Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Just Desserts says:

    Happy Valentine’s to all BOC Blinksters!

    It’s good to see that traffic is down today; means we’re talking with people we love, I hope, which surely is what Morgan would want for us.

    So, a few replies or comments to various folks & subjects:

    To Chad, yes, I’m local to Central VA. You should come down sometime and look us over, maybe meet some Shiffletts ;-) and see how most are probably a lot like people you know. What you asked me about Steven Shifflett, he pretty much answered, himself; what his story tells me is that in LE, as in pretty much any other group, it seems to take all kinds; cookie cutters really only turn out cookies. What news of Joe, now? Improving? Facing more surgery? What a sad business! The other day I was wondering, “The killer’s parents, what could they be thinking now? –from Harvard PhD to stone-cold murderer.” But then the story broke of how she’d killed her brother, yet was gotten off because of her mother’s political pull, and you have to wonder, what were they thinking THEN? “Oh well, she’s killed him, but she’s all we’ve got left.” Or, “If we don’t hide this quick, the bad publicity will ruin this good setup we’ve got.” Nothing new under the sun, perhaps; should sound oddly familiar to us following Morgan’s story, like certain angry letters to the editor in defense of indefensible kin, or like conspiracies of silence or misdirection that hope to throw an investigation off the scent or stonewall it completely.

    To Fish, you DO “write from the heart & gut,” all unvarnished, and I doubt you’ve pulled a punch in years. Brava!! (And don’t sweat the exclamation points; they’re just your way of making eye contact right through a computer monitor!)

    @ total amateur, especially re: your comments at 10:07 last night– don’t you wander off! you gave out pretty promising “rookie cheese.” Those observations about the small-time-bands-in-small-places scene were important, the ne’er-do-wells and riff-raff hanging out in search of tender prey. [My money's also still on some connection between BG(s) and "the Nine's" roving musical/party life.] So at least keep lurkin’ and lookin’ things up and lettin’ us hear when something sticks in your mind or your craw.

    @ Clarity, who posted yesterday 12:45 PM– the whole cell phone/cover/loose and missing battery question has been such a swampy morass of speculation from about Day 1, but I’ve lacked the patience to do what you did: try to reason out what it all might MEAN. So I say thanks for the job you did, which holds water at major points. I do have one question: Where did the jacket–which you say was left on the bridge and maybe fell on the train tracks, where dogs identified it as Morgan’s– come into the picture? I think Blink says, “NO jacket” and I just wonder what your source of info may be.

    Last little snark, reserved for the “kickee”– every time I hear of him and his diverting little tale, I can’t help seeing/hearing Jon Lovitz, in his old SNL character as compulsive liar. Like our “suz” remarked, I’d bet that story’s gotten even richer with time. Maybe we can get him on here to tell it, like a curtain call.

    Enjoy your valentines! Maybe later I’ll find time to post a contender for J2K’s “COINCIDENCE? or CLUE?” series.

  2. MsL says:

    Suz, reading backwards or I would have commented to you with Fletch and Phyl. I did not attend the Metallica concert so I do not know whether or not there were security people hired by the acts in addition to regular security. Security employed by the venue (I guess that means they actually work for RMC) wear khaki pants with white shirts and navy blue vests with the UVa V over crossed sabers on the left chest of the vests. When the question first arose about security dress, I made a point of observing the people working the doors and at each seating section the next time we attended an event. Given that the doors opened around 6 and Metallica finished their set around 11 or 11:30, would security have worked in shifts?

    I don’t often speculate, but if the 4 “dudes” in black were inside and saw Morgan leave, or were just approaching the doors when she was denied re-entry and headed away from the arena, is it possible they followed her? I would go more with the theory that they never entered. Maybe they were only interested in Metallica, but on seeing Morgan, lost their interest in the show.

  3. Tarheel says:

    I read alot here, seldom post. The posters here have unbelievable skills. I tried researching, but realized rather quickly that it would probably be best for us all if I just continued reading instead.

    Was wondering if someone (sky maybe?) could remind me what time LOG’s set was over and what time Metallica started? Just thinking about the four guys, dressed in black, and am wondering if the time they were seen with the blonde that everyone believes was Morgan would have been time for the band and/or their setup crew to be out of the arena? I don’t think any security staff would have been dismissed until after the entire event was over, and I think it was discussed here earlier, on a different thread, that they were wearing khaki.

    I’ve got to start taking notes. When I’m reading, I think of plenty of things to say, but then when I get here to post, poof!, they’re gone.

    My first concert…Huey Lewis and the News and 38 Special. Had no idea who 38 Special was at the time. I was there to see Huey. My boyfriend teases me about that constantly.

    There are great minds here. I’ve looked at some of the other cases on this site, and I hope that once Morgan’s killer is found, all or some of you will be willing to look into some of those (if you don’t already) because I really feel that you guys could help with information to solve some of those cases as well. Happy Valentine’s Day all!

  4. mary says:

    Didn’t belleboyd also see Creedence? I have requested “Up Around The Bend” to be played at my funeral.

  5. belika says:

    Well… “FBI Asks Bicyclists Help With Harrington Case”
    “Enquirer says:
    February 14, 2010 at 3:39 pm
    If I were a betting man, I would feel pretty shakey about betting my house on a couple of things:
    * That the main purpose of working with Red Hill Road cyclists was gathering possible witness statements.”

    OK. Then… Could it be FBI turning into the cyclists not for gathering witness statements, but for gathering possible co-BG/s relations/movements?
    If the web site of the cycling competition which took place the day/evening Morgan disappeared is down, and many local guys took part in that ride, and Charlottesville is not such a big place, at least related to NYC, and many of the young guys living in the area know each other?

  6. Lexy says:

    @Lilbugs, no prob that u don’t agree. @gifter3, what struck me was he was saying he was a police officer while being arrested for impersonating a police officer, & so & so didn’t do anything, but so & so got fired later. And it’s happ’d multiple times, and there are multiple lawsuits. Personally, it would even make a boring Lifetime Movie (I do watch LT here & there, mean no offense). I don’t think HE is guilty. Perhaps someone he knows…..ah like…..hmmmm. Oh, & it was an utterly dramatic post. Dysfunctional….Dramatic….I really don’t mean offense at him….his post had a reason, & it wasn’t what was written.

  7. Georgie says:

    Why weren’t we focusing on these four guys earlier? I think probably because it seemed highly unlikely that four guys could be involved in Morgan’s death without at least ONE of them doing a little tap dance (harmonica providing the music, B?) early on. I still have problems with that many being involved, I need to re-think this scenario.

  8. yoshi says:

    I’ve spent a considerable amount of time looking at Anchorage Farm area maps. Someone posted last night about the green building directly across from where Morgan was found. If I have my coordinates correct, it is .33 miles (572yds) between these 2 locations. It would seem to me that this would be a feasible distance to travel on foot and carry/drag a dead body, no? Especially if there were 2 (mid 20′s/early 30′s young guy or guys) doing the hauling.

    There also appears to be some sort of “track” running along the tree line just b4 you would turn into the driveway where the green building is located. This building is about 400 yds from the Consulate’s house. Could an engine be heard from this distance? (Sorry if that seems stoopid, I have no sense of direction/distance)

    Could you cut your engine when Blandemar Farm Dr. flattens out and push the car/truck to the driveway of the green building. (or through the field?)

    What is the green building used for? Who would have access to it? Maintenance shed? Also, the field they would need to cross…tall grass that is mowed when?

