Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. DMB says:

    Could it be possible that the mother in real estate was the realtor for the rental property on AF

    There is no connection to a realtor, wrt AF or a RSO at this time, so I would want to clarify that.

  2. skyler says:

    skyler — sorry so many posts —

    Lovely, hope you’re feeling better —

    Blink responded to your post; Yes, she was brutally murdered. No doubt. Again, I say I wish the VSP would release findings, but under the statute, they really cannot.

    I think we need to listen to what Blink is saying. Morgan was murdered — this wasn’t a homicide where there is an accidental death — Someone, w/ intent, murdered Morgan – took her life in the time it takes to take a breath — then threw her body up on that hillside like they were throwing garbage out of a car window while they were driving by —

    Lord knows, if anyone is local and has information about a person between 20 and 30 who may live on one side of Blink’s tracks — wealthy family, nar-do-well — who hooks up w/ other side of tracks — may be drug related — definitely has access to weapons —

    I think someone mentioned target practice — do you know anyone w/ a handgun that goes out and shoots signs, bottles, etc. —

    This person has now crossed the line — they’ve killed a human being, w/out compunction — they will do it again —

    In retrospect, thinking about Blink’s comments — I hope to God the friends have told LE everything and that they are careful and watch everything they do — I don’t think they killed Morgan — but I think they have information –

    I also hope they get that counseling. Hell, I’m going to need counseling —


  3. skyler says:

    Blink, you said: skyler says:
    February 17, 2010 at 3:00 pm

    I am going to have someone take a look-see, but I think that is just an aerial shot that tightened.
    I will let you know when I do.

    Read the other 2 messages I sent you — when you look at it that way —

    2 4 1 Shiny Morgan 2 4 1

  4. Enquirer says:

    @ keekee

    I do not think that Wild Wings is of relevance. I also doubt the ‘backstage access’ angle.

  5. skyler says:

    Blink — in retrospect — I think you are absolutely correct — tight shot !

    Shew !

  6. keekee says:

    yes, blink…yesssss to the two “t” family names with blood connections to oft talked about known bad seeds s, m, h, and the dubyahs.

    course, fish knows one the floaters (one with multiple jobs in the fest world) the little gggggcough she hacked out earlier

    do fish hack?

    so…these 2 both annoy me. one has a much more in your face internet presence and always seems to have a mocking smirk. it may be intentional. who knows in this wacky wayne’s world, not

    he is a mighty hard worker, used to getting his way in and out of a gentleman’s world. he’s comfortable in both. not my kinda guy with his cocky ways

    the other “t” man seems to have much in common with morgan’s happy follow your path peace and love search for life’s meaning. it may well be that morgan was much further in that quest than he is at a later stage of life. oddly, to me, his face does not seem to match his declared life philosophy. can’t put my finger on it, but there seems to be a flurry of attempts to disappear himself from the net

    stinky stinky stinky cheese

  7. mike says:

    Blink, I’m trying to get a handle on just what are some of the known facts here. Can you please answer the following:

    1. Was Morgan wearing a jacket of some type that nite, and, if so, what color and composition was it?

    2. Was this jacket actually found near the Copely Bridge and determined to be Morgan’s?

    3. Has it been determined that the boot or boots found somewhere were Morgan’s?

    4. Was the Pantera T-shirt found near 15th & Grady actually Morgan’s?

    5. Was Morgan’s credit/debit card actually used sometime that evening, and, if so, do we or LE know when, where and for what?

    6. Has LE taken any scent dogs through the various properties being discussed near the farm?

    7. Do the Harringtons have a private investigator working on the case?

    I know there has been much discussion here about all of the above questions, but I remain confused.

    Thank you.

  8. Slowroller says:


    is there an active street prostitution trade in the C’ville area?? if so, how close to JPJ is the “strip”??

  9. Slowroller says:

    …shouldve added that I am in NO way inferring that Morgan was involved in such. I am heading towards “John’s” with prior solicitation convictions….

  10. AtotheK says:

    I will admit I have been out of the Blinkloop for sometime. Nonetheless, I am still interested in finding Morgan’s killer.
    I don’t care to know who the next purposed POI is on here. I want (and always have) facts. After reading just a few posts as I have missed way too many; I began reading the adolescent remarks of some. Perhaps, this is the reason I have stayed away so long. No disrepect to anyone especially Morgan. I just find it offensive (and tacky) to come to Crime blog and find personal attacks.
    Seems like a small town…cliquey and insular to others views.
    Regardless, if Joe Schmo wants to believe everyone posting is the same person…then let him believe it. Does it matter, especially to Morgan’s family?
    Sorry, off my soapbox. Can we all play nice?

    “Yes, she was brutally murdered. No doubt. Again, I say I wish the VSP would release findings, but under the statute, they really cannot.

