Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Georgie says:

    Whoa, juliemooly @Feb 14, 8:28pm, EXCELLENT investigating the AF area, really helps with the visualizing for us non-locals. You have alot more nerve than I, I would have been peeing my pants the whole time, but smart move on not going back that lane with the snowpiles on either side, can you say TRAPPED? Yikes! Please be careful if you go out there again, and try to take someone with you, please..

    And yes, WTF was up with Indiana Jones dude? Good Lord, you sure do have some characters down there!

    Observer, yes it would make more sense if she was originally with 4 MIB, then ended up with just one or two of them. You still have the issue of 4 guys knowing who of their group was the last to see Morgan, so even if only one or two of the dudes is/are responsible, the others are still in the mix, and out of 4 guys, at least ONE has to be chattier/tap dancing faster than the others.

    I hate to say this, it is so far-fetched, but nonetheless DOES happen: snuff film. I’m sorry, I apologize to the Harringtons if they see this, or to anyone offended by this suggestion. Weird thoughts come to me in the morning when I go over this case in my head.

    First concert: James Brown, baybeeee…it was awesome!

  2. Minnie Penney says:

    Blink – on comment 39 – are you thinking that maybe Morgan was killed somewhere else and then later her remains left on the farm….I really think that was what happened.

    I do.

  3. keekee says:

    my first concert: badfinger and wet willie

    most recent concert last week: them crooked vultures with john paul jones from zep on bass, dave grohl on drums, and josh homme on guitar/vocals

    ok, let’s see if i can put this down on the page…

    country brewery owner + biker/family farm man = annual summer fest of the “perfect trifecta of beer, bands, and bikes” – morgan may have attended (and i have connected at least 3 s….letts as friends)

    town brewery owner + music management owner = lots of hippie music beer fests all over the place with lots of photos (still searching those) – morgan may have attended some of these

    town brewery sponsor of summer bike fest deletes website link

    band that played bike summer fest deletes listed attendees from website

    band that played bike summer fest also played bonnaroo…deletes listed attendees from website (note other attendees remain from other concerts before and after) – morgan was def at bonnaroo

    one brother from bonnaroo and farm fest band is friends with a shifflett boy and others connected to another band that played in charlottesville on…………..OCTOBER 17th!!!!!

    the venue is on main st cville and the band did not start until 10 pm

    attendees/invitees at that main street venue included music management company employees, brewery people, jmu, va tech, va, other bands, etc.
    - morgan likely crossed paths with one or more at past events…

    pray tell….could, just could…one or more of the boys attending that concert (obviously not going to metallica) have been contacted by morgan to pick her up on their way there??? or…maybe they were picking up one or more of their friends who made the log set and wanted to see the local show after…and THEN they ran into morgan as the infamous mib

    ow, my head

    connection or clue?

    C L U E

  4. fish says:

    Chad says:
    February 15, 2010 at 1:39 am
    My lobes!
    Need your very first concert for Morgan post!

    I’m slightly embarassed to say this! But, I will digress. Poison! Who wouldn’t love a guy with hair higher than my own!
    Rock on Bret Michaels, Rock on! Not heavy metal but hard rock of the 80′s. I saw Metallica too, even met them!

    Ok, now to the link you provided. It is not working!

  5. lee says:

    To you, “Debbie”, re: your post earlier today……

    debbie says:
    February 15, 2010 at 2:07 am
    Blink— Not for you to post. I have been trying to make some sense of this website since Morgan went missing. It is the most childish website that I have run across !!! If you want to work for the LE– then go and do that. Stop wasting space here on the internet !!! A lot is mere gossip !! One minute you have ” your people ” blaming this one and that one and before you know it, here comes another. There are other websites that are probably doing the same thing. I am not going to waste my time reading them anymore than I am going to waste my time reading this one anymore ! Find your self a REAL Husband and get yourself a REAL job. You are only making yourself out to be a laugh and bringing your friends right down with you. If it takes you or another website like this one to solve a crime— how do you think crimes were solved before the internet came out ??????????? No response needed. Time for you and all you have pulled into your little web to get the help you need. I wish you all the best. Lots of jobs you could fill out here– I am sure !!!”

