Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. acho says:

    Hi Just Desserts, respectfully, I thought about your post, and I think Probably Not on the Meriwether Lewis thing. I’m familiar with all of that and, oddly enough, got to meet all the surviving ancestors who come for the annual family ceremony behind Locust Hill, and I just don’t think so. It’s a dwindling group, very nice, cerebral, and square, if you will. Not nearly as dramatic as it sounds. Just my opinion, of course, and there could always be the rogue teenager who takes the death mystery into his/her own hands, but I dunno …

    (Lewis Hill is for sale, though, if you care to look it up. Has been for ages due to its quirks and the way in which the family sold off small plots of land around it, but I want it anyway.)

    Note the above does *not* mean I’m disinterested in the lineage of the families that owned The Anchorage, as it pertains to Morgan’s case. I continue to look at those names!

  2. bob-dog says:

    Toy says: “On a lighter note and in tribute to her love of music, I’ll share my first concert experience which will certainly age me…Paul Revere and the Raiders…and no, it wasn’t during the American Revolution. LOL”

    Toy: I also saw old Paul and the boys and was going to post it as my first concert — but then I found my old autograph book that has a page titled “People I Saw in Person.” First concert: Dino, Desi and Billy! lol

    Last concert: Elliott Yamin (I <3 him!).

  3. Chad says:

    My lobes!
    Need your very first concert for Morgan post!
    I really do not think that the the ankle vs knee/ and or over the knee is a turning point in this investigation. If you can figure out who is who in those videos you are the girl to do it.
    I don’t remember if you were with us back then, but on Oct 26th, this video was released. Dr Harrington and his wife also thought at one point this was Morgan. They nte, in the video, that the only difference was is that Dee did not have tights on. Also, Dees hair is shorter than Morgans. There are a few videos of Dee at the concert. I also thought that Dee came late to the concert? 9:00ish? I could be wrong. I thought way back thats what was discussed.
    I actually would prefer ( it is a personal preference) not to participate in the Dee discussion. As the Harringtons can vouch, it is too much of a coincidence that Dee dressed so much like Morgan. They even had a hard time figuring out if this was Morgan in this video. This video is in a lighted area, inside the arena. Can you imagine if she was outside in dark of night?
    check out this link:

    Tarheels and Jk2: I have noted Creedence for belleboyd. What a great song for your funeral! I saw john Folgerty 2 summers ago at an outdoor concert. It felt like a mini Woodstok. He is an awesome entertainer.

    Just dessrts: Yes, I would love to come to Virginia. I have only been to Virginia 2x. Once for a business meeting, and once traveling with my husband on business.
    I understand with what you are saying. So much unbelievable rich, rich history there. I actually have my lineage from there. Mayflower.
    Wont tell you the sur name, I could end up being a choice of the surnames being mentioned here on this thread!!
    Side bar: Undaunted Courage was one of my all time favorite books. I again, enjoyed reading your post above.
    Also, we need your first concert post too.
    Now I’m going to go back and read SS post again, and see what I can make of it.

    PM1_ Stop in name of love!

    Armed: Genisis: WOW. Phil Collins and all. It’s an illusion, it’s a game.

    J2K: Your mind works so incredibly fast, I can’t keep up. Love the way your mind works.
    Grateful dead? Morgan was a fan! touche’ .

    Mary: made dutiful notation on belleboyde.

  4. zeusrocks says:

    Curious about a few things…if a body is put into water, does that slow decomposition considerably. Was dear Morgan’s body partially skeletonized when it would be expected to be more complete, or the other way around. Could she have been weighted down in Blandemar pond until the BG/BG’s began to fear that people would start fishing again, and then moved to the treeline/field. From what I can see on maps of the area, Blandemar Farm pond is somewhere less than 500 yards from where Morgan was found. I’m not a great map reader so that could be plus/minus for the measurement. The reason I ask is a too strange psychic account I read (I know-not respected mode of info!), but it was posted over two months before Morgan’s discovery, and hit too close to home on some of the details. It just got me to thinking about other possibilities. Here it is, with the link to the article that she commented on. This has probably been read by everyone on BOC, but it struck me as unusual. I only copied part of her comment.

