Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Mom3.0 says:

    Chad I agree things disappear on the internet, but dang, so fast … I hope this was the last piece of the puzzle to show a connection with some brothers and others. Ya know?

  2. keekee says:

    ok, i am going to pull my hair out. the photo will not allow me to copy and paste the link so you can click on it. can someone enlighten me?

  3. Ragdoll says:

    Is there another variation of the name Waybright we need to consider in the area or am I way waayyyyyy off?

    ie: (from
    Americanized form of German Weibrecht or Weybrecht, from a Germanic personal name composed of the elements wig ‘battle’, ‘war’ + berht ‘bright’ (see Weybright).

  4. cadillac says:

    I am on the gerbil wheel…who is our POI?

  5. keekee says:

    oh, and B, during my HUNT yesterday and today, i saw lots of combinations, but haven’t been bright enough yet to find not so bright way…seems to be hiding. back to the hunt, er, HUNT, er, yeh…what she said

    FWIW, I am not sure the HUNT is worth it; but it may yield associations.

  6. keekee says:

    and the moniker i chose for myself is starting to annoy me (it does look like kickee)…maybe i should change it to “wiki”? is there already a wiki out there?

  7. Word Girl says:

    Where is Mouse? Blink, is she still moderating for you? Do we have cause to worry?

    She has never moderated for me, but I share your concern just the same.

  8. jlh says:

    Mom3.0 here is the Hook link re: B, j2k & Observer being one in the same. Ed made the statement but Dakota set him straight on next post.

    Ed February 12th, 2010 | 11:39 am
    At least there are some real facts coming out of the hook. Blink on Crime has become a joke. Blink, J2K and Observer are one and the same by the way.

    Dakota February 12th, 2010 | 12:34 pm

    I disagree !

    Blink , J2k and certainly Observer are NOT one of the same . People it’s been 4 month’s . Frustration is building and people say the darndest thing’s . Keep Morgan’s name alive and think outside of the box . I agree thing’s get out of hand but I do not believe Malice of any kind is intended . My Very close friend’s think I am wrong , Observer is real to me and that is all that matter’s ( she has changed her linguistics the past couple month’s but the same person :) . I watch every word she writes and she is NOT blink ! J2k , localcvillegirl ,chad and skyler to name a few are all different people . TRUST ME ON THIS ONE BRO .

  9. Judi says:

    Ok, don’t know if this is a connection or not, but it appears that there are some students at JMU (or at least there in fall 2009) with same last names of some persons of interest mentioned here …..

  10. Bj says:

    Here ya go keekee – Is this what you’re looking for?

  11. ConcernedBystander says:

    B – Going for subtle.

    I am always on the Hunt for WayBright folks to weigh in on Morgan’s case.

    Gotcha… thanks!

  12. Judi says:

    Correction – there are students at JMU with the same last name as TWO different BOC persons of interest…hmmmm – didn’t Morgan and friends stop at JMU onm the way to the concert?

  13. Ragdoll says:

    #4 Cadillac…..I’m spinnin with you.

    #6 KeeKee….I LOVE your name and it sounds the way it looks. If it bothers you, try kiki???? Just the same, your name is YOU xo

    My first concert ever was Bryan Adams. I know Morgan would have loved his music……very youth oriented.

  14. Judi says:

    Ok, considering BOC’s main POI and the other main name we’ve discussed both share last names with students at JMU and they stopped at JMU on the way to the concert, is THIS a piece of the missing link?

  15. Judi says:

    Ooops…didn’t mean to say BOC’s main POI but rather Blink’s main name she is trying to connect per her earlier post,

  16. Bj says:

    Quote under bands FB profile pic -
    Take a shower, call your mom, your life is in shambles.

    OK – This is starting to remind me of the “Paul is Dead” hoax. I don’t mean any disrespect. I’m just totally confused. Sounds like Six Degrees of Separation.? Are we getting off track here?

    Someone said to go back to Feb 12 posts. Will that helP?

