Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. acho says:

    I can’t. His name is in every conversation I am hearing. Some other ties to EMH as well.

    Literally makes me nauseated and very sad. FWIW, this is first time I have had physical reactions upon reading about someone.

    Do you also have all the musical and family links? I have figured all of that out. I can send to you if you’d like, but sounds as if you already have these details. I believe this is a family desperate to believe it could not be (you were not kidding when you described their plight, if these were the people to whom you referred).

    Yes, I do, but let’s coordinate. Will advise.

  2. Observer says:

    RE: Sobermom says: 2/14, 12:32am said:
    “I always thought the 4 guys she was seen with in the RV lot held a key to more info. Interesting that not one of them has come forward to say they hung out with her for a while that night. If they’re trying to keep their interaction with her that night a secret, it wont work. One of them will crack or blather to someone else. If they haven’t already.”


    Double-bonus points.

    [Sorry, J2K; not tryin' to steal your game-show thunder. I really got no game in my game-show thang:-) And on an unrelated note, I am 110% with you on the bookkeeper and kickee accounts--not to mention, the most-interesting Dude Quartet ("DQ" or "MIB" as described later by suz.]

    RE: the Copeley bridge: Whether or not Morgan was actually hitchhiking or was instead mistakenly thought to be hitchhiking on Copeley–she was indeed on Copeley at one point. [Sky, it may not have been at 9:20pm--but she was there at some point.]

    As Teri pointed out, Morgan’s scent was last picked up there by the trained SAR dogs.

    [FYI: Earlier rumors about her scent being either near/behind Wild Wings Cafe (other side of town) or BW3 (Buffalo Wings 3) in nearby Barracks Rd. Shopping Center have since been discounted as just that: rumors.]

    Scent on bridge; last sighting also believed to have been on bridge.

    I agree she was on the bridge, I should clarify, just not hitchhiking. I believe LE was given that story by someone who has admitted to picking Morgan up and has stated that they dropped her off “at”…


  3. MsLurkALot says:

    Morgan’s Dad says:
    February 13, 2010 at 8:50 pm
    Morgan’s body has been returned to Roanoke. Gil and I had the privlege and honor of seeing and holding her for the last time.

    Reading Dr. Harrington’s statement, my heart sank into my stomach, where it remains as I write this. I understand completely their need to see and hold Morgan in her final state. His words take me back to my baby brother’s death, many years ago. I raced to his apartment as quickly as distance would allow, my only thought being to see and touch him where he rested, despite the inevitable gore of the scene, his head shattered from self inflicted GSW. I never got to see him. They had removed him before i got there and would not allow me to visit the morgue. My final vision of him was the bloated figure of a pieced together and embalmed body. It was not him. I still long to touch him “as he was.”

  4. lilbugs says:

    OK, I have officially fixated, and fruitlessly. Confused here. According to the Hardware starts a few miles southeast of 29, not near Red Hill Road or AF at all, yet there are real estate listings southwest of Red Hill that say Hardware River Road, etc.

    Certainly the size of the stream, etc., LE already knows. But now I’m curious if it’s the river. Or a two-slab hop-over creak.

  5. MsLurkALot says:

    juliemooly says:
    February 13, 2010 at 8:46 pm
    J2K: you wrote on the previous page “If the party responsible for Morgan’s death and placement on AF entered the farm property from Red Hill Road – and we know he/they did – they certainly passed up a vast, flat, dark mass of private land to their west anchored far from the main road by a long-vacant, unfinished home.” Are you saying that it is confirmed he/they entered from Red Hill Road, or are you hypothetically saying that for that particular scenario you outlined? Cuz I thought I had read everything recent on BOC, but I didn’t know it had been confirmed which way the bad guy(s) entered onto Anchorage Farm.

    I believe that J2K is right on in surmising the partially constructed residence on Red HIll Rd is possibly the crime scene. If the perps had worked there before as part of the crew, they could be easily suspected if the body were located on that property. If/when the property is sold, there will be lots of activity in the buying/selling/completion process from prospective buyers,agents, construction workers, surveyors, etc. So, if the perps can be tied to that property, of course they would seek to remove her to a place (AF) where she might never be found, or where the ties are not so obvious. In this scenario, I don’t think it much matters from where they entered onto AF. They are locals, and would have been familiar with all the possible entry points. IMO.