    Sorry, there is no way I was going to keep this beauty to myself.

    Enjoy all.

    Ahhhh Debbie…my Grandmother had a sying …”pretty IS as pretty DOES”….I do agree though that indeed you should stop wasting your time here…obviously you have nothing constructive to add to any of the well thought out theories of the many intelligent posters on this site…after all, none of us have ALL the answers, do we? so…we pool our thoughts and try to fit pieces of the puzzle together into a crisp image with pieces that fit…perhaps the pieces are starting to divulge a picture you don’t wish to see? hmmm…got a piece or 2 you would like to share?

  6. keekee says:

    have researched the bluegrass band connections a lot and they overlap most with the bike farm fest co sponsors and the fire/emergency people. lots of family connections and members working in the uva medical system. brewery overlaps, too and family names of RSOs already discussed.

    i have my cheese on the local show connection oct 17th

  7. Lexy says:

    @Debbie, LMAO….that’s a good one! Thanks for the laugh, Blink. Aside from that, in my reading, someone mentioned Morgan being dragged a short distance. That was in a dream I had….by one leg. She was dead at that point.

  8. juliemooly says:

    Question: On the night of October 17, 2009, didn’t the band Gojira perform before Lamb of God, who came on before Metallica?

    mosaic:“…the CPA sees same group in RV lot around a vehicle. Who would have parked in the RV lot for that show? Anyone know?”

    Gojira is a French metal band (I know, another study in contrasts, right?). Would a French band have their own crew, or would they ‘rent’ one, and how do you hire a road crew? I am going to research that now, but if there are any music people here who can answer that for me… merci beaucoup.

    Question: Was the length of Morgan’s necklace 16″ (choker length), or 18″, or longer? Curious.

    per Red Hill Local: “Likewise, someone entering from Blandemar side, could turn by the green equipment building and drive across the bottom to within 30-40 feet of where she was found. They WOULD have to cross 2 fences and a steep-banked, small stream. But very doable.” This is the most likely scenario to me, but I believe that the driveway/small road to access the equipment building with the green roof is private, both at the Red Hill access point and at the Blandemar/Waldemar access point, correct, Red Hill local? I didn’t want to risk getting stuck on it yesterday during my outing in the area.

  9. keekee says:

    oh, and i just noticed a young innocent hippie kinda looking kid who posted that he attended the local cville mainstreet concert and he just posted on feb 3rd that “he has some things to think about”….veddy interesting. he also has a photo of himself in front of tents that looks like bonnaroo

  10. keekee says:

    uh, and he’s a landscaper

  11. suz says:

    How often are bodies moved after a murder? (and by ‘after the murder’ I mean days after the murder, not immediately after the murder—how often is it moved from one hiding place to another.) Not in the movies or on tv, but in real life, especially in the middle of what quickly became a fairly high profile case (and esp. if you are within 10 miles of JPJ, where you figure folks will now be on the lookout for odd comings and goings)? That’s why I think the primary crime scene is AF. Either in the vehicle near or on the property, or somewhere else on the property. (Ok, I’m not actually ruling out it being somewhere close by, but—Casey Anthony aside—you generally don’t want to spend too much time driving around with a dead body in your car. It’s risky. And gross.)

    So if they are going to go to the trouble of moving the body, why not move it far, far away. (Ok, some of you will note, “But you just said no one wants to drive around with a dead body. Idiot.” Fair point. But was the idiot really necessary? lol).

    I think the perp or perps were lazy and either left her right where she was killed, or dumped her there immediately after offing her. And I think they rolled right thru the front gate, and that’s why we’re not going to find evidence in the woods, on the shoulder of Red Hill Road, on the other farms, in the creek, or stuck to the barbed wire fence. When i think about how quickly they processed this crime scene, it makes me think LE thinks the same thing.

  12. juliemooly says:

    Oops … meant to explain the reason I typed the quote from mosaic about the RV lot before the question about Gojira was maybe Gojira’s crew parked in the RV lot.

  13. fish says:

    debbie says:
    February 15, 2010 at 2:07 am
    Blink— Not for you to post.

    OOOHHHH, Let me, Let me!

    Dearest Debbie: Hey gurl, why all the hating?

