Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. bevolovr says:

    24.bevolovr says:
    February 18, 2010 at 11:00 am
    We could not corroborate that information.

    Are you sure your not seeing deed transactions on that persons properties? Those I have.
    Yes, possibly, since I can’t find what I saw or thought I saw. Shoot, sorry for false alarm. I’m curious as to Crozet, tho, I must admit.

  2. GnM says:

    I remember Crozet being one of Blink’s earliest “ares of interest.” I wonder if anything was found while searching along a road leading there … I don’t think they would be obligated to make that info. public.

  3. MsL says:

    Blink-You can keep this for your eyes only or post. Despite my comments I have never doubted your dedication, and the dedication of your posters. I hope they will all continue to work to help find this creep, low-life, scum of the earth, dirt bag. I only hope they take to heart my words and consider that what some read in print becomes the same as fact. I know, because I can tell they are all good people, they do not want to cause distress of any kind to an innocent person. As for the perpetrator, there are no words to describe the evil that inhabits this person’s soul. Now, I truly say goodbye, and wish a good life and happiness for all who care so much for this young woman, Morgan, and other victims of violence.

  4. skyler says:

    Va. statute on ME cases: In summary states, the Chief ME will get the body, do the autopsy, once the COD is determined, release those reports to the LE agency handling the investigation — under simple autopsy statutes, the COD will be released only to the family or persons named in the autopsy authorization.

    It will not be released to the public unless done so by either the LE agency and/or Commonwealth’s Atty handling the case — and/or the family. The LE agency supercedes the rights of the family in the case of homicide.

    Here’s the law:

    In cases of death where official inquiry is authorized or required by law, the provisions of Article 1 (§ 32.1-277 et seq.) of Chapter 8 of Title 82.1 shall apply. If at the time of death, a postmortem examination is authorized or required by law, any prior authorization or consent pursuant to this section shall not be valid unless the body is released by the Chief Medical Examiner or one of his assistants.

    Deaths under the jurisdiction of the M.E. include:

    1. Homicide

    2. Suicide

    3. Accidental death (even long after the initial injury)

    4. Sudden death in apparent good health

    5. Death unattended by a physician

    6. Suspicious circumstances surrounding the death

    7. Sudden Infant Death

    In these cases, the medical examiner must be contacted first in order to have a ruling as to whether an official autopsy (to be performed at the Chief Medical Examiner’s Office in Richmond) is required. In these cases, the interests of the Commonwealth supersede those of the family and an autopsy may be performed without the family’s consent (and may even be done against their wishes).

    32.1-283. Investigation of deaths; obtaining consent to removal of organs, etc.; fees.

    A. Upon the death of any person from trauma, injury, violence, poisoning, accident, suicide or homicide, or suddenly when in apparent good health, or when unattended by a physician, or in jail, prison, other correctional institution or in police custody, or who is a patient or resident of a state mental health or mental retardation facility, or suddenly as an apparent result of fire, or in any suspicious, unusual or unnatural manner, or the sudden death of any infant less than eighteen months of age whose death is suspected to be attributable to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), the medical examiner of the county or city in which death occurs shall be notified by the physician in attendance, hospital, law-enforcement officer, funeral director or any other person having knowledge of such death. Good faith efforts shall be made by such person or institution having custody of the dead body to identify the next of kin of the decedent, and such identity, if determined, shall be provided to the Chief Medical Examiner upon transfer of the dead body. After identification of the next of kin, the person or institution, or agent of such person or institution, having custody of the dead body shall attempt to obtain consent for removal of the pituitary or other organs, glands, eyes or tissues for use in transplants or therapy.

    B. Upon being notified of a death as provided in subsection A, the medical examiner shall take charge of the dead body, make an investigation into the cause and manner of death, reduce his findings to writing, and promptly make a full report to the Chief Medical Examiner. In order to facilitate his investigation, the medical examiner is authorized to inspect and copy the pertinent medical records of the decedent whose death he is investigating. Full directions as to the nature, character and extent of the investigation to be made in such cases shall be furnished each medical examiner by the Chief Medical Examiner, together with appropriate forms for the required reports and instructions for their use. The facilities and personnel under the Chief Medical Examiner shall be made available to medical examiners in such investigations.

    C. A copy of each report pursuant to this section shall be delivered to the appropriate attorney for the Commonwealth and to the appropriate law-enforcement agency investigating the death.