    That property is listed with a realtor. Meaning, it will have a lockbox which is encoded to reflect when it is accessed. It also has a security alarm. Realtors are trained to deactivate and reactivate it.

    I don’t know what type of system brokers use in VA, but in general, if the house value and size is what it is, the contract may dictate that the “lockboxes” must tie into the hard wired system.

    While I do not discount the fact that perhaps someone that worked in some capacity on it, could not have made their own keys and could accomplish entry somehow, I think this is one of those one phone calls for information to the broker by LE and they rule it out as the crime scene. Not necessarily an affiliation.

    I mean, while I do not believe it is the case, in some form, it could access the AF property.

  6. bevolovr says:

    Happy valentine’s day, happy Chinese New Year – year of the tiger, et joyeux Mardi Gras – laissez les bntemps roules, mes cheres!!

  7. bevolovr says:

    umm, laissez les bontemps roulez, that is…

  8. bevolovr says:

    ODE, you saw the Beatles!!?? I’m very jealous, my #1 ultimate fantasy dream concert, (deep sigh)….

  9. skyler says:

    Total Amateur — Your posts are important — In the beginning and the middle and near the end I was asking myself all the time — why does this girl missing and now dead mean so much to me ? I didn’t know her family, I didn’t know Morgan — In the beginning I had huge empathy for her parents in not knowing where she was — then as I came to know the Harringtons and Morgan, I came to genuinely care about this family and this missing girl. And the people who come to BOC. I can’t read a topography map or other map to save my life — everyone has so much to offer, even if someone has offered it before — we forget — and then I realized, the thing we all have in common for most of us is we have lost a loved one, too soon, either thru violence or disease.

    There’s only one J2k or one Observer, but it’s not a contest here — so jump in the pool and swim w/ us — sometimes we squabble and Blink sets us straight — often we laugh because Morgan’s fate is too sad to focus on all the time — and then we brainstorm —

    I may be a little out there in my beliefs, but the more pressure that is brought to bear on the persons responsible for this, the quicker they are caught and prosecuted. And woe be unto them when they are caught. They’ve had four months now to turn themselves in and make whatever deal possible. Every day that goes by is one day closer to their arrest — : )

  10. ConcernedBystander says:

    I agree she was on the bridge, I should clarify, just not hitchhiking. I believe LE was given that story by someone who has admitted to picking Morgan up and has stated that they dropped her off “at”…


    So we have someone who has admitted to picking MH up and taking her to a certain location??? Wow.

    Do we also know the “at”?

  11. total amateur says:

    [I agree she was on the bridge, I should clarify, just not hitchhiking. I believe LE was given that story by someone who has admitted to picking Morgan up and has stated that they dropped her off “at”…

    Blink- is this simply “I believe”, or is this “my sources tell me”?

    Is somebody admitting to picking her up, and taking her possibly to where her debit card was used? Is this why you believe SHE used her card… and why no convenience store clerk/owner has come forward publicly with info?

    It is my BELIEF that someone has confessed to picking Morgan up from the bridge and has completed their encounter with her at whatever store the card was used. OR.. I dropped her back at JPJ, as you know, her purse and card were both found there. “Proof” she was taken back, if you will.

    Proof of nothing. Necklace and HH story comes out 30 days later at the same time, fyi. Did someone’s cell records get subpoena’d and subsequently get re-interviewed who previously said they never saw her??


  12. belika says:

    Re: Blink: “I agree she was on the bridge, I should clarify, just not hitchhiking. I believe LE was given that story by someone who has admitted to picking Morgan up and has stated that they dropped her off “at”…
    Well, I am sure she was there too. But if that “someone” having taken Morgan in his car and dropping her “at” was honest, and out of any suspicion, and the other people being “at” would confirm that too, so the LE would have confirmed that “at” point as last verified sighting. I think.
    Belika: “She knew HIM/THEM. I am positive.”
    Blink: “Yep. She did.
    For future reference Belika, your supposed to break off the other heel and dance around like that ala the old mentos commercial
    Thank you, my dear Blink, for making my day with that funny Remarque :)
    BTW, I am a bit introvert and shy person, not much like Sandra Bullock’s heroines, whom I admire, so That Mentos old spot acts are not exactly what I am able to perform at this kind of really embarrassing situations.
    Happy Valentines day to all of you there, my dear BOC colleagues
    My first concert was Depeche Mode, in the 90’s. Really fun, but again too much to handle /I was feeling weak, it was at a stadium, too many people around/. So up of today I really prefer opera kind of concerts.