    You obviously have not read anything that any of us have written since October! And, I am not going to be the one to fill you in but if you want love, acceptance with some humor thrown in to be able to cope…then this is your spot.

    If not and you just want to slam then I do suggest you do go elsewhere. You are a very myopic person to think that one could handle all shit that comes with death, by the way of murder and not to be able to smile, cry, hug, agree, disagree and yes, even laugh.

    It is called “Pretty Coping”. I do it EVERY SINGLE everyday!

    I am not going to fault you as you clearly, do not understand what it is that we are layin’ down here at the BOC!
    We do not think that we are LE or the FBI, although I fancy myself one of the great video-viewers of all time! We think that we can and do talk it out. Discuss, if you will. Probably, no different than you at your water cooler!!

    So, I must keep it short as I have been known to run on and on.

    Get your panties out of the bunch they are in and come join us.

    We here, on the “Real Husbands of the BOC” would love to chat! By the way, if you are in the break room…I prefer a white-chocolate mocha.

    Now, let’s sit down and work out the aggression you are feeling. BTW: I’m not a license therapist. Just on occasion, pretend to be one because of all my battle scars!!!

    Now Debbie,

    Remember Virginia is for lovers not haters!!!!!

  14. Chad says:


    I am sorry, don’t know why my links wont work! I would try typing in the direct link, or going to u-yube, or the hook. If you are interested in seeing dee in boots right below the knee.
    Poison huh? Yes, every Rose has it’s thorns.

    Going to work, will post later.

  15. fish says:

    JulieM and localgirl:

    Was this your guy!

    He tracks people who sign on to his show. A pair goes out with water and a compass. He wears a long oil-rubbed coat and a wide brimmed cowboy hat. It is facinating to watch. He obviously knows how to track!

  16. susanm says:

    what about satellitte pics of jpj to see car returning to dump purse.

  17. RU Mom says:

    BLINK in response to your comment to GIFTER3 12:20 am, Feb 15 #49

    *who is parked in the RV lot the eve of Oct.17th.
    *who could Morgan have known from a band/venue, say like Bonnaroo?
    *who from that category is from the area, and was in the area, and in my opinion, very close to AF.

    My guess is WT?

  18. dew says:

    Gifter3 2/15/10 12:20 a.m: I cannot get past the “how” did she end up outside. And why doesn’t anyone seem to clearly understand how that happened. Even Dr. Harrington on the ‘other’ site indicated that he only had a vague idea. Maybe it is being hidden but it seems everything began with Morgan stepping outside the arena. So WHY was she outside?

    J2K: I am a coincidence kinda girl! I think the timing of Willie Morris’ death had more to do with his mother’s schedule than anything else. I also think there is a reason noise is used as torture…it can drive you crazy! I also think a partially completed house is coincidence. I would think lights of any kind would be noticeable in an uninhabitated house.

    belika: In a post (sorry can’t find it again) you said the basketball players were “cleaned”! I know it was a typo for cleared but it made me laugh out loud. Great visual. Did the hose them down or wash out their mouths. Thanks!

    re MIB: After crossing the road with the MIB, didn’t Morgan spend 10 minutes with the basketball players? So wouldn’t the basketball players have seen the MIB around a vehicle? Or did the MIB leave and return? I guess my question is how do the MIB and being around the vehicle fit the timeline with bball guys. Something is fitting for me. Help!

    re access and the grass: I don’t believe Morgan was in the woods, I believe she was placed in the long grass. It is a great ‘hiding’ place. Mother deer hide their fawns in the tall grass. In grass that tall, unless you step on the hidden item, it is really hard to find. And when the grass gets matted down with rain or snow, it is not flat. It ends up in clumps…for lack of a better word. Under the trees, there is llittle vegetation only dead leaves, maybe some ferns in summer. It is much easier to see objects as you are walking in the woods. As the leaves fall, it is even easier to see “into” the woods. I would def hide an object in the grass before the woods.

