Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Cat says:

    I saw unicorns mentioned here a few times. There are some “x” pills of recent vintage known as unicorns. I believe there is a drug connection that has resulted in her death.

    I will buy that as a connection, yes. But she did not die from X usage.

  2. suz says:

    Lovely, can’t lend any first person help (heh), having been more of a Cat’s Cradle grrl, but here’s a link to the beginning of an essay (for sale for cheaters! ha!) that discusses the use of first person in Slaughterhouse Five.

    Or there’s this:

    Point of View

    Another unusual aspect of Slaughterhouse-Five is its use of point of view. Rather than employing a conventional third-person “narrative voice,” the novel is narrated by the author himself. The first chapter consists of Vonnegut discussing the difficulties he had in writing the novel, and Vonnegut himself appears onstage as a character several times later in the novel. Instead of obscuring the autobiographical elements of the novel, Vonnegut makes them explicit; instead of presenting his novel as a self-contained creative work, he makes it clear that it is an imperfect and incomplete attempt to come to terms with an overwhelming event. In a sentence directed to his publisher, Vonnegut says of the novel, “It is so short and jumbled and jangled, Sam, because there is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre.”

  3. bob-dog says:

    keekee: Just wanted to commend you on your amazing research that connects the bands/venues, festivals, bikers, and brewery owners. Great work! It’s quite fishy (sorry, fish) that those lists of names disappeared off their websites. Perhaps some attorneys are reading Blink to protect their clients?

    Um, Yeah-uh.

    They should also be advising them to talk first. Take my word on this, last one in faces the villagers.

  4. TJ says:

    Blink…I have been SO convinced from the beginning (OK, when I didn’t have 6 other ideas going) that EMH was somehow involved with this, and your Waaaaay Bright comment sounds an awful lot like his mother’s name…


  5. PM1 says:

    Thanks suz, (2/15 7:44 pm), I expect you are correct, but I’m just trying to expand my horizons and think out of the box. I think there is a primary crime scene and it makes sense to me that it may be in the vicinity but not directly on AF. Thus, I am expanding the area of interest out in a circular pattern from the farm and this was the first area I found. Not sure how many folks were actually staying in the campground that time of year, and with the inclement weather those onsite might have been inside or gone elsewhere. If the POI is a local (which most of us seem to believe) he could have access to the property and/or its equipment after hours because of a personal connection. I would think the campground would have vehicles (trucks, 4-wheel drives, ATV’s, etc for use on the property. Logically, it would be more prudent to use someone else’s vehicle to move a body than your own. Even though I don’t give this BG much credit, I’m sure he has seen at least one or two crime shows and would have some basic knowledge about the “dos and don’ts” of crimes. Who knows is there a Crimes for Dummies book???

    He could also be a local (insert sport here) hero, stud, bad azz that people want to be around, want to emulate, or are just plain afraid to cross, so he might be able to get others to do his dirty work. I do think this was a 2 man job and I would expect that one of the parties may be less educated or less intelligent.

    I am not thinking the ATV-like things they rent for moving Morgan, but more that they could have been used by someone who has frequented the area to explore, even in childhood, thus giving them “knowledge” of the lay of the land.

    I could see some groups of folks hanging out at the campground in the summer or on weekends to jam or just party. It is fairly secluded and off the beaten path. Believe it or not when I was in college, back in the late ’70′s, we did go to a variety of places in the woods or on farms to party.

    Again, I date myself.I will go back to lurking!!

  6. Chad says:


    I thought about the middleman thingy per Blink and perhaps it might be better to do a closed FB page? I could set it up? What would we call it? Suggestions welcome. This way, anyone could contact anyone under their name. This takes liability off blink if any of us fam members turn out to be psycho.
    Anyone could e-mail each other and we PM whoever instead of putting pressure on blink. So, you can join under your blink name, and then all can exchange names. It may take a new e-mail addy if your would be uncomfortable with your current one. Sometimes we have thoughts ideas and personal messages that we do not want to share publically. This would totally be only intended for poster to be able to contact other posters individually.
    I will do, and can do.
    I personally would love to meet y’all. We are family. If this might be something you may be interested in, post it. But it will not be a public forum, and you must register under your blink name so we know one another and who each other is.
    I can be a moderater but it might be nice to have another one? Sky? J2k….anyone? Let me know your thoughts.


