Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. total amateur says:

    Has LE ever to this point officially denied that the alleged Pantera shirt found across town was Morgan’s? The Hook article falls quite short of discrediting it, and the one response I read “supposedly” from VSP Relations was that they weren’t aware of agents working in that area. It would seem INCREDIBLY brazen and risky for a perp to plant that there.

    Also, was the rumored finding of a “boot” behind a convenience store ever in print anywhere? Where did that come from? I can’t find it anywhere. Has LE ever commented on this?

    It would seem to me that if these findings were “credible”, they would have confirmed them due to the chance of finding witnesses who saw something/someone in those areas.

    Although they’re not confirming/denying the debit card usage either, which would also seem to possibly bring forth witnesses from the location it was used.

    It’s getting harder and harder to believe that Morgan was taken/picked up from a concert, went to a store/atm, was likely with multiple people, killed, driven onto private property, purse brought back/left at said concert, and no one saw ANYTHING. Not one witness, not one grainy surveillance image, not one nosey neighbor. Nothing. The perp(s) would have to be criminal masterminds with a well-executed premeditated plan that went off flawlessly, or they are the luckiest criminals to ever walk the face of the earth. C’mon. It’s neither. LE has GOT to be closing in here.

  2. Teri says:

    Blink –

    I’ve heard it stated that if there was any DNA left at the scene – it would take 6 weeks before the results came back.

    However – it is my understanding that in cases like this – where the need to solve the crime is high priority (BG on the loose could harm others) – isn’t it true that the DNA results could be had much quicker…within hours to days?

    And, if so – then my money is, sadly, on the fact that either 1) there was no DNA left behind OR 2) there is no match to be had….which is why we’re seeing LE coming out and asking for any/all info.

    My bet is that there is no DNA? Blink – what do you think?

  3. justiceformorgan says:

    Armed, I can’t get over the “why she left the arena” question either. I feel really strongly that the reason she left the arena has to be related to what happened to her. She was injured while inside the arena. Did someone employed in medical services (WT) convince her to go outside by telling her she needed to have her injury looked at and the medical supply truck was outside? There are so many possibilities. I just don’t buy the “went outside to smoke” reason. I believe someone else had something to do with Morgan’s decision to go outside. I don’t think it was a decision she would have made otherwise.

  4. keekee says:

    hey all…yes, i had already set my privacy settings, but was not sure if my fb name still showed. w/e…sometimes it’s good to look stoopid

    have found family connection on maternal side of summer brew bike beer bash (ah, alliteration) busy bee boy, er, boyish man co-organizer…to…emh maternal side

    the 2 “w” (dubyah) family names are connected to each other aannndddd to the 2 “t” family names, tho the “t” families represent more of the land and bidness side of thangs

    the dubyahs have to music scene covered pretty well, oh, ooops, make that 3 “w” family names. almost forgot those pesky talented brothers
    whose dad might be having a tough time about now (no accusations…it could be a matter of sitting silent on scary info)

    yeh, so one “w” youngun seems to play the role of number one groupie for the band playing on main street in cville oct 17

    hopefully, he has or will do the right thing

    his high profile spot in the waybright light should be none too comfortable. beware of the wolves that howl in the countryside

    Yep. and Yep.

  5. keekee says:


    the tall curly headed guy i think is a gg along with another band member i get good vibes from….course, i could be wrong

    they were at bonnaroo, summer farm fest(s), their own gig oct 17, and maybe in the vicinity of jpj before their show…on their way to set up or maybe others were doing the set up for them, dunno

    i think one of the 2 younger guys went further down the road than the others…

    the “s” family has one or two playas with the extended family havin a good ol time littering facebook as fast as they can move their fingers. they chortle to each other about how lame the blinkz are as they hurry to delete the next link and then the next. trouble is, that seems to be after it’s already been found.

    don’t be hatin on us now, ya hear? we’re just the blinkin messengers

  6. belleboyd says:

    This is wayyyyyyyyyyyy O/T but when I saw it I thought of all you Blinksters and the difficult work you do. Enjoy and laugh!! We all need a little laughter here and there:

    BTW, I am honoured to be the recipient of the BOC music award. Thank you very much. You like me, you really like me!!

