Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. bevolovr says:

    Oh, dang, the electrician working on that Red Hill spec home owned by the M——- last name is BLACK!!! SOAG!

  2. Justice says:

    #45: Observer: re: “when I read here about seeming discrepancies in what appears in certain records—and, in the case of omissions, what does not–I am very concerned, but sadly unsurprised.”

    You are 100% correct to be concerned. There is a SO who lives less than a mile from me, with a “clean” history. He was charged with 6 counts of child molestation against 5 children in 1991. He plead out, guilty to 2 charges in exchange for no time. Never even spent a night in jail, no probation, no nothing. He was “supposed” to never go to the place where he committed his crimes again, and never contact the children involved.

    Several years after 1991, I meet this man thru his family & church. He’s a church deacon, childrens choir director, travels to many area churches singing with his daughter. He’s the man who often brings “lone” children to church & home again. My daughter became bf with his daughter. 13 yrs later, I find out my own daughter had been molested by him. Any record search anywhere does not bring up anything more than some unpaid bills & divorce for this POS. Because of my affiliation with the courts, I was able to find the records while searching in person. I still don’t have an answer from the court or state le or anybody else why those records do NOT show up in a database search. But he doesn’t have to register as a RSO because his crimes were before Megan’s law.

    DO NOT trust anyone with your children, period… You have no idea how it feels having to drive by this POS’s home each & every day knowing what he did, and is more than likely still doing, and there’s not one thing in the world, legally, I can do about it. Oh, and his mother has church services at “their” home each Sunday night. Guess who watches the children while the services are going on? Yep, time & again I have to see him out in the front yard, playing with the same age children he’s molested in the past. How I pray I “accidentally” lose control of my car one day when he’s out there alone!!!

  3. suz says:

    MJ, I’m with you in worrying that LE has nothing. Ok, they have the same ideas that we have (maybe more, maybe less—at least they can benefit from the copious research being done here to help ‘em along). But the only stuff I have seen looks like they have nothing solid and really, really need somebody to drop a dime.

    I think that happens more often than we’d like to think about. As I said, the unabomber never would have been caught unless his brother turned him in. Some things remain mysteries.

    On the other hand, things like a POI in the Somer Thompson case are encouraging, even though we learned at the same time how LE had failed to apprehend the POI for child porn, and had they, little Somer would still be here.

  4. keekee says:


    if you can find my posts from last night, i posted to videos from the brew fest…the longer one shows more of “morgan” and even a profile for a short bit. i also alluded to the connections and overlaps in another longer post. yes, mucho connections with breweries, bike races, other music fests, bands, music families, music management company. yes!

    i noted that the list of attendees from the sob band were deleted for that event and for bonnaroo while other lists remain

  5. keekee says:

    i meant two/2 videos…ack

  6. keekee says:

    in my research today, i have noted peculiar “coordinated” filling up of facebook profile pages by certain families of interest. they seem to be littering their profiles with as much farm, mafia, nonsensical stuff as possible…maybe to make it more difficult to search past history.
    interesting to note that most of these same profiles were basically silent between oct 17th and january. a couple in particular have intermittently bemoaned how they have things to think about or don’t feel well or are traveling to certain cities (that i won’t name) to check on something and then think about it and what to do. a response to one was “follow your heart!”

  7. DaisyGirl says:

    Just found out from someone who ex AB is. Has anyone checked out his FB wall today. Odd posting on there? Who is “his girl”?

  8. keekee says:

    o gosh, acho, i’m sorry…my post about the connections was today. i can’t keep it straight and i just posted for the very first time ever yesterday. where is my brain?

  9. mosaic says:

    juliemooly—thanks for that description!

    Especially interesting, how you suggest a person could enter unnoticed….”like if you were delivering hay, or carrying fence posts or mowing equipment, or authorized to be hunting, or if you lived there or were friends with a resident.”

  10. mosaic says:

    Awa asked,
    “Does anyone think there could be a sort of ‘pack mentality’ at play here?”

    Ummm….do you mean with us, or with the perps?

  11. mike says:

    a little off topic, but how about all those members of the “clergy” (not mentioning any denominations) who abused children and were shielded by their superiors? At least if a pedophile is prosecuted, today, thanks in part to Megan’s law, there is at least some notice to the public if they are adjudged a sex offender. It is the general consensus that these type of people will continue to always crave sex with children. However, it seems that they do not bother adults. If Morgan was abducted by a sex offender, he was probably not a pedophile.

