Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Michael P says:

    Re: Your reply to me @ 10:19pm Feb 16th
    Michael P= solicitous defense attorney looking for an ambulance with a flat.
    I guess we are closer than we thought. Cool.
    -The Joke.
    If there were all these defense attorneys trolling for clients on your site, how would posting a comment on your site -sans any contact information – accomplish this? Are we to assume that the potential clients possess some type of mental telepathy by which they could extract this information out of thin air?

    A defense attorney could very well troll your site and jot down the names of the RSO’s, hippies, amateur bball scouts, EMT’s, band members, et al who have been publicly named and scrutinized on your site and contact them to offer their services, sure…

    But you made that comment to me in a post where obviously I did not include any contact information, and you erroneously attributed the comments made by other individuals (which I clearly stated were brought over from The Hook), to me.

    Now, not being an attorney, I am unfamiliar with the Virginia law/statute which you have stated prevents LE, ME etc from publicly releasing Morgan’s COD/MOD. Can anyone direct me to this? In order for charges to be brought against a suspect(s), wouldn’t it be necessary to first know the COD/MOD in order to bring appropriate charges? And those charges would be public information. There must be some other reason why that info is not being released at this time.

  2. gifter3 says:

    I <3 you big time!
    I stand with you COMPLETELY!

    Skyler, I’m sending you {{hugs}}.
    I too am devasted, and outraged at
    these inhumane acts. Evil in it’s ugliest form!!
    Make us a joint counseling appointment.

    KeeKee…you are doing some amazing research,
    and your time is greatly appreciated!
    To JulieMooley, Yoshi and all who are helping
    with the same, a BIG Thanks!
    Keep it coming!

    Blink, I am praying for you daily.
    This is so emotionally draining.
    I admire that you are able to keep it together, because
    it takes a special person to be able to do your work.
    Sending XX0XX your way…

    See you all over at the other site,
    so as not to take up any more room here.
    Thanks Chad for setting this up!

    Morgan, we will NOT let you down!

  3. TJ says:

    @ Yoshi: Part of mxk1235 is related to his name. It is also related to a certain social networking handle. There is a UVA connection with this guy but I can’t find anything other than that yet. But, I’m in the dark in some areas, I think I’m only half “clued” in, so I might not be looking in the right places.

  4. Phyl says:

    Now it’s a party.

    LMAO, that’s funny. Thanks for posting.

  5. skyler says:

    J2K, er, Blink, oh whoever you are, you just crack me up — and then you slip in that nugget of “hmmm” — clever girls that you are.

    okay — i was thinking about what happens when I go away — which I haven’t for some time, but I got the kid next door to come feed and water my dog (other house, other dog) —

    Enquirer invites us to focus on the “where” —

    Not particularly the cows, but I wonder if the Basses have pets or had people come in to check on the house, etc. so that it would not look out of place for a strange vehicle to be there during that time, which would raise no suspicion for the person being there —

    Blink, thanks for pointing out the 30 days — you know, it hasn’t been but a few weeks in realty — it just feels like forever —

    Blink, I was thinking about you this afternoon — how you do all these cases, knowing what you know — sent up a little prayer for strength for you —

    Juliemooly — hurry home, we shall miss you.

    Lovely, great idea on the gmail — Chad, I will see you there, if I can figure it out — : )

    Watching these women ski the downhill 1.8 mile slolam —

    Lord, my heart jumps …

  6. jlh says:

    Blink, could the spot where Morgan was found be viewed from the foreclosed property at 3205 Blandemar Drive?
    I have not done that particular elevation study, but I have done a few. Anyone?

  7. yoshi says:

    You said w/ respect to the location of Morgan’s body:
    “Yep. I think he could keep an eye on her form an elevated position from a surrounding property.”

    He could see keep an eye on the tree line and the field where she eventually ended up. So, do you think that when she became visible, BG started to panic/get mad/place blame? Is that when the assault happened? (I *think* you have alluded to this, but please correct me if I’m wrong.) BTW, could someone point me in the direction of records regarding this assault, if they are available. I’m having a hard time finding them.

  8. Lovely says:

    Enquirer, et al, – in response to your “where” comments –

    I would think that someone who accesses the farm or has some sort of work there would choose this location. If the fields are only cut, sprayed, etc. in the summer only (I dont know anything about farms, but you catch my drift), this person may do this task, or be someone who accompanies someone who does this task. This person may not be employed by the far, but come with someone who is. I would assume this person has spent some time in that area.

    I would focus on people who access the farm in the warmer months and know that that patch of land would probably not be accessed until spring.

    Unlike Blink, I dont think this person placed her somewhere where could see her from a vantage point. Unless Blink means just looking out over the general area…I just dont think you can see anything in the field, especially with the grass being waist high as they said it was.