    Respectifully, I really want to know, then how can you release this info?

    Fair, and I agree, I am just going to have to delete them. I admit I am a stickler for not deleting comments, so I will take that criticism.

    I have released no more than has been stated by LE ( homicide) and Morgan’s parents, “Violent murder”.
    And that is all I will publish. I wanted to drive the direction of the research appropriately.

  11. anotherB says:

    This is one more post in anotherB’s series on Italian cold cases… The reason why I bring this up is to demonstrate how much evidence is actually needed to convict a person.

    Back in September 1993 a 16 year old Italian girl gets a phone call from a boy who is a few years older than her. He wants to talk to her, and they agree to meet up after church on Sunday morning. At 11.30 this morning she tells a (female) friend that she is going to meet him. This is the last independently confirmed sighting of her. She does not come home – she was supposed to go to the countryside with her family in the afternoon – and there are various search parties on their way by the evening.

    Obviously, the boy is interviewed by the police. He states that he talked to her inside the church, they parted, he wandered aimlessly around town, entered a construction site for no particular reason, fell over, hurt his hand, and then went to the local hospital for treatment. According to the hospital logs, he arrived there at a quarter to two. (It is a very small town).

    In the end, he goes to jail for perjury, because it was proven that his accounts about talking to her in church are false. No body is found, and this is still a missing person case.

    Various news outlets report about it, and there are international search efforts. This link is from Italian state TV.

    Fast forward. In 2004 the boy, now grown man, lives in a small town in the UK. His neighbour is brutally murdered. Her grotesquely mutilated body is found by her teenage children. The killer placed a strand of hair in her hand.

    He is interviewed, in particular because he had an argument with the murdered women the day before. It also emerges that he, while in Italy, had approached women on public transport and cut off strands of their hair.

    In the past few years there had been reports that women in this UK town had their hair cut in similar circumstances.

    Now, really *everything* seems to point towards him, it appears. Still, there is not enough evidence to convict him. There are grainy video surveillance pictures of the murderer from an adjacent property, they have an e fit, both could be him, but not necessarily. Since he was in her house the day before, fingerprints and DNA may not prove anything. He has a shaky alibi.

    Since the UK murder, the Italian anti mafia police is investigating. Again, my interpretation, because he is from a well connected family.

    There is another suspect in the Italian case. He was named in an anonymous letter, but there is no real evidence against him.

    The Italian press is very liberal in providing information on suspects. The UK press is not. This is what a British report looks like:
    Without knowing the background, this report seems rather enigmatic.

    One of the reasons why they withhold facts is because they may be sued, if he is found not guilty. The other is because there is no need for the public to know why police believes there is an Italian connection. What they need to nail the murderer is:
    - whose hair is it that was found in the victims hand?
    - who was seen in the vicinity of the house when she was murdered?
    All other evidence can only support the case. It can’t prove anything.

    By the way, an analysis of the hair showed the following travel schedule:
    “His chemical and isotope analysis of the nine-centimetre long strands of hair, representing nine months’ growth, revealed the owner changed diet twice, in the three months before the hair was cut. They also visited an area between Valencia and Almeria in eastern Spain and or the Marseille to Perpignan area of southern France for up to six days, some eleven weeks before the hair was cut. They then visited the urban area of Tampa in Florida, southern USA, for eight days some two to two and a half weeks before the hair was cut.”
    Quoted from

    To come back to Morgan, I have the distinct feeling that LE’s timeline doesn’t end at half past nine on the bridge. They have more evidence, and it did not lead them to the North Garden area. They do not release this information, because it would point towards a specific person, which could jeopardize the investigation. What they need now is more information on who accessed the farm, and, IMO, they are appealing to friends or family of the murderer to come forward.

  12. skyler says:

    Blink said: If anyone is thinking there is going to be some grand plot or reason to all this. There ain’t.

    Blink, I agree — at whatever point it happened, Morgan became a liability — however “they” defined it — and they just ended her life —

    The more I come to know about this young girl, the more I wish I’d known her — she took a full length mirror and a hula hoop to bonaroo (which my kid wanted to attend, and i said over my dead body !) —

    she’s artistic — she loves all kinds of music — she’s out there, but she’s also really brainy (read a lot) — she knew she was beautiful and flaunted it — as would I — she dressed quirky and loved jewelry and charm bracelets (me, too) — she worked w/ disabled people and made those young people feel “normal” in their own “normal” world, instead of trying to make them fit into ours —

    She was beloved by her parents and her brother —

    and now us.

    I’m turning this computer off, so I won’t post so much —

    PS: If anyone wants to confuse me w/ J2K, it’d thrill me ! not so much for her — ha

  13. Moonchime says:

    TY friend

  14. Enquirer says:

    I think where the direction of thinking here needs to go, is not as much the who, but the where.