  7. Judi says:

    The Who was my first concert :-)

  8. yoshi says:

    KeeKee- never mind regarding my request for clarification. I got it. BTW, do you know how many times I have had to retype your screen name? I keep typing “Kickee”

    You know, I was all over the SOB connection the other night. I can’t remember how I got there. It might have been from Dr. Harrington’s facebook as I found it interesting that he had listed Here’s to The Long Haul on his fans list. That was the night I was tossing and turning thinking about Morgan and you fellow BOC’s singing:

    Well the oppressors are trying to keep me down
    Trying to drive me underground
    And they think that they have got the battle won
    I say forgive them Lord they know not what they’ve done.

    Cause as sure as the sun will shine
    I’m gonna get my share now, what’s mine
    And the harder they come, the harder they fall
    The harder they come, the harder they fall one and all.

    -Grateful Dead
    oh yeah.

    and Ode to tighter jeans, flatter azzes, crumbs in keyboards, dishes piled up, late for dates and indentations in the spots where we sit w/our laptops and computers. I’m right there with all y’all. It will all be worth it. Soon.

  9. geni says:

    Could “waaybright” be referring to someone’s last name? I see that there is a rso with the last name of Waybright.

  10. Observer says:

    First, to jlh, re: Are B, J2K, and I all the same person (per the clearly delusional commenter from the Hook):

    I am, as they say, ROTFLMAO at that one! [We already know B was laughing; bet J2K will be too when she reads that comment from the Hook:-))) To explain (and I hope the Hook commenter is reading and following this):

    B and I have exchanged numerous emails since November. Of course, this would assume that I wasn't just exchanging emails w/ myself...but I guess I could try to do that...somehow...:-))) But let's start w/ something easier:

    B has mentioned the Blinkettes on various occasions on BOC.

    Unfortunately, I have no "Observer-ettes"--which is quite possibly why I am so protective of my god-daughter (among my other god-kids) who is very close to Morgan's age and reminds me of Morgan in many ways. about another data point? I don't believe B has ever said that she worked in LE. Worked with them? Often and regularly, I'm certain. But worked on the inside? Nope, I'm thinkin' not. But I have, as mentioned here.

    Oh, here's another: I have stated from very early on that I work at UVA. I'm pretty certain we've never heard B--or J2K--indicate that they now work or have ever worked at UVA. (BTW: Does the Hook commenter think I/B/J2K are makin' all this stuff up? I can assure readers that I am not quite that creative:-))

    Hey, let's try another one (for the edification of the poor, confused poster on the Hook): B (among others) often asks locals for info or perspective on something "on the ground" here in Cville. Ergo, B is clearly not from this area, does not live in this area, and/or quite possibly has never visited this area. [I believe--but am not certain--that the same thing may be true of J2K.]

    I, however, have stated repeatedly that I live now and have lived in Cville for well over 20 yrs. I cross Copeley Bridge often on my way to meetings across Grounds. [BTW: For those of you unfamiliar w/ UVA (and for reasons I've never quite understood) UVA refers to its buildings and property not as "campus", but as "The Grounds".]

    And speaking of J2K…Well, I’ve said time and again that I might only wish that I had half the command of the written word–not to mention, the obviously very quick wit–of our dear J2K. Nope, would that I could be her…but her I’m not. Any re-read of her posts (v. my own) would easily reveal that our writing styles are quite different, as well.

    And me/Observer? Shoot, as Popeye used to say (for all you oldsters and boomers out there like me): “I yam what I yam, and that’s all that I yam.”