    Chad, gifter3 – is there a facebook site? how do i get there? i want to play! :-)

    I don’t think they could see her, or planned to see her, no. I think it is possible once she hit the field they could.

  9. doug says:

    If the boots were previously found, they too would reveal DNA, soil, & other organic material.

  10. anotherB says:

    “I should have articulated that correctly, my apollies- Her boots were not found with her.

    However, other than rumor, it has not been disclosed if or where they were recovered, I am stating it is my belief they have been, prior to recovering Morgan.

    Yes, that is what I understood at the time, from the first interview with Bass, just reading between the lines. Either that items of clothing were missing, or that there was additional clothing, such as a coat.

    My line of thought: First, rushed (and probably not released by VSP spokesperson but by local police) report mentioned a bracelet, blond hair and black clothing as ID that suggested it was Morgan. This report appeared to me to be accurate and not censored by anyone. That was the evidence that was immediately visible.

    Next, Bass gives an interview, and discusses all sorts of relevant aspects of his crime. When asked about clothing, he say, yes, there was clothing, but he was asked not to talk about it. Ergo: There was something up with the clothing, which shouldn’t be released.

    He then mentions toes. My conclusion – the boots were the items of clothing that were missing.

    And tights.

  11. Word Girl says:

    Randomly now: anotherB–that hair was a hank of long hair that had been cut from a different person’s head, not from the victim. Correct me if wrong.

    The boots were not found with MH. We don’t know if they were found at all. Blink believes they were found some time before Morgan was.
    I believe Bass was told not to talk about the boots/clothing because of the missing boots. If the police did not know where the boots were located, they may have asked locals to be on the lookout for a certain type of boots, size, color. We may have heard from consignment owners saying, hey the police were here looking for boots.

    Enquirer: I appreciate you underscoring the location of the remains site. Are you suggesting we look farther? further?
    My thought is that this perpetrator may have been a son of one of the hunters allowed on the farm (I believe I’ve mentioned this before.) Or one of the hunters himself. If it was a son or relative of the hunter, he could have been trying to frame his father or other relative; or one of the unrelated other men.

    I have suspicion that there were no memory cards or they had been downloaded, obscured, or erased.

    Tiptoes, now. It’s coming soon.

  12. Word Girl says:

    jlh, just a quick re-check of that topographic of 3205 Blandemar, it looks as if you almost could look down on that spot. We need an elevation from that side, though. There were a few maps that I posted before, but can’t find them now. Anyone? They were done by a man posting with a single name (like felix, but I don’t know if that is it!)

    I sort of doubt the viewpoint, especially with foliage present. However, if he was using the hunting cams, that might have been possible. At least possible to see there was no disturbance of the area.

  13. Word Girl says:

    Phyl–too, too funny! Am I the pork chop or the load-bearing crane?
    I like the line, “so 42, if you include the potato.”

    Make that 43, if you include the Pickle.

  14. HokieHi says:

    Sorry to backtrack but I think the FBI’s reach out to the cyclists is interesting. Morgan was found on the 26th and LE was still processing the scene on the 27th. The FBI had already been in contact with the bike shop owner less than 24hrs after the scene was processed. The e-mail that went out was dated the 28th @ around 2pm. This makes me think that something found at the scene pointed LE in this direction. Question is what?

    VSP processed the scene through the 28th, finishing in the afternoon, iirc.
    I agree.

  15. anotherB says:

    @ Lovely February 17, 2010 at 9:42 pm

    I only know it from TV ;-)

    But I believe it works like this: Hair grows about 1cm per month. If you slice it fine enough, so that you have one slice per day, you can establish a timeline. They probably look for traces from drinking water – food is often imported and would confuse everything. Some parts of the world have a specific pattern of the isotopes they are looking for – I am guessing this is the case in Tampa – in other cases an entire region shares the same pattern.

    The reason why I am posting this is because it might be possible that the person lives in the US now. They haven’t found her in the UK or Italy in so far. This hair segment reflects nine months of somebody’s life, but it is not clear when that was. The hair could have been cut years ago. I was just thinking, maybe the person was just in Europe for a few months for work, and the journey to Tampa was a trip home. The other way round, basically.

  16. Pepper says:

    Regarding the new tip line – 709-1685. 709 =709 W Main = Starr Hill Music Hall. 1685 = could it be someone’s birth date? as in Jan 6, 1985, puts him at 25 ? Is it a way for the police to let someone know they are on to him. To then watch and see what he/they do? Just a thought.

  17. Word Girl says:

    Regarding the topo again of Blandemar Farms area. Could someone check me on this map? Is this really 1,200 ft? Certainly I would think one
    could peer over the trees into Anchor Farm very easily.