    Maybe a bit on point, I’m not a fan of Metallica or other such groups, I’m too old and have never been cool even when young. It seems as though a big part of the schtick of these type of groups is an generally “anti-social” attitude. That’s okay as long as it is confined by fans to going to the venues, but I think that a large number of young people strive to adopt and emulate this type of ‘tude. I guess what I’m trying to say is that this type of attitude breeds a general contempt for those who are not like minded, and even for like minded peers. Everybody has got to be a bit edgy or uncool. When there are that many in one place its like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack to start to narrow down a likely person of interest. (I realize the focus has been somewhat narrowed down here) Sorry for the ramble, just my $.02.

  12. skyler says:

    >>RU Mom says:
    February 15, 2010 at 1:05 pm
    BLINK in response to your comment to GIFTER3 12:20 am, Feb 15 #49

    *who is parked in the RV lot the eve of Oct.17th.
    *who could Morgan have known from a band/venue, say like Bonnaroo?
    *who from that category is from the area, and was in the area, and in my opinion, very close to AF.

    My guess is WT?

    RuMom — WT says he was parked in the U-hall lot, which is next to the RV lot.

    someone also asks upthread about gojira equipment roadies — they were parked outside of the Emmett St. garage which is on the other side of the parking lots to the left of the arena if you are standing on Emmett Street —

    Although how they got from the garage area to the arena is unknown to me, although I’ve asked that question 20 times … is there an underground tunnel linking the two ?

  13. alexandra says:

    Justice, why can’t your daughter file a complaint against him now for what he did to her?

  14. skyler says:

    Oh, Lord, Justice — I know it’s difficult, were you able to file charges for your daughter ? Please don’t answer that question here — I’m just asking — I know w/ murder there is no time limitation, it may be the same w/ child molestation — I do not know — but in a trial, it’s so difficult on the children to have to testify on either direct or cross examination —

    up your insurance — and I worked in the legal field for years — the ones who presented themselves as the biggest church people were the dirtiest —

    no offense to church-goers everywere — it’s just the way it played out — and you can bet that Mrs. POS knows exactly what her husband does and turns a blind eye —

    retch !!

  15. skyler says:

    Blink — OT, I’m working on the initial sketch for the BOC memorial — what do all the numbers across the eye mean ?

    It’s a wonderful logo — whoever created it did a wonderful job

    Non-specific, just casefile-ish reference.
    TY. I agree.

  16. Tobias Gregson says:

    One of the things that has been bothering me from the get go is that the friends (yes, it’s always back to them) weren’t leaking information about who they thought was responsible for the death of their friend. If it was someone very obvious, such as a current or ex-boyfriend she might have agreed to meet outside the venue, there is no way that the guy’s name isn’t leaked all over the internet. Even if LE warned the girls not to go around naming names, I still don’t believe they would have been capable of keeping quiet for more than a few days or until feeling the effects of the first few rounds of crantinis or jager bombs during their Halloween party. No way. Unless, … (a) they had something to do with it (which I dismiss because it would have unraveled by now); or (b) they really have no idea what happened. I could imagine a conversation between the friends and whomever Morgan was supposed to meet (let’s call him BF) going something like this – Friends: “What the hell happened to Morgan! You were supposed to meet her and now we can’t find her!” BF: “We had a fight and she wandered off.” Friends: “Yeah, right. Something happened and you better tell us what it was. The cops are all over this and you are going down. This is on you.” BF: “I’m telling you the truth. I went to the cops too. This is really bad.” (conversation goes back and forth like this until the friends get the idea that BF is really shaken up and telling the truth). In my opinion, that’s the only way the friends’ silence makes sense. At this point, I could be convinced that she really did hitchhike and got picked up by a random BG or that she hopped into a car with one or more acquaintances. Regardless, I think the friends are in the dark as much as the rest of us and don’t have anything valuable to offer at this point. I also think that anyone who is close to the friends should be eliminated as a suspect because they would have been all over this person from the beginning. It’s probably a significant reason why this case is a tough one for LE.

