Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Link5150 says:

    Going back to the biker statement from VSP, it looks like there were 2 organized bike rides the day of the 17th. I am not from the area but it seems like the second is not to far away from the farm.

    Paranormal Mountain Bike Race
    Charlottesville, Va. • October 17
    This six-hour endurance race, which starts in the late afternoon and moves into the dark autumn evening, has become a must-do in the Central Virginia MTB scene. After the closing of the popular Panorama Farm trails, the event moved to Tevendale Farm, which is filled with much of the same pastoral open field riding mixed with wooded twisty singletrack. Riders also get a great blend of short steep climbs and surprise descents. Five-minute time bonuses are awarded to bikers in costume.

    Blue Ridge Burn 10K/5K
    Charlottesville, Va. • October 17
    Excuse the shameless plug for Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine’s one and only annual trail run, which has been taking place for over a decade. It’s not a night race, but it deserves a mention for the costume tradition that has endured since the event’s inception. Come out to Walnut Creek Park clad in a space suit or leotard and run the moderately difficult singletrack of the 10K or the more mild 5K on the dam loop.

  2. keekee says:

    well, isn’t that special…zinc deleted comments from oct 2008 to oct 09. somebody’s havin fun gamin…this is like the twilight zone or american gothic…

    what’s gonna shake out next from the apple tree?

    to all following aforementioned connections when main the dawg concert was mistakenly thought to be 2009 (no year date on poster…very good catch yoshi!!! *chagrin felt here*)…..i offer my humble apolly, my bad

    BUT, the good is that all was/IS for naught, because the research still applies to connections and it’s making somebody(s) dance furiously like we’re shootin’ bullets at their feet!!

    dance boys dance!!

    tic toc boooom

  3. keekee says:

    meh, please cut me a bit o slack with my punctuation phobia and my add tendency for stream of consciousness writing (and talking)

    this leads to dropping and/or adding random words that have nothing to do with my sentence

    i luh you for yer welcomes!

    we are on the hunt for morgan…4 is the magic number…in town, out of town, in the parking lot, in cars and bars and and and…yeh, that

  4. Heres a Twist says:

    yoshi: your link says October 17 2008. Aren’t we looking for 2009?

  5. keekee says:

    and for crappolla’s sake, would you look at my daggum post from 10:43??? meant red HILL rd; that’s 1685 RED HILL RD, north garden, va
    = RED HILL QUARRY…says it plain as day on the google map (unless i’ve messed something else up)

    ah, yes, it is good to be me when underestimated. the stories i could tell of the looks on faces when someone crosses me after assuming i’m such a laaiidd back artist girl. such fun. lawd help anybody who messes with my kids…and i consider morgan like one of mine

    i comes from fightin stock from the same stompin grounds as the folks we are researching. beware the viking, border reiver clan dna!

    girlz and boyz on the hunt wit me…now you get the tip line 434-709-1685, yes? 434 = danville, 709 w main st = beer, 1685 = rock quarry. blink? your cheese?

    ok, i’m done

  6. keekee says:

    cheese an’ crackers, shut the door! i’m not done

    just desserts at 4:48 am (good gosh, get some sleep would ya?)

    yes yes and y to the s. you are with me. that is exactly exacalackaly what i observed. i know that girl body language, for sure. he was in her space uninvited, but good. the shorter video shows morgan drop something, reach down, and lean in/whisper to her ponytailed girlfriend before flipping her hair back. i think the video was pulled for the people shown around, yes

  7. skyler says:

    Oh — sorry for the confusion between fish and chad — my kid wishes for a time machine that he could go back to original Metallica w/ the band member that was killed in the bus accident —

    Bret Michaels had that show on cable last year where he was trying to get a girlfriend — used to crack me up –

  8. skyler says:

    Like most of you, I woke up thinking about Morgan — after going to bed thinking about Morgan — and I’m thinking — even if they got a POI, they don’t have any evidence to tie him to Morgan — DNA evidence would be back by now — and Morgan’s toxicology report, if they were able to do one, would be irrelevant — BG can simply say she ingested drugs of her own free will — the reason tox was so important in Michael Jackson’s case, the dr. freely admitted to administering him the propofol.