  5. zarpisimo says:

    The first concert that really sticks out in my mind (I can’t say for sure this was my first one), was when Thin Lizzy opened for Journey in ’79. They blew Journey off the stage. I was never a big Thin Lizzy fan until then. Like Morgan, I went to see Journey, who cares about who else was playing, but they changed my mind. I clapped along with Whiskey in a Jar; they had me on my feet with the Boys are Back in Town, and they bought the house down with the Cowboy Song. I’ll never forget that one. The lights were out except for one spot light in the back of the arena that shined on/reflected off of Phil Lynott’s guitar. He made his guitar a spot light on different people down on the arena floor with the first verse of that song. When the band came in on the second verse, the lights went crazy and so did the crowd.

    I’ve been to many, many concerts, gigs, since then, but that’s one of my all time favorites. My second favorite was the Lyle Lovett concert with Julia Roberts sitting right behind me. I cried all the way through that one, because she was there to sign the divorce papers. It was obvious that they loved each other but couldn’t make it work. It was an outdoor venue and there was a lightning storm in the distance. Security walked her to her seat right after he started the concert. She sat down and did a loud hoot for him to let him know she was there. He pretty much sang to her the whole night, changing lyrics for her. I wasn’t the only one with tears in my eyes that night.

    I still have a “must see” list. Hopefully I’ll get to mark a big one off if we get to go to Jazz Fest this year. I’m hoping to score a place to stay in NOLA for the second w/e to see Van Morrison. And if anyone gets a chance, one of the greatest venues to see a band is in Saratoga, CA at the Mountain Winery. If anyone lives near there, I am sooo jealous.

    I’ve been lurking and reading. There is so much going on, that I have no clue where to place my cheese. So, I’ve nibbled on a bit of it and I’m placing the rest in a zip-lock and I’ll wait to partake of it with a good cab when the people responsible for Morgan’s death are arrested.

    Keep up the good work. I’ll pop back on if I can come up with anything good to share. Love to all!

  6. susanm says:

    the town shroom grower,and, a person who grows or has grown shrooms on anchorage farm,and a person who likely knows there are shrooms.and a person who knows the property and thinks there might shrooms there.are all different people. but it would narrow the field alot!to know shrooms were involved.if they were.

  7. SylV says:

    Blink sorry for asking these questions but I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to forensics. Is it really possible that after Morgan laying out in the field and the snow that fell they can still recover DNA? I do not want to sound crude or offend anyone but how do they do toxicology if only her lovely bones remained?

    It sickens me to thing that the perp really could have been watching her in the field from some higher elevation nearby. Now that is just sick! Do you think that if this person did do that it was to watch that she had not been found or was it just another thrill? I just cannot understand how cruel and evil some people can be.

  8. Slowroller says:

    can any local answer my question regarding the local sex trade?? Is there one? if so, in what proximity to JPJ? have “john’s” with priors been looked at? Is there a known “john” with ties to AF…??

  9. Phyl says:

    My brother was a Lt. in homicide (large city, not in Virginia), he passed away a few years ago, but I remember him sharing stories and how in awe he was of their surveillance technology. And that was 6 or so years ago.
    The FBI are involved in hunting down Morgan’s
    abductor(s)/killer(s). If these local POS did it, they won’t be laughing much longer. I’ve seen the Feds in action when they want their man. If I were a guilty party in this tragedy, I’d be praying for Johnnie Cochran to rise from the dead.

  10. Pepper says:

    Regarding the VSP phone number for location: Total amateur wrote Feb. 17th at 8:16 pm: The pure easiest point of entry to me, looks to be northwest of the remains through what I guess is Blandemar farmland. There is a driveway there (right about where google earth marks 1685 red hill rd) that looks like an easy point of entry, and is much closer to the remains site. Looks like only one house there that could be avoided. Obviously, there are some obstacles, but if you knew the property it could be done with ease.

    He references 1685 red hill rd. the VSP# is 709-1685. Coincidence? Clue?

  11. Minnie Penney says:

    I live in the Richmond area and our tv news releases the cause of death all the time – lots of murders – I think the lack of cause in Morgan’s case is that they cannot determine the cause of death – the coroner stated it was homocide, at this time the cause is unknown. I’m retired from a county govt. and I was an Adult Protective Services worker and one of my clients – a woman in her 40′s was murdered. I had no idea – I drove out one morning for a routine home visit and saw three Henrico police cars and the a forensics truck and the coroners van. An officer told me she was dead – likely from a shotgun …. her ex-husband was later arrested and met “Ole Sparky”

  12. belika says:

    Hi again all of you, Blinkets!
    Since I dont have much to contribute in the current discussion, as it is really hard to me to guess and get much of the points mentioned…
    However, I still read here, and it feels really close to the arrests… I really hope.