  13. total amateur says:

    I said along time ago, that if that card was used at a store… the police knew it very early… and there would be a clerk that saw who used it- at least to the point of whether it was a pretty young blonde-haired girl, or a guy.

    If this guy went in with her… or was seen in the parking lot, he’d HAVE to admit to picking her up.

    Even after this admission- LE has to PROVE a link to AF, either through eyewitnesses or better yet- forensics.

  14. MsLurkALot says:

    I believe that J2K is right on in surmising the partially constructed residence on Red HIll Rd is possibly the crime scene. If the perps had worked there before as part of the crew, they could be easily suspected if the body were located on that property.

    Piggy-backing on my previous statement, above, I live in a college town not so far from C’Ville and have occasion to come across some of the “townies”, most in their early-20′s to early 30′s. They are the types of kids who easily could have gone to college, or maybe dropped out, but have chosen to work in the construction trades. Some are from wealthy families. Most are quite culturally aware, into alternative music, drugs, and frequently travel all over the state to hear bands that they can’t hear locally. They also know every nook and cranny in our mostly rural county. They appear hip and honest, for the most part. I can easily see Morgan feeling comfortable with guys who fall into this category. In talking with them myself, though, I sometimes sense a dark side. Not sure why…just a feeling.

  15. skyler says:

    Mr. Steven Shifflett, I have a serious question and not being a smartazz, as I am sometimes wont to do —

    Now, before you decide not to answer — Blink moderates or reads every post before it goes out — if you have an answer you don’t want to make public, just at the top of the post type in all caps BLINK DO NOT POST DO NOT POST –

    I’m sorry about what happened to you and hopefully everyone can move on and you all have peace for the remainder of your lives ….

    But in your capacity in the community, you have to have your ear to the ground and hear some rumblings — whether from people on the force you may still have contact w/, or neighbors, or people in the community —

    What are you hearing — again, if you don’t want to post on the board, you can post to Blink privately — she will not betray your trust —

    There are amazing thinkers and researchers here — is there any direction we should be looking that we are not ? There is someone already in jail which it’s rumored he made the statement he picked up a blonde girl who was hitchhiking and he wasn’t going to let her go until he had his way w/ her — is it your experience that that person is just a bunch of hot air, or could that be real ?

    Any help you can give is appreciated. I, too, have a child — a son — who is 19 and my phone rang last night around 3 AM and I about had a heart attack — it was a wrong number — so we all know how the Harringtons felt …

    best regards,


  16. total amateur says:

    I’m starting to get the picture as to why no charges yet. You see, LE has to PROVE who committed the crime… beyond a REASONABLE DOUBT. Even DNA recovered from remains ccould be covered by the BG by saying “consensual”. They have to prove that this BG was in the AF area. Thats why they are basically begging for ANYTHING from witnesses in that area. Or other people who may have been involved somehow, trying to plea bargain. They need this BG’s family/friends to disprove his “alibi” in the hours after.

    The primary crime scene could not have been his vehicle… or there would be obvious evidence. But there IS a separate crime scene from the remains at AF. If the murder was as “brutal” as Blink seems confident it was- there had to be blood loss somewhere.

  17. radiogirl says:

    Is there a link handy to see a pic of EMH and/or stats concerning him?I’ll read back thru the thread.TIA.

  18. sarah says:

    one thing people need to know is that crozet is a town where all people do is gossip and make up lies all the time i live there and know gilbert hunt and while i admit he does bad things i also know that he wouldn’t do anything like that. he gets into fights with MEN that go around running there mouth about him. the first i heard of him saying he had a blonde hitchhiker in his car was on this site, and fyi, he doesn’t even own a car, so thats strait bull****. plus there are so many guys in crozet that ride around at night with guns it definitly not only him, jesus morris , little benny morris, harlan shifflett,carl shifflett, ricardo bercerra, john steppe, richard dollins and his brother andrew, logan sandridge ,just to name a few that in no way implies that he or they had anything to do with such a terrible crime. if the fact that he hunts makes him a killer of beautiful young women then there are millions of folks guilty of the exact same thing. what is going on is all his enemys who are normally afraid of gilbert are wanting to make him look bad. people in crozet need to get a life and the state police do there job, they WILL find whoever did that to that beautiful young lady and hopefully they will have a needle stuck in there arm and be put to death,thats what he/they deserve.