    I also think that there are paths through the woods that you cannot see on any type of satellite imagery on the web. I have looked at various maps (google, google earth, etc) of our property. I KNOW there is a well used path (people, atvs, jeeps) that we use to go down to the river. You cannot see it on these maps and I know where to look for it. Paths through the woods are difficult to see because the tree cover blocks them. Someone with extensive direct knowledge probably has ways to access this site that we haven’t even thought of.

    also someone mentioned driving without headlights on. I doubt it. It is really dark. Few houses, no streetlights and a stormy night mean no ambient light. It is dark. Not like city or suburbia dark. It is close yourself in a closet dark. You might walk without light but driving that way is really difficult.

    Lastly — Blink, I don’t know how you keep all these ideas and people straight. I got behind last weekend and took a week to really get caught up. I am truly amazed at your skill and dedication. BRAVO! That is the sound of a standing ovation. (Sorry for the length of this post)

  19. crimewriter says:

    Has Morgan ever been on a cruise with friends???

  20. bob-dog says:

    O/T: On Oprah today, when the sexual abuser is the mother.

  21. mosaic says:

    Re: Juliemooly’s foray into Blandemar Farms….”I’m sure those gazes were suspicious: my car is nothing close to a Beamer and my hound is not pure-bred English stock.” Bless his heart—I can picture your dog riding shot-gun wondering what the heck you were doing!

    You said, “I do believe that property with the green-roofed building would be the place to access Morgan’s resting place.” Curious to what you made you feel this way. (For the record, I agree but I’m just basing that on maps, not the “feel of the land.”)

  22. susanm says:

    ramona and friends,i have a hard time believing you guys dont know how or why morgan got outside,have you been asked not to disclose?a movie i remember as kid from the afternoon picture show was “13 frightened girls” about diplomats daughter’s at a international boarding school who help the cia with a spy case, 60′s style.there’s gotta be a sleuth type amongst one you girls,help us out, you can find a way to tell us how the heck she ended up outside.

  23. lizzy says:

    Excuse me,

    “Not planned, but not random either. She knew who she got in the car with. I am firm more than one person harmed Morgan, and place her on AF.
    . . . are you thinking that maybe Morgan was killed somewhere else and then later her remains left on the farm….I really think that was what happened.

    I do.

    I’m sorry, but if you’re right, that just really pisses me off. One sicko she knew, two random bad guys even, but . . . somebody she knew and more than one participated and knows about it is JUST CRAP.

    I wish they could just put up a big chart in the Charlottesville sky, that adds a year in a hellhole of a jail (and definitely in hell) for every day that the someone(s) who knows what happened to Morgan keeps their mouth shut. Enough with the “save your family name” soft pedaling; they need to think about that it may be time to save their own skin.

    I’ll crawl back under my rock, since I have no ideas to contribute now that you guys aren’t on top of already, but my blood is just boiling at that thought.

  24. Steady says:

    As for how often bodies are moved after a murder, my belief is that the murder scene is inside of a vehicle. Thus, the purpose of the moving was to get to a place as quickly as possible where Morgan’s remains could be removed from the vehicle without observation.

    This would indicate both the familiarity with AF that has been much discussed, as well as the proximity, as one would think that any extended driving with the remains of the victim in your vehicle would be avoided.

  25. MsLurkALot says:

    50.Ragdoll says:
    February 15, 2010 at 11:54 am
    #18 MsLurkAlot

    Indeed, he is resting in the arms of our Heavenly Father. I cannot fathom what you’ve endured but your strength and tenacity brings me great hope! You have friends here and I know from experience, you live with a piece of you missing.

    What better way to over come grief than to band together and fight for those who no longer have a voice in this world. Love and light MsLurk. xo

    ….. Thank you much, Ragdoll. Please, call me “Lurk.” You all are a great bunch :)

    41.suz says:
    February 15, 2010 at 11:21 am
    Shoot, debbie forgot to tell us what her first concert was.

    ……. Made me LOL (at work, no less). Thanks for the giggle, Suz!

    ……..RE: Gil’s poem…took my breath.

  26. Concerned Mom says:

    Why is a man, convicted using a firearm in the crime of rape in 2003, and who is now a free man, NOT listed on the Virginia State Police sex offender registry?? Am I missing something?

    No. I am positive it was a plea deal of some kind. Bad News.

  27. mj says:

    I commented a few months ago saying that IMO, it seemed like VSP had no idea as to who committed the murder. I had hoped that I was completely off base with that.

