Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. keekee says:

    you cannot delete the whole internet, gosh. i will wade through more photos today.

    chad and blink, are two older guys relieved since a couple of weeks ago? or is it just one of them?

  2. lizzy says:

    Navigation Tips:

    I certainly agree that quick links to the first and last pages of comments would be very helpful. In the meantime:

    *You can go to the most recent (newest) or last page of comments by clicking on the title of the article.

    *When Blink starts a new article, I suggest that you bookmark the first page (oldest) of comments, so you can hop back there. The link I use for this article is:

    Hope that helps a little.

  3. keekee says:

    still with the brewery/farm/bike/music mix………that includes upper and lower echelons

  4. radiogirl says:

    O/T..@ raceyrin….Donny Osmond,oh the memories.First FANTACY concert? David Cassidy singing w/the Partridge Family at my wedding to Davey Jones while Elvis sits in a pew crying over the loss of my affections.

    OK sorry I’ll stop.

    On topic…I’d like to see the list of the sites referenced here removed from the net in the last 48hrs or so……….

    Yep probably too close for comfort…you guys are that good…I’m going to have to quit jay walking.

  5. keekee says:

    thank you justiceformorgan for your kind instructions. i did save some photos to my desktop already, whew.

    thank you to blink and all of your hard work and caring. props to all the blinksters with their mad skillz. mightier than mad dog skillz of those reading and watching with smugmugs

  6. Swiss Miss says:

    keekee says:
    February 16, 2010 at 2:47 am

    hey, blink. !! could you check the link i posted that Bj fixed for me and make sure that it does not show my profile page? my facebook is my name, but it’s a pretty common name…just don’t want too much info out there. oh, well
    Keekee, if you haven’t done so already, change your privacy settings so that nothing is seen by anyone other than your friends.

  7. Elizabeth says:

    Blink I’m still asking the question??? Is JT back home in Indiana or still in college in UVA? Thanks.

  8. bob-dog says:

    Thanks to everyone for all the amazing research and analysis. Keep up the good work, and I’ll try to keep up!

    Yoshi: I saw that urban slang definition last night and it made me sick — especially the “use the word/phrase in a sentence” section. Thanks for letting everyone know.

    Blnk: “We are in dirt merchant territory here I am afraid. –B”
    What is “dirt merchant territory”? Or should I be checking the urban dictionary?

    Judi: Sorry about the link. It was there last night — I swear.

    Haven’t been able to attach the band members’ names to anything, but I’m still wondering if the tall dude with the curly hair is the one mentioned by the bookkeeper. (And didn’t the discredited newspaper carrier also describe someone similar? Or is that a brain fart on my part?)

    I’m happy to see that I wasn’t the only one up until the wee hours. I had wee hours of sleep but made it to work — barely. Am barely working now, as a matter of fact.

    Chad: Please invite me when you start the private fb group. Thanks.

  9. awa says:

    wonder if any of the ‘friends’ or ds’ group were on that raw dawg video that has suddenly disappeared? as i don’t buy they all went home after the metallica show….
    and, how do so many of the pages/ links disappear so quickly? they can’t all have been posted by the same person?

  10. suz says:

    Eloise, you’re Jan 28, too? Huzzah! And happy belated.

  11. redly says:

    yoshi says:
    February 16, 2010 at 6:06 am

    Mom 3.0 and Chad..
    yes, videos are down (KeeKee’s youtube links) and guest lists…but the person who put the videos up (and took them down) has a *pretty stealth* web presence (52 repetitive google pgs) and possibly lives in Charlottesville. Calls himself Mike K mxk1235. Likes weight lifting, fitness, some russian kids show (totally don’t get that one) and poker? Why the rush to take them down so fast, I ask. Who cares? (mxh is a popular prefix for online names so it could be bogus)


    He looks like he is a young teenager. He seems to be in one of the weightlifting videos and I would guess 15 or 16.