    If there was DNA or hairs/fibers on Morgan, and LE has a POI, then they could get a warrant for his/her DNA, hair sample to compare it w/ — but it doens’t look like that’s what’s happening — if Morgan was shot, and the bullet remained inside and they were able to recover it — and then match it to a weapon — that would be a start — or if she were stabbed, and they could match it to a knife point which still contained her blood — or if she were hit over the head and they had a mark in the skull to match w/ a weapon containing her hair or DNA — but, Morgan was only 20 — the hyoid bone in the front of the throat doesn’t fuse until you’re about 21/22 — Morgan was very thin, if she were not absorbing calcium, the hyoid bone may not have fused, and so if she were stranggled, it may not have broken or cracked — no way to tie it as a cause of death –

    I sadly, sadly do not think they can tie anyone to this crime until they commit another one and they confess to Morgan — unless someone w/ knowledge gives info to LE —

    I was going back to the beginning — why on earth would the friends need to hire a lawyer if they thought Morgan was just off w/ some dude and coming back — what does Sara Snead’s statement on TV — so this is not tied to a lawsuit — she was interviewed by a local news station and says on TV: If we had known, we wouldn’t have done “it” — w/ no explanation of what “it” is —

    why aren’t they on the boards — SS set up a FB board initially — but didn’t say what she knew, asked others for info, then quit posting — she was a moderator — telling what they knew —

    In Nov, Dr. H makes a statement he doesn’t know what Morgan’s actions were prior to arriving at the concert — why the hell not? Because the friends who do know, didn’t tell him — maybe he didn’t ask. I can understand that — maybe it was too hard to ask those tough questions — but this is a whole new ballgame now that her body has been recovered and the ME has stated this is a homicide — meaning, death at the hands of another — not stating whether they believe intentional or accidental — the ME’s office may not be able to assign a cause of death, even if there is an injury — unless there is a huge hole in her skull or a GSW or multiple stab wounds —

    I’m not trying to cause trouble w/ this post, but they’ve returned Morgan’s body, they’ve returned her bracelet — which they would have kept as evidence if they thought it was relevant or had relevant DNA which was recovered —
    even if they find Morgan’s DNA inside another car — but no blood or other signs of struggle — is that enough to prove a murder took place ? Or that merely she was inside of the vehicle.

    I cannot move away from my first thought in this horrible situation — the friends know something — they know why she left that arena — they know who she was meeting up w/ outside of the arena — they know her activities prior to the concert — they know whether or not they stayed in their seats the whole time, or whether they were down on the floor for LOG — they know if she drank a beer in the car on the way down — LE said she consumed alcohol that day — how do they know that ?

    I hope I am 100 % wrong about this — I hope someone is on the verge of cracking and confessing — Morgan deserves justice — as does this killer’s next victim if they’re not stopped now.

    Sad Sky : (

  9. yoshi says:

    I think Zinc is still open. They were supposed to participate in Charlottesville food week which ran through Feb.3 2010

    Raw Dawg played Zinc on Oct.31, 2009, but I don’t see any reference to an Oct. 17, 2009 show. Just the Oct. 17, 2008 show.

    That may be the disjoint Yoshi, thank you.

  10. cadillac says:

    For Sky – I am in no way taking up for the friends but in my mind (what is left of it) I believe that what the friends do/did know has been given to LE. Is it possible that LE has the answers to what you referred to and has asked the friends to be MUM? I have always believed that the REASON she left the arena is critical and I think LE knows that REASON. I have three children (from 19 to 24) and although these ages of young adults might be scared or hesitant at first to divulge events of the night – I do believe that once they understood the seriousness of Morgan’s disappearance that they would reveal all that they know. I really do believe that. Unless they were complicit in some way…? I don’t want to go there – I am hoping that is not the case, but I don’t think they could all cover up something (or for someone) in this situation.

    I feel some mistakes were made by them (NO BUDDY SYSTEM) but it seems that their families would have convinced them to tell ALL.

    Recap – I think LE has the info and it is being kept on the down low.

  11. redly says:

    keekee says:
    February 17, 2010 at 11:20 am

    girlz and boyz on the hunt wit me…now you get the tip line 434-709-1685, yes? 434 = danville, 709 w main st = beer, 1685 = rock quarry. blink? your cheese?


    I think star hill at 709 main street closed years ago. It is in crozet now. Another concert hall operated there but was closed in the fall of 2009 (before october). It is across the street and down a little from the wild wings cafe.

  12. DTA says:

    Skyler Feb 17, 2010 @ 12:04 pm

    I think your post is accurate. I have felt this way for a long time. I think the fact that so many people have that feeling in the back of their minds, that the friends are not being completely honest is very telling. In most missing person cases the first few hours are the most important and most of the time there are clues. I think Morgan was cheated of that precious time because it was not reported right away and because I do not think the entire truth was told.