    Bottom line: Someone commenting there on the Hook is, clearly and without doubt, a clueless wonder. (Apologies to whomever it was that made that conjecture at the Hook; am jus’ callin’ it likes I see it:))))

    Oh, one last thing: I may be many, many things, but suffering from MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) is not one of them. Shoot…I can barely handle one moniker here. I cannot begin to imagine how my poor, addled brain might have to strain in order to support a ruse that I was two other folks here on BOC:-))) Why, I declare!–I’d darn near pull a muscle in mah brain if’n I ever tried to do that!

    Now, on a more serious note:

    Re: skyler, 2/15, 7:36pm asked:
    “What is BW3s ? Is that near the same venue in Keekee’s post — Wild Wings?”

    There are two separate, unrelated big “wings” places here in Cville:
    1. “Wild Wing Cafe”–located near the downtown area, close to the venue that KeeKee was referring to.
    2. “BW3″ (“Buffalo Wings 3″)–located in the Barracks Rd. Shopping Center; w/in walking distance to JPJ.

  11. DaisyGirl says:

    Sorry, this is all way over my head. Is there a reason why we can’t name band names or members of the 10/17 concert in Charlottesville? Can someone spell out the music connection a litte more clearly, LOL? Maybe I am the only one missing it.

  12. DMB says:

    Earlier today someone posted a link to a youtube video of Son’s of Bill. I went to look at the video now and it says it was removed.

    The video was them at the brew ridge festival correct?

  13. mosaic says:

    Tarheel—nope, not the basketball players. These guys are white and were wearing black shirts. Witness saw them at 9:05 leaving the arena then at 9:15 in the RV parking lot gathered around a vehicle.

  14. moon says:

    I am not sure If I mentioned this to you guys lately, but y’all are WAYYYYY BRIGHT.

    wayyyy bright…way bright…waybright? as in the name??

  15. Kathy says:

    re: Chad says:
    February 15, 2010 at 8:49 pm

    I thought about the middleman thingy per Blink and perhaps it might be better to do a closed FB page?

    That would be a great idea! Unfortunately, someone else has posted here a couple times with the same name as me. Not a big deal but should I add something to mine name to distinguish the two?

  16. ConcernedBystander says:

    I am not sure If I mentioned this to you guys lately, but y’all are WAYYYYY BRIGHT.

    Does this have to do with the guy and wife I mentioned the other night? MB?

    Going for subtle.

    I am always on the Hunt for WayBright folks to weigh in on Morgan’s case.


  17. wow2 says:

    so, LE seriously released a bracelet that was found on Morgan at the crime scene? why would that not be spoilation of evidence? just wondering. . .

    Morgan was found January 26th. Her remains were released February 12. I am certain that is not an issue.

  18. moon says:

    oh, i see that that was already posted…my bad

  19. Word Girl says:

    I’m sure J2K can answer more astutely than I, however, I felt the use of the first person was the voice of the character and the third-person voice was the voice of Vonnegut, the writer, but also Vonnegut, the Kurt.
    It was more important to him to get his story, his message, out than to let the character have a unique or divergent voice. Although, there isn’t anything about V’s work that isn’t on the unique scale. Brilliant.

    Just had to wedge in here with my English teacher stuff. Never taught the stuff as I went the journalism, editing route, followed by the French teaching route.

    Now I’m just a kook. As in French kooking.

  20. Word Girl says:

    DaisyGirl, yes there can be some naming and spelling out, but I hope you can be patient for a little bit.
    There is a lot of work going on behind scenes and it is very, very delicate.

  21. Cat says:

    Yes B, that is what I meant, drugs were somehow connected to her death, but not the direct result. Her death, brutal enough I would assume, to be evident on skeletonized remains.

  22. suz says:

    PM1, I think you’re right to explore nearby woodsy places for a primary crime scene. Can’t say I’ve ever stayed at a KOA campground but—being family friendly—I picture them having helpful people around rather than offering the kind of deserted solitude a murderer might enjoy. But since so many scary movies involve campsites…and since as you said, the local kids party somewhere…who knows.

    I did enjoy a hilarious little daydream about the bad guys unsuccessfully trying to get away from the cops on those little pedal carts…! It made me giggle.