  7. Heres a Twist says:

    ok, here is a twist for you: i have thought all along this strange thought: flame me if you must–but what if they have known all along that morgan was deceased immediately following the concert? By that I mean that what if LE called the parents the next day and said “we found your daughter deceased but we don’t know what happened to her”.

    So what then? You would send the body to the ME for autopsy and tox report. (Enough time would have passed for those to be completed at just about the time they disclosed that she had been drinking and maybe had “unwillingly used drugs”). You would also tell all the friends to keep their mouths shut because you would just all along be waiting to disclose that she was, in fact, deceased and only represent that she was “missing” just to see what crawled out of the woodwork in the way of clues, people, rumors, talk, etc.

    Ok now i said it. . .prob stupid, but oh well.

  8. hummingbird says:

    Can’t remember my first concert!! Grew up in a very small town in New Zealand not many big bands ever came there but my grandfather took me to see “A hard Days Night and “HELP” and turned me onto toThe Beatles. He was 75 at the time and I was 10 years old. In the words of John Lennon “A working class hero is something to be.”The Beatles played at the next bigger town to mine but beg as I did my mum would not let me go arrrgh!! I did not attend the concert but The Rolling Stones in their very early days made it down south and opened for Roy Orbison at the Civic Theatre and some hecklers in the audience booed them and threw rotten tomatoes at them. Mick remarked that my town which is at the very bottom of NZ was the “Asshole of the World” Ha!! Mind you it can get cold down there.
    I did have the pleasure to meet Keith Richards a few years ago who was such a gentleman and so complimentary of my work. I was too awe struck to mention my hometown although I am sure he would have laughed out loud.
    There was an incredible amount of excellent local bands and dances and general rock and roll events happening all around me as a teenager and I was very involved.
    Have seen so many major artists and bands since here in the USA and in London.
    Our shiny music loving Morgan really reminded me of myself and she will always have a piece of my heart.
    Good work everyone and yes Mom.3 and Blink I also miss Mouse and wonder what is going on with her and if she is OK.
    Onwards through the fog.

  9. keekee says:

    ok, now that i’ve woven most of the fam links, i am movin on to the real estate world…yes, the movers and shakers

  10. Bj says:

    Mom3.0 says:
    February 16, 2010 at 3:11 am

    As to KeeKee’s research, I went back and found all posts and read from Feb 12. BJ, it will help you to do this only to know what was being talked about, but it will not help you determine where to place your thinking cap,permanently. Meaning, we, she, are all trying to tie Morgan and the BG to each other and to the land.

    Thanks Mom. I understand now. I guess I was over complicating things. Not that they aren’t complicated. LOL Sorry guys, I’m a s l o w learner. Having ADD doesn’t help and my son telling me I should be blonde. LOL Anyway, it helps to be amongst great minds. I really hope they get the creep(s)! ♥ RIP Morgan ♥

    You’re welcome Keekee and thanks for your research.

    Btw – Skyler 12:30 Link says ‘page not found’.

  11. Bj says:

    Oops – Re link -

    Sorry Skyler. ADD in progress.

  12. Bj says:

    Just curious – is this Morgan?

    Probably don’t want to post this B, huh?

    Not Morgan.

  13. cosmo says:

    way back when she first disappeared and the RV lot was in question, my first thought was “i hope LE does the best they can to determine who was parked / vehicles in the RV lot” …

    if the “friends” don’t know what was happening and Morgan goes outside (if she really was even at the concert) and cannot get back in … then she is not going to hitchhike, if she cannot get back in, then she would listen to the show outside by security, or get the keys to HER car and wait. if she WAS ABDUCTED from the arena, then i believe she was taken from the RV lot in a VAN / RV / TRUCK.

    since LE has nothing … must revisit who was on duty for security, who was on duty at the show for EMS (pretty sure most events have EMS/FIRE), what friends/acquaintances were at the show or in the vicinity, where all RSOs and non-RSOs were that night and the days after and check and double check and confirm alibi’s.