    And one more…the pond. Can anyone use the pond at any time to fish? Is there a fishing season or a point when you would stop going to the pond? Could the BG(‘s) arrive in the area early in the morning of the 18th to go “fishing”?

  9. luvblink says:

    Fred Mishnik January 26th, 2010 | 5:15 pm
    There’s a creepy-ass dude that lives on that farm. His first name starts with a J. I wonder if the cops will be speaking to him.

    This poster later says he is not calling LE because if he knows about him so do they. I haven’t heard of anyone else living on the Bass farm. Anyone else heard of this?

    Skyler- that is a great idea to add the BOC family. Thank you.

    Chad- I’m still praying for your friends family. Please update when you can. (((Hugs)))

  10. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink and all,How many people attended the concert with DS? During the ball drop there were at least 3 males walking out with her. Where was everybody during LOG? Except for the curly-headed dude with glasses no one seemed to be with her all through LOG? Just thinking out loud, I know, I know it can lead to too many dark thoughts.

    Someone steer me back on course.

  11. Just Desserts says:

    J2K et al. I haven’t been playing your COINCIDENCE or CLUE game, but what I recently noticed gave the back of my neck that telltale tingle and suggests maybe I should have been paying game attention. Here’s what I saw, lifted from a site that Judi had supplied a link to the other day:
    [lifted text]
    Capt. John Marks (Hastings, John) m. bet 1784/85, Mrs Lucy (Meriwether) Lewis, and had the following children and stepchildren; he died abt. 5 Mar 1800.
    1. Meriwether Lewis, b. Locust Hill, near Charlottesville, VA, 17 Oct 1774. The famous explored of the Rocky Mountains, and the Pacific Coast. Died unm., near Nashville, TN, while acting as Governor of Missouri Territory, 17 Oct 1809. pp. 7-8; Meriwether Lewis, b. Locust Hill, near Charlottesville, VA, 17 Oct 1774. The famous explored of the Rocky Mountains, and the Pacific Coast. Died umn, near Nashville, TN, while acting as Governor of Missouri Territory, 17 Oct 1809

    I’d gone to this link hoping for more information about the White family of Albemarle, who—along with some Lewis relatives—had been long-time owners of Anchorage Farm. But the dates given for the birth and suspicious death—did he commit suicide, or was he assassinated??—of famed Meriwether Lewis are a month and day we all know too well.

    Is that weird coincidence, or does it suggest something ritual about Oct. 17, 2009, the 200th anniversary of Lewis’s stated date of death?

    There is a attempt pending—I don’t recall details, but perhaps it has the standing of a lawsuit—to have Lewis’s remains exhumed and subjected to the latest scientific analyses, hoping to answer the question of suicide vs. murder as his COD. (He died at a primitive inn on the Natchez Trace, from “multiple gunshot wounds,” which the innkeeper’s wife had heard in the night, and although through a crack she watched Lewis crawl around and ask for someone to bind his wounds, she did nothing and alerted no one till morning.) Let’s see: shot in the side and shot in the head, sounds like… [1809 inquest verdict: suicide!]

    Weird enough for you? Wait; there’s a significant twist. Meriwether Lewis’s actual birthday, modern sources agree, was August 18, 1774. And he died the morning of October 11, 1809 after being shot in the night. So why does this on-line genealogist supply the date Oct. 17 for both his birth and death? Not the kind of imprecision that genealogists—even amateur ones—are noted for. Could there be some method or motive in this doubly-mistaken date?

    Well, looking at the elderly, East Texas man and wife who put up the website, I sure can’t imagine ill intent on their parts. Then where did the Oct. 17th birth and death dates come from? Clearly not from an informed, printed source. But what about an old “family bible”? or word of mouth? Either seems a possible source for the mistake and, interestingly, either of them (not to mention the “cuddins” site itself) could have been consulted and taken for gospel by others unknown (but possibly connected to the Albemarle Lewis or White families, owners of Anchorage when it was just a farm among many, rather than surrounded by “farmettes” with spec-built McMansions), who found some mystic significance in Meriwether Lewis “being born and dying mysteriously on the same day of the year” and decided to act on it.

    COINCIDENCE? or CLUE?? – you decide!

  12. Cat says:

    Wasn’t Dee with 3-4 males, one of which was her boyfriend? Sorry if I am a little slow on the uptake, but are they 100% sure that was Morgan?

  13. J2K says:

    fish, my sweet! As usual, I’m late for a date – but I brought you chocolate-covered cheese. (Share some with B.)

    Chad – first concert: Grateful Dead. And thank you for your kind, Chaddy sentiments. <3
    (You’ve taught me how to love … on the Internet with those little hearty things!).

    Observer – I’d think you would kick ass as a game-show contestant. Team Observer!

    B – I’m glad you can relate to whirlwind exits. I spin off into them far too often… I console myself, however, with a favorite quote from Oscar Wilde: “Punctuality is the thief of time.”

    That said, the hazard-debacle hours were time well-spent here. I definitely think we have four Unknowns who need to be identified – call them the Dude Quartet, MIB, the Dudes of Interest (or “DOI” – thanks, mosaic) – but these dudes have names, and as far as the public knows, have not come forth. It’s possible they have; I’d like to know because their possible complicity in MH’s leaving of the arena area seems more certain if they remain unidentified black figures that can’t be accounted for and whom a witness allegedly saw MH with at a critical time in the evening for for decisions and movements.

    mosaic – Sláinte! re: DOI
    Quite some time ago we were discussing DQ/MIB/DOI (good luck, newcomers!) and their black-clad outfits being a uniform or something – maybe security. Several posters who attend events at the JPJ – and some who were there that night – said that security had distinct ensembles with navy jackets marked with “SECURITY” and khaki pants (something like that. O? sky? MsL?localcvillegirl?) – regardless, not black.

    The only sure things my thoughts on them can cling to are the time and the time-stamper CPA’s witness account. Starting with time, they, along with MH, were allegedly walking away from the arena, across Massie and into the main lot at 9:05 p.m. This could mean one of several things: They attended the show only to see the openers (and LOG is extremely popular in some circles in that region/nationally, so that’s feasible – also, Metallica’s too mainstream for some, and my BF says James Hatfield has lost his great voice in recent years); or, they were “asked to leave” in between sets for something behavioral inside the arena; or, they were walking by the arena from somewhere else (doubtful).

    The all-black clothing I attribute to the typical dress of young, hardcore metal fans.
    So, the CPA sees same group in RV lot around a vehicle. Who would have parked in the RV lot for that show? Anyone know? I know it was used for athlete overflow parking when a major events was taking place in the JPJ, as it was that night – thus the BB players all being parked there – but who else? Suz, I think you posed this question in relation to Granny. Has this been determined?

    It’s possible they were parked in the Emmet-Ivy lot (where the majority of non-UVA-related concert attendees parked), and they may have stopped to smoke a joint or something before walking the 10 minutes down Ivy (trying to think why they would be in back RV lot if not actually parked there); however, CPA said they appeared gathered around a vehicle. Hmmmph.

    This needs to percolate a little longer…

    Here Here.
    I strongly agree this is not ripe; but it will be this week.

  14. fish says:

    Mom3.0 says:
    February 14, 2010 at 5:59 pm
    Blink and all,How many people attended the concert with DS? During the ball drop there were at least 3 males walking out with her. Where was everybody during LOG? Except for the curly-headed dude with glasses no one seemed to be with her all through LOG? Just thinking out loud, I know, I know it can lead to too many dark thoughts.