  18. Word Girl says:

    Sorry to make more work for you, Blink.

    Here’s the link to the map. I think I had it backward. Across Highway 29, we have a big hill at 1,000 ft.,+Samuel+Miller,+VA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=35.494074,64.335938&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Anchorage+Farm+Rd,+Samuel+Miller,+Albemarle,+Virginia&ll=37.982498,-78.623486&spn=0.069005,0.219727&t=p&z=13

    Maybe’s time to sleuth out a Thinking gobbler.

    I am not sure exactly what your referring to, but calling your attention to the 800 ft ridge across from AF due North of Rt 29. That ridge is located on the 2102 Moorland Property. The South end of that property conjoins the AF property on the West side of the river.

  19. total amateur says:

    I should have articulated that correctly, my apollies- Her boots were not found with her.

    However, other than rumor, it has not been disclosed if or where they were recovered, I am stating it is my belief they have been, prior to recovering Morgan.
    “Her boots were not found with her” Is this from a reliable source Blink? I’ll assume it is because of the way you clarified.

    As per the rumors about a boot being found- I have still never seen that in print anywhere other than it being mentioned here… where did that originate? Was it anywhere near the timeframe of the “shirt”?

    Blink, did you debunk the shirt finding a while back?

    What I’m getting at:
    Did these degenerates keep Morgans things, then scatter them around town at a later time? It would just seem so blatantly risky to do that. So risky, in fact, that it would seem the perp(s) were trading the risk for some kind of gratification, or personal vendetta.
    That would bother me more.

    I believe it is due to their being a primary and secondary crime scene. There is no confirmation the boots were found elsewhere, but it is my belief either one has, or the pair. Recall the many clarifications about her t-shirt and then the addition of the necklace description? No pic of the boots, Mr. Bass told specifically NOT to discuss what clothing was found.

    Those boots are very distinct, and frankly could be considered uni-sex. I wonder if they were found in Crozet?

  20. gifter3 says:

    I have no involvement with that whatsoever gifter, sorry.

  21. total amateur says:

    I have absolutely no basis for saying this, but I am of the opinion that a bad guy left something behind he would rather not have, and it was too dark to look for it.
    C’mon Blink- I seriously doubt you would come up with such a specific scenario with no basis for doing so. But I will cross my fingers that you’re right, either way.

  22. suz says:

    Ok, so the if her boots weren’t found with her, then it sounds like this isn’t the primary crime scene. Makes you wonder now about those buff. wild wings rumor, or wherever a boot was allegedly found.

    Anything else missing besides her necklace, boots, camera, battery?

    For those who think the purse was returned, why return the purse but not those other items?

  23. katesro says:

    I have not posted in awhile due to my friends death. As I am reading through the posts I am appauled on how people can try to turn the spotlight on themselves. Whether a persons post is productive or not is your opinion. To others every post is significant….Wanna know why? Every post generates interest. Every post throws a new angle. As the saying goes “Leave no stone unturned.” For one to degrade a person for being a humanitarian and caring is outrageous.

    Now as far as seeing from 3205 blandemar dr, I do not believe one can see from the home. For one the trees. Second if you look at pictures of other properties on realtor websites there are alot of hills. I just cannot see how it would be possible. I may be wrong.

    Well said. Bravo.
    I am very sorry for your loss.

  24. katesro says:

    In addition I am so happy someone finally linked Blink, J2K, and Observer. Good detective work!

    -Sarcasm gets us through the day

    LMAO. Phew! Have you ever tried to impersonate 2 people that are clearly smarter than yourself?
    Daunting I tell ya, D A U N T I N G !


  25. katesro says:

    1.Michael P says:
    February 17, 2010 at 10:14 pm

    Now, not being an attorney, I am unfamiliar with the Virginia law/statute which you have stated prevents LE, ME etc from publicly releasing Morgan’s COD/MOD. Can anyone direct me to this? In order for charges to be brought against a suspect(s), wouldn’t it be necessary to first know the COD/MOD in order to bring appropriate charges? And those charges would be public information. There must be some other reason why that info is not being released at this time


    I am no expert. The fact remains no charges have been brought against anyone at this time. Safely it can be assumed the COD is crucial into filing the charges aka evidence.

  26. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink, your Lindsey Vonn comment sent me searching. I don’t know what you meant by it but… Remember How we were talking about a military school earlier, also family of means, possible connections? Were you referring to a link to JAG because I believe there are several links to a family name in Charlottesville, with other links to other family names possibly. I need to know if I am going off on a tangent. Because so far I did not find a link to Morgan….TIA

    That is my bad, I had just found out Lindsey Vonn won the Gold Medal, that was my reference.