    About the possible finding of DNA at the place where Morgan was found, months after her death and lots of snow, rain etc… Yes, it definitely is possible to find DNA traces after months. Not on the body, but under her nails, or in the small lines in some jewelry like rings, or bracelet, of course it would be much easier if the find some hair, or if there is some kind of gum/like chewing gum, or some other kind of plastic that could prevent any possible DNA from destruction… There certainly are many possibilities to find DNA after very long time…

    Good luck Blink and blinkets, and LE!

  13. Minnie Penney says:

    OT a plane just crashed into an Austin TX office building on CNN now

  14. redly says:

    Slowroller says:
    February 18, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    can any local answer my question regarding the local sex trade?? Is there one? if so, in what proximity to JPJ? have “john’s” with priors been looked at? Is there a known “john” with ties to AF…??

    slowroller — no longer a local but when I was there (for 7 years) there were very occasional street prostitution arrests noted in the paper. I never saw it myself (and it certainly was not blatant ever) but the area involved was not close to JPJ. It seemed to come from the poorer part of town — actually not too far away from the 709 main street area near the train station. However, that area has a lot more development since I left (I come back a couple times a year for events) and is considerably nicer now. I think the sex trade, to the extent it exists, is more likely found on craigslist or those type of online sites than on the street. It was never close to the basketball arena area though.

    I always thought that, if morgan really meant to leave the JPJ area but planned to stay in c’ville until the concert was over, it would make the most sense to head down to the Corner area to see a band or just hangout. This area is on University Avenue/Main street starting from the intersection with rugby road and heading east. This is where the bulk of the college scene bars are located and would have been an area she was familiar with having visited c’ville many times before. You often see visiting students from other colleges out there too. The further east you go, the more you start hitting the poorer parts of the town — though, as mentioned, there are more clubs/bars now that have spread into these parts. The direction she was allegedly heading was generally the way you would go to head towards this area — though you would want to catch a ride rather than walk it (even in nice weather). That is what I would have done if I had been in her situation.

  15. Hannah says:

    Hey Blink, not sure how accurate this info is, but according to a Tweet from C-Ville Weekly, “Harrington family says cause of death waiting on DNA tests, which could take 5-6 months.” I’m not even close to an expert on this sorta stuff, can you think of why DNA tests would be needed to find the COD?

  16. Mom of a college student says:

    Michael P: See # 7. FAQ from Virginia Medical Examiner’s Office website.
    Family and Friends – Frequently Asked Questions
    1.My loved one/family member/friend has recently passed away and is at the medical examiner’s office. What happens next? Once the deceased has arrived at the medical examiner’s office, an autopsy or an external examination called a “view” will be performed, usually within 24 hours. However, if the case arrives during weekend hours the examination may be performed within 48 hours depending on when the body arrived and the number of cases on hand. The legal next of kin should contact a funeral home or crematorium as soon as he or she learns of the death to make final arrangements and sign a written release giving the medical examiner’s office permission to release the body to the funeral home. Once the examination/investigation has been completed, the body will be released to the funeral home and arrangements can continue. In most cases the remains can be released within 24-48 hours of admittance unless there are extenuating circumstances, such as issues of identification.
    2.What is an autopsy, what is a “view”? An autopsy is an intricate post-mortem medical procedure often requiring complex laboratory tests. It includes examination of all major organs to document injury and/or disease. A view is a complete external examination including the taking of body fluids for toxicology testing.
    3.Can I view the body at the medical examiners office? Unfortunately, we are rarely able to accommodate viewing requests, unless there is a question about the identification of the body. Funeral homes are better equipped to accommodate the family’s requests for viewing once they have properly prepared the body.
    4.How do I obtain a copy of the death certificate? A death certificate containing the date, cause, and manner of death will accompany the decedent’s body to the funeral home chosen by the family. The funeral director will complete the next-of-kin portion of the certificate and submit it to the Virginia Department of Health’s Division of Vital Records, which has an office in each district health department. If the cause and manner of death have not been determined, the original death certificate will state that they are “pending.” When a determination has been made and the case finalized, an amended death certificate will be filed with the Division of Vital Records. The funeral director can assist the family in obtaining copies of the death certificate. Additional copies may be obtained by contacting the Division of Vital Records in the district health department serving the locality in which the death occurred.
    5.What does it mean when a case “pending”? Death certificates are deemed to be pending when laboratory studies or investigations are needed to determine the cause and manner of death. Unfortunately, a time frame for when a specific case will be completed cannot be established. The circumstances of cases differ and each case is handled independently. Depending on circumstances, some cases can take more than 12 weeks to complete.
    6.How do I obtain a copy of medical examiner reports? All reports generated by the medical examiner (Medical Examiner’s Report, Autopsy Report, and Toxicology Report) are available to the legal next of kin upon written request. The request for reports should contain the decedent’s name and date of death and the name, address and signature of the legal next of kin requesting the report. Legal next of kin may receive copies of medical examiner reports. The request can be mailed to the district office of the medical examiner where the case was handled. Link to District Offices Once the case is final, the reports will be mailed to next of kin whose name and address appear on the request.
    7.Are others entitled to a copy of the reports? In Virginia, the records of the medical examiner are deemed to be medical records and, as such, fall under statutory protection. Therefore, only the legal next of kin in the following priority may receive copies of reports: spouse, adult child, parent, adult sibling, any other relative of the deceased. In cases where criminal prosecution is anticipated, those involving unnatural death and certain other cases, copies of reports will be sent to law enforcement agencies and to the local commonwealth’s attorney. A written release from the legal next of kin is required for reports to be sent to other interested parties, such as insurance companies or private attorneys.
    8.Do I have to pay for the medical examiner examination being performed? No.