  12. armed says:

    On the ‘why she left the arena’ question.
    Anyone think she might have tried to meet the Gojira band that played first? In a few videos you can see two blondes fist pumping to the guitarist. If she had a bit of ‘liquid courage’ might she think she could get to the backstage via the roadies out back? They are four atractive men all dressed in black. Does anyone know if they stayed in Charlottesville that night? At the local hotel – or their crew? They are from France.
    If her plan failed then she is left stuck outside.
    Let me add my voice to the ‘teach your children well theme’ some of those posting are not to be believed. Do they talk to their mother with that mouth? Yikes! A little personal dignity please!
    Not to mention the ‘horrorcore’ trend and my kids wonder why I ‘flip out’ if they are late coming in…..

  13. juliemooly says:

    Re: yoshi says:
    February 16, 2010 at 6:06 am

    Mom 3.0 and Chad..
    yes, videos are down (KeeKee’s youtube links) and guest lists…but the person who put the videos up (and took them down) has a *pretty stealth* web presence (52 repetitive google pgs) and possibly lives in Charlottesville. Calls himself Mike K mxk1235. Likes weight lifting, fitness, some russian kids show (totally don’t get that one) and poker? Why the rush to take them down so fast, I ask. Who cares? (mxh is a popular prefix for online names so it could be bogus) Aside from Pickles and Sheriff Morris, did we make a legitimate weight lifting connection earlier? Was there some talk at a gym or something. While you all have been playing CLUE or COINCIDENCE, I’ve been playing DREAM or REALITY.

    Screen grabs for above mentioned if needed.

    Yoshi, I need the screen grabs for the items that have been taken down if you have them. My obsession with the tv show 24 precluded my seeing a lot of the things that were posted last night. And of course, my old age and subsequent sleeping. :-(

    Also, I’ve been googling that mxk1235 person, and is it possible that that random russian tv show video actually has something else embedded in it? Like, dope for sale info or outlaw porn? Because that username and video show up on Google results for European ebay sites, Indonesian travel sites, weird video hosting sites, and more.
    Do you know the first three or four letters of mxk1235′s last name?

  14. mojo23 says:

    first concert: 3 bands – FM99 concert for $5.00 Littlefeat, Melissa Etheridge and for VA natives: The Robin Thompson Band!

  15. skyler says:

    Mornin’ all —

    You people are amazing !!! Keep up the great work –

    Here’s another one g-o-n-e

    bob-dog says:
    February 16, 2010 at 2:23 am

    Looking at the facebook page for the band in this poster

    I see a tall young band member with curly hair. That sounds familiar (bookkeeper). Or is my cheese off course?

    PS: Juliemoolie and Localcvllegirl — that is amazing you saw that guy on horseback —

    Years ago, my son and I were at the park by our house, which is a large community park w/ lots of ball fields, playground, etc. — and this guy comes walking out in full kilt regalia playing a bagpipe —

    If it flies, I love it — whether God-made or man-made –

    My mother was a small child during WWII — her brothers went off to war and so she was left at home w/ her two younger siblings to work in the fields of their farm — a “zepplin” flew over the farm — of course, none of them had ever seen anything like it — my grandmother almost had heart failure and they were trying to run to the house as fast as possible —

    Isn’t that an amazing story ? So I loved your horse rider story

  16. anotherB says:

    Just looking for a motive – why did he murder her? I doubt it was primarily sexual. That guy has a problem with women who are both good looking and intelligent. He doesn’t approve of women partying and having fun – maybe he doesn’t state this in public, but I wouldn’t be surprised if an ex girlfriend knew about that. His intelligence is slightly below average, and he is either unemployed or his work involves manual labour. He believes he is very smart. There were previous conflicts with the law, but these were not, or not exclusively, “ordinary” crimes such as underage drinking, trespassing or common theft. There was something worrying about these crimes, indicating that there is something seriously wrong with him. I wouldn’t be surprised if these crimes were not prosecuted, and if the family moved around the area after it happened. I can see why Blink suggested military training.