    Someone steer me back on course.

    Mom, I posted LOG, Dee’s at beginning and end. Her boots were low. Never did I see them to knee. Nor do I believe that they can. Just an observation, though. I am going to post video where she is leaving at the end of Metallica. I’ll have to look. In the meantime…

    The only question I have ever had and I asked this a long time ago. I posted all the different groups that were there…but there is one guy with a light-colored shirt on and he walks up behind Dee’s boyfriend. Mr. Lightshirt looks to be texting or doing something on his phone. Dee’s BF then takes out his phone and looks at it. Remember, this is all from my memory right now. I will find that video.

    Skyler son’s is right, it is the last song of Metallica and the balls are dropping and one of her party catches one. Hands it to Dee.
    (sorry don’t know how else to put that)

    I’m going to my LOG, Gorja, Metallica collection. Be back…

  15. suz says:

    Blink, yeah, isn’t the whole Blandemar neighborhood a gated community with keypad entry? Can’t they look at who punched in that night and when?

    All these obstacles to getting the body to the remains site make it really tricky….(you know—unless they rolled right up through the front gate since no one was home).


  16. TOY says:

    Although I read here daily, I seldom have an idea that would advance the discussion. However, I do have a couple of observations about the various turns and twists the board has taken in recent days.

    First, the expression used when they were filming the first “We Are the World” seems appropriate here, too, I think. Simply stated (and perhaps slightly paraphrased), it was “Check your egos at the door.” Don’t let the frustrations of the hunt for justice for Morgan fray the fabric of this garment Blink has worked so hard to craft. In my opinion, her creation fits just right and is so appropriate for its intended purpose.

    Second, please don’t let the investigation and research into the underbelly of our society affect your overall belief in people. Temper your distaste of the dregs with a recognition and appreciation of the human kindness you witness every day. Not everyone has a hidden agenda with evil intent especially when defending themselves from brainstorming conjecture.

    If you allow yourself to become jaded and wary of every interaction with a stranger you may just miss some encounters of angels unaware. Yes, embrace that “gift” of fear but don’t become so frozen in that state that you fail to lose what makes you a kind and compassionate individual. Be aware but don’t beware of helping another. It is in that outreach that we often finally understand that commonality we share with all humans.

    Sorry, I didn’t intend to go on and on. I just think that if Morgan’s senseless death causes us to be totally intolerant and suspicous of all others, we will have also become a victim in this crime. Not only that but from what little I have ascertained about Morgan, I think she would be disappointed.

    On a lighter note and in tribute to her love of music, I’ll share my first concert experience which will certainly age me…Paul Revere and the Raiders…and no, it wasn’t during the American Revolution. LOL

  17. MsLurkALot says:

    That property is listed with a realtor. Meaning, it will have a lockbox which is encoded to reflect when it is accessed. It also has a security alarm. Realtors are trained to deactivate and reactivate it.

    Yes, VA realtors use lock boxes. They don’t have to, but most do. I chuckled to myself, though, when I read “Realtors are trained…!” They are trained, but can be an undisciplined bunch (I used to be one!) If there were construction going on on a daily basis, I can’t imagine a realtor showing up twice a day, religiously, to lock and unlock the box. Just a gut reaction. And, if they had a trusted contractor, he might have a key, or subs may have keys. A hard wired security system is another issue, but, again, someone has to be responsible for activating it at the end of the day, if people are in and out. We don’t know if people were in and out during the time of Morgan’s death, but it would be nice to know. Also, there could be outbuildings without lock boxes or wired into the security system. Still seems plausible until we know more.

    Anywho, I love following everyone’s thought processes, and seeing where they lead. This case is local for me, and that really doesn’t even matter. It is just a heart-wrenching situation, with many victims. Peace to the Harrington family, and to everyone who is working for justice on their behalf.

  18. Ragdoll says:

    #1 MsLurkALot

    My heart goes out to you and your family. What a horrible thing to endure! I wish there was something I could do or say to make it all better but we know it’s not possible. I will certainly keep you in my prayers. Stay strong and persevere my friend!


  19. Observer says:

    Enquirer does indeed weigh his words very, very carefully and for that I am most appreciative–not to mention, intrigued. I follow his posts closely, and believe that all others would be well-served to do the same. [I know many already do.]

    With good reason.

    RE: Georgie, 2/14, 5:29 pm stated:

    “Why weren’t we focusing on these four guys earlier? I think probably because it seemed highly unlikely that four guys could be involved in Morgan’s death without at least ONE of them doing a little tap dance (harmonica providing the music, B?) early on. I still have problems with that many being involved, I need to re-think this scenario.”

    Agreed w/ your reasoning in your first two sentences. WRT the last one, though, re: 4 guys: might it be conceivable that Morgan initially “interacted” with these four, um, “gentleman” (until proven otherwise) but that perhaps not all 4 later “continued their interaction” w/ Morgan? Rather, it began as a group of 4 MIB, but Morgan ended up “leaving” later with only one or two.

    This scenario allows both the earlier sightings to fit, and for perhaps 2 BGs/MIB to be involved in “later activities”.

    [All quotation marks above intentional.]

  20. alexandra says:

    When Dee was asked if she was the one walking with 4 MIB, she seemed annoyed at being asked questions and gave a vague answer. I think she said, it could have been her, but the reporter asking the question didn’t ask if it was after LOG played. We now know it couldn’t have been her because she was inside the arena. During Metallica. Morgan was supposedly inside during LOG. The blonde and the 4 MIB were walking away from the arena, after LOG played. I think the sighting of a blonde walking away from the arena with 4 MIB was Morgan. These 4 guys have never come forward.

  21. Phyl says:

    Dear Blink and Enquirer – Thanks a lot! Just when I thought I had it figured all out!!! Though I still don’t read anywhere in Enquirer’s post to rule Mr. Popularity out completely, so I just can’t let it go – (I’m tenacious, bordering obsessive), so I am cutting the cheese (so to speak) and placing the other half on a Kifflett, just not sure which one yet. There are just so many to choose from that fall into my BG profile.
    Speaking of names that rhyme with Kifflett, I just read THIS article. Unbelievable! I feel sorry for the good, law-abiding, decent people that share that surname.
    Jeffrey Shifflett, the former volunteer fire chief at the Hardy Volunteer Fire Company, was found dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound one day after he was indicted on 14 forgery and embezzlement charges stemming from an investigation of activities at the fire …

  22. Steven Shifflett says:

    gifter3 (and Lexy), I’m sorry. I should have gone into more detail. When a daughter has a new car to go to school and work in, a parent can’t keep their eyes on the child every minute of the day. While finishing high school and in preperation of going to college, she makes a tremendous amount of money babysitting. Many people in this community are very wealthy and need child care. From the looks of her deposits (checks) each week, which I usually take to the bank when I go, my daughter has been very fortunate in meeting many of these wealthy people. When she leaves a babysitting job at 9:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m. or later, you never know what can happen. Who’s going to come along if the car breaks down, a good guy or a bad guy? New cars break down too you know. Who’s going to come along and attempt to carjack her at a red light? What’s the chances of a cop being in place to help if anything bad happens? The Morgan Harrington case proves the answer to this is “hardly any chance at all.”

    If you honestly think I am suppose to take a 17 year child (almost 18) to and from school, and take her to every child care job she has day to day…. well, I just don’t know what to say. How long should a parent lead their children around by the hand? Age 21? Age 25? Until they finish college and get married? Just how long?

