guys she was seen with in the RV lot held a key to more info. Interesting that not one of them has come forward to say they hung out with her for a while that night. If they’re trying to keep their interaction with her that night a secret, it wont work. One of them will crack or blather to someone else. If they haven’t already.

  28. total amateur says:

    I’m glad Morgan is home with her family. I’m glad the people who love her most are the last people to hold her and touch her. It will bring her spirit peace. She is home safe at last.

    Gives me a sense of peace knowing THAT.

  29. Sobermom says:

    To Dr. Harrington – I hope that holding Morgan and having her with you is a comfort in this waking nightmare you live each day.

    As Blink said, we got this. We are walking shoulder to shoulder with you, you are not alone and we will carry you. Pause and rest when you need to because we WILL NOT until the people who did this are caught.

  30. total amateur says:

    Don’t suppose Skyler or J2K want to clue the rest of us in on “the” BG who spent summer 09 working at the unfinished property, or the drug connection with a landscaper? Or how the heck you know about the basement being left unlocked, partying going on there.. etc etc? Are you both locals to the Charlottesville area?

    Dont know how you found that out.
    But somebody’s talking.
    Nice work though.
    Hope it brings swift justice.

  31. bonbon says:

    Bass makes a statement early on that he saw a police car go right across “a” property to his fence line. Right before this statement he’s talking about Blandemar Farms. So did the Police car come from Blandemar or elsewhere?

  32. J2K says:

    (*tap tap tap*)

    Hey, guys. I’m….back. Funny enough, when I finally dashed out the door awhile back – sans socks in mouth (thanks, B) – I saw I had left my hazard-lights still on from backing out onto our snow-crowded street earlier in the day to let the BF out so he could get to his show and set up. My car was Dead-to-the-O. I’m out of options, consigned to missing the V-Day gig, and back on-line. Glad some of you are still up, around, or otherwise kickin’. (No pun intended, Kickee). Anyone else got a goblet in-hand?

  33. alexandra says:

    Mary, for the first time it makes sense why LE was asking about the necklace before they found her. Of course there are 2 videos, one with necklace at JPJ and one without at ATM.

  34. acho says:

    J2K, I’m awake. Just got in and wanted to see if Blink had tried to talk me down from a name and a sick feeling, and thus far, she hasn’t. Will keep at it tomorrow.

    My first concert: Cyndi Lauper. Opening act: The Bangles. No one told me I wasn’t supposed to dress up like the main act, and my mom took pictures; it’s been a source of embarrassment over the years. Most recent concert, oddly, was Jackson Browne. I’d forgotten how much I love his music.

    Goodnight, all. So appreciative that Dr. H wrote tonight. So sorry for the anger. It had to come, and I am sad and thinking of him, Gil, and Alex tonight, as ever. We are all working for that bright and shiny girl.

    I can’t. His name is in every conversation I am hearing. Some other ties to EMH as well.

  35. fish says:

    Dear Harrington Family:

    You and your daughter are not alone. You are all in loving, smart and safe hands here. You will have your justice.
    A hug to you all but especially to your son, Alex. From one surviving sibling to another. I’ll send as much love to him that I can.
    My thoughts will always be with him and you.

    Morgan Dana Harrington ~ Forever in our Hearts

  36. fish says:

    Blink: cannot remember but what jacket did Morgan leave with? A black denim, dark blue denim or just a plain black? Also, the necklace, if someone had this and never turned it over when VSP asked for it…can they still be charged if the BG(s) are found and the state has a successful prosecution? And if BG said yes, I gave it to so and so?Wouldn’t you think that would motivate someone to speak up?

    Also, cannot but help think about the reward. Why doesn’t someone see that as motivation?

    No jacket.

  37. fish says:

    (*tap tap tap*)

    J2K, looks like it me and you. Thanks for being my early Valentine’s Day date. I have just purchased a handy new program that lets you enlarge photos without all the distortion and I do not have to use a magnifing glass. I may not know how to spell “techi” but I’m goin’ become one. Yea, what now!

    I apolly to all who made it past me last eve, we really need more of a forum enviornment I know for those night owl eve’s.