  27. bluewillow says:

    Thanks for that map, MsLurkALot! That makes some things more clear. (I keep wanting to scroll it and zoom in, LOL)

    The path that cuts straight through the woods south of the lone house on the east side of red hill, is it drivable in a vehicle? Not sure how a person might get across the river or through the fence after that though, still… Total Amateur has a point, if the person could drive onto the property at or near the corner, they would already be on the right side of the river, at least. You can see that Bass does keep the cattle in that field though, so the fence has got to be in good repair through there.

    If someone drove down the field from the vicinity of the big green building on Blandemar Farms, it *appears* they could drive straight down most of the way (esp on an atv) and maybe it wouldn’t be out of the question to make it the rest of the way on foot? Does it seem as though there might be any other spots along that road that someone could turn off the road and drive down the field? or is it all securely fenced between houses? Seems like there are some tracks through the fields but not sure where they originate.

    It seems like the mystery person in the jeep, who claimed to be Mr. Bass’ brother, was very comfortable trespassing on the property… perhaps not expecting to be seen by anyone- by experience? and pretty audacious to claim to be Mr. Bass’ brother; obviously he had a sense this caretaker didn’t know better and knew who Mr. Bass was, enough to claim to be his brother. One would assume he should be in the same general age range as Bass, then, also, I would think?

    How many times might this person have previously come and gone unnoticed? It seems the caretaker is our only link to this person; if not for his account we’d have no idea some stranger in a jeep might have been comfortable traversing the property.

    How did the jeep come on to the property? Where was it coming from when it was spotted? why did no one notice it on this day until the caretaker? Is the property usually pretty deserted, overall? If the caretaker’s account is to be trusted, this sighting has to be significant.

    To play devil’s advocate, could it have been some sightseer who turned into the private drive and then was embarrassed at being caught there? (Hard to imagine when Juliemooly felt conspicious just driving down the street!) We probably don’t know any other details, as to the jeep’s color, year, etc?

    There are so many mysterious unknowns in this case, almost all of the basic facts, it seems! I have to admit I just keep getting more and more intrigued with this location. It’s a huge puzzle that cries out to be solved.

  28. bluewillow says:

    (ps. I say caretaker because I can’t remember specifically what the person’s job was there, some kind of worker or repairman IIRC?)

  29. E in SA says:

    ohiomom: Ha ha, no, that thing about the lion was just a joke! People in other countries sometimes think that because this is Africa, there are wild animals roaming around the streets and we all ride around on zebras! The wild animals are only found in game parks and farms, which are often close to cities, though. For instance, the city in which I live is one of only two cities in the world with a game reserve in the city centre. The dangerous beasts that spread fear and death are, as in the rest of the world, of the distinctly human kind. I have never been able to figure out why people refer to evil people as “animals”. An animal would never torture, rape and kill any other creature for pleasure. Only humans do that.

    My best friend committed suicide last year, and Morgan’s tragedy has got me thinking a lot about that. How Morgan loved life and when someone was trying to take it away from her, she fought so hard, kicking and screaming, to hold on with everything she had so that she could go home to her loved ones, but her life was ripped out of her hands. But then you have my friend, who decided that she did not want her life, which was in no danger of being taken away from her by force, but she did not think it was worthwhile to hold on to it, at least for the sake of her 2 children that she left behind (her 10-year-old son found her). She was on life support for days until her ex-husband and her 16-year-old daughter made the decision to switch off the machines. And then I think about how I was the last person she spoke to before she took the overdose. She phoned me and I thought she was acting a bit strange, saying weird things, but I did not for one minute think she would do what she did shortly thereafter. I still feel guilty, like I should have known and should have gone to her. Was she calling me for help and I did not realise it? How her own mother didn’t go to see her in the hospital “bcause she was busy working”. She barely made it to the funeral. How different Mrs Harrington is compared to my friend’s mother. How she went to hold Morgan’s cold bones for the last time, but this other mother couldn’t even make the time to go hold her own daughter’s still-living body for the last time. Is it wrong to ask why the unwanted life couldn’t have been swapped for the wanted life? It must make the Harringtons sick to think about how people voluntarily throw their precious lives away every day, yet their daughter’s was taken from her by force. So unfair. Everyone, you have permission to smack the living daylights out of me for gambling with my own life for so many years. It’s like a slap in the face to any person who has ever lost a loved one through no fault of their own.

    Unfortunately, I cannot share a “first concert” story. Due to apartheid and sanctions here, no bands ever came to South Africa while I was growing up. They have only recently started to come here (Metallica was here recently, in fact). Had to import CDs all those years! I can share my sign, though: Gemini, with a Virgo fiancee.