  17. total amateur says:

    Jeez… I leave town for less than a day and all hell breaks loose! Nice work!

    Anyway… what I was working on before I left. This may not be interesting now… or it might play right in. Bear with me.

    The whole “Bridge sighting” has never worked for me. As I’ve never been to VA, I started working with this really incredible Google map that lets you take 360 degree looks all up and down Copeley. Maybe you’ve seen it. It gave me a much better understanding of where the parking lots and entrances are in relation to each other. Both parking entrances are a fair bit north of her last sighting on the bridge. At least enough distance that it wouldnt make sense to walk that far out of your way for no reason. She would have had to leave the RV lot, wander down and across the road. Then back again.

    The other thing that bothered me was the fact that she was seen on the opposite side of the road from the RV lot, on the sidewalk. Studying the images… I came up with this:

    1)The car was headed North on Copeley from a different location to the south
    2)The car was parked in U Hall parking lot.

    The reason for this is simple… why would Morgan leave the RV lot and be seen ACROSS the road if the perps car was parked IN the RV lot. She wouldnt. Doesnt make sense. You would walk across the road to get into a car that you were expecting from the south, that was on the same side of the road as you, thus heading north.


    She is in the RV lot WITH perp(s)… and they decide to leave. He is parked in the NORTH end of the U Hall lot. They cross the road, Morgan asks where he’s parked- he say’s “down there”. She’s buzzed, legs tired- and says “I’ll wait here…lol.. pick me up.” When you are waiting for someone to drive up… you ALWAYS subconsciously “drift” in the direction your heading… in this case south, which would put her south of the entrance to Uhall, on the bridge where she is last seen. Explains why she is alone. Also, perhaps she playfully puts out a thumb to her ride… thus the “hitchhiking witness.”

    I’m leaning toward the UHall lot. I think they were heading south, and she knew where they were going due to her “drifting” toward the bridge.

    Now I’m gonna go try to figure out all these posts, connections, everything else. It looks like half the info has been pulled off the net.

    Somebody’s getting close.

    Oh… I never read that the first concert thing was for Morgan:
    Aerosmith. Yeah, it was cool.

  18. fish says:

    Dear B: I would just like to say that I do not know how to do it. A true testament to your core strength and values here.

    As I do not follow other sites concerning Morgan, only here, I cannot help but giggle too, when someone over yonder, thinks you could be all three. You gave me confidence and then kept it. This is good enough proof for me.

    With this said. I think I know but yet what does that mean? Who am I to say. I want a successful arrest and prosecution. The words of a few do not outweight the words of the many. I got it and I truly believe that we are all valued here. Believed it from the get-go. But, I am with…when you say the end justifies the means. In this case, I believe it so.

    Chad: I’m down with that facebook thing. Let’s take our beloved, Blink out of it. She has enough on her plate. If one goes to her main page…look at all those beautiful faces she shows. Sometimes, I have to fly right on by or I become overwhelmed.
    Also, looked at Metallica’s last song as they were saying their goodbyes. Dee’s boots are indeed short. I cannot imagine them being able to be pulled up any higher than they are. She leaves with three guys in black t-shirts and jeans.

    I think that for peace of mind, I just once would like to see a clear picture of Morgan that night? What happened? No photos even posted before anyone knows she is missing? Not like their past events. They posted right away, some that very night. I’m not making a deal out of this I just think it is silently amazing.

    keekee: your link works fine for me. One just has to address it properly.

    Gasbag Self Ordained Expert October 22nd, 2009 | 12:06pm
    Not for nothing but is this Mr. Shifflett?

  19. Chad says:

    MsLurkalot: No need to be embarrassed. We love you for for that! i had a posteros Dony Osmond in my room! Cheers to Donny Osmond!

    Mom.3: No worries. You are fine. Vids are gone. But, boc capitalized on these vids and know the strory. But, whoever removing these vids, I wonder about their motive. Much is gone from the internet of anything of Morgan during the Oct Nov months, and now I am seeing Dec info being pulled too.