  17. Observer says:

    Oh my gosh, Justice–how horrible for you and for your daughter! And to know that this person is still out there, and to see him…I cannot begin to fathom your understandable anger at this travesty.

    The horrific irony of the case you describe: people so often place those men (and women) of the cloth on a high pedestal…high enough that they (the congregants and members of the public) mistakenly believe these individuals can do no wrong.

    They’re not only in positions of power and authority, but to some there is a degree of “awe” as they are perceived to be closer to “a higher power”.

    But before they don a Roman collar or robe, they are first men and women. Fallible men (and women.)

    I know. A priest from the church where I grew up appeared most unexpectedly one evening on my tv screen, following his arrest. I also dated a former Episcopal priest of 17 yrs. [There was a reason (fortunately having nothing to do w/ young children though) he left the ministry, as well.] I can think of two other, local high-profile cases that are better left undiscussed but were equally disturbing.

    Your example above underscores my observation: these databases are sadly far from complete or accurate.

  18. bluewillow says:

    Justice says:
    February 15, 2010 at 5:11 pm

    I was horrified to read your tale. Did your daughter think of bringing charges?
    Any chance someone at the local newspaper would be interested in the story?

  19. lee says:

    For Morgan…first real “concert”… Sly and the Family Stone, University of Georgia…but I grew up in Macon, GA where all thru highschool and as a young adult I was at informal gatherings with many musicians (my step father was a pianist), including the Allman brothers (know Barry Oakley’s sister and the drummer Jaimo Johnson well). I even met Otis Redding before he became famous, when he was working on “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay” and brought it over for my step-dad to listen to….I look back now and realize what amazing times those were. Morgan should have had so many more years to savor the music that she loved here with us, but I feel sure our Morgan will make sweet music with them all…a jam for the heavens that someday, God willing, we shall all get to hear. Rock on Morgan, rock on. We continue the good fight for you here on earth…and justice shall prevail.

  20. PM1 says:

    Honestly, I have read all the posts on these threads, but with my…..”maturity”, I’m not sure if this has been brought up or not. If it has been discussed, dissected and disgarded, please excuse my digression. I found a KOA campground in Charlotteville listed on Red Hill Road. It has accommodations that include RV Sites, Tent Sites and Cabins(one and two room). Tent sites start at $26 a night for Oct and $50 for a cabin. The facility is open March 12-November 15. It also has a fishing pond, nature trails, pedal kart rentals, and mountain biking trails and a 45 acre recreational lake for fishing and canoeing nearby. The site is listed below.

    ***As an aside, I tried several times to get the link to appear correctly, but obviously I am not doing something correctly. Assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Could this be an area for partying or bands? Could they have hosted some fesitvals or concerts at one time? Could a group that was in town for a bike ride, concert or just to party have stayed there Oct 17/18? Could the POI have taken Morgan there to party? If and when something went wrong, could he have used this as a place to leave Morgan before placing her on the farm in the early morning hours when it was easier to move about? Could the POI have a link to this area because he, a friend or family member works or worked there? Could he be a workman who has doing handman work or contract work at the campground and has access to storage areas? Wonder if locals use this area at all? I assume it is still in business since you can book dates for 2010 now.

    The photos show an ATV like vehicle that might have been accessible for use to move around and or transport Morgan.

    Sorry if the links don’t work-help!!!!!

  21. Red Hill local says:

    “Chad says: February 15, 2010 at 4:35 pm
    For those that haven’t mentioned their first concert as tribute to Morgan we want to hear from you! ……@Red Hill, and of course Mr Schifflett.”

    I can’t remember if my first concert was Bach or Beethoven. OK, I’m aging myself now. Really, I AM having a difficult time remembering but I think it was Steppenwolf. Some concerts from my early days were Dylan, Alice Cooper, J Geils, and a dozen Little Feat concerts as i aged :D

  22. The ((( debbie))) Feb. 15 at 2:07am, Is NOT me. I’m just an old woman absolutely amazed at the wonderful and kind-hearted people on this blog. I have also studied the area and history … and have fallen in love with it!

  23. cosmo says:

    is the FBI now at the head of the investigation?
    what reasons would there be for the FBI to now take a more proactive role in the investigation?
    is this a Civil Rights: Color of Law / Hate Crime / Online Predator / Public Corruption now?
    i no longer believe the “friends” are involved directly with any OD cover up. i still think they do know more than has been released.
    if the FBI is now taking a more active role, than i think something has been impeding progress at the state level. there may be a tie to LE / University that has truly been putting out misinformation or lack there of. possibly someone covering for one of the perps?