    J2K- that evening was a page out of BlinkLife. Sorry, had I known I could have posted my best performance yet on Band Hero to complete your evening :)

  38. susanm says:

    chad,special prayers for joe in alabama,i am so hoping he pulls through.and his wife,your friend.

  39. fish says:

    B: I have never believed the bridge thing either. Posted so, long ago. So, if I do not believe it then can I say that I believe Morgan left that parking lot in a vehicle. Could I also say that maybe he (one of the four white, dressed in black guys) is not coming forward because he thinks this will be “pinned” on him. He is not the BG but he just takes her from point A, Uhall lot (lets her use his phone) to point B, wherever that may be. Convenience store and here is where the BG comes in. He’s mad that she would take a ride with that guy and not him?

    I have confused myself but I am still sticking to the fact that I do not believe the bridge sighting. I am rethinking this…

  40. Chad says:

    Mr Shiffliett:
    Thank you for posting. We all are here for Morgan Harrington. She was brutally murdered and left in a an open field as one of our posters said to “rot”. She is dead. Someone snuffed her life out on the nght of Oct. 17th. Police need info. FBI need info. If you have it call the tip line.
    Whether or not your court cases had anything to with it, I do not know. Thank you for your explaination, but I certainly do not feel you needed to do that.
    The historical facts, records, of your family remain, and those cannot be explained away.
    I do not live in Virginia, and I am becoming somewhat familair with the area and politics, police, and historical families because of this case.
    No one is pointing fingers at you, and or anyone in your family Mr Shifflett. Just inquiring. I blog. I’m not a LE, or the FBI.
    Yes, your family name has been one of the many that is of interest, and has been confirmed to have been questioned by LE.
    Thank you for posting. It speaks volumes for your family.

    Observer: Thank you for your support. This is a such a tragedy. I am chilled at the thought of my friend Lisa, sitting by her brother bedside. I can just see her, I know her, I love her, and as I remember her by her son’s bedside while they harvested his organs. Haunting memories for me. Talking to him him, stroking his hair, kissing his handsome face. Knowing that the helicopter would arrive any minute to gather his liver and kidneys, and eyes, which they did do. Damn! (YELLING) She need not go thru this again! But she is. She has to.
    He is fighting for his life, with the help of machines, and the love of his family.
    Brain surgery and all. Bullets, and fragments. Damn Damage. All over tenure? My rosary is close by. Indeed. The mysteries of faith. Thank you. Observer.
    I was actually hoping that there may be a trial, so I could perhaps meet some of you, but based on your outlook, and you would know, it looks unlikely that there will be a trial. This is OK. We will always know each other in spirit.

    J2K: You possess so much insight and detail, I cannot even begin to decipher your most detailed and impressive posts and articulations. Ugh. . I went to dinner and the wine goblet prohibits me from really even attempting to comment on your intellectual comments. Please await for my Folgers in the am, and I will be right with ya. You are NOT invisiable! OMG, you are such a greatest support here.

  41. susanm says:

    i admire dr harringtons strength in being able to share,both his delicate feelings about his dear morgan,and his hard feelings for this deed and its doer(s).

  42. skyler says:

    Blink asks; But I think we can classify the house across the street as the “party scene” — as in — hey, do you wanna see what this big house looks like on the inside — we leave the basement door unlocked —

    I don’t want to think about what happens next.

    Sky, which house “across the street” are you referring to?

    If you believe she was running from her captors, where was she running from??

    Are you suggesting she was on the property of AF, because I have studied the terrain including elevations, either home on the property does not make sense to me, but I am open.


    Okay, we all know my sense of direction, or lack thereof — I thought the house under construction was “across the street” from AF ? is that incorrect ?