    I have total admiration for the Harrington’s and the way they have handled this but it reminds me of my mom’s death. My mom was 76 years old and she lived in a retirement community alone as she was very independent. My wonderful Dad had passed away 10 years prior. There was a fire as I have mentioned in the mobile home my mom lived in and she was burned severely and died 3 1/2 weeks later but what I did not mention was there was a man my mom had started dating and the entire family saw red flags!@#@! My mom thought he was a nice man (yea right) My father was the only man my mom was ever with and they were married for 48 years. Anyway we tried to tell her our feelings but she was head strong. She had money, and he knew that! The night of the fire things did not add up and he was around. We were never able to talk to my mom as she was out of it so much in the burn center. It was declared an accident. My entire family always felt he had something to do with it. I have 2 members in LE. we later found out he had a record and had tried to get money from my mom. My family is much like the Harrington’s in our thought process and we did not blame anyone, but it never felt right. To this day my sister and I can hardly talk about it without breaking down and we still feel like the truth never came out. That was 20 years ago! At the end of the day it would not have brought my mom back but we would have known the truth. The truth will set you free.
    Sorry for the long post guys.
    Skyler do not feel bad for your post I think you are right on.
    RIP Morgan To the Harrington’s I hope you find peace. 2*4*1

    I am going to see Bon Jovi in March…Rock on Morgan

  13. SuzeeB says:

    Sky: The way I read the article in regards to Sarah Snead was she was defending the fact that she and friends drove Morgan’s car back to JMU without Morgan.


    She took a phone call from Morgan that said “don’t worry, I’ll find a way home.“ Sarah and the other friend drove Morgan’s car back to JMU after that concert.

    “We wouldn’t have done it if we didn’t think it was okay. Now obviously we wish things had taken place differently,“ Sarah told me. “It’s been one of the worst experiences ever,“ she added.

  14. yoshi says:

    kee kee… ahhh, the tip line. I have seen vague statements about it mentioned, but couldn’t break it down.

    709 W Main = Starr Hill Music Hall (closed) ->Si Tapas (closed)->IS venue (closed) (music production company)
    IS venue (upstairs) and Si tapas (downstairs) see letter reversal?!/pages/Charlottesville-VA/IS-Venue/81659038266?v=info&ref=sgm!/pages/Charlottesville-VA/Magnus-Music/170013336214?v=wall&ref=sgm

    Don’t know if it means anything. IS this what you were thinking was closed when you asked about Zinc, Blink?

  15. jen says:

    B:I’m lost as to what you all are talking about now….I’m still on my old cheese. Remember when I asked if GRH could be friends with the Shifflett Bros.? Well, I lurk over on this insessiontrials board from time to time because there is a Crozet local there who has knowledge of all of these characters. According to her recent postings GRH and the Bros. are definitely friends, even going so far as to say that they share cars.
    Remember that accident with them where the car ended up in the library in December? Here is an excerpt from her post about it. For reading ease her perp #1 is GRH and perp #2 is Buster S.

    “Now to eloberate about the vehicle..

    Something clicked one night and I began thinking about the car that may have been used when Morgan was picked up.
    Perp #2 has a brother who owned the car involved in that crash…that car was shared among the crowd so thought perp #1 may have been driving that car that night. What I found odd was that within weeks of Morgans dissapearance, these guys were trying to sell this car, even offering it to my hubby. Then a few weeks later its totaled in this crash that took place on Dec. 14th.
    It may be a long shot but I felt it important to the investigation so passed along the info. to LE.
    I don’t see this car getting down into the terrain but Morgan may have been transferred to another vehicle to be taken to where she was found.
    Hubby has just shared with me that this crowd does have 4×4 vehicles and access to ATVs.
    Perp #1 has a flare for the fancy from what I gather so am pretty sure he had driven this vehicle alot…hubby’s pretty sure that it was a later model Monte Carlo.
    Hubby also elaborated more on his looks this evening too….said he got that preppy pretty boy thing going for him, so am really thinking he’s someone Morgan may have been more trusting of.”

    Here is a link to the thread this came from: It’s post #91

    If you go back and read the comments by moondust you will find all sorts of interesting tidbits. Her theory is that GRH picked up Morgan stopped at the Bros. house, says I have a blond hitchhiker in the car, picked up Buster, and we can all surmise what happened next.

    I’m pretty down with this theory.

    Very respectfully Jen, that is not a theory, that’s a hypothesis.

    I think Morgan knew who she got into the vehicle with at JPJ.

  16. fish says:

    ***Police remind the public to call the new tip number:
    only if they have information about the Anchorage Farm property.

    Sounds like they know who you are by the series of numbers and maybe those tree cameras? Blink, maybe they caught a tail light? Don’t know.

    ***If you have general tips or information,
    call the general Morgan Harrington tip line at:

    Clue or Coincidence? I think these are all CLUEs!!

    keekee: I am feeling you with all your discombulated streaming way of writing. I write crying into my keyboard half the time. Please, don’t be done yet. We need a Scottish Viking! Wait, ru Scottish?
    I am Morgan’s German Viking!

    Needless to say: I know where my chocolate=covered cheese is and

    Soooommmmebooooddyyyy, ought to be dialin’ the above number and soon. YOU’VE GOT A CHOICE OF WHICH ONE TO CALL!! Wait, there’s always BOC’s offer. Yet another choice!