    He is in his early to mid twenties and has reasonable physical strength. He knows the area. He accessed the place before, most likely illegally. He doesn’t think far ahead. He hid her body, at a place that was difficult to access from outside and from inside the farm and believed that this was very clever. Once she was there, she was gone and he believed the problem was solved.

    Just my impression.

  17. Chad says:

    Skyler can weigh in on your comment. Skyler was at the concert, and if I recall correctly actually saw the band trucks in a lot. We explored, and discussed the band connection on and off since the get go. I guess I didn’t know that the roadies were dressed in black. Can you source/ explain how you know this?

    Skyler and Lakelover: Should we create a FB page or should we create a “group” on FB? Do we want a wall for discussions, or do we just want a place for us all to connect privately? If we had a wall, we could talk open and privately to each other. I will try to get it set up this weekend. I have to have a name for it? What should we name it? Friends for MDH? We will def keep the sluething here, but the personal stuff over there?

    I will set to the highest privacy security settings.

  18. susanm says:

    in addition to above did you see the hitchhiker reference,in the letter.

  19. skyler says:

    Yoshi — I absolutely agree w/ your post — being the mother of a boy, it was always at the forefront of my mind while raising him, to be a better man than his father was/is –

    In some areas, I excelled — in others, completely failed — but at the end of the day, he is a good person — is kind to animals, and now after my accident, has an understanding and empathy for persons w/ disabilities.

    When he was in the 2nd grade, girls started calling our house — when he was in the 6th grade, two students in his homeroom were expelled for having sex in the freaking stairwell of the school — 6th grade.

    Instead of recess, I swear these kids have lessons in how to whine and break down their parents’ resolve. We have parents who are stressed and tired from work, getting home late, kids have lots of extra activities — it’s so easy to give in just to shut them up —

    While I recognize that our babies will grow up and party — like Morgan and I’m sure the people who went w/ her to the concert — what is beyond my ability to comprehend is not just the behavior of the friends after this happened — but their parents. If my son had been in this situation and one of his friends, I would have been w/ him — and a lawyer, if necessary — but his phone records, and his participation in this would have been known to LE — they would not have begged for information.

    It was Amy Melvin’s “sister” — not her parents — who made public comments — where are the parents of these children ? Why were the friends there alone, w/out their parents ?

    I believe Hillary Clinton is correct — it does take a village —

    Right now, we are Morgan’s village. I wish we could be the friends’ village — w/ us, they would find understanding and help to boost them up to do the right things —

    To parents of young children out there — learn from my mistakes — stand up strong to your children —

    PS: I too, am worried about Mouse — hope she is well.

    Yoshi’s post:

  20. susanm says:

    in add to above to comment wasnt on love pic,its on poem,”hope ur not talking about me”,reply: “your not so lucky”

  21. skyler says:

    Lakeluver — get out of town !!! I hope your parents saved all the contracts w/ signatures — that is so cool — sorry, Blink, OT — but still cool —

    >>I never got to the Woodstock festival, but I did live in the town from the age of 13-20, in fact, we purchased our home from bob Dylan.

  22. redly says:

    juliemooly says:
    February 16, 2010 at 11:48 am

    Also, I’ve been googling that mxk1235 person, and is it possible that that random russian tv show video actually has something else embedded in it? Like, dope for sale info or outlaw porn? Because that username and video show up on Google results for European ebay sites, Indonesian travel sites, weird video hosting sites, and more.
    Do you know the first three or four letters of mxk1235’s last name?

    Before we start talking about dope for sale and outlaw porn please consider the possibility this is just some underage teenager.