    Chad: How do I join that Facebook page? I sent an e-mail to that gmail address, is that all I have to do? Thanks!

    Sorry for rambling. As you guys say “OT”!

  30. CVa Native Away says:

    To Morgan: Psychedelic Furs, 11/1984 (pre-Pretty in Pink- the flattest John Hughes movie I can remember), Memorial Gymnasium, C’ville, VA
    To Her Family: Thank you for your grace, generosity in sharing your experiences regarding what is- for those that have children-everyone’s worst nightmare; this entire tragedy has placed more emphasis than ever on the importance of being an example to my two young boys in how to show all people respect, particularly women, which starts with simply showing their lovely mom the respect that she deserves- it’s not just a song, it’s a lifestyle. You have my deepest condolences. Your Morgan seemed shiny indeed.
    To Blink: For seeking the truth and putting your neck on the line for it.
    To the Blinkers/ Blinkettes: For following Blink’s lead and uncovering some incredible information coupled with some logical creativity in surmising what may have happened. Here’s to hoping we know soon, particularly the who!

    TY. Just heard it in my head.. “Love My Way…”

    I’ll chime in when I can assert something worthy of Blinkin’. Blink on brothers and sisters.

  31. alexandra says:

    After seeing that picture of the type boots Morgan wore, they’d be difficult to run in. They’re stiff and clunky. They look hard to unlace and take off. I am having a hard time visualizing Morgan outside the arena, it was cold and it was raining. She had no jacket. She only had a tee shirt on. I don’t know why Dan Cassagne didn’t bring her car keys to the door for her since the band wasn’t playing when Morgan called that she was locked outside. The friends knew she didn’t have a jacket and that it was cold and raining. Some say DC was sitting in a different area because he had his own ticket. What happened to the 4th ticket? This just doesn’t sit right with me. Their story doesn’t add up.

  32. mosaic says:

    In response to Enquirer’s request to focus on the WHY THERE…

    I think this was a Convenient Location. Convenient to his home or convenient to the original crime scene.

    Even though it would *seem* possible that BG could have entered Anchorage Farms from the little bridge on Red Hill Road by the Hardware River and took a straight shot up, I don’t think this is what he did. Why would he travel A L L the way up and forego all the other spots along that path that he could leave her body?…

    Likewise, it would also *seem* possible that he could have driven straight up the AF long entry drive to the new house (knowing that the Basses were out of town). But then to head into the fields, traversing the terrain and passing again many other remote and more convenient locations…? Does not seem likely. Why go to all that inconvenient trouble and then leave her body exposed?

    Most of us have ruled out entering through the thick patch of woods bordering Red Hill Road—seriously inconvenient on foot, in ATV, on horseback or otherwise.

    Which leaves one point of entry that seems most convenient. The Blandemar Farms property. Convenient if the scene of the crime was at or near one of those homes—and in no way do I have anything to suggest that happened. BUT….

    Morgan’s body was found *just inside* the Bass’s property line. If you look at it from the Bass’s standpoint it’s a remote location. But if you look at it from the Blandemar standpoint, it’s actually a Convenient location.

    Just a shot in the dark here, but what if she was put there to entrap someone else or keep them quiet?
    Like say, the town shroom grower?

    What I notice about this particular spot in addition to many of your observations, is that it is “ravine or hollow-esque” and very wooded. It was referred to as a creek bed by Mr. Bass. It is the only terrain like that on AF, and at the very end of his property. It would also make sense that one would know it is very secluded and only frequented by himself or one other?

    Was Jeeper Creeper checking the shrooms when he came upon the carpenter? Do we know what day that was?

  33. justiceformorgan says:

    KeeKee, that’s great that you figured out the tip number clue! I was searching for a connection to that number in RSO records – was I ever on the wrong path! You SHOULD change your screen name to Wiki – like Wikipedia, you’re a great source of information! Also, when you said your research pertaining to Zinc on October 17th, 2009 (which actually turned out to be October 17, 2008) was “all for naught”, I have to say I completely disagree with you! I would say it was NOT all for naught – you did some good research there.

    Enquirier, with respect to location, I wonder if teenagers that hung out at the rock quarry on Red Hill Rd were involved. Perhaps they took her to the rock quarry and that is why they picked AF – because it was close by. Anyone else think this could be the case?

  34. keekee says:

    please let the right people read this:

    could be that big daddy knows and wants to believe it’s a natalie holloway thing, but it’s not….it’s worse, though that feels really weird saying. they are both hideous acts of murder

    o poor daddy…nothing can make this go away

    families that pray together don’t always play together, but we might know four

    more cowbell please

    so cousins, aunts and uncles who have seen that nephew gleeful and a little too happy about his big kills, your gut speaks to you well

    now i could be underestimating the womenfolk and mama knows


    mama, don’t let your babies grow up to be killers

    t boy, you prolly are not gonna make it to graduation next year

    Not sure what you mean by Natalee Holloway thing, but she was never found.
    Which graduation?