    We had a difeerent gun in Oct and Nov than we do now. If I know you, you copied and pasted links, along with notes, and articles and other printed material that unfortunately have been pulled by the media internet police, police whoever they are.
    So, I say, any links that we may want to refer to are simply….gone…..blank page. So, we cannot source now.

    Mom.3: It is OK. the blog is moving fast, and you are smart and you will catch on. My cheese is on an old fam name, and also, a completely different direction as well, the friends. So my schizo cheese may stand alone.
    Keekee was on my heartbeat big time. Cheese is half there.

    JFY: I once told my mother that I was so bored as a young girl, and she told me that there was “no such thing as being bored”. You can always do something constructive for yourself and for/to others.
    Lesson: I always learned to be constructive with my time, cleaning out a closet, organizing my drawers.
    LOVE it: No such thng as being bored all. don’t ever buy into the fact that your children tell you they are bored! There is much to do! Snow day, no exception!


  20. hummingbird says:

    Chad re #6 count me in just tell me where and when. hope your firends brother Joe is doing better.

  21. Elizabeth says:

    B is JT home or at school in VA? Thanks.

  22. raceyrin says:

    First concert: Journey.
    Winter is here again oh Lord,
    Haven’t been home in a year or more
    I hope she holds on a little longer

    Sent a letter on a long summer day
    Made of silver, not of clay
    I’ve been runnin’ down this dusty road

    Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin’
    I don’t know where I’ll be tomorrow
    Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin’

    I’ve been trying to make it home
    Got to make it before too long
    I can’t take this very much longer
    I’m stranded in the sleet and rain
    Don’t think I’m ever gonna make it home again
    The mornin’ sun is risin’
    It’s kissing the day

    RIP Morgan

  23. Chad says:

    Posted by Yoshi:
    Grateful Dead
    oh yeah.
    and Ode to tighter jeans, flatter azzes, crumbs in keyboards, dishes piled up, late for dates and indentations in the spots where we sit w/our laptops and computers. I’m right there with all y’all. It will all be worth it. Soon.

    Yoshi: You are the best. You totally get the what and the why’s we all are doing here. I luv you.
    My butt is permanently flat becasue of Morgan. Seriously. But your a guy and you don’t care if my butt is flat, but yet, you get why we are all here!
    Made my day.
    Let’s find this ba***** and be done with it all.

  24. Eloise says:

    Eliose says her first concert was YES in the round at MSG. And am Aquarious too. Same b-day as suz?

    You all are jammin’, hard to keep up! Great Job

  25. Cairn says:

    keekee, video no longer there. What was name of band in video on Youtube where Morgan might have attended?

  26. justiceformorgan says:

    B, I don’t know if this post is a no-no or not. It may relieve some frustration. I’ll leave it up to you of course.

    I believe I read somewhere that Waybright was the name (or maiden name) of EH’s mother. EH being a 20ish year old registered sex offender that lives about one mile from AF.

  27. Elizabeth says:

    I should have said is JT at home in Indiana or at school in VA? Thanks B.

  28. DaisyGirl says:

    I am seeing the connection in between families. I am not seeing the connection to the band. HELP!!

  29. keekee says:

    Bj at 12:45 got the link i was unable to post with my mitts…meh

    thank you ever so much Bj…whew…

    it is like the six degrees of separation, but i think it’s even less. my eyeballs are rolling around in my head like pinballs

    i am back to the grind and noting some family names in roanoke and cville………..and possibly more wayne’s world…..i’m getting punchy here

  30. jlh says:

    That S last name keeps popping up.

    Per daily progress – Toy gun incident nets pair real jail time IMO (That Pellet Rifle is not exactly what I would call a toy.) Pellet rifles can kill.

    Cody S & a friend got a weekend for shooting out a store window! There is a Cody S at JMU but not sure if one in the same as the 18 yo with the pellet gun.

  31. jlh says:

    Cody S. & friend were driving a jeep while shooting pellet gun.