  17. J2K says:

    Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introd– (shh! pipe down! I’m trying to post something!)… Er, um, sorry, folks – them dang other personalities are always trying to say something at the same time as me! Anyway – where was I? Oh yes: Introducing BOC’s Unholy Trinity:

    “B2serv” !

    This should mee– (shh! Wouldya lemme finish, Observer? Geez…)– ahem. This should *meet* the commenter-tranparancy needs of some of our confused, infrequent guests.

    Also OT: Welcome, E from SA! I know you’ve been reading here for awhile, but I’m glad you started posting. I’ve enjoyed and been moved (to laugh, in some case – i.e., chasing wild beasts from your garden!) by both of your comments so far, and I thought your sentiment on the nature of animals vs. humans (in regard to the capacity for evil and malicious intent) to be a poignant observation.

    redly -
    I second your sentiment to MsL (one of several locals, including yourself, who have been vital to keeping speculation here anchored to the facts, in regard to Cville’s reality on the ground):

    “…Anyway, my suggestion is stay, don’t participate in the stuff that bothers you but add factual info when it is within your area of knowledge to help keep things moving the right way. We all want the same thing.”

    B, suz, et al – re: “magic” ‘shroom harvesting on the AF site

    This was brought up awhile back as a reason young people might venture deep onto this particular farm property, and, possibly, the offering with which our adventurous MH could have been lured there.
    The idea was summarily debunked by suz, I believe, who noted that many cow feeds these days have fungus growth-inhibitors that would prevent the development of psychedelic mushies. Has there been local chatter that AF is indeed a spot in which plucky individuals (who don’t mind sh*t under their nails!) can gather this particular black-market drug for consumption or distribution?

    Perhaps Bass uses an organic feed, which is why his particular cow pasture grows them? (*if* somehow that’s the case)

    Relatedly, her body’s incredibly close proximity to the AF property line has nagged me – is it clearly marked where the farms meet one another? Hard to tell from the arials, and perspective on the ground has got to be way different.
    Also: Could she have been placed on one side of the narrow stream running through the treeline (negating the need to cross it with her body) and, more recently, rushing flood waters washed her to the other side and out into the open – or, could nature have moved her twice?

    You’ve sort of answered this from your perspective, B (“No.”) Any environmental scientists, engineers, or others with relevant knowledge care to weigh in?
    I ask because the possibility of such would underscore that she was taken to that site via the Blandemar property (past the green storage trailer).

    B – I’ll get back to you regarding airspace restrictions on those dates.

    To clarify, I do not think Morgan was lured to “shroom”. I think it possible that that the spot chosen to put her in was familiar for “shroom growing purposes”. Suz is correct on the inhibitors, but this is nowhere near the pasture the cows feed in. That said, my farming knowledge falls between devoid and zero.

    The Blandemar “green house” makes perfect sense, but creepyjeeper coming through the back of the property, the fact that there are barbed wire fences (2) before you get to the AF property, an existing home that makes me think there is a sophisticated security system on Waldemar, and the obvious cycling interest off of Red Hill lead me through the gate from there.

    That said, I could be swayed easily less those factors.

  18. total amateur says:

    I think I was looking at the same exact page last night in reference to Virginia statutes concerning autopsy.

    From reading all the legal mumbo jumbo, what I take from it is this:

    In a case involving suspected wrongful death, the ME office and LE take jurisdiction over next-of-kin. Once the ME completes their autopsy, they turn their findings over to LE. When LE is satisfied that all testing and information pertinent to the investigation is complete, the ME’s office will release the body to the next-of-kin.
    Once that is done, the next-of-kin again have the legal right to confidentiality.