  35. MsL says:

    Couple of comments, then I will bow out of this discussion. At the basketball game last night (should have been home watching Olympics) I noticed 1 thing I want to correct. I’ve described security dress inside the arena, khakis, blue vest, white shirt. Security members outside the arena directing traffic and crowd control crossing from the arena to parking lots were wearing either dark blue or black with a reflective vest. There was a shoulder patch but couldn’t get a good look so do not know whether it was a UVaPD patch or hired security patch.

    Now as to why I’m backing out of this discussion. I haven’t had a lot to contribute, only a couple of comments about the area, but that’s not my reason. I’ve been bothered from the very beginning that a name or hint at a name is mentioned by a poster and the race is on to start the “investigation.” Often times the “investigation” branches out to others with the same name, even if it’s only the same last name. Property is investigated from satellite views, the work that person does is questioned, an address is posted, without any knowledge at all that this person has ANY connection to the topic, the death of Morgan Harrinton. Recently, SS from Harrisonburg because he has the same name as a poster, and he’s only one example. There was also a WT from Palmyra with his address posted on another thread for no other reason than that he had the same name as the more infamous WT. Now, to get even more ridiculous, Blink makes a comment about Lindsey Vonn and an attempt was made to connect her to Morgan! A simple Google search certainly would have identified her. I know most posters here have the best of intentions, the desire to bring the perpetrator to justice. I most certainly share that desire, but not at the expense of people who go about their everyday life, probably having no idea that his/her name, and worse yet, address has appeared here for no other reason than the similarity of name to another or a poster’s “hinky meter.”

    For all of you who have had or are having ongoing tragedies in your life, I wish you nothing but the best. Perhaps some truth will be found from this site or others like it, but I do say, please be careful. Remember, what you think and post, others read and believe as evidenced by all of the rumors that have flown about on the internet and now are stated as being fact. If I have insulted any of you, that is not my intent. If you are comfortable with the methods you are using and comments you have posted, that’s your right. I will not comment again even though my fingers might itch to do so, but I will continue to read, because my desire is the same as yours, justice for Morgan and her family.

    I think your comment is fair, and I would appreciate it if none of my contributors/readers goes on the defensive about it.

    While I agree in theory, I try very diligently to maintain a fact based discussion here.

    Maybe it is because there is alot I know that would be irresponsible to release at this time, I do take a smidge of umbrage.

    I don’t think it is fair to judge an endeavor by anything in the middle. And I can tell you for a fact that the day anyone can show me that this work in true crime and advocacy does not help victims and their families get answers and seek justice I will be the first to pack it up.

    Respectfully submitted,

  36. acho says:

    I was not a diligent reader yesterday and missed the instrux re: signing on to the FB thing. Will try to find all of that, but in the meantime, :

    Fish, I heart you and I am sorry I never responded directly to your funny bit about high-priced dirt you sent me! It is very precious dirt in Albemarle Co, indeed. The RE bubble burst late and after folks had decided C’ville was too well insulated to be damaged. Pricing is out of whack. But it will always be very. dear. dirt.

    The perps are dirt, period. Toxic and dangerous dirt that is not dear, no matter what the girls who love them believe. (Girls, and you know who you are: trust me. You are not unique or special on this subject; you are replaceable. There are plenty of girls who believe they see the good in the bad boys. You will figure that out in your thirties, and if you care to save your own hides, you’ll have an accelerated education on it RIGHT NOW. Otherwise, you are going down, and the scary part is I’m not sure if it’s your boy who’s going to do it to you or LE. Save yourselves.)

  37. GnM says:

    I’ll echo the sentiments of the Harringtons … this person (or persons)has done something BAD before. This is not their first crime. They need to be off the streets. They will do this again. It’s only a matter of time.

    I’d be willing to bet they are the “date rape” type … even if they weren’t charged with a crime in the past you can believe they have committed crimes, likely against women.

    They are cowards. Now who is going to be brave and step forward? Someone knows something.

  38. keekee says:

    shout out to marchmallow: you are a doll!!!!!!!

    hugs and kisses

  39. Swiss Miss says:

    Doug, thanks for clarifying the reason for the tipline number (434 area code used so individuals living in C’Ville area could call, and it would be considered a local number). That makes a lot more sense than LE being cryptic with the numbers.