  32. bob-dog says:

    Looking at the facebook page for the band in this poster

    I see a tall young band member with curly hair. That sounds familiar (bookkeeper). Or is my cheese off course?

  33. justiceformorgan says:

    keekee, thank you for all the great information! Here are a few suggestions re; copying and pasting a picture. You may have tried these already but, just in case you haven’t, here they are;
    1. When you have the photo showing on your screen, go to the top of the screen and cut the address that starts with “http://”. After that, paste it in your comment box.
    Another way,
    2. Put your mouse over the picture and right click. A box should pop up giving you options. Click on the “save picture as” option and save to your pictures. From there, you can click on the picture that you have saved and then follow the steps provided in 1 above. When you save the picture, you will want to give it a different name that you will remember.
    Note; 2 is the best way to save a picture because it will keep the picture regardless of whether or not it is deleted from its’ original location.
    Sometimes pictures can’t be cut and pasted because the person who originally posted the picture has had the picture protected so it can’t be used by another. Protecting pictures is uncommon though and is usually only done when the owner of the picture wants to protect themselves from someone else “taking” the picture and using it as their own. For instance, if a jewelry or clothing designer wants to protect pictures of their products/designs from being used by another designer who wants to claim the picture/designs are theirs.

  34. jlh says:

    Cody S & friend were questioned re: window which was shot out at police station but never charged. The charges were related to shooting a person with some type of transparent gun less powerful than a pellet rifle.

  35. keekee says:

    hey, blink. !! could you check the link i posted that Bj fixed for me and make sure that it does not show my profile page? my facebook is my name, but it’s a pretty common name…just don’t want too much info out there. oh, well

  36. Mom3.0 says:

    jlh, Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to find and post the link. Don’t have any comment, other than to say, we are all doing our best to help Morgan, and her family. Its not the first time or case, I have heard people accuse Blink of talking to herself.

    Observer, don’t take offense as it wasn’t so long ago that you asked Blink if she was me and I was her…remember? LOL

    As to KeeKee’s research, I went back and found all posts and read from Feb 12. BJ, it will help you to do this only to know what was being talked about, but it will not help you determine where to place your thinking cap,permanently. Meaning, we, she, are all trying to tie Morgan and the BG to each other and to the land.

    KeeKee’s links no longer work, so we can’t see who was in the audience and we can’t see the attendee list, so unfortunately, we can not make any connections ourselves. Cadillac, I am there with you, but have to say just keep in mind we are still talking about location, and connections.

    Wordgirl, I am thinking about mouse too. Hope she will return when she is able.

    Also, when going back and reading what I missed, found the name of the band, get the connection to Bonneroo, still looking for the connection to the name and to Morgan. Just want to say welcome to all the other new posters. Sky, that was a nice idea, thank you for including us all in your thoughtful art work.

    Keep on keeping on guys, Dr. Harrington understands that we want to help. Thank you Sir, for taking the time to let us know Morgan has been returned to you. My deepest condolences to you and yours. Mrs. Harrington, with each word you write, I can see where Morgan got her artistic abilities from, I am so sorry for your loss.

  37. Phyl says:

    Not sure if this was posted already. Eeeek. These fellows could sure use a makeover.

  38. Enquirer says:

    I must say that Im slightly disheartened by some of the posts on the Hook site, I feel the temptation to feed the trolls but will resist. Its really quite laughable.

    @KEEKEE – Im really impressed by what you’ve come up with over the past 24 hours – top marks on that. Im not saying that im feeling all of it, but you deserve accolades regardless.

    I must warn you, dont go too deep into your HUNT. What you will find there isnt pretty and will probably lead you down the wrong path. There could be a connection there with some of the other wildlife, but not what you are after…

    Also some of the facebook posts and status updates you’ve been mentioned are for show – I saw a few today that made me go ‘hmmmmm’. They know they have uninvited guests on their page my dear – it is what it is.