    Btw, KeeKee: Your tick tocking is getting louder.
    Kinda’ hurtin’ my ears!!! I may need a medic!

  17. fish says:

    Sky and Cad: I have really upsettling and disappointed feelings about the friends. But, I am trying really hard to be sympathic. I’m going with that they were able to party because they thought Morgan had run away with him. See, I don’t think he showed his face for awhile. I would be frightened that if he was not takin’ off the streets, he just might escalate again. And, how would they feel if they never stepped up and open their mouths, let alone their eyes. I do not want to believe that they were involved. That would be devasting to learn. But, I am not stupid to think that they have no clue about their community and who trailed around in it.

    They made bad choices that night. Very bad choices. I still hope, with all kidding aside, that they seek help. They have long lives ahead of them and could turn this into some sort of personal growth and make their friends’ life matter, really matter.

    Stand by your friends, even in a misty, dark, cold, rainy nite!!!

  18. juliemooly says:

    IDK I got mixed up with where Luck Stone quarry is near G-ville. Never mind.
    However, what I don’t see is why, if the primary crime scene was a quarry, there would be the need to take Morgan to the absolute middle of nowhere that is the field on Anchorage farm, on a Saturday night or Sunday morning. There is a lot of land around that quarry, and presumably plenty of equipment to “borrow” and cover of darkness on a weekend night or early morning.
    Anyway, I understand your feelings skyler about the friends, and I am thinking maybe LE specifically asked the Harringtons not to contact them beyond whatever superficial interaction they would have at the search, or at a vigil. Maybe LE felt pressure from the Harringtons could push the friends “underground”. Now that we know Morgan is dead, I am wondering if there have been more questioning of the friends. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the interrogation room. I don’t know how they go about their daily lives at school; even if they are totally innocent and without reproach, they would still be followed by wondering stares every day. I couldn’t sit in class all day next to people who had to be staring and wondering about me.

  19. localcvillegirl says:

    keekee you crack me up. I can understand your writing because that’s the way my brain works. My husband swears I have ADD, and after reading “Animals in Translation” he decided that I’m also mildly autstic! To think I’ve made it this far!

    I also missed the 2008 on the Raw Dawg at Zinc poster…was it on there? I looked at their myspace page and noticed that they’ve had some gigs out in Crozet…one recent one at Fardowner’s, and one a while back at Uncle Charlie’s, which has since closed and become Mud House cafe. I haven’t checked all the local bars/music venues for Oct. 17, 2009, but how many other bands were playing that night? The Hook and C’ville Weekly always have a comprehensive listing of who’s playing where and what’s going on, but I don’t know if they would still have Oct. 2009 info online.

    Test…I’ve been to the quarry out in North Garden, too, but not for years, and my kids better never go there. If our BG is local to that area, I’m sure he’s been there, too. Highschooler’s and college kids still go, and there is another place on Red Hill Rd., also on the East side of 29, down to the right a couple of miles. A definate party spot along the river…Red Hill local, do you know where I mean? Only 1 or 2 cars can fit down there, it’s just below the road out of view, maybe close to the Luck Stone entrance (is that Red Hill Quarry? never really paid attention.) Is this where you park to get to the quarry? The East side of 29 along Red Hill is a little more “run down” than the fancier side where Anchorage Farm is, just as juliemooly said.

  20. keekee says:

    nordic scots-irish german with ma badazz shipcaptain american ancestor sailing from england to northern neck of virginia in 1619. i am related to everybody. even got a black/indian tough woman in the mix who bought her freedom in 1730s in pennsylvania. i come from plow pulling, sailing, and milling stock (even have some cool old family photos of log rolling from late 1800s in vermont)

    our family is hilarious and lots of fun with every religion in the book and every color, creed, etc. there have been more religious and political conversions than you can count cause we all want it to be “our idea”….har

    off i go again to peel back more layers

  21. jen says:

    Okay, I stand corrected. I am down with the hypothesis I mentioned earlier. I will not bring it up again. Respectfully, I will watch and wait.

    Jen, you did nothing wrong, whatsoever, I just meant it doesn’t connect much of what it would need to grow to theory, and it does not make it wrong. I just dont see the connection to AF.

  22. total amateur says:

    Kudos to Keekee on some great insight and research.
    Very interesting to say the least.

    Have a question though- I’m showing that 709 W. Main St is a restaurant called Si Tapas, which according to a review for it I perused, moved into the “old Starr Hill” place. Did you know this already, armed with the knowledge that it “used” to be Starr Hill? Is LE really coding a tip line phone number to rattle cages?

    I’m also showing that the current Starr Hill location is at 5391 three notch rd, Crozet. Am I reading this right?

    Yes, correct. That is Starr Hill Brewery though.