  40. total amateur says:

    I believe it is due to their being a primary and secondary crime scene. There is no confirmation the boots were found elsewhere, but it is my belief either one has, or the pair. Recall the many clarifications about her t-shirt and then the addition of the necklace description? No pic of the boots, Mr. Bass told specifically NOT to discuss what clothing was found.

    Those boots are very distinct, and frankly could be considered uni-sex. I wonder if they were found in Crozet?
    Are you hinting that a primary crime scene may have been found? Possibly in Crozet? I’m thrown off by references to the boots being considered uni-sex. Why is this important…
    Morgan was robbed of everything, but in regards to material things- she was robbed of things that could be SOLD.


    -Were the boots found at a thrift shop or pawn shop in the mens section?
    -Did some goth teenage boy(thats the only size male they’d likely fit) buy them off somebody?
    -Did some idiot find them somewhere, thinking they were mens, and start wearing them around?

  41. skyler says:

    E in SA — what a beautiful post — I looked and couldn’t find your first post — I love the TV documentaries on Africa — what a wonderful country, supposedly where first humans were — I love the “wild” animals — everything you said in this post about animals would not rape or kill for pleasure — and about your friend —

    This Blink spot has magic — it magnetizes and brings people together from every perspective to share how this little 120-lb girl, lost forever from this earth, has affected so many people —

    Did Dr. and Mrs. H see that special spark the first time she held her baby girl after birth —

    I am a Christian — and worse than that — I was raised Southern Baptist — the Baptist can have some pretty harsh attitudes about suicide, etc. — but from what my father saw in the days before his death — and my own near death experience — I can tell you, the only thing to greet you on the other side of this veil of life, if you accept it, is love, comfort and understanding.

    The pastor of the last church I attended and I had a pretty deep discussion about suicide after a really beloved congregation member took her life after recvg test results which said she had terminal cancer. She didn’t want to become a burden to her family. The sad part was, they later found out the results were wrong, she didn’t have cancer. He said it was his belief, and I concurred, that the people in that final desperate act are so heartbroken, or not in their right mind, how can it be a sin and how could God not love them even more during their darkest time on earth.

    I never ask anyone else to believe as I do — shoot, sometimes I don’t believe as I do — but I take great comfort in that view.

    I also believe we don’t just walk across the bridge to the other side and hang out w/ no purpose — I think you can have “jobs” there or learning or anything else — I think our girl Morgan — and we’ve claimed her as ours — will greet others who have lost their lives brutally — or maybe even greet those who did the taking of lives —

    It’s my personal belief that when evil tries to snuff out the light, the end result is that light just burns brighter.

    Morgan’s light will always burn bright on this earth — I know I’ll never forget her — I only wish she’d be here in person to spread that light.

    Thanks for sharing, E of SA — and welcome to this crazy, wonderful place called BOC.


  42. Swiss Miss says:

    Morgan’s body was found in a creek bed, as described by Mr. Bass. With the torrential storms that went through the area shortly before she was located, it’s quite possible her body washed into that area from another location. I don’t believe the public has been told if all of her bones were found in one location nor if they were intact as to form a skeletal body. It’s possible they were strewn about as a result of the storms. In the latter case, it makes sense to take a look at land maps and trace the route of the creek. Perhaps it will lead to AF from another property a short distance away…maybe even from a primary crime scene.

    Swiss, fwiw, I do not think Morgan came but from just inside the tree line once it swelled. If you review the overhead recovery scene, it is very contained.

    Does anyone know when/if on 1/26-1/29 the air space above AF was restricted at all?


  43. bevolovr says:

    We could not corroborate that information.

    Are you sure your not seeing deed transactions on that persons properties? Those I have.

  44. acho says:

    Was Jeeper Creeper checking the shrooms when he came upon the carpenter? Do we know what day that was?
    It was summertime, right? Not sure on the day.

    I have a red Cherokee, old style, placed on an interesting person’s property but carpenter did not say red, did he?

    Jeepercreepin’ right along.

    I thought black or dark color, but I have no idea, I can ask.

  45. skyler says:

    Gifter3, thanks for the hugs — I heart you right back — I swear I felt them last night — I don’t know why yesterday was so hard for me about this, but it was.

    That goes for all of you Blinkers out there — w/ the exception of J2K, who is, of course, an alter ego of Blink (wink, wink), and thus included in my separate prayers and positive thoughts for Blink (wink wink) —

    And even if she is — shoot, I talk to myself all the time — there’s no one else here to talk to, except the dog and the cats — it’s part of Southern heritage to be at least a little crazy — ha — but Duz Mr. Blink know you have a bf who plays in a band ? (wink, wink) : )

    Chad, I am going to try to figure out how to get over to that page –

    Fish, Anytime you want a sit down, just say the word — and I’m there —

    Mom.3.0, I still do not know how you do all this research — I’m always amazed — KeeKee, too

    To everyone else here — Word Girl, I love your posts — I am worried about Mouse —

    Shoot to the 4th power — I had a whole list of names I was going to put, and they all left my brain —

    So to everyone, we lift each other up — even when we might spat a little here and there — we are going on three months now where my yard has been completely covered in snow — I’ve never experienced this in my life — so we’re all a little snow crazy !