    what was the problem six months before the concert? what was the fight with the bf/exbf before the show about? where was the exbf? confirmed alibi? where is HER ticket? have all tickets been accounted for? even the ones scalped or purchased off craigslist / ebay / etc? if Mr. Harrington bought the tickets for Morgan and # of friends, if Morgan couldn’t get back in, then is there an ATM at the arena (like most events that want your money)? was the show sold out? could you get another ticket even if the show was not sold out? have all friends / acquaintance phone records been assessed?

    has it been considered that the abductor is a member of LE / high society and the purse / ATM / sightings / location of where body was found may be planned by someone who knows how to look up offenders in the area and possibly be leading investigation astray? someone / anyone? … please hit me with a bullet point / list of FACTS AND CONFIRMATIONS from at least two sources – one other than UVA police / VSP … if the toxicology / autopsy does not uncover anything we didn’t already know (which is not much anyway), then it is time for the FBI to lead this investigation in case this falls under Color of Law.

  14. localcvillegirl says:

    Back to why Morgan left the arena in the first place…I still believe she had plans way before she even got to Charlottesville. If David Gardner’s account is correct, she got out and said something like “who is playing first? Who cares…we’re here to see Metallica, right?” Not. I think she had plans to meet up with one of your band guys, or another friend who was also going to the show on Main Street. Once outside, she realized her ride was a no-show, or was running late, so tried to get back in and couldn’t. Then she hooked up with the 4 guys, found a ride with them or someone else…then…hmmm. Made it to Zinc? Made it to another party? Only got as far as Anchorage Farms? I don’t know.

  15. ross says:

    re J2K: “On the Cerblinkus tip (a creature of Blink mythology with three heads – an Observer, J2K and a B) – all I can say is: Hey ross – I see that whole “critical reading” suggestion when it comes to posts I put forth to ya here a few weeks back really hasn’t sunk in yet, huh? ”

    I have no clue what this means – I am assuming you meant to direct it at some one else, or are trying to bait me into something. I was willing to drop the bit about your Kenny comment in respect to Morgan – but now I will say this – I gave you an out in my post – I didn’t actually say you were classless, I gave you an either or option – either you hadn’t read much on the FM board or… But again, I have no idea what your above post refers to.

  16. skyler says:

    Chad asks;Skyler and Lakelover: Should we create a FB page or should we create a “group” on FB?

    Chad, I have zero computer skills — I’m frankly, still amazed I managed to “find’ my way here — I’ll help as much as I can –
    but I agree the settings should be to private –

  17. Kathy says:

    I forgot to add my first concert. Okay, everybody get ready for a good laugh……….

    Bobby Vinton

    Runs from the room hiding face 8{

  18. skyler says:

    on the raw dawg myspace page — is this the same outdoor concert space that Morgan is in the picture — that isn’t worded right —

    the picture w/ Morgan in the winter at an outdoor venue w/ her friends — is this the same place ? The pix is the background so I don’t know how to capture it — here’s the link

    I do not believe so, unless same venue as the Rooster Walk.

    What’s important was OYE flew on here when I posted that pic and said it was photoshopped…

  19. lizzy says:

    Parenting Perspective–I had a little reminder today that no matter what we tell our children, and how much we try to prepare them for the world, that it is just impossible to anticipate everything, and that we cannot hold ourselves responsible for all their deeds and decisions. Fortunately, today’s event had a good outcome, although medical intervention was required.

    I was interviewing a job applicant for a professional position this afternoon, when I got an urgent call. My son had a pretzel stuck in his ear, and the school nurse couldn’t get it out.

    I do always try to make the punishment/consequences fit the misdeed with my children, but I admit that I’m stumped on this one.

  20. awa says:

    re: sky/ blink @ 8:09 and if oye is not rt, who is she/ he?

  21. Lexy says:

    Oh gosh, how could I have missed so much that I’m lost….slow down people….NO, don’t…get the killers….

  22. skyler says:

    Blink, OT —

    She wore bluuuuuuuuuuuueeeeee velvet … whoa whoa whoa whoa ….

    My mother LOVED Bobby Vinton and played that albumn every night and a bunch of other ones ….

    Not lame. Don’t hide. : )

    Kathy says:
    February 16, 2010 at 7:57 pm
    I forgot to add my first concert. Okay, everybody get ready for a good laugh……….