    Why THERE? Why that specific part of AF? Why would morgan be placed there and not in one of the other (more logical) places in the area?

    Understand the ‘where’.

  15. alexandra says:

    Somebody killed Morgan Harrington in Charlottsville, Va.

    Blink, shouldn’t the DNA results be back by now?

    Depends. I am confident there were many different tests ordered.

    Just a reminder to all: In real life, with degraded physical evidence, it can take up to 30 days to get certain warrants for POI’s etc, we just don’t know what they have to work with.

    I have absolutely no basis for saying this, but I am of the opinion that a bad guy left something behind he would rather not have, and it was too dark to look for it.

  16. total amateur says:

    I’m sorry to say that I think there was no DNA evidence left at the AF scene. If so, with all these clues- there would have been probable cause for warrants to obtain samples, AND to search a possible primary
    crime scene. I don’t think they know where that primary crime scene is yet. Either that or it was outside, and there isnt anything left.

    LE seems at a stand still at proving their case against possible POI’s. The lack of an arrest at this point tells me their hoping a witness comes forward that can put a certain vehicle or person on or around AF after 9:30 on Oct 17 into the early morning of Oct 18th.

  17. Enquirer says:


    Well, I’m not convinced that they went anywhere near AF Rd. I will get back to you with something firmer.
    We agree. Thanks, I will look forward to it.

  18. Word Girl says:

    I agree with the ‘no grand plot or reason.’ Bad guys never know exactly what bad things they are going to do. They know they have an inclination, beyond that all heck breaks loose. Criminals aren’t known for their clever thought processes.

    They do however seem to start the divergence, sometimes in small ways, and the progress to greater crimes. Most of the time they are angry. Hurt, abandoned, angry.

    DMB: I believe Mr. Bass said he has the rental contracts for every tenant in his rental house.

  19. acho says:

    Today I have been wondering about different forms of cycling. Enquirer, I know we should not put too much stock in the request of cyclists, but what about motocross cyclists?

    LE wanted to know about activities that used to happen on the property. We’re all onto the music, and I think that’s valid and good. Not backing away from that in the least.

    But what if the local kids used to ride their motorbikes all through the land around there? (Maybe they still do, or maybe Bass put the kaibosh on it at some point.) I have found *tons* of pics of area kids on these bikes. I think they are noisy so I am not suggesting use the night of … I just wonder if LE saw tracks or has something, and the FBI is actually reaching out to that community, too. Didn’t someone here notice what looked like an old ring, which might’ve been an old track?

    What do I know. I need to go back and read the exact text used (i.e., did the media use the term “bicyclists” or did the FBI?), but I wanted to put it out there as food for thought before I go tend to the rest of my life. :)

  20. Mom3.0 says:

    Mike, Even though Blink may have knowledge that we mere posters do not, she would never step on LE’s toes in order to post a scoop. All these questions you have, we have all had ‘em. The easiest answer is we do not know.

    KeeKee, you are an excellent researcher,yet I must admit your “speech” does throw me off a bit. I like that your personality shines threw my visual of you, is of an over excited kid, who is trying to convey their excitement over their first day at school.LOL Enthusiasm and new blood is exactly what we need here., so keep it up.

    Seeker, Hi, I know Blink will understand when I say to you, I agree with some of what you said. Blink, is a mother, a daughter, a wife, a friend. Meaning, she is human. I like that her blog is more than a news site. I like that after many months here trying to help Morgan, we have all become more than just posters and administrator.

    Blink does not comment on every post. She does not answer every question. She does not let her emotions shine threw in every comment. But I value this site more, because when she does, somehow, it means more than just posting our thoughts on a comment section such as on “The Hook”. Blink interacts with us, not always, but sometimes.

    Blink, your reply to Lovely broke my heart. I was still holding out for something totally going wrong and Morgan being killed. But the way you stated BGs do bad things for the pleasure of doing it…that says to me that you believe Shiny Morgan suffered before she died and BGs enjoyed every second of it…. Say it ain’t so Blink…

    Thank you Kindly mom 3.0, well said.
    I do believe Morgan suffered. It infuriates me in ways I do not understand myself.

    I fear for the reality that it will have for so many when arrests are made. I am queazy daily at what the Harrington’s will face. I would love to be wrong.

  21. anotherB says:

    @ Enquirer February 17, 2010 at 6:30 pm

    To me the question “why” boils down to the fact that this was the first place he could think of. It was a moment of stress and panic, and he had to get rid of the body. He didn’t place it there to annoy anyone, he didn’t think that far.