    So, as I read it, LE has no legal right to release these findings. The next-of-kin does, but is probably strongly advised by LE to not disclose these findings as it might impede their investigation.

    When a suspect is arrested for the crime, I’d imagine that the autopsy results would be subpoenaed, then become a matter of public record when entered as evidence.

    I am, as my moniker infers, a total amateur. I have no legal background- this is just how I interpreted what I read.

    I do not believe that Morgan’s COD if known, would be released to the Harrington’s in an active investigation.

  19. localcvillegirl says:

    MsL, I agree with Redly, please don’t go too far. I always depend on you for all your posts, and there aren’t too many of us locals left who write. I think we’re all nervous about blaming innocent people, these are our neighbors and friends. I try to stay quiet, too, when I feel that some one or some group is about to be inspected by our friends here at BOC. Everyone here is just doing what they can…and the research is unbelievable. So please stay to help. And Dakota, if you’re out there…I miss hearing from you, and Steve Shifflett, you have a lot of insight and experience, please stick around.

    So Slowroller, I’ve never heard about there being a sex trade here in Charlottesville. Don’t know anything about that, but maybe Steve or Observer can help with this information. Steve, was there something in the paper a long time ago about some of the motels up 29 toward Greene? Maybe something like that, but no visible street trade. Maybe some scarey fundamentalist preacher guy, who was out to fix the world and get rid of all the sinners drove by, saw Morgan, and assumed the worst.

    Blink, I don’t know about an airspace restriction on or around the 26th/27th of January, but it does happen. There was a meeting of dignitaries at Boar’s Head Inn several weeks ago, but I don’t know about the dates. The whole area around the Sports Club and Inn was blocked off. Occasionally UVa will host political meetings that require security.

  20. Slowroller says:

    redly-thanks for the quick reply…was just curious, trying to look at EVERY angle

  21. HokieHi says:

    In regards to the ‘shroom theories (local grower), I’m not sure I buy into that one. I’m not an expert but have a little knowledge of mushrooms (albeit quite some time ago so I may be rusty). ‘Shrooms grow in cow dung and I’ve been told it’s a specific type of cattle (Black Angus is what I have heard but that could be wrong). The mushrooms are picked in the late night/early morning areas and I think climate has something to do with the pick (recent rain, dew, etc).

    Mushrooms aren’t like marijuana where they are planted and cultivated. It’s just naturally occuring and you go pick them. I knew some people in college who grew their own ‘shrooms in their basement. It’s a pretty easy process for those who know how to do it and you don’t need much more than an old fish tank and the right materials. If this were a local dealer, he is probably either growing them himself or has connections to bring them in for him.

    I also think location rules out the ‘shroom notion. If Mr. Bass rarely attends to this area, I would assume that his cattle don’t go back there often either which leaves no area for the shrooms to grow.

  22. localcvillegirl says:

    Also MsL, you and I may be the only two diehard UVa basketball fans left at BOC, even after the beatings they’ve taken this week. Go Hoos.

    Lol, Go HOOS!

  23. total amateur says:

    In my limited knowledge of it, it is my understanding that “shrooms” actually grow on or in cow dung. The dealers who collect them have to go around the pasture looking for them. Most likely at night, with a flashlight. This would give a person a proven track record navigating that farm at night. He would be able to navigate the land at night better than the owner.

    This person would likely need someone to help him “harvest”. Maybe multiple people. One of these “others” may well have the same ability to navigate the property, and know the best ways to get in and out undetected. The dealer may well know who was involved, and is hesitant to come forward because of his illegal activities.

  24. Minnie Penney says:

    another little bit. yesterday I went to visit a friend who had recently lost one of her doggies. He had a brain tumor. I had found a print of a Manchester Terrier on ebay and I had it framed and took it to her. My friend also has a gorgeous Yorkie – a little girl named Sophie….she sat on the sofa next to me and I petted her the whole time and all I could think of is that photo of Morgan with her little Yorkie – Sophie looks just like Morgan’s little doggie…. Morgan was in my thoughts all the time.