    “”"”"Stephanie Almaguer November 15th, 2009 | 6:42 pm

    “……I am not sure if this girl smoked pot on a reg. basis, but I “see” it being passed back and forth and he offered her a drink as well both were laced. He pretend to smoked and she was a bit intoxicated and didn’t pay attention. After only a few mins. she was very disorientated…..but she did notice he was heading in the wrong directions and began telling him to just let her out. He told her to shut up etc.etc. She reached for her phone and he knocked it out of her hand, causing it to come apart- which is when I believe the battery fell out. He may have even hit her. Never the less, they ended up at a place that is very wooded and there is also creeks / water / rivers? around……About 10 mins. from the bridge location she was last seen at. I hear the word “Ivy”. I am “thinking” that she carried her purse with her outside, well, because you don’t just leave your purse lying down at a concert…and also, I believe the she did go to the restroom, And “freshened” up while in there. Her phone was in the purse, but her friend had the keys, because my feelings are that her friend drove the car to the concert. Next..

    He proceeded to drag her from the car and she put up very little fight- she was raped and killed by a blow to the head. I see her in a wooded type location. I do not see her in water, but that doesn’t mean that she wasn’t in the water and is now on the bank.

    When he left, he gathered her phone (but not the battery) and her purse and drove them back to the Arena that she told him she had been at, and he then left. I am not getting his name, but am thinking it may start with a B.

    ……..And again, When he comes back (before the concert is even over) to “drop off” her items, again, he’s alone. I know that this may all seem far fetched, but why wouldn’t he take her things back to the lot? He don’t want them…..He don’t want to dump them on the road…..He want’s it to appear as if she herself, left them there. But this guy isn’t too smart, and WILL get caught, by his own stupidity. In fact, I don’t think he even knows the battery fell out, under his seat……….”"”"

    Link to Hook article:

    Notable: 10 minutes from JPJ, the wooded type location, could have been in the water and maybe now on bank, by creeks, water, river, etc., this is a close description of where she turned up.

    In truth, Morgan was found about 10 minutes from JPJ in a field next to a wooded area with creeks, and a pond nearby. This psychic/ feelings kind of person “could have” instead intuited that she was 1000 miles away, in NYC, in a Canadian river, on a train, hidden in a warehouse, living with a rock star, etc., etc……..but she didn’t.

    I just found this interesting. Hope I haven’t offended anyone.

  5. fish says:

    Mr. Shifflett:

    Sorry about your 2% but you do realize that you have just told me that your 17 year old daughter with the phat new car, has a fat paycheck to go along with it and she gets off at 9 or 10pm. Are you outta your mind? Really? Please, no more details! She’s just a kid and her dad and mom have already been through so much.

  6. J2K says:

    Phyl: “… allow me to cut the (so-called) cheese”
    I think this BOC term has Jumped The Shark with that one.

    B – I adored your childhood-observing-the Great-Generation piece a few pages back. If anyone missed it, well, enjoy the treasure hunt.

    I think there may be another consensus forming:
    The BG(s) accessed the AF property and the site MH was discovered in via Blandemar Drive, off the driveway of the green storage building, and may have been carried/dragged the last 30 to 40 feet.

    juliemooly – re: *clink*
    What an amazing post. Thank you – and exquisitely sharp aged cheddar for you! (… crap. not in the compost yet) *@February 14, 2010 at 8:28 pm*

    What would someone be doing back there if not a resident – and wasn’t much of that subdivisiony-like McMansion area undeveloped farmland/acreage about a decade ago? HIstorically it was Blandemar and Anchorage farm neighbors? It sounds as quiet, dark-skied and obtrusive as I imagined…

    *LOCATION* = argh.

    Without question, I agree that is the most logical point of entry. However, according to Red Hill, with current and 30 years of experience in the landscape, he tells me there are a few barbed wire fences that they would not been able to drive through without vehicle damage and the also obvious damage to the fencing. That property of Ms. Rosential’s has a farm manager.

    Location to the *argh* is right.

  7. fish says:

    Blink and to anyone that may have an answer!

    If a K9, could pick up Morgan’s scent from where she lay…can the dog track back to the direction she came from?

    Even after 101 days, rain, snow, dirt and such.

  8. Chad says:

    Ooops correction: Tarheels: Huey Lewis and the News: The Power of love!