    Having been a deputy sheriff in Virginia for almost three decades, and my having seen and heard it all in the courtrooms, I feel I have taught my daughter how to take care of herself the best she can. Just like the Harrongtons, I can not be there to protect my daughter 24 hours a day. The only thing I regret is the fact my daughter can not get a concealed handgun permit until she is 21 in Virginia. The law should be 18 years old. At age 18 our children can go to Iraq and hold an M-16 rifle in one hand and a grenade in the other. As soon as my daughter turns 21, she will have a permit and a firearm. PERIOD!

    And yes, there was a conspiracy in my first false arrest, and there was most certainly a conspiracy in my second false arrest. Why do you think everybody came knocking at the last minute and wanting to settle out of court? The cop shoppes didn’t want their dirty laundry hung out for everybody to see. I said I wasn’t going to publish the entire story here, it’s far too long, and I’m not. But to prove just a very small portion of the many acts of conspiracy, the 911 tapes were under subpoena in my first false arrest. These tapes would have proved my identify as a Greene County deputy sheriff had been confirmed by Sheriff Morris four hours before the rookie sought the arrest warrant from the magistrate. The tapes were late in being prepared, so the 911 dispatch center promised to have them finished by a Friday afternoon. My attorney warned me that I would never see them. She was right. On that Friday afternoon I received a certified letter claiming the tapes had been accidentally destroyed. We also located the former 911 employee who was assigned to cut some tapes into pieces no longer than 1″. He would have testified to the timing and the fact the fact that the tapes he destroyed were most likely the same tapes I had under subpoena.

    Please feel free to keep believing that cops do not conspire amongst each other. But I will remind you of the infamous New York case where a man claimed he was taken into a bathroom and impaled with a broom by the detectives. The detectives appeared on TV and in media releases laughing about the claim and denying it for 30 day. The smurk on their faces is sickening to this day now that we know the truth. But finally, one of the detectives turned state’s evidence and admitted it most certainly did take place. Suppose that one detective had never come forward? The victim would have been called a liar for the rest of his life. This is pretty much what a small handful of local rouge cops thought they were going to do to me, they were all telling the truth, and I was the one lying. The judges repeatedly didn’t buy into their game plan one iota. One judge, in open court and while still on record, called them all a bunch of liars to their faces. He said he had never seen testimony so diametrically opposed in his entire career as a judge. Bottom line, not one lawsuit I filed against this small band of rouge cops was ever dismissed.

    Now, having said what I said above, let me add this please. 98% of cops are decent honest hard working people. The other 2% belong in jail.

  23. awa says:

    chad! hope you are okay… been thinkin’ about you
    my first concert was the grateful dead…

  24. Ragdoll says:


    Thank you for the link! It’s very appreciated and I now have a jar to put my cheese in.

    For the record, my cheese is on Morgan with her newly acquired wings. Forever young. Forever beautiful. Forever Morgan. ~<3~

  25. susanm says:

    there was a simple assault assault at jpj at 9;30,could those people have been asked to leave,or left as someone was calling uvap?

  26. J2K says:

    MsLurksALot – said:
    “… I believe that J2K is right on in surmising the partially constructed residence on Red HIll Rd is possibly the crime scene. …”

    I only noted the coincidence (not even sure that word applies here) that a vacant, unfinished home sits directly across the road from the location on AF in which she was found, as a crow flies.

    B seems to think, after studying the topography of the area and noting that the property (1920 Red Hill) is being shown so it is likely more secure than I was giving it credit for being. my thoughts on the possibility of that place came down to (everyone now!): location, location, location. It’s possible her body was lugged across town and specifically placed in that wooded patch for some reason – but it’s *probable* that seemed the most hidden, lonely spot in the area for a stressful disposal of a body. So, the crime scene is likely in its vicinity.

    Does that mean Blandemar Farm? (Is the property line between it and Anchorage Farm clearly marked?) Does it mean the vacant foreclosed near-mansion at 3205 Blandemar Drive, bordering the northern end of AF? Does that mean from a property along Red Hill Road? Or not inside a home/structure in the area, but in a vehicle or outdoors (being it was cold and wet out, it’s less likely this one, imo). The new/half-but home across from the location stuck out as somehow significant because of it’s direct line to the site she was found, which is right at the intersection where the North Fork of the hardware breaks of and narrows as it splits into an easterly right toward the main Bass home:,+Charlottesville,+Albemarle,+Virginia+22903&gl=us&ei=uod4S-e_JOT08Qav5LD3Dg&ved=0CAkQ8gEwAA&ll=37.986388,-78.617907&spn=0.017622,0.036049&t=h&z=15

    Also, I’m wondering if any of the obstacles between an access point and her location – creeks, rivers, barbed wire, etc. – are a non-factor, because where she was eventually found was not where she was initially placed., which could have been in a shallow grave along the soft, overgrown ground bordering the creek (branched over from the Hardware river).

    It supposedly flooded a few times over the last 4 months – locals? – and her body could have become unearthed, and moved around from debris pushed from farther upstream by the surging waterways. She could have been placed on the *other side* of the creek and moved by the elements over the change in seasons to where she was eventually found on dry land outside the tree line (through which the creek flows through) after a period of low eater levels in that area.

    Regardless, it comes back around to: Who could access that spot, and where were they coming from that it was the most desirable place to hide her. It was somewhere in that vicinity – maybe a one-mile radius, in my opinion.

  27. Ragdoll says:

    Dear Dr. Dan Harrington, Mrs. Gil Harrington and Mr. Alex Harrington,

    I feel deeply inspired to share with you how your strength and perseverance has given me hope with my own, not nearly devastating, issues which you now have taken on.

    I am now learning to embrace the challenges I face with gratitude and dignity. Another day of life! This is HUGE for me. On the verge of giving up, I come to BOC to seek comfort in ‘hanging’ with those who fight relentlessly, tirelessly. It never fails, my hope is restored enough to take a few more steps. These are the kind of people I want to emulate and I include your beloved family in this group. Y’all have become an emblem of champions and warriors in my world.

    I never knew Morgan in the mortal world but spiritually, I feel her ethereal presence. She dances like the aurura borealis. You only need to witness this extraordinary miracle once to feel reborn. In one word, celestial. So ‘keep on keeping on’ has never felt more real to me, all because of your beautiful angel faced princess.

    ~Infinite love~

  28. Phyl says:

    Fletch, Upstate NY sure does have some lovely places to live, as does Virginia! Unfortunately, as you and I both know, evil has legs and can drive…anywhere. So we all have to be on our guard for it to possibly drive into our neighborhood. There is so much good in this world, but just “one bad day” in the presence of evil can be devastating. I admire the men and women that track this evil down for a living. I’m exhausted just blogging about it! Fletch, I hope your daughter is able to go to the college of her choice. Encourage her to help spread the word about what happened to Morgan. She will be more aware of what goes on out there and may save someone else from feeling too safe in unsafe surroundings. No college campus is completely safe. We can take safety with us by being more aware of the wolves dressed as sheep out there, as well as the ones that look and act like just plain old dirtbags. Oh, I just want to add this. A man in a uniform does not a cop make. A true police officer has integrity. Otherwise, he’s just a criminal in a uniform. Don’t confuse those with real cops.

  29. juliemooly says:

    After taking my dog to the park to play this afternoon, I drove out past Anchorage Farm, to Red Hill Road, and onward down Blandemar Farm Road and Waldemar Farm Road. These are my impressions.