    But about conversations about the boots —

    they took her life — they took her necklace — why not take her boots ?

    blink, you have the respect of Corrine Geller — please ask her to release that info to the public — not for our curiosity — but if anyone has acquired those type of boots in the recent 4 months — especially w/ all the snow in C-vlle and surrounding areas — it could be a tip —

    My friend stands firm in her cheese that this is a male and female — that it is drug related — that they’ve had other young women, they give them drugs — they have sex with them — morgan willingly partied, but drew the line at sex and because of it, she was killed — the female was infuriated, was jealous of Morgan’s beauty — and it was the female who actually took her life —

    that this “couple” is known to students at UVA who may purchase drugs from the male — Morgan knew of this guy from the past — that she got willingly into his vehicle — that this is a “ring” is how she keeps describing it — that others are involved — maybe not specifically w/ Morgan, but involved in this activity in the past — in the present — in the future —

    So let’s look at a “female” who may be familiar w/ the area — does she clean houses in that area ? Specifically, ever cleaned the Bass’s house or one of the rental houses — and is sporting new black boots ????

    My friend also feels that they are laughing at everyone because they’ve “gotten away” w/ this; that no one would ever suspect them of Morgan’s murder —

    If VSP would release a good description of the boots, or a picture if one is available — it could lead to new clues —

    just saying ….


  46. skyler says:

    OT Blink said: That is my bad, I had just found out Lindsey Vonn won the Gold Medal, that was my reference.

    Which she so rightly deserved — skiing w/ one bad shin injury — the course pure ice and so dangerous — flying at 87 mph —

    Go, USA !

  47. redly says:

    MsL — I agree with much of what you say but you should stay on board when you can contribute facts. The local knowledge is very important. That is what I try to do. The speculation on random (and seemingly illogical) names bothered me for a while too and I perhaps reacted too strongly when I thought the research was just getting crazy, but it is different strokes for different folks. Some of the writing in code type posts still sometimes bug me — especially when, once you finally get to the bottom of them, the info is somewhat inaccurate or heading in the wrong direction and someone with a little local knowledge could have easily corrected it and helped focus it in the right direction if it had not been so hard to decipher in the first place. But people contribute in different ways and there certainly is lots of useful info within the incredible amount of research even when it is surrounded by stuff that seems out there. Anyway, my suggestion is stay, don’t participate in the stuff that bothers you but add factual info when it is within your area of knowledge to help keep things moving the right way. We all want the same thing.

    Redly- Coming from you that is especially important to me. Thank You

  48. Jill says:


    This is an O/T article I couldn’t resist posting. Endearing animal interest story about a new canine crime fighter in Albermarle County named Bink! Of course he will be a valuable new resource for the police department. Such a coincidence that his name rhymes with Blink. :)

    February 17, 2010

    A new police officer is on the job, but this officer wears a leash, not a gun. After more than a year of doing without, the Albemarle County Police force will have a new member joining them. He may be hairier than your average officer. His name is Bink, and he is the officers’ new K9 dog. Police say he is a welcomed asset. Police realized the need for a new dog after a robbery at a Wachovia Bank branch near the airport last year. A suspect robbed the bank and fled on foot. Officers didn’t have the funds for a new tracking dog, so they had to outsource a canine unit from another county. But by the that time, the suspect in the case was long gone. County police say that the surrounding counties have always been helpful in lending their K9 dogs, but not having one has left them without a valuable tool. The last dog retired in 2006. Now, thanks to funds raised through the Charlottesville-Albemarle Kennel Club, police have a dog that can track people and narcotics.


    Lol, note Jessica refers to him as Blink once!! You cant make this stuff up.
    I emailed her, she will get a kick out of it, thanks for posting.

  49. Liam says:

    My first concert was The Cranberries

    Blink, some people suggest Mr Bass was on vacation on Oct 17, that`s not true, i believe he was on vacation for the 2 weeks prior to Ms Harrington being discovered on the farm and has even commented that it is unlikely somebody could have used his driveway as an entry point without it getting his attention.

    Could you confirm if Mr Bass was home on Oct 17th?

    Liam, I will confirm with editors, but where is your ref source he was on vacation 2 weeks prior?

  50. Were ‘they’ in Crozet before the concert? Was HER car left there? (( Just Deserts )), where did this crime begin?

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