  23. anotherB says:

    Observer, J2K and B are not the same person – very different linguistic patterns, it would take a lot of concentration to fake that – certainly impossible at this volume.

    Syntax alone.

  24. Word Girl says:

    Re: myspace pages. You can enter the first name of a person and add more characteristics such as age and gender, along with the approximate city. Results can be interesting.
    Of course most of you would already know this, but I’m just sayin’.

    I know that Blink couldn’t be hinting at anything else at all other than we are all very bright and intelligent posters here. Every one of us, without exception. Applause now for da Blink.

  25. gifter3 says:

    I’ve MOVED my Cheese.
    I’m eating Cheese and Crackers with
    KeeKee, Fish, and Yoshi!!

    I had saved that important morsel of cheese
    in my “Favorites”!
    I connected the dots!

    Website pages are deleted!
    Family history deleted!
    Farm Animals are crawling all
    over FB pages…
    Some are not feeling well, unable to sleep.

    **Blink family, please go back to about Feb 12th and read
    all these back posts that sometimes show up later!

    So much info has come to this site in the last 4 days.
    I don’t know how you are keepin up Blink!

    It’s all right there!

  26. acho says:

    Hey Skyler, BW3 is a different place. You’d take a right onto Emmett out of the Econo Lodge, then a quick left at the light before Harris Teeter, and it’s behind Harris Teeter. As I recall, certain Metallica goers mentioned having parked there and walked to JPJA, which I know some folks do.

    You’d likely have passed Wild Wings en route to your movie on the downtown mall. To get there, you’d make a left out of Econo Lodge onto Emmett, then a left onto University Ave (which would be Ivy if you went right … I know, confusing), which becomes W Main St as soon as you’re past the University. On the way dowtown, you’d pass the Wild Wing Cafe at the Amtrak Station.

    I am trying to figure out exactly which place Keekee means … maybe Maya, for Christian Breeder’s performance? Wild Wings Cafe had karaoke that night, according to C-ville’s calendar ( Help, please, Keekee?

  27. susanm says:

    i could be wrong but i’m thinking morgan went out to procure a recreational for the group,the calls were made on one of the groups phone morgan was elected or volunteered,thought she could talk her way back in but no,it was bad timing with a doorman and she couldnt get back in.the friends told le everything,they didnt want to tell the public everything,cuz they didnt want people to say it was her own fault for leaving for that purpose,and they didnt necessarily want it public knowledge that they had to spill a dealers name.

  28. Swiss Miss says:

    KeeKee, I just made some of your connections, and all I can say is OMG!

    Guys, you have to post, or attempt to post, I can’t have the we know what they do not syndrom.
    I say respectfully.

  29. keekee says:

    when blink let’s me, i will send the photo i uploaded of the concert poster from that night. whoo hoooo!! it has been deleted from most of the bands and attendees (who are paranoid) pages, but i done got it already. the event itself is still there, but hard to find

    You can post.

  30. skyler says:

    Chad — still laughing — in case any of us fam members turn out to be psycho —

    well, from one psycho to another — I’d love to do that — sign me up — but I have no computer savvy — but I can type — ha


  31. ConcernedBystander says:

    Lovely says:
    I think Blink dropped us a clue…WAAAAAAAAY BRIGHT.

    Yeah, it seems like this is just a game. If it weren’t then people that “know” things could just spell it out.

    I don’t know if that was snark loaded, but if it was, your welcome to run your own site with your name on the door, with the liabilities associated with same.

    Let me be clear. There is no sport or game associated with catching cold blooded murderers. The end justifies the means. If you have a better solution, I am all ears.


  32. jlh says:

    Our # 1 N. Garden RSO lives on approx. 41 acres (mother’s & mother’s & stepfather) combined. That’s a nice spread of land.

  33. anotherB says:

    I am not a lawyer, but isn’t this here armed robbery?

    This is a completely new dimension of “cover up”.