    From his point of view, the field must have appeared as difficult to access from the outside, and from the inside of Anchorage Farm. That is why he chose it. He tried to hide the body, in a way, rather than disposing of it in a random location. This is why I believe in below average intelligence.

    It all seems very immature.

    He knew the adjacent field in the Blandemar Farm area, and he knew the habits of the people living there. He is in his early or mid twenties. That should pretty much narrow it down to a handful of people.

    He took no risk in a time of high stress. Stress for whom, I am not sure.

  22. keekee says:

    tick tock

    do what is right now. if the big bad guy is holding something over your head……well lemme tell ya you will be beholden to him for the rest of your days as long as he walks free.

    his path of destruction will only continue. no remorse from him as a sociopath cannot feel guilt. those mopping up behind suffer mightily with conflicted guilt. get out from under and don’t go down with him.

    have some balls and stand up

  23. total amateur says:

    Depends. I am confident there were many different tests ordered.

    Just a reminder to all: In real life, with degraded physical evidence, it can take up to 30 days to get certain warrants for POI’s etc, we just don’t know what they have to work with.

    I have absolutely no basis for saying this, but I am of the opinion that a bad guy left something behind he would rather not have, and it was too dark to look for it.
    I really hope you’re right Blink. I guess in retrospect to my post, it seems like it’s been longer since Morgan’s been found. She was found on January 26, I think they were still processing the crime scene for 3 days. So add on at least 7-10 days for DNA testing (more for tox-screen), coming up with a POI, getting a warrant, testing them… it hasnt been that long.

    I think we’re all stressed out and impatient trying to get a
    murderer(s) off the streets before they hurt or kill someone elses daughter, sister, wife, mother, or friend. And trying to let the Harrington’s turn the toughest corner of their lives.

    We’re not only doing this for Morgan- but to save a life that’s yet to be harmed. Because when people cross that line- they’ll do it again. Maybe not next week, maybe not next year. But at some point, they will.

    I don’t honestly believe that I can contribute much to this blog- but if I could come up with one tiiiiny little thing- one idea, one scenario- that makes a light go off in someone else’s head… well that thought’s enough for me to keep trying.

    And You Better!! TY.

  24. fish says:

    Dearest Blink:

    Morgan was “brutally murdered”. Savagely and viciously and then without remorse. First hand experience(s) tells me time is of the essence! At one time in my life, I met someone very much like this. A self-induldged, sick, controlling fck that wanted his way. It shakes you to the bone. You know it in your gut when you are around it. Trust me everyone…the family knows it! They have circled the so-called modern day wagons.

    How can I not think that it would not happen again?! Is this now going to become a game to them? Of Seek and Destroy? I am sickened.

    We are all only human and Morgan is not the first or last co-ed that will go out for a night with friends, ends up inhebriated, maybe even displaced from those friends and without a ride home. She did nothing wrong. Not that anyone is implying this.

    She was preyed upon. PREYED UPON! Plain and simple. Although the act is anything but. It just courses through their sick and violent veins. Did they get a sick kick out of this? One day in the future, sure maybe not now, the heat is too hot. But one night when an opportunity arises and they just have a slightest biggest buzz on, will they prey?

    And although, I am not a bettin’ woman…I would place money that they will. And, when they come across another girl in a similar situation…will they make a different choice or did they just have it out for Morgan? Can their family guarantee that it will not happen again. I think not! And, I wouldn’t care if they did. It is about Morgan’s justice she deserves! And mine as a member of her community, of our society!

    I would now bet that if the tables were turned on anyone in their family they would be out for blood!

    This has me more worried than you think. Maybe just maybe, people should start namin’ names? But we all want a successful apprehension and proscution so we do not. What can we do? More research and then what should we post?

    I read and reread every post Mrs. Harrington writes. It somehow gives me comfort even though, at times they are as Skyler feels, unbearable. I want those responsible for her “brutal murder” to be made “accountable” and right now would be a good time!

    Thanks for listening Blink and family.
    Please if you all can just read some of her other caseloads. I cannot help but think this too must be unbearable. B, you must be able to multi task to the enth degree, put all things into perspective, and then what not feel? I don’t think so Blink. Take care of yourself!

    Those beautiful faces of all the Caylees, Roberts, Somers, Sandras and Haleighs and Morgans, that are treated so inhumanly, need you! I cannot do anything but just say that I understand your plight, more than you can imagine.

    So yea, I’m done with all the white noise in my head. I may just say it outright and let Blink decide if it is free speech. I am going to think it over and see you all around midnight.

    Welcome back AtotheK.

  25. Chad says:


    No worries about mixing fish and I up.
    I also agree with you, I cannot take anymore of Gil’s writing either.
    Someone else on this board states that it we all have a bad feeling in the back of our minds about the friends.
    I agree. I just can’t quite put my finger on it with how I feel about the friends, but I guess it is safe to say “uncomfortable”. if you take the scenario of accidental death out of the equation, then why is there still that uncomfortable feeling still there about the friends?