    @Blink – I must say I’m suprised at the speed that your harmonica and waybright comments were picked up… it’s the quick and the dead round here ;)

    Don’t be. I learned very quickly around this crowd that a hint is a “I’ll see your hint and raise you 5 fast facts and 3 e footprints.” in a couple minutes flat as you saw for yourself. We have to cache everything before we even think about it , it would seem.

    We are in dirt merchant territory here I am afraid.

  39. yoshi says:

    Blink asks – “It would certainly be interesting to note what was going on with said neighbors leading up to her discovery, no?”

    Yoshi: “Yes. I wonder if things were getting tense and a little heated.”

    Blink: “If the bad guys or bad guy is as local as it looks, he would possibly be in a position to see when Morgan was now in the grass so to speak.”

    Yoshi: Yeah and when that happened, the sh*t hit the fan. Punches were thrown and “The recent assaualt nobody will discuss occurrs.” (Last sentence = Blink’s quote…edited a teensy to fit my feeble attempt at writing something that doesn’t sound like an episode of Scooby Doo.)

    Did someone put this together and I missed it?

    P.S. you basically had that conversation with yourself, Blink!

  40. yoshi says:

    Mom 3.0 and Chad..
    yes, videos are down (KeeKee’s youtube links) and guest lists…but the person who put the videos up (and took them down) has a *pretty stealth* web presence (52 repetitive google pgs) and possibly lives in Charlottesville. Calls himself Mike K mxk1235. Likes weight lifting, fitness, some russian kids show (totally don’t get that one) and poker? Why the rush to take them down so fast, I ask. Who cares? (mxh is a popular prefix for online names so it could be bogus) Aside from Pickles and Sheriff Morris, did we make a legitimate weight lifting connection earlier? Was there some talk at a gym or something. While you all have been playing CLUE or COINCIDENCE, I’ve been playing DREAM or REALITY.

    Screen grabs for above mentioned if needed.
    Blink says:
    “B – Going for subtle.

    I am always on the Hunt for WayBright folks to weigh in on Morgan’s case.”

    Blink…I don’t know how to be subtle when I don’t know if what I know even means anything. Don’t make me flash my Captain Obvious badge.

    And to further your BOC education…well, I just realized it’s pretty offensive so I won’t even post the link. If you’re interested, Urban Dictionary will tell you what Raw Dawg means. (niiiice) Geez…there isn’t a day that goes by that I am not reminded of how important (and difficult) it is to teach our young boys how to treat young girls and women with respect. Ugggh.

  41. lilbugs says:

    Hmm. EH lives in quite the hybrid household. I dunno!

  42. fish says:

    total amateur says:
    February 16, 2010 at 1:03 am
    Jeez… I leave town for less than a day and all hell breaks loose! Nice work!
    Anyway… what I was working on before I left. This may not be interesting now… or it might play right in. Bear with me.
    The whole “Bridge sighting” has never worked for me. As I’ve never been to VA, I started working with this really incredible Google map that lets you take 360 degree looks all up and down Copeley. I came up with this:

    1)The car was headed North on Copeley from a different location to the south
    2)The car was parked in U Hall parking lot.

    Yes, google map provides you with the view of how sort this bridge is.

    ** I never believed she was HH either but I soon was even discounting the bridge sighting even though I know the dog hit on it. Add in the fact, the M. Voth reported very early on, she saw her HH. Why? I’ve been on that bridge in the dark, no it wasn’t raining but still dark. Ms. Voth had to been walking as it is very hard to see unless you headlights hit just right. I know that Morgan recognized him and thought she could catch a ride but I would like to know if Ms. Voth was walking to the arena or the UVA house, she belongs too. Its short bridge, she saw her HH but didn’t see if anyone picked her up?

    I’m with you Total. The car was in UHall lot!

    >Morgan was there talking briefly to them…she leaves…he/they think about it…pulls out & offers the ride.

    >Morgan was there talking briefly to them…she doesn’t leave…struggles in lot with two of them…other two gone by this time…purse & contents thrown…Maggie saw her on bridge before this all happens.