  24. lee says:

    …a footnote…I saw so many people on alcohol and drugs that were wonderful, caring people…when not participating in reckless behavior….and still, after all these years, we cannot eradicate the abuse of drugs and alcohol…I have NEVER seen anyone I know or love (and my step father was an addictive personality) become “better” for it…and those that love them are left to deal with the aftermath. Please please please….to all of you…go to any lengths you have to with your family and friends to stop this when you see it. Please understsnd, this is not aimed at Morgan being at fault…but even being around it is dangerous, at best….a crap shoot if someone becomes out of control. I’ll bet the person that killed Morgan is associated with it….I just bet.

  25. Lexy says:

    This won’t help, but remember the hippie guy in the beginning, has some vendor thing. I know Blink knows who I mean. He was being looked at by people…my space, friends w/ Morgan. I never could figure out WHY or HOW he fit into her life. It’s music. You guys are freakin brilliant! You’re in the finish line. I applaud all of you! Keep on going & get the BG’s.

  26. skyler says:

    KEEKEE – Wowsa !! Just read your post about the brewery and the venue and the band on Oct. 17th —

    Blink — I know this is an unnecessary question — did you forward that info to LE ?

    lord, let this be the link !!!

    I gotta look up something else — get back to you guys —

    fwiw — I’m watching this discovery channel show called Skeleton Stories — I swear, I used to just watch Food Network and Style your House — this story is about this little girl who was just thrown into a heap of woods — no grave, just thrown out there —

    The detective on the case is from TX and wears a Stetson — shades of Walker, Texas Ranger !!

    You know, Morgan aside for just a moment — the Harringtons are right — if Morgan was this person(s)’s first escalation to murder — they’ve done it once, they won’t hesitate to do it again — it’s like eating that first chocolate chip cookie — the second one comes a lot easier, by the third you’re not thinking twice —

    Those concert co-attendees know something — if one of their friends is reading here, talk to them and convince them they have to trust LE w/ what they know — they’re going to find out anyway, because once one of the BGs starts talking, they’ll sing to save their own hides — but before that the concert goers own lives may very well be in danger —

    Oh, Lord, this woman kills this little 9 y/o because she knocks a couple lines of coke to the floor — the woman — her aunt — hits her so hard it cracks her skull but child is still alive and then she told her bf to suffocate the child w/ a pillow —

    Forensics backed up the statements — praying for forensics for Morgan !!!

  27. snoopy says:

    Lovin’ Spoonful

  28. MsLurkALot says:

    Wow, JulieM, thanks for sharing your Blandemar tour observations. Very interesting. That green roofed building just won’t go away.

    KeeKee, your research has opened up a whole new can o’ worms, and lines of thought. Wow. Don’t know how you’ve made all the music connections, but wouldn’t it be poetic justice if the music that Morgan was so drawn to was the link that ultimately solved her murder? Mind-boggling.

    So, after quickly browsing through a few posts, got up to start dinner. Then, this crazy memory came back to me, don’t know why.

    I have a question. Does anyone know if EH plays the harmonica?

    The reason I ask, at a bluegrass festival last summer, we watched a parking lot jam session with a very good band of young-ish guys from C’Ville. There was a younger guy, sitting off to the side, playing harmonica, who reminds me of EH. Bear in mind, it was dark out, nothing but lantern light, so it’s not like I remember details, just an overall image. Anyway, I don’t believe this kid is officially a member of this band, as we had seen them before, and he was definitely not with them. They are accomplished musicians, he was just sort of sitting in. But, after thinking of this, and B’s cryptic harmonica reference, this inquiring mind just wants to know…

    Now I’ll go look up this band’s website and see what I can find that might be relevant.


  29. keekee says:


    we got the same cheese?

    I am not sure If I mentioned this to you guys lately, but y’all are WAYYYYY BRIGHT.

  30. skyler says:

    Locals ? What is BW3s ? Is that near the same venue in Keekee’s post — Wild Wings ?