    Justdesserts: Feel better friend. those little red Sudafed pills work pretty good. Or generic Actifed. In regards to my family lineage, I prob should have added, they mirgitated to Virginia, and then to Missouri.

    Kee Kee: Way to WOW us with your research. Yoshi too. All brilliant. I can hardly keep up.

    Mom.3, Sky: e-mail me to say hi on our Friends for MDH. BOC family please join us!

  26. anotherB says:

    @ total amateur February 17, 2010 at 6:47 pm

    I am pretty certain they did find something at the scene, the problem is now that they have to tie it to the case. It doesn’t prove anything to find, let’s say, a beer bottle with someone’s DNA on it on the scene, because the bad guy could just say “oh, I must have left it there – had a beer there last summer…, didn’t tell anyone, because technically it was trespassing”.

    They have to find DNA on the body or the clothes.

    As far as I know it can take weeks or months to get the results back, depending on which type of analysis they are doing. Straightforward testing takes hours rather than days. More complex testing may even involve sending samples to labs oversees.

  27. Minnie Penney says:

    I had read somewhere – or heard on tv – that there was no dna found on the remains…but maybe some was collected from her clothing. Let’s hope his dna is in the data base.

  28. Highlander says:

    At first I thought the lack of an arrest in the last month was due to the fact that it just takes time to build a case, but now I’m not so sure.
    The reason I say this is because last Thursday morning a womens body was found stuffed in a gabage can at a local middle school. The gruesome finding was just a couple miles from my work. Due to the large amount of snow in the area, a man had parked his utility truck at local middle school so crews could clean his street. When he arrived at his truck early Thursday morning he found the garbage can sticking out from under his truck and found a womens body stuffed inside. Police Thursday mentioned that they had a possible ID but then said it was not who they thought and were on the local news asking for help identifying the body. I got to work Friday morning and checked the local news sites first thing and there was no new information on her identity. Then by noon on Friday, not only had the police identified the body as that of a 20 year old mentally ill women, but also announced the arrest of 6 people (3 males and 3 females). As it turns out, a women called the police fearing that it was her daughter that they had found. This possible ID was that tip, but her dauther had called her later in the morning and thus the lead evaporated. Or, did it? What did happen as a result of that women’s call was the Police were checking out her daughter’s ex-boyfriend. They went to his apartment just several blocks from the middle school and he and 5 others confessed to shaving her head and painting her face with nail polish; feeding her urine, detergent, medication, spices and vegetable oil; and beating her with a towel rack, a vacuum hose and a crutch before one of them stabbed her in the chest, side and neck (all over a 33 hour period). Her wrists were cut, and her body was wrapped in Christmas lights before it was put in the trash can. Two of them carried the trash can several blocks to the parking lot.

    After reading this story, I fear that VSP is further away from Morgan’s killers then perhaps I thought or maybe hoped. But, this story just proves that it only takes one call to LE to break a case wide open. If that women hadn’t called LE because she feared her daughter’s ex-boyfriend was cabable of such a crime they might still be looking for the perps. Granted these 6 individual don’t appear to have been the smartest of criminals, by placing the body in a school parking lot, but I’m sure they never thought they would be caught less than 24 hours later.

    That is beyond sick. I appreciate the sentiment, and I agree. Can you link to this young woman’s case so that we may pay our respects please.

  29. yoshi says:

    Hey Chad-
    O/T- Is the “labs” in your email address a reference to dogs?

  30. J2K says:

    B, you commented to my main mama Mom3.0:

    “I do believe Morgan suffered. It infuriates me in ways I do not understand myself.
    I fear for the reality that it will have for so many when arrests are made. I am queazy daily at what the Harrington’s will face. I would love to be wrong.~B”

    Was there an indication of sexual assault/do you think she was sexually assaulted?

    OT2 skyler – I suppose the sky is always bluer…*
    I admire your amazing passion for detail and the rich colors of your memory that shine through when posting your recollections and anecdotes here.
    (* ahem. “More blue”…sigh… Just can’t turn it off.)

    Lastly, I second keekee’s motion for the accomplice to grow a pair.

    J2K, I mean, To Me: Yes and Yes. Not releasing anything from an inside perspective. I am suggesting there were indications and it is my opinion that she was.

    Which, I actually struggled with how to answer. Then I thought, what is some BG girlfriend is holding a suspicion or secret.

    You know, the ole, she went after my man so she got what she deserved. Not so.

    You really wanna be attached to that guy when this breaks?? Delete your ms and facebook comments all day long, there is no such thing. We go WAY back.