  19. mosaic says:

    Let’s fast-forward and assume for theory’s sake that Dudes of Interest (aka Men in Black, Dude Quartet) are the perpetrators. What does that tell us about them, the fact that they were LEAVING the arena at 9:05 pm?

    It might tell us that:

    1) They were concert-goers and are NOT fans of Metallica (or were not there to see Metallica) because absconding with Morgan was a bigger and stronger draw than seeing the main act

    2) They were not concert-goers but rather were workers that were done with their shift. (But that leaves a limited number of jobs at the concert that would finish between acts…i.e. band crew. Folks working for the band don’t mesh with Anchorage Farms.)

    I don’t think the shirts being black is important, per se, unless they were matching shirts. Most people at that concert were wearing black.

    Let’s revisit these guys—last time we got sidetracked with Pickles…I’m with the rest who have always been suspicious of these dudes. (J2K—You. Are. Not. Alone.)

    I am the first to admit I always thought this was Dee. Because Dee thought it was Dee.
    When I realized this was the work of more than one person, well, I learned something about myself.

    I learned that even when I think I can, through necessity, turn something into “clinical” in an effort to maintain a professional distance in order to work effectively, sometimes I will fail.

    Sometimes you just need to say that there is Evil in the world. End of the “why”. And move on to the nabbing their larvae so they don’t infest anywhere else.

    Sorry, back to Happy Valentines Day.


  20. skyler says:

    Blink — it’s beautiful and sunny here this AM — no snow until tomorrow — I was going to work on the little rock of Morgan’s crazy dog — but then had another thought as I was digging thru my rock pile — but I want your permission before I do it —

    instead of crazy dog, I’d like to paint the BOC logo — you are what brought us all here together — but I do know your logo is copyrighted, and I promise to put in the little “TM” sign —

    I have a perfect rock my son collected from the James River last summer — let me know — I’ll make it from all of us, because we are the sum of our parts, and like Morgan w/ her lovely bones, we have lovely parts …


    OMG SKy that would be lovely. No tm needed for our girl.

  21. George says:

    Morgan was found at the intersection of two small streams. One stream drains the pond north of her location. The second small stream parallels Red Hill Road and crosses under Red Hill Road just before crossing Route 29. This stream is fed by many more streams and eventually becomes Hardware River at some point. The stream does parallel portions of Red Hill Road again but way south of Route 29 and Anchorage Farms. I believe in the vicinity of Morgan’s location it could normally be jumped over or easily waded.

    I agree with every one you cross coming up from Red Hill until the exact one I believe she was placed in. According to my top map, it is very dense leading into the creekbed. Regardless of which way you believe the property was accessed, I do not think that “patch” could be crossed in a vehicle.

    It is notable to me that either way, she ends up just inside the opening. 4 Wheel drive vehicle or ATV if you look really closely at that opening, there are fence posts and barb wire. Makes sense to me that she was carried only a very short distance.

    Isnt Blandemar AND the 2 homes at that end gated? Security Cam?

  22. Phyl says:

    I still think GRH is our man. I re-read Enquirer’s post from 2/2. Read between the lines.
    He is not currently a suspect. LE will hold back on that slap as long as they possibly can, but I’d bet my biscuits he sure is their POI. So as you guys would say…my cheese is on him.

    Enquirer says:
    February 2, 2010 at 4:42 pm
    #1080 – Please let me clarify – I apologise if my initial post was not clear in whom I was referring to. This is the last time I will discuss this aspect of the case.

    The 44yr old R.S.O. (Staton) was incarcerated during Morgan’s disappearance. I only commented on this inidividual as allusions were being made that he could be the ‘kickee’.

    G.R.H. was incarcerated shortly after (11 days but processing began in advance of this date) MH’s disappearance on unrelated weapons charges – he has a history of many things, but one of those being hunting related offences. G.R.H remains incarcerated currently and will do so for the next 4 years. He has come in conversations due to his notoriety around the area (I think many would like to see him get ‘back door parole’), reported comments he had made to friends and rumours of his new ‘roomie’ using ‘info’ as a bargaining chip. He is not currently a suspect in this case.

    As I mentioned earlier, I believe it to be counter productive to continue discussing these 2 individuals and I will discontinue doing so. I hope this clears up any confusion. Apologies.