  23. Observer says:

    TO Momof3: No worries, my dear; I am completely sympathetic to understandable confusion…just like when I thought you and B might be one-in-the-same:-))) Seriously, I can see how someone relatively new to a site/thread might confuse two people, but for the person on The Hook to think that one person here is sharing 4 monikers–B, J2K, Enquirer, and I??? [You know--a variation on the "Sybil" theme.] Well, that just makes my brain explode to try to imagine what that would be like. ‘Course, it doesn’t seem to take much to make my lil’ brain explode these days:-)))) And on that note (and in all seriousness now):

    TO Enquirer: I sincerely admire your demonstrated restraint and self-control, re: not giving in to a desire to set the record straight for the confused poster on the Hook. In that regard (and others) I would be well-served take a page out of your book. I likewise have much to learn from you about the value of not using 12 words when only 4 will do. My hat is, as always, off to you.

  24. bob-dog says:

    ** This post disappeared the first time, so apollys if this is a duplicate. ++

    Try here:

  25. Lovely says:

    Home sickie :-(

    suz and Word Girl – thanks for the help with the SH5 first person! I will check out those links…Word Girl, yes, that is genius and I never though about that before – that the Kurt was supressing the character! Amazing.

    I put my cheese on the RSO living one mile from the farm as being a “helper”. I dont know…again, I dont believe in coincidences! (ducking and shielding myself from objects being thrown). Im sorry!! LOL

    But I am not eating cheese and crackers with anyone…I dont do research, I just read here, so I am not sure what everyone is up in arms about????

    Blink said you could spell it out…PLEASE DO!! I am waiting with baited breath…


  26. Chad says:


    In answer to your question, yes I bleieve that Mr Gasbag and SS are one and the same. Didn’t Just desserts confirm that in a post? All of us will be invited once the FB is up and going. I would like to keep the riff raff def out.

    Jih: Nice work.

    Kee Kee: Not sure to what you are referring with 2 older, but was trying to infer a “younger” interest. Make sense?

    Mom.3, Yoshi, Judi, Keekee, and all others who are trying to reference links, photos, articles, etc.
    Copy and paste, and to word before posting here. Videos unfortunately always have to access remotely, so those you cannot save, at least I don’t think so.
    I believe we have lots of eyes on this site. LE may even be monitoring. Someone else mentioned lawyers too. The POI (S) may be reading also.
    There is definitely a reason things keep dissappearing.

    I assume that if Blink posts it for us, it is legal. We just need to be very careful about mentioning names for Blink sake.
    Safe sleuthing all.
    Going to work. Will post later.

  27. Concerned Mom says:

    46.Judi says:
    February 15, 2010 at 3:58 pm
    BLINK- I am stuck on Dan White. Tying to find out if he was “free” in November. Inmate locator doesn’t list him. Where can I look? There is a music connection, he is the right age, and has a violent history. In other words, he is a match to my own personal profile.

    This is from the commencement address, given by Daniel N White, at the Coffeewood Correctional Center’s 2008 graduation:

    “By making the choice to get an education, an inmate makes the choice to live in here for the life he will have on the outside,” inmate and graduate Daniel White said to the class of 2008. “He no longer limits himself to the narrow confines of prison, but opens himself to greater possibilities.

    “With the choice to learn comes sacrifice. To pursue an education, one must give up recreation, which is as close to freedom one gets in here; religious services, which keeps one sane and centered; and sleep. You try to study around 97 other men who have nothing to do.”
    “I’m not the typical guy that gets locked up,” White, 24, said after the ceremony. “I was just a stupid kid. It took me a while (to get my degree), but I’m going to keep getting an education as long as I’m here.”

    According to court records, White was found guilty in 2003 of breaking and entering, abduction, robbery and use of a firearm. He is projected to be released in Nov. 2009.

    **********Use of firearm in commission of RAPE left off***************

    But hey, who am I to judge? He was “just a stupid kid”, right?? He’s not “the typical guy that gets locked up”, right? But, again, who am I to judge??
    I will go and vomit now.