    Toy: Paul Revere and the Raiders:

    Blink: Whitney Houston: Very appropriate! :) Smiling, and sorry you had bad seats

  9. debbie says:

    Blink— Not for you to post. I have been trying to make some sense of this website since Morgan went missing. It is the most childish website that I have run across !!! If you want to work for the LE– then go and do that. Stop wasting space here on the internet !!! A lot is mere gossip !! One minute you have ” your people ” blaming this one and that one and before you know it, here comes another. There are other websites that are probably doing the same thing. I am not going to waste my time reading them anymore than I am going to waste my time reading this one anymore ! Find your self a REAL Husband and get yourself a REAL job. You are only making yourself out to be a laugh and bringing your friends right down with you. If it takes you or another website like this one to solve a crime— how do you think crimes were solved before the internet came out ??????????? No response needed. Time for you and all you have pulled into your little web to get the help you need. I wish you all the best. Lots of jobs you could fill out here– I am sure !!!

    Sorry, there is no way I was going to keep this beauty to myself.

    Enjoy all.

  10. yoshi says:

    Too much wine and romance?? :)
    Happy Valentine’s Day

    Got them thanks, more like kids swimming party. Same thing :)

  11. zeusrocks says:

    Skyler, I feel ya! That’s similar to what I posted a few days ago concerning the friends. Drug interaction gone wrong. Here it is again:

    zeusrocks says:
    February 12, 2010 at 12:29 am

    Just a theory of mine (fwiw). Sorry it’s so long.

    What if she left because someone called her spare phone (one we don’t know about, a “prepaid untraceable” kind), a person she only keeps in contact with on this particular phone, for whatever reason (drugs, etc.), a person who asked her to come meet them because they had a “surprise” for her and her friends and could get her back into the concert after. At least one of her friends with her knew about this new meeting for potential drugs. She waits outside for quite a while, and tries to get back in the arena when she feels the person is not going to show after all. This would explain her wandering around outside and talking to various people while she was waiting for this person to arrive. That person finally calls and says sorry for being late (traffic, car issues, etc.), meet me by the bridge so I don’t have to pull into the lot and turn around, etc., and we’ll go to a party to make up for you missing the show. What if she jokingly waved her thumb at this person (others mistake this for HH), got in the car and off they go. There may be more than one person in this group.

    This person takes her to AF, kills her (who knows why), keeps the prepaid phone that is their only connection, and the necklace for some reason, takes the battery out of her phone, then takes the purse and contents back to the lot to make it look like a stranger abduction. If you were with a drug dealer and that dealer hurts or kills someone, you would keep your mouth shut tight unless you wanted to be next.

    That scenario would make sense as to LE asking if she borrowed someone else’s phone to make a call (they probably feel she made a call or received one, but don’t know how, as it is not on her known cell phone). Also makes sense as to her getting into a car, as she does know this person and feels perfectly safe as she has been around them often. Not like a friend, but a person who is always on the periphery of most events. She would not expect anything out of the ordinary to happen and would not be prepared. They could stop by the store and use Morgan’s card for supplies, snacks, etc., but Morgan would have gone in, not them, as they wouldn’t want to be seen.

    Her friends (or at least one of them), are aware of this meeting, so are trusting of this person also, and can’t figure out what eventually happened. At the beginning (first couple of weeks after she goes missing, they think she is just somewhere with this person having fun). Maybe started getting really scared after that point in time. Maybe they have even spoken with the person who they think seems to have a great alibi (left her at a party, having fun, don’t know what happened after that). They do not want to go public with this as it shows their drug issues/connections (which can be dangerous on many different levels). Plus if they suspect this person and tell LE about it, they would most likely be the next victims. They (or one of them, at least) would also feel tremendous guilt now as they highly encouraged her to stay outside longer and wait for this person as there was some good stuff promised)! This person would know Anchorage farm from concerts and dealing there often, and potentially from their own family who live near there. I have no clue why this person would hurt her. Maybe anger/rage as he/she always wanted to go out with her and knew it was never going to happen?

    Maybe some of her friends thought she was just having a grand old party time somewhere, for weeks after she went missing-or maybe they just really didn’t care that much because they simply aren’t as good of friends as people thought. I’m sure some of them were great friends still, and others not. Friends do grow apart when they are not going to the same schools and are not together all the time. There gets to be a disconnect as to how much you worry about your friends, or even think of them at all, especially if you are very seldom together and have grown apart in many ways. Plus the guilt of encouraging your friend to do something which went horribly, fatally wrong would weigh excruciatingly heavy on you and you would drink/drug much more to hide the pain and horrible thoughts of that. You would be attempting to cover this picture in your head with anything that would erase it, even for a while. I would be curious as to the friends actions SINCE Morgans remains were found. If there was ever more increasing party behavior, etc. it would point towards the guilt they were trying to get away from. If this was my friend-I would not be able to ever recover from this. There would not be enough booze or drugs in the entire world to drown this out.