  25. Gizmar says:

    Long time lurker here and this would be my second post since I found this amazing website almost 4 months ago. The first time I posted it was right after Morgans body was found as I was so saddened because I had been anxiously hoping for a better outcome.With that said, Ive stayed in the background trying tokeep up with all the amazing posts and researches, and though I am slow, SLOW, I try .
    Even though I have nothing new or good to add to this discussion, my personal sentiment about what went on, during that awful day still stays the same. It is my opinion Morgan was supposed to meet someone on that day, someone who was friends of friends and maybe could have met through social networking sites. As I found my soulmate through one, I am slightly biased on my opinion, but not enough to know that when I met them things could have gone WRONG and ended up in a tragedy. When meeting people you never know what you will get, it can be the most amazing sweet guy ever or a wolf that had been disguised as a lamb the whole time. When I first started talking to my significant other, I remember jokingly asking if they were a serial killer becaus sometimes they would seem too mysterious. Now i know they are just cereal killer ( we go throuugh many boxes in a week lol ) but the point is he could have very well been and my story wouldnt have had a happy ending.
    Kids these days are so open with their web postings, they will accept anyone who requests, they meet someone and exchange fb/ms addys, etc.One of the many people that have been linked coulda very well used that MO, before comitting this crime.A person known to a friend or friend of friends, considering they all seem to be a very social group with lots of interactions with people, musicians, etc. Im sure Im not on the money, and I dont care to be. Like everyone here I just want justice done, and Morgans killer found .
    Blink after being on your site so long, you continue to amaze me. Your superb work and heart shows in your posts and no matter how many haters are out there, know that blink-lovers far outnumber them.
    To all the regular posters and the lurkers like me, Keep doing what you do and let Morgans tragedy change things in your daily life and im sure it already has. Be concious of the people around you and your surroundings and never ever leave a friend alone! Now im slowly going back to my corner with some fresh brewed coffee.

  26. Gizmar says:

    BTW, forgot to add that my very first concert was Def Leppard. The boy I was mega crushing on was goings, so me and my friends decided to stalk him lol I had NEVER heard of them but I remember they had me after the first song! ( turned out the stalking wasnt worth it lol he ended up asking out my best friend at the end of the concert but she declined per the unspoken code of FRIENDS DONT DO FRIENDS WRONG!)

  27. clementine says:

    Blink’s reply to Mosaic: February 18, 2010 at 9:10 am

    [Just a shot in the dark here, but what if she was put there to entrap someone else or keep them quiet?
    Like say, the town shroom grower?

    What I notice about this particular spot in addition to many of your observations, is that it is “ravine or hollow-esque” and very wooded. It was referred to as a creek bed by Mr. Bass. It is the only terrain like that on AF, and at the very end of his property. It would also make sense that one would know it is very secluded and only frequented by himself or one other?

    Was Jeeper Creeper checking the shrooms when he came upon the carpenter? Do we know what day that was? B]



    Would the ‘town shroom grower’ necessarily have to live on property adjacent to Anchorage Farm, or might he live elsewhere (let’s say approx. 11 miles down Monacan Trail Rd/US-29 North) and just farmed his funky fungi on said property (namely- close to where Morgan’s body was found)?

    Would the town shroom grower have been operating in that vicinity five years ago?

    Has he been arrested before (i.e. would his name be public knowledge)?


    Would the ‘town shroom grower’ be someone known only through word of mouth (currently operating under the radar) by locals with their ear to the ground?

    I throw this question out to the group. I am getting myshroomcation as we speak, no prior knowledge puts me at the back of the learning curve apparently.

  28. Heres a Twist says:

    Arrest for Prostitution Ring:

  29. Phyl says:

    #16 “That said, I could be swayed easily less those factors.”
    Do you mean shifted instead of swayed?

  30. Pepper says:

    Blink, I have a comment posted from last night at 11:58 pm. Was wondering why it is still awaiting moderation. BTW, Thanks for all that you do. Can’t wait for the people who did this horrible crime to Morgan and her family are put away forever.

    Oh, my first concert was Creedence Clearwater at the Boston Garden waaaay back in like 1968 or 69? My last concert was: Jessy McCartney – LOL – took my then 12 year old daughter and her friend to Six Flags in Jackson, NJ. We lived there at that time – had to go to every concert there.

  31. Minnie Penney says:

    When I was working for the county my office shared a building with the Registrars office – we shared a xerox machine with them located in the central lobby of the building. One day a husband, wife and the wife’s mother came into registrars office to get on the voter registry. The older lady collapsed and died in front of the copier. They called the rescue squad – they pronounced her dead and could not move her and told the office to call the coroner….well, there was a bad pile up on 64 – cars and 18 wheelers and several coroners from Henrico and Hanover and Goochland counties were called in. The poor lady laid there for hours and I HAD TO MAKE COPIES…She was covered with her coat and I just went on, standing carefully between her limbs and making copies…. I had to do it. Some of the folks had to pay people to bring them in so I felt I had no choice. The family had left the building so I was glad they were not there to see me.