    Oh, Lord, I hope the Harringtons don’t read this part — btw, Blink, you follow your own good sense on that one of relaying info — You are absolutely correct —

    I think Morgan was brutalized, all encompassing, i’m not “sure” murder was on their agenda initially — I do not think this is a single individual — I think they went in the area because the BGs were familiar w/ AF and w/ that house that was under construction — I think Morgan rebuffed their advances and it set at least one of them off — enraged — but somehow she escapes and starts to run — and she ran onto the farm property where they caught up w/ her and ended her life — I’m w/ you in that I think her body was hidden in the trees and then they ran like the cowards they are — Nov. was really hot — a lot of days in the 70′s — which mean insects are still in the air, which lead to quicker decomp — and then either a combination of weather, perhaps animal predation moved her remains to the location where she was found —

    but also possible — if she was killed where she was found — the BG high-tailed it outta there while it was still dark — then the grass is high and he can’t find her — and he has no excuse for being on the AF property to look around for her — all this time goes by, they don’t find her, he’s thinking he’s safe, and lookout, here’s Farmer Brown on his tractor because he’d lost some trees during the last windstorm — which backs up “our” theory weather moved her body — if the winds were high enough to knock down a tree, could that same weather move the body out of the tree line —

    a barbed wire fence is easy to traverse on foot — you hold one piece up w/ your hand and step on the other w/ your foot and scootch thru —

    I don’t know who OYE is or was, but she did make one good point — look for someone in the 10-17 timeframe who had injuries — scratches, etc. — they couldn’t account for — or wouldn’t account for —

    Lord, Blink, where on earth do you get the strength to come to work everyday —

    I lift you up — I heart you big time right back !!

    PS — I did not mean not to answer this — I have the name problem — to the poster whose mother died from fire injuries, I am so so so sorry — most of my injuries were internal, but I had some third-degree burns on my hands and nose and eyebrows — the room I was in exploded and I covered my face w/ my hands — but there was a terrible accident north of Richmond on I-95 w/ a transfer truck and a car and the person in the car was burned and died w/in a few days. I know you miss your mom, but I’m glad she didn’t live longer w/ those type of injuries.

    I was in the isolated ICU, where they expected me to die, but they pretty much knew I was going to pull thru when I asked them if they could bring a TV into the room so I could watch Nascar — true story. : )

    NNNNNOOOOOOOO! Sky, the Red Hill house under construction is miles away, crossing that creek after 3 days of rain, along with not knowing where the footbridges might be, barbed wire in pitch black?

  43. skyler says:

    Ca-link — Goblet and Dr. Pepper buzz in head and hand —

    sorry you missed the show, though ….

    I’m confused, though — is/are there confirmed pix of Morgan at an ATM or other place of business using her plastic ? There can’t be because Blink stated there is no other sighting of Morgan post 9:30 on the bridge.

    J, I agree w/ you as to kickee and bookkeeper — there’s no tie between the two, except they just happened to be outside at the same time — and there’s a third witness, a female, who claimed she saw a blond matching Morgan’s description staggering around, dropping her purse —

    Fish, I absolutely did know you had Dee on video during LOG, and there’s the shot of Dee carrying the beachball. I also recall seeing Dee walking by the end of the “mosh” pit during LOG’s set — because there weren’t a lot of people in that area — she has bare legs (no tights) and ankle boots and shorter, curlier hair — My son stated they threw out the Metallica beach balls near the end of the concert — he snagged one himself –

    I want to know who those 4 boys are that she was walking w/ — even if it’s only 2 — they haven’t made a public statement and if they called LE, LE’s mum on their presence.

    Since the info on the necklace has been outted, I wish those who went w/ her to the concert would reveal some details — what boots was she wearing — did she have the necklace on ?

    Ugh. I just noticed it’s quarter to two AM — My child is coming tomorrow to help w/ some chores around here —

    Night, all — we are now one day closer to the arrest of Morgan’s murderers !

  44. skyler says:

    was going to bed, but saw this and wanted to clear it up — this was a scenario I made up in answer to J2K’s gameshow — however, although conjecture on my part, I believe it could hold merit —

    They didn’t come to that property/area from out of the blue — whomever was driving the vehicle Morgan was in, was/is familiar w/ this property, area —

    ooh, ooh, ding, ding, ding ….

    You know, Joe the eggman might not be making early-morning deliveries out there, but who would be ? The paper person —

    Red Hill, do you know the paper delivery person who delivers the Sun. morning paper in your area ? Did they see anything that night/early dawn ?