    Their lack of coming out and providing information on the case, the ridiculous 500 stories and lack of confirmation of ANYTHING in the case struck me as incredibly strange. But, I thought maybe they were simply trying not to run a perp off.

    At this point, and it kills me to say it; I don’t think they’ve got anything legitimate to pursue.

    I hope that I’m very wrong.

  28. skyler says:

    am having to read quickly thru posts because i am at work — Gil’s poetry —

    no comment other than to whole-heartedly agree w/ alexandra.

    alexandra says:
    Let’s get the SOB’s that did this to Morgan!

    Blink, on the Debbie post –

  29. Concerned Mom says:

    22.Concerned Mom says:
    February 15, 2010 at 2:16 pm
    Why is a man, convicted using a firearm in the crime of rape in 2003, and who is now a free man, NOT listed on the Virginia State Police sex offender registry?? Am I missing something?

    No. I am positive it was a plea deal of some kind. Bad News.

    A plea deal, so now he is not considered a sex offender? OMG, this psycho is out on the street (literally) with my baby girl. I am so angry and disgusted. This HAS GOT TO STOP. We as parents need to change our laws. We need to demand these animals stay locked up. I can’t even wrap my brain around this right now. Armed robbery, breaking and entering, rape, all just 7 short years ago. Now he is free. Free to do whatever he and his sick friends want. I am sorry if this post seems a little hysterical, but they are everywhere. How can we protect our children if a rapist is allowed to make a deal? How?

  30. yoshi says:

    lee- my dad has a saying: stupid is as stupid does. (No, Forrest Gump is not my dad)

    fish and all- enjoyed reading about everyone’s first concert experiences. Mine was The Who, but they had stopped smashing their instruments long b4. Fish…don’t be embarrassed. That whole 80′s hair band era was genius. Those guys wore makeup and scrunched their hair to get the ladies *interested in their music* as the metal scene up until then was just a bunch of dudes.

    suz- I don’t know about moving her. Maybe early on especially if she was wrapped in something. Fluids start leaking and tissue starts breaking down within a few hours (messy) and after a few days things start to lose shape. All depending on temp/environ, of course. Sorry to be gross.

    J2k, suz, juliemooly,bluewillow- I, too think they came in at Blandemar Farm Dr. near the green building, especially if they cut the engine at some point. I can’t see the steep ravine and the creek that Red Hill talks about, but he says it’s doable. Does anyone have a map that shows the other access point of interest – Red Hill Rd gate?

    gifter3- thanks for mentioning my name. That was a very nice post.

    Ragdoll- you’re welcome!

    acho- yes, bow hunting. This was my next topic to explore. Be careful!

    J2k- Ha! Jump the Shark…you don’t even know how many times I have said this to myself about MY own little theories and imagination.

    There is a steep drop off as you get toward the river bank. It is very hard to see from the google maps.

  31. acho says:

    [[B I trust you'll redact if necessary.]] Concerned Mom (and JulieMooley): can you imagine how a family who got that plea deal might be managing this particular sitation?

    Other news: Keekee posted the YouTube video of Sons of Bill from Blue Ridge Trail Music Festival. Keekee believes Morgan was there, per that YouTube video, although if it’s Morgan, she barely creeps into the far left of the screen. Hard to say … (Keekee were you there??)

    It’s believable Morgan would have gone, however, as Sons of Bill alone would bring all kinds of VA college kids together … they played Bonnaroo, they are signed with Red Light Management (DMB, Phish, other biggies). They are hometown favorites w/ many local ties … I could go on.
    (you can click through to more pics on their FB page .. so far I have not seen Morgan)

    So, I add that festival to today’s list of research, and guess what I find: ***There was a bike race as part of the festival.*** Am working fast before any details are pulled, although I cannot get to a participant list as it is (B, is LE possibly looking at this already?) …

    “The festival includes The Stampede on Horseshoe Mountain bike race which will start/finish at the Devils Backbone Brewery. The course starts with a warm up climb to the top of Brents Gap. After that, the courses explore Horseshoe Mountain. If you took on the Devils Backbone Challenge, some of the terrain will be familiar. But there are some new trails to race! Then finish back at the Brewery and take part in the rest of the events.” (from

    Who knows, who knows …

  32. acho says:

    See, the English teacher can’t get it right: “situation” in line 3, not “sitation.”