  31. total amateur says:

    As far as a point of entry to Anchorage Farm:

    All I have is satellite images to look at, what the locals on here say, and my experience as a country boy.

    Question 1: Looking at the satellite image, and the “street view” on google- you can clearly see a fence that runs along rt29 toward Red Hill rd. Before you get to Red Hill Rd, the fence disappears behind a tree line. I cant see the fence from the street view, or aerial shot after that point. Does the fence end there, or continue around the corner?

    I pose this question because I think the easiest point of access there would be to pull off Red Hill road and enter the farm right at the corner. You could basically run the treeline all the way up, only navigating areas where the tree line jumps out. There is the first house to worry about, but I think detection in the middle of the night could be avoided. Especially if the perp KNEW it was empty. Plus, with all the careful wording, the FBI specifically mentioned the intersection at Red Hill Rd in their cyclist statement.

    The pure easiest point of entry to me, looks to be northwest of the remains through what I guess is Blandemar farmland. There is a driveway there (right about where google earth marks 1685 red hill rd) that looks like an easy point of entry, and is much closer to the remains site. Looks like only one house there that could be avoided. Obviously, there are some obstacles, but if you knew the property it could be done with ease.

    IMHO, there is no way somebody went through that thick parcel of woods on the east side of Red Hill Rd. Unless there’s paths through there wide enough for ATV’s that I cant see on aerial shots. It looks too thick.

    Also, does Mr. Bass lock that main gate when they leave? If the perp KNEW they were out of town, and the gate isnt actually “locked”- it would be a cake-walk to drive right up, obviously. Although I dont believe this was the point of entry.

  32. Minnie Penney says:

    I hope the BG left his AmEx card !!!!!!

  33. luvblink says:

    Enquirer, Why there?

    That is what I have been trying to figure out since the day she was found there. That is definately not a spot that was picked at random. There are so many wooded areas within miles of there, that would be easier to access. She could have never been found. I am very thankful that she was found.

    Does anyone know if Mr Bs daughter has had any problems with men in the past. Exs or someone that had been turned down by her. I would be freaked out if I were her. I noticed on her FB she is a nice looking young lady with long wavy hair. Maybe this freak had been rejected by her and saw Morgan, thought he could get lucky or had evil intent from the beginning.

    There are 2 Bass daughters. Both appear to be accomplished ladies, but an associate cannot be ruled out.

  34. Highlander says:

    This is a link to the case I referenced earlier.

    As you read the articles on these six individuals it’s very disturbing. One of the females had been offered for sale by her mother for $10,000 over 20 years ago. Another, moved here from Michigan after connecting with another of the individuals via Myspace. It seems that this girl was very trusting and these animals took advantage of her kindess. Truely a sad story.

    I haven’t posted much in recent weeks as I haven’t had much to add to all of the great research. Hopefully, Morgan’s perp(s) will slip up or someone will come forward with that one needed clue.

    Keep up the great work Blink.

    I could not form a thought after reading that. I would not even know what to title my list to outline how effed up that is.

    My thoughts and prayers are with this young lady. If anyone doubts their is evil among us, read the article.

  35. suz says:

    acho, the FBI was definitely reaching out to bicycle riders, as you can see from the below posting from a bike shop. Having said that, I’m sure Bass gets trespassers who ride on his land, and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the perp is someone who had ridden ATVs or dirt bikes or horses or golf carts around there, much less just tramping through it all the time on foot.

    >From: “John Lawler – C’ville Bike & Shop”
    >Date: January 28, 2010 01:31:37 PM EST
    >Subject: Morgan Harrington

    >Ladies & Gentlemen
    >Lynne Stopford of the FBI is trying to identify a group of cyclists who
    >ride south of town and sometimes park alongside Red Hill Road just east
    >of 29S…to see if maybe they remember seeing anything unusual about the
    >time of Morgan Harrington’s disappearance. Please put the word out to
    >anyone who might know who these cyclists are.

    >Contact Information for Lynne Stopford:

    > * 434-972-6140 – Phone
    > * 434-293-9744 – Fax
    > * lynne.stopf…

    >John Lawler
    >434-975-1900 C’ville Bike & Tri
    >434-409-0578 Cell Phone

  36. suz says:

    total amateur, I don’t see any reason not to believe that the perp rolled right up the front driveway, what with Bass being gone. If it’s a local who is familiar enough with the property to navigate ungodly twists and turns and obstacles coming in a back way, they’re local enough to know bass was out of town, imho anyway.

  37. Lovely says:

    Yes, I felt akward asking that question about the motive, because sometimes, like you said, Blink, people do bad things to good people for no other reason than they *can*.