    Bobby Vinton

    Runs from the room hiding face 8{

  23. Loca says:

    Do the 2 “t” family names rhyme with sTeel? TIA
    1st concert: J. Geils – still listen to ‘em

  24. yoshi says:

    Just did a quick skim of comments.

    Chad- thank you for your kind words. You made me smile, but Yoshi=YoSHE. That flatness and those jeans could very well become a problem for me here soon. Luckily, my husband has been on top of those dishes (and the laundry) just like your husband.

    skyler/fish- yep…our boys are in serious trouble. It really hit home when I heard about the gang rape that occurred last Fall at a young woman’s homecoming dance. She was invited to party (by someone she knew) near a dark area on school grounds . She was brutally raped by at least 7 (count them)…SEVEN guys while a crowd of 20 or more stood by and watched holding their cell phones in the air instead of using them to call for help. A girl at a house down the street had to call 911 after word traveled about what was going on via text. Disgusting does not even describe it. I hope to god, Morgan wasn’t victimized in any way like this. The 2 perp theory makes me shudder.

    -Redly, his youtube profile says he’s 29. Scratch that…today he is 30! This username is associated w/buying and selling on ebay, he rates golf courses in Charlottesville, fitness/weight lifting, poker, wanting to learn Hebrew and hypermiling. I didn’t know anything about hypermiling myself, but it is a way of driving to save gas and fuel which might be our “green” connection. (Think Here’s to the Long Haul) All just guesses of course. I think the Russian kid’s show is innocent, but it is EVERYWHERE. Might remind him of his childhood or something. And again, it could all be bogus, but I definitely don’t think he is a teen. That M might not even be a real first initial.

    -juliemooly- think everything I referenced is still up. Has a Twitter account too, but doesn’t tweet. Followers might be femme bots. They start following you immediately when you get an account. Check out who he follows to see if there are any dots to connect. (I haven’t had time to do this yet myself)

    mxk is associated w/lots of stuff, btw. Poker, a worm virus (careful), coffee products etc. etc. Like KeeKee said, it could all be a game, but the fact that the videos were taken down as well as guest lists etc. makes me really wonder. I’m wondering if only an admin can take down guestlists etc. off of Facebook accounts. Think that name is prominently displayed. Why the hush hush? Hope the right people are asking these questions.

    I have to run, but I’ll come back and read and see if I have any grabs from what has been removed. If someone wants to post a list of what is missing that would be great. I doubt I have anything useful, but you never know.

  25. yoshi says:

    OYE who? guy in the back ground? Electrical engineer? Initials CMC?

  26. susanm says:

    ashley,fwiw,its allgood,i am trying tracing my va. roots to a said bootlegger with a farm in morgan co.wv in the late 1800′s on one side of the family.

  27. keekee says:

    what’s really bummin me is the thought that the harringtons might know some of these boys’ parents from the “therapy” world of uva and cville and perhaps even from the help/crisis centers manned by like named people. wonder if morgan ever worked with any family members during her volunteer stints in the psychology field?

    it makes me a little lightheaded with the illz

  28. cadillac says:

    POI = SOB’s??

  29. cadillac says:

    Oh, and I think our Beatle tickets were $3.00 a piece. And I don’t have the ticket stubs to prove it – why would I throw those away?? My mom bought the tickets thinking my older sister would be excited to go – but little did she know I was the one who was overjoyed!! The screaming was deafening and nothing could be heard from the band. I oft have since wondered if they were really playing?

  30. Swiss Miss says:

    J2K says February 16, 2010 at 1:26 pm:

    (snipped for content)

    Looks like we’d have a number of young people in Cville heading down to Main Street that Saturday night… and to a coincidentally street-numbered venue (in regard to our girl MH’s myspace sign-on – meaningless in the overall context of this convo, but eye-catching all the same). Sounds like it would have been her kind of place, and the band that night was one she was surely familiar with from Bonnarro, Floyd Fest or All Good (or all three).
    Don’t forget the Crozet Music Festival held October 2-4, 2009.