  33. juliemooly says:

    mosaic, in response to your question “You said, “I do believe that property with the green-roofed building would be the place to access Morgan’s resting place.” Curious to what you made you feel this way. (For the record, I agree but I’m just basing that on maps, not the “feel of the land.”)”

    — I feel that way for several reasons. After driving on Red Hill Road, and looking at the terrain, it’s like this. When you look in the direction of Anchorage Farm through the trees, the trees and woods are very dense, and the land goes downhill and then uphill again, and then you can’t see any further. And that’s just a short part of the landscape you would have to traverse before you would even get close to where Morgan was found. You couldn’t get an ATV in there. You could conceivably get a mountain bike in there, but carrying a deceased person on your mountain bike is another story.

    Actually, I may have to add to my beliefs about access that you could get to Morgan’s resting place via the fields that lead from the back of the Anchorage Farm house (the new one), but you would REALLY have to know that no one was on the property to use it, and I think that limits the number of suspects considerably. There is absolutely no light or noise out there other than what emanates from homes, and any person who would drive on one of those driveways would have to be pretty bold or confident they wouldn’t be seen. Or, confident that the sight of them would not arouse suspicion, like if you were delivering hay, or carrying fence posts or mowing equipment, or authorized to be hunting, or if you lived there or were friends with a resident.

    I don’t know, maybe if you were the cable guy or a utility person you could get away with coming up on one of those homes via the driveway, too, IF the gate were open. Mr. Bass has said in the press that Anchorage Farm’s gate is usually open, but those McFarms had electric closed gates on their driveways yesterday. Ironic; the owner of the REAL farm that’s worth 7x that of the McFarms is less concerned with security than the McFarmers are. Clue or coincidence?

    My first concert was as a child listening to my older sister play in our local symphony; the last one was U2 in Scott Stadium. Quite similar. ;-)

  34. Liam says:

    Blink, you have stated that you believe somebody has come forward and admitted to picking Ms Harrington up and driving her to a certain location. Considering LE were still publicly seeking this information right up until Morgan was found, this must have been a relatively recent development. Why the delay with this person in coming forward with this vital information? Getting worried? If your belief is correct then LE have their guy surely and any physical evidence recovered will hopefully nail them.

    Is it true that there is a path through the wooded area off Red Hill Rd leading onto the farm Ms Harrington was located?

    Everybody on here is a credit to their neighbourhoods and their families, most started out with hope of finding this poor girl alive and now come together to try and smoke this rat out of his hole.
    We certainly have come up with a lot of characters here who are *shady* to say the least but it is encouraging to see that there is a lot more good folk who are willing to give some of their time to throw their thoughts into the pot. I hope LE get some king of help from the suggestions and contributions that have appeared here, if needed. I am sure the people working this case are as dedicated and determined as all of us combined. They will succeed, of that im sure.

    Keep up the good work people and God bless all of you.
    We are team Harrington, and this is how we roll :)

  35. anotherB says:

    Re: means of transport, POIs and DNA evidence

    Now, I still believe that our bad guy is not very bright. If he planted the handbag and they didn’t find any DNA or fingerprints on it because it was exposed to rain and mud, he was lucky. But – at least at some point Morgan must have been in his car, and there is bound to be DNA evidence somewhere.

    I fully agree with Blink on how he might explain that: “Oh now I remember. The hitchhiker the other day. That was her?!? I dropped her off at X”.

    Alternatively, the presence of DNA in his car could be explained with the fact that they knew each other, and that she had been in his car before.

    In either scenario the evidence would not suffice to make an arrest.

    First concert: can’t remember – lots of classical music (also performing myself) and otherwise just independent music in pubs or barns on the countryside. Good fun, though.

  36. Observer says:

    Re: Steady, 2/15, 2:10 pm said:
    “As for how often bodies are moved after a murder, my belief is that the murder scene is inside of a vehicle. Thus, the purpose of the moving was to get to a place as quickly as possible where Morgan’s remains could be removed from the vehicle without observation.