  23. skyler says:

    ABout our mib — j2k says:I’m not able to shake out the image of the four young men in black seen with MH. Obvs LE knows of this sighting though, as they interviewed the witness multiple times – wonder if it proved a dead end or a link/the possibility of MH’s further interaction with the MIB (suz!) is still being explored. Regardless of whether they parted ways soon after leaving Massie, those boys were likely leaving the arena following the LOG set.


    I don’t see them leaving Metallica and just going to see LOG — because — LOG is local and you can find them playing venues around the area — the Metallica tickets, even the cheap seats — after you pay all the fees — had to be near $100 apiece — maybe their parents bought the tickets for them, but LOG was known for doing “Metallica covers” — it’s how they started their career — back as VT students — seriously, they were at VT —

    even if they were only coming for LOG — why not stay for Metallica —

    But I’m old and I stay for the whole show — is that common among young people, that they’ll go just to hear the opening acts, then leave, irrespective of ticket price or band ?

    Or could these have just been guys who knew Metallica was playing and decided to come to the arena to hear the music ? Or could they have just been late, not wanting to see the opening acts, only Metallica, and saw a pretty girl and decided to follow her ?

    They have always been as much of an enigma to me as everything connected w/ this event.

    and my wild imagination just keeps taking me back to H-burg and the alleged bomb that went off the day after Morgan was found — was that a message from the killer to the other riders in Morgan’s car to keep silent ?

    In Nov., Dr. H was making statements that the BB players “concerned him” — which, to me, shows that LE wasn’t telling him what the BB players’ story was — I still don’t think they are involved past the extent they may have known/seen whom she was talking to in the parking lot — and J, you are correct, if they’ve spoken w/ the Richmond bookkeeper x5, they know who these four MIB are — and maybe even talked to them –

    They’re either going to have to solve this case or Gil Harrington is going to have to stop writing — I can’t take much more — my sorrow for the H’s just grows daily …. : (

  24. duannahincville says:


    Red Hill Quarry, North Garden

    2625 Red Hill Road
    North Garden, VA 22959-1814

    It is not at 1685 Red Hill Road. It is on the part of Red Hill Road on the east side of 29. Anchorage Farm is on the west side of 29. Don’t know if there still are, but there used to be gates preventing you from going in there after hours.

  25. Seeker says:

    I also am wondering if now that Morgan’s body has been found, if they are questioning the friends more and also the personnel at the arena.
    Blink, it doesn’t help refute the claims going around that you use multiple names when J2k comments using the same accusations and tone that you did in your response to Michael P. From what I could see, Michael’s post was just copied thoughts expressed on another website, they were other people’s words, not his own. There was nothing in his post that would indicate he was a defense attorney, yet both you and J2k posted that identical accusation. That is really odd and is a prime example of why the questions have come up. I think what leads people to believing the claims is that when others stray off course or question things, you take that tone, make snide comments and say to keep it about Morgan. Yet when J2k, Observer and the like make long nonsensical rambling posts on the same topics, you allow it and even support it. How are their responses about Morgan or productive in nature?

    To the first part of your question, I assume they already netted what they need from the JPJ staff.
    However, if they were given erroneous accounts, or new players in the mix, very possibly.

    To the second part:

    Can you tell me how many pancakes it would take to shingle a 3 sided dog house in Dubai?

    I’ll wait here, humming the theme from jeopardy.

  26. keekee says:

    i tend to agree with cadillac that morgan’s friends told all they know and were instructed to keep it under wraps…

    now just suppose morgan was supposed to meet a certain connected gg after the gojira and log sets to go down to the floor or possibly even backstage for the metallica set?

    so…let’s suppose morgan and cool band connected dude preselected a time to meet outside the arena. since he had backstage access, no need to worry about getting back in. follow?

    then…$#@!rackinfrackin……he called with BAD news that he an unforeseen emergency or was tied up elsewhere or w/e

    morgan is PO’d!!!! she tries to get back in and call her friends to tell them what happened. they want to come out with her, but she insists they stay for the show cuz it’s her fault…

    then we have the sightings of morgan with 4 mib. she is acquainted with one or more of them. they head toward the bridge to catch their ride to wherever they are going.

    now…if it is true that morgan’s scent was picked up behind wild wings, then the group may have gone there to eat (after she got money from the atm). they might have even been dropped off by gg(s).

    and/or…they know of a bike happening with beer supplies (brewery?) and people she knows. maybe, maybe morgan and mystery no show man were planning on heading for the bike ride festivities all along.

    so…the video of morgan at the sob concert show how she would have crossed paths with bike/brewery/band/photography people before oct 17.

    this whole festival scene is a gigantic morphing ball of mercury with musicians playing in multiple bands, serving as band photographer for others, working for brewery, participating in the bike world, working for a certain music management company, etc.

    it’s there, he’s there, it’s all in front of us

    tic tock, yessir

  27. keekee says:

    oh, morgan probably never went inside the restaurant…they could have gotten “to go”…and maybe she realized there was trouble in a 2nd car while waiting for food…and she jumped out and tried to get away while still intown

    she was easily overpowered by the smugthugs

  28. Kathy says:

    re: justiceformorgan says:
    February 16, 2010 at 9:08 pm
    Skyler, I don’t think this is what you are referring to however here’s a link to a picture of Morgan and her friends on Electric Chameleon’s facebook page. There are additional pictures of Morgan on Electric Chameleon’s facebook page as well under photo’s.