  12. bluewillow says:

    Yoshi, I’ve always been suspicious about that shed also.
    One observation about those fine homes on Blandemar, I doubt they are going to hear engines from inside unless their windows are wide open. A well built home of that type is usually very well sound insulated.

  13. bluewillow says:

    juliemooly says:
    February 14, 2010 at 8:28 pm
    What an incredible post, juliemooly! I was riveted!

    TOY says:
    February 14, 2010 at 6:58 pm
    Not everyone has a hidden agenda with evil intent especially when defending themselves from brainstorming conjecture.

    Just wanted to say I agree and thank you for that post.

  14. Lexy says:

    I woke up w/ a thought. Starting at the bridge, Morgan definitely there (we know), a car pulls up. She knows the passenger, not the driver. (car/truck/whatever). She says she’s locked out, going to party, hungry…they offer ride to bank, food, party….passenger she knows hops in back seat w/ her. They didn’t go to party, but drove around, bank, maybe ate, some drugs and/or drinking. Somewhere out on a dark road, guy in back seat makes a move, & it’s down hill from there. I jump from 4 MIB to this b/c she was on bridge w/ what? No car? Cause one of the 4 would have had a car, & she would not have been on bridge. Thoughts?

  15. zeusrocks says:

    I hardly ever post and now I’m hogging-sorry! I’ve been reading back on articles in November/December and found another one in that the person’s comment hit too specifically close for comfort. The commenter is “Want-to-be Profiler” on Nov 9th. Creepy.


  16. belika says:

    What about the 4 basketball player? Those guys are of the same number like the guys with Morgan in the parking lot from the grannie and kicky sightings?

    I read they all have been cleaned. After being under some suspicion. On another site, I read also they were the ones who told the LE the theory about Morgan HHing on the bridge. Blink said she believes someone told LE he took Morgan who was HHing on the bridge to some location where he left her safe.

    I also read in the old comments here after Morgan was found, that the LE are re-focusing now on someone/s people of interest whom they had been ruled out previously…

    I dont know the names, neither the connections, any possible connections any of the BB players could have had with the “location, location, location”. I even dont know if those bb players are black, or white. /Excuse me, please, I dont want to sound offensive/ And I understand that in general BB players, or any other kind of athletes-students in the US are receiving their education because of sports related scholarships, which otherwise /if they werent prominent athletes/ they couldnt afford.

    Another point Blink noted is that she believes the BG/s dont have any achieved college education…


  17. MsLurkALot says:

    Ragdoll says:
    February 14, 2010 at 7:02 pm
    #1 MsLurkALot

    My heart goes out to you and your family. What a horrible thing to endure! I wish there was something I could do or say to make it all better but we know it’s not possible. I will certainly keep you in my prayers. Stay strong and persevere my friend!


    Thank you, Ragdoll. It has been ten years, and though painful, I learned that on some things in life, we don’t get to choose, and must keep on going. In my brother’s situation, his suffering ended that day. He was a sweet, sensitive, intelligent man painfully aware that mental illness was destroying his brain and his body. He is in heaven now, enjoying the happiness he deserved in life. Thank you again. It seems so many on this board have been through such painful losses.

  18. gifter3 says:

    Hi Lexy, You and I have a post from Mr Kifflett.
    Not sure if this response is for real or what????
    See what you think.

  19. MsLurkALot says:

    J2K says:
    February 14, 2010 at 7:47 pm

    RE: MsLurksALot – said:
    “… I believe that J2K is right on in surmising the partially constructed residence on Red HIll Rd is possibly the crime scene. …”

    I only noted the coincidence (not even sure that word applies here) that a vacant, unfinished home sits directly across the road from the location on AF in which she was found, as a crow flies.

    B seems to think, after studying the topography of the area and noting that the property (1920 Red Hill) is being shown so it is likely more secure than I was giving it credit for being.


    Yes, I noted B’s response and mostly agree. I think the reason this property seemed likely to me is because of the many numbers of people who might be coming and going there, if there was any construction going on around that time, or even prior. Just a numbers thing.

    J2K says:

    Does that mean Blandemar Farm? (Is the property line between it and Anchorage Farm clearly marked?) Does it mean the vacant foreclosed near-mansion at 3205 Blandemar Drive, bordering the northern end of AF? Does that mean from a property along Red Hill Road? Or not inside a home/structure in the area, but in a vehicle or outdoors (being it was cold and wet out, it’s less likely this one, imo).