    Phyl, I can’t vouche for Enq. But the way I read that he says he is out. I think the key to that issue is the docket. He was sentenced on Oct.14th, and allegedly not incarcerated until 10/28 which we know to be true. However, someone would really need to explain to me how he is not remanded immediately.

  23. Minnie Penney says:

    I just wish something would break on this case I’m wearing my Tech sweatshirts and talking the case with my neighbors from Roanoke – but they hear nothing new from their familes back there…. It’s just so sad. I’m a dog lover and so was Morgan…is that a little Silky terrier she’s holding ? I read that Mrs. Harrington said the dog had stopped eating. Doggies grieve, too. So do horses. I had to have one of my horses put down and his stablemate went on for days whinnying and running through the pasture trying to find his ole buddy.

  24. fish says:

    ok. gmorning all.

    I’m have some rest and rethought my bridge sighting. I am 100% with Blink and I must still say she was not HH.
    *I think that this is so important because from a very long time ago, I felt it was to smear Morgan’s name and reputation. They tried to do the same about my sister.

    So, she was walking towards or back from the banks and 7-11 but I believe that Ms. Voth is mistaken when she said she was HH. It was dark and unless she was right there a few steps behind then no way. But did Ms. Voth see anybody around? If she could ID a HH then why didn’t “blog” that she saw what Morgan had on? Who was around? I would love to ask her if she now remembers anyone else.

    So did these guys have tickets to Metallica or were they “tailgateing”. Why are they roaming or just sitting. Did they have a gig to go to? Where are the UVA bbplayers at this time? If they parked close by maybe they saw a vehicle? And, if one of the players took her to point B, that is conduct unbecoming, for sure.

    If Morgan was taken from that bridge then why didn’t someone, anyone see her get into that car/truck. She was supposedly seen HH and she posted she saw her doing that on October 18, 19 or 20th? Someone check that posting date. I cannot remember but I know it was early on.

    There are all sorts of Musical Families with ties to Virginia. I believe. Not as close as you Acho but close. I am rethinking all this too. I need my J2K!

    I am also going to take the high road and stay on the sunny side until? Then watch out gloves are off. You cannot expect one to believe that you know a girl is lying out there, somewhere and you want to do nothing about it. You want to save your name. You and your family are gross to the tenth degree. You all need help. I will send my pro-active, self-help books your way.

    If he takes her to point B, out of the goodness of his heart, from point A, which I’ll call the bridge then what happens next? If there is a video or shot from a nearby camera then this is the last place Morgan was. Which direction did they go. Well, they go east to AF. He knew where to go. One of them called her out of arena. Did she think that she was only going to the door area? She’s a smart girl, she had been to concerts before, she knew she couldn’t reenter.

    I certainly have to believe that they talked to Ms. Voth at length about seeing Morgan. Maybe hypnotized she would remember more. Just a thought.

    Blink, I think that “HE” is trying to be the “ceiling fixer” in his family. But, this is a slight bit different type of ceiling.
    There has been a murder of a smart, kind, compassionate, beautiful young girl. Her life is gone. Why doesn’t he realize this? His family needs all the help they can get. I know that he might be protecting his son’s life from prison but I would like to know where the kid is now? I’m very worried.

    Also, Mr. Shifflett, I have never told anyone this ever but maybe you should quit your day job! Thanks for coming on and telling us of your difficulties. I can appreciate that. It must all be sorry very stressful. Best of luck to you, your wife and certainly, your daughter. I too, get outta my mind with worry. Although, if I was coming to date her, I would be peeing my pants when meeting her daddy! Have a good day and thanks for posting.

    When all is said and done, I cannot help to remember that beautiful little girl carried to her death on a hotel video camera. This is why parents seek justice. The horror of these stories are just to much to bear. The Bad Guys must be taken off the streets. Our only hope.

    Sorry for my discomboulated post. Lack of sleep and my one date is MIA (J2K?) and the other has his heart at breakfast.
    What to do? What to do?

  25. Phyl says:

    I am in such awe of Morgan’s Dad, Mom and Brother. I am sure Morgan is so proud of them. They refuse to be victims. Instead, they are choosing to be empowered advocates. THEY have the power now. They are not giving it up to this low life, degenerate, scum of the earth, who needed to over power a young woman in order to feel anything but what he is. I am so positive that the Harringtons and Morgan’s spirit will go on to help so many other people in this world. They are heros in my eyes. They are not victims.