    I don’t know how to respond to that except to say your a better woman than I. That is an ad for a deskjet if I ever saw one.

  32. skyler says:

    Blink — your “no tights” comment sends me back to the newspaper lady seeing a Morgan-looking girl w/ two males — one curly hair, that she has seen since and can identify — which LE investigated and asked the people living in the area, who said it was usually pretty quiet —

    But right — Mr. Bass said he saw ‘toes’ — you can’t see toes if they’re inside a boot —

    I still think it would be a good idea for them to interview the newspaper delivery person for that area if they saw something amiss on the morning of the 18th –

  33. carson says:

    Ditto MsL. Take care and God Bless.

  34. total amateur says:

    The type of person picking ‘shrooms would not be a “big time” drug dealer. It would be someone in their late teens/early twenties looking to make a few hundred bucks for a couple hours worth of running around a cow farm.

    The person who put Morgan there could have been someone who doesnt do this anymore, but has done it in the past.

    Again, just a thought.

  35. cvillenative says:

    I don’t have anything to add case-wise (but I do echo MsL’s sentiments), but all of this talk of first concerts and Red Hill’s mention of Alice Cooper made me remember an encounter I had years ago.

    Those of you not from the area would not be aware that Alice Cooper used to live in the Charlottesville area. This was about the time I was in high school or middle school or something. Anyway, one week night my father and I were at the bookstore in the mall (the one that used to be where Spencer is now), and Alice Cooper walked in. He was dressed all in black, except for bright red espadrilles. Every time I hear someone mention Alice Cooper, I always think of those red shoes. Anyway, my father noticed him first, and elbowed me. We didn’t say anything to him, but some other guy eventually walked up to him and did the “hey, aren’t you…” thing, and he confirmed that he was. No one else bothered him, and he went on browsing the books.

    Yes, Charlottesville is definitley an interesting place.

    It also occurred to me that we have been talking a lot about Crozet, and those of you not from the area probably do not know how to pronounce it. Crozet is pronounced “crow-zay”. So now you know.

  36. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink, please allow me to elaborate so there isn’t room for misinterpretation. Thank you.

    Hello, as you know I have always valued your insights and would hate for you to stay out of the conversation due to your interpretation of my post.

    I was not trying to connect Lindsey Vonn’s name to Morgan Harrington. I embarrassingly enough, did not know who she was. In the course of looking her up, I came across a blog that is TOTALLY unrelated to her.
    (I’m sure this has happened to you while looking things up on the internet, you are researching 1 thing and it calls up other links, you follow the links and end up knowing alot of interesting but often times unrelated information.)

    I have been here for along while, I do not throw out names. Often, I do not even participate in side conversations that I believe will end up no where.

    My observations during my research were valid. As you can tell by my post, I did not throw out person or persons name. Military school was brought up as a possible life experience of a possible POI. JAG was not brought up. JAG, or The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS) is located on the North Grounds at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, adjoining, but distinct from, the University of Virginia School of Law. During training there students run the hills of Charlottesville and other strenuous Basic training exercises. Initial entry is broken up in 4 phases:
    * 12 day military orientation course at Fort Lee, Virginia
    * 10 1/2 week Judge Advocate Officer Basic Course (JAOBC) at The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS)
    * 4 week Direct Commissioned Officer (DCO) Course at either Fort Benning, Georgia or Fort Sill, Oklahoma
    * 7 week Basic Officer Leader Course II (BOLC II) at either Fort Benning, Georgia or Fort Sill, Oklahoma

    A person in this program would, for the most part, be held accountable to the Military code of conduct. Any inappropriate conduct would be grounds for dismissal and possible court martial. Check out this link to find out just how important proper conduct is to JAG.

    MSL, I did not take offense to your misinterpretation. I was not as clear as I should have been in my comment to Blink. You have been here for a long while also, please, before assuming the worst about one of my posts, ask me for clarification. I would appreciate the chance to explain, because sometimes my words do not come out the way I’d like them to, or they could possibly have a different meaning,or interpetation that at the time of writing, I was unaware of… Thank you MSL, hope to hear more valuable insights from you in the future. BOC needs you.

  37. HokieHi says:

    Sorry if a repost but this is a good aerial photo of the location where Morgan was found. Gives a little better “lay of the land” vs the satellite images from Google.

    Thanks HokieHi- do you know when this was taken for cross reference to some images I have?

  38. susanm says:— this is an albemarle county mushroom and exctasy bust from 2004.