    >But what I believe: Morgan’s purse was brought back to lot because he/they knew for sure, because he/they were the ones with her in lot. Hence, why they tossed it there!!! He was trying to out fox the LE fox.

    There just had to get that off my chest. Couldn’t figure out why purse ends up in lot. She didn’t drop it. She didn’t put it on back of car. I keep going back to her multiply attemts at “getting back in” and suspose to believe that she wasn’t able to hold onto her purse. No way.

    He brings the purse back.

  43. fish says:

    “Geez…there isn’t a day that goes by that I am not reminded of how important (and difficult) it is to teach our young boys how to treat young girls and women with respect. Ugggh.”

    Sick name, isn’t it. And, someone just plain failed on the course on how boys should treat girls. Yes, lots of good ones out there but after what I have seen on these whole social networking sites, we all need a course in humanity.

  44. Judi says:

    I want to go back, once again I know, to the sighting of Morgan walking with the four guys away from the arena, shaking her leg, everyone laughing. To me, this sounds like they were heading off to somewhere.
    - Can someone tell me if the time of this sighting was AFTER the BB players?

    - Also, I would love to know if LE has put any of the people we have been researching here in a line-up for this witness? Or had a sketch artist come in?

    BOB-DOG: re: post 33 at February 16, 2010 at 2:23 am – tried to click on the facebook link you provided and guess what? The Page you requsted is not found (surprise surprise). WHY ARE ALL OF THESE PAGES GETTING TAKEN DOWN AS SOON AS THEY ARE REFERENCED HERE? WHAT IS GOING ON? WHO IS SHUTTING THEM DOWN AND WHY? ARE WE GETTING TOO CLOSE?

  45. Josie says:

    Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band. Pontiac, MI 1976.

    Blink you must be suffering a REAl case of MPO if you can swing from Blink to Observor to J2daK. Lol

    Sorry guys, I haven’t posted for a few days. Still here with you. I’m amazed at the posts, which it has taken me the better part of two days to catch up on. So much new information from both seasoned Blinksters and lurkers who are just now letting us know that you have some great new cheese to add to the platter. I raise my overflowing goblet to all!

    I have to agree with B. The seat must be getting too hot for some to sit still. As far as Debbie’s post, thanks for sharing Blink. It really was too much. Uhhhh, yeah.

    Chad, so sorry about your friend. I hope he is improving. Prayers for him, his family and you, my friend.

    For all you other guys and gals, keep doing what you do so well. Time is running out for the perp(s) and the one(s) helping conceal. Praying the arrest is today!

    God bless the Harrington family. Such remarkable people. Morgan will never, ever, ever be forgotten and justice will come…

  46. Josie says:

    Oops! That’s suppose to be MPD. Coffee hasn’t kicked in good…

  47. lakeluver says:

    Wow, keekee, great work. My cheese has been on a music connection for awhile now. I need to work today but will be back to help with your search.
    Blink, does bacon hollow raise your hinky meter at all? I’ve been trying to bring home the bacon for a day or two now.
    Chad, I would love to be your copilot on the private FB page. I’ve been getting around FB since my girls were in High School, great tool when used correctly.
    I never got to the Woodstock festival, but I did live in the town from the age of 13-20, in fact, we purchased our home from bob Dylan.

  48. keekee says:

    ah yes they are players big time…many folks joined facebook only in recent months to join in the farmville/yoville red herrings. they are enjoying their blink game. i even saw a myspace name of blinkz from one of the highschool girlz.

    and the person filming the farmfest with morgan and tall brunette friend with hair in pony tail. well, he is a weightlifter who also had posted vids of himself or another filmed in such a way as to obscure his face. another red herring? playin still? sick puppies

  49. keekee says:

    or should i say wanting people to think the person with the skinny birdlegs is a weighlifter? i don’t even want to go there. wagons are circled, but there are always forgotten breadcrumbs from the past. you can’t deleted the whole internet

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