    These are all possibilities. I’ve always been curious about that pond on Blandemar Farms, too. I googled it, and it seems that it is a fairly well known fishing spot, though not sure to what extent the public has access to it. As far as obstacles, I think the perps were familiar enough with the property and in their mind state, the obstacles to us were not a big deal to them. Also, if on foot for a short span, they could have followed deer trails that somehow weren’t blocked by fences, etc. I’m thinking the creek in spots is easily navigable on foot, if like the creeks around here.

    So much speculation. I do have a difficult time, though, imagining that Morgan’s body was moved from its original location by rains. I suppose it’s possible, but just doesn’t seem likely that it would move very easily on its own in tall grass or hay. Just thoughts. You all are on top of it, and I have much respect for the time and energy that you devote to finding out the truth. If not for work, I’m sure my butt would be plastered here 16 hours a day!

  20. alexandra says:

    Morgan’s Dad
    Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2009
    Posts: 107 New Blogs from Gil

    Gil’s need to journal has returned and her firist blog since Morgan was found is posted on the main page and below.

    From Me To You
    Then From You To Me
    They gave me your bracelet back

    Tarnished now, rusty and black

    It’s the one I had as a girl

    The one you wore as you left this world

    The one that witnessed mortal harm

    I’m wearing now on my arm

    And I do so with sorrow and with pride

    Having seen your dessicated flesh inside

    Knowing you wore it as you died

    I have scrubbed it out repeatedly

    Since it was returned to me

    But still I can tell

    It harbors a smell

    Of old flesh and of rot

    But it’s all I have got

    And as long as it smells you can’t be forgot.

    alexandra says:
    Let’s get the SOB’s that did this to Morgan!

  21. localcvillegirl says:

    Morning all, still reading but haven’t had much to add. My first concert was back in the 70s, Marshall Tucker at JMU. I was later lucky enough to have access to some smaller venues where I saw Jerry Jeff Walker (Old Cabell Hall, UVa), Luther Guitar Junior Johnson, and Muddy Waters, among others. Lots of blues. Other good ones included Willie Nelson, Bonnie Rait, Bob Dylan, and Dave Matthews. It’s funny how you can date yourself by who you’ve seen.

    Blink or acho, can you give any sort of hint as to the family you’re thinking of, and the music connection? This has me nervous.

    Juliemooly…I was down 29 S on Friday afternoon and saw the same guy with his horse. Thought he was one of those Confederate re-enacters, but had the very same reaction you did. Looked like some wild long haired banshee woman until I got close. Albemarle County, I’m not kidding you.

    Skyler, I think your last post makes a lot of sense, and I’ve never gotten too far from a drug connection between these girls and someone they may have known from previous concerts. Morgan was probably connected with people her mom and dad knew nothing about…my daughter has friends I’ve never met or even heard about, though of course I’d like to know everything about all of them. I think these 4 guys dressed in black could be very important, and maybe they’ve got the connection with the Red Hill area. Maybe it was Morgan who knew a party house out that way, didn’t Candace Bond suggest that?

  22. MsL says:

    Chad, I don’t know anything about the Steve Shifflett Trucking you’ve mentioned, but in Albemarle/Charlottesville there are lots of people who operate their own business with just 1 truck, usually a dump truck. I’m sure it’s the same for the Harrisonburg area. These independents do contract or day hauling, to and away from road work sites, large residential and commercial developments, etc. There are also independents who use covered box type trucks to run their own moving companies, with only 1 truck. One of my family members, for a summer, worked at a local independent gas station. One of the station’s primary source of business was from these 1 and 2 truck companies.

  23. mosaic says:

    Anyone have an answer to J2K’s question? I think it’s an important one!

    “…the CPA sees same group in RV lot around a vehicle. Who would have parked in the RV lot for that show? Anyone know?”


  24. MsL says:

    Chad-Sorry, I had missed the fact that you are the poster with the injured friend from the Alabama shooting. I hope he makes it and has a full recovery. If all that has been reported is true, sounds like this woman was a tragedy just waiting to happen (again.)

  25. gifter3 says:

    ****This was posted on Find Morgan’s website by her Mother****
    Dear God in Heaven, please help us find her murderer NOW!