  39. Saramom says:

    Blink and others keep encouraging us to focus on the “where,” in which Morgan was found.

    The word “easement” keeps coming to my mind. Was in fact Miss Morgan placed in such a position to taunt the current or PREVIOUS or “perceived” previous owners of Anchorage Farm? Virginia is legendary for property disputes. Could the proposed Interstate 29 project be connected here in anyway. (Old timers–sometimes hate “progress.”) Does someone feel a sense of ENTITLEMENT here, and thus the placement of Miss M? This does not answer “Why,” but could it explain the “WHERE?”

    Interestingly, months back I posted some questions to that effect that were met with heavy sarcasm in some necks of woods so to speak.


  40. Judi says:

    **BLINK** Please tell me that you really do feel in your heart that they will solve this case and that it won’t take years to do. I fear that even if Morgan is the first person that this person or persons have done this to, now that they have done it and gotten away with is thus far, that they will strike again, only a matter of time. And, that makes me very, very fearful for young woman in the area. Still baffled as to why LE says that they don’t have anything to be worried about. I don’t live there, my children do not go to school there, and I am worried for goodness sakes!!

    I do.

  41. Mystified says:

    Any easement would should up on the property records so if it’s there we’d know about it. Also, I’m a local and am not aware of any 29 construction plans for that area of the county. Most efforts–back when there was funding–were focused on doing something to help traffic on the north side of town. On the otherhand, there could be some other type of property dispute going on, so I certainly wouldn’t dismiss the idea completely

  42. Phyl says:

    keekee says:
    February 16, 2010 at 10:23 am

    and the person filming the farmfest with morgan and tall brunette friend with hair in pony tail. well, he is a weightlifter who also had posted vids of himself or another filmed in such a way as to obscure his face. another red herring? playin still? sick puppies

    Weightlifter! Professional Weight lifter??

  43. alexandra says:

    Mrs. Parson is the newspaper delivery lady.

  44. J2K says:

    B, HokieHi -

    That photo was uploaded Feb. 1 (also says that’s when it was taken, but that may not be accurate)- it’s the one used by The HooK for their latest article on the MH case after she was found. Looks like D.Pantamo’s a photo-pro who sells his shots to news services, mags etc.

    Saramom – re: property disputes

    In regard to her placement, I think the idea that she was dumped somewhere specific in order to convey a “gotcha!” or the like in regard to an historic property-border dispute or a family’s “sense of entitlement” simply gives the perp(s) too much credit.

    I believe the treeline spot was convenient to the person/people disposing of her, and they determined it was secluded, remote and private enough that she’d never be found or not found for a long time. It also reflects that they likely don’t live right in that area – even if they grew up there/hunt it/bike it/or otherwise frequent it.

    To his/her/their credit, though, they must have some familiarity with the property in order to know Bass doesn’t make it that far on his farm past late summer (last grass cutting where she was found was August 2009).

  45. Mom3.0 says:

    susanm, Hi your link does not work. Can you give me some key words so I can try to find it on my own thanks.

    cvillenative, Thanks for that story, very interesting place. Your music scene seems to be so wide and all encompassing. Dave Matthews, A Place To Bury Strangers… I am impressed and thanks for the CROWS SAY had no idea….

  46. suz says:

    Blink, that photo HokieHi linked to says it was taken (and uploaded) on Feb 1 of this year.

  47. suz says:

    Blink, that photo HokieHi linked to …. now I think it was uploaded feb 1, but I surmise it could have only been taken between jan 26 and feb 1, cuz that was I am sure a deliberate flyover of the remains site.

  48. Word Girl says:

    Hi, Pepper,
    If your comment is being held for moderation, it just means there is a backlog of other posts to go through, or Blink is on another case at the moment. I’m sure you can imagine all the phones, ringing, thousands of emails, faxes, all the cases listed on this website getting hits and needing replies.

    Soooo! It’s not personal at all. If it’s inappropriate–and I’m sure it’s not–it would get held until B. can make a comment.

    Keep posting!

  49. bob-dog says:

    38.susanm says: February 18, 2010 at 2:57 pm
    this is an albemarle county mushroom and exctasy bust from 2004.

    Here’s what I get from the above link from SusanM:

    “The page cannot be found
    “The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.”

    Was this page pulled already? Anyone else able to open it?

  50. Jim says:

    RE: Mushrooms.

    Psychedelic mushrooms do grow in cattle dung but Virginia would be really far north.

    As far as luring her to go there Oct would not even be the right time of the year IF by some chance that was an area where some unusual species was.

    SC, GA, FL are the states where they are more common in the wild. VA is too cold in the winter.

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