    Anyway, the whole town seems to have known about it… and I have the uneasy feeling that Morgan’s killer has a similar history, maybe not murder or robbery, but some sort of bizarre crime that wasn’t prosecuted, and he and his family subsequently moved house. That was probably around the age of 18 or 19.

  34. jlh says:


    that waybright rso is in jail, but

    there is a N Garden rso’s stepfather with last name waybright

  35. RNMom says:

    The Jackson’s Victory Tour

  36. keekee says:

    oh why yes it is still to be seen on myspace

  37. MsLurkALot says:

    hummingbird says:
    February 14, 2010 at 4:44 pm
    #1 mslurkalot Please accept my heartfelt condolences for losing your baby brother and having to go through that and thankyou for sharing that with us.
    Hummingbird, I have been searching for your post all evening, as I remembered seeing it before while quickly scanning. Thank you so much. It is all good. I think God, nature, etc. works in mysterious ways, and all is as it should be, except in cases like Morgan’s. I love hummingbirds, BTW. So free, so elusive, and when we see them, we marvel. I actually believe I saw one here lately, in the snow. It could have been an optical illusion, but I swear, it looked like a hummingbird to me!

  38. RU Mom says:

    Ok, trying to follow KeeKee’s line of thought, I am assuming SOB played on Oct. 17th, correct?
    Would this fall into place with Dan Harrington’s comment that the person was in Charlottesville in Oct. and returned in Nov.? (I saw SOB returned in Nov.). Also, would this also relate to VSP emphasis of someone coming or going from the area the last 5 years? Someone who would be coming in and out of town or perhaps a band?

  39. fish says:

    “keekee says:
    February 15, 2010 at 7:31 pm
    fish, we got the same cheese?”

    keekee: Would like to think that my GOF knows so.

  40. fish says:

    Hang tight DaisyGirl.

  41. Chad says:


    where have you been the last 4 months? (blows kiss)
    Of course links are missing, and things suddenly dissappear and never reppear on the internet once it is posted on here or other forums. Lot’s of lurkers. Don’t be surprised. Me thinks we be used to that here by now.
    Because people do not post, does not mean they are not on your cheese.
    Public identity poses a major prob for them, but hopefully after the fact. We be working without them be know’in. Blink has had the cheese and has given to Le from waaaay back. . Let’s just say your not reinventing the cheese, but def confirming the flavor. So we are safe there. She put it into play.

    Hear hear, all boc fans.
    Blinks says this week. i hope this will be Morgans week. He was there. Put him there, put him right there. Put his damn azz there and stick it there.
    If I may:
    Courtesy of Neil Young:

    “Sugar Mountain”

    Oh, to live on Sugar Mountain
    With the barkers and the colored balloons,
    You can’t be twenty on Sugar Mountain
    Though you’re thinking that
    you’re leaving there too soon,
    You’re leaving there too soon.

    It’s so noisy at the fair
    But all your friends are there
    And the candy floss you had
    And your mother and your dad.

    Oh, to live on Sugar Mountain
    With the barkers and the colored balloons,
    You can’t be twenty on Sugar Mountain
    Though you’re thinking that
    you’re leaving there too soon,
    You’re leaving there too soon.

    There’s a girl just down the aisle,
    Oh, to turn and see her smile.
    You can hear the words she wrote
    As you read the hidden note.

    Oh, to live on Sugar Mountain
    With the barkers and the colored balloons,
    You can’t be twenty on Sugar Mountain
    Though you’re thinking that
    you’re leaving there too soon,
    You’re leaving there too soon.

    Now you’re underneath the stairs
    And you’re givin’ back some glares
    To the people who you met
    And it’s your first cigarette.

    Oh, to live on Sugar Mountain
    With the barkers and the colored balloons,
    You can’t be twenty on Sugar Mountain
    Though you’re thinking that
    you’re leaving there too soon,
    You’re leaving there too soon.

    Now you say you’re leavin’ home
    ‘Cause you want to be alone.
    Ain’t it funny how you feel
    When you’re findin’ out it’s real?