    I was surprised at the number of houses now built on Red Hill Road; there are at least twice than what appears on MapQuest and Google Maps. I can say that I would be very surprised to find out that the killer(s) of Morgan Harrington crossed Red Hill Road and accessed the woods between Red Hill Road and where he/they placed her on Anchorage. It is hillier than I expected, and the woods are dense.

    The properties out there are vast, and exclusive, especially behind Anchorage Farm. There are a couple of modest homes on Red Hill Road, but the encroaching McFarms dwarf them. McMansions have nothing on these places. These are estate homes, but they’re the 1.7 mil variety rather than the multi-gazillion estates like Morven and Albemarle (former Kluge estates, which are on thousands of acres, with 40-foot electronic gates and guards that drive up from nowhere when you pull in at the gate to turn around) in nearby Keswick and surrounds.

    1920 Red Hill Road is still unfinished. The gate to the property is closed (don’t know if it’s locked), however, the drive has been snow-plowed since the foot and a half of snow we had on February 5-6, and there are muddy tracks going in and out of the driveway). About 50 yards away 2000 Red Hill Road, closer to Hwy 29 than 1920 Red Hill, has an electric gate. They keypad for entry is broken and dangling by its wires, which I find interesting, but naturally I have no idea how it got that way or how long it’s been that way.

    From Red Hill Road I turned onto Taylors Gap Road, then to Blandemar. Driving onto Blandemar Farm Estates, on Blandemar Farm Drive and Waldemar Farm Drive, I can tell you I stood out like a sore thumb. Those roads are empty; they are like really long, shared driveways that lead to expensive homes with gates to the actual driveways. Some of them appear empty for the winter; however, the drives have been plowed, so it’s hard to know if there are live-in caretakers year round, or just scheduled plowing all-round by the Blandemar Farm association, assuming there is one. I drove past two separate couples taking walks down the road, I guess for exercise, and I waved like I belonged there, but of course their gazes lingered on me as I drove by. I’m sure those gazes were suspicious: my car is nothing close to a Beamer and my hound is not pure-bred English stock.

    The narrow stretch of Waldemar that runs between Red Hill Road and the house with the green-roofed barn may be completely private. I didn’t try to access it from Red Hill, because with the snow, it’s one lane, and I wasn’t prepared to meet someone on that little lane with piles of snow on both shoulders and nowhere to turn around. It is private where it branches off from Waldemar. Normally, I am the definition of curious, but I didn’t want to push my luck. It’s creepy out there. I felt like a moving target. If your idea of the good life is to be completely isolated then you would love it. I do believe that property with the green-roofed building would be the place to access Morgan’s resting place.

    I hope the snow melts before the trees bud, because that will be the best way to see this countryside. It’s easy to look around now while the leaves are still off the trees, but the vast expanses of one-dimensional white snow confound me.

    While driving I was stuck behind a tractor carrying one of those large round bales of hay. I was behind it when I turned onto Red Hill from Highway 29, where it had a bale, and it let me pass; and when I was driving on Red Hill Road to go back home. I don’t know if it was the same tractor, but it struck me as odd that it made a big circle without unloading its hay. Perhaps there were different tractors. I also never saw the pull-off the cyclists supposedly park in on Red Hill Road, or the old homestead. A lot of Red Hill is fenced on the Anchorage side, presumably as part of Anchorage Farm.

    Instead of going immediately home, I crossed 29 and stayed on Red Hill Road for a mile. I passed a beat up old truck, an old SUV, and an old Buick. That pretty much sums up being “out in the county” of Albemarle: the definition of a study in contrasts. I passed multiple shotgun shacks as I left estate country on my way to middle-class-land in town.

    Oh, and how could I forget this…on my way down Hwy29 South at the start of my outing I had to slow down a little because of the scruffy family of deer nibbling on the grass that had somehow peeked out of the snow by the side of the road. And lo and behold, coming towards me on the shoulder of the road is a man on a dark colored horse, wearing a long black oilcloth coat and an Indiana Jones hat. Mind you, Hwy 29 is just that, a four-lane divided highway, where the speed is 55-60 mph. “What the F*&K, holy s&^t, holy f*^king shit” were my exact words. Honestly, the only place I’ve ever been that’s more eccentric than Charlottesville is Savannah, GA, and the only place creepier is Alamogordo, NM.

    Wow. Just Wow.

    G R E A T work.

    Red Hill Gate it is. You have convinced me.


  30. ConcernedBystander says:

    Has anyone had any thoughts about the Jeshua guy on the HFMDH FB site? From early on he’s seemed kind of suspicious to me. He was real involved on that site offering theories and claiming to have searched areas all the way to Richmond and Front Royal. One post in the first week stated “Logged 400 miles today of backwoods driving. I posted as much of the fliers at campsites in the mountains, but pretty much the word is out.” That struck me odd at the time. If you averaged 50mi/hr with no stopping, then it’d take 8 hrs to log 400 miles. But to log 400 backwoods miles, you’d obviously be averaging less than 50mi/hr. Also, until recently he never had a picture or even a clickable name over there. I noticed he didn’t post much for awhile and then as soon as she was found he reappeared and with an actual picture. Also, I haven’t been able to find a person in VA with that name. It looks to me like his name and account are fake. And it’s also odd that Jeshua is translated as Jesus.
    Anyways, does anyone else know anything about him?

  31. Swiss Miss says:

    Blink, in Enquirer’s 2/14 post at 3:39 pm, you stated, “Put your cheese on more than one Kifflet. (rhymes with).” Was there a reason you spelled it with one ‘t’? With the various spellings of that common name to the C’Ville area, I want to make sure I don’t bark up the wrong branch.

    My bad.

  32. armed says:

    To Blink
    Eliot said that April was the cruelest month but for us it seems to be February. Like you I am not easy with the topic yet. Let’s just say 12 years on no body to bury and no justice. Still hoping for a miracle for a long lost beloved brother to ring the phone or knock on the door.
    To Skyler
    I think you are right about our common thread.
    First concert : Genesis in Philadelphia Best: U2
    Life is beautiful – Morgan and the Harrington remind us of that. This site, I hope, reminds them.

  33. Red Hill local says:

    “mike says:
    February 13, 2010 at 6:18 pm
    question for RedHill … a while back, perhaps on a different thread, you opined that the perp went north on Red Hill Rd. to a turn off/out just north of the bridge over Hargrave (sp?) river and then went to the site where the body was found. The perp used an ATV maybe with a trailer attached. This may seem minor, but when I look at the google earth image of this turn out, it is immediately north of the river. My question is this: how could the atv rider then cross the river to go to the site? Is there a small makeshift bridge somewhere that only a true local would know about? Is there an easily fordable spot? Did this “river” have water of any depth in it in late Oct? Is it easy to cross this river I guess is what I’m asking? esp. with an ATV. Is this something any idjidt could figure out or would it require some clear knowledge of the path? Is there a well worn path? I realize just a minor issue, but it was bugging me. tia
    Not minor, and I think we have changed our thoughts on that, but let me let Red Hill take this one.
    Mike, It would be VERY difficult to cross the Hardware river from the south side of the bottom, the section of the bottom past that first bridge. I am also unaware of any crossing on that river anywhere up the bottom. That’s why they have two gates leading onto the bottom, one before the bridge and one after. Could an ATV cross it? Possibly but IMO the BG didn’t take her there by an ATV. Too much time, and risk involved in that especially when you can access the location where MH was found by vehicle, Jeep, Pickup, SUV, even something like a Subaru. I would be willing to bet I could drive all the way there in my 2 wheel drive vehicle. Any good ol’ country boy with experience could do it, IF they were familiar with the prop.