  31. justiceformorgan says:

    Skyler, I don’t think this is what you are referring to however here’s a link to a picture of Morgan and her friends on Electric Chameleon’s facebook page. There are additional pictures of Morgan on Electric Chameleon’s facebook page as well under photo’s.

  32. Chad says:

    OK guys: Been working on this all day! I have set up a very simple FB page called Friends for MDH.
    This site is closed completely (safest and most private for us) I do not think you can even find it in a search on FB. Thats how secure it will be. However, you can only join by invitation by the creator. I will add Sky and lakeluvor as admisitrators and moderators. I know all of you, so no worries there. We are not moms with a past! LOL.
    I’m going out on a limb here for ya’ll. I have created a strawman e-mail addy for myself. It will be up for 2-3 days then I will pull it down. I already have a FB so it will NOT allow me to add another one under a different name. .
    Please send me your e-mail address so I can send you an invite so we can chat in a less public setting and can be more personal and fun. We all have become such good friends because of Morgan! I hope most all of you will come and join me, Skyler and lakluver.
    Send email address and BOC username so we will know who you are to accept you.
    Here you go:

  33. lizzy says:

    Heres a Twist==no flames, but here are my strong objections. One, there is no way that Gil’s writings are faked; just no way. Two, the search efforts would have been a huge waste of resources, that could have been used elsewhere. Three, too many people would have had to be in the loop including Bass.

  34. Nice lady says:

    Awww. I heart you guys and you don’t even know me. I’ve been mostly lurking, only posted about twice on (much) earlier Blink threads. But I’ve been here almost from the beginning when Morgan first went missing. I have so much respect for the smarts and compassion on this site and hope you guys’ efforts will SOON be rewarded with the arrest & PROSECUTION of the monster(s) who took sweet Morgan away from her wonderful family. I check in three or four times a day to see the latest posts and every time I hold my breath until the page loads hoping to see news of an arrest. I know that day is coming soon and will shed tears of joy when it does.

    I don’t have any new theories to report, just wanted everyone to know how great I think your progress has been so far. I hope LE reads here and gets ideas and inspiration from you guys. You have to know your hard work is helping. There’s no way they could do the amount of research all of you have contributed and I know your leg work –or keyboard pounding as it were—has helped them. Way back in the day my precious daddy was a Virginia State Trooper and I know that members of LE are taking this case very personally and want, even more than we do, to find this scum and get him/them off the streets. Believe me, LE is walking, talking, eating & breathing this case and want a resolution more than anything else they’ve ever wanted. Talk about your ceiling fixers!

    So, even though I’m like our little Blink sitting quietly in the other room listening to her Grandma & the Egg Man solving all the neighborhood’s problems, I am here with you in my heart. I am at work or on my couch laughing, crying, raging with you every day and hope you can feel my support! Justice for Morgan and her beautiful family.

    Oh, first concert was the Marshall Tucker band. My super cool big brother let me hang out with him & his cool friends and even let me have a Tequila Sunrise on the ride. I was probably 14 or 15 and felt so grown up! Good times!

  35. suz says:

    Kathy, my dad would be so proud that Stosh was your first concert! (He always called him by his given name, Stanley, the English derivative of Stosh)

  36. keekee says:

    hey, morgan, what are you doing here? why’d you go out? sux. at least you saw log. we only came for gojira and log. they were sick! we gotta get to zinc to help set up for our friends’ band. you’ve seen them? do you know sol? the singer might be there. yeah…so…we didn’t bring a car cause cr said he’d pick us up. i just called him, so if you want to catch the show with us, come on. let’s start walking. it’s cold as balls. i’m sure we can find a way to get you back here. not to worry. cool, yeah, we can stop at that atm and get cash for you to get something to eat. you should’ve eaten before you left. never good to drink on an empty stomach. sux.

    there he is…hey, is it cool if morgan hits the show with us? she can’t get back in to jpj for metallica and the rest her people are still there. no problem!

    possible scenario? yes? cast could have slight twinks, but you get my drift.

    zinc show was great . lots of rowdy folks. lots of drinking. morgan is out of her mind blotto from laced drink(s). a cute boy has come to help poor morgan. let’s go get some air. i’ll help you. i’ve got a friend who works at the *709* brewery and we’ll get you back to jpj. yeah, it’s right up the road. now there are at least 2 bgs with bad intentions. no way no how is morgan gonna get back to jpj.

    initial assault may have happened here. maybe she snapped back enough to realize what was going on and tried to get away. she ended up behind wild wings by the railroad tracks where they cornered her again. got her into a vehicle (possibly even with help from an unsavory character with an official vehicle)and drove her out to…..drumroll please………1685 red hill rd THE ROCK QUARRY. final assault(s) there and then taken to AF. there are at least 2 and possibly 3 at this point. job well done boys. we did it. she won’t EVER be found.