    I cannot believe there would be human beings on this earth who would willingly and consciously take the like of another human being because it is “fun” for them. It hurts me, and I wonder what made these people so angry at the world that they would have to take it out on others this way.

    That being said, it may be that they were on some sort of drugs – crystal meth, acid, etc. that triggered this sort of rage. Not that that is an excuse, but it would give me some sort of crazy solace to think that this was done in an “alternate reality” universe, and not in total conscious awareness.

    However, thats also a plea for some sort of insanity defense, isnt it? That would really suck.

    I pray this comes to a conclusion soon.

    Chad, Skyler, et al. – I am in on the facebook page. But I think maybe we just need a page where people can give their email addresses.

    I am wondering if it would be helpful to create accounts like or something like that in order to directly email without giving up our identities?

  38. J2K says:

    TY, B…I mean, me.

    Of course we can’t be sure who knows about the crime and was committed that fateful night, but your suggestion certainly adds more fitting detail to the emerging picture. Sometimes one has to wonder why a couple would splash their repetitive, bordering-on-obsessive sentiments for one another on a public socializing site… almost like they feel the urgent need to put forth a fascade covering the rot within… only they’re not very clever about it.

    Just speaking in generalities, natch. Perhaps I’m biased cuz I’m not big on public displays of affection… or flaunting “intimate” moments.

    And, yes – still speaking (to myself) in generalities – there is a certain peculiar demographic of woman that would displace her anger, horror and revulsion at what her man did to another woman on the victim herself, of that I am sure.

    This case constantly poses the possibility of getting chillier and chillier…

    Oh, and a reminder to our (lurking) sponsors from B — er, me… I mean both of us:

    Nothing you’re hiding now is gone; like the traces and imprints from pencil marks even after grinding an eraser to the nub trying to wipe them from a Page, your past has been captured. *click*

    “We go WAY back.”

    J2K said ( I mean, I said):

    And, yes – still speaking (to myself) in generalities – there is a certain peculiar demographic of woman that would displace her anger, horror and revulsion at what her man did to another woman on the victim herself, of that I am sure.

    This is such a frightening and TRUE statement. But Very True. Here’s what they don’t realize. Your man will do it again at first chance.

    ps. *spoiler alert*

    Woot Woot Lindsey Vonn


  39. doug says:

    The new tip line number is for someone specifically in that same phone prefix. Local calls are not itemized like long distance on land line phone bills, and a tipster might feel more comfortable making a local call.

  40. bluewillow says:

    Blink, when you say picture Doc Martens, I am picturing something like this then?

    Possible, but there are a few more femmie versions. No confirmation.

    Every fiber of my being tells me those boots were found already, before she was.

  41. bluewillow says:

    Lovely says:
    February 17, 2010 at 9:01 pm
    I cannot believe there would be human beings on this earth who would willingly and consciously take the like of another human being because it is “fun” for them. It hurts me, and I wonder what made these people so angry at the world that they would have to take it out on others this way.

    O.T., Lovely, I used to feel the same way before I became a therapeutic foster parent for a boy who had Reactive Attachment Disorder. Google it and you can find the list of symptoms and how kids get this way (something interferes with the infant being able to bond to the mother/mother substitute, such as neglect, abuse, etc, during infancy) and you will likely see people you have known on that list. Attachment disorder causes profound inner rage and a disconnect with the rest of humanity. This is how serial killers get how they are, for one thing. They don’t feel what you and I feel.

    That is amazing selflessness, thank you Bluewillow

  42. total amateur says:

    suz says:
    total amateur, I don’t see any reason not to believe that the perp rolled right up the front driveway, what with Bass being gone. If it’s a local who is familiar enough with the property to navigate ungodly twists and turns and obstacles coming in a back way, they’re local enough to know bass was out of town, imho anyway.

    In response, thats why I’d like to know if “the owner” locks that gate. Is the gate solely to keep animals in, or to keep people out as well? I dont disagree with your thought, its possible. But as I sit here trying to think like someone who needs to cover a heinous crime while transporting a dead body- I cant imagine that they would take that risk. I mean, they weren’t exactly delivering milk. If it was unlocked though, they definitely could have passed through the gate and still followed the fence line, then tree line, up the west side.

    In all fairness, I dont know the land, the people.. none of it. BUT, it seems pretty well known and accepted that there’s been partying on that property… to the extent of bands alledgedly playing there in some structure or building, etc. (can any local confirm this, and if so, was it organized/allowed by the owners?)How do partiers get on the property? How do hunters get on it(with or without permission)? They either go through the gate- or there are holes in the fence somewhere. Everybody cant walk there. People have to park somewhere… or drive in somewhere. Trust me, country locals KNOW where these spots are. And one of these spots is where Morgan was taken through.