  26. suz says:

    Hey, happy Valentine’s Day, and happy Chinese New Year (Year of the Tiger! Grrrr! I’m a metal ox myself, if anyone’s into chinese astrology, hee hee hee) to all the blinkers and thinkers and lurkers and workers and sleuths and goofs and…everybody!! And especially to you, Blink. Bless us one and all.


    TY and to you.

  27. Swiss Miss says:

    Gypsy DD says:
    February 13, 2010 at 3:44 pm

    (snipped for content)

    You are hearing it because it is a combination of “taps” and the keys to the musical connection to Morgan. And there definitely is one. Not a band member per se, but a venue where she met someone or someones that allowed her to feel comfortable enough to get in a car.
    Blink has the venue been discussed here, and is the connected individual(s) from C’Ville or closer to Roanoke? TIA

  28. susanm says:

    happy valentines to all!! i started reading here for esoteric reasons(that i could explain in an essay) and because of everyone(i read every post)here i did find what i was looking for and have grown,i have a deeper respect for family,dad,all moms,community,law enforcement,good journalism,and the sanctity of life.thank you morgan!

  29. Lexy says:

    Just reading (missed a lot), & a couple pages back, long explanation…..sounds like a defensive move……Shifflett…..Isn’t there a saying, “me thinks that though doth protest 2 much.” ?????

  30. mike says:

    blood hounds – anybody know, would a trained blood hound be able to pick up a scent (Morgan’s) at least five months after. I’m wondering whether LE has taken dogs into the various houses/structures around the farm.

    I am cautious to answer your question, because it has everything to do with the training of the dog and the handler. My sources tell me this is a legit hit on the bridge.

    That said, if they had a very strong source scent for Morgan, this dog would be a scent specific k9, meaning used only for picking up individual scents. If someone told me this dog “tracked” 5 months later, I would not find it credible. Scent-specific, yes.

    I am much more interested at what they located via K9 on the AF property.


  31. lilbugs says:

    Geez, Lexy. The guy’s character has been questioned. I do believe he was defending himself. I didn’t see anything overly defensive about his post at all. Or if you prefer, the Sheriff Shifflett doth not protest too much, me thinks.

  32. mamy says:

    you are all amazing, my cheese is with the dudes in the parking lot, figure them out and you are solving this puzzle.of all the scenarios this makes the most sense. ot, i have a very clear pic in my mind of how each of you blinkers look in real life.thanks for all you do here…241
    fwiw, i met morgan a couple times and she was like a modern day hippie chic but with her own style, very cool and yet sweet/sexy at the same time. i think so many of you are/were just like morgan.

    Sadly, I was nothing like her. I was very serious and very busy all the time. I wish I had been. Having a daughter that is nothing like me in that regard has made me love those traits about Morgan, and try to adopt a few. Never too old to change I am told :)

  33. lilbugs says:

    Ah. By George, thank you!

  34. Phyl says:

    enquirer seems to choose words very carefully. His choice of the word “current” is intriguing.

  35. Phyl says:

    “Not currently a suspect.”. Doesn’t that imply that that could change? If he was locked up then he couldn’t be a suspect. Right? Oooooh I need another chocolatecovered cherry!

  36. Enquirer says:

    If I were a betting man, I would feel pretty shakey about betting my house on a couple of things:
    * That Kickee is complicit, or that he even saw MORGAN that evening.
    * That the main purpose of working with Red Hill Road cyclists was gathering possible witness statements.
    * That what has been said about a certain comment made by 3 time ‘Mr Popularity’ contest winner GRH on the evening of Oct 17th is being taken as accurate in any way, shape or form.
    * That we are the only bloodhounds barking up the Shifflett tree.

    I will continue to sleep on how I word another couple of points.

    Blink translation:

    Enquirer says:

    *Kickee is an interjector and needed to put something out there to ‘splain to his GF having nothing to do with Morgan. Kudos J2K and *clink*. Your hazards were on appropriately to me, sorry bout that.
    * Take your cheese off GRH.
    *Put your cheese on more than one Kifflet. (rhymes with)
    *Leaving the cyclist connection alone


  37. Chad says:

    Happy Valentines Day all!