  37. dew says:

    Here is something I may be able to help with — if you want to download a video go to Paste in the url, chose the file type you want ie mp4, wmv (based on how you play video on your computer ) and they will email you the file. No charge.

    I use this site often for work to translate unreadable files. Very reputable.

    Hope it helps.

  38. keekee says:

    i hope they’re scerred now

  39. Chad says:

    Links, videos and much is missing via the internet. If you think like a defendant, what is all that they need? REASONABLE doubt. Makes sense to me. Also tells me that LE is close. Waaaay close.

  40. keekee says:

    i grew up in the south and went to college in virginia in the 70s. everbody overlapped at the diff colleges. party here party there here there where? follow somebody to the next party. out in the country? fine. in a mansion? fine. apartment? fine. on and on sometimes till the sun came up. tradition. we’re lucky to be alive. that was college.

    now highschool….that was an even higher risk taking time. i guess i am a risk taker, but at least i’m street smart and this is helping me read these boys a little. we had a rock quarry accessed through a hole in the barbed wire fence. there we would spend summer days jumping off the 50 foot cliff to the rain water filled bottom of the quarry. over and over. laughing hysterically. i jumped off bridges into the river, ran across a sewer pipe (it was usually wet) suspended 100 feet above ground to get to a perfect tree swing over the river on the other side, jumped off an 80 foot plus cliff at the lake where you needed to get a running start to jump out far enough to miss the 40 foot cliff jutting out below, hiked in flipflops down a very steep wooded mountainside to get to the gorge at the bottom and camp out with no sleeping bag. we would wake up to tourists above us at the lookout…this led us to immediately strip off our clothes, climp the rock face and start jumping into the water again and again and again. i could go on and on…

  41. Chad says:

    This is what I call taking the high Road. She’s not going there……This woman is amazing. You are an awesome individual, and oh, such a good mother. Peace Gil.

    Poem by Gil Harrington on February 16, 2010
    ON FEBRUARY – 16 – 20102 COMMENTS

    Just Say No
    Won’t participate
    In a storm of hate
    With such negativity
    I become the same as he
    Who caused this atrocity
    Instead, I’ll focus on love and not stop
    Coz in the end I know love’ll come out on the top

  42. keekee says:

    9:43 post i meant SOB, not SOL

  43. DaisyGirl says:

    ok. so I have seen 3 different spellings of “S” last name. I am boggled by this because all three different spellings are friends with the others. Are some related, but spell it differently (or don’t know how to spell it LOL)?

  44. Lovely says:

    Yeah, I was confused when OYE said the photo was photoshopped…she wasnt even in it (have we determined that), so how could she know if it was photoshopped?

    More importantly, *what* in the picture was photoshopped? A person, an object, what? She never said.

    Not sure why Blink brought up OYE again…I always believed that OYE was a red herring.

    Random theory – what if the 20 year old ROS that lives a mile away from the farm was the person that Morgan had planned to meet up with? He cant come pick her up, so he sends his friend…BG. BG, ROS and Morgan all hang out, shit hits the fan, and she is murdered.

    How would anyone be able to connect these three when all you have is the big wide world of cyberspace???

    This theory could hold true for whomever Morgan met on the bridge…you wouldnt be able to connect them.

  45. DTA says:

    You are so awesome. You work so hard. I just wanted to make sure everyone was ok. I used to work so hard like you eating on the run always many hours 30 years like that, and now I do not. Take care of yourself Blink and stop and smell the roses I know you do but just the mother in me…

    You are awesome. WOW is all I can say. I still am undecided if Morgan planned to meet someone or she did end up outside. Maybe someone called her out..I truly believe the friends know more though. They will have to live with that. I am leaning toward she was going outside with the expectation of getting back in. I have not figured out all of your lingo in your past post 2/16/10 @ 6:06 pm and it is driving me crazy.