    This would indicate both the familiarity with AF that has been much discussed, as well as the proximity, as one would think that any extended driving with the remains of the victim in your vehicle would be avoided.”

    You took the words right out of my mouth, as I was just about to post the exact same thing; agreed on all counts. [As noted in one of my very first posts in early November, a BG is generally most disinclined to transport a body for anything more than a very brief period of time, for all the obvious reasons.]

  37. awa says:

    does anyone think there could be a sort of ‘pack mentality’ at play here?

  38. Swiss Miss says:

    RU Mom says:
    February 15, 2010 at 1:05 pm

    BLINK in response to your comment to GIFTER3 12:20 am, Feb 15 #49

    *who is parked in the RV lot the eve of Oct.17th.
    *who could Morgan have known from a band/venue, say like Bonnaroo?
    *who from that category is from the area, and was in the area, and in my opinion, very close to AF.

    My guess is WT?
    Let’s not forget DW (Silverity) either. He’s employed by a security firm (vendor?), was working at JPJ that evening, claimed to have seen Morgan, has worked and/or attended Bonnaroo concerts in the past, and is from the C’Ville area (although I don’t know how close he lives to AF).

  39. Swiss Miss says:

    To add to my last post….

    Of course if DW was working JPJ that evening, the likelihood of him leaving before the end of the concert is highly unlikely, so maybe he should be taken out of the equation. Don’t know….

  40. Judi says:

    I just cannot imagine there being a possible that LE has no idea. LE has a lot of info that they are not releasing. The poem from Gil breaks heart and I have to believe that LE knows the who and just need to make the connection to move it from the “we know but can’t prove” side of the road to the “we have proof” side of the road so that they can obtain the arrest warranty and so that they can prove it in court so that whomever is responsible doesn’t get off on some stupid technicality. I want so badly for justice for Morgan. There is a missing link out there to be found. Somebody has the answer and I cannot understand how they can keep them to themselves – how does their conscious allow this?

  41. Gypsy DD says:

    Just a quick comment that Wild Wings Cafe keeps showing up as a vendor at these different C’ville festivals. Was there really a lady’s black boot found behind the Wild Wings Cafe ?

    Would a person who wanted to hear music be willing to work at these ..get paid to serve and watch the band..

    Sons of Bill played in NYC on the 17th, but could Morgan know them through her famliy ties? Could Morgan know the BG through him being a vendor at most of the concerts/festivals she attended ..and the common thread be Sons of Bill? Not them being involved..just that they also know this individual and so she felt safe..had been safe with him prior to this in a group setting?

  42. lizzy says:

    “Why is a man, convicted using a firearm in the crime of rape in 2003, and who is now a free man, NOT listed on the Virginia State Police sex offender registry?? Am I missing something?

    No. I am positive it was a plea deal of some kind. Bad News.

    THAT should NOT be on the list of negotiating tools for a plea deal, especially post-conviction for a violent SO. This stuff is really getting to me today.

    I saw that offense the other day, but just thought I must have not found him in the RSO directory. Screaming here.

  43. radiogirl says:

    @ crimewriter…why did you ask about a cruise? I’m curious.TIA,R

  44. Judi says:

    BLINK- I am stuck on Dan White. Tying to find out if he was “free” in November. Inmate locator doesn’t list him. Where can I look? There is a music connection, he is the right age, and has a violent history. In other words, he is a match to my own personal profile.

  45. Observer says:

    Re: Concerned Mom, 2/16, 2:16 pm. stated:
    “Why is a man, convicted using a firearm in the crime of rape in 2003, and who is now a free man, NOT listed on the Virginia State Police sex offender registry??”

    Concerned Mom, I completely understand your disbelief that this omission occurred (notwithstanding a plea deal as B alluded to). I have been debating for some time now about posting on this particular topic but will do so now for the sake of (possible) clarification…although I appreciate it will be disconcerting, at best.

    When the public looks at any on-line registry, court records, criminal databases, etc., it’s important to remember something: the data included is only as a good as two things: the originating agency, and the person who originally keyed-in the data that subsequently made its way into another database somewhere else.