    From Me To You

    Then From You To Me


    They gave me your bracelet back

    Tarnished now, rusty and black

    It’s the one I had as a girl

    The one you wore as you left this world

    The one that witnessed mortal harm

    I’m wearing now on my arm

    And I do so with sorrow and with pride

    Having seen your dessicated flesh inside

    Knowing you w…ore it as you died

    I have scrubbed it out repeatedly

    Since it was returned to me

    But still I can tell

    It harbors a smell

    Of old flesh and of rot

    But it’s all I have got

    And as long as it smells you can’t be forgot.


    Gil Harrington

  26. suz says:

    Skyler, hmmm… I think it’s unlikely that 4 out of 4 of Morgan’s Metallica party did not know that you would be denied re-entry if you left the show. They’d have to to be fairly seasoned concertgoers at that point. So I don’t think they would have sent anyone out to score; they would have done it before the show on their long trip to the show.

    But let’s say they didn’t know she couldn’t get back in. Wouldn’t there have to be a call or text to the dealer to arrange a meeting? I am assuming the friends have revealed their cellphone activity the day/night of the concert and all of the calls and texts have been accounted for. (faulty assumption?) And now that her dead body has turned up, what would keep the friends from squealing on the dealer? Fear of obstruction charges? I think all would be forgiven if they fingered the perp.

    Or are you are having her score drugs in the parking lot? You’d think in that case we might have heard someone say, “This blond was going around asking everyone if they knew where to buy E.” (or whatev)

    Anyway, sure, it’s a possible scenario, but the the perp still has to be a local who knows an offbeat place to dump a body. So LE presumably are still on the right track in looking for someone familiar with AF.

  27. fish says:


    Watched a show where some guy literally took the camera off the tree and printed a photo out right there in his truck. They were searching for signs of Bigfoot. No joke. If they took the cameras down. They pulled any photos off right away. Also, what if the hunters came and removed them, wonder if they just put them in away and did LE go to get them? Of course, they did silly.

    Also, what about any ancillary evidence? Did they find any shells, empty beverage cans, heck, even chewing gum? Maybe, not from that night but since I believe they frequent this land. It is there. Also, those tracks are coming from the green barn/garage out to those woods. Maybe they party there or dump stuff they shouldn’t?

    Oooh, Juliemooley, I wish I was there with! Good job but be careful. Also, amazes me that you saw some “walkers”. If I would go out there walkin’, you bet ya I would be channeling Mr. Clint Eastwood as “Dirty Harry”! I hope at least, they had a can of pepperspray! I know a beautiful countryside but a girl was found dead, right there.
    If they were locals, maybe we are relying on more input then they got? I hope that somebody out there is speakin’ up.

    I’m also asking about cadavar dogs? Can they pick up a scent from which direction the person came from. Or is it what you say, scent specific? There are a couple of people that do this line of work here, I think that I’ll call them. If anyone knows, please do tell.

  28. acho says:

    Morning everyone, just wanted to update/remind some of you about some music festivals in the area in early fall 2009. I am looking for more links b/n C’ville/Albemarle music lovers and Morgan/Morgan’s friends.

    SpaghettiFest09 was sept 25-27 ’09:
    (Righteous Friendz, many others, played. Have we discussed this group before? As as for this music-production team, did we see some 2008 pics of Morgan at another Midnight Spaghetti-sponsored release party for the band Electric Chameleon?)

    Crozet Music Festival, Oct 2-4 ’09
    (Righteous Friendz + many others played, and Mom3.0 and Local, folks indeed got cabins at Misty Mountain Campground: I only just looked at their FB page to see the expressed concerns for Morgan … and I have to say, the only thing all the pics do to me is make me homesick. The pics make it look very Albemarle Family instead of college partier, though I imagine some were there …)

    Also interested in the festival from which the YouTube video was posted last night (w/ Sons of Bill playing). I assume the poster thinks it’s Morgan at the very left edge, coming on and off screen for just a sec? I can go back to that post and look deeper into that festival today if no one else has yet.

  29. Miss Kitty says:

    From the Charlottesville Daily Progress:

    Why Harrington didn’t have to die
    Published: February 14, 2010
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    Hidden by tall grass in a lonely field, afflicted by animals and insects, through rain and sleet and beneath 2 feet of snow, Morgan Harrington lay for as long as three months.
    It’s a kick to the gut to think that she wound up dead and dumped in the woods. It’s frightening and angering to believe that someone from this community — and it most likely is someone from this community considering the remote nature of where Ms. Harrington’s body was found — would kill her.
    But the hardest thought, and the one we avoid discussing, is that it didn’t have to happen.
    A cruel chain of events
    OK, let’s get it straight: The person to blame for Ms. Harrington’s death is the low-life, slime-sickened, green-horned chicken hopper that killed her and put her in a pasture. What led to her death, however, was a chain of events in which any broken link could have changed the outcome.
    The first link was Ms. Harrington’s condition the night of her Oct. 17 disappearance from a Metallica concert at the University of Virginia’s John Paul Jones Arena. Police have described her as intoxicated.
    Unfortunately, alcohol use affects judgment and, had she not been intoxicated or less so, her judgments and actions may well have been very different. That may have precluded the second link.
    The second link is Ms. Harrington walking out of the arena while intoxicated and, in keeping with arena policy, not being allowed back inside.
    Had she not walked out, she would not have been in a position to be taken. Had the arena not had such a stringent policy, she would not have been taken. If she was visibly intoxicated, as some witnesses have suggested, arena staff or onlookers in the parking lot could have called police to report a student in “an altered state” leaving the building in clothes ill-suited for cool temperatures.
    Had police picked her up on charges of public intoxication and safely held her in supervised custody, the outcome would have been different.
    The third link is her message to three friends inside the concert. Ms. Harrington told them she was stuck outside and that she would find another way home, being as her friends had her car keys and her car.
    Had one of the three friends left the concert to babysit the intoxicated friend, perhaps going to the nearby Italian Villa for breakfast and killing time until the concert ended, she would have had a ride home. She would have had company.
    That would have precluded the fourth link, which is Ms. Harrington’s decision to hitchhike on the Copeley Road railroad bridge. There she became an easy target of opportunity for a killer.
    Behavioral problems
    That brings us to the fifth and final link, which is the killer himself. Had the killer sought psychiatric help for what should have stood out even to him as a mental problem, or had someone forced the issue and found him help, Ms. Harrington would be alive.
    At the risk of preaching, let’s recap the lessons we should learn from what happened.
    Do not go to parties or public events intoxicated so that you may keep your wits about you.
    Change policies to protect rather than punish patrons, even it means calling police. Better a night in safety and a misdemeanor charge than being left to the wild pigs in the street.
    Take care of your friends, even if they make you extremely angry and inconvenienced.
    Avoid strangers when stranded and seek help from people in authority.
    Control your urges. If you can’t, seek professional help.
    Ms. Harrington’s death is a tragedy, but if it helps us change our behaviors, it need not be in vain.

  30. fish says:

    Sorry to keep writing about this. But, my chocolate covered cheese, (Sorry J2K, but yuck!) is here for the time being.

    What if they shoot from the Green shed/barn/garage. Ill look closer at what it is. Heck, I may even take a drive.
    Ok, they target shoot from green shed out to edge of woods. Is there a target set up there or the remains of one. Surely, there are shells. Maybe, word was out that a local could take you out to shoot. Nobody gets into his business. Seems quiet out there.

    They could drive an atv back and forth, hence the tracks, to look at their marksmanship, or lack thereof? Maybe????

  31. MsL says:

    Mosaic-When my family and I went to the Rockettes there were a lot of cars at least toward the front of the RV lot and adults and kids heading out of the lot toward the arena. There is a sign at the entrance reading RV parking, but I don’t believe the sign says that it is restricted or reserved for RV parking.

  32. acho says:

    Hey Local, just saw your question about music and your feeling nervous. I am not sure B and I have been thinking along the same lines, although I wonder if the lines sprouted out of research into the same person. I started out looking at bluegrass, FWIW, (but did Morgan attend festivals or parties w/ bluegrass?), but I’m looking back at the festivals now.

    @JulieMooley, I think you’re a great researcher, and not just because you cruised Blandemar! (Laughing at the mental images … )

    To Gil Harrington: I find your ability to communicate rawness and pain so beautifully and naturally staggering. Thank you for sharing your gift and your experience.

  33. DTA says:

    Hi Blink
    I know you are busy, just wondered if something was wrong with my post. It was nevered moderated, still waiting. 2/15/10 at 12:14 a.m maybe just missed. Just a FYI

    It’s up, just behind as I spent the evening with my family.

  34. Georgie says:

    I’m sorry, jumping in before reading all comments, but when I got to “Stop wasting space on the internet”, well, I just had to say something, because I like to waste space on the internet…


  35. anotherB says:

    Got it.

  36. suz says:

    Yes, Virginia, there is chocolate covered cheese.

    (Also chocolate covered cheesecake, of course…!)

  37. Lovely says:

    Hi all, Happy vday!! :-)

    Im lost with all the suspects, the way this thread has gone in the past few days, but I do have a quick question:

    Are we concurring that this incident is RANDOM and not pre-meditated?