    Sorry, I get so mixed up w/ names –

  31. jlh says:

    my 1st concert – Eric Clapton (sometimes pronounced Clapner) & L Skynyrd (pre-crash)

    IMO the creek immediately north of where MH was found looks deep and rugged. I believe from 29 the BG turned right on Red Hill Rd for 1/4 mile & entered the field heading north. The off road drive would have been approx. 1 mile but not in sight of any houses. this route would require driving through two smaller creeks to reach the spot.

    juliemooly – your posts are informative and concise. keep those posts coming!

  32. MsL says:

    I haven’t read up thread yet so perhaps this has already been posted. The guy seen on horseback is probably the man traveling across country with his family to highlight the plight of the Akha people of Thailand. NBC29 had a report on him and his cause tonight. He will be protesting in front of the Thai Embassy tomorrow in DC. Not being as computer literate as so many posting here, I don’t know how to post a link, but the story can be found @ “Thai Man on Ride for Freedom.”

  33. Observer says:

    TO: juliemooly, re: the man on the horse that you saw on Rt. 29, wearing the black oilcloth coat and Indiana Jones hat:

    No worries; he was completely harmless. He was on a journey to raise awareness of a certain group of people indigenous to Thailand. He was interviewed today for a brief clip on the 6:00 news.

    Per NBC29: “One man is on a mission with his horse to raise awareness about human rights. Matthew McDaniel is on a Ride for Freedom and making a stop in Albemarle County.

    He is traveling across the country with his children to advocate for Akha human rights. The Akha people are from Thailand. McDaniel says he wants Thailand to be free of disease, child trafficking and land grabbing.

    “We’re trying to get the queen of Thailand to return about 15,000 acres of rice land that she took from the Akha Hillcrest over in Thailand,” explained McDaniel.

    McDaniel started his journey in Oregon last march. He will travel to Washington D.C. Tuesday to picket the Thai Embassy and then to New York City and the United Nations.”

    Albemarle County does indeed have its fair share of “strange agents”, but this guy is (fortunately) definitely one of the good guys.

  34. suz says:

    Bless your heart, PM1, but I think that darling pic from the KOA campground is of the aforementioned pedal bikes they rent there. I think Bass’ land that night would have been more suited to a gas, diesel, or electric powered vehicle (atv or car, tractor, or golf cart). The fact that the campground was still open makes me think it was not such a good place to assault or murder someone, nor to stash a corpse for awhile. I’m leaning more towards abandoned areas for that, or say deep in someone’s fields where it’s almost like you’re in the middle of nowhere.

  35. jlh says:

    Blink, say it ain’t so! some a** h*** commenter on a hook article stated that Blink, Observer & j2k are all the same person.

    Lol, I will let Observer and or J2K answer that.

    For me, I will just giggle at someone’s simple mind and know that we are very, very close.

    People start the dagger toss when that happens. I will never, and have never posted as someone else, or allow anyone on here to have more than one “hat”. In fact, I have called it out publicly the few times I have caught it.


  36. TJ says:

    Hi Blink. Hope you had a good V-Day. I just wanted to make a “site” suggestion. You know where it has the “older comments” and the “new comments” links? Well, several times I have found myself wishing it had an “Oldest Comments” and “Newest Comments” link. That way I could navigate to the first page or last page more easily. I only mention it because it seems like it might be an easy add.



  37. skyler says:

    KeeKee — is there a link you’re looking at ?

    Is that the name of the bar the band was at MainStreet ?

  38. suz says:

    In other news, the FBI is asking anyone riding their horses cross country to protest the plight of various peoples in various foreign lands who might have passed through the North Garden area of Albermarle County, to get in touch with them if they saw anything suspicious.

    How cool is it that one of our very own Blinksters saw him! Very cool.

  39. crimewriter says:

    radiogirl says:
    February 15, 2010 at 3:58 pm
    @ crimewriter…why did you ask about a cruise? I’m curious.TIA,R

    RE: I came across a video link the other day and I’m trying to rule out a possible person seen in the video who is playing the guitar who can be seen playing while surrounded by a group of friends on a cruise ship. I was hoping an acquaintance or friend of friend of MH would know who reads this site if she had…
    *First concert; Def Leppard

  40. Tarheel says:

    Was it determined that the 4 guys seen with who we believe was Morgan on the bridge and in the rv lot were not the basketball players?