  28. J2K says:

    My oh my… this place is crackling with energy! While I was on deadline (still am) and managing to get a birthday celebration in, there was some serious connecting going on up in da Housa B.
    Keekee – welcome and well done. Not quite sure what it means yet, but I spent the greater part of the morning following you and Chad and other Thinker Blinkers’ (so many these days!) clues/links/Friend Lists, attempting to follow the fresh, pungent scent wafting from further down the trail (did keekee and B independently sniff these possible links out?) … It leads to the BR Mountains, ay?

    Looks like we’d have a number of young people in Cville heading down to Main Street that Saturday night… and to a coincidentally street-numbered venue (in regard to our girl MH’s myspace sign-on – meaningless in the overall context of this convo, but eye-catching all the same). Sounds like it would have been her kind of place, and the band that night was one she was surely familiar with from Bonnarro, Floyd Fest or All Good (or all three).

    Can’t help but think: someone had to tell her about the show that night, as she was focused on Metallica up until her inadvertant exit, and probably not aware of another familiar band playing close to the JPJ that night.

    Even if at first irrationally hung up on getting back to JMU to party with friends she’d seen earlier in the day, her mind could have been persuaded to stick around Cville by other young people leaving the JPJ (following the openers) to see the local festival faves down the street. Maybe of the four dudes, only two were going. Maybe she agreed to go with after realizing how challenging/risky attempting to HH to JMU was, and returned to find the dude/s in the lot.

    Maybe maybe maybe… (where’s my lobelicious fish?)
    God speed linking one of these local fans to AF, some way some how.

    On the Cerblinkus tip (a creature of Blink mythology with three heads – an Observer, J2K and a B) – all I can say is: Hey ross – I see that whole “critical reading” suggestion when it comes to posts I put forth to ya here a few weeks back really hasn’t sunk in yet, huh?

    Flattering as it is to be considered the yang to B and Observer’s ying in this instance, I’m nevertheless disgusted with the vile combination of laziness, ignorance and pettiness that forms the opinions of some commenters out there following this case. Get over yourselves, people – there’s still the killer of a young woman zoomin’ around in the vicinity of a college campus right now, footloose and fancy-free. If you’re not going to focus on being helpful, at least stop wasting people’s time with your bullsh*t duplicitous-poster-with-three-names-and-three-distinct-communication styles theory. TIA.

    What she said, had I the prose-gility. It boggles my mind the shiznick people will waste their time on.

  29. Concerned Mom says:

    Sorry, meant to add this to last post. Although the article that I referenced from 2008 said he was slated to be released in November 2009, we all know that they sometimes get out on an earlier date, like say a month earlier in October 2009.

  30. Kathy says:

    Has this site been posted yet?

  31. Mom3.0 says:

    Thanks Chad, Redly, Yoshi. I’m still here, trying to connect the dots. Remember, Blink warned us about this tactic early on. She said something to the effect of: the more we find out the more people will start coming out of the woodwork to derail us. I think it has become a sort of game to some of them. Even the ones that aren’t directly related, throw us curve balls often. Lots of weird postings, FB MS, Ya know?

    As for things disappearing off the internet, happens all the time, but with Morgan’s story it is strange how fast things are gone. The other day when we were talking about Dee and her group, I went on a search to find past articles and FB conversations- the name brings up next to nothing… How is that possible?

    Good work guys, carry on. Blink, thank goodness for a little word…. cached.

  32. peggy says:

    Hi Blink,

    Just suppose we’ve started with a false premise – i.e.-“don’t worry, I’ll find my own way home”. We learned about Morgan’s situation very early- within a day or two of her disappearance. LE used this premise as a starting point and asked the public for information based on this premise. Is it the ‘truth”? IDK, I just know I’m having a very difficult time accepting her “friends” version of events that night. It would not be the first time LE went in the wrong direction, there have been many occasions we’ve seen cases change direction, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility (IMHO).