    Likewise, someone entering from Blandemar side, could turn by the green equipment building and drive across the bottom to within 30-40 feet of where she was found. They WOULD have to cross 2 fences and a steep-banked, small stream. But very doable.

    I’ve been gone all weekend and haven’t had the time to read thru 200 posts, but I saw someone ask about snow. To the best of my knowldege, the first snow this past fall was Sat. Dec 5th with a light dusting here in Albemarle. Then the 2 foot snow on Dec 18-19.

    My thoughts on the cyclists are that VSP is stumped, or needs a bit more info to really nail someone. I certainly hope I’m wrong. As I’ve said before, there’s a pulloff on 708 west of 29 just past the first bridge. Someone posted a pic of a site beside 29 on the east side of 29 with roundbales. That is not used a cycling parking area. the farmer would have a fit. Go another 150-200 yds east on 708 and there’s a wide area at the road to the left that is often used for parking.

  34. Redrock says:

    There is an interview of Dee with WHSN where she talks about ironically planning afterward to meet up with a friend who also were friends of Morgan’s group. This is what Dee was quoted as saying,”

    Spolarics, her boyfriend and three other guys went to the concert and say it was a great crowd. Afterward, they tried to meet up with friends, seated in another part of the arena. Those friends were mutual friends of Spolarics and Morgan Harrington.

    “We call and [our friend] is like, ‘We’re actually missing somebody,’ one of the people she was with, and they’re like, ‘We don’t know what happened to her. She said she was getting a ride home, so we guess she’s fine,’ but so we’re like OK, we didn’t think anything of it and they went home,” says Spolarics.

  35. Redrock says:

    oops WHSV

  36. suz says:

    Chad, it gets worse! That crazy woman who shot your friend’s brother ALSO had sent two bombs to her Harvard professor when she was working on her doctorate (1993) but for some reason they couldn’t prove it.

    Good grief.

  37. lizzy says:

    I’m feeling slow on the uptake, too. I have gone back and read most/all of the posts I missed in recent days. But I still feel like I’ve missed something more–some connection that has been made and I’m not getting.

    Cat, I think I can answer your question, though: no, they’re not sure that was Morgan. And Dee said it was probably herself. BUT, if Dee is showing up on video during both LOG and Metallica, how could it be Dee outside at that time?

  38. Miss Kitty says:

    Hello to All-

    Have been a lurker for a long while & love what Blink et al have done to help the Harringtons and help find the person who committed this horrible crime. I believe I’m fairly up to date with the posts but wanted to ask you all to comment on possible things I’ve missed.
    Possible POIs
    1) GRH – friends with C”B”S. Is he still POI?
    2) C”B”S – bragged about blond & feel confident he is still POI
    3) EMH – RSO, 20yr old, close proximity to AF. Was he at JPJ Oct 17th?
    4) WT – At JPJ, focused on MDH. Is he still POI?
    Others??? Any other RSOs being considered?

    Do we think one of the above is one of the 4 guys MH was seen walking with away from JPJ? Maybe witness has been shown photo lineup to ID one or more?

    Thanks, Miss Kitty

  39. Phyl says:

    Another article re: another Shifflett. But the quote in this article reminded me of OYE. Hmmmm.

    —–”Nevertheless, he said that Shifflett accepted the plea “with eyes open.”"——-

    But what is even MORE interesting to me is THE PLEA DEAL!!!!! What’s this with 700 hours of community service!!!!!

    ——Shifflett’s legal problems began in January 2006 when two former students of the defunct Calvary Baptist Academy accused him of child abuse and indecent liberties. Other students stepped forward until Shifflett found himself facing five counts of child endangerment, two counts of indecent liberties, and one count of felonious assault. The incidents occurred in during the late 1980′s and early 1990′s.

    In December 2006 Shifflett accepted a plea agreement – he plead guilty to one felony count of cruelty to children and six misdemeanor charges of assault and battery.

    He was sentenced to five years for the felony charge, and 12 months each for the assault and battery charges. All of the jail time was suspended on the condition Shifflett complete 700 hours of community service.——–

  40. fish says:

    Thinking out loud.

    If Dee and her group of whomever, right now don’t care, are on the floor during LOG AND at the end of Metallica, then why would Morgan and her group go immediately to their seats in 300ish section? Wouldn’t they be like Dee and her posse and get as close to the stage as poss? I am thinking that Morgan and her group were not in their ticketed seats. Why, I wouldn’t. I would get my fanny to the floor.
    FWIW, I still think Morgan and her group ARE on the floor.

    Skyler, sorry but can you ask your son, again, specifically about that night!

    Did arena staff make people go to their assigned seats after LOG (really impossible, I would think) or Dee and group would have had gone to theirs. Did she buy the expensive floor tickets?
    As the floor tickets are sold specifically at a higher price.
    I would be one pissed off ticket holder, sportin’ some serious devil horns, if I paid that price and someone just “squatted” on my Rock Gods’ land!

    The best place in the stadium to buy tickets for Metallica in concert is near the front row seating area or near the front stage floor standing section. The floor and front row Metallica tickets will be the most expensive, but they will give the best possible viewing of Metallica in concert. Look for VIP backstage passes as well.)

    So, I dare say, my dear BOC’ers, this leaves me confused. I also must say that it prob doesn’t mean anything as what went down, went down outside. But, I still would like to know what took her outside and who was around her and where they (Morgan and her group) were at inside the arena.

    Floor or seats?

  41. REC'ville says:

    Understood and thank you for the clarification.
    Which address? The foreclosure?

  42. doug says:

    According to the Virginia DMV, “Effective July 1, 2006, new all-terrain vehicles or off-road motorcycles powered by a gasoline or diesel engine displacing more than 50 cubic centimeters must be titled. You may request to have a used all-terrain vehicle or off-road motorcycle titled for the purpose of recording a lien, documenting proof of ownership or any other reason. All-terrain vehicles and off-road motorcycles are not required to be registered.”

    Hopefully, authorities have searched title records for owners of all-terrain or multi-purpose vehicles.

  43. skyler says:

    What if ….

    We’ve been thinking too hard on this ….

    What if ….

    The answer lies back where all of this started — with the friends.

    Please don’t yell at me — this is not a blame-naming exercise.

    They’re inside LOG — these girls do more than drink — they party —

    They give Morgan money to go out and score drugs — hence the kiss on the cheek — c-ya in a few, be back before Metallica —

    Morgan doesn’t have any or little money — she goes out to try to score/buy drugs — then learns she cannot get back inside the arena — hence, the phone call —

    The phone call isn’t: I’ll get my own way back home, It’s: I’m effing locked out in the parking lot — but the drug dealer guy (ring) says I can hang out/party w/ them until the end of the concert and they’ll bring me back to the parking lot. Do not leave without me.

    This is not the first time this “drug” ring/people have done this — found girls to party w/ — the girls participate because they want to get high, and so far no one’s had a bad experience —

    Then along comes Morgan — Morgan’s up for the party, but she draws the line at anything else. The violence escalates. They feel if they let her walk away she’ll tell and ruin everything — she is murdered — and then dumped — I hate that word — on AF.