  43. juliemooly says:

    “I have absolutely no basis for saying this, but I am of the opinion that a bad guy left something behind he would rather not have, and it was too dark to look for it.
    Blink, does that mean you are of the opinion he/they never went back to the site to “check up on” Morgan, or for any criminal/bizarre/sick purposes?

    total amateur, Mr. Bass has admitted in an interview that he doesn’t close that gate, and I have driven down 29 and seen it open. I REALLY wish he would lock it up for his sake. If I were him I would have sold my cattle and taken off to Arizona for the winter out of fear and sadness, because I’m basically a big hyper-sensitive chicken.

    I think he could keep an eye on her form an elevated position from a surrounding property.

  44. Chad says:

    Lovely: What web page are you at? It is not a published FB group. It is closed. By invite only. We want you over there to say hello.
    Not a sleuthing page, just a BOC page for reg posters and support for Morgan with a personal touch. Lot’s of our reg friends are already there. You are one of them. I have set up a to send your e-mail for addresses. I or lakeluver will send out invite. We be building. Please join us.

    Yoshi” Yes. I am a lab lover no question. Love your research and contributions. I feel somewhat awkward asking this, but are you a guy? As Sklyer has said, sorry for the gender bender in advance.
    That goes for Just desserts too.

    2-4-1 Morgan!

  45. Lovely says:

    anotherB – what the heck??? you said:

    By the way, an analysis of the hair showed the following travel schedule:
    “His chemical and isotope analysis of the nine-centimetre long strands of hair, representing nine months’ growth, revealed the owner changed diet twice, in the three months before the hair was cut. They also visited an area between Valencia and Almeria in eastern Spain and or the Marseille to Perpignan area of southern France for up to six days, some eleven weeks before the hair was cut. They then visited the urban area of Tampa in Florida, southern USA, for eight days some two to two and a half weeks before the hair was cut.”
    Quoted from

    You can tell all of this from a SINGLE hair strand? They went to TAMPA??? for 8 days!?!?!

    SOOOOOO freaking confused. From a hair!?!?!?!

  46. skyler says:

    I’m back — Enquirer, please help us w/ your thinking — the area on AF, or AF for that matter, makes no sense to me — I can’t “see” what you are alluding to, except this is a remote area of the farm that Mr. Bass states he only goes to once or twice a year …

    thank you.

    Enquirer says:
    February 17, 2010 at 6:30 pm
    I think where the direction of thinking here needs to go, is not as much the who, but the where.

    Why THERE? Why that specific part of AF? Why would morgan be placed there and not in one of the other (more logical) places in the area?

    Understand the ‘where’.

  47. Swiss Miss says:

    Is anyone else having trouble accessing Albemarle County’s GIS mapping system?

  48. Lovely says:

    bluewillow – thanks for posting that, just saw it. to second blink – amazing selflessness. i would be so interested to know if your love and caring helped this little boy begin to associate and attach again, even in the smallest of ways. if this disorder happens when the child is an infant with no motor control or mobility and dependent solely on others for its needs, then one must really question the parents, i feel. for something like that to shape the brain while it is forming, is just so horrible. i cant detach – it breaks my heart then to know this child went through this as an infant and was subconsciously aware of it, or that the parents must have experienced trauma in their own childhood to manifest in this way. it is true, i believe, that add, anxiety, psychosis does run in the family, and is learned and absorbed.

    very O/T – for that I apologize. i will set up an email address. there are people here i would like to speak further to about their life experiences.

    this site is truely something different. thank you, blink, and all posters.

  49. MsLurkALot says:

    Enquirer says:
    February 17, 2010 at 6:30 pm
    I think where the direction of thinking here needs to go, is not as much the who, but the where.

    Why THERE? Why that specific part of AF? Why would morgan be placed there and not in one of the other (more logical) places in the area?

    Understand the ‘where’.


    In an effort to try to understand the “where”, providing a crude graphic of the surrounding properties. Please don’t post if not appropriate. I looked at GIS ( disclaimer, saw nothing about referencing or reproducing.

    Not sure if link is posted correctly. Will check and try again if necessary.

  50. anotherB says:

    @ Blink February 17, 2010 at 9:18 pm

    “Every fiber of my being tells me those boots were found already, before she was.

    Yes. Because Bass had been told explicitly not to talk about the clothing. These were very specific instructions. One would expect more general instructions such as “don’t talk about the crime scene”. It struck me as strange straight away.

    He talked about the place where she was found, the state of decomposition, how he discovered her, who had access and the most likely access point. He declined to talk about the clothes.

    I should have articulated that correctly, my apollies- Her boots were not found with her.

    However, other than rumor, it has not been disclosed if or where they were recovered, I am stating it is my belief they have been, prior to recovering Morgan.

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