    By the same token, Blink, do you still feel that Morgan knew who her murderer was? And are we now firm that there were TWO the whole time, or just ONE who recieved help later?


    Not planned, but not random either. She knew who she got in the car with. I am firm more than one person harmed Morgan, and place her on AF.

    PS. Have a dream about Morgan last night. She is one cool chick.

  38. Lovely says:

    Didnt mean any offense about Morgan in my last post – just that she was a super cool girl in my dream who liked to hang out and have fun. It was a good dream. :-)

  39. suz says:

    Shoot, debbie forgot to tell us what her first concert was.


  40. DTA says:

    Thanks Blink. I am sooooooooooooo glad you got to spend the evening with the family. You deserve it. Each moment is so precious. They grow up so fast…

  41. acho says:

    @Fish, re: fish says:
    February 15, 2010 at 10:47 am
    What if they shoot from the Green shed/barn/garage. Ill look closer at what it is. Heck, I may even take a drive.
    Ok, they target shoot from green shed out to edge of woods. Is there a target set up there or the remains of one. Surely, there are shells. Maybe, word was out that a local could take you out to shoot. Nobody gets into his business. Seems quiet out there.

    I was wondering same, except re: bow hunting. I get a lot of hits on bow hunting + a certain last name when I search online.

    Another day closer! (Sky, I love that view of things.)

  42. localcvillegirl says:

    Acho, a while back I had had the wrong dates for the 2009 Crozet Music Festival. It’s a great (now) 3 day weekend, but we haven’t been since the first one a couple of years ago. I know the guy who started it, a real labor of love, but his intention was to give local bands a place to play. From highschool to professional. It looks like he has kept the same kind of line-up…some of the bands even have guys you probably used to listen to when you were in town. If Morgan was here in early October for the festival, she would have been familiar with Crozet and might have met local band members if she hadn’t known them before. My guess is that she knew some folks before she got here as most of these musicians travel around. Their groupies, too.

  43. duannahincville says:

    Re 1920 Red Hill Road

    The building permit says the general contractor was “Page Construction.” Is this the Page Construction in Lynchburg? The guys who worked on this house came from Lynchburg? So maybe some non residents got familiar with this area?

  44. belika says:

    “debbie says:
    February 15, 2010 at 2:07 am”


    Dear Debbie,

    Do you really need to offend people on the web to make your day looks better?

    You dont know me. You have NO idea who am I, what I work, what experience or education, or family do I have.

    You cant put LABELS on people just because you have certain TASTE.

    If you dont like it/us here – just leave. Take care of your JOB.

    Here, first of all we are trying to be HUMANS.

  45. DTA says:

    Great post gifter3 2/15/10 12:20 a.m.
    I think many of us still believe somehow the beginning is the key to this mystery. I am so very touched by both Dr. Harrington and Gil. They are so special.
    I read a book once called Tragedy’s Gift the Kevin Sharpe story, who is a cancer survivor connected to make a wish foundation. He survived cancer as a child and make a wish foundation granted one of his wishes thinking he would not make it. He did make it, grew up and became a country western singer and one day he got a call from make a wish foundation saying a child had requested meeting him as their wish. He is the only living survivor of Make a wish foundation that lived long enough to make a wish come true for another. He says in his book “Hope and prayer are two tools that God gives to everyone. It is our willingness to use them or not use them that separates us or joins us together.”
    I think the Harrington’s have been a shining example to everyone. Morgan’s will be remembered forever. 2.4.1

  46. Minnie Penney says:

    Where is Nancy Grace…yeah, I know…but she puts it your face..and Jane Velez-Mitchell and Greta – she worked the Natalee Holloway case for years !!!!!!!! Maybe I missed it but has anyone in the media been pushing this – well Ch 12 did a bit on the 29 stalker – but that was about it after the breaking news story. I sure hope this case does not ice over.

  47. Ragdoll says:

    #9 Debbie

    Do we really need to dignify this with any kind of response? (other than it was 10 seconds I’ll never get back).

  48. Ragdoll says:

    #18 MsLurkAlot

    Indeed, he is resting in the arms of our Heavenly Father. I cannot fathom what you’ve endured but your strength and tenacity brings me great hope! You have friends here and I know from experience, you live with a piece of you missing.

    What better way to over come grief than to band together and fight for those who no longer have a voice in this world. Love and light MsLurk. xo

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