    Blink: You bring up interesting point about the K-9 unit. It would be interesting to see if what they came up with on AF, with the dogs. Being an animal lover myself, I (Have a lab) and their sense of smell is 100x greater than ours. Labs can smell actually below the dirt.
    I also know Cheapeeks(sp) water rescue dogs, searching forvictims in the water, (they look like a chocolate lab with curley hair), can smell beneath the water.
    Heres a link if anyone is interested: K-9 and crime

    Ode and Cadilac: I am in awe. 1963 The Beatles. Most impressive. Speaking of awe…awa, did you post your first concert?
    Thanks to everybody for the side bar on music. It’s a little music tribute to Morgan. If you haven’t shared, plese feel free.
    My vote for best first concert so far is……….(drum roll)…………and the first BOC Music award goes to Belleboyd….
    GARY LEWIS…….congrats and Count me in”
    Skyler: We all heart you here! You are so thoughtful.

    Fish, J2K and others: First concert info.

    J2K: Dee was spotted in video…….with knee high boots, but then she rolled them down to ankle?
    Ugh….Are you gonna ask for source? OK. I will banished to the archives.

  38. Fletch says:

    Phyl — re: your post of 12:18 p.m. on Feb. 14.

    I agree. He (or another local “bad guy” mentioned on this board) are likely candidates.

    I am from Upstate NY and am reading a book about a serial killer who killed at least three people back in the 1970′s. He was known to police as a “local bad guy” and what drew them initially to him was the location of the first murder that was discovered. He lived not too far away and would have been familiar with the area. In other words, location, location, location. Some of the people he murdered he knew, but for at least one, there was no direct connection, other than he worked at a local gas station and the evidence established that the murder victim had obtained gas there at least once. She also lived within a mile of the service station. (I guess we would say that it was a “familiar unknown” situation, using the parlance earlier developed on this board.) He also bragged about his activities while in jail — some of these guys just can’t shut up. I draw some parallels from this to the person mentioned in Phyl’s post.

    Upstate NY is a lovely area and was a great place to grow up, but back in the 70′s we seemed to have our share of serial killers. The impression that made on me as a kid is probably why I have leaned toward the “familiar unknown” scenario as a result (notwithstanding the many excellent views expressed here that the killer was truly known to Morgan.)

    Suz — also am a fan of your postings! And lean toward your way of thinking pretty much always.

    Finally, MsL. — thanks for the post about Virginia and its colleges. My daughter, my only child, will be attending college this fall. She has many opportunities available to her, including several state schools in Virginia that she applied to (UVA being one of them). As a result of Morgan’s murder (among other things) I had been having a wholly emotional reaction to her being accepted at UVA, which is likely but definitely not a sure shot. Your post was like a conversation with a trusted friend (for I am a fan of your posts, too) and I thank you for it.

  39. gifter3 says:

    Lexy-doesn’t fly with me either.
    My, My, we have a conspiracy against the poor fella for impersonating a sheriff-NUMEROUS times…Hhhmmm.
    Meanwhile he’s workin overtime sueing everyone he can think of!
    What was most SHOCKING is that he isn’t positive a “crime” has been committed in Morgan’s case-WHAT??, and… he’s admittedly “watching” his 17 yr old come and go as she pleases in her “new” car…knowing all he knows about BG’s after working in LE all these years!! Whoaa..I sure as hell hope someone else is watching her!

  40. keekee says:

    coming out of the shadows to place my cheese on those linked to the S ons of B ….beep….brothers that may or may not be ggs, but i do thinks they be da connection. found footage of biker/cyclist/brewery/brothers on stage with interesting peeps in the audience. same folks were at bonnaroo june 2009. emt/rescue/medical overlaps in many involved with cycling festivities. it’s like the 6 degrees of separation…or maybe roots and branches of a tree? there are cousins, parents, siblings. my head is spinning. makes me also wonder if the older generation crossed paths with the harringtons at uva when they lived there a decade ago. wt is thrown in there too. geesh. if any rider is mixed up in this brutal ugliness through participation, silence, relation…then one of the co-partners of the funfest could be possible. or a sib. again, known respected family, connection to emergency world, connection to particular group of talented bro musicians on the way up and managed by a famous charlottesville company.

    and, may i say that i am wowed by the brilliance of you and yours on this site. bam, er, *clink*

  41. SuzeeB says:

    I was experimenting with Google Earth today. I didn’t know I could do this. It may not be great an some markers may be off a bit but if this works it will give some folks here a better perspective of Anchorage Farm and just how difficult it would be to access, unless you drove right down Anchorage Farm Rd. I hope it works and it helps.