    I’m certain others here can attest to this fact, but there are indeed errors (but more frequently, omissions) in such databases. To wit: I once had a job applicant disclose to me during an interview (and as reflected on his job application) that not only did he have a criminal history, but that he had served time in a state prison. He went on to say that this information would not appear in a standard (state) criminal history search. When I asked why he was disclosing this (as most standard-issue BGs would not), he indicated that he wanted to be truthful with me, esp. given the nature of the employer to whom he was applying. When I asked him how he knew his criminal history information might not appear on a records search, he indicated that he seen a record pulled for him that did not contain this information.

    I proceeded to request his criminal history results (not through NCIC, but through another source). Sure enough, nothing appeared for this individual. [And no, I had no reason to believe that this individual was claiming a criminal history—not to mention, time served at the pleasure of the state--that he did not rightfully “own”, especially given the nature and detail of the charge and conviction he disclosed to me. He also gave no indication that his record had been sealed, expunged, etc.]

    I had seen, learned, and heard before of this same thing–that is, an omission rather than an error indicating someone had a criminal history who did not–but this occasion brought it to light once again.

    I cannot speak to the current state and methods of entering criminal history information into certain databases (perhaps Cooper or others can more aptly weigh in on this), as I have been out of LE for a number of years; however, I can say that, in the past, a records office clerk making $8.00/hr. was in some cases the lynch pin in ensuring that the data entered was accurate. And that did not always happen.

    So, when I read here about seeming discrepancies in what appears in certain records—and, in the case of omissions, what does not–I am very concerned, but sadly unsurprised.

  46. skyler says:

    I haven’t had time to read all the posts — but I’ve done what it looks like others are doing, as well — going back to the beginning —

    Zeusrocks — thanks for the direction to your prior post –

    If under my “what if”scenario these co-concert-attendees were sending Morgan out to buy drugs between acts and they’ve clammed up to LE for that reason, or they know who she was meeting — then if I were them, I’d be telling everything I knew to get that person(s) off the streets — because if they know who, then “who” knows them and right where to find them —

    I keep going back to Lt. Rader’s first presser where he’s begging the friends to tell what they knew — I just cannot believe under any scenario where the friends thought Morgan was miraculously coming back after being gone two weeks — where’d they think she went off to —

    I’ve had to change my mind and now I’m thinking Morgan was killed somewhere else and her body dropped at AF — why there or in that area — I can’t answer —

    i’m still holding out for science and praying there was at least one piece of evidence that was saved/recovered from her body —

    I also can’t get Gil’s poetry out of my mind ….

  47. Chad says:

    Question for anyone:
    on Morgan’s timetble:

    MIB: was Morgan seen walking with the MIB AFTER the encounter with the BB, or BEFORE? Cab someone clarify?

    Also, Gifter: what a great post>

    Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers for Joe. I will keep you updated.

    Julimooley: Keep going, you are on fire.

    Suz: Too funny. :) . You crack me up.

    For those that haven’t mentioned their first concert as tribute to Morgan we want to hear from you! ……@Red Hill, and of course Mr Schifflett.

  48. Bj says:

    Gypsy DD says:
    February 15, 2010 at 3:40 pm

    Sons of Bill played in NYC on the 17th, but could Morgan know them through her famliy ties? Could Morgan know the BG through him being a vendor at most of the concerts/festivals she attended ..and the common thread be Sons of Bill? Not them being involved..just that they also know this individual and so she felt safe..had been safe with him prior to this in a group setting?

    Interesting. This morning I got a really weird feeling watching this you tube video by Sons of Bill. Like you said, not them being involved but a weird feeling that Morgan’s killer could possibly be there. It really creeped me out.

    Oh yeah, she knew or had met this person before.

    You guys amaze me. Keep up the childish work!:) After all, I’m just a kid at heart.

    First concert (I think the young ones call them ‘shows’ today) was 1964 – The Beatles! She loves you yeah yeah yeah!

  49. skyler says:

    Holy Moly Julie Moolie —

    I had to go look for your post on your adventures in sleuthing —

    Your account just makes it so much stranger of why she was left there —

    Thanks for that — like others, I was riveted !!

  50. fish says:

    keekee says:
    February 15, 2010 at 12:05 pm


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