    If you go to this link and look at the other pictures and click to the third pic after Morgan has on the charm bracelet that I think Gil refers to receiving back from the ME. :( 2 4 1 Morgan

  29. skyler says:

    Hey, Julie, Fish and Cadillac — I hope you are all 100 % right and I’m 100 % wrong —

    I know it sounds like I’m being very critical of the friends — maybe I am — I’m not implying they’re bad people — they’re young — and perhaps made some bad choices —

    Of course, Morgan could have been very strong willed and said: I’m going outside for reason ABC, no matter what you say —

    But — this is what’s worrisome to me, as well — I think the hus/wife who saw the Morgan looking person fall inside the arena while taking a picture is creditable — I think it was in fact Morgan —

    but she was alone on that stairway — they offered to help her up and she didn’t respond to them and walked away — why was she alone — where were the friends ?

    There’s nothing covert in that — she may have just said: I’m walking down the stairs closer to the stage to take a pix — be back in a sec —

    At 20 falling like that is humiliating — at me no longer 20 I understand falling like that is not funny, and I’d take an offer of help were it me — so I get that — plus, she may have had the wind knocked out of her and couldn’t respond — we just don’t know.

    I won’t speak for anyone but myself, my frustration comes from the people who “do” know not saying anything “publically” — I do not think the BB players are involved — I really do not — but I want them to tell me in distinct detail every word she spoke, every way she turned her head, every breath she took —

    I want the friends to tell me what she did on the way to the concert — what she wore — have a picture of her there or in the car on the way — not to criticize the friends, but to try to figure out how all of this played together for Morgan to end up out on the back side of Mr. Bass’s farm turning into bones.

    I want LE to tell me everything they know — so I can put it under my microscope and see what’s moving around in there —

    I’m a Libra — I can’t balance those scales if I don’t have the information from all sides —

    As the Rolling Stones sang so many years ago: you can’t always get what you want … but if you try sometimes …. you get what you need ….

    I need the person(s) responsible for Morgan’s death to be arrested, prosecuted and convicted — yesterday !

    going back to work ….

  30. acho says:

    Hi J2K

    In re: to your next question:
    “Was EMH on probation in July 09, around the time of All Good?”
    He was forced (read: convicted of failing to register) to renew his SO registration in late 2008. As an *R*SO, he’s technically still monitored by LE in a manner similar to probation, I believe. So, I would answer your question as: yes — pending further insight from others here.

    So, J2K and anyone else who’d know, if he went to an out-of-state festival, would that be against terms of his “probation,” or is that permissible?

  31. yoshi says:

    keekee you wrote regarding raw dawg dates-
    “BUT, the good is that all was/IS for naught, because the research still applies to connections and it’s making somebody(s) dance furiously like we’re shootin’ bullets at their feet!!”

    totally agree! You’ve done great work here and I didn’t mean to bust your chops at all. Just wanted to make sure everyone is focusing on the right parts of your research. And what you wrote about the mischief you and your friends got into as youths at a local quarry? It fits w/the location/history/activities Lt.Rader alluded to in his press conference. When I think of quarry, I think of a place to go and pick up/order rocks for landscaping and drainage so I would never have put that all together.

    TJ – re: elusive youtube video poster. Is the name you figured out in anyway remotely related to the screen name? Don’t know the who, myself so I can’t help w/connections. I am always so wary about brining more into the mix, so I understand where you’re coming from. Blink didn’t answer so…. ? She might not know the full name. You could post it to her privately. I am personally bothered by it being taken down so quickly (maybe that’s the point, IDK) juliemooly-, did you get anywhere w/what you were thinking? I definitely got the same vibe at first. There’s still something “off” about the whole thing.

    J2k -closet deadhead I be. It’s been a long time.

    All- make sure to use the “rss feed for comments on this post” button so you don’t miss posts. I’ve found quite a few “new” ones this way.

    and finally…
    Do we know this person? @1:32? Anyone else?

  32. HokieHi says:

    Sorry if this has been discussed but in regards to her “scent” being picked up behind Wild Wing Cafe by K9′s – has this been confirmed? Maybe purely coincidence but IS Venue is right across the street. Most people park in the Amtrack lot when going to Wild Wing and I would imagine it’s used to park when walking over to 709 Main as well.