    Oh, to live on Sugar Mountain
    With the barkers and the colored balloons,
    You can’t be twenty on Sugar Mountain
    Though you’re thinking that
    you’re leaving there too soon,
    You’re leaving there too soon.

    Oh, to live on Sugar Mountain
    with the barkers and the colored balloons,
    You can’t be twenty on Sugar Mountain
    Though you’re thinking that
    you’re leaving there too soon,
    You’re leaving there too soon.

  42. ConcernedBystander says:

    I don’t know if that was snark loaded, but if it was, your welcome to run your own site with your name on the door, with the liabilities associated with same.

    Let me be clear. There is no sport or game associated with catching cold blooded murderers. The end justifies the means. If you have a better solution, I am all ears.

    Keep up the good work. I’ll watch since things are already known but can’t be said openly.

    No need to be on the sideline, but I appreciate the support friend-

  43. Mom3.0 says:

    Well first, let me say welcome KeeKee,

    Today All my kids were home and had the dreaded disease called boredom, so, alas I was not here to see your post with the video, nor the link that leads to myspace. Nor the poster link. If someone will please post them again. I did read your post where you tie it all together, and I must say, Wow.

    For the first time, I am one of the ones who are not following the cheese crumbs and have gotten lost.

    Swiss Miss says:
    February 15, 2010 at 10:02 pm

    KeeKee, I just made some of your connections, and all I can say is OMG!

    Guys, you have to post, or attempt to post, I can’t have the we know what they do not syndrome.
    I say respectfully.

    Observer, Blink, J2K, could someone please post link to Hook article that has comments about your alter-egos please.

    Fish, I am not ashamed to say I like Poison and at 15 I would have loved to be at one of their concerts. RedHill,wow much respect, on your concert choices and Blink, don’t know if I mentioned this or not, but my idle at 14 was Whitney Houston and I so loved her video for I Wanna Dance With Somebody…

  44. Mom3.0 says:

    idol not idle, yikes …

  45. kjmcbrien says:

    following the pungent scent of cheese…taken from a certain band’s facebook entry in December…

    Check out some new live tunes from our show at the Paramount Theater (includining some vintage Metallica cuts… god we’re dorks

  46. Mom3.0 says:

    Ok, just so you guys know, I am not looking for easy answers, but it seems the cat has been let out of the bag,. The videos have been taken down- Who was on the stage? Blink I hope you got ‘em and sent them to LE.

    Somebody clue me in this is no coincidence!!!

    keekee says:
    February 14, 2010 at 4:26 pm

    i am computer challenged big time so i hope this link works. this is what i found and look on your left and you can see the back of mh, i think. with one of her friends i recognize from pics to her left in the ponytail. if it is mh, it helps validate my theory that this music group/family may be the connection. that doesn’t mean i think any of the musicians are involved in the crime…but someone they know, that mutual aquaintance of morgan’s. yes?

    keekee says:
    February 14, 2010 at 4:29 pm

  47. keekee says:

    i cannot figure out how to copy the poster…

    please tell me it worked

  48. MsLurkALot says:

    Red Hill local says:
    February 15, 2010 at 6:44 pm
    “Chad says: February 15, 2010 at 4:35 pm
    For those that haven’t mentioned their first concert as tribute to Morgan we want to hear from you! ……

    OK, swallowing pride here…Donny Osmond. Don’t know the year, cousins dragged me to concert and I must have been 6,7,8. Was the shortest person in the building…very intimidating, though we reached the stage within grasping distance of his pants!

    First real concert, Peter Frampton, ticket price $4.25 if I remember correctly! Evolved from there to the classic dino-rockers, some still in circulation today. Ones I wished I’d seen…Little Feat, Bob Marley, Janis…to name a very few. You all have really touched a place with all the memories of first concerts. What IF, there were a concert in tribute to Morgan, with some very classy acts…would be very cool.

  49. Ragdoll says:

    Hunt and Waybright <—— Can some of our ‘experts’ weigh in on these names?

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