  45. belika says:

    Re: “Swiss Miss says:
    February 13, 2010 at 6:54 pm
    …. 1. Is it reasonable for someone to be able to walk the route described in 10 minutes?”
    No. It certainly is not reasonable.
    Another question I had since the very first information I got about Morgan walking around the area in about 1 hour, after going out of the arena and not being able to re-enter.
    Last winter I was at a concert – Roisin Murphy if you know at all who that Irish musician is. The concert was quite big, lots of concert goers, I was dressed in silver with high heels. One of my heals broke, and we were in some strange VIP area, right in front of the band playing, with very few places to sit.
    So I had to leave before the end of the concert, it was late, I couldn’t go home alone and none of my friends wanted to come out with me. I went out, and sit right before the front entrance, next to the guards and had few cigarettes waiting for the show to be over. It was really cold, and I asked the guards for a tea.
    I had to wait for almost 3 hours. Certainly it was not fun waiting in the cold alone with my silver mini dress and tights, and broken shoe. And certainly the guards coming out to me and going back in weren’t the funniest company. But I was feeling safe. And finally my friends came out and we went to an after party with the band where I could sit and take off my shoes.
    I still wonder why Morgan had to walk so long? Why didn’t she just call out her friend to bring her her car keys and sit in the car, or go to a café and come back to pick her friends after the concert? Why didn’t she sit at the front entrance and take a smoke with the guards… well for few hours… Why?
    She knew HIM/THEM. I am positive.

    Yep. She did.
    For future reference Belika, your supposed to break off the other heel and dance around like that ala the old mentos commercial :)

  46. suz says:

    hi, Mary, your version of how Morgan got outside of the arena is as good as any, and better than by far than the ‘going to the bathroom/going to smoke versions’. I like, too, the black clad dudes offering her a ride to the store (though i wish we knew what she texted to the mystery man that night, and who it was. Surely she said what happened inside and what she was planning to do. But i digress…).

    Now to the men in black (I’m going to call them MIB now). Do we know what color the security folks were wearing that night? I bet it’s wayyyy back in an earlier thread, but does anyone recall? Cuz I think we used to think the MIB were roadies, but the timing makes no sense (wouldn’t they be breaking down/setting up?). You wouldn’t think parking guys would wear black—-too dangerous. And while i can see security guards slipping out briefly once metallica took the stage, i would think that pre-metallica would be primetime for Security getting people safely through intermission and back to their seats. But maybe they snuck out as soon as Metallica took the stage and thus the timing does make sense.

    Maybe one of them saw an inebriated Morgan trying to get back into the venue and heard her explain how she had nowhere to go, no way to get home, and went out to find her—but surely he and the other MIB would be expected to come back in, so what could he have been planning to do out there? Huh. Dunno, and i ferget if WT addressed any of the above.

    I do love the dum-dum dropping the purse back in the lot to make it look like she was kidnapped from there. I can hear the other dude now: “You idiot—we DID kidnap her from there!”

  47. Cairn says:

    Idea: Carpet from the construction site of house at 1900 block of Red Hill. Body rolled/hidden in carpet, placed by Red Hill wayside until early dawn of following day/or two and more visibility. Transporting carpet might be easier to carry and not as apparent if seen.

  48. suz says:

    And, yes! Love the idea that the atm pic shows her sans necklace! Well done, Mary.

  49. suz says:

    Skyler, yeah, her hair was found lying next to her skull, I believe. You’ll recall that even all the initial “human remains found” stories had “young woman with long blond hair” in ‘em—that’s one of the main things what gave us that “uh oh” sinking feeling that this time it was Morgan and not some other poor missing victim.

  50. lilbugs says:

    Re: the stream that was crossed
    I am pretty sure this stream is the Hardware River, which downstream a few miles is a small, but respectable river. I have never been to the river as it is on Red Hill Road or near Anchorage Farm, but a put-in a few miles down from this location is listed as a “difficult” whitewater strip. I heard tales of hippies floating down and passing by naked on the Hardware near Scottsville. There was a commune upstream somewhere. Maybe Red Hill can address the river’s size near AF. But I thought it was the river and not a creek that a person would have crossed to get from Red Hill Road to Morgan’s resting place. If it is the river and the river is comparable in size to what it is a few miles downstream, it’s not something someone would want to cross on a chilly night carrying another person.

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