    There is a deletion on the IS Venue site right after the Oct.16th post, I noticed that earlier.

  33. skyler says:


    I am going to have someone take a look-see, but I think that is just an aerial shot that tightened.
    I will let you know when I do.

  34. Slowroller says:

    things we know:

    Bass family out of town
    Rough terrain at point of recovery
    Possible parties at/or nearby w/ lots of drinking
    POI had access to ATV
    I believe Blink has stated they did find tire tracks, but not what kind
    Blink has alluded to people possibly in the know about a “horrible accident”

    I know Blink that you have stated that Morgan met a violent end. Could her injuries be consistent at all with a violent wreck off of an ATV??

    As for how Morgan ended up outside JPJ and who took her, I am at a loss. But as for where she was found- I have been to “country” parties where everyone is all inebriated and some idiot thinks it is now the time to fire up a quad and go for a ride…?!? Could Morgan have been riding on the back and been thrown off…possibly knocked unconscious and POI got the hell out of there and left her for dead…AF is probably a great place for this type of rec…POI knew the house was empty this particular weekend…this would fit the “horrible accident” theory and support why no one would want to come forward…?? Could explain where she was found(in open field), if your one who does not believe the elements moved her…Could also explain VSP not warning folks of a “killer” on the loose…

    FYI, this scenario wouldnt lessen the POI’s culpability, just a different scenario…thoughts??

    Imo, there is a zero percent chance Morgan’s death could ever be considered accidental.

  35. ohiomom says:

    E in SA: Welcome! I’m som glad you decided to post and tell us about yourself and South Africa. I loved your line about spending more time with the people here than the real people in your life – me too! I don’t seem to get anything done but read here, and then re-read.

    I am also from a very non-demonstrative family. When I was just out of college, I taught for a few years, then got a MEd in counseling. At that time counseling education was very touchy-feely, and the goal was to really get in touch with your feelings. So I did, and I started telling my parents I loved them every time I talked to them.

    Well, lo and behold, pretty soon they were saying it to. I never really explained to them why I started saying “I love you,” and they never asked, but for the rest of their lives we exchanged “I love yous” every day. I also told my children that constantly and now say it to my grandchildren.

    Anyhow, think about telling your parents “I love you.” You might be surprized when they start saying it too!

    By the way, is that a real lion that comes into your garden?

  36. bevolovr says:

    So there’s a young RSO, whose mother is a realtor (locationlocationlocation), living in very close proximity to AF?

    Are you stating that as fact, or is that a question?

  37. alexandra says:

    Someone said the friends that accompanied Morgan that night,
    Amy Melvin and Sarah Snead will have to live with this. If only they would talk, and tell what they know, it would be therapeutic for them. Since they insist on silence, there will always be a shadow of suspicion around them if this case goes cold.

  38. total amateur says:

    This may be nothing.. but worth a look.

    I was running with the idea that there is significance behind the number of the AF tip line on Google Earth.

    If you punch in 1685 red hill rd, it gives you a spot location on the road up near Blandemar Farm… not far from Morgans remains.

    If you punch in 709 Red Hill Rd, it gives you a spot location on a secluded road that looks to be near some sort of quarry or sand pit.

  39. Slowroller says:

    31.alexandra says:
    February 17, 2010 at 3:17 pm
    Someone said the friends that accompanied Morgan that night,
    Amy Melvin and Sarah Snead will have to live with this. If only they would talk, and tell what they know, it would be therapeutic for them. Since they insist on silence, there will always be a shadow of suspicion around them if this case goes cold.

    unfortunately, as we speak,i believe it is room temperature at best…

    I respectfully disagree. Although I do not think they are getting they need on the location tie-in.

  40. Kim says:

    It just seems like with so few specifics being released: buildings/property around AF searched?, what video corroboration exists of certain times?, little to no info from friends including the reason she left the arena, cc usage, cell call/messages prior to disappearance… In other high-profile cases it seems like we know cell usage, last confirmed sitings … thinking of the Gabriel case.

    Maybe LE doesn’t have to release the info because the facts have already lead them somewhere. Maybe the friends aren’t talking publicly (I’m on board with the alternative to their silence, tho… I’m playing on the positive side right now) It just seems like if we knew more, we would be able to narrow it down. So LE must be leading it right where it needs to go. You think? I hope….

  41. chouva says:

    the girlfriends owe the H’s and LE a detailed account, minute by minute of the whole day and night. I suspect they have provided that. is it the truth? we may never know. however, the girls owe the rest of us -0-. nothing. they have no obligation to say a word. in fact, if I was the H’s , i would tell the girls my preference is they say nothing, unless its too LE.

    If they know something, or even suspect, I would advise them not to utter a syllable.