    The “friends” hang around in the parking lot for several hours post concert because Morgan said she was coming back and not to leave her — they try to call her and can’t get an answer — they leave her — go back the next morning to see if they can find clues or find her — and use the time to concoct a story and lawyer up —

    The police are way off if they’re looking at any RSO’s or anything like that — the bike riders don’t know anything — it’s not about the location of the farm — it’s about the sale of drugs — and those friends know who Morgan was hooking up w/ to get those drugs.

    If the police are focusing only on location location location — they’re not going to catch these people —

    I’m only asking: what if ….

  44. PM1 says:

    I’m late chiming in and this will definitely date me, but my first concert was The Temptations with The Supremes as the opening act. The concert was at a university in Tennessee near my parent’s home. The teenage youth group from our church was going and invited some of the younger kids (pre-teens) to go. I begged my parents for weeks and was finally allowed to tag along. The concert was in a small venue and in our unknowing naviety, two of my friends and I just walked up to the edge of the stage and stood there wide-eyed the entire concert. It was incredible and I was facinated with the coreography. I spent years trying to duplicate those steps! The funny part was, everyone agreed on the bus ride home that The Temptations were wonderful but that girl group “probably wouldn’t be famous”. Oops!!

  45. messimamm says:

    Definitely feel the vibe on the Police Officer post. Very questionable, indeed. Made me wonder about the qualifications for said position. Even made me wonder if it’s a troll’s post. Either way, I am doubtful there is any connection to Morgan’s case.

  46. DTA says:

    Skyler my heart sank when I read your post. I really think it does all go back to the friends. That scenerio makes so much sense! There story did not add up. Maybe Morgan went to get the stuff because it was someone she knew. My cheese is still on the friends know more.
    Skyler thank you for your kind words about my mom and the fire. I am a Leo and my husband is a Leo. My husband’s birthday is the same day as Morgans…My first concert was The Doors.

  47. Chad says:

    Hi All:
    I know this is Morgans thread, but I want to emphasize a point to everyone that is reading this thread, the University of Alabama is very personal to me. It strike a nerve with me.
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Anyone, if you know of any one’s involvement with Morgan Harrington death, please talk to someone! LE, a friend….someone. The Alabama shootings are an axample of what can happen if the killer is not caught, and people COVER for them. These people have a mental illness/ sickness, that does NOT cure or correct itself with time. These people need to be taken off the street.
    My friends brother was a scientist. A good one. These people are the salt of the earth.
    3 people have dies, and three more are in critical condition becasue of this psychopath. The Harringtons are much of the same.

    Update: Dr Leahy was shot in the head (face). He has massive facial broken bones, and brain swelling. He is semi concious, and can hear and respond to family members. He has fragment of the bullet still in his head, which Drs will attempt more surgery this week. Drs are proceeding cautiously. He may not make it.
    My friend Lisa wants me to share with all, for prayers for her brother. Please pray for the others who were killed and their families.
    Lisa also requests to pray for Amy Bishop.
    I want to share a personal link. Joe was a GREAT guy.
    Circleville Native Injured In Ala. Campus Shooting
    WBNS-10TV, Central Ohio’s News Leader

    Suz: I know. She is a nut. WOW. How did she slip through……..Thank you for caring. Suz and all.
    Thank you all for caring. It means so much!

  48. gifter3 says:

    Dear Blink,
    May I use Valentine’s Day as an excuse to add some “mushy” things at the beginning….followed by a request for some more pieces to the puzzle? My cheese is getting moldy, and I’m having a hard time spreading it on the crackers being served.

    I just wanted to take a minute to send some Valentine’s Day hugs to all of you, and to say how grateful I am that Morgan made it home to her parents on this day set aside for Love. How fitting!
    I only wish it could have been in a different way.
    Our group is made up of so many BRILLIANT, determined, compassionate, witty and fun loving people here. Although we have just about sent our dear leader Blink overboard with our rants and raves, she has always remained steady at the helm!
    Blink, I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amazing work you do here-for ALL victims, and for creating a place for
    us to come together as the sum of all of our “different” parts. I also appreciate your witty sense of humor, the many varieties of cheese and drinking goblets you offer,your funny stories and many life lessons from your Dad, the Snowmageddon adventures with the Blinkettes, and your ever patient hubby. Continued prayers for your dear Mother. How in the world do you BALANCE it all Blink?

    This journey has been one full of laughter, tears, hurt feelings and apologies, but ultimately we have remained steadfast
    in our quest to bring justice for our beautiful, shiny Morgan. I am continually amazed at all the digging and facts presented here,
    and how quickly it’s done! (You all always beat me to it!) I don’t post often, but I am here every single day and every night-reading,
    analyzing, digging, trying to connect the dots, and always praying for the Harringtons and justice for this investigation.
    I am so grateful to be a part of this group, and I will always have a special place in my heart for each of you. It saddens me that it has been under these circumstances that I have come to know you, and grown to love you all. I can definitely say that I’ve learned so much during these last 4 months together-mostly lessons about life and love, and how precious it is. We must always remember not to ever give up in our efforts to seek justice and to ensure that Truth and Goodness will always Reign!

    Many lessons in Farm life, and our love for all of God’s creature have been explored here. Mouse, I’m still looking for you.
    Suz-my NoVa friend-Kicking cows, shrooms, baling hay, and biking through France! Amazing input! You always crack me up, and
    I can’t wait to see what you’ll write next-YEP!

    Bobdog- My all time fav is your “cow-lick” story! So precious!

    Skyler, I would love to visit your cozy house in the country, and hear some more of your life stories, and lessons I can pass on from your son…to my teenage daughter.We could watch the birds come in for feeding,and see that lovely tablecloth you made from the wedding dresses!

    Fish- Thank you for sharing your tragedies, your healing journey and your determination to move forward. It has re-affirmed my own beliefs in standing up for what I KNOW is right. Also, the necessary, but very hard look at forgiveness in our own lives. We spend too much time swallowing poison pills, and expecting the other person to die. Must work to be more like “Lovely” :0) Seriously contemplating learning to meditate.

    Chad-your sweet story about your Mother’s jacket and the “Calming” Goats. It will be 3 yrs on Tues. that my Papa’s Polo sweater has been hanging in my closet. Our daughter used to call the emblem
    “black beauty” :0). I still miss him so much, and can not even fathom what the Harringtons are going through.
    On a more somber note Chad, I am still praying for your friend Lisa’s brother-for healing, strength, and justice.

    Observer-my Northern, Va., Virgo friend. Thanks for your eloquent inside tips. I had to learn my lesson the hard way..but I appreciate you:0)
    Enquirer-I think you must also be a good guy too :0)

    To Hummingbird-your beautiful name and sweet spirit, always reminds me of a hummingbird that used to fly backwards and forwards into our sprinkler when we were little. I love wildlife, but I also have a “White Capped Pionus” in my living room.

    J2k-You are never invisible! I am always listening-even to the various tongue lashings :0) I am usually sitting in silence because I am in awe that you have already figured out what I have been working on forever:0) !!

    Red Hill, LocalCville, Radio, Word Girl, and all you locals that have shared so much knowledge about Va.-my beautiful home state.
    I’m a N. Carolinian now!

    To Mosaic who painted that lovely picture for us in those early days of this case.

    Also Mom3.0, Yoshi, Fletch,Just Desserts, Acho, Juliemooley, and all of you that have moved this case forward.
    I’ll never forget Red Ranger offering Dr. Harrington endless milkshakes, and Joe Guthrie adding the toppings. May I also add a cherry? :0) We all want to help so badly!! We truly feel their pain.