  41. juliemooly says:

    Ya’ll are so fast. I was just watching the news and saw the story about Matthew McDaniel on his horse ride for the Thai people. If you’re not from here I just can’t begin to explain how very Charlottesvillian that is. “They” –you know, the ubiquitous they– call C-ville the People’s Republic. It’s a liberal enclave in a red state world.

    I am really impressed with all of the band links ya’ll are coming up with. The hard part is putting someone WITH Morgan and ON Anchorage Farm. It will happen. We can do it.

  42. KYcat says:

    Skyler, if I may make a suggestion… how about 2.4.1 across the eye if you are going to put numbers across it on the memorial?!?

    Lynard Skynard – 1st concert (pre-crash) and the last concert I attended last summer.

  43. yoshi says:

    You said: “others connected to another band that played in charlottesville on…………..OCTOBER 17th!!!!!
    the venue is on main st cville and the band did not start until 10 pm”

    Just double checking: Was that venue on Oct. 17th in Charlottesville or Roanoke at 10pm?

  44. Chad says:


    Triple Clue winner here. ding to the ding to the ding ding ding! Oh man……you are so on my page. without initials, Keekee what be the age of this fellow in particulr? 22 years? NICELY done Keekee.
    Oh to live on sugar mountain…….
    Everyone should read Keekees post. It def is a clue. We are building that bridge to AF. Good things take time.

    Bad Finger: Come and Get it.

    Red Hill: 2 words for you RED. You Rock. Way to redeem yourself with that band! LOVE it! How about that Magic Carpet ride.

    Georgie: Your are officially killing me. Good for you! Sly and Family Stone? Platform shoes and silk shirts. Disco enters era. Dance to the Music baby.

    Justice: My heart completely sank when I read your post. I am without words. Thank you for sharing a tragic part of your family and your life. Prayers. Peace. I will hope/pray for healing and health for your daughter.
    Devil has a pretty face. Sometimes, unfortunately, a religious one.

    To Georgie: You really got me with your musical tribute. Seriously. I have been a longtime supporter of the Arts in my area. I love our Symphony here, and the musicians. I have a neice that is an a accomplished violinist in high school that I am working towards getting her a Music scholorship for college. Classical music is esquisite. I would be interested to hear of what your instrument is. Cheers to your tribute to Morgan on classical music.
    As Gil says, Morgan was not an all exclusive girl, for anything, and that includes music. Classical string music probably fit very nicely into her portfolio.

  45. radiogirl says:

    First concert Neil Young.He started 30 minutes late and when he came on stage he was so drunk he had trouble getting on the stool.Once he made it up on the stool he quickly toppled off.My date took me home…one of the best concerts I ever went to…wink.

  46. Lovely says:

    I think Blink dropped us a clue…WAAAAAAAAY BRIGHT.

    When I see this, I think of sunglasses. Someone wearing sunglasses and playing a harmonica? That sounds kind of blue-sy to me…

    O/T – J2K: cant really scoop your email from Blink because she doesnt want to be the (wo)man in the middle, which I totally get, plus its unsafe! :-) But the question I wanted to ask…you know how *twice* in the book, the narrator uses the *first* person, as in *I*. Only twice. The rest of the book is written in the 3rd person. I always wanted to ask him who the *I* was. At the time, I thought maybe I had missed it, or it went over my head, so I didnt want to feel stupid in front of my peers and especially Kurt Vonnegut! Plus, he was very intimidating in the sense that he was just out there, just totally on a different level. I wasnt sure what he would respond with to questions, or if he would even answer. But I never found out the answer, and I know a lot of people missed the two references to *I* and never questioned it. Can you help?

  47. suz says:

    juliemooly, props to you for that awesome color commentary! Cool also that localcvillegirl saw the long rider. Neat!

  48. susanm says:

    waybright is a virginia family name i saw it somewhere,disregrad if unrelated,i was also doing some geneaology.

  49. alexandra says:

    Rolling Stones DAR Constitution Hall DC 60′s
    I can’t get noooo, sat-isss-faction, cuz i tried, and i tried, and i tried

  50. Chad says:

    Head on over to My space. Its all there, quite a nice layout if you will. If perhaps by your post publically, by your post, it hasn’t been taken down yet. No, no posts or activity showing in October at all.
    Careful all. We need to be careful.

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