  42. keekee says:

    i get a really sick sick feeling about someone who should be above reproach… according to “society”… would so be the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing.


    and…something is stinky hinky in brewtown

    Remember when I said one or more from both sides of the track?

  43. juliemooly says:

    “juliemooly-, did you get anywhere w/what you were thinking? I definitely got the same vibe at first. There’s still something “off” about the whole thing.”—Which part of my thinking are you asking about? I’ve got a weird vibe about everything. I keep going back and forth between thinking the friends are just young and Immature (I was probably worse at 19. Ok maybe not). Or that they are diabolical demons. The truth is probably somewhere in between.
    I have to run out for a while. After tomorrow I will be using the computer less than normal for a few days, out of town, so suck-ola, I won’t be plugged in as normal.

    Blink, are those connections I made last night(that were kept private) between the real estate and one of the music crowd anything I need to give to LE? Because now that some of the local band dates appear to have been put up incorrectly I am not entirely sure which band played where on which date, therefore I don’t know if it’s relevant or not. TIA.


    LE is aware of this info, so was I, so good find. As you note I kept it off because I do not see an immediate Morgan connection and I really do not want to make more work for Corrine Geller. That said, if there is a definite tie in, I would certainly post it in fairness-

  44. bevolovr says:

    33.bevolovr says:
    February 17, 2010 at 3:14 pm
    So there’s a young RSO, whose mother is a realtor (locationlocationlocation), living in very close proximity to AF?

    Are you stating that as fact, or is that a question?

    Affirmation, I guess, as it’s what I put together after some research..

    I know where your going with that, link please to your affirming research. I tread very lightly on the RSO “outing”. It is a fine line. TIA

  45. Lovely says:

    bevolovr – I saw also gathered that from recent posts here. That the 20 year old RSO has a mother in real estate whose last name is Waybright…

    Blink, is this correct?

    Also Blink, I know you have stated that there is no way in your opinion that Morgans dead could be accidental or an overdose. Does this mean you believe force was applied in order to specifically cause death?

    Yes, she was brutally murdered. No doubt. Again, I say I wish the VSP would release findings, but under the statute, they really cannot.

  46. Word Girl says:

    Private to Blink:

    I heart u.
    I would just love it if something is referenced to me and you or someone could take it, that would be a huge help. You are all so great at that.

  47. Enquirer says:


    No, I do not find the act of them camping at either lake to be of significance.

    Which entry point to AF makes the most sense to you?

  48. skyler says:

    Kathy, I think you’re right — I wonder if that is the bracelet — how wonderful Morgan wore it a lot and had it w/ her on that fatal night —

    I’m just overwhelmed w/ sadness about all of this today — what an absolute unnecessary waste of this young girl’s life —

    We need to know from local people not only who is familiar w/ this property, but also who has access to weapons — knives — handguns —

    I don’t know how the Harringtons keep their composure and are so civilized —

    DTA, I’m so sorry about your mother — I work w/ the senior population, and I had a guy the other day who was a hunnert y/o and living w/ his girlfriend because they would lose their SS security if they got married — she’d have to give up her deceased’s husband’s — or something —

    you’re never too old for the luv bug to strike —

    But I am so so sorry for the way her life was ended ==

    Kathy’s post — for the pictures — above them in the upper right is the “next” button — the third pix is Morgan w/ the bracelet —

    >>Kathy says:
    February 17, 2010 at 2:30 pm
    re: justiceformorgan says:
    February 16, 2010 at 9:08 pm
    Skyler, I don’t think this is what you are referring to however here’s a link to a picture of Morgan and her friends on Electric Chameleon’s facebook page. There are additional pictures of Morgan on Electric Chameleon’s facebook page as well under photo’s.

    If you go to this link and look at the other pictures and click to the third pic after Morgan has on the charm bracelet that I think Gil refers to receiving back from the ME. : ( 2 4 1 Morgan

  49. redly says:

    Sorry if this has been discussed but in regards to her “scent” being picked up behind Wild Wing Cafe by K9’s – has this been confirmed? Maybe purely coincidence but IS Venue is right across the street. Most people park in the Amtrack lot when going to Wild Wing and I would imagine it’s used to park when walking over to 709 Main as well.

    There is a deletion on the IS Venue site right after the Oct.16th post, I noticed that earlier.


    What was the deletion? From reading IS had closed prior to the mettalica weekend so there were no bands playing there. It is possible people still had access to it and maybe there was booze still there of course.

    I dont know it just shows the edit on their facebook.

  50. Lovely says:

    Ok, being that she was brutally murdered…Blink, do we have a motive then?


    I am going to answer it this way- because they wanted to.

    If anyone is thinking there is going to be some grand plot or reason to all this. There ain’t.

    Bad guys do bad things to good people because it pleases them to do so. For me, that is the hardest part in the world. Senseless and preventable. Just like their future was.

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