    I never should have started reminiscing by name, because it’s impossible to recall all of the INCREDIBLE people that are here.
    “Everyone” is included in my message. No one is invisible! We are all worthy, and important to Morgan’s case.

    The music scene and party life sure have changed since my days of field parties in the 70*s ! My 1st concert was Neil Young…at the Kennedy Center in D.C.-of all places! :0) On to Lynyrd Skynyrd, Black Sabbath, Elton John, Aerosmith, Fleetwood Mac, and so many more!
    I think we all have eclectic taste in music…just like our dear Morgan!

    Hey, did you know that Bonnaroo tickets for this summer can run up to $1,459 for a 4 day pass! Wow… Inflation!
    Don’t forget that if you need your body painted…be sure to call the Happy Hippy! Yes, things have changed!

    I can now use Google Earth and an RSS Feed stored in my favorites. :0) Just click the arrows to refresh-Wow!
    I’ve looked at soooo many maps, and many real estate listings! Thanks to all of you for all these great links, and sites!!
    Bellboyd-your links really helped.

    My greatest lessons have come from the Harrington’s though. They have so generously shared the life of their beautiful daughter Morgan,
    but also…the ultimate horror of her death.

    When I saw “Morgan’s Dad’s comments” come across the computer screen last night, I just FROZE. I think my heart literally skipped a beat, and I burst into tears. I felt like Dr. Harrington had just walked into the room, and everything stopped. I felt so helpless. I wanted to reach out and comfort him. In the midst of all of this fact finding, the raw pain of this horrific tragedy completely knocked me over again! And yet,here was this dear, loving Father that has lost his daughter, coming to share with us their most intimate moments…how he and Gil held Morgan again for the last time, and to thank us.
    OMG! How can this be?
    I don’t think that I have ever experienced God’s GRACE and Love in such a terribly, horrific situation before. There are no words to describe how beautifully they have handled themselves. What an example to Morgan and the world.

    I still have so many questions…..
    Please help me spread my cheese. I am still STUCK on the “Beginning of the End”! These 2 sets of friends in 2 separate cars, their connection to Morgan, the concert and Anchorage Farm don’t mesh. Where and who are the missing links??? How are they connected?
    Everyone seems to have jumped to Anchorage Farm, and the neighbors.
    I can’t find a way there yet. My cheese is standing alone.

    *We have been from AB-the boyfriend or ex or neither(condolences posted on his FB on Jan 26th), to DC the mysterious DDriver.
    Both of these guys were completely HIDDEN and protected from scrutiny in the beginning.( probably because they were potential POI.)
    *We have SS’s odd comments to LE-”we wouldn’t if we had know”, and the HH story- which I personally do not believe.
    *What ever happened to AM that night? Her name seemed to disappear from the story.
    *Why did Morgan even take her car to begin with? Couldn’t AM have driven her car to pick them up?
    *Why didn’t DC take his own car if he were the designated driver?
    I don’t know of many people that systematically provide their cars to another driver. Why?

    Then we have Dave Gardner,DM, Silverity and all the other alias’ he uses on FB interjecting his comments to the MEDIA from the get go.
    I find his comments very ODD and MISLEADING! He made it sound like “some girl fitting Morgan’s description” engaged him in conversation in the parking lot. Whoops…he conveniently forgot to mention that he KNEW DC, the driver of Morgan’s party.
    He quotes Morgan as asking who the back up bands are, and that Morgan then says,”Who cares?”, We’re here to see Metallica-right?
    To me, that’s a bizarre statement. I don’t think Morgan even said any of that, and I think Morgan did know that Log and were playing before Metallica. She bought tkts 6 mos in advance.
    *What was his “real point” in saying this? Morgan ended up doing just the opposite-NOT being there for Metallica!
    *SS also makes a misleading statement about “the girl that looks like Morgan” That’s DS, who is in Dave Gardner’s party. SS knows this.
    Weren’t there 4 people in this party?

    ***These 2 groups of people are intertwined, but in the beginning, they are making it look like they don’t. WHY???

    Dave Gardner tells the media that when they get ready to leave the concert, he notices that “this girl who fits the description of Morgan”
    is not returning with her original group. He still doesn’t make it known that these groups know each other. Why? He already knows that DS says ‘someone is missing from the group”

    Do I have my facts straight or did I misunderstand this?
    Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
    Something is NOT right!
    IMO, the deceit appears from the very beginning.
    What plans did they originally have, and why did they change?

    Unless they partied together before the concert, and followed each other into the same parking area, how could their cars coincidentally end up together?
    With 16,000 people exiting JPJ, it would also be impossible for 2 parties to end up at their cars at the exact same time for DG to witness that Morgan wasn’t with her original group…unless they planned to meet when the concert was over. (He already knows this from DS) Still Dave doesn’t acknowledge that these groups know each other.
    Does anyone else find this odd? Am I missing something?.
    DG lives in NJ right? Was he back in Nov?
    There were 4 people in his group.

    Enter Wayne Townsend-he also interjects himself into the MEDIA-on Nancy Grace.I know he has been here and explained himself to Blink, but I still have questions. Starting the HFMDH Facebook still doesn’t sit right with me either. Liam’s FB finding of WT and MB conversations are still unsettling to me.
    Weren’t there 4 people in WT’s group?

    We have been from SGM (Pickles, Mr Cinnabon) to RSO’s near AF to GRH.
    We have JPJ security, EMT’s, Sheriff’s and NGFD .

    We’ve looked at Half Moon who played Oct 17th, to Misty Mountain Campgrounds. We know “Heres to the Long Haul” played at Anchorage Farm. This group also played at Bonnaroo.
    We’ve been through the FB bands- Relacksation, Lazy Man Dub, Chameleon, Blue Mountain.

    Where is the musical connection?? I can’t find it!

    We have empty party houses, RV garages, burned down student housing, AF owners out of town, plenty of woods to party in, a campground near the Paranormal Bike race.

    Wealthy Blandemere homes, hired help? Owners wintering in Fl.

    I CAN’T move my cheese from these original people that Morgan started out with that night, the people connected to them or those that interjected themselves into the picture……to a random, stranger abduction and murder. I just can’t do it.
    What happened to Occam’s Razor?

    There has to be a connection.
    If there are 2 BG’s-I think Morgan had to have known ONE of them.
    Someone she met or recognized from one of these venues.
    A friend of a friend.
    Someone she was unafraid of…to begin with.

    Can someone please help me connect the dots?

    What a kind gift from gifter, thank you.

    I see this:
    *who is parked in the RV lot the eve of Oct.17th.
    *who could Morgan have known from a band/venue, say like Bonnaroo?
    *who from that category is from the area, and was in the area, and in my opinion, very close to AF.

  49. melissa says:

    Sorry so late ya’ll…Happy Valentine’s Day Blink and to all the cherished posters here. Love, Peace and Happiness to everyone.

  50. fish says:

    melinda says:
    February 14, 2010 at 4:43 pm
    “In the end the answers will not bring a young, beautiful, unfulfilled life back to explore what might have been.”

    Dear Melinda:

    You are correct, the answers will not bring the dead back. I have spent years trying. But, here I go again out on another limb. I’m thinking that it just might prevent another one! Plus, I am a firm believer that if,

    “You do the crime…I kinda’ want you to do the time!”

    Just had to clarify. Don’t know why, just did. Thanks for indulging me.

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