    How kind DTA, thank you.

  46. Michael P says:

    Brought over from The Hook)
    **Ross P February 15th, 2010 | 8:15 pm
    Just on that whole BOC thing I’m pretty sure ‘Observer’ and J2K are ‘Blink’s’ other screen names. And to be honest the one on there ‘Enquirer’ is too, she/he seems to be singing off the same song sheet as Blink; similar writing styles and similar details coming out. BOC is a joke to be honest. Their ‘POIs’ seem to change every 5 seconds depending on the latest hair brained theory one of them comes up with. And Blink is the worst a new person to point the finger at each day: Happyhippie, DW, WT,S Brothers, EMH the list goes on and on and on and on…
    Observer, J2K and Enquirer = Blink.

    Michael P= solicitous defense attorney looking for an ambulance with a flat.

    I guess we are closer than we thought. Cool.

    -The Joke.

    **who has time for this? February 16th, 2010 | 12:06 pm
    Observer, you say you work for UVA. I hope VA taxpayers are not paying your salary to spend time reading and posting this kind of rubbish here and on other web sites.

    This should be about Morgan. I have no idea if there is any truth to these all being the same person, however I have some concerns.
    If Observer is who they claim to be – a current UVA employee and former member of LE, seems Observer would have more appropriate contacts within these institutions in which to communicate info/theories regarding Morgan to, and would not have the time for multiple, lengthy pontifications on various Morgan forums.
    If Enquirer has the inside connections they imply, seems they could communicate directly to LE or the Harringtons instead of posting veiled “I know more than you” hints here.
    If J2K wants to make a “clue or coincidence” game out of Morgan being the victim of homicide, I don’t see how that can be construed as being in the best interest of Morgan. Seems more about self-interest.
    Lessening that type of posting would be a true indicator of putting Morgan first.

  47. keekee says:

    ok ok mom! stop. leave me alone. they fired me cuz they said i lost some tools. it was not me. i swear. i’ll get another job (yeh, makin licence plates on death row or whatever they do…)

    tick tock

  48. skyler says:

    Hi, Link 5150 — I can’t believe I know how to answer your question about who’s on first ? (a little pun) –

    when they’re setting up and the red drum kit and all the amps have the winged creature on it — that’s Metallica —

    look in the center of the stage — if there are canvases over the equipment in the center — and the guitarist has really long hair — which at the end of the concert he’s all sweaty and gross and starts swinging his hair and sweat around on the people close to the stage — oh, yuck — then takes a sip of water and spits at the audience — double shudder — that’s LOG — if the band members have shorter hair and the center equipmen is covered, that’s Gojira — although I didn’t see any Gojira pix at this link — but I didn’t realize the sound guys and guitar tuners were in a hole in the center of the stage — that was interesting — James Hetfield is the tall singer w/ the black Nike’ shoes on —

    I’m still in shock on Chad hearing and meeting Metallica — boy, is my kid gonna be jealous when I tell him : )

    Here’s the pix link from link’s post

    Here is the link to the pics:

  49. juliemooly says:

    Julie, with much respect, I am holding that post for obvious reasons. Excellent Research, but my guess is you are not surprised to hear this from me.

    We are aware.

  50. skyler says:

    Blink, this still amazes me — if certain people think your site is such a joke — why do they have their eyeballs pasted to it breaking their necks to tell you why you’re wrong ? Case in point, your response, the event you point out ….

    this is OT — but Canada’s trees are blooming, it’s 50 degrees, and I’m sitting here in central Va. w/ my yard covered in snow and it’s 28 degrees outside …

    >>the picture w/ Morgan in the winter at an outdoor venue w/ her friends — is this the same place ? The pix is the background so I don’t know how to capture it — here’s the link

    I do not believe so, unless same venue as the Rooster Walk.

    What’s important was OYE flew on here when I posted that pic and said it was photoshopped…

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