    Eye-witnesses/people who allegedly saw Morgan that night outside the arena:

    Eye witness accounts are notoriously faulty, and there’s plenty of statistics and documentation to support that assertion. Given the fact that we were told what to look for also makes it very difficult. Does that mean I discount every alleged Morgan sighting? No, but I certainly would take each one with a grain of salt…the mind is a peculiar thing and coupled with the power of suggestion, who knows what’s accurate and what isn’t. Also- the fact that LE always states “a person matching Morgan’s description”…to me, that means they aren’t 100 % sure either.


  33. Phyl says:

    Blink, All:
    I’m a little slow, but I FINALLY figured it all out (I think.) I had A LOT of reading to do here. Sorry I ever questioned you Blink or Enq. Wow! All of you guys are amazing. J2K – Sorry for the cheese comment. I couldn’t help myself. Personally, I think those that criticize this site are afraid you are too close on their friends’ heals, and/or they are not bright enough to make some sense of this site. As per Debbie’s comment – I wish he’d tell me (oops, I mean she) where I can find a real husband, because the fake one I have is about to divorce me because I am spending so much time on this board. If Morgan’s Dad had posted that he did not appreciate this site, then I would stop posting. I did not get that from his posts. I think this site helps bring the night creatures out of their holes.
    Speaking of .. I was hunting in the wrong direction (a friend of someone’s friend intentionally gave me the wrong directions), but during my hunt I realized I was not too far off, so I howelled myself (oops, I mean halled) myself to the nearest location, which is very close to where Mom lives (who by the way is way bright), in fact, she is so bright, she realized the connection while listening to some bands on the radio.
    My brain is going to explode.

    Atta girl. Just leave shifting room.

  34. Phyl says:

    Guys. Just a reminder, PLEASE make sure your computers have up to date virus and firewall protection! I can’t stress that enough.

  35. ConcernedBystander says:

    Is there still some thought that the phone number the VSP put out has some extra meaning? It initially never occurred to me as anything other than a number, but you never know.

    And FWIW, if it hasn’t already been mentioned, there’s a music venue/brewery that has changed names several times – Starr Hill Music / IS Venue / Blue Ridge Brewery that is located at 709 W. Main in C-ville.

  36. juliemooly says:

    Red Hill, remember this: “It was back in the summer, a carpenter was working on the remodeling of the old homeplace, saw a Jeep coming up from the back of the property. He waited, the guy stopped, he said he was Bass’s brother and left. When the carpenter told Bass about it later, he said he didn’t have a brother. Second hand to me. VSP also knows this.” Do you know the color of this Jeep, and if it was an SUV or a shorter model like the Wrangler?

    Skyler, I love the bagpipe story AND the Zeppelin story! Both are so appropriate – they’re about music.

  37. Link5150 says:

    I have been following Morgan’s case from afar (Chicago) and I know this is an old subject but i found some pics taken of the concert that night (the link is below). Most are of Metallica but I think the first and last few are from the opening acts. The thing that really strikes me is all of the camera and camera phones. If you look at some of these pics, it seems like almost every kid is holding up a camera phone. Why are there no pics of Morgan and her group anywhere?

    I am also surprised that we never hear from her friends or even just students that may be able to help with some real basic info. Does unicorn mean what we think it means? What kind of crowd (outside of the nine) did Morgan hang with? Was Morgan as into the local music scene as many people believe?

    Why is there no students or locals that can help with these broad questions?

    Here is the link to the pics:

  38. TJ says:

    I am pretty sure I have figured out who mxk1235 is…but how are we sure that he is the one who posted the videos? I missed that…and don’t want to pull someone into the ring who shouldn’t be here…

  39. concerned says:

    I’ve done some searching on the R.D. band members. I found that W.F. apparently works for a large real estate company that I’m assuming is a family business since it is his last name. Anyhow, they do have a very nice property listed in North Garden. Very well may not be related at all and please feel free to not post if I’m too far off base.