    Click on picture and it will enlarge (hopefully)

    Red Markers Left to Right Entrance to AF from 29, Next is First Farm House, Next is Red Barn, Next is Second House.

    Green Marker Appox. where Morgan Found (I think) Yellow Marker Appox. 1800 Block Red Hill Rd.

    Yellow Marker Appox. Red Hill Rd.

  42. Chad says:


    , If I may… our Neil Young Harmonica where your cheese is? More than one flavor? Acho and I with JS?
    The accountant witness statement: Could she have known one of the MIB? Relative? 4 names, enormous families.

    Gifter, you are right…….Hey Hey my my……

  43. suz says:

    Thanks, Fletch! Good to hear I’m not completely alone, even if it turns out we’re way out in left field. At least we’ll be in jolly company.

    Ok, first concert, Heart (as previously noted); most recent, Blondie and Pat Benatar (with the Donnas, a bonus for you Guitar Hero fans!). Yer grrrl is a serious Blondie fan from wayyy back…!

  44. SuzeeB says:

    #29 Ooops Last line should Read Orange Marker Red Hill Rd.

  45. keekee says:

    i am computer challenged big time so i hope this link works. this is what i found and look on your left and you can see the back of mh, i think. with one of her friends i recognize from pics to her left in the ponytail. if it is mh, it helps validate my theory that this music group/family may be the connection. that doesn’t mean i think any of the musicians are involved in the crime…but someone they know, that mutual aquaintance of morgan’s. yes?

  46. MsL says:

    Fletch-As I replied to Carson previously, ultimately, you, and your daughter, have to do what seems right for her. Please don’t take my word for anything with regard to grounds security. I’m was just posting how I feel about the area. As I will do when the time comes, I encourage all parents, while checking the educational opportunities of any school, also check out what that school does to keep students safe. Having a good plan on paper has to be backed by proactive action on the part of administrators.

    Phyl-I agree with you about Dr. and Mrs. Harrington. Their lives have been changed forever, but they will not let the anger and grief they feel define the rest of their lives. I am more concerned about Alex and how he is coping. The young man looks so shattered. Thankfully, he has two strong parents who will see that he gets what ever help he might need to get through the many different emotions associated with the loss of his sister. It always amazes me how much strength some parents display in times of tragedy, becoming advocates for other victims and their families. I don’t think I have even a grain of that strength.

  47. keekee says:

    dagnabit. i meant this one. it is longer and there is a clear shot of the back of “morgan” in a black dress on left side of screen. see?

  48. mahotchka says:

    Been quietly taking it all in since the beginning. Several things have crossed my mind and like all of you I have vacilated between the possible who’s and whys. I am partticularly concerned about the possibility that Morgan’s trust may have been hijacked by a “phony authority impersonator”. That someone has emerged with just that alleged history has my attention. There is, it appears, more than one reason that LE is playing it all so close to the vest… I also now wonder if there is more to the Morris suicide. Don’t know, will most likely never know. Maybe I am making this all more complicated than necessary. In the end the answers will not bring a young, beautiful, unfulfilled life back to explore what might have been.

  49. hummingbird says:

    #1 mslurkalot Please accept my heartfelt condolences for losing your baby brother and having to go through that and thankyou for sharing that with us.

    Dr Harrington our hearts go out to you all. Thankyou for opening your hearts to us and allowing us to share your burden just a little and to mourn dear Morgan. We will never give up. Godspeed.

    Mr Shifflet thankyou for taking the time to post here. I am pretty certain you will have your well trained ears to the ground and a wealth of connections to utilize. Hopefully the combined efforts of everyone who
    is concerned for their daughters and for the safety of women and children in general will help flush this or these violent killers out of hiding and into jail.

  50. anotherB says:

    @ Enquirer February 14, 2010 at 3:39 pm
    “If I were a betting man, I would feel pretty shakey about betting my house on a couple of things:

    * That the main purpose of working with Red Hill Road cyclists was gathering possible witness statements.

    * That we are the only bloodhounds barking up the Shifflett tree.”

    “Blink translation:
    Enquirer says:

    *Put your cheese on more than one Kifflet. (rhymes with)
    *Leaving the cyclist connection alone

    Sorry, I disagree with this translation. Both statements have at least a double meaning. My translation (does not reflect my view of the case):

    Cyclists: either police reaching out to community or possible suspect among cyclists.
    Certain common name in county: they are being investigated or public believes they are involved, however, this does not have to be the case.

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