    I’m just thinking that maybe this group of well raised boys somehow found themselves in a world of trouble and looked to an older, wiser person for help. And maybe I’m grasping at straws here, but J.F. has the middle name of Morris. I know I gave one of my children my maiden name as a middle……

    Again, just throwing that out there and I feel horrible about making assumptions that I can’t verify.

  40. TJ says:

    OK, well, I did the cache of his youtube page so now I see the old SOB videos. Blink, do you know who this guy is? I have figured it out but can’t see any connection to anything else yet.

  41. lakeluver says:

    Could this be a music/ weight lifting connection?
    One of the Kifflett boys who plays in a local band
    also spotted for this W.L. competition?

    I so love the shenendoahs…….

  42. M. (the good M.) says:

    Way back when Morgan’s body was discovered, I put my cheese here: that she was murdered elsewhere and her body moved to the farm; that she may be been moved sometime after the murder – even days – at a time when if the murderer was seen, he would have a good reason for being there and his appearance would not be suspicious; that the person was very familiar with the area. I believed the AF site would have clues to that effect; not so sure of that, but hopeful that clues would be there & lead to someone or something.

    Now, re: the information on the music festival: the Sons of Bill are a local band, & the brothers have UVa connections through both parents, one medical faculty, one academic. There is no reason to believe that the band members are involved in any way, but they could be a band that Morgan and her friends would be interested in seeing – a new up & coming group, local to Virginia, varied musical genres but with emphasis on country rock. It could be a common ground between her and her killer.

  43. deaf ears says:

    Why is everyone ignoring the possibility that the 4 guys in black she was seen with might be one of the opening bands (except for you, “armed”)? An opening band would be one of the few groups of people that would actually have a legit reason to leave the venue before Metallica came on – they have played their set, now it’s time to go party. And as a music fan, Morgan would have reason to gravitate towards them / want to hang out with them.

    Also, someone mentioned a brewery / music venue on Main St. The obvious one that came to my mind when I heard this is Starr Hill – a brewery, bar, restaurant and concert venue all rolled into one.

  44. ConcernedBystander says:

    “I hunt when I can,” says James. “Mostly out of economic necessity.” In the early days of SOB, when he lived with Sam off of 29 SOUTH, James bagged four deer in one season; the meat lasted the brothers all summer. “I thought we were gonna sprout antlers by the end of it,” he says with a laugh.

  45. alexandra says:

    Is an arrest nigh?

  46. PamVA says:

    alexandra says:
    February 14, 2010 at 1:21 am
    Mary, for the first time it makes sense why LE was asking about the necklace before they found her. Of course there are 2 videos, one with necklace at JPJ and one without at ATM.

    Yes, and I shudder to think about what may have already happened to Morgan between these two sightings. And what was still to happen.

  47. Ashley says:

    “Correction – there are students at JMU with the same last name as TWO different BOC persons of interest…hmmmm – didn’t Morgan and friends stop at JMU onm the way to the concert?

    I seriously doubt any of those kids with the “S” last name is related to the brothers that has been mentioned. As I posted before the last name is extremely popular with numerous spellings. Usually the Shiffletts that are related generally live in the same proximity and as you can see these kids don’t live in Albemarle county. I guess I’m just trying to hold on to any shred of credibility left to the Shifflett last name here since it appears some people think that all of us are related to rapers or murderers.


    I would not care if a BG with the same last name was your brother or Dad, if your a good and decent gal.
    I like to believe there are no generalizations by name going on here.

  48. DTA says:

    Hi Blink
    Just wondered if I missed something??? Are you ok or just away? Is there a new thread that I do not know about? It is so odd not to have any new posts for several hours.

    Sorry, major meeting schedules through next week. I did Caylee’s post in my car :)

  49. armed says:


    Is it known how the Harringtons are sure that the BG was in Charlottesville in Oct AND Nov?
    Phone records or the Pantera shirt find?
    Also could the horse hair be wrapped in a horse hair blanket or moved in a horse trailer?

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